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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1876)
ti:e eucel'e cm chard. ATUBDAT. JXTSTBl if. iS78. EUGENE CITY. OREGON. DEMOCRATIC TICKET.' For Congress : L. F. LANE, OfDonglaiCoantjr. forPwsideotW Elioton i HENRY KLTFTEL, ot 'J acksonf T ' A.' CRONIN, of Multnomah. : r ; . W, B. fcASWEIX', of Grant.' ' ; THEIEOISIAICBE. , n iw.z: '- Tb Mercury publishes a itatement bowing tbe, political complexion 1 thdneU Legislature, from which it appears that the House will, consist ol 80 Democrats, 26 Republicans and i Independents. So that if the Inde pendent vote goes to the Republican . side there will be a'tfe" on a JulWpte, while if it goes to tbe Democrats it will rive thinn a majority. In the Senate'there'will le 20 Democrats, 8 Republicans aqd 2 Independents, so that whichever way the, Independent vote roos the Democrats will have majority. Giving all tbe Independent votes to the Republican side the Dem ocrats f ill have a majority of ten on joint ballot. , a ; Who Will th ai. Louis Convention Nominate? ' U-.'l r.tu;t m ' ' . ' '. This scorn's to Tbe the prevailing question among Democrats. ,, Unliko tbe Republican party, which has but three men who are supposod to be "availablbM candidates, tho Democrats have a large number to., cnooso irons Perhaps the. most prominent of all the po&iiblo : Democratio candidates is Governor Tilden of New York. He , has fought a good fight against cur ruption in bis own State ; he is known to be sound on the nnanoial question and possesses an energy that is posi lively necessary at this period in the history of our Government to put down the profligacy that is leading us to destruction at a lightning pnoo lie is what we need, n man or ncrvo andj( juJgraont, ' somothing after the manner of General Jackson, who can appreciate the situation and will aot foarlessly. On th'iB ooast there seems to We been among Democrats a dis position to let the rrosiJontlal oloo tion of this year go by default it New York should bo favored in tho seleo tion of a candidate. ' That feoling has however been in a great moasuro dis polled since tho naino of Mr. Tilden was brought prominently forward In the California Democratio State Convention 1,1 " Tba following isolation was paused by acclamation untlur a suipcuiion of the rules Whereas Uoa. Samuel J. Tilden, Govern or of tbe State of New York, by bis manly defence or ilia peoplo against - corrupt schemes and political tricksters his shown Limf'ir a true reformer and fit champion pi tbe people in me coninct wito omciai cor ruption, and by his bold advocacy of bnrd noMf as the einmlntini milium of our country bu made himself unohjoolionabla as a leader of tbe democratio party ; therefore, belt , !;.,! ., .i Raolred That bis Domination as Presi- deot of the United States by tbe National Democratic Convention would be acceptable to tbs democratio ptrty or tMiuorninm as a glorious victory In the cause of honest gov. ernmeot ! .. - ' ; 1 Following Mr. Tilden oomcs Ray ard and Thurmao.also sound finaaoially and above suspicion, lucre is noth ing in the publio or privatd life of el ther that reflects tho least discredit upon them or that would bo a re proach' bus as a nation in elevating eithor of them to the Presidential of fice Then there is ei-Govemor J ocl Parker, of New Jersey, an honorable, high minded gentleman and states man ol acknowlodg'od 1 ability, and a hard money man. .. Following in the Iiat we bavo Hendricks of Iudianaand William ' Allen of Ohio, commonly known as Oldbillaljcn. . , Allen is an avowed greenback champion and his whplo energy is beir.g devoted to the herculean task of educating tho nation op to the beliof that coin is a rclio of barbarity. , Mr. Hcndrkka, too, il un derstood to be In favor