HEPCBIiICASf OPINION. Wfcr nr. Park Godwin Deal red the NamlnaUon of Governor TUdea. The Cincinnati Commercial printed on- Wednesday a letter from Mr. Park Godwin, known so long end so well as tbe editor of tbe New York Even ing I'cmt, to a Irion d in Cincinnati. The letter was written May 7, 1876, long before either of the National Conventions was held, and is as fol lows; . "As to politics I would like to see Important Notice. L iENTAUR INIMENTS. A CHANGE HAVING BEKN MADE 15 THE ownmliip of tlx Hprinirntld Mill it It foand aecoaaary to settle up all ouUUn.lini ao oounta. Partiea knowlnc tlrtinaalTna iudobtol sau 'junpuiy, wiu pieaae oome forward at two and Mttla by pavmont of own or not. with approved aa. enrttv. Settlement ma ba made with H. F. fctrat toa at DuuD'a atom in Eciinme City, or at tba oitloe of the Com pan jr Id HnrlnirfMd. J ar,er oriUNUriei.D AULUNU CO. SraiaoriELD, Or., Not. Id, l7i. Lette?rom a Pott matt tr. ANTIOCH. III.. Dan. 1. 1871. "Meaxn . J. B. Ron A Co i "Mywlfehae fori long time bean a terrible the Kepullican. nominate Urislow, TJ.?lr bat my preferences are most decided- wbicb has given bar relief U Centaar Liniment, It for Tilden. I have known h m All rJ0, ay mi. nae curea ner. i ia ao my Ufe, and I know him to be honest to tbe core, singularly conscientious in all he does, of great disinterested ness, and as a statesman head and houlders before any man now promi- ARNES SCROLL SAW. TEAM POWER. FOOT biff lug what I can to extend lu sale. rT.H.BINQ. Tbla bi sample of many thousand of testlmonl-1 am received, or wonderful care effected by the Centaur Liniment. Tbe Ingrediente of tbli article re nohltihed around each bottle. It contain. Wltcb Hu I, Mentha, Arnica, Hock Oil, Carbolic, nent. He is the most profound, sound .JiJ- a a a I' 1 I f- wbw wuv VNIIII MMUimVU HI and Clear In blS political economy Of performing more corn of Swellings, fitlff aoy man I know completely ground- 3olD.?e,tlon; BbeomatiMB, Neuralgia. Mau ri in principles, sure ot his every step, &!,1S1$XZt$Z extremely judicious, and without con- " i Piter now in oe. ceits ttreiudicei or wnnl-npssf If ha For Toothcb' Earache, Weak Back, Itch, and COIM, prejuaiCCS or weaknesses. U ne Cutaneous Eruptloni, It la admirable. It enraa -were xTesiueni at mis moment, in ourne am scalds witboot scir. Extracts poison less than three months we should see ,"? ?D.; Md frp-b" d e .i i i . cbilblaina, In aibnrttlme. No family can afford Our finances On tboir best feet, taxa- to be witbout tbe Centaur Liniment, white wrap- tioa roduced a half, and the currency Pr- . . Th af tat mm a, lHw..l V.tt in a sure way to recover, by a gentle ,:Z-tt?'m& fleeh of tb e animal creation. Jta effecU upon were cases of Spavin, Bweeny. Wind Gall, Big tides of Northern capital flowioir Into CT mmm " " m"TW- tte South to turn its natural resources f T1 McC,ur Co- Dniggiste, cor. Elm into unexampled prosperity. rtt. nr'of te.ms.er. "lildon inspires all C asSOS With re using tbe CenUnr Liniment. The nm- eonfidenoe savins the roffuei. Abuse Boa.nce. !' ,aP?rk,!.t0. "sMog they have em .... . . " 1 it H UKa' eii ea nign aa foqr to fire dona bot- f bip does not eilect him at all. He tlee per momh to time teamalera." has, in fact, no personal resentments, bT6 hounia of iimiiar teatimontaii, wbich bis enemieVsay is profound MalTXT policy, but Which I know IS the make Farmer, Llrerr-men, and Block -ralaera. bare in of the man. IIo ia dennlv ahunrh. "".Liniment a remedy which la worth a bun- . , . . , i orcu iiinea lie coat. eu in ui pnuoipies mat ue pays np beod to personalities. You might as sail him for years and at the end of that time, it tou were worthy, bo would bo tbe first to acknowledge it. When I consider tbe condition of the country, and his peculiar oplitude to meet the emergencies on all aides, be really aeems to me more of a prov idential man than we bave had for a long while, I do not beliove the Democratic party will ba so blind as to reject him. No Democratic name can carry this state, which is all im portant, exoopt llldeo ; and he would Uothen mar hare rent and their bailee nay aaaaaau Xt. 1 1 1 . 