AVllCS.-Ao eertiflcnlt of publication mill bt ir unlit IA feet art paid, )fjc ft HA LIMA A-A'A'O & tJA riOtfiS O.H flUS KlLJiinfuturt. 3SXfi.7rtt afltr tubtrribtrt mamet intlr leal tkt Hi t expiration of enbiaription. Konot Simple announcements of birthi, tnju tliiHtol doathswill be iuserted without charge. OUtuary notice will ba charged fur at Uia rat of 10 cuU por line. YYeaaumenorapoaalbIllty (or view exprctaed of eorrespoudenta. - Single eopiee of the Ouabb, In wrappera for mail Bg, may be obtained at this office. CITY AND COUNTY. Wheat. There bare been do Bales of any importance made iu thii market. From the Oregonian't report of Thursday we take this : "There is but little new upon which to com ment in regard to the wheat market except a somewhat increased movement towards tide water sad rather mora volume to transac tions, though the bulk of the crop is only just being threshed. In prices there is noth ing not heretofore mentioned, and purchases of ordinary lots are reportod at quotations. There are now in the river tun vessels (bat may be classed as belonging to the grain ijeet, but of this cumber several are vet with out engagements, andxportors are appar ently not eager to take lip ships at the rate Brief Mention. L. ThanhnnEer is in San Francisco. County Court will be in session next week. Quoen's circus will bo here on the lGth inst. Hop picking commences in about two weoka. Johnny Gray has closed his cigar and can dy stand. Mr. Wolfe will leave for Dayton, W. T., next week. Mr. Undorwood returned from California on Thursday. Matthew Wullis has put one M Mr. Edris' separators into his warehouse. Hon. Lafayette Lane reached Sau Fran cisco on his way home last Sunday. J. W. Skaggs has bought the stock of Tibbetta & Co., In the Masonic building. R. L Forbes has gone to Mohawk, that paradise to which all our great men retire. The September number of the Wttt Short will contain an engraving of the Slate Uni versity. The Central and Union Pacific Railroads have decided to limit the free transit for vet erans of the Mexican war, eastward, to Sep tember 15, 1876. ' Jas. F. Drown has got an office. lie has been appointed Inspector General for Ore gon oi an institution known as the "Boys in demanded while the strain market promises so little. Only a few farmers, so far, have lican Part7 U Ml shown an inclination to sell, the majority The, following persons have been elected UlSIMKSS NOT1CKS. By- PiioTooBArny. Frank Alvcrson baa opened a rhotograph Gallery at R. L. Fnrhea' old stand in Kncana Citv. where ho is prepared to do all kinds of work in the Photographic line in the boat and latest styles. Fhotsgraphs of all sires, large pho tographs for framing, old pictures copied, all kinds of viewing done on short notice. Work done in Iudia ink and water colors at reasonable terms. Negatives taken in rainy and cloudy weather as well as In clear. Freckles and lines in the face taken out without injuring the expression. Particular attention paid to position. The public are invited to visit the gallery and examine work Prices to suit the times. Lost. A common drawer key and a poet office box key attached to a ring. Tb flnder will con fer a favor by leaving them at Dorrti' tlnshop. Wm. Preston has just received from San Francisco a complete stock of good in his line, and horsemen will find many useful ar ticles not heretofore brought here. Sewing machine needles of all kijads for sale at the Bazaar, corner of Willamette and Seventh streets. Wood. We will take forty cords, more or less, on subscription or accounts due this Blue." This insures his vote for the ltepub FOR KENT. A Ranch and about Four Hundred Head seeing nothing in the trade at present to delegates to the State Orange from this of b beep. Enquire at the Photograph Gal a hflliof that Ihnrd a nVn7Br nf anv V"UV """ """'"" r. Of