i,nule unnrfunoements of births, mar-""""Mu-tUwlll b inwrtod without W. rl?-. wiU be charged for at the rate of 10 .me no responsibility for vim expressed r."roDii of ths Goaan, In wrappers for null- CITY AND COUNTY. Got. GroTer Speech. According to annotrooement Governor Gro wer ipot the tonrt ao,ue on weaaeMay Jcinir one of the beat speeches we have lie- tened to for year- speech which we wish ery voter in the county oonl J have heard. There TO nothing of the tunal characteris tic of etump speeches. It wae delivered in , calm, deliberate manner, and would have located enthusiasm in almost any audience. jhe'iiiiBWin attendance was not large, but lbey listened to his words witn close atten tion He reviewed the Grant adminisistion land held up its faults to the people as they fcre. In illustration of how the Government g administered he told an incident which oc curred in Tortland on the 4th of July. Mr. Bewley of Salem had been invited to read the Declaration of Independence, and being some tbin&of an elocutionist and very proud of the Jiooor done him, be committed tne .Declara tion to memory and delivered it in fine style, (particularly emphasizing that part wherein the grieveances are related that "the present King of Great Britain has" created a multi tude of new offices, " etc After the exercises were over an old gentleman from Folk coun ty wanted an introduction to the man who anaile the first speech. "Oh, that was Nes muth," said the one to whom he applied. "But," said he, "it wasn't Nesmith j I know Ifa. J I live up in Polk. It was that young man. He made the best Democratic speech I ever heard. He stated the condition of our country exactly." He was somewhat surprised to learn that the "Democratic speech" was one made iy the colonists of .America over a hundred years ago. But it tits the ease now a it did in 1776. The (Governer referred to the statement of Sena Iter "Mitchell" that the figures of the depart ment of finance at Washington showed that during General Jackson's administration the leasee oti each one thousand dollars collected by the Government amounted to $8; while the losses under Grant's administration have been less than 60 cents on the $1,000 collect ed, The betftf at Washington do not show the frauds perpetrated upon the Government .-and upon the people. Take the single item of whiskey out of the tax on which the Gov ernment has been defrauded, and it would ladd at least fifty millions to the losses which should be chargad to Grant's administration. And here we will supplement the Gover nor's speech with a few facts in relation to these whisky frauds. These facts are gath ered from a speech by Hon. J. M. Binckley, of Chicago, a former Republican and Solicitor of Internal Revenue. In 1861, when there was no tax oa whisky, the total production ras 104.000.0C0 gallons j in 1862, 1 12,000, 00 gallons; this had been the rate of increase Jor years, and at this rate of yearly increase (the production in 1863 should have been 120, tfOO.OOO gallons; of 18S4, 128,000,090 gallons; f 1865, 136,000,000 gallons; of 18C6, 144, 000,000 gallons; of 1807, 152,000,000 gallons; of 1868, 160,000,000 gallons; and of 1870, 176,000,000 gallons. There is not the least doubt it was much more. Commissioner Delano himself admitted in his report for 1870 that the producing capacity of license atills alone, not including illicit stills nor fruit stills, was 203,912,800 gallons for ten months' run. For these years, after the tax was put on, which ranged at 20 centi in 1863, $1 60 in 1884, f2 in 18G5-66-67-C8, and 60 cents in 1869-70, the amount produced was 1,184,000,000 gallons. But there was returned for taxation only 299, 96,523 gallons. The tax that should lave been paid would amount to $1,559,200, O00, whereas the amount paid was only $189, 061,790, showing a loss on this one item of one billion, three hundred and seventy millions, one hundred and thirty-eight thousand, two hundred and ten dollars in figures, f 1,370,. 