1 VI I to. t..la1 1 al ill . . . . pendent Kepubhcan. would go for PaT WlUai Warranted to Cut I Inch I Fool par Minute, r t7 Send lof Circular. A u W PRICE, f 30 00. ' J ELL0VOI7TH & CO., Bucecasore to lUwortb k Belihaw. DJRXJGGI 8TB, TllILu CONTINUE THE lUTRIMMa tw i " ' leprtmenu at the old atand.ofleriDg . V . ; w euaiomen, old and new. Ae heretofore tbe moat - Careful attention given to Prescrirrtions. The change In the firm require! the Immediate M.iicujcuh ui an uia accounu- mjl 08B0RN at ALEXANDER. S24 MARKET STREET, epp. PAUCE HOTEL Ban Franclaeo Th Great Mechanfct' Tool 8tor i th paolflo Coast. Well Improved Farm for Sale. A n IMPROVED FARM of SeO era, 10 aerea XA. under eultmtlon; all uler feoea and the im proremenU in (rood order, vhltk wa wlU eeU at a barnin. Situated 1 miloa went of town and baa a food outran p fur atock. Apply at tkia office. dOIia bOt- I V OUARD OFKIM!. KEARNEY'S TLVXD EXTRACT nu ovlt laowa lrmsr roa BRIGHT' DISEASE! AND A rOUTITB klMIDT Ok GOUT, GBAV2L. BTRICTURES. TJIiBKTE. U 1 8PEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, DROPST, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Non-Retention or InconUnuanee of Urine, Irrita tion, InnammaUon, or Ulearation of the ladder and Kidneys, vi r yv Vs tm No. 649 Clay Street, BETWEEN Kearny and Montgomery Streeta, SAN FRANCISCO. Laboratory of J. B. Rose t Co., i wir 8t., iw Yobi. Pitcher's Castoria. SilEUMAM & 11V1JE, MUSIC DEALERS, Cor. KEARNEY ft SUTTER Sta BAN f RANCIBCO. Agents for the Paclflo Coast CANCERS Remoted without pain, or the uae of either eauetice or the knife, and radically cured. If Dainful. and an open ulcur formed, meilicinea will be aent bjr a praae to aire prompt'reiier. uoniuiiatlnn dt letter, One Dollar. Hend 60 oenta for Book with doaorip Uto Caaaa, Beferenraa andrituioniala. Dna. PARK A MoLEIBIT, ' a. II EaatlBth Street, New York. 8Permatorrho, Incorrhosa or Whltea, IrreguUr in. a M"m!m' arag irawn, vnloroau, our- AU Complaint Incident to Female. KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU For Stone In tbe Bladder, Calralua Orarel or Brick' duat, Depoait and Mucua or Milky Die. ehargea, and Diaeaaea of tbe Froatate Oland. Kearney's Extract Curea Diaeaaea Arialrjf from Impradeneea, Babita of Ouuipation, te.. In all their atag m, at little ex pense, little or no chanm in diet, no inconrenience. andnoexpoaure. It eauaea a frequent deaire, and frirea ilrtnKth to Urinate, tbereliy rvmoTiDf Obatrao tiona, Preventing and Curing rJtricturea of the Ure thra, Alluring Pain and Inflamation, and expelling Uaed by penona in the decline or change of Ufe -, after confinement or labor paina, bed-wetting in vuiiurvu, euj. Prof. Steele aara: "One bottle of Keanurr'a Y tract Buchu ia worth more than all other Buchna oomoineu." S. STEOIIEISEK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER J First-Class Family Groceries CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Notions, Crockery and Willow Wart ALSO FINE WINES AND LIOTTopi M w V M kj Tot medical and family utea. And ererythmg elaa uaally kept in a Tint Claaa FAMILY GROCERY. STORP I beir leave tn infnrm th . v J , witwii. ux i.umil and the eurroundine- eountrr that I h.w. ..i,.. . . cheaper than any other houee thia aide of PorUaad Fresh supplies received weekly, , Of the Terr beat qnalitieeoKXT. My motto la Small Profits and Quick Sales. Pleaee call and learn bit nrinea yt,. v i elaewhere. ' ' S. STEINHEISER, Willamette Street, Eugene Citj. Cash Paid for Bacon and Ectr. Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City J. If . THOMPSON, CW.FITCH- THOMPSON FITCH, ATTORNEYS AT LAWr f- AND REAL ESTATE ' AGENTSy Eagene City, Oreg-oa Offiatioo doon Nmtk nfih pu uuau maiaia ouuuni' Aau fUJLl), ufiin.i ncitiii lA'i'Kri mil ABSTRACTS OP TITLE FURNISHED Fordlicim & Jenninsrs KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU How They Treat Colored Demoerata In Arkanaae. ble Dre Deration, and ennuliia naltliu nin.i I morphine, nor alchohol. it la u pleasant to take u noney, ana neltner gaga nor gripee. Dr. E. Dlraoch.of Dunont. O.. uvi i "I am uilng Caatorla In mr practice with tbe man aignai oenenie ana nappy result." Tbla U i wbat emyone taym. tloet nureee In I new i org ciiyoaeuie Uaatorla. It to by Ueaara i. a. Itoae A Co.. 8 be? r!t.. Nw GROCERS, Permanently curea all affection, of the Bladder, Kidney., and Drnpaioal Bwellinga exiating in lion. tt u,uu ami vniiuivn, no mailer wuai uie age. ajiivannwyi, jaaenooinor. Price One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottle, for Vive Dollar. A New Deal. R. G. GRAHAM, TAILOR, No.. 600 & 602 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. OSIIUltIV & CO S Lewiabarg Ark. Cor. Little Buck Herald. A colored man who has bnnn can. rassing the , county- of Conway In the F-SSSA uSbeM:' uvv.vdu vi atiuuu OIIU alUUUnCKS WBS erorely dealt with last evoniag at Hay's school-house eight miles east of this place. He boarded tho Klin JIughet at tbe above town, and a .re porter ot the Herald gleaned lrora mm mo ioiiowliiff facts : His name is John StarjBcll, in 21 years of ago, and has an intelligent MERCHANT ' !T,ZwhkM T Ti . 118 JUST RECEIVED FROM THE KA8I MEW DRUO STORE, Willamette .tmt, nex COn VersOB With Ilim. He IB well post- '1 of flue and raahionable cloth, tuch if IN to Brlatow Co. ea upon the political situation of the 17 brought to Eugene, eon- wuuv,;i vim "iuuiuuii uoea ovl uiui iu ittvor oi me ucmocrailo ticket are seusiblo and worthy even if utter d by older heads. A large crowd bad assembled at tho church whero be delivered bis speech, and listened attentively throughout. Ho was very tuucli pleasod at his soomiogly good luck, and felt that ho had con vinced some of his auditors that his cause was the riuht one. Loavinr DR. DOHkRTY'8 Largely and Steadily In creasing Practice, which bai constantly kept pace I with the nnexampled Increase and eteady growth I of the Pacific Coast, induced bit removal from bit TTTE HAVE A COMPf .ptb inaTiinn r,m long eaUhllshed and well-known Y"' on 6 V TITLE of all property In Eugene CUy, and corner of Sacramento infl UidesJorfi atreiu , ln perfect piaU of tbe'eame, prepared with great this city, to more commodious ind eligibly located care. VV win in. i- i.71;" Z .partmentf, at No. 649 Cla, Street, where the Bute. BtotffiT5fi&. hehuaipMloH luite of handsomely fitted op ton of all elalmf that n..,8be placed taw mnn Annvpnnt!v mrranaaA Pvamlnatlnn anil frnn. I i , m . . . " wur 1. .7 n ' uauus. iieKaitenaeriDougnt and told. aarll ailltatinn Rnnmi. ncninvinir tha arhnla of tha I u' aa two upper stories) which patients may it all times visit, and fee only the Doctor and bis as-1 auianis. 