The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 25, 1876, Image 2

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8ATOBDAY. NOV. 5. 1B70.
The Election.
. Up to tVw writing wo have nothing
dofinite as to who is to bo Trident
to succeod General Grant. Tbo dis
patches lurniBhed to tho Oregonian
by the truthful Simonton are as con
tradictory as at first. Yet they are
plain enough to show that while Mr.
Tildcn has been fairly elected the Re
publican managers have no intention
of allowing him to hold the office.
Already he has 184 votes, without any
of the disputed States. It would ap
pear to any fair tnindod person that
he has now 180 by the following dis
patch from South Carolina on the
Tho follnw'inff snecial lo a New York pa-
ner wag received oo tbe 20th : The official
Miint of South Carolina election s R
nnhlimin nltr.tora at larire : U. C. UoweD,
90,780 ; John Wiusmith, 90.7HO. IHdtrict
electors: 'J'. U. Johnson, 91,852 ; Timoihr
Hurley, 91,136 ; W. li. Nash, 91,804; WH
on Cook. 91.432: Win. F. Myers, 91,820
Democratic electors at large : T. 0. Barker,
9039C; Samnol Mcuowan, 90,o'J.; J. unf
ham, 90,798; William Wallace, 90.905; J. U
Irwin, 90.00G; Robert Aldnch. 90.8C0.
' Yot in tho faco ot this a Columbia
dispatoh of the 22J says :
The Hoard of Mate canvassers yostorday
reported to tbe Sup-eme Court, stating can
didates who bad received tho bijjhaat vote,
also giving a uittuicirunduiu ol the board,
stating that in their opinion, certain irregu
larities a!Tocting some Republican candidates
Should be corrected ; also tue vote oi L,au
rens and Edgefield counties should bo ex
eluded on account of frauds and intimidiv
tions. This morning the court ordered tbe
board to issuo certificates of election lo can'
didataa for tbe Legislature shown by lh
hoard's renort to have U)9 uiirtwat vote in
eluding Edgefield and Laurens counties. The
court issued a rule lor me ooaru io huuw
cause why tber should not correct state-
menU of couoty canvassers by the precinct
returns. Tending these proceedings, bow
Avr. the board held a session and issued
..i(lntos to all members of the Legislature
except r,D0'L'in'iu aim unum,. .niiej, ums
ocurins a majority of the LoKisliiture Re
publican, tbo defeat o( Ilumpton and the
election ot Uliamberlain. 1 lie board also IS'
sued certificates of election to Republicai
electors and tbe Republican State ticket
The board tkon adjourned tine dit. This ao
tion has created uiuchi excilemeut, but tho
citizons will roly on the ceurls and exhaust
all legal means of redress.
Ia Louisiana thoro nppoars to bo no
doubt that tho Demooratio catvliJates
lor Electors havo majorities ranging
from fivo to c'mht iboutnnd. And it
also appoars curtain that the Uuluru
ing Hoard has duuidud to chango the
figures so as to eivo tho olcution to
Hayes. From tho following tlfcputcl
it sooms that a now oauso of contro
vorsy has arisou in that Stato :
Tbe use of impcrfoct electoral tickets bus
circa rise to uo little discussion as; to i's ul
feet on tie eleotiou m this State und United
Statos.'a in five tbo Hayes electors ran
considerably behind. It has been conlect-
urod that when the count is completed uo
candidate in those five districts may bo found
to have received a majority of all the votes
cast for 1'residout. Tbe question lias arisen
whether In such event any one will have been
elected. If no one is elected In ihe dis
tricts then the two who deserve certificates
will, under the laws of tho State, till the vu
cancics. Examination of lbs constitution
and laws of I-ouiaiuuu discloses tho fact thu;
they are both, silent on tho question a to
. whether by law to bo chosen moans to re
ceive a tniijority of all the voles cast or only
a greater number than any other candidate.
Iu tht choico of (Jovernor or otbor State of
fice, tbe plurul.ty e'eota ; and good lawyers
here hold that wbero no specific provisiou is
mado as in this caso, custom and law In anal
agous cases ought to be followed.
