TKE EUGENE GITY GUARD. SATURDAY, OCT. 7. 1S70.K) EUGENE CITY. OREGON. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ,,, , f For President. SAMUEL J. TILDEN, OfNw Tork. For Vice President, THOS. A. HENDRICKS, Of Indiana. For Congress : LF, LANE, Of Douglas County. For rreaidential Klectors : . . HENRY KLIPPEL, oi Jackson. E. A. CRONIN, of Multnomah. ' W. B. LASWELL, of Grant. A Wrd to the WorklitKmen. In the Oregonian of Thursday, ap pears a call lot a Greenback Conven tion, dated Santiara precinct, Linn county, and signed by quite a number of persons. It is proposed to hold this convention in Salem on tho 16th inst., for the purpose of making a Cooper and Cary Electoral ticket, ap pointing a State Central Committee, eto. In this connection we desire to say a few words to the working men. What party has controlled tho af- fairs oi tho nation for tho past six teen years? Tho Republican party. Whohas levied and collected enor mous taxes, given away millions of acres of our public lands, plundered tho National treasury, squandered our Tevcnuos, paralizcd our industries, closod our mines, rolling mills, fur naces, forges and workshops, and brought our pcoplo to starvation, bankruptcy and ruin ; thrown thou sands of honest men out of work and banished them from thoir homes to "tramp" upon every thoroughfare and highway in the land in pursuit of em ployment ? Is it not tho Republican party that is responsible for all this stagnation in business; for all this misery and woo ? Shall wo give this party which has bcon guilty of theso crimes, of this outrageous caroor, a now lcaso oi pow er ? Shall wo vote for Hayes and Wheeler and thus perpetrate the reign of Grantism ? Shall wo bo drawn in to a decoy movement and cajoled into Toting for Coopor and Cary, who can not possibly obtain a singlo electoral vote, and thereby aid in continuing tho Republican party in power f Or shall wo act the part of sensible men, and vote in' a manner that our ballots will count in tho great battlo for rot form which will como off in Novem ber. Is it not folly, is it set madness in us who have suffered such deep wrongs at tho hands of the Republi can party to wasto our strength upon this Poter Coopor movement, which can bring no relief. Shall we not act like wiso men and vote with the army of reform that is now marching on under tho leader ship of theso fearless, gallant and honest loaders Tildcn and llondiicks? Thoro is but ono osoapo irom our present difficulty ; tliero is but ono roaa wmon win leaa us out or our fearful conditton, but ono eourso left for us to pursue, and that is to yoto for Tildcn aud IleuJrieks. Business and working men, shall we not do this, and auhievo a victory decisivo and complete ? In tho event of tho election oi Til den and Hendricks, a ucw era will dawn upon us, which will revive trado, sot the industries of tho nation in motion, giving cmploymnnt to la borers, mechanics and artisans in ev ery vocation and culling. Vote for Tildcn, Hendricks and a restoration of our crippled industries and a general revival of business. Profligacy During Dlalreaa. In the yearl8C2, when our country was in tho agonies of a terriblo and vital strugglo, the Radical Congress passed acts loaning to fivo railroads ovor sixty-four millions of dollars of public money. None of tho principal. of this vast sum is yet repaid ; and of the interest tho United States has paid thirty-two millions of dollars, or Lalfof the priuoipal, wliilo tho Treas ury baa received as equivalent only aix millions of dollars. Tho Govern ment bas therefore sunk, on interest alone, about twenty-six millions of dollars, as the results of the legisla tion of one session oi a Republican Congress. Is thero any ono wild enough to dare to hopo for tho return fa cent of tho vast principal, if the Radicals continue in power? If the Republican chiefs prefer to discuss the issues of 'C2 rather than the issues of 7C, we promise them enough of the issues of that year, or of any ether they may bo pleased to select- Gen. Odell'a Malice. Evening Standard. And dow Mr. William II. OJell appears in a Dew rolo ; es champion of honesty, vir tue and integrity. 