THE EKEKE CJTT GUARD. ATUKDAY, JltTS K 1670. EUGENEGITV, OREGON. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Congress : I F LANE, " Of Doogla County. , r For Presidential Elector! ; HENRY KLIPPEIi, oi Jackson. B. A. CRONIN, of Multnomah. ' W. B.XASWELL, of Grant. i TttsClaelnaatl Cos.eaUoak Tbe Republican National Convert' lion which met in Cincinnati on the 14th inst. nominated lor President on lbs seventh'ballot, lion. R. B. Hayes, wrtsent Governor of Ohio. The an- a nouncement of the nomination was a shock to the' Republican party, all over the land. Republicans expcoted nothing else than that Railroad Bond Blaine of Maine would secure- that high honor without any great opposi liofl. But it will be found one of those disappointments from which re oovery is rapid and complete, and the party will work none tho los hard to secure tbe election of Hayes than it would have done to elect Blaine. They may shout less, porbaps, and yot it is probable tbey can work up the same enthusiasm for the one that would have come spontaneously for the other. It docs not require great effort to excite enthusiasm in tho Re publican party; principles ha J less to do with tbe cleotioii of Lincoln for bis first term than did torch light pro cessions and "wido awake" capes. jur. uayes nawvd oi vuio, ami it 54 years of age. lie practiced law in Cincinnati op to 1861, when he be- came Major of the 23d Ohio Regi- dent, ol which W. S. Roiecrans was Colnni.1. In 18G3 Havoe bocama Col- onol of bis regiment, and waa made a Brigadier General in 1804. In that year ho was elected to Congress, and strain in 18C6, Before this term had expired he was nominated for Gover- . nor of Ohio, and was elootod over A ... , . , - ' n uoveruor, uouerai wsUrua tbe yemooratio nominoe. uoseorans declined to aoocpt the nomination, and Geo. II.- Pendleton beoame his opponent, over whom be waa clcoted bw 8.000 ma.oritr. Last vear ha waa again nominated and defeated the old I " ill.- war uurav viiuu. j Mr. Wbooler, tbe nominee lor Vice r : J.-. i . v. t n r,ucuv, .. . w umrvi vui.8.M v" v" "'"i'"1' v 1 aatneauinoroitne wncoior oompro- tnise. , ' While the tickot is really atronger than it would have been with Blaine at its bead we do not apprehend that, with a sound man for a candidate, there ta any doubt that tbe Democrat- i3 party will elect tho next President, Re Hetrenchaneat. ; Too Sao Fraoouoo Alta hat a tolo- gram from Washington headed "A message from the Presidoni urging the Confederates not to, block the wheels of gOTernment.n It should j bare read. "A messaee from tbe Pres- Went threatening to 'male the e ' I try sick oi uemoorauo reiorm.-" 1 a T .s a at I Shall wa aunnnia that atinh a bodv aa . t .-.! .! 1 r . 1 au.UWu... aMTr0uUv.. uawog , precisely tbe same taoiulies for escer- lalnincr the mini n,.pearv tr narrv on a the different departments of tbe go?- ernmoniasnas uraot, au rauea o make sufficient orovUion for these ex- .-t 1 . 