The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 25, 1876, Image 1

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VOL. 1X.-NO. 58.
$2.50 per year IN ADVANCE.
Ibe ugrne City uarfl.
CEO. J. BUYS,Pro'p.
tlrertiwrnenU inserted as follow. :
)n. quars, 10 line, or lew, one inaertion I3 each
llbjequttt Insertion 1. ()iih required In advance
Time adfertiMrswm be charged a't the following
One tauare three month
ii i six month.
ii one year
IA 00
8 oo
12 00
Transient notice, in local column, 20 cent, per line
for each iniertioa.
AdvertUinK bill, will be rendered quarterly.
All tub wo' mu.t be r aid toe o dkliykbt.
Office Hour. -From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sunday,
from JiM to S:W p. n.
Miiil arrive, from the south and leave, going north
10 a. m. Arrive, from the north and leave, going
mth at J:S3 p. m. For, Franklin and Long
T jm flow at 6 A.M. on Wednesday. For Crawford
villa,' Camp Creek and Brown.ville at I p.m.
Letter, will be ready for delivery half an hour after
.rival of train.. Letter, should be left at the office
use hour before mail, depart.
Fnnixi Lodge No 11. A. F. and A. M
Meet first and third Woinexlayi in each
month. t
owae Bfikokb Botte Lodoe No. 9 I. O.
AJgO, F. Meetaevery Tuesday evenicg.
meet, on the 2d and 4th Wednesdays in each month.
has opened
Po-i Dental Rooms ier-
manently in the
Underwood Brick
Eugene City, and respectfully solicits a share of
the public patronage. Refers by permission to
J. R. Cardwell, Portland.
Office on Ninth Street, opposite the St.
Charles Hotel, and at Residence,
HAVING ASSC"11"" "ITHE prc-,1
tice of Med7 Jr'. '
services to the city
" lundivMjgiu'
idence when not professionally engaged.
Office at the
Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby
terian Church.
Chas. M. Horn.
I and materials. Repairing done in
the neatest style and Warranted.
Kewinir Machines. Safes, Locks,
eta, repaired.
Guns loaned and ammunition furnished.
Shop on Ninth street, opposite Star Bakery.
UM. II Purchasing Agent,
Clocks, Watches, Chains, Jewelry, etc.
Repairing Promptly Executed.
CiTAUWork Warranted.
WillaTiette A Eighth Su., Eugene City.
Bonk and Stationery Store.
City. I have on hand and am constantly
receiving an assortment of the Best School and
Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, Blank Books,
Portfolios. Cards, Wallets. JgS""
, etc., etc. a- a. iam.iu...
8u-ars, Teas, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Totacco & Cigars, Glass &, Queens
rare, Wood and Willowware,
AH In fact everything r "'JS
GrocwTBtoreorBskeryat BEDROCK PHllM
for cash or ready py. Satisfaction ruaranteed.
Goods delivered to any part of too city ires of
A t Dunn's Old Stand,
assortment of of
Hack, Buggy & Team Harness,
Saddle. Whips,
Sport, Halters,
Carry Combi tad Brushes
And evervthisf nsasilr kept las But clasi Hsr
ess Shop. "
IlnluaMitw CuHrt5Mirtnt
Mil. WI1.J ("
AH rahscriptimu to the State Univenity are
nw over doe. Tb pmfertT ha. bn i accepted
by and turned over to the Mate, and I am m
straeted by the proper authorities to proceed
Forelen Uralu market.
A London dispatch of the 13th inst.
says :
The Mark Lane Express says: The
clear dry days and the abseuse of
moisture during the past week have
been of great service, enabling farm
ers to consign wheat to the ground
under favorable circumstances, and a
larger breadth nas been sown that.
last year. The potato crop shared
this advantage, especially the Iiish,
but the English yield, notably in the
midland counties, has been very unsat
isfactory. There has been very littlo
alteration in the quantity ot wheat in
the market, and supplies, both in Lon
don and the provinces, continue limit
ed!, farmers preferring to withhold
corn in the present depressed state of
trade. Dullness prevailed in most
couutry markets, and bnsiness, gener
ally speaking, was quite of a retail nature.-
The improved aspect of the
Eastern question has caused the local
trade to relapse and lose the recent
advantage of two shillings per quar
ter. Shipments of llussiau wheat are
taking place rapidly in iov of the ap
proaching winter, the closing of Ron
stadi and the Sea of Azov ports. The
Board of Trade returns for October
show a considerable decrease of im
ports, as compared with 1875, from
the Continent, Egypt, Chili, and most
notably the United States and Cana
da, the only country showing an in
crease beini Great Britain. Tnese
facts are suggestive, as showing that
the diminution extends to all our usu
al sources of supply. The week's
supplies have shown some increase,
but the larger portion ot the increase
in wheat has betn Irom India, and it
has been most interesting to watch
bow steadily imports of this class of
grain have been increasing irom com
parative insignincance to a prominent
proportion in our source ol supply.
