The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 06, 1876, Image 2

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    TT..I E":r:: CITT; CUAKl
S ATtf ItDA Y, MAT 6, 1870.
r r. Foi Congress :
, ... . Of Dongle County.
l ? !F Present! ) Elector, f , 7 .
JIENliY KLirrEL.'ot J.ckson.
,i;JA.,CJiONINr of Multnomah..
W. B. LASWELL, of Grant
; ,J. M, THOMPSON, ,!j .
.Wl . of la.' -
j ) , i ,j tFbr Prowcittng Attorneys 1
!? i - a II; HAZARD; '" '
!t i" '.' ' ' fit f.ntm. ' .' ' '
' ' for BUtc Senator: ' .
at u .. . mgt uepr(ienUtlTis
-E, V. REDFOICD, K. li. U A I Jta. ,
For Ooanty Judge, . .
For County Commissioner.
Pne TUrkl
j. p. cuiiRAN.
for' Treasurer: '"' :
For Assessor: ,
Ji GEO., V. KINSEY. l. ;
,t J" ";,)f('4chooIBapHtiiDints
'"'' J, O. B0LAN. ,
Al ,i' - i.
, I Fot Snmyori
i j .,,.. Fot Coroner: ; i
,,! ;, , ; .' WM. OWSLEY.
f-' Too Mucir Homor. Aa Uempt
urai made by 1 the friends' of Hon
John Burnett to allow his name to be
used as an Independent candidate tor
Piitriot Jadza, . A petition namer
odsly signad was sont from Douglas
count? to him for thai purpose, which
yru refused.',. Judge Burnott is a man
f too much honor to go into a con
vention and buing dofeated therein to
some out as an independent against
hit suoooiiful competitor. ' His reply
to tho potilioa was that he should
upport Mr. Thompson and it will have
a tendency to materially Inorease the
trength of that gentleman in the eon
test. . V; .
AssAssiNiTiojr in Folitics. Our
topdonoj to doslroy one anothor in
politics, saya the N. Y. IRraUl, is a
blunder and a soandul upon our insti
iuUons.' 1 Politioinns should know
that tt stands to reinoo that the fall
- of any loader Is a reflection upon the
geheial sense and disnipline of the
party and its fitness for power. More
than all. it should not be forgotten
(hat every "rovelatlon" about a public
mat is welcomed abroad, and eipect
ally in England, as an indication that
we are all going to the devil ; that
there is no virtue in a republican form
government ; that we are thieves,
or. at, the. best roceivura of stolen
good, and that the end must be chaos
and repudiation. No patriot caros to
give hU country this reputation to
be the cause oi its sharoo and mock
txy.i Una way to briug it to an end
la to stop this buninoss of assassins.
tlon in poUticswb!ob looms especially
to animate the Republican party and
italeadora. "A '
I Pablle Dbt Mtatemeiita.
v inu.'. ' 'I 1 .. ' 1 1
i It will be remembered that just
prior to the last Presidential election
the atatemonts published etch month
bowed a groat reduction of the pub;
lie debt .These statements went on
ttutil a short time after the eleolioa,
when they began to' show a decided
Increase and finally were discontinued,
A St. Louis dispatoh throws a little
light on the manner ot making these
atatementa. It says : '
Sergeant Goorge Trendorm oharge
of the signal service station bore, left
- for Wuhiogton last night where he
will testify before the Commiuee on
Expenditures of the Treasury De
partment. Before his departure be
was interviewed br a Jvnet rcportor
and stated to him that he was a pub-
ho debt stalcmcut clork under secre
tary MoCulloch, and while thore he
discovered thai great frauds were
practiced opon the Government
That the publio debt statomeot re
ported mouey la the Treuury that
was not on band, and while toe Gov
ernment was paying throe per cent
for money to mret temporary neevs
sitlesw lie also discovered that hun
dreds of thousands of dollars of gov
ernment money wu placed in the
foods of confederates outside the de
partment, who loaneJ it back to the
government as individual funds and
drew interest on it While pursuing
tbce investigations,' Preudor wu in
