A. onuuon. The i:ptist church at Tlie I)alln ia now tlit dioiog room of lht Umatilla House. A fleece of wool shtmred from a Spanish Merino buck ar.d weighing 8C pound ii no rxbibitKiu at .Sulutn. A joint stock company bi been organized !u Jackson rillo for tlm purpow of putting up an Aldeo Fruit Drjcr. The books in the State Library are being packed, preparatory to tber removal to the Btate Cupitul building. The Mercury is informod that the Oregon Pioneer Association have come oat about 5300 behindhand daring the past fiscal Jr. The ford across- the South Umpqaa at Eossburg bai washed out during the winter io that it will be impossible to use it for that purpose any mora. The Albany Dmocrat learna from Mr. W. f!. Orlswold. of Kalom. that he bai in con- emplation the rebuilding of the Willainult woolen t uctory, ana oi reouiiumg it iu Al bany. The water la very Bcarce in the Galice creek mining district, and in ronaequence tho English company en'ft(fd in mining there bare suspended further operations lui tho teaton. A number of merchant io Jucksoonlle have agreed in writing to cl aa their reaper tire plucos of busmen on Sunday, and lunt cr agree to prosecute all violator oi tue m . known at Sunday law." - J H. B. Mercer, of Lafnyetto, bai email pitch of Tolunteur oats between five and Jevcofuol high and very thick. Last har vest, after but oata were cut, Mr. Mercer i lowed the shattered out umier mu uu at a second good crop from one lowing. The Independent y : The most favora ble reports are received from IuurIbs county concerning the crop prospects..' Kverywhere grain Is reported as doing unusually will, and all agree tho lurgeat wheat crop ever grown in Douj-Us county will be threshed out thia fall. The vote for county soot in Lake county .tnnH r,,n.ia! Linkvillu. 87: Bullurd'i creek, H4 , Bonutiza. 48 Sprugue river, 17: Drew'i valley, 3 1 llullurd's ranch, 40 ; (.'be. Lo.viiiif.lj (loose Luke. 17. No one place cost, the county ee-at1 Wily Vf "l1 tlw lv?lJ', Ville until tho ueit goeral election."' 1,1 Tho sbepp groweri in Oehoeo valley ore vory much discouraged. The wool clip from many flockg la iimdo ivcrinjo short, owing io ' the diseases among the slim p, known as the icttb ; although every effort ia mude to cur arior shearing by dipping. It sina that tho climate of Ochoco and Crooked river country, generally, is unfavorable for a per inaneot curs. Hon. L. F. Lane aent Mr, J. 0. Uroth of Urn-aqua valley, a apecimeu quantity of bar- My iur iiiuj io test on uregou ami lust apring. The barley U now in heml, and the straw is inucn longer and the beuds double the length of conmion Oregon burley. This sjittin.eii, II parties who haven-en U aay, ia just the thing for Oregon. Mr. Uoth will save it II oud extern! his (orange m.t joac A letter received by Sheriff Llvingstoie from Ueorgo W. Uiddlo, doted ot t'unyou ville, leads to the belief that Lewis, the imir dorer of his own brother la in ll.Aglus conn, ty. BitcthI tluys ogo a in nil cum in Mr. Kiddle's pluce unl askJ fir work, wliicb wos given hiiu. The in.ui worked for two or three dujs, and all at once stopped luboi ing sud wcut off. Tbo man acted so slr.inf,e. ly was so norvouiand rosily excited, mid wcut off so a brunt ly, that Mr. Uiddlo wanj ijBpicioun, and fluully cuum totheconcluiiou that the man was evidently no oilnr tliun Iewis, the murderer This conclusion once arrived t, Mr. Uiddlo wun not long In r- inemburing tint the deseriptlon given l.ewii uimcnbcd his moil cxuetlv a id ho im mediately wroto to the ehonff to onnounci1 ine tact. The flood. 1 tulles Mounlalntrr, June 21th i W't are now having uuu uf (ho moat dittmiroti floods that has ever been known in this country, eioHliii iho great Hood of the auinnier of lbbj by uvir two leut, The dum go to our town cuiibol now lw estimated but we aliouU lint In. Kurpri.