The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 16, 1876, Image 2

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For President.
Of New York.
- For Vice President,
Of Indian.
For Congress :
Of Douglas County.
For Presidential Electors :
K. A. CRONIN, of Multnomah.
W. B. LASWELL, of Grant.
Gosmx, in this ooanty, bai two as
piring soul wbo hunger for a glorious
immortality, but they have mistaken
the pathway to that noble goal. The
teautiful fiction of the fathor ot his
country and his little hatchet has been,
we fear, a pearl cast before swine.
They should go back and study the
inscription on tho tablet of Btone
given by God unto Moses, dwelling
particularly upon the commandment
"Thou shalt not bear falso witness
against thy neighbor." Those two
glory seekers sign themselves S. D.
CoaU and Palmer Reynold, and write
to Governor Hayes' Chicago organ,
Pomcroy'i Democrat, as follows :
The majority of voters here, Democrats
and Republicans, beartiljr endorse the green
back policy. Your friends and patrons are
glad to see you stand by the principles you
bare so long and nobly defended, and hope
access will reward your labors.
Stand np, Mr. Coats ; and you, too,
Falmor, and let's talk this matter over
briefly. You know you slander the
people oi Lane county whon you say
that a majority of the votors heartily
endorso the greenback policy. Tbore
are some who indorso it, but the on
tire number will not excood one in
fifty of tho voting population. It
natural that our people should dcBiro
motalio ourrcnoy, for shmplasters
have never boon UBd as a circulating
medium and thoir manifold virtues
are hiddon among tho rubbish. You
know, if you know anything, that tho
remainder ot tho paragraph is untrue.
You know that tho number of Porno
roy's friends is the number of votors
who iavor the groonbaok pohoy, and
itthoy have sonse enough to favor
any particularly policy understand
ingly thoy have vastly too much sonse
to bono for an impossibility. Mr,
a -
Fomoroy'n patrons 1 Who are they
They are Ropublioana who despiso
bim, but who vainly hope to disrupt
the Dcmooratio party by subscribing
for and sending his shoot to momburs
of that party. That's all. Now, S,
1)., you and Palmer may go out and
play loap frog with the little boys who
Lave lust organized a Whazonheolor
club in Eugono.
"We've aoooped you in Maine I"
Oh I you have, eh f Well, tho class
in matbomatios will now como to the
front You havo a Republican ma
jority in Maino aooording to the latest
dispatohes ol 13,447. In 1872 Grant's
majority was 32,335 on a total vo to
of 00,000. In 1875 tho Republican
majority was but 4,000 and the total
rota was much loss than this year.
The vote last year was not full and
afforded no lndox as to the polit
ical complexion oi the Stato. The
SpringQold Jiepublican, heretofore an
independent paper, but now a Grant
organ, ia Its issue of Soptctnbor 1st
aid of. tho then approaching Maine
elootion :
Last year, on a very low voto, the
Republican majority in the State was
cut down to 4,000, while in 1872 it
was 17,000 la September, and 32,000
on President in November. If the
Republican column is going to rcmaiu
unbroken throughout the country this
year, the majority now should bo
at least 15,000, for the voto will be
full- and anything joss than that will
indicate real Democratic gains.
As predicted, the vote was full and
the 15,000 majority is not there. We
en ttand a little more of this kind of
"scooping." Hut you bad better go
"right avay in oud" of the way of the
Democratic scoop that is to bo turned
looso in November.
Civil Scrrlee Reform.
Tbe only definite plans for civil
aorvice reform introduced this year in
either House came from Democrats,
Mr. Gordon in the Senate, and Mr.
l'ewett and Meade intht House. The
Republicans talk gcncralites loudly
eoortgh, but recoil with disguat from
any practical proposition or detailed
iilan. Tho bills
of Messrs. Gordon, ! ol
Meade and IWt are all good, -od
ens cf t:;C3 ws!J fscs the SIosss early
next session. The report of Mr. Ran
dall Gibson, chairman, of tho Louisi
ana committee, on this subject shows
very clearly and directly tho enor
mous evils which necossarily flow from
tho favoritism and partizsnship nnder
Grant. If any ono who reads that re
port can conscientiously vote the Rad
ical ticket, and for four years more of
the same system, he may then choose
his place among the fools or the
Wheeler and the moody inlrt.