A notable feature in the return of im
ports on Monday was tho absence of
wheat arrivals lrora aubmio pons.
Ilnnrpssinn fiVlHlS throughout the
n.U .,!, anA t'nnHincr fwirn
-.-j.:r s ...u;l Ik. An.
f a retail and con
I'he floating car-
ii 'iii -
Lamar on the Situation In Louisiana.
Uon. L. Q 0. Lamar, of Mississippi, sent
to Geo. WallbatD, at Grenada, the following
dispatch :
"The reports of official returns, signed py
Commissioners anl Supervisors, show
clear majority for Tilden of 7,775. In sev
eral iostances the Republican officials re
fused to sign the returns Iroui few Kepubli-
cau parishes. No report of olUcial count
has been receiveJ in .nree ine iwuuuu
cun figures are adopted in the above esli
mute. The Republicans claim tbe reluros
Irom these parishes may be revised, it is
charged, ana put in shape so as to give tbe
Republicans a majority of 1,500 or 2,000.
The people of New Orleans, though pro
foundly agitated, are quiet, and there is not
tbe slmhtest prospect to disregard the peace
proposition to place tbe counting of tbe vote
under tbe supervision of honorable men of
both parties from a distance, with tbe cor
dial concurrence of the community. Tbo
Bending of troops here is regarded as a
promise and guarantee of support aod im
partiality to the Returning Board in tbe oc
tioo it is expected to lake. Wells eud An
derson, o' the Returning Board, are colored
persoos, one of them without eJucution.
They are persons who acted in 1874, and
whose fraudulent returns occasioned the in
vasion of tbe Legislature by General Sheri
dan, and were set aside by the Congressisu-
al committee or which v ui. A. nwier was
a member. After Sheridan expelled certain
members of tbe Louisiana Legislature, Wells
was rewarded by being made surveyor of tbe
port ofXew Orleans, aod Audersoo bad a
member of bis family appointed to tbe mili
tarv Nsval Academy. KelloRg and Pack
ard are believed to be concerned in the cor
rupt order of Durrell aod the seizure of tbe
Capitol in 1672 aod the iovasion of tbe Cap
itol in 1874. Kellogg, Packard, Wells and
Anderson, as stated, are condemned as infa
mous, and nothing but mistrust and discredit
attaches to what tbey say or do, aod what
they tonch contaminates. These men have
beeo maintained in a course of conduct con
trary to tbe Constitution aod tbe laws and
dangerous to the libertiesol the people. Tbe
order to the army to coucentrate in New
Orleans is a plot for the overthrow of consti
tutional liberty aod the establishment of
military despotism. If this policy succeeds,
oo Presidential election hereafter will be
made, except ut.der tbe direction of tbe
After reading Gov. Chamberlain's
proclamation to rifle clubs, demand
ing tbo surrender of thjir arms, tbe
club at Uock. Hill, S. C, procured a
box, placed in an old horse pistol, a
flint-rock rifle and an army musket,
and shipped it to the Governor mark-
p1 C. O. D. The expressase was
A telegram states that Gen. Jobn
S I'helns. Democratic nominee for
Governor of Missouri, bas a majority
of 40,000. This is the largest major
ity evef giveD iu iuit utstf- op
ponent was Hon. G. A. Finkleberg,
an able and popular man.
(Jriprsby who shot at h'ii wile last week
in Jack sow county h beea booed over in
1,000 M-
Bummlna: l'P
Tho San Francisco Examiner in its
issue of Nov. 11th, gives tho follow
ing truthful summing up ot tho ac
tious of tho Republican party previ
ous to and during tho recent cam
paign :
Of ono thing we are Btire, even
should tho Electoral votes of Florida,
South Carolina and Louisiana be
taken from Tilden ; that is, that the
vast majority of the peoplo ot the
United States have declared in his
favor and against tho corrupt party
in power. Tho wisdom ot tho St.