138,210. Take the dollars lost each year on whisky tax, and take the dollars paid the same year, interest and principal, on the pub lie debt, and simply suppose that the former had been collected and promptly added to the latter, and the result will show that if it had not been for whiskey stealings the na tion would not now owe a dollar 1 Returning to the Governor again. He mentioned many instances of fraud on the Government, prominent among them those of the Indian Department He referred to the so-called "protective tariff," which has pro tected fifty per cent of all the woollen and cotton mills of the United States into bank ruptcy, and protected the merchant marine fleet of this country out of existence, bring this matter home to the wheat producers of this State in the fact that no American built hip ever comes to Oregon to load wheat All the wheat shipped from Oregon goes in foreign vessels, and the freight money goes to enrich Europe and impoverish America. His speech was replete with interesting facta, but want of apace forbida further mention. At the close of the Governor's speech Gen eral Joseph Lane was called for and address ed the audience briefly on the issues before the people, winning their hearty applause. The General labored ander the disadvantage of having contracted a very severe cold, but acquitted himself nobly. The seventy-five yean, most of them active, busy one, which have passed over his head have left him phys ically weak, but his mind still retains the old time vigor. Ko ACDH5CI. Messrs. Henry Klippel and W. H. Odell, candidates for Presidential Elector, were annoenoed to apeak at the court noose on Thursday. There were, however, bat eight persons present, and no speeches were made. Mr. Klippel did not eome to Eugene, having arranged with Mr. Haawd, District Attorney, to apeak in his stead. There is some talk of having the discussion est Monday evening, but we do not know that anything definite has yet been ' decided Trade dollars are worth 83 cants. Clrcnlt Court Docket. HOVIMBII TIBM, 1876. 1. State of Oregon va, James Bradford, lar ceny. 2. State of Oregon vs. Harnr Brown, larceny. 3. State of Oregon va T. D. Luce, larceny. 1 State of Oregon va, Jaa. K. Mut'abe, mur der. 5. State of Oregon vs. Wm. Taylor, larceny by bailee. ft. State of Oregon va. Rufus Robertson and C. W. Zumwalt, poisoning dogs. 7. State of Oregon va h. A. Griffith, larceny. 8. State of Oregon va J. Cunningham and M. Smyth, resisting an officer. 9. State of Oregon vs. A. L Nicldin, assault with a deadly weajwn. 10. SUte of Oregon va A. F. Frailer, ab ducting a child under 16 yean of age. 1L J. L. Brumley vs. Horatio Stone, for right of way. 12. H. V. Fuller va. A.' L Nlcklin, appeaL 13. Chas. Goodnaugh vs. A. W, Moore, to recover money. 14. T. (J. Mulkey vs. L 8s.Swearengin, to re cover real estate. 1& Marearet Howard, et aL va M. E. Havea et aL, suit for partition. iu. ueo. w. Evans and T. JS. ratterson vs. E. W. Rhea, to recover real estate. 17. Susan Head va Frank Head, divorce, la Settled. 19. McCuUy 4 Church vs. E. Chichester, con firmation. 20. McCullv 4 Church vs. A. J. Chichester. confirmation. 2L N.Humphrey vs. J.B. Underwood et aL. confirmation. 22. John Clark va Geo. Lakin, renew. 23. Susan Read va G. W. Read, divorce. 24. Excelsior Lime Co. vs. Union University Association, to recover money. 25. W. W. Hunhes vs. Thomas and J. J. Butler, to recover money. Judgment in vaca tion in default of answer. 26- Wm. McMeekin va G. M. Whitney. ap peaL 27. Henry Maxwell vs. Henry Whltlock, confirmation. 28. C. O. Davis va J. C. Boyd and J. Mor gan, to recover peraonal property. zu. iM. Xouiig vs. U. w. Uunon ana li.i Packard, to recover money. 30. Matthew Wains vs. J. i! Mills, lorecloa- ure. 3L J. J. Walton vs. J. B. Mills, to recover money. sz. v. rL Long va U l. little, foreclosure. 33. T. G. Hendricks vs. T. J. Hussey, fore closure. 3tS.IL Friendly vs. Oren Mattoon, to re cover money. 95. .Nancy Allen vs. a. Allen, aivoroe. 36. Lewis ft Strauss va J. and H. A. Per kins, to recover money. 