-.t) if it rxoied cd filly tliuustind dollurs. The water bus reached Hit? cionswullt at the comur of Sec oud aDd tt aliitigton streets, ami on Court street it baa reached to tho criwawulk of 1 ni.ru ttroet. I lie appearance ol tho inun dated portion of our ci.ty becKiiri dencnp tion, and con only be comprehended by lie iog fet-n. i no ueptn of wui.r on Front street is niffioicnt to float the largest jid nuiaiiiouaia. The following extract is from Ilia Oregon CourrWi . It U dllwo said that thtt wa ter oi t,z wi the b!Kheat evr known by OUT white iuhablunt of the country. There are, however, irveral persona living on tho noruu bank of toe Columbia, oear Vaneou un-iii m. urcieu witu tlie Hudson Uay Company of that place, who aMnn that nearly forty years they witnessed the water soma wght or tea feel higher than it was ia 'C2. A Valuslilo Maa'onie Jewel, coaling $900, wag presenunl tu Albwrt I'lke, the stover ri(0 t'omuianiler of the Ancient and Ac ceiitad Bvoiiisii line, Southern jmixliction, fw eks eiuce, io Waahii irton. i bu nrH. I Mutation m, uiada by UoU-rt Tuoiuba, of vivoria Some ojilo iiiMiiiue that the only imue io the coiuiuif I're.idi'otiul camjiaijtu ia tba carreucy quetiou. aiul that elry olber qmiitiuo shoulJ be subordinate to this. We Would surest to Ihem tht there are still trt au-t qufitiona than this, one of wliicb ia to gt the prtwui corm t iaca s out of power. Jt ia iimnaU-rial lu tli.ra what kind of cutre'xy Ww luv-thiy will ateal any kind ihey can et th.-ir han.l on. and it ia taces ary to fire! p'ac tleui b yjnd len.p f tion, and the p.Hile tyood lb- iosil)iluy ul hinj Io nuko f jod tli ir aialmr. by an iocreaaej taiatioo.-fji.'u ah (iyj A',ir lodiaua is now ci'tierallr eotint.l ! iiv.u.. ., . u ufii, ti im unu oo ini about thoi4 Veneiarl, bond deflated, aud a Lei.l-mmiMj Is said Io b almost oo boi aavmw I...I ana from ln Ieinofrcy.--fu,ii'uM O'.i- "Vocli Sam" at-fl Im tba nVy.tig cry for ihe lVotent:ial jcar. for in that (brrt ia so North oo iiwutu. Itwillaruu m..r en thaiiasin thao "Kre 'aJ aoJ Stilri Itihu:" or " Ti cun and Tyler too " or Fity-fotir for-y or E,-!it.- Ckurttiton Sttn IlJna TitU sajs liives i$ l ir.J J fJ,. Ue.';t.at J b!;!, I i-. a $-hvl jtrl hear iENTAUR INIMENTS. La teller Jrom a PotmMer. Aniioch, III., Deo. 1, 1874. "Hemra. J. B. Ron A Co t "if) wife has for a long time been a terrible sufferer from rlieuiniitisni She hse tried many phyaici uia and many lemedie. The oi.lf thing whicb ha nwea her relief Is Centaur Liniment. I an njoiced t" say this hue cored ber I am do ing wtut 1 cau to exteud Its sale. , W.H.MNO. Thia Is a sample of many ttmuiiind of temlmonl al l received, of wondt-rful core eflretrd by the Centaur l,in mrtit The ii)reilienu ot tht anicle re iiuhlitilied around eii'h Imtile. It cnnniiui Witch Una I. Mentha, Arnira, Rock Oil, Carbolic, and InirredieiiUtiilherto little known. It is an indinnuuble fact that the Ctotaur Liniment io prrformina: more cures of KwelliiiKS, rttiff joints. Kriintmua, Kheumiitlam, Neuralrlii. 4clat. C, Cukrd Ilre.nta. IM k-jaw. Ac. , thai, all mher Liniment , ( iolrocitiou Lxiimu, Salves, Oint mi nu and Plxti in now In uu v.. .rthche. E. ruche, Weak Back, Itch, snfl CuUneoim fcri'i,.,.. ,, b. a d m i ru b le It cures burn srd wld without Kff Jti . ... r.. .... from bites and atiiiKS. and heals fro'Ubitt and rhlihUiiia. in a abort time. No familr cau alio d to be without the CenUur Lloimeut, white wrap- 'rkji r,.iiir l.linmnnt Vvllnnr IVmn. uh. - i - " - r ier, isadited to tie UiukIi akin, niMclt and nh ol III e animiil creation. Ita tffecUi nnon wvere canoe, of Rpavin, Hweenv. Vt'lnd Dull. Hijt Head and i'oll tvil, are little vtt mao marvei- lHs- . Mewrs. J. Mculure Uo., nrJKSiaM, cor. tin) ml l.'ronlKlN . ClnclnnHtl. 