J. A. WINTER. - o 4 ijuoqb ijor nd wils. Mibbiib .lamw Mai- lock and wife, Goshen ; G. W. Rioehart and j- The National Gold Medal as awarded to Wife, Lreswell. . Bradley Itulofaon for the best Photographs in the further decline, if tbey can see but little hopes of a permanent rise. Eastern Oregon and Walla Walla are sending forward their surplus quite freely, the average daily ship ments from those regions reaching 150 tons. Alcohol was invented 950 years ago in United States, and the Vienna Medal for the beet la . . . ..." . I Arabia, and was used by ladies with a pow- in the world. der for painting their faces. Since that time 429 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. lit hlM hpAn naaA mninlv ho -pntlimait fnp I the Willamette and Umpqoa valleys are not pajnlinp. thejr noses, aod U8d io a pain JJ"'J quite so forward, farmers not yet being because they required no powder to Gre them Li0u nature houid be washed with olenm sul- 1 yu. rntin ouvrt niuui uu uuaj at ,.- TflA fa h P T? T 11 no rrtteiialAM mtxA I a W Ve W V .m IVe VT 111 UMB UJIUICbllO BUU I . " 1 - . . delegates over their road to the Conference Steinbeiser yesterday received a from lot I nf ttlA M V f?hnrpri Knnth at full lorn mnt of California fruits, vegetables, etc. Uo and on their return will make no charges. The UPP'J before lhc7 re tt" Bone through their threshing, and the hauling be ing done generally to the nearest points of storage on the river or railroads. 1 bree or four vessels only are yet on the berth, and they will have reasonable dispatch, though delegates on their return will be required to some of them have waited a long time. present to the ticket agonts a certificate from u: k map nnt in ma loom " secretary of the Conference. I ho Uon- . - - :" " ference will convene at Corvallis on the 13th irom oir. r neouiy mat as us uuugui uunug 0f September, the ween at tms piace ana irving aooui Cheaper than Ready Made. R. J. Graham has the agency for the goods menu facured at the Ashland Woolen Mills, which he is Bellini at from SI 25 to 81 3734 P Mr. John P. Gross la canvaialnir scent I 1 .1 .. n,Aa in onftinrr it 4,000 bushels, at 60 cents per bushel on for two very useful books, and will visit our fnt0 earn,ents. These are superior goods board the cars. A Hogue. and "The Science of a New Life ;" the first named contains 20.000 valuable renointa. and The paper published by the North Pacific will be useful to every one, no matter what .Mutual Life Association of Portland warns his occupation. Mr. Gross has the misfor- -all persons against M. P. Burnham, who.it Wne to be dea and dumb, and by subscr.b, r, . ., .... a . , mg for bis books you can at once get the .says, has given evidence of being a first-class worlh of the m iove8ted and d)6 g Kr. rogue, he having swindled a great many peo-J yiCe to an uufortunate fellow man. ule in the UDDer Willamette valley by tak- Wm 1 I TCi T W t 1 :il : a m .1 . 1 ing advantage of. their friendship and conn- ZZZZlTT. . . 1 . , . 1 . 1 , " . deuce, in lUlS couuij oe must nave bioiuu enth itreet, on the tint Monday in September. At least two thousand dollars. His plan of -operation . was this : The Association is- citizens to solicit subscriptions. I he books aj tuia 0fjer w eDabte any one to obtain are, "A Dictionary of every day Wants" Ln,hiff nhnatiflr than the same Quality can 1 - xr.. 1 :f.. .11 .1.. n " : o . r . be bought already made Steinbeiser Is still receiving fresh vegeta bles, fruits, nuts, etc., by every steamer. Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Carriages. A large stock on band and I will to order of tho Best Eastern Timber throughout. AIL TOR WARRANTED IX EVERY BESTECT, at Fair Prices. Repository and Shop Corner Ninth and Oak Streets, Euuens City. Please call and see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere Blacksmithing, Wood Work ami Carriage Fainting done 10 oracr. w. w. espey: SHERMAN & HYDE'S COLTjMt wMmM & EL FRIEHDLY. HAS JUST OPENED FOB TOE BriUNU AND SUMMER TR. Tho Largest Stock of Goods TRADE EYER BROUGHT TO EUGENE. OUR STOCK O? CLOTHING has been largely Increased and we ean show a uauusom a line or ready made goodi in . MEN'S AND BOYS Business and Dress ulls, As con be round In the county , and as prices that caunoi lull to sausiy. . OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT U well filled with a unlenillJ asttnrt a all the leading styles and fashionable aha . goodi. Empress Cloths, Mohair and American Dress Goods. Plaid, Tlaln and Opera Flannels of all colon. Bleached & TJuLlcaclied Cotton Flan nels. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, SHAWLS and SCARFS; S. WOOL BLANKETS, All Colon. Trunks and Traveling Satchels. HATS & CAPS, la the leading Rtytea. OIL CLOTHS, fur Floor and Table dm. BOOTS & SHOES. We would call special attention to our atock Mens' and loys' San Francisco Hoots, Whlek ws have told for a number of yean with great aatisfactiou. Every pair warranted. A complete slock of HARDAVAEE! Plows and Farming Utensils. CU0ICE TEAS. CANNED GOODS, and all choice FAMILY GROCERIES at aitonixhlngly low rates. LIVERPOOL AND CARMEN ISLAND SALT. Highest price for all kinds of produce and WOOL. II. FKItiNDLY. NeTOT before In the bistort of piano forts man-' ufactiire hai an Instrument ilaen ao rapidly In popular fiyor. Ill Intrlnsta mrlt and decided innarlorltf onr all other hax canned ever? mnaician and artist of not to adopt and recommend iu NlUton anm I ahall tak emry . orportotUt' to recommend and praise your UMtrumeuU. Ulsa Kelloxe mti: Your Pianos are m? thole' for the concert room and for my owa bouse. Lucea mjt Your uprluhts are extraordinary' Instruments, and deserve their great popularity. Patti aava; I hare need the nlanoa of every celebrated makor, but give yours the preferenoe' overall. Btraun aavsi Your Pianos aatenlahmeat ma. I have never teen any pianos which equal yours. Wehlt aava: Madame Parana called vonr PU- anoi the finest In the (Julted Stetea. I fully en dorse tkal opinion. They bate no rival. Changed Hands. Prof. Johnson, Pres- . , . , .!,.., .,i ident of the University, bos bought the resi- .anaa tivA nlaaapa Ar nnhpipa vnnwn ar annual ' r- . 1 ui T r,.!.. .. 1. , i- . .u , u; ueuue ui j. jj. unovuw. jure, ouiuur, uriu- 1 1 J o aonAlial ftA anH ft9A Ha unmanned in .vM.iv. -". " - Mi. P T. V.-.ra nUa getting about one hnodred subscribers for ' v paid-op policies at $26 each. So far as we 1 Bkliqious Sebvicm. Rov. J. S. Cain, LtmUEU. I am prepared to deliver Lumber-In Eu gene or vicinity on short notice, urders left of the store will be promptly attended to. F. B. DUNN". Buy your wall paper already trimmed at justed, and the board adjourned. Business College. The attention of our readers is called to the'advertisement of the" Portland Business College. Mr. DeFrance has had much experience in this line and no one can roi-ret the money spent in coin? turouca a course undor his instruction. ITIAUItlEO. In Halser. Aumut 18. at the reaidenoe of B. F. Moore, br J. A. Pearl, Justine of the Vau, Mx. B. W. Jenkins and Miss U. A. mem, bulb oi Imneuo. DIED. average value, 86 58. Number of 43,062; Talue, 860,886; areraga value; $1 77. Oroas value of all property I4,60J,!M IndebteJwM f 1,331,10V XxanpUona tll,lU 1.652,864 Total taxable $2,952,731 The number of polls returned is 1,354, an Increase of 131 over last year. The total taxable property is 8197,917 less than Year. Are we going backward, or is the public conscience becoming more elastic ? Couimo. A decided novelty in the way of a minstrel performance will be given at Lane's Hall on next Wednesday evening by the Georgia Minstrel Tronpe, comprised of twenty genuine negro artists. The Stand ard