of paper as a circulating medium, though be is less procounoed in bia speech on this sub jest than Sir. Allen. Neither of these, however, can be included in the list of probable candidates, although . Mr. Ilendriclu might possibly modify hie views to ai to accept a nomination on a platform delaring lor very bard cash. Tbe promulgation of a green back platform would' lead the party, and bence the country, to destruction, tVir opoa tbe election of a Democratic lfresiu?nt tbe aafety of the country depends. Hon. Jeremiah Black,' cf Pennsylvania, has also recently de veloped isto a poseiUe camUJale. I He is known as as eminent jurist and fta'.tisman, aft.l one no nnaeraJanaaU,u.rwt dvdre'iV no can proper to long u!lEZr&Tl?"'9tt' tli frnvprnmont'a nrnmiaea to nav are subject, to a taunt the ntnil, tbeyare taken beyond the lines of our territory.: uenerai jiancooic is alf o prominently mentioned as a pos- sible candidate, but of him nothing need be said. While in every way qualified, his position in the army rules him out. ibis country desires no lur- thar experiments in the line of milita ry Presidents. ,'-! Mr. Watson is elected Judge of this district by aboui 200 majority, Mr. Iligby, Republican, is eleoted Prosecuting Attorney by a small ma- (.,:.. ...:;!'. ' . , . ' t- .1,,. ., .,,! .- . . , . Morey ana Spencer, from Louieiana, a resolution was adopted by the House declaring Spencer entitled to the scat, Mr. Morey admitted in a speech bo fore tbj House that be had paid "a few hundred dollars" to a United Stalea Marshal, in consideration of ! Mr.K.l ,o - -- to refrain from publishing a history of the frauds perpetrated by Morey, Douglass county has thirty defeated can didates. There is soms prospect that an oil mill will soon be erected in Dooglass county. Messrs. Barret & lived have established a regular stage line between Empire City and Umpqua. , . ,. t There Is a man up in Sweet Home, Lino, who came into that valley ten years sgo a poor man, aud dow be owns 1 j dogs. 1 be Democrat soys : J be biletz reserva tion bns been removed to (be banks of tbe Calipooia between the two graveyards near Albany, Mr. Walter Montoith, one of the oldest and wealthiest citizens of Albany died sub- donly In that city lat Sunday afternoon at 2:40 o clock. " Prof. L. P. flonderson of the Albany Cnllejriate Institute has been selected to read Joaquin Miller's original poem at the t'ortland Lenlenmai ueieoraiion. Tbe academic year of the Umpqua acade my closed on rndoy of last week. I he graduating class oonsisted of Mr. A. Miers, Mr. J. Uhupmun and Miss Emma (Jlmpman. : It Is understood that after the completion of the large Depot Hotel at Albany, tbe mail trains will paesat tnat station at noon, and "twenty minutes for dinner" will be allowed mere. JTie Dulles ji7ouiiruiHf;r learns lrom a gentleman who arrived on Wediiesday even ing from Canyon City, that on Friday even ing of last week Johnny Aiusle and Char ley Atlia wore on a Inemliy drunken spree together at that place, and that during their ' jolly time" tbey got into a quarrol which caused Altis to Strike Ainslvy on ''the but of the ear" with bit 6st, from tbe effects ol which, in the short space of three niluutes, be laid down and died. " Election dny passed off mora boisterously in KUDU burg iiiuu any other day ,lor veurg. Several fights occured during the day, and, strango to say, no officers appeared to be about to preserve the pence or arrest those violating law and order. One party drow his plsol io the crowd to shoot another per son, when it accidentally went off, the ball tearins its way through bis band, grazed a second party on the buck, glanced off the heud of a third, and sped awuy through the air. The Democracy of Waireo county, in Convention, expressed a prolerence for Sam uel J. Tilden as 1'residunt, and James O uroadhead as Ice i'resulent. lnere is a neculiar signiOcanco In Tiidno's endorse meut by a convention of Missouri Denio- VIHM) IVI UUVOIUU III mllj yi Vlll ll'V IIUIIB III hllQ matter, It indicates a remarkable change In the sentiment of the party concerning the currency quHsuuu. 