'I lia bill introduced by Mr. Laon, and supported by Senators, Mitchell and Kelly, as well an the votire del egation from California and Nevada, indem nifying the owners of the Oregon Central Military Road grunt for lands tukeo by the government for Klamath .Regerration, bas given him mortal offense. He is going over the fetate now. denouncing wiin pious Ira prorations "the most stupendous swindle ever perpetrated in Oregon." Now Odell is a popular idol where he is least known. He s a nun in intellect and a very A polio on the stump take biin all in all, an individual of stupendous cheek. And much as we may dislike to knock biin from his pedestal, not even the savory odor of bis career as our veyor General of this State tan restrain us from showing what part this apostle or all the virtues played in what he himself char acterizes as "a most stupendous swindle. Itv act of Congress approved July 2, 1804, there were granted to the State of Oregon to aid in the construction of a military wag on road lrom l.ugeno laty to the eastern boundary of the Stato "alternate sections of public land designated by odd numbers for three sections in width on each side of the road." By an act of the Legislative Assem bly of the State of Oregon,- approved Octo ber 24th, 1864, this grant was conferred up on the Uftgoo Central Military Koad to in which corporation Wm.. II. Odell was large stockholder. Surveys were made nn der the personal direction of Odell, and in January, 1870, on his sworn certificate that the road had been definitely fixod "in com pliance with the act of Congress approved July 2. 18G1," (we quote from his certificate oo file in the Executive Boxrd of Salem) the road was by .the btate of Oregon duly ac cepted, and the title to the lands in the grant, including 130,077 acres on what now known as Klamath Reservation passed uuy ana wnrmut question to Udell s com pany. At tuis time, even when be was drawing a fat salary as Chief Kninrer of this "swindle. ' Udell was Surveyor Ueneial of Oregon. The maps of the rond wero drawn in bis office under his immediate su pnrvision, and certified to by him as correct Ilo located the line through Klamath Kt-s ervatioo knowingly, averring that it wus the best and most feasible route, and the most advantageous to bis company. Now ho proclaims from the stump that the location was a (raud on tho Government. 1 hat the road ought never to have been carried through tho Reservation because the compo ny well knew that the Government intend ed to sot apart these lands for the use and bonelit of the Indians. This is actually tho position taken by Odell in the present canvass. He declares that the company in which he was a leading stocKDohicr deliberately committed a fraud on the Government through Us Chief Mucin eer, Wm. II. Odell ; that so long as he was a stockholder in the concern he maintained the validity of the company's title to the Klam ath lands : that so soon as he sold his inter est he turned upon tho men he had deceived and uotertook to destroy the title to the very property he had sold j and finally by bis own statement of admitted fulls that he is a scouudrel who would first defraud the Gov crnment whoso laws he had sworn to obey ana wnoBO interests he bad sworn to protect as a r euorui omcer, and then attempt to levy blackmail upon the men who purchase the grant in good faith upon his own certifi cate that there was a valid and just claim against me uovcrnmeni. And this is the man whom the ltrpubli can party in Oregon has choson to represent It in toe l residential campaign of the Cen tonniul yoar ; the man who travels np and down lbs Willamotte valley stridently plead ing for Civil Servica Hferm, honesty lu the duinimsiraiion or ine uovernment, nnd return to the old stundards of fitness and personal character In the selection of nublic oinccrs me wnuo he Jingles in his pocket , i : . i the