ti:e ec:k:i city cjahd. SATURDAY. MAY H7, 187C. ' EUGENE CITT, OREGON. , DraCBATIC TICKET. x , For Congress : L. F. LANE, ' , " Of Douglas County. . ' For Preiideotial Electors : HENRY KLIPPEL, ol Jackson. E. A. CRONIN, of Multnomah. W. B. LASWELL, of Grant. ' SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. , . ,, f,,, . , Forjudge J. M. THOMPSON, c ; . Of Idm. For Prosecutun Attorney: ;'';. S. II. HAZARD, ' Of Coot. ' ; LANE COUNTY TICKET. For Btate Seniton , JOHN WIIITEAKER. , For BprfMoUtIrMi A. D. BURTON, A. J. CRUZAN, E. P. REDFORD, R. B. HAYES. -A .. For County Jutim, o.,') i.o ; J. J- WALTON, Jr. I ; .' i For County Commissioners. V J. E. HOLT, C. T.HALE. , For Clerk: : J. P.CUKRAN. ! ' ForAherlf): JOHN STEWART. Tot Treunrer: JOHN 0. DAY. 1": J.i.' .J.' in i vci: For Assessor: GEO. W. KINSEY. Foi School Superintendent: J. C. BOLON. For Surveyor: G. R. IIAMMERSLY. i For Coronet: . i WM. OWSLEY. (i DUAWINO NEAH. I But a fow days remain yet in which to discuda matters appertaining to the . eleotion whioh will occur one week from best Monday, and the situation e-hould be calmly and dispassionately reviewed by evory Democrat in the .county, and more particularly by thoso who have been "ott " during re cent eleotions. The tickets put out by the State and county conventions are such that there is no probability no possibility, oven that anything can bo gained by the eleotion of a siu glo candidate on tbo opposition tick ot. . So far as the candidate for dis tnot judge is oonoerned, wo do not bolieve any candid man can for a mo tnout hesitate to acknowledge the em ,ponority oi Hen. John M. Thomp aonoverMr. Watson. The one boncst, honorable and capablo; the other is t trickstor and not to be' re lied on. Ex-Governor Whilcakor as A member oi the Senate will bo able to give onr county a standing in that body, for we shall thon have two of tbo best and most influential men in tbo Stato to guard our intercuts two won who will have do partisan joal ousios to deter thorn. Gor. White- Iter bas bad much more eiporicnoo as .A legislator than bis opponent, and is 'A man capable of profiling by expert noo, which is muoh more than can be aid of Mr. McClung, or at least bis xperionoo baa never boon of any prno tical bonoCl to him or any one elso, And if elooted be would go to Salem ant Dover bo heard from exoopt At roll call, wbilo Gov. Whilcakor would , be found at all times laboriug for the good of his constituents. So with the remainder of the legislative ticket. Tbo candidate are men of integrity and Dot behind their opponents in point of ability. It 1" not nooessary to particularly mention each and eve ry candidate. It is sufficient to call attention to the subject, and bold up to Domoorata tho importance of a united effort to eleot their candidates. If ovory Democrat will go the polls and vote for tho ticket we can show A clear majority of from seventy five to one Lundrad. If, on the other band, Democrats show suoh a feeling of apathy as was exhibited at the last election they may be beaten. While there are no local measures of special importance to come before the Lecis latnra, to far as we know, Democrat abould recollect that A Senator ia to succeed Hon. J. K. Kelly, and it ia of the utmost Importance thai bis suc cessor bo a Democrat. Tho waniog power of the Republican party must not be bolstered, up by a tingle too oeu whea it can be avoided by a nniUfd effort And the auccese of the party it also of importance inasmuch At A decidod riutory bow would" in tare to Mr. Lane a rry handsome majority next fall. . Democrats will do well to consi Jsr these things. Let the voters' of Lane CouDty bear in mind (bit, if It is desirable to nave a repre tentative ia tbe Statt Legislature fully alive to tbe best interests of tbo Btate end Uoun tboy muat vol) tbe Bepublicao ticket ; for it requires no great sagacity to perceive that tbe Democratic ticket was gotten np in tbe Interests of Whiteaker for Uoited