01. imuxi limes .. . p, n. I)kn Uiitlkr said the other day : "I al ways think of the cat story wheu I h'r ol flglils io the IVmocralio party. Cat fliihu sinaily result In more cats. 1 o those lie- publicans who era congratulating themselves upon ulurntliins smong the Iiemocrala of Ohio and New York, we would respectfully commend tbe above bit of choice aentimenl from Massachusetts' cyrocephslic save.' Sivi.n States will have their elections before tbe presidential vote is oast in No vember. These are Arkansas, Vermont and Maine fn tteptember: and Ohio. Indi ana, West Virginia aud Georgia io October. rennsylvenia which formarly gave the Iffy in Ovtober now holds her- state election, io November. ' ' Tbe South will hardly go the length of casting their fortunes with the Km I wheu it comes to be shown that the contest bas nar rowed down to a sectional struggle. Our friends across the border may not love ni io the North too well, but ther are not going to throw away this grand opportunity to rainy the work or Uod AlmigD'y that joined tbe West and South together by io diilulle tici. tiMiHvuli Iml.) I oar if r. ONO'S EXTRACT. Qafht twibe in every, fur, Of ready fur aae. Mature and srivore are euraUned is tbe aunuhe Q iau oi ujinaUa from dhordrrof Ute syaten,. 'fo a twdkane acta oa tbe raitat. ExtArietM kas heralded the vttta of Toad'a 8 traH. VtornaJ apiMKstioa or Inwardly takes with aahtyv Jh cares of fasd'a ti tract are atarrclloaa. p4e from pais ebUuwd by the sea e Toad's Ex. btUeturiee.,laMll Urje eWitrt. Qas W obtshted frssa draarvls twysWrsv Jry It one and yos will sever withoet It, IV irrVT ia wanted ia every soaaty tot im.S auii.ll TMt xalie. Wewetre and Marattnea. the eUeaS asUMtahed IlluatraleJ Nried. kmla la Asnarm. Iltey an aaw ant otrmd to aa vsiars. vm will, il tie avmre aa vtrvr aa4 elwnv iemtnry, ke al4l Va latrlaes Bevsleea rirttUe tlloaUatnl fanmiicala, auitd to a ma f iliauact Ualra or aanu, aa t, wilJa the eh. fraaa fctM Mt aad beaatiral ehrvmaa, anvea fna al ami iu aaeii a4.aMi aubarntier, fee enWM to eare ea arawrMM-niiouai la every rumlv ia ttmraav trirt. TuakUllaleaariitiilil Ula UI eerarerniLia nt emfinrmnii, aa4 tha reaewala earh year will ea a anurre ot atl v aat ammrmi revenue. hjNv-H I MK COMPLAINT. pe0pei Common Sense Medical Adviser," etc., etc, ,,. , j The Liver is the great depurating (port tying) organ or tue system, and Das re-y ap propriatelj been termed tbe "housekeeper" of our health. . I have observed in tbe dis secting-room, and also in making poU-mor Urn ezuminatioos of tbe bodies of those who have died of different disposes, that in a large proportion of cases, tbe liver bag given evidence of imviog at tome time been diseas ed.' Liver affections are equally prevalent io beaaU.' Every butcher knows that tbe livers of cattle, sneep, and swme, are ten times as frequently diseased as any other organ.. A . Iiealibj liver each day secrets about two and a half pounds of bile. When it becomes torpid, congealed, or if, from any cause, u oe uisuoira in me periormance ol I ill rintift. it il Dviilfnt that Ihn alvmanla nf f the bile inUHt remaio ie tbe blood, Uus irri I tattnrr nniuinmn anil un..m ...... I .pi pvimiif i iiill,IIII IIHI proceM. ,,. Nature altempts to rid ti system ' the tuesa nious materials by way of etc., which become overtaxed io performing their additional labor, and are unable to withstand the pressure. . Tbe brain, which is tbe great electrical center ol all vitality, becomes overitimu luted with unhealthy blood, and fails normal Mr t perform its functions. Hence, there is d0 nees, headache, impairment of the memo ry, dizziness, gloomy forebodings, and irrita bility of temper. When the blood is diseas ed, the .kin manifests discolored spots, pim ples, blotches, boils, carbuncles, and scrofu lous ' tumors. 