Louis nomination has been proved by
the result. Mr. Tilden was and is
the popular choice, and his nomination
tho best that could have been made.
Tbe action ot the Pacific Coast is
greatly to be regretted, the more so on
account of their recreancy on the Chi
nese question, so vitally important to
their interests. But, nevertheless, tho
verdict of the peoplo is pronounced
against the dominant party, in spite
of the most extraordinary and desper
ate means to bring about a contrary
Tbe Radical party is in the minori
ty ; and if the people remain stead
fast they will win at last against the
cohorts of corruption, the base hypo
crits who have maintained a false dig
nity and traded upon the fictitious
reputation of assumed virtues. That
party appealed to the national suf
frage as the great champion of human
rights, the emancipator and enlran
chisur of the slave, the preserver ot
the Union, and the guardian of the
national credit. Its birth was tho fe
verish conception of bigotry and fa
naticism which refused to begin its
pretended reforms at home, overlook
ing the social and civil abuses which
lay at its very doors to attack an in
stitution which enjoyed immunity so
long as it was a source of profit to
Northern 'cupidity.
The youth of the Radical party was
lostcred by the nurturing influence of
sectional prejudice and agrarian envy.
The energies of its raanliourl were di
rected by scheming and selfish dema
gogues, who professed its creed in or
der to appropriate the profits of its
patronage. The strength of its old
age has becu the recollection of the
mischief it has accomplished, and the
boast of its intentions in tho future.
The Radical party set out with the
declared intention of restricting the
institution ot slavery within its then
existing limits ; it embittered by con
stant slander and intemperate abuse
these two great sections of the conn
try against each other, and thus
forced on a war whose end it profess
ed to deprecate. Finding itself un
equal to the struggle, it rallied to its
support all the conservative elements
in tho North, upon the plea that it
was fighting omy to save the Union.
and that it would gladly lay down its
arms as soon as that result was ac
complished ; but when the war' was
ended, it retarded the recoLBt ruction
of the Union by a selfish, cruel and
unrelenting policy toward the South.
Having, as a war measure, emanci
pated the negroes under the stress of
dire necessity ; it has made a virtue of
that necessity and claimed tho suf
frage of the newly enfranchised on the
score of gratitude. For purposes of
its own it destroyed the autonomy ot
sovereign Slates and thus annihilated
what is most essential to the existence
of tho Union as the framers of the
Constitution received it.
Sending out its emissaries to the
Southern States to excite hatred and
strife between the races, it took ad
vantage of the consequent discord by
urging it as a proof of the recalcitrant
disposition ot the Southern people
and the necessity of its own contin
ued use ot the power it has so foully
Having flooded the country with
paper currency and created all man
ner of fictitious values, it presented
itself with sublime impudence as the
champion of hard money. Having
wasted tbe public moneys by reckless
expenditures and burdens and bur
dened the whole people with excessive
taxation, it came forward as the evan
gelist of economy. Having entrusted
the public service to knaves and
thrown tho public works in tbe hands
of corrupt "rings," it sought to secure
the conhdence of the people by a pre
tended desire to reform. The un
scrupulous practices of its leaders,
both great and small, having been el
posed by a Democratic House of Rep
resentatives, it attempted to smother
tbe voice of accusation and proof in a
wild chorus of "bloody shirt,"
"rebellion revived" "Confederate
claims," and other false and frauda
lent devices. It bas done its very
worst to mislead, gull and blind the
people, and to corrupt by lavish use
of money, and to intimidate men in
the Sooth bv bavonets but it bas
failed. The voice of the people hasj
condemned it and now it is engaged
in a desperate scheme to cheat the
opalar majority out of the fruits of
yictory. Whether it will succeed, or
not, remains to be seen.. '
I ought to apologize for brincrinsr in
an old acquaintance with such a flour
ish: for all of you know the Major,
and have very likely helped or boen
helped by him. You may soe him any
day just now on Broadway. He al
ways walks as though a crowd ot poo
pie were wailing for him just at the
end ot tho block. His clothes, how
evor thin or patched, sit on him well
and jauntily: a broad-brimmed felt
hat shades his white hair and mous
tache, and ruddy, beaming taco ; but
ne is perpetually jerking it oil with
an eager, gallant flourish. It is amaz
ing, the nurabor of women that man
knows I You may have met this best
fellow in the world in any part of the
country, though bo belougs less to
New England than, lo the South ' or
West. Yet he has a keen sympathy
for Concord mysticism and hardihood
of thought; ho even went there once
to found a community who wero to
live on potatoes and fruit and dress in
grass linen: but sinoo he grew fat and
scant of breath, ho pooh-poohs your
Great Primal Ideas ; and no does not
like the spare diet of Massachusetts.