States Senator ; consequently if elected tbe ex-Governor will go down to Salem with bit own vote sod lour proxies in bis coat tail pocket to barter and trade for anything pos sible to Improve tbe Uoveroors cnances Tbe interests of tbe 8tata and County would weigb nothing in tbe balances against . i , . . n : me arnoiuoo oi a ouunuiuui aspimu. Journal. Let the people of Lane connty bear in mind that if it it desirable to have a representative in the State Senate for any purpose they must not vote for tbe Republican nominee for Sena tor. Tbey would not by tending him be represented at all. No one can find fault with any position taken on any publio matter by Mr. McClung, for he never took one. No fault is lound with any measure introduced by bim in tho last Legislature, for he in troduced none. He went to Salem and oooupied a seat, drew bis mileage and per diem and went home without having accomplished or oven tried to accomplish anything. At the recent convention be was not put on tbe ticket for any good be was expected to do the county, but for reasons which may be briefly stated as fol Iowa : Mr. McClung and othera tome time elnce loaned to Hon. B. J. Pen gsa certain sums of money, taking tho Springfield mill property as teour ly. It is well known that Mr. Pen' gra bas spent a great deal of time and much money within the past few years in hit efforts to Advance tho railroad interests of this Slate, and whatever fortune be may have bad baa boon mostly spent on this project; the mon ey loaned aa above stated was not in sight, and a programme was made to elect Mr. MoClung and others to the Legislature lor the purposo of endeav oring to eleot Mr. Pengra to the United States Senate, when he would be alio to pay his debts and perhaps a good iutoroHt in the way of favors to bo obtained by virtuo of his posi tion. Tho task thoy had undertaken was no easy one, but thoy went at it energetically. The first step taken in this programmo was tho publication of a letter in tho Oregonitn, recom mending the State On mention, in case it acted on the suggestion of General Applogato and exprojsod a choice, to nominato Mr. Pengra for the position. This luiter waa written by ail ox-Congressman, and whilo it spoko of Mr. Pungra in almost gushing words ot praise, the writer has a most robust hatred for bun. But it was a part of tho programme, and tbo personal fool ing was buriod for the time being. There was no opposition expressed to the sontimunt or suggestions contain ed in tho lottor, for it was generally ootioedod that Mr, Pengra would be ablo and willing to do aa muoh for our State at any Ropublionu who eould bo elected. So tho programmo went on. The wirea wero laid but not by Mr. MoClung ; be is too inno- coot, too foeble mentally and entirely lacking in physical vigor and whon the County Convention met thore wero almost votes enough to nomi- date tho men solected. Tbo mattor was canvassed, and it was atatod, we aro roliubly informod, that through hit very weakuest Mr. McClung was the strongest Republican in tho con a ty, and as nothing could be charge against him he could be elected if any tepublioan could, and would mater ally assist tho the r&inaindor of the :ckot, and soon votes enough to nom mate him were found. Thus far the programme carried vory well. But tbe State Convention did not toe lako up Mr. Applegate't insao iiica oi a -new ueai, ana mere was no opportunity to tring Mr. Pengra'i name bofore that body. This knock eu tooir calculations out or tirao, and as Mr. Pengra positively declares that he will not be a candidate for Senatorial honors it will be of no earthly use to return Mr. McClung to the legislature, and do treasures can be laid up in heaven thereby. If the Journal ha any more points npon which it desires that the people should be enlightened we shall be happy to tell 'w!ial we know about tbcts. J. t, WATNOJC. Tho people of this district Are in terested in the candidates for .Tndge. Of