Tbe Tunas' New Oiluuns special says:
Ihe lXwocratio commilttM here estimates
the votes lost to tbe Republicans by oinii-
Bions of tba Uva names will aggregate nearly
2,000. Trouble Is likely w follow, as the
tickets were beaded lluves and Wheeler, and
tbo votes undoubtedly designed to vote for
all. Well known Louisiana lawyers contend
that if tbe five electors referred to are de
feated by the means in licuted, three who arc
elected would bivo power to fill vacancies
la short, that tbe places ol those defeated by
mistake in the ticket should be considered
vacant, and to be tilled in the same way as
ia case of death of resignation of tbe elec
tor. Says tho howling dervish, of tho
We stand upon perilous ground. American
oir-gorerumcut is undergoing the sternest
trial of its history. Duys count, in tbe sin
pense of the moment of pausing the rocks
which now surround our national ship as
months, in lbs Irve track of prosier iiy.
Kuthor tho days count as nothiug
whilo we stand upou this perilous
ground. As nothing, becauso civil
liberty no longer exists in "tho land
of the Ireo." "Tho pooplo who own
the GovcrnuKut," as Uio bullet hoad
ed fanatic oi tho All any Register has
it, decided months ago to. carry this
election, no matter what opposition
was brought to bear Against them.
, And when it became apparent to the
Radical party that one of its creatures,
the negro vote, would if left to itself
turn against it, violated the Constitu
tion and laws and outraged honor and
decency by overrunning" the South
with troops, sending them even into
Virginia, whero there has boon the
most profound peace for years; ao
profound that even tho brain of Zach
Chandler, so fertile in schemes of ras
cality, couM not invent an outrage,
and they were sent without a pre
tense if provocation. It was thought.
tho presence of the army in the South
would be sufficient to overcome all
opposition, and the Radical managers
were stunned when they found that
in spite of this foariul odds they had
been voted down. But the shock was
but momentary and they soon set to
work to destroy tho last vestige of
American liberty, and tho indications
are that they are going to do this
work thoroughly. And while they
ptosecute their nefarious schemes
their organs cry ''peace, peace, as
if it were in tho power ot their op-
posers to resort to arms. In the event
of Hayes' usurpation of the office the
solid South' will never bo heard from
in another Presidential election. It
will be destroyed crushed lor its te
merity in even thinking it had any
rights that ought to be respected.
American will no longer have a re
Dublican form of government. That
which is almost accomplished, a mili
tary despotmm, will lake its placo.
On tho second day alter the eleo-
tion Govornor Hayes was interview
ed and expressed himself as follows :
"I do not think it right to joke over this
matter. 1 don t care for myself. 1 ne par
ty, yes, and tbe country, too, can stand it ;
but 1 care lor me poor coioreu peopieoi inn
South. I don't feac that business will be
irreativ disturbed bv Mr. Iildeus election
Trade governs llseii. capitalists muy just
at present Buy, we won't lend money, but it
will be only a nine days' wonder, which will
wear 'away as soon as they recover from tbe
chagrin of defeat. Husloess will, I think, go
on as usual. I do not think parties respou
sible for the financial depression. Ws see
the troublos they b ve bad tn Uermany and
Austria. It any part ot the country sutlers
or remains at a standstill HwiM be the aouta
Under the new regime Northern men cun t
live there and will leave, and immigration into
the States will uruse ; but, as 1 suid before, 1
do Ditv the poor black men of the bourn
The result will bo that tlie southern people
will practically treat the Constitutional
amendments as nullities, aud then the color
ed man's fate will bo worse than when he
was in slavery with a humane master to look
after bis interests. That is tbe only reason
I regret that the news is as it is."
Ttiis might tavn appoared reasona
bio to him so soon after tho cWion
whon he had not had timo to recover
irom tho shock of dofcat. But to-day
it is not reasonable to supposo that
tho negroes will sulfur from tho
ohango. Every man of ordinary
sonso knows that on tho vote of tbo
nogro depomls tho tcnuro of office of
the Democratic party, and ho will bo
pUUUtt imllut tlion rocU0lUCI; IlU will
bo shown that ho has been benefitted
by tho chango. To suppose that tho
pooplo of the South will attempt to
ignore tho Constitutional amendment
is to supposo that tlioy aro all fools.
Wade Hampton's Oplnlou,
Tho WorUPt Columbia reporter in
terviuwed Wade Hampton on the 22 1
Ho takes tho mutter quito coolly. He
hits no fears for the result. He main
tains tho board ot canvassers are
clearly in contempt, and has faith in
tho power of tho Supremo Court to
compel a fair count.
A tilliiipea of Ihe Mlvor Lining.