Lrmei by a clerk in the redemption
bar;sn, ctmed Riohardton, thkt in
3inse frauds wero leicg perpetrated
Jn that burilaa. that fortunes were be
ing made by reporting money de
stroyed which was preserved j that
only half of the money turned in for
destruction was actually destroyed,
toe otber bait being omaea amoDg
thn nnrnatrstora of the frauds. I'reii-
der says be tried to have these frauds
- j i r
lovesugaieu n nuuiucr ui wm
failnd Whfln Koutwell became Seo-i
reury of the Treasury, Prender in
formed bim ot tneae trauas, ana iuo
Secretary promised to investigate
iham Shnr.l after this.' ' man
named Fox, who had also been clerk
in the redemption bureau, cauea on
PmnW. matinir ha had been appoint
ed a deteotive by Secretary Boutwell
to follow up tneso iraoas, ana wanieu
II iha minor snd evidence 'he bad in
bis possession. ' Prender declined to'
give them op exoept on an oruer irwiu
ftnntwall 1 Fnr rptnmcd w'rth a let
ter from Secretary Boutwell asking
I, i
for tbe documents ana i -renatr gavo
them to him in presence of a witness
. . . .. LII-
Wbo knew tneir cnaracier. iueanwune
Rlnhardion. the man wbo informed
Prender of the frauds in the redemp
tion bureau had retired. He was vis-
ImA h Fnt and ahhouch a Demo
crat, was appointed assistant post
master at Albaoy, and no investiga
tion of tbe frauds was ever made.
., Democratic Platform.
Ths Democracy of Oreeoo in ConrentJen
asMmblcd reaffirms the platform of principles
sdopted at the last Democralio State Cod-
veotion, and adopt tbe followiDg in auuiuon
to tbe same, to-wit i
Rtmletul. Tht thn action of the present
Democratic Uouse of Ifopreieotatives ol tbe
United State,. in ferreting out corruption
nil hrinninir rriminali to iuatice. merits the
hearty commendatioo of every true patriot.
la the StatM of the Pacific Cout
of America, has been a curse to tbe country;
lost toe iDioese are a people mav oare out
sod never can be brongbt to bars any inter-
lonl with thn walfnra and Droanor-
ity of oar Government and its iottilutioos ;
sod that we pledge ourselves to nae oar oeei
endeavors lor us adoption oi sucu meaaurea
vill nrownnt nd rtim thia atOUXDS Svil.
. RiuJitii. That our luuatlmable ivstem of
common schools, and oar no ks vaiunuio
or iiainna tnlaratioo. are Ibe work
manship of Democratic bands and tbe Iruiu
or Democratic policy ; mat H m me exiiu
aive right and duty ol lbs State to provide
lor tbe education ol Its children ; and it bav
ins luian a nrincinla ftaUhlUhMl io the for'
matioo of our Stale Constitution that no
ntihll.t fiinita nf an rlma ahnnld be used for
actarlan schools or societies, we declare our
faithful adherence to thia principle, and op
niiu una invsiainn nl It : that it il the ina
.w v - - w. - , ----- ------
lionable right of every citizen to worship
Uod according to the dictates of his own
il nn nnlitirnl diiubilltlM ihould
hj Incnrniit h nninn nf rulitfious belief :
and wbUo wo will defend these prioclples aod
inatilutions to tne luueai exieiu, w ueprv
cats an attempt! to raise aeaianan iwuvn iu
politics as utterly aucaiieu lor ana repreneo'
lib!, sod minting tbe emphatio coudemna
tlon of every Rood citlnnn. ,
Oregon Crop Froapecla,
. There I ratbet a disoouruuing outlook for
those farmers who live on flat prairie land,
as la most mitaocos they have iowu little or
no grain, and in mauy caiua thutr fields are
aot yet plowed.
Tbe bill farmers have had a most success
ful seaeoo and their grain looks uncommon
ly well. Those who occupy the higher
prairie locations have aleo made a fair show,
out those first alluded to have in some in
(taooes not yet turned a furrow, and io
others even tbe summer fallow was not
sowed early and could not be put iu later
and may have to be replanted.