37. G. B. Dorris va B, C. Pennington, fore closure. 38. Mattie M. Snider vs. Robert Sm Jor, di vorce. 39. C. W. Young vs. C. V mienreid, fore closure. 40. L. Spores vs. D. Boggs, to recover per sonal property. 41. A. j. tiuuler.va. w. u. jjemon et aL, foreclosure, . 42. 8. B. Knox va Lane county, appeaL 43. W. H. Rowland vs. Rout. Linder. 44. Wm. Calvert et aL vs. Henry Moore et aL, partition. 45. It It Bounds va tL w. itnea, w recov er money. 40. Albert Wheeler vs J. T. and O. Dead- mond to recover money. 47. Wm. Taylor va John Morgan ana u. a. Roach, to recover personal property. 48. State of Oregon va ttobt. iNevin, larceny. 49. Mary E. Tedrow va C W. Tedrow, di vorce. 50. Aaron Lvnch vs. Montgomery and a. IS. Eaken, Jr., to recover personal property. 6L W. H. Tandy vs. A. a. McClure, connrm- ation. 52. S. Osburn va Whitney & Co., appeal. 5a R. H. Haielton va Sam Gear, to recover money. The Oregon City Locks. The following is a synopsis of the law lust passed by the Legislature in regard to the dam and locks at Oregon City: Tha lii'll n Wrtiitiallv nrnvinn thflt it shall be unlawful ffir those who control the locks to charge more than ou cents per ton on freight or ten cents per head for passengers, nmfijliita fha AiAnv of linnta. eta It further provides that there shall be a board of three commissioners elected by the Legislatare at each session, they shall choose a clerk and fix his compensation. His duties shall be to keep a register of all vessels passing through the locks, a transcript and compUiation of the freight list and number of passengers on each vessel. The board is authorized to bring and maintain all proper actions of law to compel the company owning tne lovaa vu KCCU IfilCIU HI 1 lM.1, , www ' J forfeiture the company may be liable to pay for any failure to so keep and maintain the locks. The bill further provides the owner of a boat Buffering detention shall receive from the Anmnantt t&i-A a. i.fnrfoit that thft boats TjaS- sing thro' shall furnish two certified lists of freight one to the locks company, the other to the clerK oi tne ooaru. inane lists must Ka Anifaf nmlnp a nenaltv of tS ner ton on any excess of freight on the boat above the amount in the list The commissioners re ceive $200 annually, "work or play," and $5 a day for the time actually employed. At torneys may be employed by the board, and such attorneys shall be paid by the Legisla (ii m nn ilia certificate of the board. The company also required to certify to the Sec retary OI State an liemizea siaiemeui oi mc disbursements and liabilities of said company in omIbp that the net receiota of the company may be ascertained. Disapoikted. There was considerable dis- apointment felt that Gen. Lane did not ad dress the people on Thursday evening. He was suffering so badly from a cold and fatigue from his unwonted exertion, that he was ut terly unable to satisfy the general desire. Not Comi.10. The fossil bones announced to be shown here, have been taken to Fort- land where they will be boxed and laid away. The Coplen Bros, intend to then go back to Stephens county, W. T., and continue their excavations. It is thought there is fully one acre of land yet that is rich in valuable de posits of fossils, and after that has been thor oughly overhauled the bones that are found will be added to the collection at Portland and the whole will then be taken back East for exhibition. Mb. Hazard. The Independent of last week says: Prosecutinir Attorney Hazard and lady wiU this mtv for Kn irene in a dar or two. Mr. Hazard won many friends by his energy and attention to business at the late session of the Circuit Court in this city, and if he continues to gain friends at this ratio during his present term, there will be many voters in this judicial district in favor of giving him a second lease on the office of Prosecuting Attorney. Ixvltu. There is at Steinheiser'a store a squash raised by Mr. Campbell which weighs 77 pounds. This would ordinarily be called a big squash; but beside it is another, raised by