Nkw Yohk, Nov. 21. The 7'mim' Talla
hassee special says : A ripple has agitated
me suriace ot iniuirs by the appearance of
telegram clipped from the lUllo Gaztttt,
sigued W m. Archer Cocke. Cocke is At
torney General and a member of the canvass
lug bourd, and cer aiuly prejudices the rase,
Morally such prejudice disqualifies Cocke for
uu Impartial Investigation which lb oouutry
requires at ins namis, aud is an implied re
tleetlon upon bis associates dismays a taste
amounting to almost bad temper. Here
tbe telegram referred to in full :
"Tallaiuhski, Nov 14. Tbe returns ol
the county uianagr of election are not yet
in. The board of Stale cun valors, of which
1, as Attorney General of the Mate, ana
member, does not meet until thirty-five
days after the election, but you may
rest assured that Tilden has carried
the Stale, and that Drew, lieruocratio can
didate for Governor, is also electa!. I don't
tbiuk tbe Kid cals can beat the liemocraU
out of tbe election. (Signed),
"Ws. Am-iiKK CVm,"
Wade llaiuptou uu the Uoard of Caa
A Columbia dispatch of tbe 22J says Cien
Wade Hampton has just issued tbe follow-
iug to the people of South Carolina :
Tue board of canvassers have by their un
precedented action li-ddyfbowa not ouly
inoir utter disregard ol ttieir own olQcial in
tegrity, while the grave questions determin
ing the results ol tbe election were ponding
Mora tbe supreme court composed ol tare
judges belonging to the Republican party,
uo ia direct vioiauoo ol their duties, this
returning board have issued certificates of
election lo Itepublican presidential electors
aid to Republican Stale officers, and bar
rvlused to give certificates to lemocralit
members of lb legislature, shows by tba re
turns of Ibi unit board to have been elect
ed iu tbe couulies of LvlgtfiVlJ and Laurens.
This bigh-baoded outrage is well calculated
to arou-a tbe indignation ol our long-sulTer
in; people, bu. I assure then that this dar
ing and revolutionary act of tba board can
bar no force what var. . I appeal to yoa.
therefor ia the fullest confidence that lb
appeal will not b DobeedeJ, that yoa will
maintain even on Jar that provocation, yoor
character as orderly and law -a Ji Jin people
IU'ing tb past elcitiog canvan yoa bare
studiously avoided the eenblaoc of purpose
to disturb tbe public pea or lo trauvrrs
laws. Yoor cause, and it is the caasa of lb
restitution and government of tbe courlry.
bs been carried to tba k Urban mart
Stata and ws ar willing to abidw by its de
cision, feeling aoureJ this tribunal will m
that lbs laws shall be enforced and jostics
secured. Wadi lUm-tax.
Tweed bas arrived lo New York.
Tilden's official majority ia Alabama is
Each party io Florida accuses the other of
On the 20th the President was preparing
bis Annaul Message.
All Northern men of note oo both sides
have loft Charleston for home.
Chamberlain says the Democrats of South
Carolina oppose all Investigation.
It now appears that Hayes rnns only 800
ahead of tbe Louisiana State ticket.
Eastern papers express Diucb solicitude at
concentration of troops at Washington.
It is reported that tbe British are supply
ing Sitting Bull with wagon loads of am mu
Republicans claim intimidation to colored
voters io Edgefield, Laurens and Barnwall
The Vice Prosident of the Japanese Com
mission left Philadelphia for Japan on tbe
19ln ins'..
Tbe net profits of the Baltimore and Ohio
roads for the past year have been over lour
million dollars.
Blaine buys there is do foundation to the
... . . . " ..i- :.k
Washington romor connecting uis name wuu
the Presidency.
Fonr companies of artillery arrived at
ISew York on tbe ZOta oo their way to
Tbe heirs of James Lick claim that he
was not of sane mind when be deeded his
property to trustees.
All the ships io the Russian Black Sea
navigation company have beea pressed into
service by tbe Czar.
Several Americans have applied to Rus
sia for letters of marque to be used against
hngland in case of war.
Tbe interest in tbo Moody and Sankey
meetings have been unhVgiug during all tbe
election excitement.
The Timtf' Washington special says there
will not be more than 2,000 troops stationed
at the Capital enough.
It is rnmoted that Pinchback and War
mouth have entered Into a compact to beat
their common enemy, f ackard.
Many of tbe Northern Democrats left for
their homes on tbe 50th. A dispatch to the
Timtt says they bave given it up.