A giiotleman from Uun county says that
probably not mora than one lourth the grain
is sowed Id tint eounty two foarlb ot the
land is plowed and waiting for dry weather
to sow it, and another fourth it still to be
plowed. As he expresses it, those who Were
oo the a'iert tnd Improved every day and
hour that would do to plow and put in grain,
have tbeir work well along, and those wbo
missed those opportunities and waited lor the
Itood, pleaaanl weatb -r that usually favor
winter planting bav been left in the lurch,
which illustrate the necessity of improving
time and opportunities.
There Is some discouragement felt over
ths grain prospect, both by disappolutml
farmers ssd expectant business men, but
ther is no particular ground for alarm, a
Oregon season ai very accommodating and
tvldotn fail of securing good returns. Uu
flat lands wheat eo be sown with almost
certaluty through the greater part of May,
and io ease farmers fail to put in all their
lind tbry can rest assured that ths remain
der can he summer fallowed without loss
ether than deferring the returns to another
leaaou. Furmi.
Tbe Corrallis GuztUt saya: "The farmer
hereabouts are beginning to look blue,
indeed, In consequence of the contiuued
raiua. Io some portion of our rounty but
vary little grain ba bee sown. In King'
valley, however, we learw that a very Urge
acreage ha beeo seedud, and that locality
could, in lea day of good weather, complete
ths pulling io of tlieir spring crops., In
torn portion of Lino comity, in th viciuity
of llaleey, where mocb of ths land i still
covered with water, the crop prospects are
very gloomy. Frmn prevent indication the
probabiliUea are that wa shall coots nearer
Laving a failure of crop in Oregon than
wu er befure known. Ths rains con
meocing so early last fall and continuing so
late this spring, is a twiout detriment to ag
ricultural pursuit.
Whoa it was said in advance that
the Democratic majority io. Congress
would make manifest the rotlcnneee
that porvaded evory department ot
the Government, the announcement
was greeted with sneers and howls of
dorision. , . .
Let us have an honest government
at wbatevor cost, and to secure that
we must have honest men at the head
of it and in all its subordinate depart
ments. Stand by the Democralio
majority in Cougresa and the great
desidoratutn will be attained. On
such a course depends the country's
' The Hepnbllcaa Conrtntlon.
' The Republican State Convention
met in rortland 'on Wednesday.
Hon. Richard Williams was nomi
nated for. Congress on the first ballot
W. II. Odell, J. W. Watts and J. C.
Cartwiight were chosen as Electors,
and B. C. Van Houten, J. IL Foster,
C. Tolnian, J. B. David and II. K.
llimes were elected delegates to tbe
National' 'Convention at Cincinnati..
F. Watson of Roeebug and W. B.
HigbV of Benton were nominated for
Judge and Prosecuting Attorney for
this district Tlo following platloim
was adopted : ; !
The Reoublicsn party of Oregon, io con
vention assembled, makes this declaration of
its ptinciptos and policy : ' "
Ktsotvea, i uav hi tuta vvufuuiBi u.
American Independence we again affirm our
devotion to tbow fundamental pnnciplus up
on which tbe republic and the Repablican
party were foundbd. Among tnese are
1. TJnawerving fitielitv to ths conaUtution
sod the perpetuity of the Union.
2. The preservation ef tha liberties snd
equal right of all citizens throughout the
naiiaa.and tbe impartial administration of
the law In every part of tbe country, for the
protection and enforcement of publie and
private rights and tbe punishment of violence
and Anna.
3. fore OTd economical administration oi
every department of tbe governmeat, State
and national, snd we pledge tbe support nf
the Republican party to all measures hou
Mtlv nrooowd and wisely designed to pro
mote tbe moral and material prosperity of
Ibe people; . . 1 ' ,
4. That a well instructed people alone can
be permanently free, it is therefore essential
that the public school system ahall he main
tained in order Ibat every child may receive
such education as will fit him for useful citi-
terisni and we are enallerably opposed to
any division or putxic scaooi money tor any
nuroose whatever.
