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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1876)
H7I -Tfil ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEMINATION OF DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EARN AN BOXES? LIVING BY THE SWEAT OF Ol'R BROW WHOLE NO. 478. KU(iENE CITY, OH., SATURDAY DECEMBER 30, 187G. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE. TY n VI Site (Sagtnt City tad. CEO. J. BUYSyPVo'p. OUR ONLY RATES OF ADVERTISING. tdvertisement inserted a follow : t , )ne nuare, 10 liuet or less, one insertion 3; each tayjequent inaertion (1. Cash required in advance r Tim advertiser will be charged at the following rateai One quare three month $8 00 " " six month 1 00 ' " one rear 11 00 Transient notice in local column, 20 eenU per line tor each inaertion. Advertising bill will be rendered quarterly. ,' All iob wo' muat b taid fob ok uklitibt. POSTOFFICE. I Office Hour -From 7 from 1:J0 to 3:30 n. m. . to I p. I Sundays Muil arrives from the onth and leaves going north J 10 a. m. Arrive from the north and leavea ruing (ruth at 3:33 p. m. For Siuisluw, Franklin and Ixrag 1 ira, dime at t a.m. on Wednesday. For Crawford eille, Camp Creek and Brownsville at I r.M. Lettor will be ready for delivery half an hour after rival of train. Letter ahould be left at the office cn hour before mail depart. A. 8. PATTERSON, P. M. SUCI E TIES. Eitqkdi LoiiOK No U. A. F. ' nd A. M. ,Meeta Brat and third Wednesdays in each . month. jfyp3Z? Serarwa Brrrrt Lome Iff 9 I. O. Sgp.iO. F. Meet every Tuesday evening, enw Wimawhala Encampment No. 6, meet on the Id and 4th Wednesday in each month. DENTAL. ,R. F.WELSH mm. J ha opened Dental Rooms per manently in the Underwood Brick jEugene City, and respectfully solicit a share of Me ipunnc patronage, neieis oy permission hj J. R. Cardwell, Portland. G. A. MILLER, , liKVTAT. POOfS in DTTNN' JfcBUILDlNG, EUGENE CITY. rrofmti DENTISTRY AND ORAL StRGERY A. W.PATTERSON, . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office on Ninth Street, opposite the St, Charles Hotel, and at Residence, EJGKNK CITY. OKKGON. EES. NICKLIN SHIELDS, TT A VING ASSOCIATED UN THK prac- JjL tlce of Medicine, offer their professional services to the citizens of Eugene City and the surrounding country. Special attention given to all OBSTETRICAL CASES and UTER INE DISEASES entrusted to their care. Bills due when the service is rendered. I Offices on N inth street and at the residence of Dr. Nicklin.on Willamette street, between Ninth and Tenth Btreets. ' : o2 DR. JOSEPH P. GILL irAN BE FOUND AT HISOFFICE or res- Vyidence when not professionally engaged. Office at the POST OFFICE DRUG STORE. . Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby terian Church. Chas. M. Horn, PBA CTICALGjJNSMITIL DEALER IN GUNS, RIFLES, and material. Repairing done in the neatest style and Warranted, Sewing Machines, Safes, Locks, etc.", repaired. puns loaned and ammunition furnished. Shop on Ninth street, opposite Star Bakery. WflT LAKE. Purchasing Agent, SAN FKANCISCO, CAL JEWELRY ESTABLISMENT. Ml IIAUPU TT Js a. luuivci, o DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Chains; Jewelry, etc. Repairing Promptly Executed. fc2TAllWork Warranted. J. 8. LUCKKY, P08TOFFICEBCILDINO, Wllla-iette i, Eighth St., Eugene City. Book suif Stationery Store. POST OFFICE BUILDING-, EUGENE City. I have on hand and am constantly receiving an assortment of the Best School and Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Blank Books, Portfolio. Card, Wallet, Blanks. Portmon naes, etc., etc A. S. PATTERSON. C ALLISON & OSBURN ARE OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC SUGARS, TEAL, COFFFE, CANNED GOODS, TOBACCO ft CIGARS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BREAD CAKES AND PIES, And in fact everything usually kept tn a first cUm Grocery Store or Bakery, at BED-ROCK PRICES for cash or ready pay. Satisfaction guaranteed. Good delivered to any part of the city free of charge. : NEW HARNESS SHOP. CHAS. HADLEY, .At fclunn's Old Stand, KEEPS CONSTANTLY OS HAND A GOOD aaaortmeat of of Hack, Buggy & Team Harness, Saddles. Whips. Sport, Halters, Collars, Carry Combs sod Brashes Aid rrerrthlni asuallr kept ia a first class 0r ess Shop. - University Subscriptions. . AO sabscriptiorK to the Sute University are aow over doe. The property ha been aoo-pted fey aatj turned over to the State, and I am in sractted by the prop 5 authoritie to proceed and collect all sums onn. GEO. B. DOEEIS. Attorney -at- Lew. M3 Fred ju'ler.i TAILOR-,. Mr. Renfrew' Brick Building. AU ityle of