7'be stomach and bowels, sooner or later, become affected, and consti pation, piles, dropsy, dispepoia.or diarrhoea, is tbe inevitable reesult. . SYMPTOMS OF LIVER COMPLAINT. A sallow color of tbe skin, or yellowish- brown snots on the face and other parts of me ooay ; ouiioess and drowsiness, with Irequent headache : bitter or bad taste in tbe mouth, dryness ot tbe throat, and internal beat ; palpitation of tbe heart, a dry teasinc cough, sore throat, unsteady appetite,' sour stomach, raising of the food, and a choking sensation lu the throat; sickness and vomit ing,. aistrcsD, neaviness, and a bloated, or full feeling about the stomach and sides aggravating pains in tne side9, back, cr brcaat, and about the shoulders j colic pains and soreness through the bowels ; constipa tion, alternating with diurrha; piles, flatU' lenco, i)Hrvu8nHss, coldness of the eztremi' tie?, rush of blood to the bead; with symp toms of apoplexy ; numbness of the limbs especially at night), and chills alternating with hot flushes ; kidney and other urinary diQeult'es, dullness, low spirits, and gloomy forebodings. . (July a tew or these symptoms will be likely to be present iu any case at one time. TREA TjlEiVI. Take Dr.Pient'i Gol- utn Mtdual Ducovtru, with small doses of his Pltnsant Purgative Ptlleti, which oct as an alterative on the liver. For Liver Com plaint and the various affections caused by a diseased liver, theBe remedies are unsurpass ed. , 1 ha Uolden Medical Discovery does not simply palliate tbe disease, but it nro duces a lusting effect, liy iig use, tbe liver and stomach are changed to so active. healthy slate, the oppetito Is reguluted, tbe oiood punned and enriched, and the entire system renovated and restored to health. J he Discovery is sold by druggists. R. Tierce. M. D.. Proprietor. World's Dis- ponsury, Lluualo, Ji, Y. f The Nutivual Gold Medal u awarded to Bradley Riiloton for tbe beat rhotographs In the United btates, sad the Vienna Medal for the best In the worldi in Moutuomcrv Btrect, San Francisco. Oll t KtlRTANCM ALWAYS AOORATATI Skin dllHM- . (MntrueiiU r tlin'f,ir rthor hurtful t)io ueornoui. iiluk i Buuuua Boap; which opens, InatMid ol dluKtrmH the wm with ?rue, hai, miKlit live Iwtin tprt I, wl.UIr luixnapilerl ol.'ftgv inout ouni)Hiuud( u a rruietljr tor touruutio tfoo tlllU. . FIRENE.VS GRAXD CALL. irUGFNF HnflK 9l f JinnrR Pfl WIM. OKI a GRAN D BALL JULY 4th, 1876, , ' " i av ' : laiic's llall, Eugene City. COMMUTES Ot ABBANOSMESrS.. 8. O. Krieadly, Jaa. MoClareo, J.T. Witter, Jeff. Smith. COMMITTEE OP RECEPTION. aW.Kftch, Jefl". Smith, ' J. O'Brien. Jaa. McCUren. ' FLOOR MAN AO Kltfl. B. C. Van Boaten, - C. C. Croner, B. A. 3tdea, J. N. rotndexttr. Tickets, Including Supper, $1.. Beat of Muaie tat the oeroaion. , KVKUVBODf IS I1V1TKD.. JiJSTJISDA-SPEJXU& IHESE RPIUXGS ARE LOCATED ABOUT U miles east of Rievne City and within foor miles of the celebrated Bis PrairWof 1he NcKea- a1. They are within a few hundred yards of Uoree ( reek, one of the mt Umoua tmutlns treirna Is Orrp. Peer and Kilt are very plenty sear these Mirinta, haviec been. the reaurt lor am T theas animal. The (randest and m'Wt nictur- eeque aeenery is the North PacMc: We have the neat Dnllilinits and tbs bevt srrnrnmodatiena of aay Springs la this part of tbs Wats. Our bath houe ta new, and irtntructed with reference to the wants W tho e v mini u fmnv the valley. V skw hvs aa txrslnt yar bath Muen entrurted sesr tbe