1 With the most grateful sentiment of reeard 'T'HESE SPRINGS ARE LOCATED Annm for tbe liberal patronaee bestowed on him for tbe - 65 miles east of Eueene Citv and within fnnr- past thirteen years, at bis old office, ni!es of the celebrated Big Prairie of tbe McKen- DR. D0HERTT ,re "limn a rew hundred yards of BllChU totej ? hfc the General Public, and especl- .trTms InODeeK any ail tnose laboring under all rorms or Chronic Dear these springs, bavini been the wanrt ( Complalnu . that he can be conned at 640, 0f these iniLhf Th, gfflt and rCt iTctar- Clay street, on every nrkty oi Dlseiseof the esque ;enery in tbe North PiclBc. wThfv. X te.n.nr.' D,ge8tiT' Md Gmlt- buildina Mi th accommodauon. of Urinary Organa, and all - ,B, Bprn ,n thi. D.rt of lhe fitata BPECI il DISEASES, bouse is new, and is constructed ith reference to nf-M.-l, ),. Il.t la nnma.na ..J Mk am I "BO Wintl Of those Tlaitinff DA fmm tha wallaw. W. more closely connected with the general health a'TObfcve n excellent vapor bath room constructed! than the majnrity of people are aware. Uuhappy "rar ""ejo ' "e pnng, and in all thlnge, we- invauus tor years persist in concealing tneir con dition from a motive originating in mistaken del icacy, and saner in silence nntil their miseries be come too acnte to be repressed, ind mental ind physical debility unfits the sufferer for ictive duties of life. This latter type of affliction manifest! ltseii in tne complaint proiessionaiiy known 11 Syphilis, In all its forms and stages; Seminal Weakness, aud all the distressing forms of Self Abuse, or Onanism ; Gonoirhoca, Gleet, Stricture; Nocturnal ind Diurnal Emissions, Sexual Debili ty. Iliapaaaa nf th Rnalr ant Ijlir.a lndamm.linn 1 of the Bladder and Kidneys, etc., eto. The num- Pf c'It work In the field of honorable practice- L ... n. . i i i . I In I a 1 1 T hot ! JnJn t.l.L . : . i . - .. uvr ui ucrnuun auueruiK irom inetie nornoie dis eases, In whom the Doctor has effected a radical oure, van be counted by tbe thousand .and the vol untary certificates in bis possession, received from propose to keep np with tbe demand for an ilntl- tuuuu oi mis una. An experiencod Dhvsldan in tibnXw at alt. times. Board and lod linn in irood stvle for thn. who prefer it. Animals can lie nastnred for amaii: cost and be perfectly safe. A. N. FOLEY. Profrietor AFTER A QUAUTEil OF A CENTURY. 1 - " uuuvi.ui. uiactiuar in California during which time thousands of the- mum uiincuii cases of Panta Good. Coating., in all Grades, and FIdo Ve.tlnga. CALL AND SEE MY STOCK. B. O. GRAHAM. NORTH PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION Ui- I'UUl'LANl), OKEGON. f.. r .. .v. .... ... - .. . r" "XT"" v viuur. uuur i bmick or s 100,000, on Gold Coin Bails, and lu tho meeting adjourned) he Started for eorporated under tb. lrwi of the SUte of Oregon uvuiu, buiuo vl ,uu jjursons to WIIOIQ spoakinir followincr: I dark portion of the OFFICERS: P. WaasiKMAM, President, be had boon Arrivintr at a woods he was aspailod by tbe mob, who had been flattering Lin. along tbe road, making him believe that lie caa enlisted them in his causo, and was severely beaten, robbed of his money, and shamefully treated in every war. His back was horribly bruised, while his collar bone had the ,W B- Udd appearanoe of bein$ broken in two Etjwi irii.vi.