says of their first performance in Port land: The first appearance of the above named trooDe. last night at the New Market The atre, was successful in a pecuniary and every other sense. From the elevation of the car- tain to the going down thereof, the audience was in such a boisterous good homo that at times loud laughter would deafen the steoa- torian Inngs of the loudest of the performers. A novelty introduced by this troupe wss what might be'jenned "double ends," that is two men on one ena to piay me woes auu two on the other to bang tbe tambour lnei. Iu this connection we would say that the tambourine Dlaving. for grotesqueness and celerity, far surpassed anything of this kind evar witnessed in this citv. The little "sketches" were all well received by the au dience, and tbe song and dance artsts were as full of "mischief and music" as tbe typical Plantation darker. Those wishing to spend Dleasact evening cao not better employ their time than by witnessing tbe laughable I antics of this genuine slave troupe. RcaiWATA team attached to a carriage and driven by Mr. F. B. Dunn took fright at Dew tangled wind mill near Mr. Chichester's warehouse and took a run towards town. As tbe carriage struck the railroad track Mr. Duoa was thrown out aod considerably braised. The team went on home and jump ed the ban into tbe etable lot without I breaking anything about tbe carriage or bar- Besa. Betall Produce and Provlatoo market, The following are retailers' prices : FLOUIt-$ bhl 00 tfl 50. COflN MEAL -Oregon itround, in bulk to. WHEAT Beat whit SI. OATS-7;o $buhel. . HEANH ltetail, 63. BUTTER Prcah Mils, I025c. COFFEE Costa Uica, 2l)o; ltio, 29; Java, S3, ground, 87. lHM'.hKi urecon, o o. CANDLES box U 001 JO. ECUS 16o. . , PfTTnii'Uner hnnhvl. tl. BACON-hidea, 12.o;Hams,12i 15c; Shoul der", 8 r5 10c. ph r:KKN4 s? ro fa S3 oo ner aozan.. PIHHKalmon. choice, hf bhU, 17: 60ft klta $5: bellies, 25 ft kits, 50 ;mackerei, V au, o CO dflsh, coast, 16n. r.lRIi "in lf.lr; hlllK. 1,'iC. BUGAR-8. F. H. llc; Island 10915c; crush' 4 1H" nnwilereil. 21)0. dALT uarman isiana v iuu ids,i u, uj II 75; Liverpool Dalrv, 13; coarse Liverpool, a i, TEA -Choice lireen II ou rt n; japau loc. 8Y11UP Heavy Golden. 15 00 (kcg. OILS Devoe'a coal, 75c; Linseed, boiled, 12 n.in. Nut tl r aknki) (inmmu rater, we: earainea ait vaaorted Jellies, 62ic; Grwq Corn, 50c; Peaches 60o; Tomatoes, siu Becker & Boyd have reduced the prices on fresh meats in accordance with tbe times, cipal of the preparatory school, has bought and wit sell cheaper than any shop in town for cash Farm for Salk. A good farm for sale . .i .. j ... ...... . .. inn easy terms, wituiu iwu una u vi can learn every one oi mese was reiuruea wno Das Deen assigned to tue charge oi the " . '5-0 . f land Bu f(;nccd R00j to the company as annual subscribers, and Methodist church at this place for tbe ensu- D0QSe 0Q the same, and 400 acres can be Burnham pocketed twenty dollars on each ing year, will hold divine service to morrow, cultivated. If you want a bargain call and trnnuntinn Tim anhjprihnra Beam lilffllv to I mnrninir ami enlni) at. tha nannl honpa 866 J.J. Blton, JT. lave to lose their payments, as the compa- ....,. ., , r...,:.. " If you want a good pair of gloves, go to l,.Htl P Xfnp af. thar tirr I uu wi ua.iia- Wm -.,. fnr tha San J 086 I tnw fna tl , 1 . wan Ri1AnJA ..a " " the General Agent, should be responsible for wuu ,ur ? -1- glove manufactory, ha uotM nf hi. anlu.ronti. and Mr. Mora- "oa -Pr-"'""" has recentlv severed his connection with the of iaTJet t0 ave. hiB a9.9e83meut "d company and left the State.. BUMMARY OF AaSESSMBSTS. From the Assessor's report for this year we take the following figures : No. acres of land 433,- S63; value, 82,013,166; average value, 81.63. Talue of town lots, $215,087; of improve ments, 8283,070; of merchandise