4S.I V. L t . I rK" vmw iuv suvas uj- thlr2 about it Is insane onouch tolr,or-but dI keart m as warm a tie Ital- ,.. .v. ir,:.. v.. i. Mm .u. MUU.w u;ur ire to Obstruct the whee's of govern- mont. Hutlhi''nnnf,11rsii. irm.aa'M - - vv I Of money bava been squandered, useless-1 Iv and reuklaaalr waataJ. nnJp the I e a a uiuas. vi prcieoueu uroeaesiry x- vpensos.' and it has made an attempt to cut OH all above the Beeeasltiea. Y.t sw iiurnvi ta mtuuvuiij vppvaavi iu Iwr Grant and the RenuWirin Snat r--.i.w. t. .j ... ... i 01 icu-eQcom.n u ta tbe sppropriation for tbe Wax De to partmenk ' SeoreU7 Taft hlmaelf ee- i timatea toit toe expeoaea of tWs de- f ailment could be reduced about pre taillioes per year. o4 et taiaW w be , v- -v. :.v - j . a caojot be ebarr4 wkh desire teie- s;roy me government, or oe wobji not meouoaei. Aeaieua swine tM;ia bereuinedin the Cabinet. If Grant MK,.r.b?P'M..k,i,f - . . signed ; but loeioiry sbowt that tbt rwporU CM lore the House to make tbe ex- art without foundation. Equally tolrwe travajant appropriations desired by tita his fsvorites can all retire on the n5 4 . t . a a e.aaei ui uy oi iuircu Dex wiia inaepen- deal fortuccs. And meanwhile) the i - poor laborer can go oo toilint- to far- Lre?' V V T",' M t0.'r' 0I BK,onU ukwi di!y the opeolaf have v.i .v habeeadrtchenrad. IVy elood. (ur cs- t9 about 111,000. The eroeaecf ara about tUib tLem the mesne. victios sod 5 fvr acoaitul. ' di!y. 1 4 consolation s' least if Ilayes is elected. ' Grant's pc: thieves will bo renc-ved and new rings formed. Then we shall hat comparatively little stealing for a year or so. Not Omicial. The Coos Bay News publishes- as "official" some figures purporting to show the vote for Judge in this distriot. It is not cor rect and therefore cannot be offioial, or else we need a new count. Mr. Hazard is elected Prosecuting Attorney of this dristriot by 62" major Hayes was not' Giant's candidate, and that worthy Las ' begun- to show his spite against the Cincinnati nomi nee by endorsing bitn. Nothing could be worse for a candldato than Grant's recommendation. When the great Schuyler was caught stealing, Grant furnishod him with a certificate oi charaoter and it corked the Christian Statesman op so effectually that be has never been heard of since. This time it is E. P. Ferry, Gover. nor of Washington Territory. He was a direct tax commissioner in Ten nessee in' 1863 and 1864, and when he retired from the office there was a bal ance of $47,000 due the government. He refunded all but $13,000, with which sum be is still charged on the books of tho treasury department. A Washington special says that his pay baa been stopped and be is gradually working the amount out. Tbe editor of the Portland Bee has been seen, and that paper is now blat ant Ropublicao. San Francisco Altai Secretary Fish has loent a small fortune In entertaining.. H mt) bim many thousands of dollars above bis salary to dispense his elegant hospital itr." "Snobbery," Ii the correct word , not "hospitality." Mr. Feesh has a sufficiently lBrS" iuconi" to indulge in extravagant en wriemmems, w uront, with tils Im perial Idea, tbey have become necessary, bat there are too many who have to steal the wherewith to give them to make it plvu act for the eolortatnor or profitable to tbe people. It has also reachod tbe Granger camp. if - ttr T M' .1 1 . . j t t Wisconsin, as tbe Grange candidate. Mr. Taylor wont out of omce a snort time since, but .onH,boir tbhws Wore an Ill-favored look Infi tne i,giaIatar concluded to Investigate bim, and among several other Interesting facta hs discovered tbut opon tbe last day of bis tenure of office be drew opon tbe State nearly a