0. fciv : "lu our tielKliliorlinoO a nonner or teamnter' ara iisiuir the Centaur Linmint. Thev uro- nounco it superior to auythiiff they have ever lined. sell as nmn as lounu nve aoiio ooi- tlea per month to thee teainsem." Vie have lhmi.aiiils nl wmilr tentlmonlals. Knr Wounds, Italia, Hmtoes, Ring bone, 4n., .n.l for Hrri'W Worm Io Hhi' It bt no rival. Karmera. l.lvery-men, and Kack-raiaeni have In tliw l.lnirtifni a reineay wo:u ia worm a uuu drcd timea its coat. Lttbomiory of J. H Rose & Co., 40 Dav 8t Nw Voh. Castoria. Mothers msy hitve Katind their bablea may have heaitli, If they wiIIuh 'Jaaiona Tor Wnil Colic, Wonna, Keveiifhuw, Hore Mouth, (. nrKiomach l'"iiijUitn. t U entirely a n'Kt bl uieparation. uml ooialna neither miuel Dinrphino, nor atchohol, t la as pleaMtnt to Mr w tM.iiry , nou limner rii-nor gripea. Or. K. iinoch,or ilupoit. O.. wiya : "I am uileg CanloilH iu mv prm tiie with Ih mot aiuual lM-uellt ami hainy reaolt '' Thia la what ev. lyone .aja. Mot nun-es i r iia cny ue the Caaioiia. Jt .a piei aiwi h Menaia J, H. toe & c.. 40 Hey Hi., ev lulK, bucceaaors to Samuel I'lUlier, M. I). THIS OLD STONE STORE! Thoroughly reraodrlod, renovatod and raplcnialied with a oliuli-o ato. li of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Which willbaaulJ AT ,4BIil) HOCK" ritlCES for Cu-li or Produce. To cloaa nut the Til AN HA UHER remnant aloe, nwciai iiiiiuivuicnta aiS uffured. ban uf action Guaranteed. II. H WOLFE. A New Deal. R, G. GRAHAM, MERCHANT TAILOR. 1 TAS JUST RKCEIVKD FI10M THK RAsT haa never a. iiim ii aiui iiuj iaiiiinau:e e .una n, h ueiwu otcu brought to Eugene, con Utiuu of Paula Uooda, foatlnta, In all Grades, and Pine Veailnc CALL AND SHU MV STOdC ii. . on in m NORTH PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF roUTLAXD, ORtUOX. ai founded In Ilia rear 1894, with aTaoH! i.orl00,00o.ona tiMldColn Baala, aud In corjHirated under tiis Irws ut tbs State of Oregon OFFICERS: P. Wiwwsm, Prrnldent. Y Ui'AcaKNit'aa. Vice I'reaijfot. 1. . WiuiuLi), Secretary. W. I.aoo, TieaMirer. W. H. Krriora, Attornrr. M. P. Uoasi, Manaiier. DIRECTORS : P. WisaxiK, W. 8. Lpo, 1. H'MITS, K. yi iCliNH PB, H- ErriNota, M a. Waoaaa. i. I. Atkinson, N r. NUKaa. D. W. W nsrikLo TABLE RATES. LIFI POLICIES. riVK AGtH-A.B.C. I,E. T I i af. 1 lha "rairv'i-d edif"! :'Arr hetweea I k II aaaual premlata. .t on d,.j juUJt : : : I -js T p'aiforn., tbrrelD- - 34 SO " " '.' oo Or 135 ml W at terme tima.oa en, lile p"ly.il a luiihrr Anaual rrrniuni will hem)uirrl, ar aujr luittwr payawM. n.-rpt lor wawiiia in luai apat iaJ 0.-H aa ttiej tay Kxvr. G. J. BUYS, Local Ardent 'PUR bkt allots trri umaonr to X toltuaaMikai.atUMluWTaiprraat, T.ii. IU.M-KICK3". nl.lLlal at unri.,,L. ct 2!. art r noa ta O0SEBUE& ana SANTA CRUZ rv mm IK at T. J. HKNDUICKS. Important Notice. CHAVOE HA VIVO BEEJf MADK IX THE IX owoeraliiD uf iba ftprinvHuM Millint D'opaitr, it ia fo'in-1 nntmmry tu aattle up all ouuumliuv to eunou. fartlea kuowinfr tbemielTea io'lebted to aail Coropauy, will pluaae oouia forward at uuca and aettla by pnyneut of caah or not with apprurel aa cuntjr. Mttlemeut eao t niate with li. V. Mntt tun at Dunn a etoia in Kuirene City, .r at ths olilca of Un 'Jorupkny in H,rinuHi i. Per order firamoriiLO, Or., Nor. 2d, is;). DR. JOSEPH. P. GILL C1AN BB FOUND AT HI8 OFFICB or rel- dencv whrn nut profeainnally oigaired. Office Id the building of Koriiea tt fct ll. Photo grapher, Wiilninetui street. Hwidence opixwite Norrls Humphrey's new row of buildings, rt"utb tVIIUmetle Street . sep V) New Store I New Goods !! New Prices!!! GOLDEN RULE BAZAAK.' TIBBETTS & CO. WILLAMETTE ST., EUGENE ITY, Oppoiit foat Office. Toys, lnnkcc Iotion Tobacco and Cigars. HaTing bought our gooda from the Great Eastern Yankee Notion Company, Of New York wa are prepand to tell at AT SAN. FKANCISCO riJICES, Call and aee for ynuraWea. B.Hlt' CMil ... F03T0R STEAM POWift. Warranted to Cut 3 Inch Stuff t Foot per Miiwte. Send for Circular. P3ICE, $30 00. OSBORN A ALEXANDER, 124 ARKET SIRE T, cpp. PALACE HOT L Sao f ranel'Co The Great Mechanics' Tool Store if the paciflo Coast. UNION Insiiraiice Compaiij, KIRK AND MA RINK. CAPITAL, paid up in lold, $750,000 00 ASSETS EXCEED $1,100,000 00 T)OT.lCir.8 ISSUED AND LOSSES ADJUSTED I. anu imuu lr tin Uuuaral Agvnt for uicgun. J. J. WALTON, Jr., Agent, EUOENE fit Y. Portland Ofllce KTIIENATION.IL BANK DI ILDING j:DVIN U. HACKKNS'TOia, OENF.RAL AOVT. Veil Improveil Farm fur Sale, , w i.iit'itiM r.u i ah . oi jou rrra, in, arna A mi Inr rultivtition; all tir tar ttnoi. aii'l the ini' fthvcmt'iit In tfiNii ninet , wr ;in in Hituiite l 5 tuiU'W w' t we ill 'll at .of town ajid haa irot outraiim. fi,i .tiH'k. Vppljr at thin iitn . fori nat-at the tiUAIIl) OKHCE. I RANUE lll.ANKit at the onABTiorrtr!". I1KIM1 . II s i.. UUSIO DKALRRS Cor. KEARNFY ft SDTTERSt... HAN FKANCIMCO. Agents for tao Paciflo Coast EMITTER THE BICKFORP AUTOMATIC Family Knitting Machine 1 noat Uaaful aid Woaderfnl Intuition ! KnwattrarUniraniraaltteBtioa br Its aatnnUh- Ina pet fui mu-a, and ita rnt P'.