in Built. H A fffVXJ'tV''-'" f '-aWifa-. f" impta announcement, of blrtbe. mar will be ineerted without riarjre. HJJSlS 'will be charged W rEraBor-poMlbilltr for Tiews ixpwwcd -flCtoT""1' OOAmo, In wmpper. to nail OTtaiMd at thta office. f i r jn AND COUNTY. The candidates on the Democratic ticket HjfUnecooDty will meet their follow-citU ,.0i to discuss tbe issues dividing the two parties t the following times and places, to "gmitbfield, Monday, May 29th. Junction, Tuesday, " 30th. Cottage Grove, Thursday. June 1st. Creiwell, Friday, June 2d. Eagene, Saturday, June 3d. - The opposing candidates are invited to be , present and divide time. On consaJutioo of the candidates of both Vtie tboo8bt 'bow 8PPoint ' menu would better subserve the interests of the people than to make appointments in ach precinct, on account of the very busy time among farmers. If there is any place pot named above where the people woald like public speaking, the candidates would be pleased to meet the people by invitation. ... Freight to he Raised. ' Mr. Villard, President of the newly organ ized Oregon and California railroad compa ny has written to the Oregmia a letter in which be intimates In quite positive lan guage that the company contemplates in creasing the rates ol freight on their road. After making a statement of the cost of con structing the road from Portland to Rose barg he says : I have particular object In placing this subject in the right light before the public at this time. I ' For some time past the freight rates on the road have been altogether too much in favor of shippers. The company caniiot afford to carry at tho low rates prevailing in 1875-'76 any longer. The net earnings of the road for 1875 were only 3205,000; tout is a liMie ovwr 4 per cent, on the money actu ally iavested, and less than 2 per cent, on ithe amount of outstanding bonds: No ooe with ordinary eenw of justice can maintain that the holders of the obligations are not entitled to a better income. Such cannot ibe obtained, however, under the low rates theretofore charged. - The company would Ibe glad to do a .larger business at lower rates, but as long as the business of the coun try is so limited that, except during the wheat shipping season, the road is not. worked to one-lonrtn of its capacity, so as to return barely the operating expense, we cannot be justly expected to transport ut rates yielding an income of less than one half the usual interest in this State. Mure nver, we are about incurring large extra ex ipenditures for the construction of a new ibridge across the Clackamas, and other nuc essary Improvement. " We have comprehensive plans for the de velopment of the transportation enterprises voder our control, but we shall certainly abstain from making the large outluys inci dental to their extension it we should nnu disposition to dispute our right to receive what is really but a very moderate return upon the investments already made. ' Beyond a doubt it is true the read does mot pay over four per cent on its cost. Uo- tfinished works of that description do not usually pay a large per cent on the money invested, and Mr. Villard has no right or reason to suppose that bis road will prove an exception to the rule. Certainly if the rroad now pays 4 per cent on its cost, its completion to a connection with the East 'would insure the return of a reasonable rate of interest. But to think the people alozg the route of this piece of a railroad can be made to pay such rates as will give the own ers the usual rates of interest is an evidence that Mr. Villard does know the people with whom he has to deal, and it is still further folly to suppose that they will pity interest on a sum of money which is charged to the construction fund, but which was really used by Mr. Holladay as a corruption fund. The freight rates are as high as the peoplA can atand, and any additioo to these rales will drive shippers back to the old plan of ship ping by steamer to the highest point possi ble on the river and thence bv wseon. And bere again is a matter which shippers should take into consideration. The Willamette Falls and Locks