thousand dollara' worth of ,U"0D"'' ,od ,etircd llh ,b Plundor IV Ull I' Ul. Water. n, CoIumbit tmt , baring a "high ol uma." At toe uaicAuei me waior hid on Tocsday reached the high watermark of 1862. A Urge portion of the railroad at the Lower Cascades had been washed away and the Tooth bridge damaged to some eitent At iht D1Io 00 th um w foot higher Ib.a la 1862. and still rising, witb pn,yT " ,root ,l",ei Tl' M Portland tbs water was two fuel oYep on Front streot, and tbe.woodea pavements on tbe streets further back were being weight ed down In anticipation of a still further rise. P.salD.Away. Tbe frffonmn thus notices the death of two of tbe pioneers of this State And we chronicle tbe 6Wh of another of Portlaad 's early citizens, Mr. Simon N. Ar riifom, who died at bis resiikmce at Astoria, A - . I I L . . . . 1 ,. 0me of kis little onrs, who were earil over to tie lone city while be reeided here. nir. Arrizoni we one oi ie eeri pioneers p0ri.oJ, and remained ber antif aut six years ago, when be rvmovn to Astoria, 00 "us liberal and gt rwrous ... Ki. L-.l I- B0Mti h was in . sesHioe to bete oerhan. more aenaooe ope bis geaeroeity tbaa aey Hhr. Vt,oa eh'' "d 'J t I "a imnn.ii avah Li nil rts iiitivi aMiS a.k- ' ""T" " rasement. Arngonl BfeeentecT a roooB eate- iooaklea under which be was b ,u known throoirhoat the Scf .a! thna- who knew kirn beel were kit bet frieadex MO. J. U. Avery, of Uorvallw, also bee . . , .. ait eectioo Oi me Male for mm than twoty - fle years, in the politics of the W ftrJ " "7 active innntinlimP mn nmrninatn. FT vwsntst J many positleos of public trust, and Io all of tBero diKharged his duties with ability and tB?oe': . ' l""n . any eoaeavor, ana lertue oi expedienrt, be oflea saoceesfut where otbert would Wled. Ia laU years be hie Ukea mue part la politics, but devoted timelf busioees pursuits, in whick kt was very 1 Wwhinctoo dispatck of the 2Zi ujt Botnoie U following oot apoo 10!b, llh4t seeteeeiot to-d.iv rrgarding hrther TreMury ebangee. BeigaaUona taA M. 1MoiBti.Bi. hA. k. f,L..i. - -ww-- that Commiasiooef Pratt had The arj la the case of Chaa. O. FUhef. There will' be one isuot diauict attomev, indicted foribtka k dailr iivcreasinv Tbe Farmer has discorfiio'nsd the patent insiae. ; Two bandred yards Is the distance for prize rifle shooting at tbe Portland Centen atal. Charles IT Cafef, 8 prominent drug mer chant of Portland, died Friday aigbt at tbe uauei. S. O. Reed's stallion, "Abdallau" died at lteedrille farm recently. Foal play sas Pecld r .r . ,,v ,. A Mr. John Mallory, living in East Port land, suicided last Saturday evening by MKiog sirjcuDioe. .' lit. Grubbs, of Salem, has been elected to take charge ol the Uinpqoe, Academy at uour, auring ine ensuing year Stone coal bas been foaivi on- tbn Ym bill river at Lafayette. It bos been suggest ed mat a company oe horned to work iU A few days since J. H. Parsons. Esn living io Wasco county, sold two bdodred and thirty bead of cattle from two to five years old,lor 918 70 per bead A smalt sod of Dr. Davis, of CorvalUs, fall 15 feet oat of s tree the other day and bis father bod a patient In his own household, a oroKen leg revolting from tne fall. Mrs. Keho Waa thrown fiom a Carriage near Lone Frr Cemetery Id Eadt Portland, Sunday evening, receiving Internal injuries, resulting in