hmd of the Sprint;, and in all thlnjrt, we pmiKMS m aerp op who l tie dtaanj tut aa I'JU teiinn o ih kind. Aa txnfienci phrii-ian la attssdertcs at all Board and lod (ian in toad style for those who pisrVr it. Animals can Is paatwed for email com ai s us ssneciiy sate. a. n . r uls i . rmi netne JUST RECEIVED. A LAIKE 8TOCK OP DUT GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, TOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, BTC, ETC., AT REDTTCED PEICES. Rlfbrat saarket prire for alt iio jof TSO- PtCC HIDES and FVR3. i A. GOLDSJnTH. ; CELEBRATION. The One Hundredth Anniversary or ! J NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE AT EUGENE ' OITY. Salato of 100 Guns at Sunrise ; Na tional Salute at Noon; Gun ' for each State at ' Sunset. PEOGHAKMs"oFpsdcE3SION: FrooBHion will form em aqtur in front nf Court Eoum at 10 o'clock a. m., and march weat on Eighth to Willamette street; aouth on Willamette to Ninth wl on Ninth to High; thence north to Water street; then weat to ffrtiandi, north ot Bkinner'i Butte. The proceuion will then diaband. , Order of Exercliesi L Awemblage called to order by the Preaident. 1. Music by the Band. . S. Prayer by the Chaplain. 4. Reading; of the Declaration of Independence. 5. Music by tbe Band. " S. Oration. ill . I. Muaie by the Band. (, , S. Benediction. ' .4. baaket dinner will then be aorred, after which proceH.'"a will reform and march to the eonrt houae and, diaband. In tbe evening a Firemen's Grand Ball will be given at Lane's Hall. iENTAUR yNIMENTS. LetterJrom a Po'tmaiter.' Aniiooh, III., Deo. 1, 1874, "Hensrs. J. B. Rosi & Co : "My wire ha fur a long time been a terrible sufferer from rheureiitism. 8b ban tried many pbyaici'iua and many lemediea. Tbe only thing which hat given her relier Is Centaur Liniment. I am rejoiced to ay this hai cured her. I am do ing what I cau to extend its sale. W.H.EINO. This la a nam pie of many thousand of teatimonl -al.i recaived. of wonderful cure elected by the Centaur Liniment. The ingredient of thi article are tMibliKlied around each bottle. It contains Witch Has I. Mentha. Arnica. Hock Oil. Carbilic. aud ingredients hitherto little known. It Is an indisputable fart that the Centaur Liniment in pertorming mure cures of Swellings, Stiff joints, bruplions, Kneumatism, Neuralgia, iciati. ca, uuiteu Hie utH, Lock-jaw, &o., than all other Liniment-, Kmhrocatloua Extracts. Bilvea. OinU uii'uui aim ntiiiuni now in uno. ror Touthnche. Kiruche. Weak Rack. Itrh anil Cutaneoui Kruptiona, it Is admirable. It cures ourna ard scalds without a scar. Kztraota poison from bites and stings., and heala rniKUhiUa and chilblains, In a short time. No family can afford to be without the Centaur Liniment, white wrap- i ne uentaor l.luiment. Yellow Wd- per, Is adopted to the tough skin, mimcles aud uVsh of the animal crratnn. Ita effects unon wrereeasaa of Spavin, Bweeny,. Wind (Jail, Big (load aud Toll Lvil, are liltle less than marvel-, loin, Mwars. J. McCllire k Co.. DruiruUiji. nnr. Flm and Krout 8t , Cluciuniiti, O., say i "In our Dclghbnrhood a number of teamsters are using the Centaur Liniment. Th nounce It tuperior to anything they have ever used. We sell as high aa four to five do n bot tles per raoDi b to these teamsters." w e have thousands of similar testimonials. For Wounds, (Jails. Scratches. Riae hnno. n and for Screw Worm In Sbeeo it hta ao rival. Farmers, Livery-men, aud Stock-raisers have io this Liniment a remedy which la worth a bun- area unira iu ooni. Laboratory of J. B. Rose & Co., 46 Dir St., Nkw Yorx. Pit cherts Castoria. Mothers may have real and their Khu. m.. have health, if they will ass Castoria for Wind Colic, Worms, Feeerlsbaess, Bore Moath, Croup, v. oiuwa.u v'wiiaiuia. h h entirety a vegeta ble preparation , and contain neither mineral-, morphine, nor alcbohot. It far as pleasant to take aa ooney, ana seimer gg nar gripes. Dr. t. Dimoch.of Duuoul. 