5. That while we are In favor of a reventie
for the support of tbe general government
by dalles upon imports, sound policy re
quires such adjustment of those imports as
to encoorage tns development of the indus
trial interests of the whole country, snd we
commend that policy of natiooal exchange
which secures to the working men liberal
watres. to sericulture remunerative prices, to
mechanics and manufaotu-ers an adequate
reward for their skill, labor and enterprise,
and to the natioo commercial prosperity aod
6. That ibe best Interest of all cititens of
everv condition and pursuit imperatively d'
mand the gpwdieet riluru to a specie basis
nf aalue and enrrencv. and we hall with
gratification tbe act of a Republican Con
cress definitely providing for that end.
7. That we are io favor of nnliring pro
acution and punishment of public fraud and
crime, straw bidding and peculation in office,
wherever existing, and we repeal tne in'
Junction, "Let no guilty man escape."
8. We demand that our national candi
date ahull be men of tried integrity, who
will carry out. tbia policy of reform, and
preserve inviolate the gnat results of the
9. We srraicn tbe present State adminls
tration and Its supporters as corrupt and
profligate. They have robbed the common
school lund j they have been guilty ol patti
aan legislation : thev have iqnandered onr
natrimonv in lands, and beaned npon as
debt of over 8300,000 io direct violation of
tbe constitution.
Ex-Governor Geo. L. Curry retires
from the editorial chair of the Fort-
land Journal He says:
"My connection wilh the Journal
oeascs with this issue, i regret to
be obliged to quit my editorial duties
just at tins time, but business oi a
different character requires my ab
sence from the city lor several weeks,
and my permanent attention there
after. My relations with those con
corned in publishing the Journal
have always boon and still are of the
friendliest kind, and I hope they are
not otherwise with its patrons. In
the brief period of my abilities, and
wishing the Journal a lonir continu
ance of its popularity, am) tho full
attainment of tho liijjh measure of suc
cess which it deserves, I retire from my
position with an expression of mv !
siro for tho health and good fortune
of ail conneotod with the press of
The Commissioner of tho General
Land Office has cancelled the order
of that office of May 23, 1873, which
withheld from disposal as agricultural
hind all public lands in Oregon, lying
west of range 10 west, between town
ships 13 south and 40 south, inclu
sive, until tho non-mineral character
of tho same should bo established.
The cancellation applies to all the
abovo designated lands except town
ships -C and 2? south, range 13 west.
Central Committers.
It ie to be hoped for the good of
the Democratic party that its County
Convenlious hereafter will make the
Central Committee cousist of one
man from each precinct.
iM . ii . i i m 9 w ii i i
lUtxou's Monthly Maoaiiks roa MV.
The May number of thi popular Magaiine
w iaaued, and contain an imuienaa variety
of interesting matter, In addiiioo to M.
Quad' great tory of That Taylor Boy."
oo of the moat exciting contiooed stories
that lb soled humorist ol la Wt evr
wrote. Its continue to increaa. and mocb
speculation will be mad a to what will b
Um boy ultimate fate. That b will coma
out all right, w leel aured Published by
Thome k Talbot, 23 llawley Street, and
for sal at all periodical depoU la the
couotry, or sent at $1 .50 fr year, postpaid.
The Doogfa county Republican conna-
tioa nominated the following ticket: Sena
tors. O. W. Colvig, Jot Applfe!; mi-
eoutitroa, C. A. slirkpatrick, W. K. On-
jamio. VV. P.firubba. M. M. Melvin; clerk.
U I. t waais; ineriu. J. .oo!r; treasurer,
8. K. IUymooJ; school tpenatfadect, J.
Tbe farmers of Yoncalla srs ahead-
grain an io. ( . .
A cbarcb organization of Uoiversalists is
to be organized at Albany. , j i :- i
A lares band of horses and males will
soon start from Jackson county for Nevada.
John Love, of Hsrriebnrir, has been ad
judged mesne and sent to- the East Port
land asyiom.
A grower of strawberries on tbe East
ide estimates his crop this season at over
7,000 pounds.
A. Smith and D. II. Morton! of Jefferson,
were drowned la the Sentiam while logging
last Saturday.
The newly-eleoted officers of the Oregon
and California Railroad Company came up
aa far as Juoctiou oo a lour of inspection.
Tbe Bentoo county Republican convention
instructed their delegates for A. F. Cnenu-
wetb for district attorney of Ibe second ju
dicial district.