-th-l Tallin tor awry day hnuly um It ia 'lMt'l.E, Dl'BAliLE, ana iunr,a aaaiijr aepl In ivur,n4 Will Last a Life-Time! It will knit every ptvwMt Tiifty of plun and fiuicjr With Almost Magical Speed, aad far lattrr than it ran he dune hy han l, or oo ant utlr machine. All kin la of varmf.nu are par fn'tlr turmnl an l ahrl I t the mai-htna itarlf. re- quinnr no ruttina auJ nmain up. A riK.l opera tor will kut a man a a a, with harl an. I loa com plete. In from Rra to Ira nuniilra! and fium twenty Io io.tr atira of aa in a day I Err. UnilY-r-iwiallt rTt farmar'a fajnllr ah.aillhTa Blrkf rd Knitter. It will h I found equally uwiul aa tua tw:uB Machine, and I arm aoia ptolttaMr K.tttt Mhin M IHR4NTKD narOri. and I to rto ju.t w hat ia trp' Mrn1r.. I Tha liH-kior-l V.hmc ta lh otT LirttnMtn Jrtlintnrml Knittm hlaraio ia nntrnctx All nthara, a-4 licanaa I by a, ara rlrwr and palpaKI in- fnna-wc-t- on on' pitcnta, an 1 ar ahall b.J I all ririwa who iMnuMux, aril, hay or aaa auch in in marhinaa. to aat.irt tncal arrovntaMny. Aa lnti-ti. b4u naiUiniaur aomrlrM ant mto .tin Oona to tha vparalur. nooainaniea ear aaachia. Xo. I, family Machina, I rylin ler. TJ nrotlea, .-., - - - II ft iu w A aamnle aaa- hlna will haarnt In aa narl of th raitrl Mat. or Caaa.1. ainrraa rhairva ara-tauJ ea rampt wf I ha ptrw. Aoura waab-1 warary uu, Coanty, City and Town, to win txy tihaial itunMaia iU ba ajJ. fur iu'Umv pa.ta-aiara, iM-n. Un tn-mi a iimai V.-wiaa Vn Co., aula alanalarturrrt, Branlrawra), T. CANCEKS HW'"I without naia. ar the aaa V (.aatwa av Uw kaifs. and ra trallv ra l. If pamfol, and aa opca alrw rurwud, Mttfinra w II U ara. hy Ki ft I.. rirv proar.pl rrlif. t.n.lvaja. hy Mitt, twa ISJIar. e4aata tor wiU aaaeria- ts '.'-arr, tttfsrra s4 r r! La. ra.K a Mcinaff. Vs. ri tu lk arrr, Vurt. rep wm m Vaoa a I I " a HI . I X X i I.. , ELLSWORTH & CO., Bticctssora to Ellsworth A BeUbaw . DRUGGISTS, WIIX CONTINUE THE BUSINESS IN all IU departments at the old tt 1. off ring inriraxed indiicrinriita to cuatomers, old and new. As ben-tofois tha tnuat Careful attention given to Prescriptions. The i-lMnfcv In ihn firm requires tba inimediate rllrnielitif all old arritiinla mj I , KEAHNEY'ri FLUID EXTBACT 33"CJ039CXT! toioult aaowa antut roa BRIGHT'S DISEASE! and a roimri anfior roa HOUT. (IBAViCL, BTBirTUBES. DM BETES. DVdPKPSlAEBVOO- DEBIMTY, DltOPdV, I'UMALK flllM. PLAINTS, Kon-Betentlon or Inoontinuanr of Vrina, Irrita tion, Inflammation, or Ulceration ol tha Bladder and Kidneys, 8pnnatoTTh, Lenrorrhoca or Vhitea, Irreg'ilar or Pmnlul Uenaea, Beannj Down, Chluruaia, Bter Hit jr and All Complaints Incident to Female. KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU For Stone in the Bladder, Calculua Oratel or Brick duat, Depoait and Muoua or Milk; Dis charges, and Diaeaaee of tha . ProaUte Uland. Kearney's Extract Buchu Curat Diaeaeea Ansinf from Imprudencea, Fahita of Hiaaipation. Etc., in all their attur a, at little ex penae, little or no change in diet, nu inconvenience, anl noexptaure. Itcauaeaa frtquent deaire, and irivea at-rnirth to Urinate, theiehy removinirOtiatiiic tiona. Preventing an I Curing Stricturea ot the Ura. th a, Allaying Fain and Iuflamatiun, and expelling all Poleonoue matter. Uaeil ty peiaona in the decline or ' ange of life ; after eunflnement or labor paina, bed-wetting in childien. et. Fiof. Stele aaya: "One bottle of Kearney'a Ex tract liuchu ia worth mora than