The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 27, 1876, Image 1

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    1 1 i i M
' " " T" - - -
Vol. 1X.-NO. 32.
$2.50 per year IN ADVANCE.
ll l l II
"CEO. J.BUYS.Prd'p.
OUR ONI7Y "'"1 i
i .i.n4iuininU Inserted at follow :
)ut square, 10 line r ltt, one insertion (3; each
.ni inaartiun II. Cash required in advance
Tim adrertlaers will be charged at the following
Vate: -K' ;'
'On qnax three month...
" si months ,
ii nii6 rear ' 12
Tranaient notice in local column, 20 cent per line
Hot each insrtkm. .. '. .
, Advertulng bin will be rendered quarterly.
All iob wor mint U run tor oh dklivkby.
' Office Itouri-From T a. m. to 1 p. ra. Sunday
Mail arrive from the south and 16a ve (jCinir north
lea. m. Arrive i rum ins duiui u" " - ""b
ruth at 1:33 p. m. For Siuisluw, Franklin and Long
. . . UTJnM,U V,tr flriLwffiril.
Tjm, ClOW , O w . . ' ..
Iettor will be ready for delivery half art hourafter
.-rival of train. ' ijeiieissiiouiu vo wu www
on hour before mail depart. '
on uou id PATTERSON, P. M. .
. . . r .
mm Oftene. It. 0. Davenport, pastor. Ser
vice every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. in, Sunday
ticbool at ft p m. - Prayer niueting eiy iuuuy
"evening. -. .-,-.' ' ' f ?
M. E. CiTOBCn A; C. 'Fuirchild.raitor. StiiVice
, at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.m.
fciiBiBTiAM-O. M. Whitney, Pastor. 6er'vice Uy
special announcement. ' ' ' - ' ; : 1 '
t ,'SOCIl llES. J r.
Kn II. A. F. and A. M.
,Meet flrtt and Uiird We Ineadoyt fn each
mouth. t c.', i w ,
- MWesS-Hs, 'Srewrrn Bert TMeXNo. 9 1. 0.
' -t:in v XfuAtuovflrv TuchJuv evcuiuir.
SSJt Wimawham EitcamTmfkt No. 6,
Vaeeta on the 2d and 4th Wednesday, in each ftionLli.
' IGEO.'B. DORlilSy:
Attorney isn cocxseilor it iiw,
. .v, . . . .... ....V,
Office on Vi"mette street, Eugene City.
f J' VI yEnifeniCIty, Or., 4' ' .
Vnderwood's Urick UuilJine, Up Stuira,
tiv . ReroUtilly offers his service to
' Jfe?Ja,"e citizens of this place and vicin
Cltf f tT'itv. in all the brandies of his pro
vision. The Latest ImpturemenU in
mm; '.".Plate Work
Vxeuuted In a satis fuutory manner.. A. , .
STOCK 13 CASH, and All Work Must be Paid
.or on Bellvety.-' i .' '
.'fir i. j .
i W .
DR. F. WELSH has opened Dental lnm
Vantly in Underwmtd's building, Kugene
tity, and respectfully eoliclte share ol the puh-
patronage. ... n
, Reference by. pprmtssion, Pt. 'JtR. Cafdwell,
rortland, Orcou."
' Office on Nliitli Street, bppoalt the St.
Cbarlea Hotel, and at Kenldcnoe,
Office Up Stairs, first North of AMor Housj,
-' Ifot eoneniencecfalf and patrons nl books nd
aceount will ho left in charge of O. M. CODHbK,
JUo opposite the Uinc tVw, who is fully autlior
wi to collect the nm. It l fully wpe 4ed tliat
all ancount for service will be presented lor pay
stent in thirty days, and collected in aixty.
o4fcne Cityt April 4th, KIS. ...
f" 'Office on'e'ast side Willamette stnet, near cor
ner of 7th, adjoining law office of J. F. Brown.
8peclal attention paid to diseases of the Lungs,
tndll easel ol chronic oceans. '
RErKNCa Success in practice and attention
"tobusinem. 1 ' ' ' ' ' '
Chas. M. Horn,
tipaifr :v r.ux. rifles.
'and Materials. Uepariring done in
the neatest mv and Warranted.
hewine Macaiaes. , bales,
I nrlla. nr. . HpnHired.
7 r
Gins1oane4 and ammunition furnished.
Bhop on Muiu s.reei. oppm-iir qui mcij
Clocks, Watches,' Chains, Jewelry, etc
3 j Jlepairing Promptly Executed. -
ttriliwrt arraiea3
' :.'!' .' J.8. LCKKTT,.