Hon. J. M. Thompson not a word bas been said to bis discredit by any parer"1a tbe State. He Is upright and honorable in bis dealings, filling every station to which he hat been elevated by tbe people or hit party with fidelity and impartiality. In glaring contrast to this is the publio life of J. F. Watson, the Republican candidate. His history at a member of tbe State Senate ia told by the Standard as follows : "The people cannot too zealously guard tbe parity of tbe judiciary. It is tbe place where we should look for the purest lawyers, and tbe man Against whose integrity there can be any question, should not be elevated to a position where he bas tbe life, liberty and property of tbe citizen at bis mercy We are led to these remarks from seeing that tbe Radicals bave placed tbe young man whose name heads this article io nomi nation forjudge of the Second JudTcftrt District. Mr. Watson bas been State Seo ator Irom Douglas county for tbe past four years, in lbiZ, onr readers will rememoer. there was a strong lobby organised by tbe Clerks and Sheriff of several counties for the purposo of passing the Dash Wilson fee bill which robbed tbe people ot the State of thousands of dollars to iocrease the fees of these officials. Tbe bill, on' its final passage in tbe Senate was lost by a tie vote, Mr. Watson voted against the bill, and so did his colleague Mr. Webster. Tbe lobbyists became discouraged and bad about come to tbe conclusion that their scheme was dead. Out a bright idea took possession of them, and tbey concluded that both Watson and Webster could bo taken ia, provided the proper means were resorted to and tbe proper person to administer the means was on band to do so. Immediately a sheriff in the Second District was telegraphed for by Hush Wilson. lie arrived on tbe early train next morning, and he saw both Web steraod Watson, and strange to say, so thorough and convincing were his argumtntt with these gentlemen, that before 12 o'clock of the same day, J. F, Watson got bp in his seat in the Seuate and moved to reconsider the vote by which the bill was lost, and the motion carried by tbe addition or Webster's and Watson's vote. Tbe bill was again pi need oq its passage, and these two, without even offering to aesiga any reason, voted for tbe passage of the bill, end thus a most damnable outrage was perpetrated on the State. Tbe question was naturally asked at the timo what muds these two Senators change position so soon after the arrival of this Sheriff from the Second District, aud we were told by some of the lobbyists for the bill, "we know what did it." Tbe generul opinion was that tbey had been "scon" and if they did uot receive a coin consideration, did it to accommodate their friend who might be able to reciprocate when J. F. Watson wus a cuudiuute tor Judge' or Con gress. In any event, the change made robbed tbe people out of thouands of dollars, and to J. F. Watson i duo the credit of passing tbe bill. This is nut the only case iu which the would-be Judge was questionable or ex plainable to the outsiders. In view of the case relerred to above, however, we ask the voters of the Second District whether they desire to risk such a man on the bench for six years f Had tbey not better coudemn b'D. on this dishonorable act of bis than give him an opportunity to do much worse by placing bim on the beochf An officer who has proved himself once unworthy, likely to do so again, and we hope the puri ty oi tne supreme liencn, sworn to, will be the fee for administering so oatb. A question may arise as to tbe value of so oatb or a statement I might make, and I will add that I have never bad a case in court in Oregon, have never been a witness in court, never paid a lawyers foe or bribe, and by experience, am as ignorant of such matters as aa Indian. As I bave never bad any use for a judge or a court io Oregon, in the twenty-three years I bave lived here, It is fair to presume that my standing is about