-a. jq UUU1J.IIUIUUU OI U giving iim considerable pain, and his coun tenance and aotions indicated as much. . Stansell it on bis way to Van Buren, where bis parents reside, and ays that he will return to that same ohurch when he reoovm, and prove to the Republican Ku-Klux that ha ia "not dead, but aleojHJtb. Our victim was formerly a waiter at the railroad hie and m hR.? aSLT iKfi"!SJ! ating-house at luftoIvilU, ainl savs brIIlrl."rtny ruither payment, except for that Ce has been saving bis monev m?vTM,MU " ,p"U "tUo" m for some time past in order to make M. P. MORSE. Gan'l AeenL m utviiuiM vi.iitunii'a id iavor oi E. Qtiai iiNiusH, Vice President. j. n. AriLn, Secretary. W.H. Laoo, T ream re r. W. H. KrrtNORi, Attorney, U.P.alom,aIanager. JD1RECT0RS : P. WajsiaiiAK, W. R. ErriNoia, W, WillBAH, J. L. Atiinsok. aawirsf, . p. Moasi. V. W. WAKtrillD. TABLE RATES. UFI POLICIES. FIVE AGESA, B, C.T). K. . A Iges between 1 II annual premium.. 14 oo . a tv " a on JO A 15 h " MA80 - "J 2 - m4 ;;oo nay be paid it my one time, en an; B C- D- E Or 123 DKALIRg IH DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, VARNISnES PATENT MEDICINES, &c. ' Brandies.'. Wines and Liquor OF ALL KINDS. fiot, wt bave the best assortment ' f articles found In a FIRST CLASS DRUG 3T0RE. We warrant all of our drag, for they are al new auu iroao. Partlea.tr attention U called to our stock or Perfumery am. Toilet Articles, i As we have bought OUR GOODS FOR CARn I we ean compete w'th my eaubllahment Eugene City In pric 'aooommodation. Buy your goods wa . ou caa get the best Md cheapest. Prttcriptloni tartfij' Filled At all hours of tbe day or night. OSJJU11N &. . October i. Its. iotf. Brick Store, tor. "Rillnmttle ft Eighth. EUGENE CITY. - Piemature Decay and Diseases of Con- DEPOT, Cok. MAIDEN Lam & WILLIAM persons be baa restored to health re enough to sat- hwe been n.. . a .t.. . . . tbese inectiom, enables bim to warrml speedy ..-. .... ui.uuuou uie cures, even In obstinate cases, and In every DR. J. C. TOTJNG V insunce give reiier. niseasei wbicb formerly la. , . . baffled tbe medical skill of the most learn-1 MPrtlPal 9nfl Vliroinil fnr, ed and experienced Practitioner, of the heal- wuiiuai IIIJIIIUIC Ing art, and were regarded by the majority of ""I o"e to the afflicted the positive fssnrenc-- Physicians as utterly incurable, now readily yield 01 honorable treatment and rapid and absolute to modern remedies, when prescribed by the intel- ae can be abown by thousands of testimony ligent Practitioner, who makes tbe human sye- fron grateful Patients. Let me call the at ten. tern, ind these special ailments, bis constant studv "n of those who suffer to some of th m.t. nr end subject of observation. . SEMINAL WEAKNESS. ' In no ewe Is publie.ty permitted except t Ue The preservation of health and lite le dependent express wish of the pat ent; ind the Doctor con- upon the proper condition of the procreativt fu fidentlvtrusU that his long experience and me- tions and anj weakness or ean rrf .in J- cessfuf practice will continue lo Tinsure bim a lib- th. 7JL .5.'T. f, weanea ef erai snare oi public patronage. By the practise tack upon the general health ai T wel J.Z . of many years in Europe ind tUe United States, struction-if JSSK! 5?. -t,"'-blfd.,t0 PPlT.,b.? F!09' aw88f'1' ? e pridt of one sex mdh. tSLSSVi Streets, NEW YORK. A i Drnonn in attends. no to krYtwAi tvrrMnnnrl. 6bo and give advice gratia, fiend fttamp fur Pam- SOLD BY CRANE & BRIGHAM, Wholesale Agents, San Francisco. And by DruggUti ererywher. OPIUM OarBWa andnrrkltPmiK HABITS jl tlf cum); punleaa,nopubliciir,aihoiiwaBdwiUiout bKoanoKoce. AaMiidoteihatitandson in tnentt. S " I?1"- DR. CARLTON, is WathugtoaScreet, Chicago, lib ' v i nhatratod work Vi rianmnni ai I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" ewiM.loi .Ill wa aa. in. i dies against diseasts of all kinds. He curea witbout mercury, charge, moderate fees, treats his patients in a correct and hnnnr . able way, and baa references of unquestionable veracity, from men of known respectability and high standing in society. All parties whomav I .1. UI L. .1 ' .... . . uuuauu miu ui iciujr or omerwwe, Will receive tbe oestana genuest treatment. ) th. BianiMl and n. nUMM. nn tha n I . ofttMMxualrnt.nl, It abuMl, tu., latnt aiK-onriu ta th. WHty happy In Ui. married r.lulon. Mai. and trai.la. youiis aoif middl. urd lould nad anil aMn.tt.il BwH hiwiuihn wuirn uu vn. .U .00111 IO M Wltn m l o how Is pninrr. the health, and aumnkiloa, and thntha. I- V- i.i.uT. 