Willamette t tigbth au., Eugene City.
i'Tor Sale.
rrrw0 600T 1 ' '
Which are nicety luM.t.1 sB'l will 09 told at a oar
nin. ' Ttraa ay. Eoauire t eupt ntB.
,t Book" and StalionBry Store.
have oa hand aa4 aot eoanuatiy rccnrio; an
Mmgml ef te H School and Mit1i snort n
enou. pislwsi I . . Diatift Brum, i m m, , arus I
Wallet. BUak. ParUnoanae, etc-, etc- All or
en.promp'Jj tX&i. A. S. PATTERaON.
17 r'
Stoves and Ranges, ...
Tin Ware, -'.'m , rr ,
Shovels and Tongs,
, "K Fenders if Fire Dogs .
Cauldron $ Wash Kettles.
Hollow, Iron and Copper Ware,
Driven, Well k Force Pumps,
Lead andiron Pipes,
i'os ' .pe i d Hose
IN FACT, Everythinpt belonginH to my busi
ness, all of which will sell at the
JOB WORK ... .. .
Of all kinds dotoe promptly and In a anffitfacttorr
Satisfaction Guaranieed.
, ry attention to bhslnsss and honorable dealtn
hope to ftterit a share of your patronage
ja8 -,, , , BEN. F. DORRIS.
All pC'i softs knowing Jhumsclves in
debted to me wi'l ploasecall and '
r-iA-c .i
BECKER & EOYO, Proprietors.
BEEF, '''''.Iti
VEAL) U '.
i . MfTTON.
' Dried Meat's of aft trd. Tallow.etc. Will
sell Beef in chunk from 3 to 5 vents.
N E W G 0.0 D S.
In Dorris' Brick Building.
Walton & Lynch
Have formed a copartnership for the purpose of
carrying on a general ; i v
Grocery and Provision
Business, and wil. keep on hand a general as-
so'r'inentor ' '.. ' '. ' ' '
Oroc'encS. trovislons,
tobacco, Cigars. fU-,f
. Null, . , . Candies, . , .
' Soaps, ' Candles, '
Crockery, Notion ,,
Wood and WiHovr Wtre. '
Green ind Dried Frail,
: Cared Meats,
!.::','.'.! Etc, Etc;
They propose to do business Ob a
Whic h means that
Low Prices are Established
Goods delivered without charge to Buyer
For Which
Eugene City CrcM cry.
M ATI 1 1 AS M K LLKlt, Pro'p.
1j how pi-epared lo all ordort for ,
jotne and kei for yoflndf. A good wticle teedi
recuiDmeudatiun. . '
B. C, PENNINGTON, Preprieton
Tni8 WEI.L-KNOWK I.ANDThD ha dzain
Lilm cliaree of the AH TOE HOI SE. arid ha
re-fltted and re-furnishM the same, ahd will leop it
uHvinrl in mi house in tlie Fute. Yon neel n'jt fr
'..i. t,im mil . fnr his table will be urrDlied with
tho bast the country afford. Charge reasonable
Come one, roroe all.
larding and Spinning
HAVING PDRCHA8ED the Mchinry owned
by C. GoodcUild. I am bow prepared to make
all kinds of
. yAiin, battsAc.; .
For cowmen
At the Lowest Living Rates.
I " IS THE ; '-
-rtflLL DO WORK CBEAPEB thaa aay othet
1 1 bup in town-
With new material, all round. Beaettinf old hoe
f C eata.
All warraDteel te s le tatutacilea
SlOD on Eighth at. opposite Bam-!
? 1 ii
Plliey DlduiB.
' . , IttH. LANE'S SPEECH. ' ' '
Con7iue(i from last veeh : -l
1 But of this en'oajrh';'- "i speak with
charily for all nnd with malice to,
Ward none." ' I even love those who
defcpitcfully treat mu. Thus far I have
only meant to vindicate thooharacter
of my people from the assaults made
upon tl.eii:, or rather upon their Rep
resentative. .
Now, a word as to tho merits of
tho bill itself. I am convinced, Mr.
Chairman, after candid and mature de
liberation, that in point ot fitness for
the performance ot the duties requir
ed of them by this bill the Army oi
ficers aretit least the 'equal of the
civil appointees under the present
system. Indeed, I almost blush to
pay so qualified a compliment to the
honesty and integrity of the Army.