0.. aara ; ! am uiisr Caatorla In my practice with tbt man signal iwneoia and capry result." 7bia is what sveryone aays. Most nurses ta pew i ors coy net tn uaatorat. It w prepsi oy Hesera J. B. Kuw A Vs., 46 Dev St.. New i ora, eaccessort to bamuel Pitcher, if. D. Notice to Creditors JtTOTTCE ia heraby tires thai the nnderehrnerl h L niiermii, ai 1. by the euuntv ouartaf ( eouuty, lreim, and all poraoaa hav.t damn airainrf said MM are nut.a-J to prearnt the same to the Bo ln.iyDi at hia reailene wirlua S months Irora the data aareof. H. MAHfl.N, Adsa r. W MMW a, , ,o , B. AUCTION SAUE. I WILT. EXPOSE AT PUBLIC SALE ON VT farm sear Irv nf, Lsoe county, Oregoa, to lbs oiguvM oiuuer os SATURDAY, JUNE SIth, Its following described personal preparly , 1 rVpsralor, It lock eylinder. 1 Hainei Benders, T Header Beds. . 1 8isgls Bears CslUralnt. I Deere Gang PWw. I Walking Plows. ... IPuIky Plow. It inch. 1 Harrow. 1 Brosdcsat seed tower. 1 warana ' sets work barsras. I wsoel Saw saw Frame, M tack, and 4 work horses. AUtsteaandertlS.esah: over IIS. one vrV tiras. with tnlrr.-st at the rats of tea ptr eet.t sf- err as- siim lrom ee. with sppvorsd awaniy R. B. ltOUSDS. lrr-Bg, Lass eosaty. Jzat , 17. MRS. A. W. STOWELL, I TEACHER fOF i PIANO. ORGAN. HARMON v AND THOROUGHBASS. "Bnquirf at retidenck), weft end of Ninth itnei SHERMAN & HYDE'S COLUMN Never before fn the history of piano forte man Diacture naa an insirumeut nsen so rapimy popular fivor. ' IU Intrinsic merit and decided inperhrlty oyer an oinera bas caused every musician ana artui note to adopt and recommend It. .. , . Nilsson says: I shall take every orrortunity to recemmeua ana praise your intrumeuis. . Hiss Kellogg ssvs: Your Pianos are mv choice tor me concert room ana ror my own noue. Luces says: Toar nprigbU are extraordinary lnsiruineois, ana aeserve tneir great popularity. , Pattl says: I have used tbe pianos of every celebrated maker, but give yours tbe nrefersnce over an. 8trauss sars: . Tonr Pianos astonishment ma. I have never seen any pianos which equal yours. vt anos the finent In the United Stetes. I ful lly en- done that opinion. Tbey have no rival SHERMAN & HYDE Corner of Kearoey and Sutter Sts., " SAN FRANCISCO," PACIFIC COAST AGENT! ' . FOB IUB -, , Weber Piano, AND WHOLESALI AND RETAIL , . - v , : . nun ik .... ,'m Sheet Music, Music Books, AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE THE SHERMAN & HYDE PIANO Has foor Rousd Corners, Elegant Case, Grand dcsic, r uu dgrane, is Mrst-Ulass, and Fully wa ranted fur Ten Years. . t Square or Upright, $liu; :' THE STEDMAN PIANO Is 7 OoUves, Handsome Mouldings on. (on nod rniwrn oi cake, agrune rrehle, Carved . : Legs audj.yre, and the best iano lor the Price, $350. For Elegance of Case, Richness and variety TJhe, Delicacy of action and Durabil- bitty ' ror illustrated catalogues, or any article in ' the rhosio trade, ; c '..., Address , "i .'!;; f i , Sherman &, Hyde, . . . , j . t , , t j . 1 1 . . : Cor. Kearney and Sntter Sta., SAN FRANCISCO. J . , , . . . . IV E W STORE AT in i old; stand. F. B.. DUNN, iiAmo BOUGHT THE . INTEREST OF II UiSco't is. lie old firm is now raaaine tha tsinew a'one at l he old stand, where bs will be i ised Maes all la old customers B vine; run th ild stock down very lowmv stock bow sea ry entirely NEK AND eOMPLElB 1 Composed la part of nearlj . , ETERTTniXG CALLED- FOR,. . . ' And I auks a ipedaltrja T - " HARDWARE, , IRON AND STEEt I Iwjsk to stake aotTindfloarlali.iotassay that Fanner ess cons nearer (rettinir sn tbey way want st soy store thai at sny other eUb IsttiineM. I aa bIm arent for R a U'l bv Tirnin Portttadfuaall ; 77 a 11 