Oscar Bellinger, son of C. B. Bellinger,
Esq., of Portland, has recently received the
sppotBiment ol eudel at tbe A' aval Acade
my at Annapolis.
The ninth anniversary of ths fosndatien
of tbe Baptist Church in Albany will be
celebrated by a fair snd leelival at the
church, Thursday evening, May 4tb.
(-ant. flail informs the Plaindealtr that
tbe snow on the mountain between Ashland
and Liukvillu is from four to ten feet deep:
and tbe roads are io a horrible condition.
The Benton Dmocrat publishes a call,
signed by several of tbe prominent citizen
ol Beuion county, for s mass meeting, to b
hold May 6in, to nominate a county ticket,
irrespective of existing tickets.
E. L. flussey, who came over from Tills-
mook last week informs the Courur that
there is about eight leet of snow, for six
miles, in the mountains, snd that there is
considerable difficulty In traveling.
Douglas county has soother paper, ptl'-
liebed at Oakland by the. Oakland Publish
ing Campany. Il is a weekly and indepen
dent in politics. Another journal called tbe
limn will be started la toles valley, same
county, soon. .
Judge fjifors, of Josephine, proposes
erecting a quarts mill to the region of tort
Lane, ohould the prospects prove favorable,
snd we understand that be is now turveying
tbe line of a ditch wbicb will lurnisb water
power for the same.
Tbe Banner says four out of tbe six can
didates for Slate Senators 10 Douglas coun
ty are in lavor of dividing the county.
I here beinar two genatora to elect io the
County the anli-divisiomsts stand a good
show to keep the county together.
Last week eighteen bead of beet cattle
were shipped from tbe Dallas to Port Town-
send. I hey were the finest lot of beet cat
tle we ever remember; total weight being
25,600, and average weight 1,423 pounds.
Ibe lot were Irom Umuiilla county.
Wm. Bowman would liketokoow the whs e
abouts of lK-Hter Dawson, formerly Hester
Bowman. When lust heard from she was in
Missouri. It WoUld be to her advantage to
lei her whereabouts be known. Address,
A in. Dowinan, Dallaj, Polk county, Oregon
The Keiher.Mioitig Company in Jose
phine county are extracting ore and hauling tt
to their mill on urave crecK, and will com'
meocn crushing -in a few days. S. C
Shanks took out of his mining claim oo Jor
dan irulcb, a nice piece of gold, worth
511 60v
At a nreefini of the citizens Of tfcntdfa
county, convened on the 15th ult., to take
into consideration the construction of s
canal from tome point on the Long Tom or
the Willamette river to terminate at Corval-
Ii. a committee was appointed, with power to
adopt article of incorporation, with such
capital as may be required to construct suid
canal, and that they cause such preliminary
examinations ol the several routes and lines
aa may be necessary. , 1
Erom the .Albany 'Democrat: James
Fitzpatrick, - who was generally known
throughout the valley as "Wild Bill,''
dropped dead io Gerhart's saloon, Corvullis,
Sunday afternoon last, about 'i o'clock. At
the moment of bis death, be was sitting with
several boon companions at a table, and
wa engaged in telling tlieir fortuue by
cards. Suddenly he wu seen to throw back
bis head, and with sn unintelligible exclama
tion, fell to the floor dead. Another victim
to dissiMtion and another oue lowered into
a pauper grave. . .
The Roeeburg PlairJta'er says : Capt.
Hall, special deputy sheriff, retured from
pursuit of Uibsoa on Thursday. He fol
lowed bitn as fur as Ashland and then lost
all trace ol bim. Oos-m bad afdno-d two
listen, daughters of a neighbor, in the
northern part of the county, ami loi iln
crime the warrant was issued. The old st
girl is dow seventeen, and weunderslund h-r
child is several weeks old, wtile the yi-ung-est
is but thirteen, and is soon to b. CO ne a
mother. Gibson is lupposed to be n Ne.