Garment made to order, and FIT AND WOltKMANSIIIP ,. GUARANTEED. Cutting done to order. - The Naturalists' Agency HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED at 3725 Lancaster Avenue. Philadelphia, for the purpose of giving collector of objects of Nat nrtil Hitttory an ounortunitT of buvinir. selling or exchanging their duplicates or collec tions. -. ' j i Our MlNERA LOGICAL CaTALOOL'E. illllstratj by over $500 worth of Engravings, u now ready for distribution. Free to all customers. To other on receiut of ten cent for Doet&ra. I desire especially to call attention to my remark ably fine specimens of Amazon Stonb, of which I have or have had nine-tenths of all the speci mens ever found. I have made six triisi to the locality, and think I may safely say no more will be found. Good crystals from 15 cents to VI each. Collections of Minerals J or Students, Amateurs, Frofetf'ors, Pbysi cians and other Professional Men. These collections Illustrate all the pocies and all grand subdivisions in Dana aim othrr works on Mineralogy; Every Crystalline ystem ; all the principal Ores and every known dement The collections are labelled with a muted label that can only be removed bv soak rug. I he labels give Dauas species, number, the name, locality, and in most cases the com' position of the mineral. All collections accompanied by an Illustrated catalogue and table ni specie. 100 Crystals and Foments for Study $1 100 hpeeimens, Student s.hize, Larger 100 Sliecimens, larger, Amateur's size 24 14 inches v 10 Collections of Gem. Ores. Earthy Minerals. Minerals used in any Arts Or Agriculture, on hand or put up to Order. .. We sell Minerals. by weight, for the Chemist and blowpiie use, at very low price's, as Samar skite 25c. per lb., Allanite 25c. per lb., Brookite Pure Crystal 25c. jier ib., liutila jiure 25c. per lb., Wavelellite zrc. pvr lb., Jileniie 10c. per lb. I have just bought the famous Chilton Col lection of Minerals and Shells, which has been on exhibition at Tiffany's for tire past two years The original price asked was $3,000. It contained a number of unequaled thing, among them a Untile in Quartz, for which Mr. Chilton was ottered f J50 gold. A perfect ipmng-niur- ex. ') Th herbarium of Iowa plants that received the Highest Award, is placed in my hand for sale, for 2oO. 1 he case alone is worth (150. Several $1,000 Worth of KockT.. Mountain Birds; Shells, Botanical Sliecimens, Mound Builders Relics, ftc. on hand. a. js. nutrrjs, &h u. Prof. Chemistry and Mineralogy, 8725 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. FOU THE B SUMMU.14 SPRING TTE DEO to inform rar friend and the pnblie f I that we hate just received, airect from ban I ranciwo ana the Juutern market AN DIMENSE STOCK or GROCERIES, HARDWARE, drV-goods, FANCY GOODS NOTIONS. CLOTfiINi ptjRmsnim goods, HATS AND CArS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Clocks, Paints, Oils, Etc., Selected by on; offer at If r. S. Rosenblatt, which we tlEDUfeKD PRICES. Parties will And It to their, advantage to cat. and examir oar stock and prices before purchas ing elsewhere. i, v. Highest price paid for all lends of Produce S. ROSENBLATT & CO. SELLING AT COST! , FOR SIXTY DAYS.' -yy M. PRESTOX, Manufacturer and Dealer in Lead, Hack and Wheel 3ET AENESS, W arranted Calibsmia Leather. SADDLES OF ALL KINDS, BRIDLES, HALTERS-, SURCINGLES, HORSE COVERS, LASH and BUG(Y WHIPS, COM HS and BRUSH ES. . HARNESS DRESSING, ETC.. ETC . Thankful for past favors I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. .. Important I , , Persons knowing themselves indebted to me either by note or account, are requested to make settlement by Jan. 1, 1H77, or payment murt be enf.prced. WM. PRESTON. - CHEAP READING: The "WAVERLY MAGAZINE" Is the handsomeft and largest literary in the United States. The article are all complete in eat-h number. -It also contains a pace of music f the Piano, and double the leading of anr other paper. Sixteen different numbers will be aent to any part of the country, post paid, for one dollar. No one will -regret taking a dollar worth a it will give good reading for three months. , Address, MOSES A. DOW. - ' IVwtnn M a r GEO.J. BUiS, BOOK. AND . JOB PRINTER rXOEXI CTTT. OBEOiy. I'T'IIE BEAT kHOES KVE1 BEOCOHT.T9 V JL to ttu uiK at th lnw rrv si. T.O.HUDrUCKS'. SPECIAL CORRESFOXDEXCE. Washinotok, D. C, Dec 11, 1876. A general feeling of depression op' pears to pervade the city, and the stagnation in business of every kind js really deplorable. The meeting of Congress is generally the signal for the beginning of gaieties, which only