Tbe official . vote of Pennsylvania- is
Hayes, 284,148 j Tilden, 3G6.204 ; Cooper
7,204; Smith, (prohibition) li.Wi.
Most of the dispatches received from the
South are twisted into N. Y. Times editori
als before tbey are telegraphed here.
A special to the World says that if the il
lairal votes are thrown out. Democrats la
South Curulin will hava two electors.
Tho Quartermaster's storehouse was de
stroyed by fire on Itedloe's Island, on the
20tb Loss, between $12,000 and $15,000.
According to the New York Tnbuut spec
. I .L! '.II U . .1 L . I f ..!.
iu', everyiiinig win ue uouo oj iuh Louis
iana returning board to arrive at a fair re
sult. Florida Republicans will not send in fig
ures through fear that the Democrats will
bolJ law ppomuoia baca in ov4v to "top
Tbe Younger Rrothers pleaded guilty of
tbe murder of Haywood, the Minnesota bank
cashier, and were seuteuced to imprisonment
for li lo.
A wngon loaded with DC persons ran o(T
the side of a bruise ten miles from Cincinnati
on tbe 19 tli, severely wouuding eleven
tbe in.
Hoxie, Democrat, has been elected to Con
gress troin Illinois, instead of AMrich, Re
publican, on account or irregularities in tbe
latter s count.
Frost, the Democrat elected to Congress
from tbo Third Missouri district, has wrilteu
to bis opponent to again submit the election
to Ihe people.
Juilge Robinson, Assistan' solicitor of the
Treasury, Unds that six Democratic Electors
in the Sou b have not had their political dis
abilities removed.
Tbo reports of tbe different officers in
Washington have been delayed on account
of the lute period wbeu the river aud harbor
bill was passed.
Radicals io North Carolina think the elec
toral vote of that Slate should be thrown nut
because tho statute seys tbe ballots should be
written and not printed.
Wm. Beach Lawrence, of Rhode Island,
contests I). II. Corliss' election as a Repub
lican Elector on the i: round that he was a
Centennial Commissioner.
The floor of Moore's variety hall in Sacra
mento lell through on the opening night, the
1 8th. Two persons are known to bave been
killed and about 90 wounded.
Tbe Northern Republican committee ap
pointed to witness the workings of the Lou
isiana reluming board, consists of Garfield,
van Allen, Hale and '(eardtley.
It is generally believed that Gov. Stearns
of Florida will outrage all laws and insist
upon ruling out tha canvassing board aud
counting tbe electoral vote bimscll.
Colored Chief of tbe Charleston detectives.
was shot through the bead and killed by a
young white man named Frank Johnson in a
pistol affair concerning a colored woman on
toe i'jia.
Io a speech oo the 20th, Judge SpafTord
recommended to tbe President ol the Louisi
ana Returning Board that be give bis rulings
so that they "be beard to tbe uttermost ex
tremities of the Union.-'
Tha Circuit Court of Florida, has issued
ao injunction restraining: Gov. Stearns from
crnvaasing the returns of tha electoral vote,
and a mandamus requiring tbe board of can
vassers to begin tbe count.
Joa Jorgenwa. Conrren)n elect from
the Fourth Virginia District has brought
sail against tha Richmond DitpotcA for 10,
000 damages, for accusing him of embezzling
wbeo postmaster of Petersburg.
Tha Democrats will hava one nuiwitv oo
joint ballot io tba South Carol io Legisla
ture, lo tba Assembly tha Democrats w II
ava 64, Republicans aixty, and the Senate
will stand 13 Republicans to li Democrat.
Fifireo negro from various prveinets io
Oocbita paruara reported to tha Democrat
of tha St. Charles H lel. New Orleans, oo
tha Slat, that although the; had hewo Pres
idents of Republican clubs, thry aew leave
laeat, and gave reasons therefor.
Tha Timet' Washington special says: Beo
Butler arrived to-day, and had a consultation
ith Caleb Lashing. BaUer think if Flor-
ida aod Louisiana era ri to liay. thej
lldUm mm wWi 10 lb fWMioO Of theiI
vow. and the Senate will otyvt to Alabama
and titrp. and the Prtsideat will But !
b choeo by March ; creating- th I
of Its Seast President of Uk United Allies.