proceeds or his sell-con fessed Iraud and perjury. There are soveml chapters in the matter which remain to be written. It shall be our duty to complete tho history atonoe and if bolore wo have done with Wm. II Odell, he has not the contempt and scorn of every nonest and gtxKi citizen In Oregon, It will be because troth has lost its power and specious rascality is beyond the reach of j tint ice. It must iib muTirriNu to Undo Jesse Applegato to reflect how woll his services to the Stato and his party at e appreciated. After oleoting Baker, Bon Harding, 0. H. Williams (who is also called Landaulot), Coibctt, and tho much married and "perturbed" Mitchell to tho L nitod States Senate at this lato day his party gives him a "complimentary voto" as a generous recognition oi his services for moio than thirty year in Orogon. When a position of honor or profit is passed around, Undo Jesse has no spoon; but whon honest mon are wantod to give tono to the party, then ho is call ed to the front. His rugcod and rierid honesty is not tho stuff to win Repub lican invors. A day or two since it was proclaim el with a grand flourish of trumpets that Colorado had gono Republican by largo majority. r ow it socms very doubtful whether that party bas majority or jiot. v oxt some one send Goo. 1. Rowell & Co., of ?cw lork, ?l and take a copy of his paper for a year? Ho offers it to everyone at that price except country publishers, and ha kindly permits to pay him him $5. He has crahord from them about firs millions of dinars in the past ten years, and still he is not satined, he wants them to pay him about $40,000 at one clatter. , Tin public debt statement for September shows but pshaw, it dont show anything. A correspondent of the Oregonian says the death of A. N. Arnold of Albany was very noexpected. That is generally the cast with suicides. Thcra will be a graud re-aoion ol the armr of the Tennessee on the 19th. The election in Colorado on TnefcJeT will rattle the vota of that State in the rreaiJeo tial election. Tbe'Indian peace commusfoners left Onfaha for the Yaacton, IhikjU, iscocy on the 30, uit. Wtoux Sikfbaok. The following ad dress bas been presented to the Legislature by the Woman's Suffrage Convention, now in Salem : To the Honorable ; the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Oregon. We, your petitioners, subscribed hereto respectfully pray your Honorable body to take the necessary steps to allow Section 2, of Article 2, of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, to be so amended as to allow the extension of the election franchise to women of said State, of the ages of 21 years, who have resided in sa;d 8m to the tame .length of time as required of men by said Constitu tion. The machinery for the fruit dryer bas ar rived at Jacksonville. Some fifty new residences have been add 1 to Albany this year. Nearly all the mines on Galice croek have closed down for the season. Lithographic stone is said to exist in end less quantities in Douglas county. A corn stalk nine feet high Was lolt at the Albany' Democrat office the other day. Ireland, of the dorian, will commence the publication of a daily oo the 2d pros. The Kinney Brothers get their beef for canning in Eastern Oregon and slaughter it tt Astoria. James McDonald, of Wiflow Creek, Jack son County, has raised 1,000 pounds of sweet potatoes this year. A man named Bailey, living In Ladd Can yon, killed A3 ra',tleiniike in two days last week, some them having 13 rattles. ' iHE lame or ulksn's sulphi b Soap as a remedy for eruptions, sores, burns, pimples, blotches and rheumatic and gouty jMiins has spread far and wide, 1'hysicians recommend it aud the demand for it constantly incre&ites. Hollo way's PIUn.-The Illood la the very sawnc. of limilth nnd lite. It furnishe. the euniM,ui.'Ul rts uf flesh, bone, muscle, iierye and Integument. I ho .topuu-fa is tho aiiintus-thc ar- !ne ins nistn tutors and tho lutest me the rhiwnels by whinh the wunto matter is rarriul olf. Upun the stomach ami Iwwels, these mcilidue. act simultane ously. 