all other iJucbus combined." KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU Permanently euiea all' affectiona of the Bladder, Kiilneya. and Dropaical Hwellinga exieting in Men, women ani uiii'iien, no matter wnai me age. Aak fur Kearney a. ake no other. Price One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Dottlea for Five Dollars. Depot, Cor. Maiden Lam & William bTHEETS, NEW YORK. A Phyiirian In attendance tn anawer eorreepond enca and give advice gratia, bend atamp for Faui phleta tiaa. SOLO BY CRANE L BRIGHAM, - Wliolcjalo Agon.8, Sun Kranctncn. And hy Dniggiata everywhere. W. C. NELSON'S Improved Iron King Wind Mill. (Fatt'nte'l Nov Oth, 18T5.r THE Til UK FKIKMJ OK THE Fruit Grower, the Farmer, the Irrigator, WIIOREQUIRK I NK US K OF WATER Sel There arc aereral reasons whjr tbla Mill should b preierrea v sii otneis: 1st. It Is far mora durable heoauaa It ia all Iron. Id It is Cheaper bet'snae of Ita a'mnllrit and d'iability,and will outlaat atveral WiHdeii Mdla 3d. It to '.yew Complicated. bevau there laonlv thna piece of operating machioerr. 4th. It is mora powerful .than snr other Mill. macioutit ol the thin an. and coowauent in- crraaed MK'tkia of air. and bevanas It Is op, rated it an rccrnirro, oeiog lar superior 10 I he crank baft or tea, pin, aa a lilting aud falling Dower. diu. ii nrra no ca e. no waicning. harl a ell-leeding nil cape and self-gulatiug vaaea. It reKuUtra. protecU and takes caie ol itself. lh. It nrver wan, ahrinka. or awella. henc. it waot Lable to ret out ol order, line nn li gaa all right. 7th. It d's more work, runs eaaier and throw aiger b.iy water. It will euhrnemr a l.nrar tract of land, with l-m wind and io o'TUt auace i nmetnan any other Windmill Bow in u.a. it may ba el to turn mil . the wind at any deaired wiea-uia, there beiog a graduated lever lor that uurp,. Slh Thia Mill took tha onlv nraminm he California Mala Pair, over lb maov uihr. there oa exhibitiou. PnicTlJST : I root Wheel o l' " " UO l " " IM Mills lad County rights for salt by Z 8. McUURRAT. Ir Yoo IIATI ASVTHl.NO TO in.L, ADVEUTISE! Ir 10P WAST to Bct, ADVERTISE! Ir IOC uatk Lojt Axttui.no, ADVERTISE! Ir wot'LD SrccEio is I5t sivr ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE ! " a4 ttaOa u uueto SVain. i r ii i mwmmm mm (MOTTOTE'QaU No. 649 Clay Street, BETWEEN Keaxnr stud Montgomery Streeta SAN FRANCISCO. DR. DOHURTY'B Lsrielv and Stsdlly In. creasing Practice, which has onatantly kept pace with the uneximtiler' increase and Kteady growth of the Pacific Coaat induced hla removal Irom his long eeUhllhhed and well-known qusrtew, on the enrner of Sacramento ana Leldraaom streeia, in this city, to more cnmmodiotia and eligibly located apartments, at So. 649 Clay Klreel, where he has a apacioua auite oi bandaomelr titted up and conveniently arranged Examination and C"D- solution RiMima (nccuuving tlie wbole of tlie two unoer aloriea) which patients may at all times visit, and see only tha Doctor and bis aa- stnnts. a With tha most grateful sentiments of reeard for the liberal patronage bestowed oa him for the past thirteen years, at nls old omce, DR. DOHERTY dexirrs to inform the General Public, and especi ally all thoae laboring under all forms of Chronic Complaints, that he can be consulted at 040 Clay street, on every variety ot biie.tae ol the l.onge, Liver. Kidneys, Digestive and Uenito Urinary urgsn, and a:i SPECIAL DISEASES, of which the lit Is numerous, and which are more clrwely connected with the general health than the majority of people are aware. Unhappy Invalids for yrara pertt in concealing their con. dition from a motive originating in mi-tuken del icacy, and soSer in ailence until Ih' ir miseries be come too ai ute to bo reurewed, and mental and physical dehil'ty nnliU the anffrrer for active dui ie- of life. Thia latter type ntHftl ict Ion nianifcsU lueirin the complaint pmiewionaiiy Known as Syphilis, in all iu forma and etudes Seminal W eakness, and all the disirea-onir lorma uf Self. Ahuae. or Onanium ; Oountrhoca.iileet. Stricture Nocturnal rnd Oiomal KmiHalm a.Sexu-il Dehili- ty, llie.ow of the Hack and oil, a. Inn immalion of the RUddrr sod Kidneya. etc., eto. The num- herof peraniia Hiilt'cring from the horrible HI enxes.ln whom tne doctor huaeirected a radical cure, uin be counted hy Ihe thouanil,nnd the vol- nutaiy cenllicaiee in hi potwaHion, received Irom person he haa rcMloredlo health.are eunuch to ait. Mv all that the Doctor -a ekil inlhetientmenl nl the-e afh-ctiona, enables him to warrant speedy cures, even iu nuaiinite raaea, and in even iiiHtauce give relief Diaeaaea which fornorlv b.m.'.l tlie medical skill o the miwt learn ed and xr rienced Practitioneia ol ti e heal lug art, and were regarded hy the mnjonty ol I'hyHiciaua aa utterly incurable, now reailny yie'd to moi.ern remediea, when nrracrilied uv the intel ligent Piaotitioner alio iiuikeathe liumaii aya. lem. snn tneae apecialailmentM, liiacoiiatantatud) aim suiijrci ,.i niweivaitoll. In no ca-e ia publicity permitted except at the expnva wi-h of Ihe pat ent; and the Doctor cou tt.lf fitly tnntK that his l"iig i xpi rience and euu. ceaaliil practice will coiitinue o inone lnm a lib- iiil Hhaie of pulill piitnuiaiie. Hy the practice of niuiiy yeura iu Kumpe and the United Stales he ia etiah'ril to apply ihe Clo-t aiiccenalul rente d.e aguuial ituea-ea oi all kinds. Ilecuiea without iiieicmy. idiurgca moderate feea, Ireiita lua p itiiiita in u enrrec'. and h nor able way. and haa leferencea ot unqi.e-tinlile veracity, innu uieii ot Known re-'pei tainiity an hiiib htatidiiig in m.viety. AH uartiea whom.iv t'onauh blin hy letter or olherwlae, will receive the beat aud guiltiest treatment TO V KM ALES. When a fern ile ia arflicted with dben.e,a weak ness nl Ihe luck and limbs, pain iu the bead, dim tieaaof aliilit. I.wi of inu-cuUr power, palpitation ol the heart, liriubilily. nervouai eaa, ilerange meiitof diueative tuoctions. gemral dtbdity.all disi ol the womb, hysteria, sterility, and all other (iinea-e peculiar to reunite-.. ai,e should go or write at one, to Da.. V. K. IK)HKKTY,at hi Medical liiti!ute,aiid she Kill receive every pia iblc relh r and h-l;. Let n i falsi delic icy prevent you but apply Im medintely,aiid ave y-air-e.r troiu psiul'ui aufler Ing aud prtiuaturr dcuth. TO CORItKspTi.VPENTS. Patiei.ta (m ile or remaie) residing in anv part of the country however diiai t,who m.iy deire the opinion and advice id Dr. IMicriy iu their re spective cases and who Ih uk pr ir to euhm.t a wiittenataieiueiitiilauch.iu pielcrenc to hold In a peiaonal inteivli-w. are respect'ully assured that their conimunicationa will be held most aa cnd. Tin- Doctor Is a regular rradnate. and mv con nlted with every conliiiem-e. ii tne uisease be roily and candidly described, perennnl rommunicition will. In m.t cse. be ui.niceaaary as instructions Inr diet, revimen and tlie general treatment of the rase itself (Including tl.. .. .i. .... . . . a mr rruiruirai. will IW lorwaiOCO Wll nait delav and iii am ham inner aa to convey no idea of the purport m me letter nr parcel ao transmuted. Miouia yimr condition inquire im media eattrn. tion, aead ten dollar in coin, (or that value rurrenc)br Mail, or Weila, f'argn ACo.'aKx preaa.anda package of medicine will tx for warded to your addreaa, witb the neceaaarv in atrucliona lor uw. Consultations, at tl.eoffi.-a or bv letter FRPE Address ff. K. DOUEKIT.M. D. . SAD Krallifiairn CaL OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. DR DOHKRTY la a skillful Dhvs'cian anrlhon. orable gentleman. Any statemeut be makes to hispatienu heis sure to fultill. That Tact is one great ciumi of his eminent aucceaa in his profea- -y-u. ii loruiuaic luai among me maty adver tising phyiciana, there ia one that can be depend ed on. Review r "DR. D()HERTY"S reputation a a physician. Is a sufficient guarantee lor the cure or any case be undertake." Calaveras Chronicle. -DR. DOHERTY has devoted bin aturl. woe. particularly to chronic, apecifir and private prac- "in i now tne nvMt auccessiul of any physk-iaa in San Frauciaoi. ' Fret Piesa. DR DOHEKTY H repnutioo U second to oo other physician on the coaat, io chronic and soa- r.