Ballod's Mokthlt Maoazikb roa Decem
ber. The December number ol Balloa's
Moolbly Magazine u issued, and contains
the conclusion of'M. Quad's great story,
"That Taylor Boy," and which ends most
happily (or all concerned. Io addition there
are some remarkably good stories, poems
and eogravings, and oo one can read a single
number of Ibis cheap and popular monthly
without being profoundly Impressed with the
conviction thai it is tbe best ciagazioe io
the country, and bos the most variety in it.
Now is an excellent time to subscribe, and
thus secure the oew 3tory by Col. James F.
Fitts, which will commence in tbe January
number. Published by Tbomes k Talbot,
23 Hawley street, Boston, at 81 50 per an
num, which is cheap enough for anyone.
Circuit Conrt was ia session at Jackson
ville lust week.
Tbe Alden fruit dryer is doing a good bus
iness io Jacksonville.
Large bands of hordes are sent from Jack
son county to California.
Wheat has been advanced by tbe Kinney
Bros., io Salem, to 80 coots a bushel.
Jacksonville is the banner Democratic pre
cioct of Oregon.
Several ladies bave beea around Albany
racing money to fix tbe U . r. Church grade
Jobo Payne has bought out tbe line from
St. Joe to Albany, and yesterday tooK pos
Baker City is already putting in its claim
as the Capital ol tbe oew State oi eastern
Two families, of fifteen persons, arrived at
Baker City last week from Arkansas en
route for Ulympia.
Mary St. Clair, a notorious woman of
Southern Oregon, died at Canyon City re
cently, leaving 840,000.
A true bill has been found against Henry
A. Grigsby, of Jackson county, for an assault
with a dangerous weapon.
Tbe Daughters of Rebekah at Albany pre
sented a large Burdette organ to Albany
Lodge, Iso. 4, 1. O. O. t ., last week.
Tbo Presbyterian Indies of Roseb urg will
give a supper on 1 bankagivinz night. ow
is tbe tune tooemmence taking appetizers.
A Jacksonville gentleman, named Vest,
had his pocket picked, at Roseburg last week
ot a considerable sum ol money.
About 9,208 barrels of beer are, yearly
made in Oregon. Multnomah makes the
most, Clickamas and Benton tbe least but
46 barrels.
Astoria made a feeble effort to enforce
tbe Sunday liquor law last week. Two men
were arrested on tbe above charge aud then
Mr. T. C. Land has large pieces of gold
which he found on the beadwatersol the six
es river. He will resume prospecting in tbe
By some mistake the money poach from
Roseburg to California last week, was tagged
"way mail," and tbus escaped falling into the
hands of tbe road aaenta-
The annual meeting of the Board of Man
agers or the Uregoo Mute Agricultural So
ciel) will bo held at tbe Secretary's office
in saiem, commencing oa luesduy, Mo vein
ber 28tb, at 10 A. M.
Hon. J. H Douthit, formerly of Linn
county, died at his residence in Upper Ocho
co. Oct. 19. 187b He was one of the first
settlers in Linn conuty, and was universally
oeiovea ami respected
The Cauae ot the Army Movement
New York, Nov 21. -The World't Wash
ington special Buys : There is uo longer any
uouni mat tne Administration decided at
secret Cabinet meeting held one evening last
week to garrison Washington from now
till after the Stb of March next, and even
longer il its successors in offii a after that
duy do not order otherwise. This determi
nation was considered agaio and adhered to
at a conference held at Chandler's Saturday
evening . so secretly have these extraordi
nary steps been taken that tbe orders which
bave been sent for troops have neither been
forwarded by mail or telegraph but have
been transmitted by special army officers de
tailed for that purpose.
j ,
Hon. J. K. Lutlrull is re elected to
Congress by a small majority.
Ciarrlaoulaa; Waahlugton
Nkw Pork, Nov. 23. The Timet' Wash
ingion special says: mere has been oo
new arrival of soldiers to-day. but more coin
pariios are on tbe way. or under orders to
come here. A high officer of tbe army says
Ibat within a week or a lew duys there will
ne ii companies in Washington, which will
comprise, altogether, perhaps 1,500 or 1,600
men. It is not disclosed whether this will
be all lbs force gathered here but probablv
not. It is likely two or tbree gunboats may
also come here, as they would certainly be
... a I a . m . .
usemi ii any lorce snoutd be necessary.
The Late State Senate.
Of Multnomah county, is a bachelor, and
therefore a favorite with the lady reporters.