Mr. Wheeler has been sent into
Vermont to discourse to the people
concerning their duties at the coming
election. While pondering the sub
ject, and wondering what he should
say, he heard Kilpatrick utter his ap
peal for "tho bloody shirt with raon
ey." "Good," said Whcoler, "tho
bloody shirt is just tbo thfng, I'll
hang that out, and the people will be
so frightened that Tilden won't get
a voto all tlirouzh tho country." So
Wheeler went to work and got
shirt, so red that any bull with a dis
eased brain would have made a line
directly for it. ' Hut the Vice-Presi
dont exnectant is not discreet : lie
. i
held np that shirt so long, and per
mitted such close inspection, that the
bolder among the people soon discov
crcd that if it ever had been bloody,
that tho stains had thoroughly dried
by long exposuro, and that tho stains
which were now displayed were artin
cial. So nobody was frightened but
Mr. Wheeler, when he found the effect
of his effort. He has been still more
frightened since, for his managers
now toll him that he had better leave
tho bloody shirt for others to exhibit,
and if he makes a fool of himself any
more they will take his namo off the
S. F. Altai "Bob Ingersol says
there is no more flesh on Tilden than
on an old umbrella." Bob's usual
avocation gives him an opportunity
to know wheroof he speaks, and it
must be true.
Buurrs are to bo cast, instead of
ballots, by the Republicans this year.
runs of news.
The yellow fevor has brokeo out ia New
3on. Speed 8. Frye has been appointed
U. H, Manual or Kentucky.
J. J. Gardiner, formerly Hity survoyor, fell
dead In Ban I ranciaco on the mo.
On the 9tb the President Issued a procla
mation ratifying the lbwuiiun treaty.
Ten million dollars wurth or tbe 4 per
cent, bonus bare been sunt to London.
There la now no doubt but that Tweed
waa arrested at the request of our Govern
meat .
Charles Erancls Adams accepts ths Dem
ocralio nomination for Governor of Massa
One hundrod and alxtoen thousand people
attended the Philadelphia Ceotcnniat on the
'Jib lost.
Two car loads of fruit from California for
the Contennial, arrived a) Philadelphia ou
toe 9th lost.
The Democrats of Detroit Dominated Geo
A. G. Williams for Congress by acclama
tion, on the 9th.
Klinprr Smith, Mormon witness of the
Mountain Meadow massacre, was arrested io
California on the 9th.
Carl Scburs and Williams, Democratic
candidate for Governor of ludinna, spoke' at
Crown Point, Indiana, on the Utb.
Tbe commission appointed by Congress to
Investigate the relative values nf silver, met
on the 11th at tbe St. James Hotel.
Mr. Layton, of Jackson county, Is running
a 13 mile mining ditch from Williams creek
to the placer miuea on Farris gulch.
Tbe Peace Commission have mads propo
sitions to the Indians of Red Cloud Agency,
wnico will probable bring about peace,
fly tbe burning of a barn on the Little An
plrgnte containing 73 tons of bay, (2,000
were lost to Messrs. Glenn and Garrlsoq.
Fifteen new cases of small pox wore re
ported in San Francisco on the lltb. Six
of these were In one building occupied by
On account of ths appropriation bavin
Dva reduced, the postmaster general says
mo towns, wbo bave applied for money order
Olliees bave bad to be refused.
A special from St Paul, Minnesota, Sept
5th, says the Sioux campaign is ovor, as the
winter is so close at band as to prevent any
movement. 1 be troops are engaged io pre
paring winter quarters.
Preparations - ire being made to blow np
ins obstruction io the ew lore Harbor
known as Hell Gate. Oue hundred and
twenty pounds ol explosives and 12.000 cart
ridge are already fixed for tbe blast.
A dispatch from Iudiaa Agent Cravens,
at tbeyenne agency, received at tbe Indian
bureau on the lltb, atatei that all the build
ings at the agency (except three have been
wept away by a flood and that all the records
and papers are tone.