have their full swing during aud after the Xmas holidays ; but these prelim inary festivities have as; yet; failed to but (n an flnncarnnce. Good. lionoRt cold weather has set in in earnest, and fur caps, overcoats and guru shoes are at a premium. Tae river is one sheet a t i a 1 - of ice as for down as Maryland Point, 36 miles below the city. Were the cold weather and lack of social festivities all we had to com plain of, our cause of grief would be slight, but far graver matters than these demand the consideration of ev ery citizen. He who thinks that the institutions of this country are not se riously tlucateoed simply . mistakes the signs of the times. No bolder at tempt at the subversion of the rights of any peopi'o were ever mado than arc now being made by tho plotters who made the false counts in the three States, and now expect to thrust that falsehood down the throat of the poo pie. They have triumphed pver the Courts aud common decency, and now they expect to triumph over. Congress and,tho people. Whether they will succeed, time alone can determine. of courso carl only give you what are accepted here as fixed facts. It is cur rently stated that the Radical pro gramme Has ail been arranged, and that it embraces the counting in of Mr. Hayes under any and all circum stances. It is stated that the time- honored custbm of counting the Votes in tho hall of the House on this occa sion will not be followed, but that the ceremony will bo performed in the Senate Chamber. Tho members of the House will simply be notified that tnu counting is to take plaoe and seats will be provided for them in tho Sen ate, But no more attention will be paid to members than to visitors in tho gallory. Grant is fully aware of all that is in contemplation. He is reported to havo told Col. Mosby that he considered Hayes cleotod and that he should be inaugurated if it took the whole army and navy to do it. And be took occasion to inform Mosby that if any such military extremity arose he (Mosby) should have a larger command than any he bad during the war. Mosby himself is authority for this statement having repeated it to four gentlemen. In the lobby of the National Hotel. According to the latest advices quiet reigns in Columbia not exact ly the same, but very similar to that which reigned in Warsaw. In War saw it was a quiet balhcd in blood, but in Columbia it is a quiet wrapped in the mantle of Wade Hampton's great good sense and sell-abnegation. A movement is on foot, jero to sub scribe a fund as a testimonial of the high esteem In which he is held by tho people. . Hon. George Bancroft, the historian, started the project some days since, by subscribing $100. Mr. W.W. Corcoran followed with $1000, and Mr. Columbus Alexander added another hundred. I have no doubt Gen. Hampton will feel deeply grate ful for their kind appreciation of his course, but it is doubtful if he will ac cept anything in the shape of a gift. He begged the ladies to desist in their recent attempt to rnisa the necessary funds to purchase or build bim a house. Mr. Bancroft, though a Re publican in politics, commends in the highest terms the conduct of Geneal Hampton during the recent canvsts in South Carolina 1 Di. New post offices established : Lock Qoeeo, Josep Joe county, Oregon, David IL tieitoo, post master; M id way, Umali lla coun ty, Oregon, J as. P. Casen, puatmatter. I'oit mssierl appointed: N. A. W. Howe, Cres well, Lane county, Oregon; Tboi. Levins, Klktorj, Douglas county, Oregon; Geo. W. Riddlw, North Csnyooville, Duoglaa coaoty, Oregon; Cbas. 8. Clagjrett, Pleasant Hone, Clackamas county, Oregon; Tbos. H. Millet, West Chehslim, Yamhill coaoty. Oregoo; Oliver C. Applezats, Yaioat. Lake coaoty, Oregon; Js. Bartlet , New Dunginea, Clal lam eoooty W.T W. R. Mantray, Noot sack, Whatcom coaoty, W. T. The Boston Globe, a Radical jour, nal, says it is sorry Mr. Hayes was not elected President, but sincerely thinks he was not. Address of the Democratic Slate Cen tral loniiuitiec. lo Tiis Peoplb okObkook: At tho recent election tho Democratic candidates lor President and Vico President were elected by the votes cast. . ,. A cohspir. cy has been formed to defeat tho result by making tho re turning boards of threo States in tho South the arbitratros of tho people's choice. Tho character and action of the returning board in Louisiana show the means by which it is Attempted to substitute the choice of a returning board for the choico of tho .people. The members of the board owo their appointment to an usurpation that was repudiated by tho United States Senato and condemned