Dr. Patterson in the bottom ad join- in town which weiths 102 pound. It is immense. SnvrcTS To-hob. row. There will be eer vices at all the churches to-morrow at the kjJ is? S?dsy Rchon) at the Baptut and Methodist churches at 3 o'clock r. n. Brief Identlon, Election next Tuesday. Mince pica are in blossom, C ircuit and County Courts next Monday. ( en. Joeeph Lane left for home on Thursday H n. Ben. Harding was in town Monday and Tuesday. The small pox hat entirely disappeared from this locality. ... - - - tint all the counties have vet annointed their quota of free students to the Umversi ty. President Grant has issued his proclama tion fixine Thursday, November 30th, as Thanksgiving day for this Centennial year. H.M. Russ, who used to manipulate a peg- (ring awl in Eugene, has gone to carpentering teeth in Salem, and hi wife runs a photo graph milt . Geo. A. Cutting, Esq., of Salem, a young man who is doing good work for the De.no cratie cause throughout the State, made us a call on Thursday. Norria Humphrey. Jr.. who went to New Jersey about two weeks ago to enter a divin ity school, returned on the last steamer. He went through like chain-lightning. Mr. S. H. Friendly has had printed an ed ition of the October number of the "West Shore" with his card on the margin. It is a neat and eflective way of advertising. During the absence of all hands on Wed nesday, a package of cake was left at this of fice. If the guilty parties will make them selves known we'll give them the best send off we've got in the shop. This is the way the Eugene correspondent of the Standard puts it : "Elder Evans is acting as nurse for Wm. H. Odell, candidate for Presidential Elector, he thinks he will be able to get the General home before his over whelming defeat, which will overtake can next month. A law has been passed cutting off the As sessor from charging mileage in the discharge of his duty in assessing his county. The law was not interpreted to allow Assessors to charge mileage until about one year azo, and under the old law there was no doubt but what the Assessor had clear right to collect his mileage. Arrested. On Wednesday, S. B. Eakin, Sheriff, received from the Sheriff of Polk eounty a notice of the escape of G. W. Haw kins from the county jail and offering (300 reward for his arrest Shortly before he had recieved a letter from A. J. Myers of Long Tom, saying that Hawkins had passed through there. , Mr. Eakin at once started a deputy after him, who brought him in on Thursday. Sheriff Williams of Polk county waa telegraphed to and came up yesterday and identified the man, And took him below to-day. No Small Pox. From information re ceived from physicians who have been at tending cases of small pox in and about Eu gene we are pleased to state that there is not a aingle case of the disease in the county, nor is it likely there will be any more. This will relieve the public mind greatly, and we hope to see the faces of the patrons of our business men once more upon the streets. TIME! t Parties knowing themselves indebted to us will confer a favor on us and save themselves trouble by settling up soon. We must insist upon it DUNN & 8TRATT0N. Buy your wall paper already trimmed at F. B. Dunn's. DOCTOR BILLS. Those owing me for medical services are re quested to call and settle their accounts. Oct 15th. A. W. PATTERSON. Wonn Wa will take fortv cords, more or leas, oq subscription or accounts due this office. . tUMBEK. . I am prepared to deliver Lumber in Eu gene or vicinity on short notice. Orders left of the store will be promptly attended 0. F. B. DUN ft. a- The Nations! Gold Medal ss awarded to Bradley Rulorson for the best Photographs In tbe United States, and tbe Vienna Medal for the best In the world. 