-t.i.v. l -DR DdHERTY. Few taea la the medical Pmftsaion hav icreded ia gaininc thecuea drnea of the public io their .kill and judgment as be haa. Inquirer. - D R Dt l H KRT Y as one of our moat fit, llnguished phy-kiana and alan one of the moat succeaJul, wboh ia aw the mk ri-Mi by wukhtbe tedical practitioner is udged." K bo. DR. DflHKRrYenj .ya a mure rxtensirr prae tire lhaa any pliykiaa ia thia State.--tiprean. K iVrT Doc'"r w " " pamphlet oa Ppe. ial Di-w.. io any addre. na receipt of an mii. mr reiora p.wtage. FOR SALE! A FLORKNCE SEWIXO MACHINE. AffLT AT TBI GUABD OFrift CIO day at aa C a as aaa tcrwis Iru. klaia. ,-5r?u w"ld OwtOt TSIK 4 C., AagaMa, - CKI. S. STEIiMIElSEIt, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER 18 First-Class Family Groceries CIUAR3 AND TOBACCO, Notions, Crockery and Willow War A LSI FINE WINES AND LIQUORS For medical and family naea. And everything else naally kept ia a Firat Claaa FAMILY GROCERY STORE I he leave to Inform the eitliena of Xuraa u4 the aurruunding euuntrr that 1 hara facilitiea to at I cheaper than any other Louae thia aide of S ortlaae Fregli supplies received weekly, Ot the very beat quilitiaaoaLT, My motto la Small Profits and Quick Sales, Plena eall and learn mr nricea before imnkaaW elaewhtrra. S. STEIN HEItiER, ' ' WilUmftta Btrer-t, Kniena Cir Cash Taid for Bacon and Eggs.- Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City FREE OF CHARGE. J.M.THOIIPSlN. C. W, FITCB-" THOMPSON $ FITCH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW i AND ESTATE REAL AGENTS. EgftJIie City, Oregoa OJfirttwo rfoers iV-wl qA Poal Pflicf. REAL, ESTATK BOUfiHT AND HOLD, LOANS NEGOTIATED and ;i" ABSTRACTS OP TITLE FURNISHED WK HAVS A COMPLETE ABSTRACT OP TITLE of all property In Eugene City, and1 perfect insts of tha same, prepared with great care- We will practice in tha different Courte of the State. 8eciul attention given to the collec tion of all claims that msy bo plactd la our hands. Legal Tenders bought and sold. augJl AFTER A QUARTER OF A CENTUM Of active work Io the field of honorable practfet in California during which time thousands of the most diffib -It cases of . , Piemavtnre Dpcny and Oiseasea ol Cor- tamianthiK Polsori bsve been overcome tt.d Ihe suflerera restored to healthy and vigorous III and manhood tba . DR. J. C. YOTJKO Medical and Surgical In'titule still oOers to the afflicted the positive assurance n honorable treatment sud rapid and ahsolotr cures, aa can he shown by thousands ol testimonl ala from grateful Patiems. Let me call Ihe atten tion of those who auffer to some of the effects of SEMINAL WEAKNESS. The prearrvat'ou or health and lite is dependent upon the proper condition of the procresilve func tions and any weakness or cause of weaknesa of the generative nrgsna or theli uses ia a direct at tack upon the general health as well as a sure destruction-, if not properly cured-of the organa that are the pi ide of one sex and the blessing of theothet In Vihth is laid the foundation of loch nl the misery ot alter years by the indulg ence ol the mo.-t destki'ctivk ok HABITS ntakinr tile a curse and spreading weaknesa and ruin among mankind, lor it ia a well known fact that ihe indulgence in solitary vice, even in the slight est degree, plsnts seeds of weakness in the system that grow to a harvest of disease, sorrow and shame in after years. YOUNG MAN ' If yon experience uy weakness yoo shonldnot delay, for a day may imperil your health II not yonrlilo. In all forms of Weakness and Prema lure Oecay a Cuie le (iuarante. d by the Doctor ta the Young, Middle-aged or Old, with nt Exooaura or Hindrance Irom BiiMnesa The Remediea era puiely vegetable and of a Nalrne that leaves no tain! laehmd. Ubskhvs the s) ni turns and hasten to check the rour e of tlie complaint, if yon ex. p. rience any of them-nightly discharges, slight discharges