by a Repub lican committeo of tho IIouso of Con gress. Some of them aro federal of fice-holders; others wero candidates for oflico at tho election which they assume to set asido. All of them aro violent partisans of tho Republican party, and sorao of them aro of infa mous personal character. Those men have assumed to set asido actual ma jorities of from seven to nine thousand Votes in favor of tho Democratic elec toral candidate, socking thus to sub stitute what they profess to believe tho Voto ought to have boon for what the vote actually was. Tho perpetuity of our Republican Government is abovo all questions of a merely personal or partisan charac ter. Tte will of tho people, conslltu tionally expressed at the ballot box, must be submitted to by all parlies Tho attempt to set asido tho majori ties in Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina aud to reverse tho solemn verdict of eight millions of voters is revolutionary, and it cannot be sub mitted to without surrendering the vital principlo of Republican Govern ment and exposing the government to ananhy and ruin. To pcj" .. ratiuu-tv jjoiinlt an u'ltiCrCUpU' Ions board to change the result of the election for President before that re sult is declared, is to forfeit tho liber ties of tho people and tho respect of mankind. We deem it advisable and there fore recommend that a mass meeting be held, so far as practicable, in tho dilTcrcnt counties in the State on the 8th day of icxt January, that an in terchange cf views among tho people and an expression of opinion, touch ing the momentous questions present ed in this crisis, bo had. It is the opinion of the committeo that these meetings should, as far as possible, be free from excitement or partisan feel ing; that tuo present condition of the country should bo discussed with a calmness commensurate with the im portance that the subject demands. C. B. Bklmsukk, Chairman. J. K. Weatheukoiu), Secretary. What Got. Hendricks Maya. An Indianapolis dispatch of tlie 20ih, says: ?Gov. Hendricks said to a Journal reporter that the men who Voted for Tilden believed him elected, and are greatly excited at the possibility he is to be deprived of the office and another to be inaug urated who was not elected, by means of party machinery anti-republican in its character, and even by disregard of local law in its organization, and by the fraudulent exercise of its pow- ers. l uey uo not believe that under republican institutions it is possible that inquiry can 'bo mado into the conduct of four men who so undertook to control tho Presidential election by fraudulent means. They believe it is the duty of the House of Representa tives to see the proposed wrong is defeated, even should the Senate at tempt The opinion prevails generally, and I believe uni versally, anion?; them. that the House of Representatives is clothed with equal power with the Senate in the de cision of all questions arising during the count of the electoral vote, and it would be Usurpation and a flagrant violation of the rights of the people, should the votes be counted and the questions decided by the presiding of ficer ot the Senate in defiance of the rights of the House. The fact that this power is claimed for it, and its exercise threatened, baa great! v con tributed to excite popular feeling. In this condition of the public mind the Democratic committee of the State, is- rlfd a call for a convention the 8ib of January, not for the purpose of mak ing any threat! or organizing any ro resistance to authority, but for the purpose of making publio expression invasion of civinir tho llouso of lveprcsentatives assurance ot support in tho cxerciso of Us con slitulional rights and porogatives, Thero is no purpose, so far as I am n- formed, of going further. In further answer to your inquiry, I do not re gard foreo as the means to bo contem plated to secure tho Presidency. , So far as tho 8th of January conference is concerned, I am very suro its only relianco to seonfo tho results rff the Presidential election will bo upon tho ioico and power ot publto opinion in support of tho right and against fraud and in support of the llouso in the as sertion and exercise of its constitu tional powers as declared in tho uni form practice, in adoption of tho '2, joint rulo, and tho passage by tho Sen ato of Morton's bill it tho last session. It is perhaps proper to add that should the House poxitivoly assert its tight and bo denied and refused by tho Senate, supported by tho ciecu tivo powers, wo would stand in the presence of sorious dangers, because of a contlict in the