42V Montiromerv Street, Bmi Francisco. BEN. F. DORRIS, a DKALEB IS STOVES AND RANGES, , Plain, Fancy and Japanned SHOVELS AND TONGS, FENDERS AND FIRE-DOGS, CAULDRON AND WASH KETTLES, HOLLOW IRON and COPPER WARE, Porcelain.' Tinned and Brass PKESER YING KETTLES, Driven Well & Force Pomps, Lead and Iron Pipes, Hose pes and Hose rf FACT, EVERYTHING belonging to my business, all of which I will sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. JOB WORK Of all kinds done promptly and In a satisfacto ry manner. WELLS DRIVEN PROMPTLY AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. By attention to business and honorable deal ing: I hope to merit a share of vonr patrons?. FENT F. DOKKL& All pei tons knowing themselves in debted to me will please call and SITTLI WITHOUT DEL AT. , H.F. DORRIS. CENTRAL XT-) market irA BECKER & BOYD, Proprietors. BETKEB k BOYD HAVE REMOVED to the balding kaova aa tne Central Market and WUI XZEP COS8TAXTLT 05 HAKD, BEEF Veal, PORK AHD HUTTO. DrMVaata at all kiwis. Ird. Tallow.cU. T2 seu cws os caaaaa nrosi ini eeau Wagons, Hacks, A large stock oo hand and I will to All mi WARRANTED IX Repository arid Shop Corner Ninth I'lease call and sea for yourselves before Blacksmithing, Wood Work S. H. FEIEMBLYV HiS JUST OPENED FOU THE 8PRIKQ ' AND BUMMER TRADB The Largest Stock of Goods EVER BROUGHT OTJR STOCK OF CLOTHING bu been laroelr Increased and we can show a ( Handsome a line ot ready made gooes in MEN'S AND BOYS Business and Dress ults, As can be found In the eounty, and as prices that cannot fail to salwy. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Is well filled with a splendid assort all the leading styles and fashionable sha ti goods. Empress Cloths, Mohair and American Dress Goods. riaid, Plain and Opera Flannels of all colors. Bleached it Unbleached Cotton Flan nels. Ladies' and Gonts' Underwear, SHAWLS and SCARFS; Robinson & Church, 3Vj dealers in fSV C tg J1SIIELF& HEAVY HARDWARE yC h I IUVK T1IB irC Xv BeslSclcclcdStoekln Oregon TJr OPPOSITION 18 THE LIFE OF TRADE ! SLOAN BROTHERS TCTTXTj DO WORK CHEAPER than any other 1 T shop in town. HORSES SHOD FOR $1 50, With new material, all round. Besetting old shoes ft leuia. All warranted to gte satisfaction. Shop oa Eighth St., opposite Ham- pnrey'B staple. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, EUGENE CITY, OREGON", A. RENFREW, : : i Prop. PR. RENFREW announces that he is again in possession of the old and wcll-kuown ST. CHARLES HOTEL Which bu been newly furnished and refitted, and Is now onen for tbe reception of guests. Bt this change in the ownership, hftten rooms In the FIRE PROOF BRICK BUILDING making fifty rooms. It the most commodious snd bent appointed hotel In the State south of Salem. Thanklnithanubllo for oa.t natronare. Iao- llcit a eountinuauce of the same and abU do all for tbe comfort of guests. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. A. HENFHEW. Carding and Spinning:. HAVING PURCHASED the Machinery owned br C. Goodcbild, I am now prepared to make all kinds of YARN, BAITS, &o., For customers At the Lowest Living Rates. WM, IRVING, EUGENE CITY. OltEGOJV Wheat Wanted. We want Wheat and are pre pared to pay the Highest Mar ket Price in Ca9h. T. O. HENDHiCKS, JOHN STEWART. Eageae City, Sept tS, 1SS. DR. JOnJV HERRBOLD, cIECICiL AM lECHlUCll DESTIST, Baa removed (oltoteburg. Oregon, where he re spectfully oilers bis services to tbe eitizens of thst place and vicinity in all the branches of bis pro- lemioo. Fabnlons Redaction FUENITURE AB WE ARE PREPARING FOB A LARGE Manufacturing establishment we prop as to sell osr entire stock of FURNITURE AT RETAIL WHOLESALE PRICES! This Is a rare chance to bey good, entUntia! Paraitnr ataominal price. Do not let your op nortonity pasa. One all 1. CHERRY BRO. 3IKS. A. XV. hTOWELL, TEACHES OF PIAHO. ORGAN. HARMONY AND THOROUGHBASS. tTrre at iwMw, ww n nl inh w. nOSEEUEQ and SABTA CEUI rVUXEat t. O-EESDEifaJJ. Buggies, Carriages, order of the Best Eastern Timber throughout. EVERY RESPECT, at Fair Prices. and Oak Streets, Eugene Crrr. purchasing elsewhere and Carriage Fainting done s to oracr. W. W. ESPEY. TO EUGENR WOOL BLANKETS, All Colors. Trunks and Traveling Satchels. HATS & CAPS, In the leading Styles. OIL CLOTHS, for Floor and Tabls ue. BOOTS & SHOES. We would call special attention to our stock Mens' and Boys' Sao Frsocisco Boots, Whlcr we hsvs rold for a number of years with great satisfaction, E?ery pair warranted A complete stock of HARDWARE! Plows and Farming Utensils. CHOICE TEAS. CANNED OOUDS. and all choice FAMILY GROCERIES at artonlxhlngly low rates. LIVERPOOL AND CARMEN ISLAND SALT. Highest price for all kinfli of produce and WOOL,. If. FKIRNDfl'. ITAVK KOU 8AI.E fl AT TUELOWKSI IUTKS Iron, Rteel, Axes, Anvils, Cshls Chslns, Malls, Hope, .