"Tom" should bave been called Adonis. He
is about twenty five years old old enough
to sleep alone. But notwithstanding bis
youth be is a model seoator. Io ihe Senate
ha barely talks enough lo tell what he wants,
bat is very apt to get it. Honest aod con
scientious, with judgment to keep him right,
he commands tba coofiJeoc and respect of
all. Senator Davis is ao unadulterated Dem
Of Multnomah couoty, is a lawyer, and looks
U be ooder thirty. A is tall and graceful
ly built Mr. George and Mr. Wisdom were
by at least one Udy supposed to be lb only
two baadsome aea ia the Seoat; but I
think diffrotly. Mr. George is a talking
member, bat Beyer a bora ; b know what
k want tii aay bafore rising; aod after he
his said It t ha the gJ seas to slop.
Noon lb k th narrow of a sobjact mora
reaJily thao ha, and ao one extracts it with
. S; . ' . . ,0Jen,- j
U3" Viitw) ui I (Oat said it.3 1
his delivery woolj b faultlesa. Senator I
Uorr is a man of promine and a nsefal lev
bialur. A lf abl.can, but Dot aJWreiW 1
tluided tbcrtbj.
Of Clackamas, is a portly, firm looking man
of about forty-five summers, with a pleasant
countenance and a very high forehead, which
one might rnistoke for incipient baldness.
e has bad much experience in public 1 1 to.
and is ao industrious aod faithful legislator.
Mr. Myers Is a pleasant speaker and on all
proper occasions is willing to be beard. But
for a habit of looking down over his desk
when speaking, as tbongb consulting some
data, thereby rendering himself almost inau
dible, be would be one ol the most agreeable
speakers io tbe Senate. A Democrat io
whom there is no variableness or shadow of
Of Clackamas, is apparently about thirty
five years of age, medium size, tbin visuged,
and wears side whiskers. He talks some,
bat is not noisy. He oses good language
and goes directly to the point, and knows
when be gets through. Honest unl sincere,
he delivers himself with great earnestness.
He it was who tore np his railroad pass ia
tbe presence of the Senate, as though he
were afraid he might be corrupted by retain
ing it, though no one else thought bim in t ie
least danger. Mr. OOTield is a Democrat.
Of Washington, is about fifty years old,
medium size, somewhat gray, aod a very
agreeab!) crentlemaa. Mr. Watts is an in
cessant worker, giving his entire time to the
business of the Senate ; vigilant, practical
and methodical, notbiogescaped his observa
tion. Being himself a scholar, he is pecu
liarly fitted for detectiug any errors iu a p-
per before him. He is a good talker, always
making his points clear. A aselal Senator,
ihoagh probably a littie factions about the
close of the sessioo. He Is a Republican.
Ot Yamhill, is another fine specimen of a
Kentucky gentleman. His age is something
over fifty; wears a goatee, which is some
what silvered, as well as tbe hair of his head,
bat he has tbe appearance of being a well
preserved man. Mr. Braley is clear-beaded
and caa always tell whether he is for or
against a measure, and when his min i is
made np all further argument with him is a
waste of time. He would not be called a
talker, but occasionally gives his views to
the Senate, always in a sententiens maimer.
Mr. Braley is remarkably independent as to
tbe manner in which he discharges any duty
impoeed upon bim, yet he is a true Demo
crat. Information has been received at Wash
ington that a number of memie s of Con
gress havo already signified tht Ir intention
to oner amendments to tbe (;nn"n,1',
the United State" "
ing in the f'
now atten
those su . '
More th '
in the Unitt . .
(Unease and the.,
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by it. It expels proud flesh and is highly
Mrs. Renfrew's Brick Building.
All styles of Garments made to order, and
Cutting done to order.
The Naturalists' Agency
XX Lancaster Avenue. Philadelphia, for the
puriHKteor givm collectors of objects of 3t
lirul HlHtory an opportunity of buvimr.
selling or exchanging their duplicates or collec
tion. Our MlNERA logical Catalogue. illfTstrated
by over .iOO worth of Engravings, Is now ready
for distribution. Free to all customers. To
others on receipt of ten centa for iHistaim. I
desire weeially to call attention to my remark-
amy nne specimens oi AMAZON, of yuicn
I have or have had nine-tenths of all the speci
mens aver foiimL I hava niade six tri to the
locality, and think I may safely say no more
will be found. Uood crystals from 15 cents to
i eacn.
Collections -of Minerals
For Students, Amateurs, Professors, Physi
cians and other Professional Men.