Company are the owners of every steamboat on the Willamette river ex cept the Ohio and City of Salem, and this ompany is willing to pay Messrs. Scott, Hatch k Co. their own price for these two. But those gentlemen did not build their (boats to sell and are satisfied to run them so long as they can get a reasonable return ou the money invested. But they cannot bold -out against the other company unless they hive some encouragement from shippers. The rate of freight to Eugene by rail are about SIS per ton ; by steamer about half that, and by keeping these two boats where they are tbey can be kept at that figure. - It is 'sot dtfBcalt to make shippers see that in tie long run they woald make money by patronizing a company which will enter into A contract to carry freight for a term of years At a fixed rate, rather tbao give their favors ta a combination of capital, even at a lower rata. The new company has unlimited cap ital and the other has not; if the stronger can starve the weaker oat rates will go op to tea or twelve dollars per too and the sbip - pen will pay fearful rate of interest oo the ; few dollars loaned them by the monopoly. The difficulty lies in uniting on a plao of op eration. And here we pat forth our opin ioo that this would be a good subject for the . Lace county Grangers to wraetle with ; we believe it would be of much more practical benefit tbao ta the passing of resolotioos against individuals. The Ohio and Sales ' can reach Eugene at almost any season of the year and thay seem to be about the on .1 chance to keep freights down. tfie feet Fbo PUiUDELriiu. Mr. Charles Ladcf arrived from Philadelphia on Thursday io a good state of preservation, lie reports as having had "a way np" time, and is brim full of " Centennial," having bwij in at the opening. From his report Oregon is but meagerly represented as compared with other States, but what it lacks io quantity Is in a measure made up in quality. Among the most noticeable things of the whole array of articles are the displays of grains and wool made by George Belshawand M. Wilkins of this county, which are said to be the best on exhibition. Salem la repres-nted by two sacks of flour, and Astoria by a pile of cord wood. Boi.TKD.-The Bet is responsible for this: Qeneral K. L Applegate was surrounded this morning by a coterie of acquaintances, to whom be was descanting upon the merits of several well known Democrats, and Ben. Hayden in particular. The latter he thought a gentleman of remarkable ability, brave, proud, Irreproachable, talented, in fact a veritable Crichton. A friend of the Geo. erals, passing and overhearing the warmth of his remarks, said, "Hello, are you canvassing for the Democratic ticket?" The General responded, ''By George, that is so, I bad forgotten. It might be constructed that way." And amid the laughter of the crowd he "bolted." Centennial Racks. Messss. Sank Owens and Joho Holton have leased the East Port land race track, which is to be enclosed with a high plank fence, and a portion of the brush and timber will be cut away to eoable persons to obtain a clear view of the .track. A large stand is being built on ooe side of the track opposite the judges' stand, which, when finished, will seat at least 400 persons. Underneath the stand a bar is to be fitted np, wnere all kinds ol drtntuoies win oe served during the continuance of the races, A long row of stalls are being flitted np ad joining the grand stand, where the horses are to be kept. Io a few days the track will be harrowed op and leveled down and placed in splendid trim. Tcnnantand Lee the well known trainers, are now at the track and have the following horses in coarse of training; Oceola, Tom Merry. Mystery, John Bosks, Ophir, Dick Waldron and Minnie Lee. Several other horses are ex pected to arrive in the course of a few weeks and go into trainiuir. Suicide Mrs. Maria Mathews who has been confined in the Insane Aslyum since Feburary 17tb, 187C, escaped from that establishment oo Thursday night of last week and was found the next morning drowned in thesloughnesr by. The Portland Journal savs she was a widow and the mother