The O. S N. Company has commenced
at Celilo, the construction of a Dew (team
boat, which i to be built of such light draft
that it can ascend and deocenj Iha Snuke
river aa far a Lewiston al the lowest stage
of water. The boat i designed especially
to meet tbe demand of tbe trade during that
portion of the eason when navigation has
heretofore been suspended. Thednnemions
of the new erall are: Length 150 feet, beam
36 feet, hold A L feet Work on the new
boat will be pujhej forward vigorously to
The Enttrprit says: The firm of Miller,
Marshall Jt Co., of Oregon City, some teo
day ago sold Wo thousand barrel of their
Oregon Cily mills flour to a Liverpool firm,
snd since which time thy have been and
are running night and day to fill it. They
have chartered the River Luut, now en
route from San Francisco, lo carry the flour
to Knglaod. This thipment aggregate
twenty two thousand barrels sold during the
preaert barveat eioo on Ecgli sh account
by the above named firm, aod they expect to
pat on more cargo afloat before its cloee.
- A letter fron. Prinavill. Wtaeo county, to
tb Mount' unetr, dated .April 18th. tays ;
Last B'ght. tbe lilh, tb coonlry wa cov
ered with soow. Crooked river i higher at
thi lime than it a Ter koowa before by
white men. Srnck at preaent i doing well
and eras is plenty, bat the weather is cold
and dUagrvoabl. Hea'ih i rood. Prin.
ville il compUuIy surroaaded by water and
all the tow bottom are covered with wter
from Crovked rir ar.d Ochoco. Cooider
abl grain ie nader ti-r at thi time. Many
cattl barer are in the Ocbocs valley
There are plenty of cattle for eaie and sU
the sheep in ths country eMv.
I; 1
u... f,0n ,ri and ex-United
States Senator, died suddenly in &u
Louis, Sundav morning ii,
fection of .the throat, He was 05
years old and haT lived in Missouri
1 ook t. 1 am ha was a mem-
since ioov. " t i
ber of tho costitutional con vention.ana
in 1856 was the nominee oi uie uc.u
ocratio party for Governor. He was
elected to the latter office in August,
and during the ensuing eo1?, ww
i..i.,nJ..,.hnien United btates
Senator, as the colleague of the lion.
James S. Green. ' He remained in tbe
Senate unvil 1861, when he resigned
the office and cast his fortunes wnu
.i r i.. finikorn flnnfederaov.
IMUBr VI fcuo inj....v.i.
In 1864 he was taken a prisoner and
confined on Johnsoirs ismu.
the close of the war he returned to
St. Louis and resumed the practice of
his profession, which he has contin
ued to follow successfully since. He
t SllH
was a prominent Toemoer oi . iuo
Methodist church, and held a deserv
edly high rank as lawyer. He be
to tho ohl swnool of able
stafesraen, who are rapidly passing
away. - ,
Th emi ration from Ireland is bo
longer what it was 10 or 15 years ago.
Ouly a little more than 50,000 per
sons emigrated last year, and the
WmrnisA is that this vear the number
wiiljbe even lessY-lt'W than in atiy year
since lool. Tins snows mat tne su
HBtinn nf the neonle is imnrovins
that the evils ot over population have
heen alcviated bv the vtBt emigration
of the past quarter ol a ueaiury; n
- . . T A.
indicates perhaps sun more mat tpt
hnA timoa in this countrv have dis
rmiraored intendinar erainrants from
a-- - ,." ..
crossins tne ocean, ine sicarasnip
. i i .
lines between here ana Europe are
either makinff no money or losinc
Thev feel the loss of the
passage' money of emigrants. The
Centennial will be a year remarKaoio
tor the small addition of fbrelerners it
made to our population.
A Favored Commonwealth.
Kentucky is a highly favored Com
monwealih. She has 40,000 square
miles of fertile soil, and does not owe a
dollar of State debt. Her tobacco
crop is now more than double that of
Virinnia, and nearly halt the erop ot
the entire country. She raises nearly
half the hemn tho whole countrv nro-
duces. She has nine millions of acres
of virgin forrest, and: more iron ore
than there is in l'ensylvama, with
12,871 square miles of coal lands.
She produces the finest blooded cat
tie and horses, and mules seem to
grow in lu'iitucky spontaneously,
She also rejoices in being the place of
nativity of the prettiest women in
the world.