Of the evils of. tho preseut system
of Indian management, of tho wrongs
daily perpetrated upon both tho Gov
ernment and the helpless people
whom it tries, to benefit, Wf the dis
grace heaped upon the .nation by it,J
need not speak on this occasion. Its
history has . been 'written in every
journal in the lnd, mounded from
every stump, and is bemsj hourly re
corded belluo an hOnorablo commit
tee of this House. It is a system
Vhieh thus far has reflected no crodit
upon our Government. The people
are not juereiy dissatisfied but. thor
oughly disgusted with its operations,
nor will they be content Willi a meas
ure looking to its elevation or purifi
cation only. They have given it a fair
test una no cood has come of it.
They demand that it be wholly wiped
out ot our internal policy. In defer
ence to this demand this bill has been
trained and its passage is hopefully
looked for by all who are on the
frontier and fcpeak from , actual expe
rience. 11 r. Chairman, .there is iiJ design
ii this bill to use force beyond what
now exists. It is not contemplated
by it or any friend of it that there
shall be stationed among the Indians
anymore soldiers than there are now
with thfiu. In my humble juag
meiit,' among the civilized tribes no
agent is necessary, and if one be re
quired I can see no reason why an
honest officer of 'tho Arniv cannot
conserve tho interests of the Indians
as well as a politician of questionable
antecedents and doubtful or even
lair reputation. ;
Among the wild tribes the pres
ence of the Army is conceded by all
to be absolutely necessary. ' '"
Upon tins point I beg to refer to my
etter addressed to the gebtleman in
charge of this bill, (Mr. tipai ks, and
embodied in the report, accompany
ing it. 1 then said: 11 '' ' '
Among. .the wild tribe? the presence of
the Army is required, and in the perforirt
ance of thnir respectiya duties there is 'hot
nnlreqiifntly a tonfusioh arid even a conflict
ol Jurisdiction betweeu the civil am! milita
ry authorities-; '' ' i ' f !
Hud the Army nlono, and hntramoieled bj
civil instructions, bowl tliurgwd wilu-tht) Vu-
movul of the rebellions' Motlucs to their res
ervation, hid tie in utter ben .left wholly
within th uiscreli.uu of the coinmundinR 01-
Ocer at Fort Klamuto, Oregon, I lielieve
the work tnuld have b?en accomplished
without war, wiliiOUt its expeusti, and with
out its tuflerliigs. . At ull events, I doubt
not, such Steps would liAVe been taker), fuel)
notice of tho cutileinpluted movetnunt would
bare been given to the settlers, as would
have averted the borrors of tho Lost Uiver
issacre. ,
This View is sustained by Oeneral
Ord and by other gentlemen of high
and unquestionable standing. What
ever may have been the opinion of
General hhcrmau in lobs, referred to
by my good friend from Massachu
setts, (Mr. Seelye certain it is such
is ho longer his opinion. His present
judgment is no doubt formed in the
light ol subsequent experience. He
surely knows no less of the Indians
than he did then, and doubtless bet
ter understands the present manage
ment ot Indian affairs- and therefore
favors this change. I repeat that it
is not intended 10 increase the milita
ry force among the Indians j it is
only designed to abolish ao unneces
sary, if not mischievous, Bureau of our
Government.' The Indians will not,
cannot realize any change so far as
coercion is concerned, and in other
respects they will recognize, I hope
ami siilcenely believe, a very great
improvement. : ; . -
it is idle to say that the Army
favors war. It is contrary to nature,
contrary to re:tsoil One great pur
pose ot an ariny is to preserve peace
and prevent war. . War means fight,
and tight means danger, pain, death.
A strong man may rejoice in his
prowess, but I do not believe lie
would regard punineling aud bruis
ing at absolutely pleasant. A sol
ditr. when necessary, will no doubt
endure all the danger, pain, suffering,!
and privation incident to actual war,
but 1 cannot believe that be would
encourage or develop the necessity
thereof. Such conduct would be iu
the highest degree paradoxical. No,
gentlemen, this bill is in the interest
of nnai- f4 "('P.r. I -7a'in rrfer
to my letter to the gentleman from
lTn:.": rf c...t.J.l
liiiuois, i-ur. t-jiui n . j
It Is. the policy of the (ioverouieut to pre
artve pCHee'wiib: the" Indians.- !An Indian
recognises and respects power. Understand
tie,,! woulf not bve, t,he ."wards of !ti na
tion" n-ealed with inhumanity ;' they should
(lot He treated hurshlj Dor- yet petted; (he
shoold not be cheata) nor yet tuupht to live
in idleness ; their rights should be clearly de
fined and carefully '.respected ; they should
be taught to know nliut they lire entiileii to
from tbe Government and what tho (JoVern
lent wil require u( thi-iu in short, they
should be honestly, fairty, and firmly deult
with. ,
The Army oflicer has hot or should
not have any political purpose to sub
servo nor any political enemy to fear
410 llynd to reward.' ' lie' feels his
tenure ot otneo secure so long am
only so long as ho honestly, honora.