of several children who are taken care of by a brother of the deceased, who lives al Creswell, in this county. It seoms that deceased secreted herself in an out building at the time when the patients aro locked up, and in the evening escaped by scaling the fence. She had been much excited for several days previous and wos persistent in her attempts to commit suicide. The jury returned a verdict of suicide by drowuing. ' Half Pakb The Kast side railroad will sell to all members of the Masonic liaternity who desire to attend the 8"ssion of the Grand Lodge in Portland on the 12th inst., speciul tickets at one fare for the round trip, tickets to be good from the 8th to tne 16th of June, inclusive. Tbe steamboat companies will sell tickets at the usual rates and representatives will return free oo certificate from the Grand Secretary. The Grand Chapter meets June 9th and tbe Grand Lodge on tbe 12'.b. Frekthi.nki!R3. Tbe Liberals and Free thinkers of Oregon and Washington Ter sitory are requested to meet in Convention at Portland, Oregon, July 5th, 187C, at 10 o'clock. A. M-, at the rooms of the Liberal Association, for the purpose of perfecting a geoerul organization of the Liberals and Freethinkers throughout the country, and for such other business as may properly come before said Convention, To Br Let. As will be seen by dver- tisemeilt in another column, the contract for repairiijg the Springfield bridge will be let to the lowest bidder on the 17th proz. Fatal Accident. Frank Hart, a young man about 17 years of age, fall Iron) his seat on a wagon near Cbesher postolSce on tbe 18tb inst. upon tbe muzzle of a gun and was shot throngb tbe stomach and fatally wound ed bj tbe discharge of the gun. He died about seven hours after the accident. Pbehiu List. A very neatly printed pamphlet of over 150 pages from the press of E. M. Waits has jast been laid on onr table. It contains the premiums for tbe Sixteenth Annual Fair nl the Oregon State Agricultural Society which will convene oo Monday, October 9tb, and the programme, rules, and regulations of the same ; the re ports of the Secretary and Treasure- and various committees, together with the pre miums awarded at the Fair ot 1875, and much other information interesting to meov bers of tbe Society and the public generally. On the fourth page of tbe cover we notice several premiums offered by James Vick, the well knowo seedsman and florist or UO chaster, New York, for collections of cot fln.ara imnnntinff in all to 10- He has nthoriiJ the officers of every Stata and Territorial Agricultural Society to make the same offer, bis object oemf -u encour age tbe culture and love of flowers." Scans Kbsobt John Leoger, Eeq .ls fittine up the oak grove oo Wm. Smith's place, just east cf town, with seats, croquet grounds, etc-, and oo Sunday, 4 one w. win be pleased to see his friends, btrewbernea end cream and other refreshments will be i served. BooKua Citt, May fj, 187J. TormiEDrro or mi Ooaboi It teems Id me that the farmers and busi ness men are neglecting a very material in terest to the prosperity and wealth of the county. The farmers should nave all tneir grain made into flour at borne and ship the flour instead of wheat. Flour can be ship ped cheaper and in less bulk tbao wheat, and by having the wheat made into flour at home, the producers have the benefit of the bran aud snorts with which to fatten their cattle and hogs, and tbey are concentrating wealth at borne io tho way ol lactones wnico very materially aid in building up the coun try. The farmers and business meo should lend ao aiding hand to the milling companies of the county whenever and wherever tbey can.- Let each farmer have bis wheat made into floor, good flour, and be will And be can realize one dollar per bushel for every bush el of wheat he can raise, and by so doing be not only realises a lair price lor bis grain, but be aids tbe milling comnanus, who nave their money invested, to build up tbe coun ty. There are a few farmers In the county, 1 am informed, who have their wheat made into flour, and they never fait to realize a dollar a bushel for their wheat. Suppose the farmers io the vicinity of Eugene should store their wheat and have it floured here; say two or three hundred thousand bushels, tbe milling company would have constant employment, could increase the capacity of their null, and both farmer and miller would make a handsome profit over the present way of doiog business. 