'm;ui . I. mm .a. foundation or much 01 the misery of after years by the indulg ence of the most DKSTBncTivi or HABITS making lire a curse and spreading weakness and ruin among minklnd. for It is a well known fact that the Indulgence In solitary vice, even In tbe slight est degree, plants seeds of weakness in the system that grow to a harvest ot disease, sorrow and shame in after year, GUIDEi YOUNG MAM Ic S0e.nl. eenonallT or hv ila vori-Addma fin to ndrd ehek Ui. traahrm ol .oath i th. heat ind i Y. , J"1 " 1 1 1 " v.uiiiw ia in. world, rrti V h"ii- in autaar mar Daeonaultedl m.u on an? ofthaiublecu nontloned In hi XM. A. O. OUH, UI w aunfbn il,Clikii.aU. i If Y00 BATI ANTTHINQ TO SELL, ADVERTISE I Ir Yoo wast to Bur, ADVERTISE Ir Tou hate Lost Anything, ADVERTISE! Ir would SuccKD in Business ADVERTISE I ADVERTISE ADVERTISE I ADVERTISE 1 .ADVERTISE! ffjLl 111 lT k.mw " iConn'hip, Mar. VaJI WaVWaU TO FEMALES When a female ia afflicted with disease s, weak. ness oi tne naci ind limbs, pain in the ness of sicbt. loss of muscular Dower. ol tbe heart. Irritability, nervousness. Wnr. mentot digestive functions, general debility, all diseases of tbe womb, hysteria, sterilitv. and all other dateasea peculiar to females, she should go or write at once to Da. W. K. DOHEBTV, at his Medical Institute, and she will receive every pos sible relief and heln. t . . . . . I Derlence anv nf tham ninhi jt i... ' . . . '"" ueiicacy prevent you, out apply lm- S,h. " J" M'eJ " ,"";urgee, ulgtxl meiiateiy, ana save voursef from nanfu auffer- " mCT, .renjDiing. inxetv.for. Ing and premature death. f!5?' con8leB; Pln. ' back, limb or body, -;-- iimiaity. aversion to o- TO CORRESPONDENTS. SLV'.m ?0.,,, w,ni of ,Dol- triable tern- he head lLl !" an, weaknen. yon ihould not r. palpitation & e ' Vn'ill foriW ?Ur heil,b no Rss. dfranim T0"'"6, L" 'rnjf of Weakness ind Prema wre ueciy a tute Is Guaranteed by the Doctor to. the Young, Middle-aged or Old, without Knr? or Hindrance from Kuslnexi. Tbe RemedWSrI perely vegetable ir)d of i Nature "hit TeavS n? taint behind. Of s.rvi tbe symptoms. nd htt to check the coarse of tbe complaint, if yooTx perience my of them-nig-htlv dih.V-'.;?. PltienU (maleor femaiei residin. In ... .rt EV. ZZTZl r.S 0 . """iesf , dep. of tbe countrv however di ant who Z.V'aLZI " ew- etc. the opinion ind advice of Dr. Doner tv In their ipective cases, ind whoth nk proper to eubm.ti wiiiku natenieot oi sucn, u prelerenck to holdV AND ta. Fh.nolo.lnal nrlM .nd BM.IUl.,na ft Uwauyal mm, Phi. RfW AfcrPDtrre Mr d Trauaoa hoald aurrv. Ilu. I prdlnwnt. to narriw. mm DlmaM, ryhr t a M, aootaln. near rat. Bent or M.I " ' A-.Boit.liK.rl 41Nthi'JU Stiwaia,Ma. t.hinhIUton. """"' tllj atlTOif, work of m. kind w pohllah. Mall amiraij ataled m weim oHOru. Ad. the Doruocratio nominees. T. 0. HENDRICKS. ?tit!ft'SrP& HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL. "Vv , nruu"M " k JiiiDs. Spokes, Mini. Tork.biT. slrcadgoo.oTertoTil.'eo.and n . , . ... . ' Wiebes to know whether, when BUemra Oak, ASO 8nd IIIcKorf Tlailk. ava Bominatail anil n it.. ....t.i:-.. .amn. .wi: Vl "77 VM. ,u.w .reP"Ta