aod iinple- shares of stock, etc., 81,115,925; of house hold furniture, carriages, watches, etc., 8306,- 210. Number of horsHS and mules, 5,305 ; valna. .117. avuraira value. S42 22, t . ... ,nor onoJ At Pleasant Hill, Auk ust th, 1 87ft, Mr. Patrick m nn.m.a a. mi,. i . ' . i vault. ' ' 1 1 I . .... ..... Aiuuiwi viwituo, f.uw, 1 1 uura,agtia ai yeacaanu iu oaya. Gone at laat acroea the river. Landed on a brighter ahore, Joined the band death cannot eevec ; Gone from Buffering evermore. Trtutioglv be paaaed tbe portal And put on the victor'a eruwn. Wrapped In ahrouda of love Immortal In that tar-off happr land. Our Father. UJi eye la dimmed, hia loving eye That beamed ao fondly on ua ; Cloaed up in death theanxloua algh Ko more bedewt it with a tear J He tmiled on death, who aoftly oama To aeal hia eyea in ventle ileep. And take lam from diaeaae and pain , For him we need longer weep, Our Father. Now we are lonely, ad and weary, Since we're left him in the tomb life indied to ui leema dreary ; In our col 1, cold borne alone Love and care and pure affection, All the wealth we bad to giro, Could not keep our dearest father From going to be where amrela live. Our Father. JXij f u not a eommon nature, Be had more than eommon love. He tired for other and tbe future ; Genial, peaceful aa those above, In hia borne a careworn (banger Traveling 'eroee life'a rugged moor Might lad rest, and food and ahelter ; He nerer clowd the door, Our Father. like a Uoasom gently doming He paaied away and joined the bleat ; Arm in arm with tbe angel band Went our father home to rest: Btdl her heart with griet ia breaking: Sever more with with aweet eareaa Greet him home and smile him welcome D.-own their sorrow with a 1 Her Husband. Oh, how sadly, lone and weary, Since he eaa ate more return. Home indeed to as seems dreary, In this sold, eold world aluM. Bat upon the walla of hsareat. May be He will place a star, Or will pTay the Heavenly Father. And he'U leave the gates ajar. Ou Father. And when, like hia, we're eallcJ away To jots the band death cannot surer. He'll surely v-rt as and wdl say : Csne. Inn this ndl tM below ; Xh- w 11 '" Inttun, m t lov-lurit m bis eve. Aft-1 be U raack b bal ao4 draw aa la a last aweet ae tm aum- Robinson & Church DEALKU8 IN Jl SHELF&HEAYY HAUDWAllE UAVK TUB BcstSelectcd Stoekin Oregon &X 1 u aXrw. is i -mm- w u fi.i eb i av . TTAVB r'Olt 8A1.R 11 ATTUBLOWKSl 1UTK8 Iron, Hteol, Axea, Anvil, Cable Chains, nam, ltoe, Irlaaa, Puttv. Table A fncket Cutlery uuaa, rmtoia, Ammunition, Agi Icultural Impleroens Blasting l'owder, , ruuing lacxio, Kto. Eta. tv We Invite an exami nation of our goodi loonlldent our price will ault the times. SHERMAN &, HYDE- Cornor of Kcarnoy and Sutter Stt., SAN FRANCISCO, PACIFIC COAST AGENTS FOR THE Weber Piano, AND WIIOLESALI AND RBTAIf plil.KKS IN Sheet Music, Musio Books, AMD MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Till W. C. NELSON'S mproved Iron King Wind Mill. iratented Nor. eth, 1875.) THE TRUE FRIEND OF THE rruit Grower, the Farmer, the Irrigator, AND ALL . WHO REQUIRETIIE USIiOP WATER. mmm i mmwm 1 Mat OIROULAK SnERMAN & HYDE TIANO1 Das four Itnnnd Corners, Klegant Caae, Grand Beale, Kull Agrorlii, la Klrat-Claas, and Fully warranted for Ten Years. Bquare or Upright, $450; ev rua STATE UNIVERSITY, EUGENE CITY, OR. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS Cilmore k Co., aucceaiora to Clilpman, Hoamer ft Co., Solicitor. Fatente procareU in an couu- triea. No lee in aavaii.. no cuarge uuie vui nint la granted. Mo feea for making pieliml nurr examinvtinns. No additional few for ob taining and conducting a rehearing. By a recent iWtxiiin of the Cooimuaioiier all rejected applice- tioni may be revived. Special attention given to Interference law oeiore me raieut uuice, r,a- trnniona before Conereaa. Inlringe ent Suite in I diderant Btate. aod all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Patent. Head elauip to (sincere Co. for pamphlet of aixty pages. LAND CASES, LAND WARBANTS.andSCBIl' rontted Iand Case nrwcuttd before the U. 8. General Land Office and Department of the In terior. Pi irate Land Claim, Mining and Pre- Emtion Claim, and Uomeatead cawa attended to. Land Scrip in 40, M), and IW acre pieces lor sale. Thia Scrip ia assignable, and can be located in the name of the purcbaaer upon any dovern ment land auliject to private entry, at 11.25 per I acre. It ia or equal value wnn Bounty uog nsr- mnta. Send aUmp to Uilmore A U. lor pamph let of Instruction. ARREABS OP PAY AND BOUNTY. Officers. Soldier and Sailors of the late war, or their beira, are in many eases entitled to money from the Government of which they have ao knowledge. Write full bWory of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received. Kn close stamp to Gilmore ft Co., and a full reply, after ex amination, will be Riven you free. PENSIONS. , All Officer, Soldiers, and Paflorf wonnded. rautured. or lo lured ia the late war, bowerer aliKbtlv, cao obtain a pension oy aaureasmg uu Case nmeeeoted by Gilmore ft Co. before tbe Supreme Court of tbe United SUtee, the Court cf I Chiinu, and Uie St nthern Claim CommiaaiuD. Each department of our business I conducted I In a (eparaU bureau, snder chart of the same experienced parties employed by the old firm. I Prompt attention to all rxuineas rDinwtea io o -more ft Co. is thus secured. W deairw to win aoecesa by deserving It. There are several reasons why this Mill ah' p referred to all other : Ut. It kt far more durable because It la all Iron. id.. It la Cheaner because of ilmpllcltj and durability, and will outlast several Wooden Mill 3d. ItlaLeaCoini)llcated,becauaethereIsonly three piece or operating machinery. 1th. It Is more powerful than any other Mill, on account of the thin fan. and consequent In creased auction of air, and becaiiite It la operated by an eccentric, being far superior to the crank ahaft or rert pin, a a lifting aud falling power. 6th. It need no care, no watching, having iielf-feeding oil cap and aelf-rcgulatiug vaaea. It regulates, protect and take care of itself. 6th. It nevet warp, ahrink, or swell), hence It I not liable to get oat or order. Onus op, It gors all riiiht. 7th. It doea more work, run easier aud throwi a laiger body of water. It will aubmerRe a larger tract of land, with leu wind and in a shorter apace of time than any other Windmill now In uie. It may be act to turn out of the wind at any desired presume, there being a graduated lever for that purpose. 8th Thl Mill took tbe only premium given at the California Htate lair, ever the many others there on exhibition. PRICK LIST i 9 Foot Wheel WO ' 10 " " Jl H lliO Mills and County right for sale by Z. 8. McMCRRAY. Lower Than JEvcr ! -Sri fAVING TAKEN ADVANTAGE Tlie beautiful building prepared fur the Btate TJn. veralty of Onwon belnt now ready for the accommo dation of atudeuts, the I rat session will commence on the loth of October, fhere will be two course sfatmly, the Preparatory and Collegiate, and two term of twenty week each. The law provides for the free tuition of one stu dent from each county and for each momber of the Leginlature. Student wishing to arail themaelrce of the benefits of Uii law ahould make application to theouuuty auperinteudeutof the county in which thoy reside. AU other atudenta wiihing to tuke the eolleifia to course will be required to pay a tuition fee of (20 per teim in advance. All candidate for adiniMion to Uii department will be required to paaa an examination In the fulluwing STUDIES l Itewling, Writing, Oitliutrraphy, Fractieal Arith metic, Eugluh UramraargOeography, Dlttory ol the United 8tuU, Latin Urammar, Reader and 4 Book of Cieaar, Oreuk Orammar