The Special Correspondent of the London
77in says it would be difficult to And an
apter illustration of the bif way In which ths
Americans do things than that furnished by
the "Centennial Newspaper Building" In tbe
Exhibition grounds. Her yon may see any
one, or, if yon like, all of the 8.129 newspa
pers published regularly la tbe United Stat,
and see them, one and all for nothing Ton
re not only permit td aj a favor to see them
but invited, nay, preJ, to confer the favor
entering the building and filling for what
' ,
utkms as visitor to tha r.xhibnioa
could wish to be offered a cbalr in. He may
at first wonder how, among 6,000 papers,
among them sach mighty sheets as tbe New
Tork Herald, be is to get at tbe small loved
print of bis borne, thousands of miles away,
it may be, over tbe Rocky Mountains. But
the management Is so simple, that by con
sulting tbe catalogue, any one can et once
find whatever paper he wants. They are
pigcon-bolud on shelves in the alphabetical
order of their States or Territories and their
towns, the names of which are clearly labeled
on tbe shelves. The proprietors of ths Cen
tennial Newspaper Building are advertising
agents, tbe largest in all America Messrs.
G. P. Bowell & Co., of New York. Their
enterprise will cost altogether about $20,000,
or 4,000, including tbe holding and the ex
penses of "running" it for six months. Tbe
8.000 and odd American newspapers are de
clared by tbe same authority to exceed "the
combined issues of all the other nations of
tbe earth.
The Legislature.
The Legislative Assembly of Ore
egon convened at Salem on Monday
The Senate was called to order at 11 0
clock by It. li. Cochran, president of tbe last
Senate, wbo moved that John Myers, of
Clackamas couoty, act as temporary presi
dent. Carried.
On motion of Vod Cleave, of Multnomah
Syl. 0. Simpson was elected temporary
citric, and J. W. linker assistant cleik.
J. K. Mercnr, of Portland, waa elected
temporary sergeant-t-arms, and George P
W reo. door-keeper, tbere being no otber can
Master Lonncr Ralston was elected page.
On motion of Van Cleave a committee of
three was appointed an credentials, consist
ing of Van L leave, Loch run and huee,
Oo motion the Senate stood adjourned an
til 4 o'clock r. M. -
The Senate waa called to order at
o clock r. M. ltoll called and a quorum
round present.
Mr. VaoCleave, chairman of tbe commit
tee on credentials, presented tbeir report
Tbere being no contested seats the report
is omitted. On motion it was adopted and
the Secretary of State invited to administer
tbe customary oatb of office, which was per
formed with the usual ceremony, tbe newly
elected members beini fourteen In number
Oo motion of Mr. VanCleave, tbe Senate
proceeded at once to tbe election of perma
nent officers, with the following result:
President of the Senate, John Whitenker
chief clerk, Syl. C. Sympson. assistant clerk
J. W. Buker ; sergeant-at-Arms, Geo. P
Wren; doorkeeper, John Hansen; page,
Laurel Ralston I he elections were nnani
mous with the exception of that of that of
sergeant-at-Arms, Gurney, ol Jackson couo
ty, receiving two votes.
Tbe newiy elected officers were sworn in
nd tbe Senate adjourned until 10 o'clock
A. M. Tuesday.
Tbe House was called to order at 15 mln
otes before 12, noon, by W. L. While, chief
clerk of the House at the session of 1874.
Goodsell, of Multnomah, placed D. M. O.
Gault, of Washington, io nomination for tern
porary chairman. .-
Weatherford, of Linn, nominated D. W
W. W, Fiddler, of Josephine, was nomi
nated but declined.
Tbos. Neally, of Portland, was elected
secretory pro tern.
Tbe clerk then called the roll of members
from a list published in the Mtreury. Fifty
eight votes were cast, of which Mr.Cheesman
received 30, and Mr. Gault 28. Mr C bees-
man was declared elected. Tbe vote was s
strictly party one, except the candidates vot
ing for each other.
Mr. Cbeesman took the Speaker's chair,
nd tbauked tbe bouse lor tHe courtesy.
For temporary chief clerk, T. II. Cox, of
Marion, and W. L. White, of Clackamas,
were placed in nomination.