He can put his finger for you on the
two or three restaurants in this coun
try whero a porter bouso steak can be
properly broiled, and has a masonio
intelligence with tho cooks. His kecu
Falato and eye for horse Hush aro due,
suppose, to tho liberal dash of Irish
blood in his veins. He is not a kins
man ot the high seasoned California
hero who dirks, drinks, and dies hero
ically through our reoont literature;
though his grandfather may have been
such a one, Ti:e Major is hampered,
toned down by town life, and by an
early marriage.
His congener, the cood follow who
did not marry early became a brilliant
young fellow on the town. Old ladies
shook their beads wnen nis ciicokb
grew red and his lips thick. But the
girls liked his bright eyes, and a queer
pathetic laugh bo had at times ; ana
when (after a year or two, of which
we need not talk now) the outraged
world refused longer to givo him
room, and tbey lowered liim, deaf and
lent, by a grating rope, out ot sight
forever into the pebbles and the clay,
the memory ot him was kept longer
alive than that of better men. His pi
ous steady-going brothers mourned
for him socrolly aa they will never do
for eauh other.
Our comrado the Major (every
body's comrade, I might say) seldom
touches liquor and mote rarely gam
bles ; ho is too loud of his wife and
children for that. IIo is perpetually
on the verge ot making a gigantic for
tune for them. He thinks, and it is
true, that he would literally give his
blood, drop by drop, if it would make
them any happier. Whether they have
enough to eat or not in tho meanwhile,
depends wholly on what money comes
lo thotn from the outsido.
It is a curious fact in physiology
that the wifo of one of these genial
whole-souled fellows, tho very ring ol
whose voices inspires all who bear it
with courage and enthusiasm, what
ever she may have been beforo mar
riage, always becomes afterwards sal
low as to skin, dogmatio as to reli
gion, narrow and scrimped in her
opinions as in her pettiooats. Sho is
instant in season and out ot season in
all manner of small and 60vore virtues,
striving as for life and death tho lov
ing, sour-tempered creature ! to nil
up somebody's empty measure of du
ty. She is apt to condemn any
amusement simply because her bus
band enters into it with headlong acst;
she sniffs critically at all his friends,
and turns her back downright on me
whole ot the rosebud garden of girls
among whom he wanders delighted,
though be bo three score, buzzing and
sipping swests like an ancient bee.
Impartial lookers on may say she has
not lost a whit of her rights ; that the
man's dailv lifo. work, planning, think
ing, dreaming, is a great and hard-
burning name, which must nave mei,
te it Jriendsbip, flirtation, travel or
amusement. Now every wne is apt
to think her own stock ot burning ma
terial quite sufficient tor any well con
ditioned man. History tells us of one
of our friend's clat.; a poet, whom all
the fine world delighted to dandle and
humor. London drawing rooms and
Parisian salons were open for him to
flutter through, and titled and ucti
tied dames crowded about htm, quite
willing that he should make love to
any lips that were near. Yet, like the
rest, he had his Bessy in her neglect
oil ootUTB. rrrowin iealous and sharp
nosed into an nly little shadow,
which faded out of bis life at lasi.
Another of them, an author, we ean
all remember, who drew the tears and
laughter of the word atl will over the
history and graves of people 'who
never lived but in bis brain. It was
onl vesterdav he went posting over
land and sea, tediously gusty in his
breathless energy, acting, ic-ding to
packed audiences, plunging into all
kinds of road excitement, pouring
down liquor like like water, demand
ing unlimited flattery; all neodful as
fuel fuel. Aud tbtre waa the inevi
table wifo in the background, wailing
ior mm to taKO an his sustonanoo ol
lifo through tho oirclo of that ring sho
wore. Could anything, argued ho, be
more psychologically impossible? But
I. - ... iitt i
mo wives oi good loiiows seldom
study psychology ; and one wonders,
after all, with what fuel they are to
keep their own poor little fires burn
ing? Tho Major, too, has written both
books and poems. Their rhetoric aud
white heat of emotiou were very pop
ular for a whilo. Whatover he does
is popular; clapping ot hands follows
him through lifo. Thcro are thous
ands of poople who spoak of him with
ratotul tenia in their eyes. Luck,
they will toll you, went against him
even in his benevolence, but he always
meant well I There was tho Workiug
Men's Homo, a villago which he laid
out in the suburbs of New York, and
into which so many mill men put their
earnings, lo bo sure the ground was
swampy ; halt the collars tutnblod in,
and the babies diod ot malaria by the
score ; but how could hoforosoe that?