anil Ileador i but fur the present the examination in tha language may be omitted. The curriculeum of atudy in tha COLLEGIATE! COURSE Will comprise, lat, the usual college course, td, a oumplete course In Science. Sd, a Normal course planned with ipuciil ruforonoe to the wants uf toach ara, AU ituilonU in tin department will be required to pay a foe of 1 SO pel term in advance for inciden tal expenwe. All atudenta In the PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT WU1 be required to pay a tuition of (13 Is 'advance Tbia department wiU girt itudent the necessary training in tli atudia required for admlUnc into the CoUugiato department. THE .FACULTY Will eonit of Prnl J. W. Johnson, ProoMont, and Frufeawra Thomas Condon and: Uark Dalley. Th teacher in the preparatory department ar Mra. Ma ry E. Bpiller, Principal, and Mia Mary B. Stone, Assistant. . JOHN W. JOUX80.V, President of Unireraity sad Faculty, J. J. WALTON, Bec'y Board of Directors. FOR TUB SPRING & SUMMER TRADE I "1 ITE BEO to Inform sur frlenda and tbe pMi V V Uiat ws have Juat msnvwl ausct Irom Baa rrancuoyanu wis iuiatura nuuaeui AN IMMENSE STOCK or GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS itctic:;s. CL0Tnn,3, ' THE STEDMAN TIANO Is 7 Octaves, Handsom Mouldings on top anft bottom oi ciue, Agraiie Trebit.uarvea Leg and Lyre, and the beat Piano lor tha Price, tiiO. For Elegance of Case, Richness' and variety Tone, Delicacy of aotlon and DurabQ- bllity For Illustrated catalogues, or any articlo 10 ' tbe musio trade, Address Sherman & Hyde, Cor. Keftrooy and Sutter StsV SAN FRANCISCO loir Q B OC KB I t-I shad keep oa f uU of GROCERIES ,& PROVISIONS and intiU to attention of H'jkwr a T.O. bl..UiU.IRS. The Eocene Lod,-e oi Jd TeaiplArs lui r )HOUi rEOKtVr HI lal.M TAKO vririvii tikkv AiivaxtaijK vr m II late unsettle' condition of the Eastern and California llaey MarkeU 1 have 1'UIICIIASED FOIl CASH THE LARGEST STOCK OP Watches, Jewelry & Silverware Err brought to Oiegon, and am now etiabK-d to ll tlwm at KeUil al former H liOLEHALE nitus.. So Platrd Jewelry of any kind kept la my B Uli-lirwnU Krerr arti- !e warranted a rep- r. Tied. I hare aim tb agency ol the unnvalted et far Wab-he. I K:', aav that if tbev wid let m knot th ham in a ni-aof th watch they UiUnd toMidf"T, w i mn toe same wta .t f.y ad m'-tn giv Bit a caU latloi goiug 103 Prit ft., I'.snuod, rrgon- NEW STOIIB At Tni OLD STAND' F. B. DUNN; m HAVINO BOUGHT TUB INTEREST OF. MrHcottlntheoldflrm I now running the. uaioealotjt!boldetand.wbere be will be . p, wed to see all Is old customer II ring run mi nil ux;a uuwa ihj wim; stock 'now nea ly eutirui; Jim COMFLE1E Composed In part of nearly . EVKItYTIIIXU CALLED FOE, And I make a tpedaJtr1n HARDWARE, IRON AND STEEL f I w!b to make no grand flourish, bnt do say that Farmer can eom nearer getting all they may want at my ator than at any ol her eotan Ihhmmt. I am also agent for UAWLEY, POUO A CO., of Portland, for all FURXISUMG HATS AND CArS,. BOOTS AND SHOES, Clocks. Faints, Oils, Etc., Selected br Our Kr. E. EosaXSLATT, which we ofler al UEirLTCKD riHCEH Partir wiU And H to their adrantag to est. aud examir oar stuck and price be for pure has- I mg elaewuere. Highest price paid fur all Lnds of Trodace GOODS, Agricultural Implements.- ALSO, FOB PRIX CE 4 CO. '8 ORGANS AND MELODEONS ta i.ia"S foods I' RA40E tLAUKS at tb OCAEDCPflCX. ITarlnibad ixtea vr exnerlenc la boat- less her I think.I know th want of,th people. IT km a call. f. b. Durr- MUS. A. V. STOW ELL, TEACHES OK PIAHO. 0P.QAH. HARMC'IT AND TUOllOLTGIIBASS. S. ROSENBLATT & CO. J? Enqulr at resi.lwe, wart d of "iith 'r t bllK I LTI It t L ITIPLt'Tlt.'vTS is. ail kuua at uaui fiu'-s, of is in OKi. V. KuWKl.l. til,v asilAtflin i.u of aewtiila, ana esumsus snow Jig m ad rti Using. L?ENtl lie. kJ Y.k, U i'smiailrt ( H r,"i tiM ka iu cbeuu.