Tbe roll was called as before, and the vote
takon, resulting in 31 votes for Mr. White,
and 28 lor Mr. Cox. Mr. White was de
clared elected.
J. R. Wiley and L. O. Hadaway were
placed io nomination for serjioant-at arms
pro tern. Roll called from the Afrrcury.and
Wiley receiving a majority was declared
A motion to appoint a committee of five
on credentials was carried and the Speaker
appointed J. K. Wealberford or Lino, U
Duller or Wasco, W. W. Fiddler ot Joseph
ine, J as. Chambers of Benton and J. M. Me-
Ctll of Jackson.
On motion tbe House adjourned until half-
past 4 o'clock.
nonse called to order at 4:30 : all the
members present but Scott, of Multnomah.
Committee on credentials reported, and re
port adopted. No contested seats.
Oath of offics was administered to the
The House then proceeded to the election
of permanent officers with the following re
sult : Speaker, J. K. eatherford.of Lino;
chief clerk, W. L White ; sergeant-at-Arms.
J. R. Wiley.
' The chief clerk wea authorized to appoint
the assistant clerk, and the Speaker to ap
point the pages. Tbos. Neally was appoiut
ed assistant clerk.
The officers elect were sworn in and took
their places.
Lawrence moved that tbe committees oo
enrolled and rcgrossed bills be authorized to
appoiot the clerks of such committees ; laid
oo tbe table and afterward taken op aod car
ried. Chief clerk authorised to inform the Sen
ate that tbe House is organised and ready
for basioeae.
Adjourned till 10 A. M. Tuesday.
The Bey la Bla.
Eo. Gcasd : The SLUtsman ot the 2Glh
nit. has 1 leader with the abort heeding.
Forsooth, let as draw a comparison between
the Bora la 11 Wand tbe political office
hunter who never wore either tbe blue or
the gray. The country it again in danger (?)
of rallies; into the hands ot the ItanocraU,
at it was during the war of falling; into the
hands of the rebels, and with the t!p of
those wbo sated the Union then the Re
publicans will carry the ttrctioa for Hayes
and Wheeler next Nombef. But tbe
-Boys in Blue" bare frwnd th'ir Tt a
little, and tee Uinps io a different l.ghi (rom '
hat thev did in 1 sCl. They tj.m I bite at
bare hixk ; tbey are old bird tad Dot to
be caurbt with cbas. Ccmro.stiooi as lliior
General, Brigadier General, Colonel, jetc.,
are very fine io print, but the whole of them
will not boy a loaf of bread. Pledges like
number fourteen of the Republican olalform
are too thin. They have that in everv plat
form. Here it is :
Fourteenth. Tbe pledges which tbe na
tion bas given to ber soldiers and sailors
must be fulfilled, anl grateful people will
always bold those wbo imperilled tbeir lives
lor tbeir country s preservation in kindest
Now, Mr. Editor, bow "has tbe above
pledge been complied with for Lens county
only, let alone the whole State T I will here
give tbe names of some of those wbo wore
tbe bins, and then of those who bave held
tbe offices, but who were sitting on the fence
while tbe "Boys in Blue" were fighting for
tbeir country : R. M. Robinson, F. H. Kin
sey, F. B. Mason, J. O. Cburch. D. E. Rice,
J. F. Brown, F. Singer, J. D. Myers. J. P.
Gill, F. Harrington, H. Harrington.Tbos. J.
Gill, D. C. Bruce, E. J. McClanaban. A. R.
Van Hon ten, J. L Bright, E. McCornack,
G. W. Fletcher and H. H. Selfridge. These
are all good and honorable gentlemen, but
none of them bave been honored or reward
ed for tbeir valuable services upon tbe field
of battle. No, hot oni or tiikx. But let
ns look on tbo other side aod see who th
office holders of the United States for the
Slate of Oregon are, aod wbat they have
done that they should be rewarded wilb lu
crative offices. Here are a few names : M
P. Deady, R. Mallory, R. Wilcox. Ben Un
derwood, Ben Simpson, O. N. Denny, Geo.
li. Cole, Waters, Thatcher, John Kelly, A.
S. Patterson, Joe Henderson, and a host of
others wbo bave ha1 and now hold office.