blv. fairlv.'and faithfully disclmnres
lis duty. The fact that his conduct,
'.. . . . " I
if criminal, is subject to the jurisdic
tion and examination of two tribunals,
the civil and military, is an addition
al argument in favor of his employ
ment in the capacity required by this
bill. It is well worthy of considera
tion that tho Army punishes its of
ficers for 'offense's not known to the
criminal -code, 6ffoiises against per
sonal and gentlemanly propriety.
The civilian may evadj or escape the
action ol a grand jury or thwart its
action by a doubtful , pot it jury. Il
an Army,. officer luckily thus far es
capes he is still subject to the scruti
nizing and careful examination of his
brother officers.
Much of the trouble' arising under
the present system is from mischiev
ous white men who are allowed readv
access to llio Indian reservations, a
privilege they would not bo so likely
to enjoy wele the Army In charge.
Military discipline and , the rigorous
law ot the military camp are not conge
nial to the cl. ss- who have done so
much to engender evil among tho In
dian tribes. The average vagabond
ami adventurer, who how so readily
finds his way to the reservation would,
in my' opinion, give the military au
thorities a wide berth. Then) would
bo less whiskev smuggled into the
hands of : the Indians, fewer ot
their peftplu mistreated, and tar less
of low while meuN iccs introduced
into their midst, . In short, if wo can
keep the Indians on and worthless
wbU-e men--off tho reservations, we
shall have taken a great slei toward
the civilization of the Indian and the
si-curiug of peace 011 the border, and
I know ot no better means of accom
plishing this than by the adoption ot
this measure. ' ,
( But, Mr.. Chairman, of still greater
importance than any oftheso consid
erations, and 0110 that in the preseut
financial distress of our people ap
peals more strongly to our dense of
duty, is the great question ot econo
my. A more economical, administra
tion Of governmental affairs is imper
atively demanded by tho people, and
the success ot this measure will go .a
long way toward the fulfillment of
that desire. Even the opponents of!
this blil admit that a saving will
thereby be' effected of several mil
lions per annum, and in the present
condition of our couutry, , with , busi
ness prostration ou all sides, will)
trade languishing and the lax-gatherer
becoming a moro and more unwel
come guest at Ormdoors, it seems to
me that the prospect Of such a prac
tical ami direct economy is tho very
best argument iu favor of Ibis bill,
and one that wo cannot ignore.
This amount of money if saved to the
Treasury might bo diverted into
other channels looking to our nation
al prosperity.' With the present
system niiich'of tho money expended
in the Indian service is at best a
ntere means to the carrying out of an
idea of 110 practical benefit to the
country. A certain portion of the
expenditure is, of course, unavoidable,
aud would have to be made under
whatever system the Indians are
managed, but let us cut off all that
we t-fc-n in that direction and apply it
to some inure usclul aud enlightened
purpose. There are', national . im
provements of incalculable impor
tance to which this money might bo
applied with a certainty of rich re
turns 111 the future.
Speaking for my own Slate, I can
say that the expenditure ot a small
proportion of the annual saving con
templated by this bill, upon tho re
moval of the gn at obstacle to navi
gation in the Columbia Jliver, which
is now fastened like a tourniquet
upon that great artery of trade aud
commerce in the far northwest,
would iu a few years result iu a bene
fit to tho whole country which, if it
could '' be ' computed iu dollars and
cents, would go 110 little distance to
ward maintaining our entire Indian
service. We have npon the Paoitio
coast an extended sealtoard with but
few really safe and secure, harbors.
Some of the money saved by this
measure aud other mu ur projevieu
the interest of economy could
wisely and well be expended in the :
improvement of our harbois Upon ,
that coast. Commerce would there- j
by be encouraged, trade developed,;
.' . . . 0 '
! intr weaitn or fur country men-asm,
j and, best of all, ports of reMge would
.,.-,.l imU.k Knvn m,ri "who .
u,nnut.i . .uv t
go down into the sea Vn ships" and
encounter the perils , thereof, ' Such
legislation would respond hot merely
to the 'Voice of wisdom but -to the
voice of huraauity itself, and I pro
foundly hope Vill not be long denied
s. , . , ; ., ' ,, .