Tho poor fellow was ruinod himself by
'. tit ir t.
it, as ovoryoody Knows, no usoa 10
go about for months aftorwards with
his coat out at elbows aud unblackeu-
cd shoes, although he had deccut
clothes at homo. No half way meas
ures for him 1 Ho drank even tho
cup ot misery to the dregs with gusto.
About that timo bo was appointod
agent of a building firm, his chief bus
iness being to collect their rents. Tho
houses were let to a lot of poor devils,
whoso monthly appeals for mercy tore
his heart and brought tears to his
eyes. IIo used to advanco tho rent
out of his own pocket. He lived, too,
on the strength ot his salary,
iirirp. libnral aV. In Bergen, tilled
the house to overflowing with all his
own or his wife's needy kinsfolk.
While ho had a dollar ho would share
it withjfriend or foe. But his grocer's
and butcher's bills wero never paid ;
and they brought suit, mortgaged tho
house, and bnally sold it, ' thuro be
ing no limit," as ho said, "to the ra
pacity and greed of such peoplo when
they begin to hoard money.
His wife gave musio lessons, and so
kept them alive, until ono day, when
seeing a poor family iu distress he
sold the piano to reliove them. Since
that, times have boen rough. Now
and then ho has had a windfall,
through some of thoso queer uses ot
their wits which men find placo ior in
a city, but which are unknown out
side of it. A certain railroad compa
ny converted him to a belief in their
stock, and sent him out to sell shares.
IIo has gone to Albany to lobby and
to Congress to engineer diilerent
measures in which be had faith.
There is a certain force and magnet
ism about tho enthusiastic old fellow,
with his high bred maner, eager eyes
and genuine voice, that carries every
body with him in his projects, except,
indeed, his wifo and children. No
Dneo would bring him to advocate
any measure in which he did not him
self believe. Nobody could doubt
bis keen senso of honor. He is hand
somely paid for his odvocacy in a del
icate way by presents usually, a few
shares ot Btock, a diamond ring for
his wife. By these means, and a
chrouio antipathy to paying small
bills, he kept bis head above water
until a year or two ogo. Ho had
been so often mistaken that his judg
ment began to rate below par. Cor
porations found that for him to sup
port a cause was to damn it. His old
friends aro cordial when they run
against them in the street (he never
seeks them in their oflicos), urge him
to come around to D lmonico's or the
Lotos Club to lunch, but never give
him ony commissions. His wifo has
rented a little truck farm in Jersey,
where she and the children barely
manago to live, owing nobody a pen
ny. His sons, as the socs of all good
fellows are apt to bo, are hard-woric-ing,
just, sour-natured men. His
daughters are moody, morbid girls
who despise all enthusiasm and K-r-
vor, and pass their days in drudging
and thinking what they would have
done had ther been so lucky as to have
been men. Now and then comes a
letter from their father, detailing a
new vast philanthropic or money
making scheme, in which he means to
gain renown or wealth for them nev
er for himself. The old man -cares
for little in the world outsido of- his
children. Tho letters aro thrust itlto
the dusty pigeon hole ot the secreta
ry ; nobody reads them to the end.
They are full of tender love and deli
cate fancies. The Major has the sen
sitiveness of a woman. Yet be takes
a keen delight in dodging the credi
tors, boarding-house keepers, fcc, to
whom he owes money. He under
stands honor, but not honesty. But
thorn re natures so constructed as
not lo find room for tho coarser vir
tues ; one need not look in a bit of old
Dresden for the qualities or an iron
The Major is an old man now, well
t-.irrla aVI I VO l.nt hi liliwxl fluWS as
hotly, hi brain is as full of SullVvYine, tb subject of orjrnizio , Pomona-Jar-reaching
plans, tcA be is juV .asfGraags fur Mrk)o cuuaty wtf be disccjstd
sure ot success in them, as when he
was twenty. If ho raoet you this af
ternoon, be will almost compel you to
go in as a partner, and bo as zealous
in one of them as he. You will find
a certain originality in tho idea a
sound sub-stratum of common senso;
but whou ho comes to put it into
practice, it will fail.