Senator Mitchell appears to know all the
"Boys in Blue," for tbey all bad some of his
speeches sent to them, but il he bas an office
or an appointment to give he wants none of
tbem, but rather those wbo have tbe most
money to spend and can drink the most
whiskey. Such is the political style of re
warding those who risked tbeir lives and all
they had for their country. The "Boys in
Blue" are not to be trifled with any longer.
Tbey want new deal. It cannot beany
worse than it is now. Oxs op ths Hoys.
Wheat is 60 cents a bushel at Oakland.
Scnrlet fever is making itself known in
Nearly all tbe pleasure seekers have left
Taquina Bay.
Scarlet fever has mads its appearance in
Benton county.
Tbe Yamhill county small pox patients are
getting along finely.
The Douglas county tax levy amounts to
16 mills on the dollar.
The new Senate chamber at Salem will
bave all the old furoitnre.
The new hotel at the Albany depot will
bt commenced nxt week. .
The State officers have all moved their
quarters into tbe new Capitol building.
It is reported that miners io the Lane
mine, Coos county, ara taking out 875 a day.
The Isthmus Transit railway, Coos county
was sold at Sheriff's sale last week to J. W.
A telegraph station has been located by
tbe West side Railroad company at tbe Hills
boro Btatinn.
J. B. Terhune of Jefferson, died on Thurs
day of injuries received by being thrown from
his wagon lust Monday.
Miss Josephine White of Stay ton, re
mained in a comatose state fi5 boors after
being thrown from a horse few days ago.
The Lafayette Courier says: Since the
rainy season commenced last full we bave not
had two weeks together in which it has not
rained. '
The hnlly Democrats of Eden precinct,
met at Phamix last week and organized a
strong Tilden and Hendricks club. Let the
good work go bravely on.
Mr. Homing, of Benton county, raised one
thousand gallons of Lawtnn blackberries ibis
year which be sold for fifty cents a gallon.
Not bad to take, that
Tbe O. S. N. Co. are causing work on the
new steamboat In process of consruction at
Celilo to be crowded forward with all prac
ticable expedition. A large force of carpen
ters are busily engaged and the new craft
will be reported in condition for service at
the earliest day. Unless tbe work is unex
pectedly delayed, tho boat will be ready for
tbe trial trip by the 20th of the present
The Oregon State Temperance Union.
The fourth annual meeting of the Union
will be held at the city of Salem, Tuesday,
September 19th. 1876.
Article 2d of the constitution reads : The
meetings shall be composed of delegates duly
elected from Temperance societies, churches
nd religious boli.-e, which enjoin ind enforce
tbe duty ot temperance upon their members,
s a rule or their faitb and practice. Pro
vided that each organization represented shall
furnish its delegate with proper credentials.
certified to by Its chief officers.
Article 4tb. hacb session of ths Union
shall be organized by contributing and lite
Artie's 9th. Tho meetings of this Union
shall be heid annually at the city of Salem
oo tbe third Tuesday in September.
Llat of Letter
Remaining uncalled for io the Post Office
at Eugene City, Or., Sept 15, 1876 :
Allen, M iM Jrani
Haworth, Spencer A
Jones, Georss J
Bowles, Mrs Malmda (1(
Hrown. J as R
Jenkins, 1
Neil Co
Brown, Mrs K B
Brown, Mrs M O
Baker, Mrs 8 H
rVamelman, H
Barnes, kiu.-iani
Bsller, pJill
CronVird, Genrg
Coleman, la
Devling, Pat (I)
Evsrnart. 1
Eaton. Miss Jane
Fnrrsaon, Juhn
Omnn, Miss Adie
Hill, B M
Hill, CM
llsodrer, Miss Martha
ness. Jsbms
Mays, Mas Mary
Mslone, J
McDowell .Jefferson,
Mrtiunn, James
O Brins, Mrs Ann O (J)
Robsitana, I
Head, eWph
Moan, Miss Bstti E
Pbelley, iho
Bibrrt, W H
Smith, Miss It I
Thompson, J R O
Volte Geo W
Whitney, Wra
Wood, Mrs Nancy
Wat, Benj F
Hardest, Mrs Ctsviea
A. i PATTER80!f, ?. X.
llalUway PllUaae! Otntmeat.-TCe
Stasisl achasta the UMHsaamls hourly harried to a
Kauiar irave, victim of navim neclectsd th
t symrAosss of disease. Wh Uer th rceaDlsint
ortannai in the bo-ly, er be ntrorlaawt aeralrnisJlj
thtoua-S) Ik akmfaul remits v b waru.1 of bv
a torn It rsruarss U ost or both of ths. nedieiaes.