ticket they should not give bail to rraaio Six Biootln in the pau-tjr. OureorteeporNjot refers to Jed UilJeraleeve tod Jutj..a Oowpp. Ws do Dot f mhj lUtwiaio should not become a reformer U be wUbes to ""! myvu a. omcej. mt It good tins tv repoWicans to boooma demo- oraia. " or iu been reeumed oo th great wuroiua wmpie at am uu tit, begao G. Il.Usmptoo La boa eomioited for His oext sesfioa of the Columbia Ann oil Coofertoo of tie M. Church, Itisbop Marrin p-eaiJinp. will be held at Corrsllis eomcreocing; oo WedoeaJar. Sept 13th, Tot dw mining i,ick la Jackson county for tb Eoduh compeer will ba tw .r,.i te-3-OJrd aulas la kef tb tad till carrj 2,400 NOHTHRir tt Tnonrtow, TOKTLAND, ... OEEXK).f. Assessment Notice. NOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN that at t ti. L . to of tba Board of Dim-tore of the Uae AU STAPLE A.V. PETERS & CO., Are Bow ba receipt of a very Urge steck of NEW SPUIIVG GOODS, Selected with nac&earerroa th. Irrt and beat wpwuaf .ousas ia Baa fYauciana. Our Stock Of DRESS GOODS b Baoatiallf Urge and attractive, and amprwea tbe vot ltot Mjrlf.u.1 Bonluea, aad of ait areata. B4 prieaa, ao m to aaeei the vmw f all. WHITE GOODS. - . a. a . .l- l unwjio. ciannn ana IBaarunn. aaw . U ... -. ..... v, W LU. 1 i. I - i wioiy r amen' Hrnanili. Aaanrlaitn. ku u I " t"n. Ik. j . t . . - vm the 17lh day of June, ie7f , M ummmtal of U per cent oa tbe capital stork suew-riSerl Waa i. W. Parable to- J. C JENNINUS, Hek Of at Oabora'i drag store lo : V. M. WILK1N5. J. EILUNQSWOaTH & SON, STAR BAKERY, Oa snath Street, EEP oonsUntly oa band, freak Bugar. Tobacco A Ogtn, Peachef . a VtrTakdk lO aa. . J i l an.. ' Byrop. Cheeae, Powder. Soap, Btarch, Pepper, Bardinee. Salt, CandiiT Core meal, Candle., Nuta, Lard. Flour, Eto., Etc ALSO Brrad, Cikri, Piri, Fruili md Trgclabln. of every dewiption, which they will sell cheap for cash. Tbakful for oast favora v aniir.ii a tinuanoe of tbe aaara. Oocdf delivered to inv nart of Uta rlt ha. t ... . 'i . . ' l"'K- " are onosuniiy receiving MWuood. w a win .viaiy our castomere in regard to prx-ea TERRIBLE PHUnva In the humsn blood is that ari.in. r v?;' . ui nniiw i - ". iiuui w tnrev ing i personal Interview, we respectfully assured i i kidi. Ing 0ut' tftr f"n ot PPrent that their communications will be held most ia- ln eon im Bpon v.riou. pirta of tha cred. body its great danger lie. In tbe fait that It tT Tbe Doctor is arecalw rraduate. and m ha 8'T. mnoeent partner or to the nnhnm. eonsulted with every confidence. - ,. """"d the person originaUT, If the disease be fullv and candldl. M contracting It. r personal communication will, in most cases, be , THE PSE OP MEBCUBT nnneceaury.u inslructioaf for diet, regimen and MV .hii terrible deception br drvlnlti the general treatment of tbe rise itself (includlie ?P" tne rfee and driving it baek lnti.fi,. toe remedies), will be forwarded without delay, N00"- An ViNiwat Poison if aiiob tZ and In such i meaner u to convey no Idea of the 1 ANB 9k" oiiuKioiTiD urm unr,. purport of tbe letter or parcel so transmitted. Dd mlJ certainty ef prevention of tranVmbv- Sbould voor condition reoulr Immii.i.. Sinn le in the positive nmni k. r 7 . tion.eend ten dollars In coin, for that i ment practiced at tbe Dr. J. f! v, u.7. l currency) by Mail, or Welle, Kargo A Co.'i Ex- 'DVtute- coniprehensire scientific and thoron.h prese.andl nackaire of medicine, will fo.. having received endorsement. ,. k.. 17 V warded to your adtlresa, with tbe necessary In . r,odern prsctlee. Recent case, cored In a Viv ttructiona for nee. days and chronle ease, with n-mr..i.u J ?Jf.r pur teeu of tbe presence of the Taint th. blood are never failing. w TO FEMALES. There are no claaa nf r.i.:.i. .i... .. . th..vmDtbie. ofth.