(lists, Putty, TaUsA Pocket Cutlery Ouos. Pistols, Ammunition, Agi Icultursl Jrnplemens Blsstlng Powder, Fishing Tackle, Wo. cie. We Invite an exami nation of our goods oonfldent our price will suit tbe times. or tiis STATE UNIVERSITY, EUGENE CITY, OK. The beautiful building prepared for the Stats Un venlty of Oregon being now ready for the anwmmo dation of etudenta, the flrat aewlon will commence on the IStb of October, there will be two eouraee of study, the Preparatory nd Collegiate, and two tern or twenty weeks each. The law provides for the free tuition of one stU' dent from each eounty and for each member of the legislature. StudenU wishing to avail themtelvea of the bencSta of this Uv ihould make application to the eounty superintendent of the eounty in which they reside. Another students wishing to test the collegiate course will bs required to pny a tuition fee of 12(0er term in advanca. All oandidatea for admission to thia department will be required to paae an examination in the following STUDIES l Heading, Writing, Oith.rrepliy, Practical Arith luetic, English Grammar, (Jengmphy, lliitory of the United RUtea, Itin Grammar, flut ter and 4 Books of Cvmr, Greek Grammar and Keador but for the present the examination in the Innjuairos may be omitted. The eurriculeum of study in the . COLLEGIATE COURSE " WUI oomprlse, 1st, Un usual college coarse. Id, a complete oourie la Science. SJ, Normal course planned with apechl reference to the wanta of touch. e.-a. All etudenta in thia department will be required to pay a fee of 3 40 per term in advance for inciden tal expenses, AH etudenta in the PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT Will bs required to pay a tuition of IIS In advance. Thia department will give students the neoeasary training in the studies required for admitanos into the Collegiate department. THE FACULTY WiU consist of Prof. J. W. Johnson, President, and rrofcaeora Thomas Condon and Uark Bailey. The teechere in the preparatory department are Mrs. Ma ry E. Hpiller, Principal, end Miw Uary E. flume, Assistant. JOHN W. JOHVHOX, President of University and Faculty, J. J. WALTOIf, fiee'y Board of Dlrectora. ' FOB TBE SPRING & SUMMER TRADE WE BEG to inform ear friends and tbe pahlie that we have (urt received direct from baa iraaciacoaua um lum suirfcets AN IMMENSE STOCK or GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS notions. CLornnra, FURNISHING ' GOODS, HATS AND CArS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Clocks, Faints, Oils, Etc., Selected by oar Mr. 8. Bosixsurr, whlck we offer st nEDUCKD Parties wHl led It to their advantage to eal. and ezamire ear stock and arises before pure baa tog elaewhere. Highest priee paid (or all knds of Prolac 8. ROSENBLATT & CO. A CRirriTt H L I.nrLE.fIE!TS e ia.aU EUGENE CITY KILLS. THE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO inform the public that they have leased the EUGENE CITY MILLS for a term of years, and are now prt'rvd to do a general Milling liuHiness. ill receive wheat on storage on fa vorable terms, and will make lilwral terms to farmers who desire to grind their own wheat. n 111 at all timet keep on band for sale FLOUR and ALL KINDS OF MILL FEED, and pay the Highest Cash Price tor Wheat A share of the patmnsire respectfully solicit ed. oc7 PATTERSON & EDKIS. Sl'CCK880R TO WALTOX & LYNCH, In Dorris' Brick Building. DEALER IN Groceries Provision. Will keep on hand a general assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meats, iohaoco, Cigars, Candies, Candles, SoatM. Notions, Ureen and Pried Fruits, Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery, Etc. Business will bs conducted on a CASH BASIS, Which means that Low Prices are Established Gtodi delivered without charge to Bnytf ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED Fur which I will pit th hxhet market pHott. A 1 1)1 iV 1 VVf'lI Final Settlement. N THE MATTER OF TIT IS ESTATE of Ells hllf. (1(VukI. Notii is heradr riven thai Hubert Utl imn. ilmlni.tratir of mid Mtate. ha fllnl bis imiuul fur Suitl MUlvmeot and the tlr MuniUy in November. 