laniBrbass-vi. Ul
If ras : A word In ynar ear. Th sy-xt sftsneoa
that ym stealer asst. twy a bo of Uum 8ri
rsra rur. That admirable pmnlW still rstnor
every of tan pimplaa wkwa detract stack
Irons roar beauty.
R Oi CRIES-1 sUJ keep on fall gf
a4 S-ri!s tit aUtsss Si ExxiKj-er
Ordinance No. I.
An Ordtnanoa to amend twtion I of Title. S of Chap
ter lot tlx Lwi of tlx Cit) of Eugene,
St It tnaettd by Iht Common Council of Ik
City of Eugtnt i
TUt taction 1 of Title S of Chapter I of tha City
lw be emended to u to read ae (olluwe :
Due. 1. No pertun ihall ell, give away, or diipoas
of in any maimer witbin tbe ourporate luniu of toe
eitv of Euirene, any pirituooe or malt liquoia to
an Mnum
doora open of any place where apirituoul or liquor
are ejld on tbe ttmt day of the week, ooumnnly call
ed Sunday. Tro'ided, that thii lection ahall not be
ao eonatrurl na to prerent potheoaruse from Belling
ntoxicat u, nor aeep iue iruuv ur nroei
liquor lor medicinal purpuae.
Vaaaed th Common Council Septemlier 11, 1870.
IbKorde; and Clerk.
Approved September 11, 1876.
Beeorder and Preaident pro tern.
Ordinance No 2.
An Ordinance to ameud auction S of Title S of Chap
ter I of the Lnwa ol the City of Eugene,
lie it ordained by the Common Council of the City
of Bugene. .
Bkctioh 1. That Miction S of Title I of Chapter S
of the Law of tbe City of Eugene be amended m a
io read a follow:
ben. S. Any person or perann applying for a U-
eenae to keep a bar-room, tippling houae or drinking
ahop where apirituou or malt liquor are Bold in lea
quantities than on quart anall execute a Dona 10
the City of Eugene in the nm of St hundred dol
lar, with umient auretie, to be approved by the
Eecorder, conditioned that he or they will keep de
cent and respectable house; that he or they will not
allow any disorderly conduct therein; that he or they
will not sell, give away or in any manner dispose of
spirituouB or malt liquor to any person intoxicated,
or keep open any front door on the nut day of the
ct, commonly called Sunday, during in continu
ance of his or t heir iioenae.
Passed the Common Council bepteiuuM II, lSiC
' Recorder and Clerk.
Approved September It, 1878.
Recorder and President pro tern.
r Let the Buffering and diseased tead tbe
tar lt all who bare been given up by Doctors,
and spoken or as incurable, rean the lolluwing.
tvljetall who can believe facts and can bare
faith in evidence, read the following.
Know all men ny these presents, That on this
tha Twentieth da; of Juno, in tie year of Our
boro, una tnouaanu aigiiv Htimirea ana amy.
six, peisonally came Joseph Uaydock to me
known as sui-h. and being duly sworn deposed as
roll w t "Tbal oe la tbe sole general ageol for
the United Bla tea and dependencies thereof for
preparations or medicine known as Ur. Uolloway's
Pills aud Ointment, and that the following certifi
cates are verbatim copies to the best ut hi knowl
edge and belief. JAMtL-j sMKITlibi,
l. 8 Notary Public,
U Wall Street, New York.
(XTaacTS raoa various lkttihs.
'I had no appetite ; Holloway's Pills gare me
a nearty one."
"Your Pills are manrellims."
"I send for an ther box and keep them In the
"Dr. Holloway cured my headache thai was
"I gave fine of ynur Pills to my babe for cholera
morbus. Tha dear little thing got well In a day."