These collections illustrate all the principal
species and all grand subdivisions in Dana ann
other works on Mineralogy ; Every Crystalline
system j all th principal Ore and every known
element The collections ar labelled with a
printed laliel that cm only be removed by snak
ing. The labels give Dana's specie, number.
the name, locality, and in most case the com-
piwition of the mineral.
All collections accompanied tiv an niuatnt.l
Catalogue and table of specie.
100 Crystals and Fragments for Study fl
100 Siiecimena, Student's Six. Latver B
100 Specimens, buyer, Amateur's sue 2 1 j
uicuee t iu
Collections of Gema. Ore. Esrthr Minerals
Minerals used in any Arts or AimrultnnL n
hand or put op to Order.
We sell Mineral by weLAt. for tha Chemist
and blowpipe use, at very Uw pricea, as Samar
skite rc. per lh., Allanite iVx per lb., Brookit
Pure Crystal 25c per lb., Rutile pure 25c per
lb., Wavelellite 25c Per lb.. Blende 10c ne lh.
I have just bought the famous Chiltuh Col-
LCCTIom of Minerals and Shells, which has been
on exhibition at Tiaanys for tne jmrt two
year The original pric asked wa 13,000. It
contained a number of onequaled things, among
them a Kutile in turtx, for which Mr. Chilton
was onerwl KJoO gold. A perfect spuing mur
x. The herbarium of Iowa pUnta that received
the Highest Award, ia placed b my has. Is for
sale, fur t-). The cswe alone is wurth tlM.
Several IL0O0 worth ol k- Mosstsia
PiiU, Shells, BUnical Specimens, Mound
Builders lLslics, Ac, on hanl
A. ii FOUTE, M. D,
ProL Chemistry and Minersinry,
3725 Lancaster Avenue,
l'ULLAi-rxrHu, Pa.
Baled Hay,
Baled Straw,
TTtOR sale in quantities to suit,
At tbe Foot Office.
Manufacturer and Dealer in
Lead, Hack and Wheel
Warranted CaUtornia leather.
Thankful for past favors I would respectfully
solicit a continuance of the same.
Important I
Persons knowing themselves Indebted to me
either by note or account, are requested to make
settlement by Jan. 1, 1877, or payment muntbe
enforced. WM. PRESTON.
handsomest and largest literary in the United
States. The article are all complete in each
number. It also contains a pae of niuaio for
the Piano, and double the reading of any other
paper, sixteen dinerent numbers will be sent
to any part of the country, post-paid, for one
dollar. No one will regret taking a dollar'a
worth as it will give good reading for threa
months. '
Boston Mass.
A Business Education is the sorest
guaranty ot success ior persons in all
pursuits of life.
CoUega Journal tent free to any addrem
e3m Lock Box 104.
ETC., ETC., .
Highest market price p (or all kinds of PRO
Has now on hand over on hundred and fifty pain
of Iloots of our own m.ike, whicb I am bound to sell
reourdless of cost, anil we are now prepared to make
Boots to order at the following greatly reduced pre.
French Calf Hoots from IS to 9 per pair.
French Kin Hoots from SS to 19 per pair.
California Kip Hoots made to order for $6 per pal
And all other work at equally low prices. Repair.
ing done at short notice. All work warranted.
Leather and Fimlintrs for sale.
Remember the standi twe doors South of A. V;
Peters fc Co'.s brick store.
Subscribe for
Just entering Its second rear. It I '
snit worthy the pstrnnare of every well
ninuer ui uio rncinc nortnwest. isia
Beautifully Illoctrated
by tbe leading artists on the coast.
Borne of
in the Pacific Northwest contribute to its columns.
it stands at the head of Pacific Coast publication.
a savi w
abroad it hss no equal. A single number will give
them a better idea of reun and Washington ler
ritory thsn a year's numbers of any other paper.
Subscription price,
including postage. Sample number, SO cent.
Address the publisher,
P. U. Box 3,
Portland, Os-n.
T Remittances can be made by registered tetter
or by only r on any of the Portland Bunness Houses.
WE BEO to inform ear friends and th pablia,
that we have just received direct from baav.
Francisco and the Esstern markets
Konm CLcxmj,
Clocks, Paints, Oils, Etc.,
Selected by oar Mr. 8. EosixiLirr, which w
Pi rues will Bb tt to tir adnata to eal.
and exsrair tar stock and pnees before parch
ing elsewhere.
Highest price paid for all k nds of Trodac