2S cent, jier lox or put. 1M We are Informed that Alverson, the pho tographer who recently started In Forbes' old gullory will remain with us bat a few days longer, he having made arrangements to go below soon. All those wishing any thing in bis line should call immediately. Farm fob Sai.k. A good form for sale on easy terms, within two miles of Cres well ; 550 acres of land, all fenced, good house on the sume, and 400 acres can be cultivated. If you want a bargain call aud see J.J. Walton, Jr. Centaur Linimonta Tho Quickest, Surest and Cheapest Remedies! I Physicians recommend, and Farriers declare that no auch remedies have ever More Iwen in w. Wonts are cheap, but tho proprietor! of these articles will present trial Wittles to ruedieul men, uratis, and will guarantee more rapid and satisfactory results than have ever be fore been obtained. Tilt C'a-NTAUH LlNISIKNT, WniTK WltAPPKK, will cure KhtMimatixm, N utmuna, Lumbago, Sciatica, Caked llreaxts, Sore Nipples, Frosted net, Chilblains, Swellings, Sprains, and any ordinary ri.ic.sii, no.v on iicsclk ailment. It will oxtrout the pokon of bites and stini, and heal burns or scalds without a scar. Lock jaw, l'alMy, Wouk Hack, Caked llreasts. Ear ache, Toothache, Itch and Cutaneous Erup tions readily yield to its treatment Henry Hlaek, of Ada, Hardin Co. .Ohio, says: "My wife had tho Itlicnmatisnt for five years no rent, no sleep could scarcely walk across the floor. Whe is now completely cured by the une of your Centaur Liniment. We all feel thank ful to you, and recommend your wonderful medicine to all our friends." Jamei Hiird, of Z.nesville, 0., av "The Centaur Liniment cured my NoinnL'ia." Alfred Tush, of Newark, writes: "Send me ono ilosen bottles by express. The Liniment has savou my leg. i want to distribute it, &c" The sale of this Liniment is Increasing rapidly. Jat Oestaur Linimknt, Yiuow Wrapper, is for the tough skiu, flesh and musd.wof nOKHKM, Ml'LKH AND ANIVA1A We have never yet seen a ease of Spavin, V.Wr!'.yt, 1'mK-b"n, id k-all, Scratches or I oil- hvil, which thin Liniment would not speed- "i '"i-iii., nun we never saw mil a lew cases which it woiililiint cure. It willcurewhenany thniir can. It is folly to MlN'tlil i'll f.l-ii when one dollars wc-rth of Centaur Liniment will do liettor. The following is a sample of the vi-numwiijr jiriMiucca: Jm-KKsos, Mo. Nov. 10, 1873. . with such success tlint tu two was as active ami nearly well. lavs the horse I have Ix'cn a Trtcriiiary sutveon for thirty years, hut your IJninient heads anvtbiiii; I ever usetL "A. J, il'CAlll'V.j Veterinary Sinveon." For a txistairi stanm u-A u i'll iiunnao, oonhtiuiiig ol c-rtilii'Htes, from every State in the I'nii.ii. These Liui nienU are now sold by all dealers hi the coun try. . Jjliaratory .if J. 1 Kork Co., . 4t Dkv Si, Nkw Yoiik. Mothers, OASToKIAisth re.nlt of ?1) VIAT T,u.rl. ment, by lr. Samuel I'tt- lier, of Aliissachiiwtta. It is a vesvtah l-reiuration xi etf.-Miv. . ... tor ml, but lrfwtly phasant to the fcifte. It can I taken by the inf.uit ami neith er pap nor tmjies. 1 r. V. J. ( ireen of lioy,! ton, Indians, says of it: Sirs: 1 ha. triwl the C.isturi: ami ciin H-ak hUhlv irf iu mcriu It will. I think, . awsv fiitirelv with castor oil. It n ami harnih, and Is wonderfully rHiraciona as an aeri. nt ami laxative. It is the very tliinj;. The Catori ih strnvs wxinns. r. -iTl!.t. th.. stomaoh. run's Wind t "olic, and vn'i.its of n.t nrA healthy slwp. It is very etficiwious in fniiiii rnmi iii .. . I i ii : i . not an n-rt-un in IU eil.vU. It c-U but X rent, in huve bottleo. J. IV. k Co., 4ti IVy St, Xew York. MllS. A. W. STOXVELL, TKAfllKR OK i PIAHO. ORGAN. HARMONY I, AND THOROUGHBASS. j w... E iin at ftahlence, west nd uf Xiath Hmtt. Some tune ai I w:is shiiiunir horse U St. Isnija. 