''My naurea of a morning is uuw cured."
"Your box of Holloway ' Ointment cured me of
noises in tle head. 1 rubbed soma of your Oint
ment behind tbe ears, and noise has left."
"Bend m two boxes, l want one for a poor
"1 enclose a dollar, your price la 35 cents, but
id meaicuie to me is worm a dollar."
"Mend me fire boxes of your Pills "
" Ut me have three boxes of your Pills by return
mail, for Chills and Fever."
I have over 2V0 such testimonials as these, but
want m apace compels me to conclude. -
And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment is
Invaluable. It does not beal externally alone,
but penetr atea with tbe most searching (fleets to
tne very root oi tue evil.
Invariably cure the following diseases :
In all diseases aflvcting these ergons, whether
they secrete too much or loo little water ; or
whether they be afflicted with stone or Brave . or
with aches paina settled In the loins over the
regions of the kidneys, these Pills should be taken
according to the printed directions, and the Oint
ment should be w II rubbed Into tbe small of the
back at ned time. Tins treatment will cive
aimosi unmeuiaua reuei wnen all other means bave
No medicine will SO tffix-tuallv Imnmrs tha
tone oi inn etomacn as inese fills : they remove
all acidity, occasioned either bv intemneranea nr
Improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it
to a bealtny action : they are wnudelullr effic
cloui in case of spasm in fact they never fail in
curios; an oiMiraeta oi tne liver and stomach.
Holloway a Tills are the best remedy known In
the world .or the following diseases : Ague, Asth
ma, Biliou complaints, Blotches on the akin,
Bowel Complaints, Colics, Constipation af the
Bow Is. Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dysanta
ry, Erysipelas. Female irregularities, Fevers of all
kinds, Fits, Ooat, Headache, Indigestion. Inflama
tlon. laundice. Liver Complaint, Lumbago, fifes,
Reumatiam. Retention of Urine, Hcrolula or King's,oore inroata, Btone a (J ravel, Secondary
tj uipu.iu , iic-imuiuureux, iumora. Ulcer. Ven
ru Aneciiona, worms or all kinds, Weakness
fren any cause, Ac
None ate (ennine unless tha atunninr. nf
Hatdocx, a agent for the United States, nr
rvuuus mwi oox oi run and ointment. A band
none reward will be giren to any one rendering
sucn information as may lead to the detection of
any party or Dime counterfeiting tha medicine.
or vending the same knowing them to besuuriou.
V 8ld at the manufactory of Professor Uol-
lowat a i,o., iew york, and by all respectable
Druggist and Dealer in Medicine thmnir hntit t na
cWtliard world, in boxes at li cent, 61 ceota and
i cacn.
Mf Then I Considerable Bavins' K tVlna th
iBJKvr siscn.
. B. Directions for th guidance of patient in
ertry disorder are affixed to each box.
i , a "J "'"a
Final Settlement.
X enellev . deceased. Iotie ia hei-ebv riven tliat
Hubert Callison, administrator of aaid estate, has
Sled hi servant for finai settlement and th rlrst
Mimd.V in KnmmhM 1ST. I V . ,
neanns; of said aerount.
bj orusr or n. J. J. r. alton. Jr., County JuiW
KOBERt CALUSoN, Administrator.
Just enterinf its second jmr. It i
and worthy the natroruur of evlW well
wisher o tb Picine Nurthwest. lfu
Beaatimily Ulatrale4
" tha hailing artist oa th. coast.
Bom of
Fkofie Karthwsst ooatribat. to Its tolnmna.
Is',?"'"'1 "C P-hlie.
abroad H has aoaqnai. A sins-l aumhrr will sir.
tbem a better Wm of re a tad V. sahinstoa "r
ntory than a year susun o acy etnar nicer.
tmbetrvptM pnre,
hvlndinf pnstat. rWmpl aaaiber, M seat.
Addnsa th pn blither,
ky oner on uy tbe PmlanJ Bsaev Uvum.