average, or that I am so accomplished and lucky rascal. Again I might be charged with truckling to Judge Thompson, which I disclaim, for tbe follow ing reason I About to years sgo 1 sinced grievously io tbe sight of Judge Tbompsoo, and on that account his friends (or my enemies) boasted that "John Thompson says be never will forgive Huston for that Utter." I am not dog enough, under tbe circumstances, to lick tbe baod that smites me, and can be in no way partial to Thompson, and if he were on tbe "bench" I should not like to be subjected to bis dicta tion or judgment. He. might thick of "that letter." And if Watson should be elected be might think of "this letter" if 1 were arraigned before bim, so, buving bad no use lor a J udce heretofore, 1 will let them flirht their own battles, and as one or tbe other mast be judge in the future, I will try to avoid litigation. 11. (J. Huston. Load Tow. Lane Co., May 16. 1876. Jckik Bubnktt wi iieb to the Oak land paper as follows: I see in your puper of the 6th inst., a re quest to me to become a 'candidate for Juriue of this district, signed b men irre spective of party. I feel very much gratified at this expression of confidence, and esteem very highly the gentleman whose names are Oreftoa the Centennial. A special dispatch to one of the San Francisco exchanges, from Phila delphia, has tbe following in regard to tho display made there by Oregon! State Commissioner, A. J. lJufur and E. W. Ryan, of Oregon are in charge of products from that State, including grains, wood, flax, furs, skins of mink, Angora goat, elk, bear, seal and mountain sheep : apple but ter, applet dried by the Alaen pro cess : one hundred thousand shingles and 68 cords of wood , from a tingle tree; and two barrela of cider concen trated into a compact roll of cloth and told by the yard. These last are fully arranged. rom wasning ton Territory only grain and canned Columbia river salmon are shown. 3 WORTH PACIFIC ; MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Wai founded In the year 1894, with a Capital Btuck of $100,000, on a Gold Coin Bails, and la corporated under tbe lrwi of tbe State of Onion OFFICERS: P. Wassibmam, ? resident. E. Qcaciixbush, Vice President D. W. WiuriELB, Secretary. W. 8. Ladd, Treasurer. ' W. H. Errmora, Attorney., M. P. Moasi, Manager. DIRECTORS : P. WiSSKSMAlf, W. H. ErriNsn; W. 8. Ladd, W. Wadhax, L. VHITI, J. L. ATKINSON E. QuACKEKirsB, M. P.Moass, . D. W. Wakfikid. , r Tbe National Gold Medal as awarded to Bradley Rulofson for tbe best Photographs in tbe United 8tatea, aud tbe Vienna Medal for the best in tie world. IV) Monttfomerv Street. San Francisco. TO UOt'HKKERPEUS.-AmangthoWWbe 1 ABLE RA HIES have iued the hoiuefaold remedy, Pond'e Ex tract, Karcelr family eaa be found in which It ii not the rule to keep it eonaUntlj on hand. The one difficulty it that it ia aa Yuluable in rrlieTing and curing in almuat every accident a family if nib- jected to that the medicine ia often exhanatel when an urgent and sadden nae for it arlaes. It la eco nomical aa to price, and important for the greater urety ot haying it when inddenly needed to bny thelargeataiieatl.7J. Tula bottle contain! fire and one-half timea a much aa the Wc. lize. Life policies. five ages-a.b,c,d,b A A gee between 1 & II annual premium, B " ' 12 A 20 " " . , C- " " 20 4S6 . D " " 15 4 SO " " . E " " 60 4 65 " . is 00 , 6 00 , S 00 . t 00 . 6 00 Or $25 may be paid at anyone time, oa any hi NOTICE ' TO BRIDGE-B UILDERS. VOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVES THAT ON il the 17th day of June, 1H76, at 1 o'clock P. lile policy, and no further Annual Premium will be required, nor any fuitber payment, except for Death Assessments in that special diriaion as tbey may occur. 