1 got one Kully oniileil in the cur. ith pat difficulty 1 Bot him to Hie stable, on fourth avenue. Thestnble ktvjicr Kve me a bottle of vour Centaur l.iiiiinMt ul.;..l. T EUGENE CITY MILLS. THE UXDKKSIOXED I5EO LEAVE TO inform the public that they have leased the LLGEXK CITY MILLS f.,r a term of years, and are now prepared to do a general Milling uusincRs. m m receive wheat on storage on fa vorable terms and will make liljeral terms to f,r"wr who desire to grind their own wheat ill at all times keep on hand for sale FLOt'R and ALL KIXDS OF MILL FEED, and pay the . Highest Cash Price for Wheat. A share of the patronage respectfully solicit ed. . oc7 PATTE1WOX & EDKIS. Bl'CCEftHOR 10 WALTOX & LYXCH, In Dorris' Brick Building. DEALER IN Groceries and Provisions, Will keep on hhd a general assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Cured Meats, ' ' Tobacco, Cigars, Candies, Candles, Soaim, Notions, Green and Dried Fruits, Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery, Eta Business will be conducted on a CASH BASIS, Which means that Low Prices are Established Goods delivered without charge to Buyer ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED For which I will pay the highest market price. Final JSettle?ncnt. TN TTIE MATTER OF TI7E ESTATE of EIi A bhelley, deeeaseil. Xotiee is hereby (riven that llnliert C'ulliiMin, tt-liuiniatnitor uf said estate, has flleil his account for flual settlement and the ttrst Mumlay in Nuvcmlier, 1870, has been set for final hvuriiif; of said account, llvonlor of Hon. J.J. Walton, Jr., OonntyJndgo. it" nr. it i i. a i.i.i tM in, A'HPiniNTrntor. SATIOHLBESMESS COLLEGE PORTLAND, OREGOIf. A Easiness Education is tbo surest guaranty of sucdess lor persons in all pursuits oi inc. College Journal sent free to but siiifress. UiFUANtE & WHITE, JUST RECEIVED A LARUE, STOCK OP DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, DOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC., ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES. ITiKhest market price p for all kinds of PRO' uui;u, uiubs and fuu. A. GOLDSMITH. OhND 2. to OKO. P. ROWELL fi0..iK C3 Vurk, fur Pamphlet of loo piiires, mntaiiiinft lists uf.KKM) newspapers, und estimates showing cost THE CHEAPEST PLiCE O.Y The TaciOo Coast for HOME-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES J. H. DONALD Jim now on nan l over one Hundred and fllty pairs or llnntn of our own wliiidi I am l.ii,l i.. u,n reiMnllvss nf cost, and we sre now prepared to make lUxiU to unto-at the following greatly reduced pi i- Fronrh Talf Hoots from 18 to 9 per pair. Kreni'h Kip IViots tmm ss to ill ir iviir Ciilifiniiia Kip llonts made to order fur (0 per pal Aud all otlier wmkt ciuaUy low prlres. Itepair- ... ...... v hi. fiuki uniiix), ah wuik wuriauted, Leather Slid rilldllo.'S for sain. Itemeiulier the stand,; two doors South of A. V, itra u,i urua siore. J. II. O0.ALD. NOW I Subscribe for THE WEST SHORE, J ust entering Its second year. It la 13 The ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, time 'and worthy the palmuaire of every well wisoeroi uieiacinc Aortliwest. It is Ueautirally Illustrated TO .by tlie h ailing artists on the const. Some of THE ABLEST WRITERS in tlie Tscino Northwest contribute to iU columns. FAMILY JOURNAL it stimds at the head of rociflo Coast publications. fcEND TO EUIi:DM ac-road It has no ciiual. A mnirle nnniW will irive them a better idea uf ireironand Washington ier- iinn . urn a ,ir s uumuers ul any other paper. huU'ni.tion price, 0 l.r.O PKIl YKAR, Including poataara. Sample number, !0 cents. Addros the publiBhcr, I. SAMUEL P. O. m.x 3, 1..r,in.l r C Remittances can be made by res-isteic-1 letter ur uf urui-r vu any ui me rortlaud l)uneaa Houses. AMEUICA.V AND KOItEIOS PATENTS. . i,m,!,T. Co'i "cessors to Chipman, Hosmcr vw., mirtwira. rau-nu procured In all coun tries. No fees in advan.-e. No charee unless th pitent is granted. .No fern for makimr pielimi- ,.T.