In niy S'ta'te, besides fields' of gold
and silver yet undeveloped, we have
inexhaustible deposits of coalt groat
forests of magnificent timber1, ft soil
ao generous and rich that its jiroduc
tivo capacity is Wonderful to consid
er, and a cVinvUo so genial and friend
ly that roses blooin In winter even.
Give us harbors, secure us uommuni
cation with the world, and Our pros
penty would not merely gratify, but
would surely astonish you. But this
- 1- .-. . .
is a digression, and besides, I did not
mean to Occupy tho time of -this
body beyond a few minutes.. The
arguments upon this subject have
been able and exhaustive, They
have left 1110 nothing to Btigges't nor
0110 wdrd to add. 1 have listened to
them attentively and have reached
the conelu8idu that tho Army officer
is as well titled to discharge the duties
of an Indian agent as our. modern
civil appointee ; that, among those
tribes with whom war Van be appre
hended the tendency of this measure
will be to prevent it) .that tho work
of civilization will uot be retarded;)
that increased facilities will be secur
ed to the missionary to pi'09ectito his
noble1 Work and that tho true princi
ples of economy, which Should in flu
etioo our action at this time, will bo
subserved,, ; , .
.Therefore-, without hesitation' 'or
misgivings, I accord td this inoasure
my earnest aud cordial support. J '
'- ' I , .1 . Il ' 1 '..:'
Washington's May 8, 187C.
,' Not'iing startling has occurred this
p.tst Week. " Tho House is engaged in
discussing the 1. 0, appropriation
bill which , was reported from tho
Committee aud is in charge of Mr.
Ilolman of Indiana, Tho amount
proposed for the 'coming vear is $2,
OftU.OUO less than .the , cost of this
year. . Considerable opposition is
developed from Democrats west and
south, because they say the saving
will result in those sections receiving
less service than at present, and they
are not prepaid to vote for a measuro
that will deprive their constituents of
any, piivileges now enjoyed. An ef
fori is' .being Mule to strike out the
proviso that Slops, the delivery sys
tem in all cities of. less than 40,000
inhabitants and 1 think it probable
that the effort will succeed. I'liO Xe
Moyne-Farwell contest for one cf the
Chicago Districts was settled and Mr.
Lu Moyne, tho Democratic contestant,
was awarded lliOj seat and sworn iu
on Saturday. Both Houses .have
agreed to adjourn from Tuesday until
Friday that they may attend , the
opening of tho Centennial., grounds
ttrt,, Wednesday. Col. ,To'm Soott
with, his accustomed liberality, scuds
two special trait's, which convey .tho
President, Secretaries, Congress arid
Supremo Court to t Philadelphia free
of cost. Ho has to scud the trams
around by Iteading, as Hinckley,
President ot the Philidalpiiia and
Wilmington rood, relnsud to let them
pass over his track without full pay.
He is Ihe same man who Has persist
e'riily kept up rates between this city
and New York and thevE;ist. Tho
Press should remember him. . Col.
Garrett, of the Baltimore and Ohio, is
running special trains aud has reduced
the laro to five dollars for tho round
The argument on the question of
whether Belknap can be tried after
having resigned, is being bade. . It is
useleni to say , that great ability , aud
leamirig were displayod, for the char
acter of the men engaged in making
it is a guarantee that th's would be
the case. There is every indication
that there will bo a deadlock between
the Senate Mid House on the appro
priation bills, and that the first of
July will come and go before any ap
propriations are made. Id that eveut
the aingulaf spectacle will la teen of
a treasury full of money, cot a dollar
of which can be paid out If what
we hear President Grant said in re
gard to the Consular and Diplomatic
bill is true, it is evidence of what
policy the administration will pursue
in that event.' Tb President is re-
pnrled to have said "that should the
bi, 3 ag it. cama from t!ja ,r0Use
ih will on the first of Julr order
- r, uu U1 iu .