aeam snorny aiierwarO, ' Jack Welch arrested a horse tfiiel at For est Orbve last week, and took him down to Portland and gave himup to the authorities. i oe norse was stolt-o from a Portland iverv stable. A vonth llitmed Frank) Ownn nf tr Molalla, Clackamas connty," waa bidlv hurt by a horse which Id I opon bim last Bandar. It Is feared thai be suffered serious Internal injtiriee. Tbe citizens' meetlni at IndoDendence ao- pOibted a committee to rale 1145 witb which to defray the cxnense of a Drelimiuurv survey for a canal from the Willamette river below bdena Vinta to independence. , i, . It is stated that Senator Jones will visit Umatilla county immediately after tbe art Jourmiient of Congress, to view the Granite crock qparu milieu, and particularly tbe ledge being developed by MoDoould, Burn- nam & to. The crop of wheat harvested last tear In Umatilla county is about disposed of that . . i . , i . , .. crop imouoted to 137,744 bushels, according to tbe tsBeaaor'i report. Tbii year the crop Will SlPPPf-1 inrt in that a n. a an h In I w,vs UW SB II I U S1UIUII 111 nr. amount to oot less thao one million bushels or at least it ought to. . A ... . W The new Proshyterlan church In Rose- burg waa dedicated last Sunday week with ne Deauiibil and linpresdive ceremonies oil tne rresDyienan laitn. iwv. a a. Ueary.l of Eugene, preuched a Dowerful sermon. "V. 'y "iueu to.auu alter- wards hiirblf commended. Tbe various committees of tbe 4th ol July celebrilloo fur Jackson county, gays vu u. ,, mw a ue coonnouse 00 oat- uruur ku arruuuB preumioarius lor concertea action, out came to a ueaa locK 00 tbe ques' tion 01 grounds, me recall Was tIM going to pieces of tbe Whole affair. At the ailliuul election of the OrlirlOal li- uuuur Mmuww io..ow.r,g omcers were ChuSOOl John MllltO. Drclidcnt: Pi. N !...! I, . Cooke, vice president : J. Henry Drown, re' coming secretary ; W. U. itees, eorreepond' Uoard ol directors-Joseph Watt, Chris layiorana vv. Uonon. Chief Murshul-I Dauiel Clarke. The Dmotrat seysi "The oatlook for crops of all kiuds iu Hon ton county was never oeuur man at present. A very large acreage of wheal and oats was sown and the copious rains of May bave bad the effect to bring the crops forward rapidly, aod we bave now a good prospect for reaping one of me most uouutnui Harvests known for ears, m ua a iair price lor wneat, our (armeri will be richly rcpuid for their labors, 1 ne oay nurvest promises to be more abuu j. .. . .1 1. . . . uaut luau ever Known ooiore, ana is now about ready (or the mower." A heart rending accident occurred near Turner's Stalioa last Huterdsy. Mr. Wade who live neitr Cold Snriuira had been alien. ding a Good Templars' Picnic at that place with bit family, and when starting for borne 10 turning ine wagon around it cramped and raised the body op. Mrs. Wade was sitting 00 tne seat beside ber busband. and be caught herio time to save ker from falling out, but she lost ber hold ol the child in ber arms, a little girl aged one year, and it fell to the rroflud. and the wheals nauinc nVur it, injured U so that it died in about three boars. iTKneos NEWS, Treasure' New boa written a letter of tt signttioo, to take effect from July ItU n ik. ,u r. . . . .CTtCZJr,! Z; , r. nm:00?? ,0 ... t"wr.i Aiaiiouui vunreniruo 1 1 are 1 oe 1 reeiuent eas eetA