-i.ii.iriiras. no auuiiiunai lees lor ob taining aud conducting a rehearing, ily a reccut dwishin of the Commissinner all rejected applica tions may be revived. Special attention Riven to liiicncreiice ia.fs oelore the Tatent Office. Ej teiiii ins lielore Cor.ji.s. In'rin- n:t. i. dillcreut KUtes. and all litiprtwn ipiHriiaiuioir to ;; , . ncl,u ,uuip io viimore a lo. fur punphlct of sixty pates. I LAXH CASES. LAND WAKIUNTS.andSCIlIP. v "iuriru un.i i ases pnxecuted berore the U. S. (.euers! I .and OllUe and IVpartment of the ln termr. I'nvate Land Cls;m, Mininr and Pre- r.ra; lion t unns, and Homestead cases attended to. Imd tv riu in M. a. and litn r. ni.-. sale. Tins Scrip is a&iiirnalle n.l nn i. ..j v th njme of tl-.e nun-haare nmn n il.. ment land snbjsrt to private entrv. at 11.25 per acre. It is of equal Table with lmiity Land Wr ranis. Send n'.imo to r let of Instruction. ' ARREARS OF TAV AND BOCXTT. Officers. Soldiers and Sailors nf lh Utm .. eim. are in many cases entitled to monsr m t!sj (riTrnment of whi,h v ' kn..wle.lir.. Write full hi-i.iry of service nd state amooTt of pjy and bountv received. Vnclo stamp to liilmnre A Co.. and a'full retlr alcr ei amiuation, will be Rivta yn free. rr.xsioxs. AH Officers, Mdiem, and Pailon wonnded rnptnrrj. or Injure.! la the late war-, however' alient.y. ran obU:n pension by addrewina Gil BHire A Co. rreoited t nilmor .V r -r .... Sorreme t miTt of tl I'mird K..t ,w- r- . I., nn oi .aims.atiJ tn .vWiuKn. i-iAi.. Bv:r. vSZT f""." 7?'-r m f r. Irorajd atuula.a to all Uiutss eutrn-vd to i; j. I more A to. is thai secured. W devjr, to . ' success by dc-xrvsng it, " " A Wheat Wanted. ' We want Wheat and are pre pared to pay the Highest Mar ket Price in Cash.' T. a. HENDRICKS, JOHN STEWART. Eugene City, Bept. S, 1876. MARK THESE FACTS THE TESTIMONY OF THE WHOLE WOELD. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. $r Ut the SuSeriug and diseased read the fallowing. rUt all who have been glren op br Doctori, and spoken of as Incurable, rean me lonomng. gjrljet all wbo ran tielleve facta and can have faith in prMpnejt. read the fullowhlH. Know all men by tuese presents, That on Uita, the Twentietli day or June, in VDe year oi uur Lord, One Thousand llplil Hundred und Bixty- ir nriaonsllv earns JoseDh Havdock 10 me known a sueh, and being duly aworn deposed as folk w : "That be is the sole general age nt for the United States and dependencies thereof for preparations or medicine Known as vr. uonoway a Pills and Ointment, and that the following certifi cates are verbatim copies to the best of bis knowl edge and belter. . JAMra Slltl llirj, Tl. a.1 Notary Public. H Wall Street, New York. Da. Hor.LOWAT-I take my pen to write yen of my rout relief and that tho awtul twin in mr aide has left me at last thanks to your pills. Ob, Doctor, how tlisiikliu I am tliat I can gel some sleep. never write it enouirh. I thank ruu again and airai and am sure that rou are really thefnend of all suf. ferers. I could not help writing to you, and hope you will not take it amiss. rfAJUbs Miens, 116 Avenue b. This Is to certify tliat I was discharged from the army with chronic diarrliiea, and have been cured by Dr. Holloway's Pills. - WILSON HAKVEY, Now York, April 7, 1866. . . 31 Pitt street. Tlie following is an interesting case of a man era ployed in an iron foundry, who, in pouring melted iron into a flask that was wet, caused an explosion. The melted iron was thrown around and on him in a perfect shower, and he was dreadfully burned. The following certificate was given to me by him auout 5 weeks alter the acriuent: .New Yob. Jan. 11,1871. My name is Jacob ITardv; I am iron founder. was badly burn by hut iron in November lust : my burns healed, hut I had a ninning sore on my leg that would not heal. I tried Holloway's Ointment, and it cured my in a few weeks. This is all true and anybody can see me ut Jackson's Iron works, M Avenue. J. iiAUDY, 118 Uoerch street. EXTRACTS mOH VARIOUS LRTTEH3. 