Omron for the county of lwe. Buean Kead
plaintiff, erua George W. Read, defendant. Unit'
in equity to dinwilr the nuurrian eontrx. t
ueorge v. neau, the above named defendant
we name of the eute of M-egou yon are he
quired to appear and anawer the complaint i
the name of the but ot Oregon yon are hereb
ind answer the eomDlaint of nl.k.
tilt against yon in this suit now on Ale in said soar
on or before the first day of tbe next term thereof,
to be held in Eugene City, county and dtnU alor.
aaid, commencing on to-wit: Monday, the 8th day
of November, IHli. Ilia defendant will take notf
that if he fail to appear and answer aaid eomnlit
as above required, to plaintiff will apply to tha
court fur the relief demanded therein, a follow j
nt ins ptainun nave juugmont against In defend
ant dissolving the marriage contract now exittsnr
between said parties; for such reasonable sum lor
counsel fee as the court may deem just; for the costs
and disbursements tjf this suit, and tor such farther
renei ss me court may deem equitable. Barries of
this summons ia made by publication on order of
Bon. J. P. Watson, Judge of aaid court, bearinat
date the Id day of September, 1878.
Attorney fur plaintiff.
of Medicine, oiler their professional service
to the citiens of Eugene City and surrounding,
cuuutrv oprcisi attention given to au
Obstetrical Cbici and Uterine Siieam
entrusted to their care. BlUsalue when tbe aeN
vice la rendered.
Offices on Ninth street and at tbe residence of
Dr. A.I. Nicklin on Willamette street. between.
Ninth and Tenth streets. sen
FOB f .
Medical Attendance on Paupers.
Sealed bids for medical attendendeoce on pan
Sen for one year will be received by the County
udge of Lane county until October Id, 1876..
Tbe same will then be openel by tbe Couoty
Court, and the contract awaided to tbe lowest res
ponsible biddei . The Court res erres tbe right to
reject any and all bids. J.J.WALTON,
Com ty Judge.
Scholarships in University.
The County Court of Lane County wilt draw
lota for the free scholarships ia the State Univer
sity, on the 2d day nf October. 1876. All appli
cants must be examined by the County Superin
tendent, to whom all who desire to be drs.f a must
apply- '
By order of the County Court.
J. J. Walton, Judge.
A. RENFREW, : : : Prop.
PR. RENFREW announces that be is again In
possession of ths old and well-known
Which baa been newly furnisher and refitted, and
is now open for ibe reception of guests.
Bt this change in the ownership, Ifteen rooms,
in tbe
making fifty rooms. It the moat commodioaa
and beat appointed hotel in tbe State south of
Thanking ths public for past patronage, I so
licit a countinuauee of tte sane and ahall do alii
for the comfort of guests.
For Sale.
on Ninth street, east of mill raoe. Term easy.
For particular enunir at the
Fabulous Reduction
. IN
Manufacturing establishment wepropiseto.
sell onreutire stock of
This Is a rare chance to boy good, eubstantlall '
Furniture at nominal prices. Do not let your op
portunity pass. Come all
Breech Loading
Central Fire military and Sporting
And all kind of ammunition for breech I
uona. (Jail ana see me. .
Dinuikau fl.tu Jltlilj.uidL lir..llljl, I
Ha removed to Roseburg.Oviron, where he re
spectfully otters his services Io the citiaen of that
ernrrrir ivn wnrnitifmr nnunims
place an
Ticinity in all the branches of bis pro-
Sugars, Teas, Coffee, Canned Goods,
Tobacco & Cigar, Glass & Queens
ware, Wood and Willowware,
And in fact everything usual!' kept in a first claaa
Grocery otore or Bakery at tiBDROCK PRICES,
for caxh or ready py. Batiifsction (ruaranteed.
Goods delivered to any part of the city free of
Tbe demand for the WTEELT 0R-
EGONIAN for?a,8SE.rtV9 is so
great that mave concluded to
offer it for the balance of the year
All subscriptions will expire Decl '
31, 1875, no matter when they- com
mence. Address,
rortiand, or.
BECKER & BOYD, Proprietors.
boildiag knows a tue Central Market aad
Prisd Veats itl all ktayl. Tnf T.ll sie. Vdl
stU fieef ia ckuka fros 1 to ciata.