- aVeTcal' mind . mand it. gravest thought md study as thoi??t Consultations, it tne office or k l.tu. rorr Address W. il. DOUKBIT, M. D., San Franciace Cat OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. vn.wnr.iuBi siiuiui pnyrclan and bon- "t mougnt and atody as those th.t orable gentleman. Any augment he make, to J"1" om. The Doctor after rear, rf naiiT. ble patienu. beia aore to fulfill. That fact la one "'o nd treatment ia enabled to .mot. great can of hie eminent succese in his profes- hem rapid and Ihnrongh cares in all the rom- akrn. il lie fortunate that among tbe maryidver- P''bt. incident to the sex. The wiai can bov. Using phylclana, there if one that can be depend- ,0" Tiw and tbi icmij( w, JL.,1 " oo. "Review. r Arinccaa. assuif 'DR.POHERTrSrepnUtionaiaphyslelm. tlSSSVmou,mftn,Ama if a sufficient gnarante For thernre of aiy cue !.'Uf? f.u"h penmnU with careful md beenderUkea.-'-CaJar-ra, Chronicle. 2!SLEZr onremittej. attention and "DR. DOHESTT baa devoted hi. i . tijsss3' of ripidmd .1 l , . J aawv a vvi luauwai UOi ! w ZITTFZ Th tnte brapphed with a physician in San Franciaco. ' Free Frvaa. GOODS. DU & CO. SPECIALISTS, Ww, H'KaraeT Street. TREAT ALL CHRONIC and private diseaa witboot tbe ud efavercury. COXSIXTATIOXS FREF. CaUetaddrra. r DR. A. 8. FPIXNET A CO., Ke.ll Ki.avtT, Sv, raa Fraik-Mro. A Wrr. alark f Ataal V II ... Tabl Lbmm, Towalirura ami H,Wr- rZTZ.T-' I HBdatxJiKl,I-.aB4liBiUr.mallfii.l VB WIU PAT TEH eAesT XAUET IMS ia aaaa rot as bcT f povad , GOOD MEHCUAXTADL1C WOOL IODIDE OF POTASS. The tw ftwatiSer of tha CrannU.iMaa rnn. I-uboIm, BJob-hfl. Pi-niatfta sad Merrnmi I-aiM. a,4J by alt ItwrM I'm Low'. Oaamntratsd tlaram Extraeta Jar ! Craaaa. CaAas. a. COUINTKYrRODUCE Of mj Arrlrtl wUd, for whtehwa w lpf Um sif W swart por. W pSl .. EB A L HEBCHAXDISS a. T.C. HENDRICKS, DR. DOHERTT'8 rennUHn. la mr,A finicmn sa loe coast, in cbrouc md epe eiflc practice." Mirror. "DR. DOHEETT.Ftw m i tv. profesatoa have aocoMdmi la Mini.,, iw dence of tbe pablic ia then- skill md judgment as be haa.,,-lnquirer. ' "DR. DOHERTT ruks aa one of ocr m. j;. 'P101 lessee- , kkkbtbe tiagutsbed pbraktaaa. and aiaa on. Bcceaafnl. which la bow tbe criteria. . eeedieal practitioner is judged." Echo. "DR. DOHERTT enjoy, . more exteawrve prae, Uce tbaa my physician La thi. State, "-lupreaa. P. 8-Tb. DortBr will nj kl. - vi.i - e watjHuiur. oa Speoal Duwaaea,tomy iddre. oa receipt of lix Bteia poatage stamps, for twtara poetage. LYING IN riFPiUTwirwi. where patienta wiU receive the treatmrntto I tial ia aocb case. ' CURED AT HOME. .Kk And ia the trouble of viit,ng the citi. oflei Incurring an eipen f exceeding the eort of Ut me.t Th expenee can be avoided bywrH mg to the Doctor, giving toyoor own X STmnton ai ..ki . " J' 't rospiimi. Core. FOB SALE A FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. APPLT AT THI 6CAED OFFICE, OIO a tlay at kmc. VlaitU Sana Mum. a tl communication- strictly eonUdentiaJ and anut. ters either returned or destroyed " Tbe Doctor caa ha iU t .n requiring Cownnmci ao Sfcaarr Rn confidence ia him. all mo .L .J: . We-. Ul peedily rel.d enre BSJ. r. JOSSEI.TW, M. D B,xT3- 8aa France, C.L GEO. J. Buys. BOOK AND JOR VPTVTrr? FUGEXl (TTT. OBFOOW. A r-T.t. raraJ rimi. ryu at Ra-fi-a. . -- fc"-. TiCM A CO., AagmMa, A U til. Dkrt, u iowt pn. .,, iU T. (. H I'KICRS . OREGON 8T0XE WARE for t.C HuivBCtU. TKV IT I THg T O. HF.NDR1CK3BRAXD fSOAr. roc eale only bv T. C. BX5EE!CKS. A. V. rZTEoS At CO. I N't WW d.okrU4Cu,buiHUaai. a