'I had no appetite ; Holloway's Pills gave ine a nearly one; ' "Your Pills are marvellous." "I send for another box and keep them la the house." "Dr. ITolloway cured my headache that was Chronic'' "I gave one of your PilU to mr babe for cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well In a day.' "My nausea of a momma is now cured." "Your box of Holloway's Oiutmenl cured me of noises in the bead, l rubbed some or your Oint ment behind the ears, and noise has left." "nend nv two boxes. I want one for poor family." "1 enclose a dollar, your price la ?5 cents, but me medicine to me is worth a dollar." ."Send me five boxes of your Pills." "Let me have three boxesof your Pills by riitt.a mail, for Chills and Fever." I have over 2U0 such testimonials as these , bnt want oi space compels me to conclude. FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment Is invaluable. It does not heal externally alone. bnt penetrates with the most searching (fleets to me very ruoi oi tue evil. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS Invariably cure the following diseases I ' DISORDERS OP THE KIDNEYS. In all diseases affecting these organs, whethe thev secretA too mill-h n, tnn l.ttl nt... . A whether they be afflicted with stnns or crravel. or with aches sad nains settled in th loins over tlw regions of the kidneys, these Pills should be taken according to the printed Jfrections, and the Oint ment should be wi 11 rubbed Into tile small of the back at bed time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have lauea. FOR 8T0MACH3 OCT OP ORDER. No medicine will so effectually improve the wjim ui me Biomacn as inese rills ; they remove all acidity, occasioned either bv intemneranca or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it ui a ueaiuiy action ; they are wondelully effica cious in cases of spasm in fact they never fajl in vuiiiik an uiwirueis oi me nver and stomach . Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known In wi.rl.l im iI.a rnll;..- .1! . .... ,vl " ""mug uiseuses : ague, Asm ma, Biliom complaints, Blotches oa the akin, Bowel CiiniDlalnt. Colics. Pnnailntinn r th. Bowels, Con-UBiptinn, Debility, Dropsy, Dysenta ry, Erysipelas. Female irreiriilHritla Vaivara nt all kinds, Fits, Gout, Headache, Indigestion. Intlama. uuu, isunuice, i.iver complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Kcumatism, Ketention of Urine, Scrorula or King's Evil, Sore Throats , Stone A Gravel, Secondary Qumtilom f t n....I m . ' j mil turiu , llL-l'lllliUUfl'llI. I limnn I ham Vaina. erm iinecuons, wormi ol all kinda, Weakueaa IMPORTANT CAUTION. None aie Genuine unless tha .imiinM v Haydocc. as scent for tha Ilniti Stui. ..' rounds each box of Pills and Ointment. A hand. some reward will be e-iren to such information as may lead to the detection of any psny or panics counterteiting the medicines or veiiuuig me same Knowing them to be spurious. c Sold at the manufactorv nf Pmr.,r un, . I.OWAT A Co., New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Mnli.-ln. ih.t.u,. i .i .. .j i i iz c. . .r: -..."...."", u , .i.iru wunu, iu ooxes at u eents, 6i cents and s)w-There Is considprabla aavtm. v.n lairtn .v.- . 0 Uj wniu. UIO larger sizes. N. B Directions for the ruidsncenf nutisnf. in .,w.ili.nnlu.-.a; 1 . - I . v.v.j me aiuieu wi eacn oox. AT rni OLD STAND. F. B. DUNN, HAJixo BOUGHT THE INTEREST OP MrScott In i he old firm is now mmm. ik. nsiness alone at l he old stand, where he will be -w-u w we an is ota customers H ving run th' -ild atork i ato.k .... I.-7"Z " 'vwml XEl JJ'D C0MPLE1E Composed In part of nearly EVERYTHING CALLED FOR, And I mtk.arpeclaltyfn HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL! I w!ah to mak. an rrtn.1 flnnvi.i. i. j ... . O uuvunnu,UIIIIgT that Farmera can come nearer retting all thev may want at my store than at an v ether esUb Ilihment. I am also agent for HAWI.KV nnnn CO., of Portland, for all Agricultural Imvhmcnts. ALSO, FOR PRINCE 4 CO. ORGANS AND MELODEONS Raving had rixteen year, experience I. bo sa ner I think!! know tha vanta n tk ive me a cail. r-v r. B. DUNN. Q H OC EH I KS-I ddul keep oa a Mliof ' ;geoczbies & provisioxs tad iaviu the lUaiUoa of nookperi 1 T-U-llUiDRCIKS. Summons TN THECinCCIT COURT OHw.1 ' -X Omron for th. iiounty if B ATtn., varan. Oeorg. w7j jWJ?f Ueorge W. Head, the abv. iuiv, hi uiaaoiv. tbs taarri. a.' on ot before the first day of th. T "J1" ! aT to be held in Ku,rn. City, .ounu'" ttJS? .i . v i I i aefendant willVT v that if he fad to appear and an J, a2 as above ruired. the pUintitf Zin "Sut! court forth, relief demanded ihZl tptl' 2 tliat the plaintiff have judgment ISu" WloC ant dissolving th. marrue 'tff between said partie.