0. J. BUYS, Local Agent OREGON STONE WARE for rale by T. G. HENDRICKS). attached, having s personal acquaintance M.,at the Court House door in EuRene City. Lan Wiltfhps Cflofks and .TflWelrv with A large oumber of tbe signers. But, county, Oregon, the contract for raising and re- vvillCJlesj WOCKS ana jeweiT) siring tne eastern pier o tne bridge across tne Hir tt W T fi . .A-'-ft- JU V I AND SEWING MACHINES s the will as Well AS Circuit Court of tbe Second District not be endangered by tbe promotion of J t. vvatsoo to mat position. X tJKHlOt'S CMAHGK, Wh J, F. Waiaon Bribed t fit Soow .'! ia Powdrr river valley oo Mob- dy asi Tsiiy of last week to tbe ! 6f 7 i. il.7. 110 I 'r-B b) tbet hr May ' , Foutical Idioct. Tbej recent Re publican. State Coorcntioa of Calilor out is resolve.! : Thai the Democra- cv are not to be trusted web tbe control of affairs, aa it purpose to pensioo the Confouerata soldiers, to par cotton claims and compensate owners of slaves for losa br emanci pation, which would entail another war. The Maine Sbmdird says "A fresh importation of Chinese would add to tbe intelligence of a community, is Liob-.ticfi statements are uttered or Klierci." Editor Gimrd : Wbils 1 leel that I am entering upon a delicate matter, I deem it but justice to the people to make the follow mg statement : In May or June, 1865, Mr. Henry Crow, of Douglas county, wus arrest fd ia Eatteno City upon a warrant tele graphed from Uoscburg. While uudor arrvat aud io tbe custody ol Dputy Sheriff Fox, io Eugene, I had a talk with bim and asked bim what the charge against him was, etc. lie told me, and we diacucseJ the matter briefly s a civil qaarrul sprang o between Fox and myself because 1 refused to drink with Fox. Later ia the day 1 met them sguia Fox sod Crow oo the strwt ; after some chat Crow Asked me to stop Aside with bim which I did with Fox's coo- wot, lie Asked me w ut I thought h ooht to do. 1 had bio slate his case. I told him if ha could prove bis statement, to go to Rosebnrf and ttand bis trial Ue said that tbe chargn was only mada out ol political spirit and he could prove himself clear. I told him to go ahead and get clear, as that would be the best way to remove the show of crime, or words to that effect. and to employ Bill Willis to defend bim if necessary, because Bill wu "Im T and could do more with tbe caw than any Ifctn ocrat before a "loyal' court. I said further: Fin. WaUoe. will hare to prosecute you of coarse "anal T w gd kimhribed," saul Crow, breakinr into and finishing tbe sentence I had began, bat not as I intended to end it Mr. Know lee, brother-in-law of Crow's, was with bias and said, "Henry it right, it's all politic. And told over tbe ground of ac cusation. Whether "politica" or not. Mr. Crow rv turned to RjwWg and wu tooo released aod io this county again. 1 Hi 1 oat believe the charge against Crow as I had known bin for elevea rers prior hi that under the circumstances, I feel compelled to decline beinir a candidate. No man annre ciates more fully tho good opinion ol the people of this district (and it has been man nested towards me in different ways) than I do, and this to me is more satisfactory tha- tbe boucH or emoluments of office, aud will be a source or pleasure long after the present political strife has ceased to agitate tbe minds or men. I can truthfully say tbat 1 bave been actuated by an earnest desire, and bave made an Honest etlort, to do mv duty, and will surrender np to tbe people of tnis district tne trust tuut bos been connded to me with the pope that It will be placed in abler bands. Very respectfully yours, John Ulrxktt. Roseuuru, May 12, 1876. Lake County Polities. From the Jacksonville Times of the 12th inst., wo clip the following concerning political matters in Lake County : Wm. II. Avorill, findinc it iinpos siblo from press of business to attend to the duties ot tho position, it lie should bo elected, has roii"tied as candidate for Representative on the Lako County Democratic ticket, and wo have tho letter of withdrawal iu our hands. Tho Demoeratio County committee has accepted Ins resina tion and placed the name of D. W. Cheesmau on tho ticket