Io tho Senate a roeMage oominatitig 8eeator Morrill, M tuaiua, iu ua ofvri'iary 01 low ireaiurv. I -ounsvi v-ux is loouima IMO vie aa I . I. J-. ... I P.rwI.Hia r. ik. V... . i soon report t bill to repeal the ResuuiDlioa ,vl i icvtuvnt'T. no wii! 1 - -4 - W I sk. , i T6e Clvmer Committee has mad a on. n. I Irnous report oa the charge atioat Speaker . - -' J mvhv. Illi. HiU. .1 IU BIIIII I ckargli j him witk complicity io the safe K,9Lb,u!,w'hM m tot KpH0ak, Ash and Hickory Plank. A special from Washiwtoo sara Sunator atoevill, oi Maine, Dee Deeo ..nderd the no ailioft ef Secretary of the Treasurr, but bai s ooi jti aecepiea Tbe foef f WaehiflEtoa disnatch aava It la .1. L . 1 . ..." . '. - " muuxui ntre iaa uisine wm be appointed iu uu .norriH e eveiurea tero la the Sen ate. lie will sect m. Mrs. Nellie Orac. SartorV infant ann died oo the second anerverearr e her mar riace. and 10 mootbs. The Aruthar ia not yet zi years of ace. Thebaokera Sr-lieman rcracrH 1 OflO pay for Bsbcock dSB. Xa itwt aw seen appoioted .Vavy FioareSal ereots e4 the Uaited Jiatee io Loadwi. I Sfr. Celvin has fall charre of th. W.,nr'. oce m Chicwo araio. but hie rein kVon. . i , - , . o - - - i ,r uijiar, mm mm eiTCUOO Will Dt SeM witotn las arlt thirty days; Tea r.irfutive Committee of the ltl Of the Ceoteo- agreed U hWp the I onrit till y. t I Diar CoaMDiaiioo hat groaedc and hoiMmpe opeo till half-past w uk 'uilj Biierweoe ion. It Tie atteoc. at tbe PhilvMph! E xbi- U ... fbe SenSte committee on aDnroDriatioos, in reporting on tbe naval appropriation Mil to-day, proposed to increase tbe various items 83,680.00(7 from the amount voted by lbs House. The proviso abdut tbe employ ment of men daring October sod November was sourely stricken oat; - There is a report circulated ameso- a few Senators, and apparently authenticated, that tbe President bas tendered the place ol 5ec retary of tbe Treasury to Senator Morrill of Mama, and that the latter bas now tbe mat ter under consideration. Morril will neither sfflrm or deny tbe correctness of tbe report ana ii n eenevea io oe true, : Becker k Boyd have reduced tbe prices oa ireso Beats id accordance witn toe times, aod wil( sell cheaper tbao soy shop in tewo tor casn. Farm roa Salk A good farm for sate Ofl easy terms, within two miles of Cres welt 560 acres of land, all fenced, good bouse on the same, aod 400 acres Can be cultivated. If yoa want a bargain caH and see j.j. waitoD, Jr. If you want a good pair of gloves, go to Wm. Prestoft, azency for tbe Sao Jose glove manufactory. fii, at hit Mammoth PubllsKiny Boom, ? Petri Btreet, MeW Tork.iwnM iewntten bnatiiullf illiutnted Dewppera and suunw Mr. LmIm w tbt firet in tbe United 6UUj to nn dartak th publication of a weekly flltutrated newi paptr, and to hhn belong tba honor Of beinj the publiibtr of Tka Oldest Illuitrated Newipaper in America. The person who iteurei tbe airencr Xor these publications for this Vicinity, and will give dtiwni att opportunity of Inspecting the several Is sues and copies of the eight magniScient chromos the choice front which Is siren witb a subscription to either of tbS illustrated weeklies, will have a handsome and profitable buiinVes. These papers are Weil known, and sell readily from 10 to IS cent on newMtands, and are now first offered through agenta toannual