-, forTuoh rZ? ','u ooiinsel fee. a. the court may demTn aiSf and disburwmitrof this auit.Md i ''"."woita renei aa um court may deem '"nU, this summons is nude bv .E L 8- Hon. J. F. Wataon, Jud of aTJ af date the 3d day of 4epu,& Ui, ee BES.NICZIJlTASHI-ffT.'rf. HAVING ASSOCIATED III THE Pn.L. ' to the clUen. of Eugene City ad l!!,T, country. BpecUl attention glren to 1iJTOui,liI Obstetrical Ca aid Uterine Diim vice Is rendered. am wh,B MS Offices on Ninth street and at tk. i Dr. A.I. Nicklin on Willamette rtraTS01 Ninth and Tenth streets. betn SEALED PH0P0SAI5 FOR Medical Attendance on Paupers; RpfllPlI hMta fair tnaulttal ... J . I.T. '"""oeoaenceon nsal v. .: t ponsible bidder. The Court reserrM ilrJ? reject any and all Hit j, j, WALTOk CoaityJndge. Scholarships in University. The Connty Conrt of Lane County will nZ lots for the free scholarships In the State Unire2 slty, on the 2d day nf October. 1876. All anrfL cants must be examined bv the Cootity tendent, to whom all wiidesir. to tafaSSS By order of the Connly Conrt. J. J. Waltok, Jodge. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, t-uwiiMis utx , OREGON. A. RENFREW, ; : : Prop. DR. RENFREW announces that he it train), possession of the old and well-known ST. CHAELES HOTEL, Which has been newly furnished and reflttsd .sa ls now open for the reception of guests. Br this change io the ownership, fifteen room In the FIRE PROOF BRICK BUILDING making fifty rooms. It the most commodiooj and best appointed hotel in the State south Salem. . Thanking the public, for past patronage, lit, licit a oonntinuance of tte same and shall do all for the comfort of guests, FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. ... . A. RENFREW, For Sale. DWELLING HOUSE AND 3 ACRES OF InA on Ninth street, east of mill nee. Terms tan! or particulars enquire at the HT. CHARLE8 HOTEL. Fabulous It eduction FUR ITTJRE AS WE ARE PREPARING FOR A LARGS1 Manufacturing establishment we prop Ut sell onr entire stock of ( FURNITURE AT RETAIL WHOLESALE PRICES I This Is a rare chance to bny good, substantial Furniture at nominal prices. Do not let your op portunity pass. Come all. 1. CHERRY & BRO. JUST RECEIVED AT MARK STEVENS'. AGENT FOB REMINGTON k EONS' Breech Loading . Central Fire Military and Sporting RIFLES AND SHOT-GUNS; ALSO, PISTOLS CARTRIDGES, And allhlnWammimlUon for breech loadia i Guns. Call and see me. DR. JOHN HERRBOLI). SURGICAL AXD MECMWAL DKSTIST. toSosebor-Oregon, where be re "Pectfullv offers hit i sernce to the cltixent of that place and Ticlnity in all the branches of bis pro tension. CALLISON & OSBURK RE OFFERING I0 THE PUBIIXJ, SiiMre, Teas, Coffee, Csturect Goods, Tobacco & Cicar. Glass & ware, Wood and Willcnrware. BREAD, CAKES AND PIEi, And In fact everything iu.mli. k.nt i- . Grocer. More or Bakery at tiEDROCK PBICEST rtf 7 ZJ?7- fioB guaranteed. Uooda dehrered to an. nr nr k. -A charge. . ..7 i w A CHEAP PAPER! The demand for the WEE2L7 CS- EGONIAM for a short time is 10 great that we have concluded t offer it for the balance of the Tear for . ONE DOLLAR! AH Balsoriptlons will exnira Decl 31, 1876, no matter when they com mence. Address, ORTGOISTAig PUBUSHEffG CO- Portland, Or. tC3 ANTRAL tj BECKER & BOYD. Pnnrietort. nECKERi BOTDHAVB REMOVED to the JIJ boildiog kaova a. the Central Market aad KEEP COX8TASTLT 05 HAXD. BEEF, TEAL, PORK AXD MCTT01C. atJ bmti m thaoli Irgc. t u eeats. quired to appear and aniweTtn. 1? till aaninst yon in tfal. onpluiat of 3 Judge of Lane county ontil Octoharfj J?' The Mm. will then 'be oSjlJ th?. Conrt, and the contract awui.1.4 'iv'" t0P I JWI fllll IM nCfIVu1 K. at..