at oilier times, trembling, anxiety, for gettiilness. confusion, pain in hack, limb or body, lorebodings. indigeati it, timidity, aversion to aa-1 ciety loss of power, want in o uiiol variable tern ; er. attacks oi slcknes. akin to biliouaneas, depoa it in urine. Irregular bowels, etc., etc. TKKRIIil.K P0M0N4. ' ! " Amnnir the nvwl subtle and virulent of poisons In ihe human IiI'khj is Unit arising from Venereal io,. ...m ii ureaaing nui. alter years or apuaient cine, in hide-us woe a upoU various pins of tho body. It- great danger Ilea in the Tact that it ia given to the ii nocenl partner or to Ihe unborn child without allowing in the person orliilnallT contracting It. , , THE USE OF MERCURY o'lyaidslnthia terrible deteptioo by drying it upon the siirUce and driving It hack Int.. tha Wood All Vknenkil Poison t'aaiooo rot- SOK AKD Civ BK CoMMUMCaTRD IN TUB SI.OOB and the only certainty ai prrvetitloo ol Iransmis sioii is in the s,siiive enn sol the relorm treaU nieni praulired at the Dr. J. C. Young Mediral liistimu.. comprehensive .cientiHc and thorough, having received endorsement aa .be la t ol al mieiii.raciice. lie. ent cases cuied io a few djsand chn.nio caaes with remarkaMe rapidity. Our testa ol the pretence of tha Taint in tbo blood are never failing TO K EM ALES. Therearenoelaaaof complainla that so enlist the sympathies of tbe medical miiol mind it gravest thought and study aa those that i.fll cl women. The Doctor alter )eaia or iMtient .i.es..KHie.uaiio ireainient ienal,le,l lo assure them mpid ano ih-nnmh cun-e in all the i.m plaint in- liient to ihe sex. Tan wrab can ten ro. waBNoia and tbb arrrBKiNO roa aiuar AMI Cl'MK. Tbos who require persona' a- pervision tba oe tr car, furnish w.ib apaitmenU witb earelnl and ekillhil oiir-es where onremitied attention anl constant caru uive every assurance of rapid and permanriit cures. The luatilute iasnpplied witb a I.YINll IM DEPARTMENT .where patient will receive tbe tieatro. nt so esse a t la I in aucb cases. CURED AT HOME. ' ' ' si, k 11 TT VC:, Tb diB.-olty many ilk find is the trouble of vi iting Uie cilv often hcurring an exi!,. far exceeding the can of treatment. This expense can be avoided hy Writ ing lo the Doctor, giving Inyoor own way, tha symptoms of your tiouM. or complaint. Cnrea guaranteed tbe asaie aa br personal visit. All communications strictly conhdentiaj and all let ters fitter retorted or destroyed. 1 AW Tbe Doctor can be relied opcm In all ease requiring Convidbncb ako Sbckbtt. Repoao oouhdence in him. all yoo who aufler or are In di-. trea. He will speedily rtlieve and core yoo, Addre-a BNJ. F. JOSSELYW, it. Dw B bacnuueuto sueet, B"x ' Han KranHae... Cel. Who nay be suffering fn.m the effect ol yoothfnk follies or indiscretion, will do well in a..,1 th. selvw rf thia. the area teat bm ever laid al tha altar of auflenng humanity DR SPINNEY will guaraotee to forleit $.ioo lor sny ease nf arminal weaknesa. or private disease of any kind or char acter which be undertake and fails to enre. Ho would therefor say to the aalorteaatt aoBrrer who may read this aotice. that yo ara treading op.i danicroaa gmaod wbea y,s longrr oe ay ka seeking the proper reuredy fur v. air tif aiat Yoo may 1st ib the first sta,,. reajeainer yiaj ara approaching the la-t If y, ,r Imiaevtag epoa tlM.at,aBdaresofferingeoiiiaa-alle. Ha ill st lerla.remeaiber that i yo peraiaS ia pmcrsetina- ' tinat e time Bust n me wkea tho ssost ekillial phyneiaa cao render yoo an assistance ; when lb do. of aov will be clnaed agaioat yoo ; wbea aa angel iw ro rry caa bring ya relief. la an ras as tbe tailed ot aarrraa. Thea let aot de spair work op"a yoor imtinatia. but svag rnar arlf f the beoeficiaf rraulu nf bis tmlnrM ba foyna eaaeia beroad !. -L .r .lll skill, or belora grim deatB korries roa to a pra aiure gravo. Fall evajrae of treataaeat o 7T hf postoffic order wr exprest wila rull deomfKloa of eaat. Call, or addreaa, f)R- A.n. ipittr Oct Xo. II KrraMrt ! r.Iva GEO.J.BUiS, AND JOB PI INTER rrort rrrT, r-t rcry.