subscribers, with a valuable chromo which, to all lovers of art, is alone worth mora thn the subKTlptjoii price. An annual subscriber tdthl niuauatea newipaper receires during the rear otsr 832 newspaper autxt. Folded to the size i.f Unra ectate boo the subscriber would have S;Sl8 pages, iumi mi njTcn ocuiTe uooss or orainarj bus, say 4M pwea each, and one-half of these mint would contain Hue engravings, and for tbe centennial year will make the most accurate and Taluable illustrat ed History of the National Jubilee published. We urim our reaners, alter thty nave subscribe for ;e UtunD, to secure obe of Frank IHlie'si)lustraU i perioaicais, and witb it tbe beautiful chromo. Medicated Baths abi Kimmhits V,a si hn. uiiRiiff olu-hus ooir, a cneap aui emcieni uutitut. which auwer. tb mm purpo far u luonl 4Ieuci of the tkin, rheumatism and sjout ssr The National Gold Medal ai awarded to Bradley nulofsonforthebestPbotoerapbslntlie United States, aud the Vienna Medal fur the beat in the world. 429 Montitomcrv Street. R Pranriacn, POND'S EXTRACT flught to In every fwnHrreafly for nse, U ' I N,lur" clcn combined in the mahufw n1,i;ulo,'giDt,fruIfi'tml6ro,',,r,tmi lOoantodlclneacUontht cause, 1 w riperience has BeratdeH the virtue ot FonS's tx mm. JJternal application or Inintraljr taken With saftty TWtu'reaot Pond's rfxlractardmartelloas. I ' Rei,ef from pale obtainsd by the us. of bond's x: I n tract. fllK'ul0,ur 5W' ,Und 11 " Wt cheapest Pan be obUimd from druggUls etery whertj T en' n4 T w.ll never be wlthoet It. Fabulous ICcduction IX FURNITTJEE. A 8 WB ARB PREPARING FOR 1 LARGE Manufacturing- (stabHsbment we pros aetd ell our eutlre stock of FURNITURE AT RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICE'S! This Is a rare chance to Iiiit cnnA. nh.iani'i.i rurnuure at nominal prices. Do not let vour on .vi.uui.j pius, vwiie an V, CHERRY BRO. Lou cr Than Ewer I M, ADVANTAGE OP THE m. tax unseiuer eneaillon or the Eastern aud vwiiomiaaunejr Harieta 1 live FURC1IASED FOR CASH THE LARGEST STOCK OP Watches. Jewpfrv A Si fifpnarafei . ' ' w Er?f. to 0.foB. .nd.m now enabled to "r" mrm ai iseiati ai lormer VIIOLExIF rititt AO flattd JeWelrV or an i. 1 k icuhii.k.l r-.:. 1.. V' ,u rn ed. I have sl.o the agenev of the unr"aTl4 nprciciei. mill ... th.i ir ,k- -.m L" '""'" w IUKUUWK M MT- TTTt n FfW TT a.i li tm " a ? ""V.:'. wt name W1i' '0'!lh ""e vrwch for the sum brir! ytico 01 iue wsica inpt intnii in .y.a r.. HV all MMn. if mm m .11 x. . e J . . " vu uciore ruinf or n vm.D . Nul3m 103 Front 8t., Portland.' OreoB. HARDWARE. RON anrfSTPFI ... . "HUS SP0KM "ims, NORTIIRIP TIIOTirnw. POHTLASD, . . . OBEQOX. JJ4Jra 4sscss?nent Notice. f . n,Mt-oi oivLRthatatameet. i- . c Bord rf 'rKt" of the Uoe ATla ta tinnn... I W . ,L A. . . ... v v hit rinm aerrantii iMutUa k.u ..mi iniw tfuae. ii?e. aa aMmMtr t """'Meapitaistocteiib.cnV, w- , Or at Oebura'a druf store to r. at. WILKixs. FIBST AND LAST CALL TT!? SOtD Vt STon AirDTlXWAlti r"". Brbn.i nrt u -m rraiMt all hiuk mUu ... to rtie tb MaM M . --- ': i. aaica, final SettUmtnt. ptHtllATTHOFTH ESTAT1 It He-w.n.,, Ad"SSZ . V " "kl nrmrw Ewa.ii. A...., I a I.M k ... , . . - ... JalV. wr. a. aad ksrKr a. apart fe7th? Of hnilaiaa.i tiaaarM .J .wek i ... . m U-we.. ot Mo. Ut. liJ ha.. J 7,, "'"Ufe ARFfinv CTrtvr ' f)U.UON 5T0XE aiey