The . Independents in Umatilla county,
have nominated the following ticket: Rep-
resentatires, Wra." Stein, J. . Wilson ; Judge, J. J. Lee; Commissioners, I
G. Ibompson, T. J. Kirk j" biierm, Uobt
Sargent ; County Clerk: J. 11. Sharoo
Treasurer, Lot Livermore : School Superiu
tendent, J. C. Arnold : Surveyor, L. Moore
hoore ABsesor-, A. J, Melson )f CoVOoer,
W. C. McKay. , '
A Jackson county letter stutes that farm'
era have been kept back with their seding
on account of the hvte rains, but even yet
they are looking for a clear day and that
there wilfprobahly be more gram sowed in
that part ot the Slate than ever More.
Final Settlement
A HfWTf-niiui, derauMd, Chu. Tuer, Adminiitn-
tor or eiuii m muu Henry iiafremftn, deoeaaed,
havintr tlle-l hw thinl amunt m Ml-T Admitnnttvtor.
it la tlierefora ordered tlmt Mon Ur. tbe M dr of
July, 1876, b and herebe is tH antrf fot- the hearing
of objection thereto and the final ettlenient thereof.
Ujrorutr ol Hon. John M. Ihomiwm, County Judge,
JAMES F. bHOWN, Attoiaey.
binlnna to C. Bnrhridpti and npei-t to tears
toon, I will reqnent all persrnit1 indehteil to me by
account or note to call au-1 aettle the aamt at onus
or tboy ill be placed in hanu lor coUectivn.
r H. T. HAYES.
TO HOI aEKF.EPBIIS.-AinontrthoMwho
havttaw) the household renie-ly, PoadV Ex
tract, scarcely t family can ba found in which it
la not tbe rule to keep it oonatantly on hand. The
one difficulty is that it is so valuable io relieving
and curing in almost ercry accident a family is sub
jected to that tbe metlii in is often exhaust wtjea
an nient and soddea ost (ur it arises. It is eco-
aonik'al aa to pries, aad importint for the greater
surety at hirnr H whoa suddenly needed to bay
the bugestsin at 11.75. Tbia bottle contains Are
and oni-balf times as much aa ths Me. sis.
TO ' J
Frank Leslie's lll's't Publications
Prank t nlie'a Ill'st Newspaper, Weekly, 14 00
rrana ucaiiesi.nimney (.orner, oo
Pra k Leslie's Illiutrirk Zeltung, 4 00
Tbe Day 'a limnn " 4 04
Frank Laelie'a Lady' Journal, - 4 00
The Young Aawricaa ' ' " t I 50
Fran I-elie e Boys' an1 Oirta weekly,-k 1 5
Prank folic s Popular Monthly, 1 to
Frank Lsalle t Lady'a M.fat.oe, Uoothly. i K
Prank Leolie'a Boj of America, I 50
Frank Leslie's Pieaxant Hours, u 1 60
Fraak Leelie's Budget of Fan. . ; ' " ' 1 SO
Tbe J-illy Joker. ' " " J jo
Frank Leslie's Pamlty Herald, - 1 00
Frank Lentie'a New York Jooroal. " 1 00
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Almanac, SO
Fiank Lie s Conie Almanao. 1
Eeery yearly sobaeriber ia entitled to a beanti
fnl Premiaia Cbromo with each pablicatioa. The
original were Aeaifrned and patntei! expre sly tor
or us. aad tae ChrotBoa art aria ed w oil.ei
actly reprndocing, ia seery detail tbe original
taftUrpierea of art.
Deerriptioa of Cbromoa. Pablicatioa and fiilta.
with -l papers, seot oa receipt U sump for
retora postage.
Leslie PuUhiag Boom, M7 Pearl Bueat, Dew
Seno4 anUmnt paia. or tbe cat o niitt mastus
or tbe kaife, iM iUm11t eared. Ii paiarnl, aad
aa opea alcer formed. avdiaos w:ll be sea. by Li
Vru r TV r-- Oawuliaaca by Wur.