for that post tion. Mr. Checstnan is a respected citizen ot boose Lake, well qualified for the position, and his Democracy is vouched lor by several well known citizens ot that county who are ao quainted with turn, lie is ablo to copo with tho poetry-stricken Apple gate on his own illihec, and is withal a person whom tho Democrats of Lako County should support to a man and elect to represent fhein in the Legislature. OHKUON. A letter from Brownsville ssys: Tbe farmers are getting slong finely with their seeding ; a great many will wind op this weex. W. T. Webber, C. E , bas been Appointed to make a survey of a new county roud. pal Willamette river at Springfield, Laoe county, Or egon, In accordance with plan and apecificMtions oo file in tbe County Clark's office, will be let at public outcry to tne lowest bidder. SEND !So. to OKO. P. ROW ELL CO., New York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing liita of yM newspapers, and estimates showing oust oi auTenuung;. NEW STORE AT THI OLD STAND, F. B. DUNN, H AVISO BOUGHT THE INTEItEST OF Mr Scott in .he old firm is now running the usiness alone at Ibe old stand, where be will bt p, wed to see all is old customers R vinaruntb' old stock down very low my siock -now dc iv entirely NET AND COMPLEIE Composed In part of nearly EVERYTHING! CALLED FOR, And I make a ipectaltv'ln HARDWARE, IRON -AND STEEL! Iw!h to make no irrand nourish, bnt do sav GROCERIES. ,V,, L, ..i' 11 .1 I ' tuaiiaiiiiiiiiiucvuia urarer KeuillR ail iney may want at my store than at any other extah- inumenu i am also seent tor HAft l.hV. nonn a iu.,ui rortiana.ior au THANKING THE PUBLIC for their past liber al patronage, we now invite them to call on M at our new room in Underwood & Co 's new brick block, where may be found a full assortment of goods in the above line. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired In the best workmanlike manner and warranted. Willamette St., Eugene City, Oregon CRAIN BROS. . HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Kims, . 1 Oak, Ash and Hickory Plank. NORTIIRTJP & TlaOflFSON, PORTLAND, . OREGON. anl:3m ' ' ' FOB THE , . SPRING & SUMMER TRADE! WE BEO to inform sur friends and the poUlo that we hare iuit receired direct from Baa Francisco and the Kastern markets AN IMMENSE STOCK or HARDWARE, DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS NOTIONS. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CATC, BOOTS AND SHOES, Clocks, Faints, Oils, Etc., Selected by on; Hr. 8. Rosixbaitt, vbkb wt vuer at REDUCED PRICKS. Parties will And It to their admntaM tn ! and examine onr stock and prices before purchas- frotn King. vall,y to Elk City, ia Denton Hack. Burrrrv & Tpfim Ilnrn ! T - . county. C in wk."' - aiijru price paia iot an maa oi JToJue. Agricultural Implements. ALSO, FOB PRINCE k CO.'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS Having bad sixteen rears exnerlenrs in hnal. less nero i tniuK.i anow tne wants oftne people F. B. DUNN. NEW HARNESS SHOP. CHAS.HADLEY, At Dunn's Old Stand, TTEEP8 CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD xv assortment ot or A Mr. Stanley, from Cape (Jiradoan, Mo , bas just arrived in On-jron. where be baa come to take editorial charge of tbe Mod- mourn Wncnger. A mail route has been established bv act of Congress, from Uotjaille City to Fairview, on the Cous liuy wagon road via the Cud- nifc-nain crwK road. 1 he Mountain Sentinel sars : Tbe nomi nation ol Lane meets with tbe approval of every jiiurual id tbo btale liiat claims to en- dors Democratic laiib, with tbe single ex ception ol Muter s tiztle. At A rCL'ular meeting of Salem Granire P. oi II., it wj resoUed that the fourth s?atur. ol May. the 2lUh, be designated as tbe day of decoration of the craves of deoaiieil members, and all Patrons who ian are cor dially invited to participate. lie tendleton paper savs: "Time in L mat ilia connty are beginning to liven on. This ia owing mainly to tbe great number ot cattle tbat are beinir bonvbt in thia mm it and driven to the railroad and other points j aai oi oere. Auxins and lleynulde left here a few days ago tn route to Wyomiug wim snuui iwo luousaod nead. MiwMI aod Lang have purchased about four thou sand bead, and will in a few davs atait lor meyenoe. I Deaf cattle have cost the bar. ties aooat oueeo dollars A bead : 11 thoo. sand head at $15 per bead will make 90. 