j.q. I.bHoW S. Attorned WARE for CELEBRATION. The One Hundredth Anniversary OF NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE i 1. kt ETJGJENE OIl'Y. Salute of 100 Guns at Sunrise J Na tidfial balilte at Noon; Gun rof each State it Sunset. v Prooesilon will form oa square ia front Hf Court itouse at 10 o'clock a nt.'t tad march west oh fcghth to Willamette street; south on Willamette to Ninth; east on Ninth tt) Hipth; thence north to Eeiriith) sut ou Kightb to first stieet east of mill race, thence east torriiunds, near Uodorwood ft CusmiUs, TbSDrO- oassioa wiu men aisnana. Ordef Of Exereleeat L Assemblage called to order by the President. 1 Music by the Sand. S. Prayer bj the Chaplain. . - T 4. Reading of the Declaration of independettest 5. Muilo by the Band. 8. Oration. t. Music by the Band, S. Benedictioni ' A basket dinner wiU then be serVed, after whlcB procession will reform and inarch tb the court house and disband. In ttftj eVening i Firemen's Grand Ball will be given at Lane's Hall. FIREMEiYS GBAKD BALL 1 mtHt HOOK & LADDER CO. ' Will sirs a GRAND-BALL JULY 4th, 1876, Lane's Hall. Eugene City Committee or ARRANQfcMENTSj S. H, Friendlj, Jas. MoClaren, J.T. Witter, Jeff. Smith. COMMITTBE OF RECEBTION. ti, W. Fitch, Jeff. Smith, $. O'Brien. Jas. McClarerii FLOOR atAKAOERS. fi. 0. Van Eouten, C. C. Croner, 8. A. Oedenj J. Mi roindexteTi fkkctSf Jnclndlng Slipper, U' Rett of Musio for the occasion. CVRRYBODT 13 INVITE A Tickets for Sale at Cram's. BETEESDA SPRINGS. THESE SPRINGS ARE LOCATED ABOUT 65 miles east of Euecne Cltv and within frtir miles or tbe celebrated Big Prairie of the McKen- s e. They are within a few hflndred yards of nurse irera. one oi ins most rammis trnntms ftre-irt la Oregon. Deer and Elk are very plentr m(f theSr Cprings, havieg been the resdrt lo sjes of these animals. Tbe grandest and trlost pictur esque scenery Id the North PKCiffC Vts have the best buildings and the hert accnrnmoaatihol of any Springs in this part pt the State. Our hath house is new, aud is constructed with reference W the wants of those visiting us front the taller. We also have an excellent vapor bath rottm constructed sear the bead of the Spring, and la all things, we propose to keep1 up with the demand for an Insti tution el this kind. An experienced physician in attendence at all times. Board and lociimga in good rtvle for those who piefef It. Animals can 4 pastured for small cost and bS perfectly rafe. A. Hi FOLET; Prorrietor JUST RECEIVED, - A LARGE BTOCct Of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, nATS, . BOOTS AND SHOES; GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC., ETC., Af REDUCED PRICES. ftighesf market nrice naid for all kln,l.nrPlfA. DUCK, HIDES aod FUIU. A. GOLDSMITH. Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is hereby riven that tht anfleraigncd Is appointed administrator nf fba Ar t u Underbill, deeeassl, by the eutfntV eoart irf Lasa eouutr, Oregon, and all Deraona harnn against said estate are notified tn frearat the aame to the uadsrsurned at hia nsfdeTlr vithrn I months irom vn. oaw ureol. a. MAirriN. Adn'r una 17, 1S7S. AUCTION SALE. T fTLL EXPOSE AT PUBLIC SALE OX MT 1 farm near Irvine. Lane count nrvsna a .k w'Sjuca. uiuuer uq SATURDAY, JUNE 24th, The following described personal property , 1 rxparator, 38 Inch cylinder. 