machinery of tho government, without any tribunal for its adjustment, I observo in somo newspapers a statement that a secret political society is being organized in this State, the purposes of which are dangerous to tho penco of society. I think t. am in a position to know if thero were any such movement in tho State, and I leel confident in saying that the report is without foundation in truth, as I believe, aud I think I know, and has its origin with bad men for partisan and bad purposes, The contest in this Slate last summer and tall Was! on tho part of the Do mocraov and conservatives, eminently fair and open, and there is no motive, as I am suro there is no purposo to de part from that policy. Senators ane Bribery. T. F. Examiner. Marcus D. Boruck nnd Hippie' Mitchell or Mitchell-Hipplo and Bor tick, wo hardly know in which order to placo them, even on Dogberry s theory, propose to keep Gov. Grover, of Oregon, out of tho seat in tho United States Senato to which ho has been ailly elected, on aoooimt nf liui having, as they allege, procured his election by bribery, binco theso busy' bodies and ofliuious smollers of cor ruption have introduced tho subject, we snail endeavor to cu lighten them upon it. If they both abhor bribory, especially in senatorial connection, as they would have the publio now be licvo they do, and our remarks shall fit or drive them to tho hospital or azar house, we promise to havo such attcmlcnco lor them as their cases may require; unless Boruck prefers a veterinary practice peculiar to his "hoss" paper distemper in his own case, and Supple Mitchell chooses ft retreat at Juoyamcnsing or in tho Or egon penitentiary, where ho may ap propriately repent over his peculation, his bigamy and his bribery. it Uipple-Mitchcll will take the troublo to search the files of tho Dem ocratic papers of Pennsylvania just after the election of the Radical Sen ator, old Simon Cameron, in 1857, when he bribed Wagonsellcr, Lbo and another member to desert tho support of John W. Forney, tho Dem ocratic candidate, and vote for himself,-ho will learn what tho Democra cy thought of bribery then and so they view it yet. but if ho can hud anv of the Radical papers which con demned it in that instance, or which did not virtually approve of it, he will como across a curiosity, not at that time known. And we do Tiot think that Mr. Boruck has yet .(iiite forgotten the episode in the California Radical Legislature when "Ward robe" Smith ihado his. disclosure, so much to tho discomfiture of Park, Phelps it Co., and to the delight of John Conness Radicals ail, as they were. 1 We might go on and add to these two notorious instances of bribery in connection with the candidacy or election of Radicals as Senators in this State and in other States, but wherefore? They are as well known as the corruption of Radical polities generally, and do not require special mention. But it is proper that we should say something of how the mat ter stood or docs stand in Oregon, as that u the State now particularly in volved. Tho first time that tho nse of money to corrupt or bribe Legis lators to vote for a Senator was re sorted to, was when the Radicals elected Senator Baker in '1800, and there has never sinpe been a Radical Senator elected from that State who did not obtain bis election by bribery I But no Democratic Senator from that State has had the stain or crime of bribery to answer for I That bribery was the means by which George H. Williamo aud John; Hippie-Mitchell gained their election to the Senate U notorious. Williams has since be come infamous throughout the nation for bis corruption and stealing whilst Attorney General, and his name so stunk in the nostrils of tho people against the threatened popular rights and of that Grant was obliged to turn bim out of his Cabinet something equiv alent to kicking a thief out of tho penitentiary. And Ilippio-Mitchell, the embezzler and bigamist, tho briber himself before tho altar in bis lawless second marriage, and again belbro tho Senato when he took "tho oath to a namo which was not his own, is likely to follow Williams in his; downfall, just as ho has followed him in the place he now dishonors through bribery. These aro a few of the lessons which Ilipj lo and Marcus, or Boruck and, Mitchell, can ponder before tho Sena tor member ot tho Siamese Twinir whoso connecting lignturo isofGor ham guilt pattern, shall framo bis, threatening charges of bribery against Governor Grover, in order to keep him fix m his scat in tho Senate. Let' us recommend them to submit tho matter to a committeo composed