000. Quite a snug little sum to leave io in this county " S. ROSENBLATT & CO., Saddles, Whips, bpurs, Halters. Collars, Cnrrv Yimh anil RmoKs. Aad everything usual I r kent Ina flmt el Br" Stuff, tOf. Willamette 4 llAA gtu own rump, r-- NOTICE. rrK) THE BTrCKHOLDERS OP THE LANE A. lOUmV runners' Korean, iMpUtinn You are berehy notiti.d to meet on Wednesday. June, 14th. at 10 o'clock, a. m.. In ri.n.i'ii. ur tot purpose or e ectintr a Hoard ..r nirmM. and tnr the tranaartkin of anch other boaiaess as wmj come oeiore ue meeting. JOHN KELLY. J. H. MoCI.UNO, JOHN SIMPSON, MATTHEW WALLIS. WM. BUsSELl . . ' ROSCOE KNOX. FIRST AND LAST CALL. EUGENE CITY. A.V. PETERS & COa, Are now in receipt of a very large stock sf NEW SPUING GOODS, 8 else tod with much ears from ibe Ierge4 and best amass IB Baa rraaoaoo. Our Stock o 1 DRESS GOODS' General Joseph Lane addressed tbe citi- lens at tbe Court Housa last Saturday, axd court being ailj Hiroed for tbat purpose, quit a isrf Duianer or eniseoe, incladinc many ladies, assembled to bear the "old mao. 1 be (jenersl wu labonnr under a sever affliction the headache, at tbe time out u we wen A ucmocrat. wa should ear. taioly say be did well. Ilia speech was frvq-ently cheered, and closely listened to urine: the entire time occupied in its dWiv- ry. rrequeollv the Br of his youth re- toroicf he was truly eloquent. His remi- oiecrcces of history wert instructive aod his TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTOS TO Frank Leslie's IIFs't Publications I POSTAGE PAID. Fiank Leslies IllYt Newspaper, Weekly, 14 00 Frisk Leslie s Ch ain rnu . . r. ' , v w f "T" "'"tnrte Zeitung, - 4 00 1 Frank Leslie's Ladv'a Jnnmal The Ynona A mencaa P V . .... rmna ione s ooys ass liirls' Weekly. I so Frank Lshes Popular Monthly, M r wi liCHIf I UOT I BifUII. un.ut. , z Frank Lasix's Pimm u, Frank Leslie's Budrrt sf Fm' . ' Tbe Jolly Joker. rrani lilie s Family Herald. Frank Leslie's Near Vwk Xrl ' . Frank Leslie's IlluMraud a im.... Fimk Lealw's Comle Almanac, Ever veariv aaharrih I j . l .. Temism throeso wiU each sMieatM. The "npnsls were destined and BantM f er st. and the Chruana are printed oil.ei. srtly reprrxJoriBe, ia erstj detail tba anciaal awlervieee of art. Is SDMnally burs and aUm-tire, aad enraprises tb pnoss. so ss mest WHITE GOODS. A Ur-t Mmtarat oi Urioyi UK2amrttfs mm ANSU JaEsBaUlttJ PIMTUK STAPLE GOODS. Alsmstotkof Blwhad Vnslfns aa '-nr. Table Luiesa, Towelmrs and Hosiery; CorsetsT HanakOTchirfa, Lc and Linen Collata ia all -rwla. iqiKsi au nersona ladabtel b, Mk,l IMaal n nn n A i . . . ' I II 1 , . . . M wum piana in naaas fur raueetum. . H. T. BATZS. M WE TILL PAT THE HIGHEST HAilTT 1"!1CE iOO la awa far any aombar ot poanda ot i ?" ennn urn 1 vn t 1 40 1 40 1 40 COUNTRY PRODUCE A. V. TETER3 k. CO. . Final Settlement. I iTIL? A7Z!?. P7 THX "TATS sf Heary CL Ir. Adisisustrs. 1 00 40 14 tM. Wh ha aai.I ha hut V.t,n bribed" I CAnnot say. but be said so. no- - politically and a a.rs expect to, but -sstinuw, A4mbrvUlslU, UTsllor, tkLQ m tTJsaQ anJ w n : kmhontit quite pm:ng, p,xially to the . riptio of Chromos. PaWieatiosi an4 Gifts. - -e"i A?fjl ladies. We hare always opposed Geo. rea"LPCT,, rUaP ' JJZ,Z?9 mmmi u'ssii inereot. w o Ucsk Jofca M. lb..-nr,CvsBtT Jadae. Frank retara pUf. A6ESTI WASTED. .-""-T . ; ana au 0f par, Bi)UvM , iW, firt hm CJ DtPARTKErf. Pn wui cost anyont to st tu.i sUUowot I just credit he is euutltl to.-f jmiej.'er. i yi, nw, wt rari street, ji S250 ,"'rTI--, '"" kuwrti, al H-t lata, ri-i ,r..,f. ji44r .. . ACW..iLtis.ll,