Men with oue tithe of the Major's'
mental power or business tact are
famous and wealthy. With nonn of
his generosity or affection, they are
surrounded by a loving woman and
children. He is unknown, poor and
Somo ot tho thousand ships lie has'
sent out with such vigorous cheers
from shore may come back even yet,
bringing tho treasure which he has
lacked so long, and give him, for a
brief space, his own footing in the
world. If tbey should not, doubtless
the old man will bear himself gallant
ly to tho last. When old age, or dis
ease, or his creditors press him quite'
to tho wall, ho will find some quiet
corner in whioh to die, whore Susan
and the children will nover be hurt
by seoing how hungry he is, or how'
Perhaps in thoso wider lives bo-
yond the cofljn and the grave-stono
the right work may be waiting for
this perpetually hopctul, perpetually
lefentcd old creature, and some use
bo found at, lat tor the large, clear
burning fire which never warmod any
body here. At all even .b, the Major'
at the last hour will be perfectly sure
that such is the case. lie will, in all
likelihood, confidently cross the dark
river full of some promising new plan,
to bo carried out on A"
nnJ oo ready to tako old Death confi
dently by tho elbow, and persuade
him to go in as partner of his buoccbs
in it.
New Hampshire In the Olden Timet
The Bdttlemont of Conoord was--nearly
one hundred years luter than
Dover, Portsmouth, Hampton, and
other soacoast towns, dating, in fact,
as lato as 1727, and yot old Puritan
customs wore brought thither from
WaSSaolltlBetlB, uuX loug held sWHf
ovor the people. Everything whioh
had the appearance of levity, even in
tho beginning of the eighteenth con
tnry, was discarded by the Pilgrims.
The drinking of healths and the use of
tobacco were forbidden, the former
being considered a heathenish and
idolutrous praolioe, grounded on liba
tions, and the other as a species of in
toxication. Laws were instituted to'
regulate sooial intercourse betwoer
the sexes, and the advances toward
matrimony. Pride and ostentation
came under tho cognizance ot the'
magistrate. Modes of dress, cut of
hair; manner of speech, stylo of car-'
rlago and bearing, hours of rising in
the morning and retiring at night, too
rapid driving on the loads, too loud,
prolonged or frequent laughter, bad
conduct on the Lord's daj, and a
thousand other things not regarded
now as coming under the jurisdiction
of the civil magistrate, were made
subjects of municipal regulations.
Women were forbidden to expose
their arms or shoulders to view. The'
sleeves of gowos were to reach the
wrist, and the neck was to close. Men
were required to cut their bair short,
so as not to resemble tho other iox.
No person not worth over two hnn
dred pounds was allowed to wear gold
or silver laee, silk hooJs, or embroid
ered scarfs.
The ordinary food of tie early set-'
tiers here, for both breakfast and sup
per, wis bean porridge, with bread
and butter. On Sunday morning
there was coffee in addition. Brown'
bread, nude of "rye and Indian," was'
tho staff ot lifo, while bread being
used only when guests were present.
Baked pumpkins and milk composed'
a dish said to have been luxurious.
Vnr 1innpp twica evcrv week. Sun
days and Thursdays, baked beans and!
baked Indian pudding, the latter be
ing served first, haturdays, sail nso
one day in every week sail pork and
corned bejf, and one day, also, roast
ed meat was tbe rule.
The ancient dress of the man was a
woolen coat, striped woolen frock,
tow or leather breeches tied or buck
led at the knee, and cowhido shoes
with leathern buckskins. Sunday bau
were three-cornered, kept in a wood-
eo box, and made to last a life time.
The dress of the women consisted
of chemises, petticoats, tow gowns,-
tyers, tbiek woolen Blockings ana
cowhide shoes. -
The Koglish compsny is working tb Reed
Hieginifi oo (Jslic creek oo tbs hydraulic.
Tbe Courtney gravel elairoa in tbe same vi-
cinity bars run a bedrock tonnel of 100 tent
Tbe Sngar Tine is being bored by a 173 foot'
Milton SbipparAwin. tbe mail robber wko
slipped tbronah tb fingwrsof the law on ac
count ol atwhnicaiity. was convicted of rob
bing Well, Fargo k Co. at tbe laU terra of
tbe Circuit Coort in Uaker county, sod seo-
Urcd to the nnitentiary for ten years.
Theie will bt a mtinir ol Manoo eonnty
(Vmcil. I. of II , oo Monday tb 27th ot
Noverhr, at 10 A. M. Amoog oinr oos-