1 Hainee Headers, 7 Header Beds. 1 Single Beam Cultivator. I Deere Gang Plow. I WalMog Plows; 1 Sulky Plow, 16 inch'. I Harrow, 1 Broadcast seed aoite. i aum. eta work Harness. 1 srood R an a Ink ..A A V k ww AH aalea ander S10. cash! ava fin time, witb iolmst at tbe raU of lea ptr cent af- rwa eaie. wiia appreVew eeeurtty, wMmmwrn ww mv,m ,M . . H.K.R0TJKD8. imag. Lane eooaty. Jane S. 1M7. NEW HARNESS SHOP. CHAS.THADLEri At Dniio't Old Stand, KEEPS CO.VSTAXTLT OS UkSV A 0O0i aaanrtseo t ef of lack, BntTet & Team II ddlee, WhipC cpurs, lUIUwa,- , CoIIari, , Curry Cimbfand'SrckSas S1 A ad erarTthiiif UsuanT kept bi. Irst claaw Bar eat Bona. . I SHERMAN & llTbE'S fcOtUMN Never before In tbe hlitory of plane forte man nfactare bu ak tastitraett ilaed -sej rapidly li popular ffor." ' ' -1 ' - Its Intrinsic meriTine" lecldeJ iHp'erfcrlty ove all others bu caused atery mueiciao And artlitel note to adopt and recotanaetrS it.- , .. j Milatonsays: I shall take ' every orportonlty to recommend and praise your IsjirumtotS. , If las Kellogg asys: Toor Planoe are my choice for the concert room and for my own boose.. y , Lucca says: Tour upright are extraordinary ioatntneirts, aod deserve their great popularity. ' - . , .j . , . Pattiaayai I bave used the pianos of'evety celebrated maker, but give yours tbe preference overall. - 6trausssaye: Toor Pianos astonishment me: I have never seen any pianos which equal yours. Wehll says: Madame Parepa called, your Pi- aooi tbe naext lor the .United Btetes. I fully en I fully en. d arse that opinWu; Tbey have BO HVal; . . SHERMAN & HVDfe Corner of Kearney stad Slitter 8U.r ' ' SAN FitANClStO, PACIFIC COAST AGENTS FOB TBB VTebet Piano, AND - ' WHOLEBAtl AN'b BITAIL lliaitMist ' , SheU Music) Music 2&0jfe, . AND ' , MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, TDS SHERMAN A IIYbii lANd HsS four Ronnd Corners, Elegant Case, Grand ocaie, t uu agrane, is r irst-tlass, ana ' Felly warranted for Ten? Years. Square or Upright, tUO; THE STEtiMAN PIANO Is 7 Octaves, Handsome Mouldinge oa top and, A grade Treble, Carved Legs ten Lyre, and the Mat Plane for the Price, tot ikgkci cf Casej "MfM and vatlety Tone, Dellcecf 6T acUon arid tmrahll- bHity For Illustfated catalogues, or any article rtf th music trade, ' ' Address . 3herman & Hyde,- . fcor. Kearney and Sutter St$,; SAN FRAN ClSCO. JelJ NEW STOIlfJ AT TBB OLD SlAN-D.. F. K. I)rtJNN, :' ' HATINO BOUIj'HT THE INTEREST OP Mr Scott ia .he old firm ie now runnlne the aiaeM a'oae at I be eld sued, where he will k p uedloaeeaM te old eostomera h 'tag roe cr ita stock dowa vtrV stock aowaea fj entirely ' ; . '. NEH AND COMPLEiti CdnTpoied la part of aeaKy utEkiituaii callus fob.-' ' ' . : : , t . , Aii't auke a speeUrtyfli " KKWlmt IRON ANd STEEL f . - .- I w'ah to makfe aa amibl anawM' t... ju u- that Farn(irs eaa coma nearer getting all tber Bay want at av store thaa' lTshiaent 1 ! ahl also steal fet HAWLB?, DODD k CO. , of Portland. for all -.uvuu Agricultural . ltovUtfants. ALSO, POBPElSCi i CO. ORGANS' AND MtODEONa Having had siitara a .rtu' i. F. H. DUNTT. MK. A. W. STOWELL, - TXACHXK 01 " .'-' PIAh'O. ORGAN. HAEMONY AND THOROUGHBASS, -j Eaqatre at raaUaaMa, vsat tad at Kintt tXD tir, to GEO. r. ROWFI.L a en twJ A orw .mm rBaiaakA mt laa imm m mvm imp.pM, aa4 ewu