176. has Una set fur nut bwtriuK of sitiil sivounl. Jivoruer H"n.J.J. w niton, jriotimy.iuag. HPHKltrCAl I.lHiiN, Admlni.tretor ATI0ALIilSlLSS COLLEGE PORTLAND, OREGON. A Business EJucatioc is the surest guaranty ot suoocss for porsoos ia all pursuits ot lilu. College Journal seat free to any ediliw UkFHANCE WHITE, set tm Iwk Box 104. JUST RECEIVED. A LAIt'JB STOCK OP DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONSf ETC., ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES. niirhest market price p (or all kinds of PRO- DUCK, HIDES sud FU1W. A. UOLUSUITH. OEND lie. to (I k)0. P. HOWELL CO., 'New O York, for Pumtililct of 100 nuea. eonUinip lints of,Kk0 newniMuera, and eatimatea howuj ooss o!dvertiung. ' THE til E U'EST TLVCE o. The Paciflo Coast for HOME-M ADB OOT8 AND SHOES. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. J. H. DONALD ITaa sow on hand over ons hui d-ed and fifty t!ra of lloota ot our own nuke, ubicu 1 am hound to aell reiranllen of coat, and we are now prepared to make Doota to order at tin following greatly reuucea pri ces I French Calf Moots from to 0 per pair. Kranoh K in ItooU trotn SH to SU rjur Dtiir. California Kip lloota made toonler for W per pal And all other work at equally tow prlres. Repair ing done at aliort notice. All work warrauted. Leiitlierand Fiudinira furaala. ltememlier the titnd,;two doors Booth of A. V. Peters k Co' .a brick store. J. II. 0NAI.lIa now; Subscribe lor THE WEST SHORE, Juit entering IU aeeond year. It SI ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, THE TIME and worthy the patronage pf every wsll wisher oi Vie facine nortnwesk II is TO Heaulirully Illnatraled Uby the leading artists on the euaat. Bome of THE ABLEST WHITE RM In the Pacifto Northwest eontributs to its eolomna. FAMILY JOURNAL it stands at tba bead of Pecifle Coaat publications. As a paper to kENDTO FRIENDS alroad it hu no equal. A einirle number will give them s better Woa of h-eiron and Weahlngtoa in ritory then a year's numbers of any other papers bubecriptioo price, fUJiO PKIt VJEAR, including poatage. Sample number, W cents. Address the publisher, L SAMUEfj, P. U. hos 8, PortUnd, Own. f JJT Remittances ean be made by reirUtored letter or by order on any of the PortUuid Biuneae Houaee AMEItlCAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS. Ollmore A Co., sncceaaors to Chlptmn, Itoaner ft Co., Hoiicibirs. Patents procured In all eouu tries. No fees In tdvan.. No ehsnre nnleaa tlrtr pvtent is granted. No feea for making piellrol narv ezamim tlons. No additional fees for ob- ' tslning snd conducting a rehearing. By a recent decision of the Commissioner all rejee'ed applica tions may be revived. Special attention given to Interference Caws before the Patent Office, Ex tensions llors Congreaa, Inlringe ent Bulls Id diflerent States, and all litigation spptrtaleing 10 Inventions or Patenta. heod stamp to Vllmors Co. for pamphlet of sixty psges. LAND CASES, LAND WABRANTS.and SCRIP.. Contested Lsnd Caase prosecuted before the O. R. General Land Office snd Department of tbe In terior. Pi ivate Land Claims, Mining and Pre P.m. lion Claims, snd Homeateed esses attended to. Land Scrip In 40, NO, and 160 acre pieces for ssle. This Scrip is amlgnable. and can be located la tbe name of tbe purchaser upon any Govern ment land euiJect to private entry, et 11.15 per acre. It ia of equal value with Bounty Land War rants. 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