of tho infamous carpet-baggers of that body Patterson; Spencer, West and Dorsoy. There are none so compe. tent to sit bn cases of bribery as thoso. guilty of it; or who otye their place to itas tho bribing . ltadioals seem to think. i -WAiwas.i s lBSsasawswsssssss The saloon in New Orleans called. "Elephant Johnny's," brought into no torietvasa polling place in the re ccnt.oWion, is a type ot its class. A writer in tho Uoston!IIorall:says: "On tho sides of the barroom aro rows of largo barrels, standing upright on a low platform running just tho width of the bottom of the barrels, that aro all ot ono size, these barrels aro. 1 tainted grpen, with black hoopB, and abollod whiskey,, brandy, rum, gin,, claret wiiio, port wine, eto., there bo-f ing no lager ot boor of My kind, it being ohoaper to, soli a full glass of brandy than a fall glass of lager. Tho rule ot these houses is that a person may oome up to tho counter, deposit thoroon a five oeut piece, and the bar tender will furnish tho oustomor with, a tin mug that will hold an ordinary, tumblerful, and ho has tho freedom to lako his choice from any ono ot tho barrels, nnd also, if ho likos, ho may take tho best capacity of tho mug." Tho various liquors sold are all mado of bad whiskey, dilntod and flavored and colored. Wo soo much congratulation in tho. papers as to tho pcaucablo temper of the pooplo. Siioli congratulation is very proper over tho status of commu nities immediately embroiled as thoso at Columbia and New Orleans. The temper Of the people at huge through out the oouulry may be, mid we doubt not is, in the highost' degree concilia-, tory, but it fails to make itself so un derstood to tho sphinx at Washington.. Apathy, indiii'urcnoo and negloct ot Cublio interests would seem rather to o tho correct interpretation ot tho present mind of tho pooplo, if they continue to regard the progress of evonts at Washington in silcnoo. Thore is a timo to bo silont and acqui escent, and thero is a timo to be out-, spoken, firm, decided nay, ' warning', and imperative, if need bo, "I am not of tho opinion of thoso gontle mon," said Burko, "who are against" disturbing tho publio repose; I like clamor whenever there is an abnso. Tho firobull at midnight disturbs your sleep, but it keeps you Iroin boinc; burnt in your bod." Springfield Re publican, ," Come now aud let us reason together. Why do peoplo say to oftnn to Dr. Pierce. "1 supposo year (iolJeii Medical Discovery cures everything ?" Because it has been the ' practice ot knavish clmrletaos to manufac ture worthless nostrums and attempt to dnpo the Icnoruut andciudulou by recommending i horn to core evert form of diseusc. To i-uch an ex Urn', has this been practiced, that it ij no wonder that tuuny have acquired preju dices against all advertised remedies. But Or. Pierce does not advertise his standurl preparation! as "'cure-all," does not cluiin that they will perforin miracles, but limply, publishes the fact that they have bran du veloped at specific for certuiu forma oNia, ease lor which he recommend them, alter hiring tested their efficacy in many hundred cadet with the most gratifying success. It ' is a fact known to every well-informed phy sician that many tingle remedies possess dif ferent properties., Ojiibine, for instance, baa a touic qnality, tfh'kh tuggestt id dm In' cases of debility ; an aoti-puf iodic, by which it it eiiicacion, ia ague ; and -sr rebrifugo property, which renders it efficacious in cores pr lever. 1 he result of its aduuoistra- sion will alio vary with the quantity given and the circumstance! andir which it Is em- , ploy.-d. bo, likeiri e, the GolJ .'n Medical -Discovery pofSKSsrs both pectoral and alter ative, or blood-cleansing properties of the . oiglie8t order, liy reason ol these two prom inent properties it cures two classes of dis eases, r i rut those ol the respiratory organs,,' as throat, bronchial snd lung affections, chronio coughs' Sod asthma, and second, dit ease at lot bloffd and traoolae tvitero. in which afectiont all skillful pbyiiciaos en- jrloy alteratives, at ib cases of blotches, ei opt- ' iodi, tlcert, iwalliogi, tumors abscesses, ami - in torpor ot ,. the liver or "biliousness." While its nst 'it, by iU combioatioa of prop erties, tnggested ia cases ef pulmonary coo- . omptioo, yet you Deed sot take it expecting ' it will care you u your looga are half con tained; nor because it it recommended at a ' blood medicioa would its proprietor advise ' yon to take it expecting it to cure cancer. -It will not perform miracles, but it will cere many prove forma of disease. ,