Agricultural;, Implements. ALSO, FOB PE1SCE k CCS ORGANS AXD ilELODEOXS Havlar ksd strteea Tears mmtUm i. " F. B. DUNN. WmBlIj J - 1V0BTH PACiFlv vj MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATIOJI , OP PORTLAND, OIOttON. Lii..LLii Ji. Wm ronnded IU tbt year 1894, with Capital ' Stuck of 1100,000, on a Gold Cola Baals, and In corporated under tbe Irws of the State of Ortf ea .r;;.u7:-.zr.jo7 OFFICERS: i P.WjujsjtanAM, President-- ' i .;i ,(' i E. QuicssNBUsH, Vice Preslaeat.' ' D. W. WAlirixLD, Secretary. W.S. Ladd, Treasurer.: " s " , W. H. Ee fihokw, Attorney. II. P. lloKsa, Manager, ,. , , ) V.V 'DIRECTOR: P. WlRSKRHAS, i W. 8. Ladd, .,. , L. Whitk, E. QOACIKNBDSB, D.W. W. H. Epfwoh, ... WM.WADBAa, J. L. Atiinsom, M. P. Morsi, Waiefiild. TABLE RATES. ' ' LIFE POLICIES. ' ' k 1FITE A0E3-A,B,C,pjK.'j; A Ages between 1 A 12 annual Dremlom, .$5 0& B " " 12 & 20 " " . , 6 Off C- " " ' 20 4 35' ..... 09 D- " " 35 4 50 " " 6 Off E ' 60465 " " .. S Off Or $35 may be paid at anyone time, on any , Hie policy, and no further Annual Premium will be required, nor any futther payment, except for ' Death Assessments in that special dirltion at tbey 1 may occur. " G. J. BUYS, ' : Local Agent OREGON STONE WARE for " tale by T. G. UGHDBJCKk). ' Watches, Clocks and Jeweir,: MUSIO, AND ! . u SEWING MACHINES & THANKING THE PUBLIC for their past liber " al patronage, we now invite them to call on at our new room in Underwood 4 Co.'s new brick block, where maybe found a full assortment of goods in the above line. watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired In tbe best' ' workmanlike manner and Warranted. Willamette St, Eugene Citj, Oregoij CRAIN UROS.. HARDWARE. IRON ad STEEL. Hubs, Spokes. Kims, Oak, Ash and Hickory Flank; ' NOIITIIBCP Sc TUOirjFSOff, POHTLAND, .... I ..i ' , OEEOON. :;','," janl:Sm ( rou THE TRADE r" SPRING & SUMMER WE BEO to Inform eur friends and the pablla . that we have just received direct from naa ' Franciaooand the Eastern nurkets . i AN IMMENSE STOCK .i,i. OF GROCERIES, ' HARDWARE, DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS . 7 1 NOTIONS. CLOTHING,- '' FURNISHING GOODS, - HATS AND CArS, ' .'L .11 A. ' ,,; BOOTS AND SHOES, i ' ! Clocks, Paints, Oils, Etc:; .... . . . . , it Selected' by our Mr. offer at 8. HosinbUtt, whleU w7 , .' . i . : . . i ,,, ii J ,j,,n Parties will find It to their advantua toai:. and examire our stock and prices before purchsi Ing elsewhere. Uigbest price paid for all kinds ot Produ.ce..'. S. ROSENBLATT & CO.',. . rick Store, tor. Willamette i Eighth Sli,,.'. EtJGENE CITY. Jin. )i.- Yi lf.J A.V. PETERS & CQj, Are Daw in receipt of a very larife stock of NEW SPUING GOODS, Selected with much care from the larrtwt and beet ,. unpamug aooaea in nan rranciaco, ...j Oar Stock of Lll' DRESS" 'GObDfc? " ' ' ' ' v " ' n ( r nnnsnallv lanre and attractive. anA nmirU. Hm 1 rr latest atylea and noreitiea, and of all nades id prises, so as So meet the view of all. WHITE GOODS. Urgs saaortment of Bleinaii and lnsertltcs. BMW v and beautiful patterns. STAPLE' GO O DJ : Alarreatockof Bliaeked ' ITualinS anS Ionensl .Table Linens, Towelinira and Iloaierr Corseta - " '' mm. M4;a wuiq aa ajraoea. WB TOl PAT THE HIGHEST JTA1IIT FBICB '3 Ia cash for any nnmber of pounds of GOOD MERCHANTABLE, WOOL1 " . t' . . ; COUNTRY PRODUCE , A.V..rETER3r4,CO: rrf Final Settlement; - TKTHEMATTrBOFTHK KTATK of HeWT t.S"rT-iKTMA-rbM- I-""T. Adninwlrai tor ot Mud eattte nl H-. u. j . karii flledh Bsal aeronnt aa auri Admnumtar, ? T tl71f7! i 1t If oaJay. the Id day af v'J - bi,, ofc7 et apart tar tbe Unt. , . efojerta t nereto atK( the final arttlemeat tbererf. I "T aHoai.JfB K IVnTwB.OooatT Jadaa. . J JAMES r.iBOW.w.Atorsw. "Ii're. IWleeaalraenraMaandaraa JfVt'"!'ari.Brr. Addraas i. WCBTH A CX).. iu Uaw,sle,