1 am informed that the mill company here is somewhat involved and at present cramped for money, and hence most of nece.sity be crippled in their busi ness. It seems to me that the business meu of this place should lend a helping hand un der the circumstances to relieve the compa ny which has investul so much money to build up tbe place. It is certainly no bene fit to any one in the community to see a man or company embarrassed and perhaps crush ed for want of a little timely aid. The great interest of every business, of every mechan ic and of every farmer and laboring man in tbe community demands that tbe mill com panies : d factories should be supported and maintained. Why not make Kugenea ship pine point for flour, like Salem and Port land r The wc Ith of the couuty would be materially increased, bus ness of every kind would be better-. Other points, like Salem, Albany and Portland, are being built up be cause their factories are encouraged and pat ronized, and why not Eugene f It would be a grcvious wrong to see our mill company's property which has cost them from fifty to sixty thousand dollars, sacrificed for the want of a little timely aid from the business men and farmers. I have no interest in any milling company, but I have an interest in tbe county, and 1 desire to see it prosper, and hence I desire to call the attention of tbe people to tbe mat ter suggested. Next week, it yon will nllow me space, I will again notice this subject. Citizen. Closed Out. Not having met with tbe success he anticipated Mr. Win. Killings- worth has removed his stock of groceries from the Masonic building back to tbe etore on Ninth street. nAsii. Gov. Grover will speak at Junction at 2 o'clock to-day. A camp meeting will be held at Pleasant Hill to-morrow. II. II. Gilfry, Esq., will leave on Monday June 5th, for St. Louis. A Centennial Medal was what Mr. Lauer brought us from 1'biadelphia. $4 162.020 was the actual cost of con structing tbe Eastside railroid. Wild strawberries are coming in. There are "doodles of em" this seasoo. Dr. Alverson has moved bis stock of drugs into the store room vacated by Mr. Killing, worth. The engineers will n- it Monday begin tbe ... r li: II 1' I survey oi me liuivams auu ixug iuw un route. The reduction In faies from San Francis co to Philadelphia and return amounts to 819. Tbe (are (or tbe round trip is $256, currency. Zamloch, a slight ol band performer who was here last winter, eloped with a married woman from Virginia City last week. The injured husband was pumped out and will recover. It is said that the O. k C. It. R. Co. wilt issue at an early day, a new freight tar in" on the line foinext season's crop. It is gener ally understood that the new schedule will show tne maximum tariu, out not toe mini mum. An exchange says Charles Vivian is be ing sued for a divorce by a lady "ten thou sand miles away." Tbe rest of the story is that tbe lady wno is not a tnousanu mnes wav from Vivian is also beinir sued lor a divorce. Her husband says she don t put up for tbe children. Mr. Cbamness, formerly of this place had narrow escaoe at HloDers MiU. near Dallas, last week. The iron dog that holds tbe log in position fell before the saw. and was cut in twain, while every tooth in the saw but one, was broken, and tbe saw itself badly bent. A piece of the dog struck Mr. Cbamness, out am not nun mm sen ously. st'sinKM notices Wm. Preston has just received from San Francisco a complete stock of good in bis line, and horsemen will find many ntelul ar ticles not heretofore brought here. For Kale. 630 acres of land; ao excellent stock ranch ; over 100 acres good plow laod, will be sold cheap, hnonire or J. A. Wiktkb, Photographer. Oranges, Lemons and Limes ' received to day by Steijuieises. Nonet. All persons having business un settled with tbe