(e iKuur. tv-ai iu cat toe buak. witb deaenp.
tm Casta, aVeiereacrs aad Trt a-aiais
ii. park btojasTf,
. II bet latk Street, tart
' lelliofHoai.Trreiro.. (
' TT J Tmsten Polk.' excovernor hf
Was founded In the year 1694, with aCwf4
Stock of 1100,000, on a Oold Cola Bui, and 1
eorporateB under tbe Uws of tbe Btate ef OTtgaaf,
P. WisgSRWaa, President. f- ' ?
E. QcACKSKBtraB, Vice President.
D. W. WatiritLD, Secretary. '
W. S. Ladd, Treaanrtr.
W. R. ErriKoaa, Attorney.. . ;
11. P. Moass, Manager.
a. i'TS"
P. Wmsnitk, w. H. ErriMHi
W.8. Ladd, Ww.Wabbab, , ..c
L. Whits, J li. Atsihsok,
E.Qcackssbpsh, st. f . hooss,
U. y. n Aiitrntp. . i
TABLE RATEs ';t'. '
- - - i4..LL.
FIVE A0E3-A. B.C. D,E.
A Aires between 1 & 13 annual premium.. 00
B- " - 1120 -,v 1 00
C- " JO 35 - .. S 00
D- " " JJ4 60 " " .. i 00
E " ' 504B5 " .. CO
T)r25 ma v be nam at anyone time, en an v
ftte policy, and no further Annual Premium wiU
be required, aor any miiner payment, except ior
Death Assessment in that apaclal division a they
may occur. .--,
. G. J. BUYS, ., , :
local Agent
rale by T. 0. HENDRICKS.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
MU BU, a
THANKING THE PrjBfjIC for tbelrpaatHbif
al pitronage, we no inrtte them to call on o
at our new room In Underwood & Co ' new brlt
block, where may be found a full assortment e'l
goods in the abore line. . . . .
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired In th Ui t
wnrkmanilKe manner ana warrant
Willamette St, ttge&a City, Oregon,
Hubs, Sf)6kfes, Uims,
Oak, Ash and llickory Planki
ivonlrHBt'l tt Tnolripsoif, 1 v
POKTLANiy, . "- 1 ' OBEOON.'
Jaafclm t-v '-i :
We rrzO to inform pfrr Msnds and th pabllJ
that we luire just re-wived dirsot from baa
Francisco and ths Eastern marksta
Dry-goods,. !
HATS AND CAPS, -, , , ,ri v(t
Clocks, Paints Oils, Etc.,
SelSstted by 'on? lit. 8. KbEWiiaT,!:irhlcl vrl
olferat . ,7 . rr-.-.'-V.l
Parties will find It lo their advantage to ea)
and examlr oar atoek Snd prices before porcha
Ing elsewhere. , ... (.
Highest price paid for aH Ir-ods of Produce
Brick Store, tor. Willamttte i Eighth Sti
Are bow la receipfora VcrJ larg stock of '
Selected with moch ear frorn tfcV ljrfW, sod beef
Importing hxxses ia Baa ramisU, , .
Our Stock Of ' !
Is anamially targe and attmrftre, and ems prises tM
Terr Utastatrlesand Doreltie,- aad of all andetT
ad prices, so as to meet tbe Tiew of all.
A larg assortment of RWairs acU VwrUBfa, a
aad beaatiroi pataa
Alarmstaokof Bleached Voalina aa Xjnsas,
Table Linens, Towelion aad Eosierj; CWaeta,
. In eaah for any number of pooada of
Of eeerr aeacrtptka wanted, for whiehTww'win par
tbe aigbest market prion.
t " ; ' ) , A. V. PKTEKSf 4 CO.J
Notice of Dissolution.
i -,-r
ict betvepa Joseph Stanbenr aad Iaaae 6esf
Sen aadsr tbe arm aameaad strieof SMraberwA)
eadrs,asdMolTed March loth by mataal easr
sent, Iaaae Senders retinnr. Joaepb Stembenr
saatesalttheliabilitMaatthebiU ftrm, and either
PattT aatborued to eollert avd w lin fv 4ee
da theses. JwEPH STEhSBEaO,-.
Jaartjoa City.'Xaeiath,