aula home, a thn
every cue 01 me .uinisters ana ton-
lums appropriated
are not sufficient to properly conduct
the business. ' This would show thsi
if the bills are not passed by the first
Ol July; that the possibilities are' Sri
i&vor of all the government offices
being clcscd and the signt shown of a
government running without officers
of any kind. ' :i '
Dom Pedro tfa Aleavtura, who is
Emperor of Brazil when at home,
arrived here on Sunday, and all the
Republican toadies in tho city are
crazy to see liini.' 1 He is ft ; well
behaved gentleman who seems
determined to see all ho can of the
Unilod Stales iri a short; timo,' and
does h6t want to be bored tor (loath
with recoptions and visitors. ;i
The President's riiossago in re
sponse to the' inquiry 'matlo on tho
third of Ajiril,' wbethet; 'any. official
act or ddties of the oxcotitivo depart
ment had performed at iby other
place than the Capital, has Leon sent
in, and it is a singular doonment. He
denies the right of the House to ask
the question, arid declines to answer
it, but finally says thati? fias done
official busiuess in other plaoes than
Washington and th jt , ho hud tho
right to do so, as lie is President oi
tho United Stales vfhorovcr lie may
happen to be, and is bound to per
form the duties Of President. Ho
cites instanocs from Washington all
tho way down td Lincoln of acts
done iu other places than the Capital
by all the Presidents and gives the
number of days that eaoh President
was absenti ' He also reminds the
IIouso Ihit Prosidont Jackson refused
to allow tho pnpers oi tho executive
departments to bo examined, under a
general resolution ot inquiry. " Tho
message was prepared as a campaign
dooument to answer the chargo of
absenteeism, and it must bo confessed
makes a go'o'A defense, ' ' , ; '
Tho ti-iouds of Tilden are becom
ing jubilant and claim tho nomination
of tholr roan at St. Louis as certain.
I have doubts about his boing able to
get iho.twO-thii'ds required, for I find
a strong feeling among - Sbuthorn and
Western men against anyouo from
New York, and a disposition t'O onite
these sections in favor of a Western
man. Should this sectional feeling
continue to grow, Tilden cannot bo
nominntod. ., . , ; Nif0, -j
' ludlapVitaltle ICvldeuee, n i 1;
'' 11. Sr., Ii.u July B, T874. t.
It. V. l'iKBCK, M. U, JJutralo N, Y. :-t
wish to add my testimony to the wonderful
curative properties of your Alt.' Ext., Or
Uolden Medical Discovery. ,1 have taken
great interest in this medicine since I first
used it. I was badly afflicted with dyspep
sia, liver deranged and an almost perfect pros
tration of the nervous system. So rapid sod
complete did tbe Discovery effect a perfect
cure that it seemed more like mngie Slid a
perfect wonder to myself, and lino that
time we have never been without a bottle of
the Discovery ahd Purgative Pellets in the
house. "They are a solid, sound family phy
siciao in the bouse and ready at all times to
fly to the relief of sickness without charge.
We have never bad a doctor In tbe house
since we first began tbe use of your Pellets
and Discovery. I bavs recommended : the
use of these medicines lo several severe, and
complicated cses arising frdrn, as I thought,
an impure state of the blood, Ind iq 00 one
case have Ibey failed to more than accom
plish ull they ire claimed to do." I will only
mention one as remarkable, (though I could
give you dozens), llehry Hosier, furniture
deuler, of this place, Who was ope of the
most pitiful objects fever seen, his fuce swoll
en out of shape, scales and eruption extend
ing to bis body, which was completely cor
with blotches and scales,' Nothing that be)
took seemed to effect it a particle. 1 final
ly induced him to try a few bottles of the
Golden Medical Discovery, with daily use of
the' Pellets, atforing him ft would surely
cure him. lie commeoced its use some sit
week since, taking twO Pellets each night
for a wtek, then one each night, aud. the
Discovery as directed. The result Is, to
day bis skin Is perfectly smooth, and tie
scaly eruptions are gone. He bis taken
sortie seven or eight botth s lo all, and con
silient hinself cured. This case bad baffled
tbe skill of our best physicians. Messrs.
Dunsfnrd & Co . druggists, of this place, are
selling largely of yrar medicines and the de
mand steadily increases, and they girt per
fect Satisfaction in every case. . r,
Respectlully, ' .
. - . Aft. Am. Kxp, Co. ' .
" The 1 following "fashion ncftcs fo't
Republicans" appear . Iti the "Aew
Era, of Hopkinsville, Ivy. 1 .1 Taoei
are worn long: ' Rings are still in
vogue. Pldin hempen neckties aro
shown for officials. Pockets are niado
full and are ot steal colored materiaf.
Striped suiting are much in use for
the elect. They are cut a la Joyct.
Broad steel bracelets, with a trsw
patent lock, are to be worn this rTi
mer. Black is the popular color for
reputations. Patterns for "office
wear arc Cored in front and exten
sively trailed. , ; -
Jarkson county bu four caodiJatet k t