estate of 8. Ellsworth, de ceased, or are indebted to tbe same, will save time and trouble by meeting the ondersign d at Eugene City between the 3d and 1Mb of June, 1876. it. Cakix, Atl'y for Adm'x. Florence sewing macbirw a ranety of si Ties and prices, for sals by D. B. Cray at WIsworth a Drug blore. Puao Tcuio. Prof. Sincbemier will be io Eogpse io few days to attend to tbe re pairing and Uoisg of piaoot and orgaoe All work warranted. Lea re orders at ClUiy EsOft.' Buy your wall paper already trimmed at f. 15. UUNX t. Agency for Wkbbeb, Cottao. Gem, Sherman k IIydi and other varieties of Pianos Standard Organs, and general musical merchandise 1). B. Gray, at Ells worth's Drug Store. Notice to the P. of II. There will be a meeting of the Lane Coun ty Council P. of II. at the Odd Fellows' Hall in Eugene City on Tuesday, the 13th day of June, 1876, John, President. Becker k Boyd have reduced the prices on fresh meall in accordance with tbe timet, and wil sell cheaper than any shop in town for cash. Fahjc roa Sal. A good farm for sale on easy terms, within two mues oi cres well ; 650 acres of land, all fenced, good house on the same, and 400 acres can be cultivated. If you waut a bargain call and see J. J. Walton, Jr. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN PATENTS. Ollmore A Co., successors to Chlpman, H corner ft Co., Solicitors. Patents procured In all coun tries. N fees in advun.-o. No charge unles the p.tent la granted. No fees for making prelimi nary examinations. No additional fees lor ob taining and conducting a rehearing. By a recent decision of the Commissioner all rejee'ed applica tions may be revived. Special attention given to Interference uasea oeiore tue raient uutce, u tnai.ine lielore Con-area. Iulrluee eat Hulls la diSerent States, and all litigation appertaining to Inventions or Patent. Bend auotp to uunore s, Co. for pamphlet of sixty pages. LAND CASES, LAND WARRANTS, and SCRIP. Contested Land Cases prosecuted before the U. 8. General Und Office and Department of the In terior. Ptlvate Land Claims, Mining and Pre Era;tion Claims, and Homestead cases attended to. Land Scrip in 40, 80, and 160 acre pieces for sale. This Scrip is assignable, and can be looateU In the name of the purchaser upon any uovern ment laud uiect to private entry, at $1.25 per acre. It la ol equal vaiue wun Botitivy una rants. fknd stamp to Uilmore a Co. lor pamph let of Instruction. ARREARS OP PAY AND BOUNTY. Officers, Soldiers and Sailors of the lata war, or their heirs, are in many cases entitled to money from the Government of which they have no knowledge. Write fnll history of service, and state amount of pay aud bounty received. Enclose stamp to Uilmore 4 Co., and a lull reply, after ex amination, will be given you free. PENSIONS. All Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors wounded, ruptured, or Injured In tbe late war, however slightly, can obtain a pension by addressing (J il lume & Co. Cases prosecuted by Gllmore & Co. before the Supreme Court of the United Stated, the Court of Claims, and the Statuern Claims Commission. Each department of our businesa Is conducted In a separate bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties employed by the old Hrm. Prompt attention to all busineiM entrusted to Gll more & Co. is thus secured. We desire to win success by deserving It. ST. CHARLES HOTEL, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. A. RENFREW, : : : Prop. DR. RENFREW announce! that he is again In postesaiun of the old and well-known ST. CHARLES HOTEL. Wblcb hu been newly furnished and refitted, and la now open for the reception of rubsU. I) y III IS UlSIUgV IU MIC V TT 11.1 ot. .(J ( m.wvvu " in tbe . FIRE PROOF BRICK BUILDING rnaVlne fifty rooms. It the mmi commodious and bant appointed hotel In the Stale south of Katffti. Thanking the pnbllo ror pan patronage, i no licit a continuance of tte aame and ihall do all for the comfort of guests. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. A. HGIMVREW. NEto EW DRUG BTOIlE, Willamette street, nex Uristow & Co. OKALKRS IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS. PAINTS, CLASS, VARNISHES PATENT MEDICINES, to. Brandies. Wines and Liquor OF ALL KINDS. In fact, we tints the heat assortment artirlee found In a FIRST CLASS DRUG .STORE. We warrant alt of our dm?, for they arsal ., new ana ireno. atUntlon Is called to our stock of Perfumery aiiU Toilet Articles. As ws have bought OUR COODS FOR CAS1T Wa can compete w'tn any ertabllonmeni Eugene till la prlc accommoaamro. Buy yonr goods wa oo can get the beat and che.,.et. . I'rtttrirtJort I'artiuy Filled At all bouri of tie day or night. OSMJKIY & tc October d.RO. . Wtf. C ALLISON & OSBURN RE OFf ERI.VO TO TUE VVVIU; OUJjarn,, uuiicv, wiimu uwu'i Tobacco & Ciara, Glnss & Queens- ware, Wood ami Willow ware, nunn ritrc-ji vn pifm And la fact everything iMuall.r krpt in a It rat elaaa (.rocery store or Bakery at BEDROCK PRICKS (or cali or rwy py. Baiifiacitun aiirnxu. (rottda delivered to any part of tbe city free of charge. HARRINGTON'S SPANISH LUSTHAL, CELEBRATED for ite awdirml pnwera rrrrr the Hamen Hair. 1 hie preparation erarli--Mt-e Hrurf and Ian- rlrntT, nritinf a heal thy ertwn ot Die twta of the Hair, tberet-y irourminc iU prrowth end Beentv. and la enr preventive for UMneao, and by Ita trerinrnt awe enome the Heir to JM.nm tte fir mer nenlthf ul and bril liant appear, are. Its FRANK HARRINGTON. ESC ENS CITT, OBIGON. abavinf and toikt snaps j awl neriaaKTT. al. I 1 nrWlr.t propertiia 1 I v I render H todieperreebla I I V. a Ladr a Teles. I J I I Ihia sen' " 0 W V Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, .Carriages, A large stock on band and I will to c-rder-of the Best Eastern Timber throughout. All WORK WARRANTED II EVERY RESPECT, at Fair Prices. Repository and Shop Corner Ninth and Oak Streets, Kuoknb Citt, Tlease call aud see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere Blacfcsmithing, Wood Work and Carriage Painting done tocnw'. W.ESPEY. MCCORMICK'S HARVESTING MACHINES! FARMERS OF LANK COUNTY, money any longer in looking at, discussing or buying Third and Fourth rate Machines, but go straight lor tho BEST Moro than Thirty Years' Experience in Perfecting and Manufacturing them has proved it, and over Two Hundred Thousand Farmers have indorsed thera to bo such So dizest this subject well and then go and look, and your own good sense and judgment will lead you to buy a McCORMICK Maohlno erery time. MATHEW WALLIS, Agent, 1 .ptjjn EUGIiNE CITY, OBEGO.f . Also Acent for Moline Wagons, Wheeler's Independent Reaper, and Cots Improved Hay Rakes. S. H. FRIENDLY, HAS JUST OPENED FOR TflE SPRING AND BUMtfKR TRi The Largest Stock of Gooda EVER BROUGHT OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING bas been largely Incrriiurd and w ran khow a handsome a line of ready niu goods in urn 'a and nova Business and Dress ul's As can be found In the county, and aa pricea that cannot fail to satisfy. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT la well filled with a aolendld aasorl all the leading style and fashionable aha ( gooda. Empress Cloths, Mohair and American Dress Goods. riald, Plain and Opera Flannels of all colors. Jloached & Uublcaclied Cotton Flan nclti. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, SHAWLS and SCAIIFS; s. Robinson & Church,Y rJ4$ , DE.V1.KH8 IX r X SIIELF& HEAVY HARDWARE IIAVK TI1K Best Selected Stock in OPIUM lOltf Kilts! snd IHUIPIRATI HABITS speed, ilvcuftdi puoitw, no publicity, r home and viibout inconvenience. AasntidattthatittntNon in mertu. stamps for particulars. DR CARLTON, i8j Waahioftoo Street, Chicago, 111. riAnniAGE'nSs """if-""rtalfeble " mjri- Iwllllll' . UM dWrtriei lu the UUIUlf Mleneaof ftpfiKliKtluDl kmrW Mile IJ"lj ywiiif end middle tgMl ebuuia reed and pMrveltiil ounUln. information, which oo one ou eUord to be With out, on how lo prwerw the hrellh, and eompl.ilon, end lira to nulM ehA the rreehnolrotUhithebretenS only true Guide In the world. Price Morale br The euthor any be eoMulted B.non.llT or hy mail on inj of tin .ublfU rrwntloni-d In hi. work. Addma bf.A.a.0UM,la7erJuufWUUCukeao,Li. MARRIAGE; DR. BOHAH WAWTI MU thsj Itiuuitttitsj Uiouui GUIDE AND know on Courtship, Altr Tkit. Vim ihwsi....jiica JrlyslcHi'-svnd fctVlttioii of UttMlual $ymnn, FhU B0OKofSECRETS.SEi tVlr jMan tnd em Tmrtt am il tMvalt lilr. tullt tiplloiiif thirouo. fyoiptomi and nirss to etirrt n 1 th only mil; tcirntlftc wurk of Ihr klifl tver p-ibiUb-9d, anMafni nriv U par and it ouf-.fdrtf inrrrry rt pL brut by Mails-wurflw MaFtvt on rrrtipl rt AU U, .44 Wm. J. C. A. BoilAKNAN SLaWtu, JiQ. kumLnthmd iu 16SJ. Central Market. Win. Ilcnsnnw, rropneior. T7-EEP8 CONSTANTLY ON 1 HAND rrir.KlI BEEF. POKKf MUTTON, VEAL, CHICKENS, CUBED MEATS, ETC., ETC. THE CHEAPEST PLACE 0 The Pacifl Coast for HOME-MADB BOOTS jAD SHOES. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. J. H. DON ALD Has now on hud over M hnsdrad and ffltf peira of Hwm of onr own make, which I an bonnd t anil la. nt mm. &im! wa are now Dirnnrart to make Bunt to order at the foflowtirf greatly redettal pri- w v p.i TbW. frnra H ta S rer nair. Fn-n-h Kip Hoot, from SS lo l per pair. ' Califirnua K i j honU norle to or ter for fflprrpair Ani an other work at aauafly tow pHrr,. Eap.1'-4 Bar dma at elrurt nouoa. All Wart) warranted. kaarin)r the etaod telo deeft ADarth ad A. V. Fetara at W hnrk store. i, II. 0O4ALD. p UOCEBIES-Ieoailkrrpoaafallof OEOCEBIES & PE0V1SI0S and invite tbe attention of nro-p . T.O. HelNDKCIKS W AONV-T. O. HESDBICK8 13 AGENT tor tbt celebrated Stndebaker Ssatb Bend Wagon, dorit wasto you precious timo and ONLY, and buy McCOUMILK 3, TO EUGENfl. WOOL BLANKETS, All Colore. Trunks and Traveling Satchels. HATS & CAPS, !u the leading Styles. (Mj CLOTHS, for Floor and Table o. BOOTS & SHOES. We would call special attention to onr stock Mons' and Hoys San Francisco Boots, Wl'tcr we have wild for a nnmber df years (villi great millHractloii. Every fair Warranted. A complete stock of HARDWARE ! Plows and farming Utensils. CHOICE TEAS. CANNED (JOOM. and atl choice . . FA JULY GROCERIES at Sitoninliingly low rates. LIVEIIPOOLAMCAKMEN ISLAND BALT, Highest price for all kinds of produce snd . "WOOL If. 1 HI TTAVK KOIl 8AI.B H AT TUB LOWEST RATES Iron, Steel, Axes, Cnhle Chains, 1 (?V Nil, Ropo. . O latin, , Puny, TnMo'ATncket Cutler Uiiim, Pinto!, Aaimnuitlob, Ajp Icultural Implcinens ItlaKtlnx Powder, Fishing Taclile, , Etc. tio. ' Wa Invite an imit ation of our goods onlldent our prices will suit the tiroen. Oregon J. KI'LINOSWORTH k SON, STAR BAKERY, On Ninth Street, rEEP constantly .JH tand, fresh , Bttssr. Ti'hacco A CwiM, reaches( Coffee, Canned Uooas, u nam, Synip, Cheer . Powder, Boao, Starch, Peppar, gai-dlnes, ball, CandlcSi Curnmenl, Candles, Nuts, Lard. Flour, Etc., fctc. ALSO Dread, Cakrs, ?lts, Fruits and Vegetables. r every dpicrlntion, which thev will acll uheap or cash. Thakful for pa.tfarors we solicit aeon Innancs of the same. Ouoda delivered to any part of the city fte of hsrue. Wa are constantly receiving; new Goods i d will aatlsfy our customers In regard to ericas. FINE POULTRY art... . a.rfwS Bred by M. EYUK, Jr. NAPA, Cullfbntia. - lironi Turkovs, weia;hin 40 lha ancb. Koulea ut-ea. wiirnin? xnim su w m itm. per pair. , ilrahmai, Lmrhorns, Uame, etc. Pa kin Duuke.avenHrinif IS to 3) lb., and trtot of all Ducks na Larera. AIM- A Una auortmeBt ol, Aebbite, luinea Fowl and Kerreta. Any variety of fowl, drafretl iarportetl. KOng, true to name, fireh aLd weft pafied, fin? -ale at moderate pricea. Sena for 111 nitrated Clrrular, and ?rOe IM, try M, EYIIE, Napa, Cul. ..1 In I. .A.u T :L .pmrnen roiiy of the lOULTBl BirM.ETlS, an IfuMtatcd .pair monthly, the renxrniaeil anuorf ty in poultry nuttier in tht V. H.; aud deeirledly tbe ' riiiiltnr Journal uubliehed. Bubaorintiua oolr ll.Uayenr. Pleaae state where voa eaw hr arlverriaesacafa Onlirra may alao be lett at tbi. otaca. TRY IT I TUB T.O- UENDB1CK8 BBAND of SOAP. For sale only bf T.O.HESDniCKS. PltODttK Or KTKUf KIND TAKEN is eaekaan for f ooU by T. 0. HKKDRICKS. HAIL'SrjAniLLA IODIDE OF POTASS . The bent teaatitler of the CoKplesloa ae la mm Cure. Pimr.!, Bml". Clofd m, Khenmaluui aa4 alerearrial f-i;ii.. Hold by ail Drovrfieta-. L'ae Lew' Oiuotntraiad flaroriag ivitracts for lie CoUa, C-t.x, tc poKVthUL Jlfcttt llA.'SKIhK Uo- aT.G. HENDRICKS, an.