The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 08, 1876, Image 2

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SATURDAY, XPR.'l. 1870.
Attead the Primaries, .
, . It is the duty oi every Democrat
'in Lane county to attend the primary
meetings ia their respective precincts
to-day. It is a duty you owe not
-only to yourself and to your psrty,
. but tie whole people. If our party
r i lucoeasful in the coming election,
i let ni have only the best men in the
' party to make laws and administer
'' them, and fill the places of trust and
''jjionor,' 'And to be successful wo must
'Vj put such men in nomination. To do
' this, we must begin with the meet
ings to-day. If these' mooting, are
itonded by tho voters generally and
the usual amount of "wire-pulling"
dispensed with, tho County Conven
tion ill take caw of itself. It will
., lejond a doubt be composed of iScn
I who have no candidates to nominute
" cr aspirants to kill. While there are
'no' officer, of tho State gfvornment
'to elect tjiis year, tho elealion is still
n important one, and more than or
i -diuarilY so to the people ot Lano who
' have important local interests, which
' are really the interests of the whole
';gtato, to look after. There is to be
eleotod by the Legislature this year a
Senator to sucoced Hon. J. K. Kelly.
'"We hope die primaries to day will
aolect a body of delegates that will do
honor to themselves by working for
1 the greatest good of tho greatest num.
'ber. '
I :
Canal Talk.
"r The project of constrnctiug a canal
'.from Bomo point either on tho Long
.Tom or Willaraetto river to furnish
'water power at Corvallis is ejain be
.' ing agitated.- A meeting iortfio pur
pbso of considering this matter was
'recently hold at Corvallis.
.. J. C. Jennings writes from Juno
tion City to the Farmer as follows
' I bare noticed oue or two extracts ia four
paper from the Corvallis Gazette io which
tbt writer advocates tbo building of a eanul
t from Monroe to Corvallis, to obtain water
' from tbs Long Tom, to secure sufficient wa
. tcr power to establish a factorj.'ur factories,
' at the latter place, and, at the same lime,
fleet the drainage of a large amount of we
lauds along the line, between tba two points
II of which I heartily endorse, as far as it
goes, bat It 'does not go half far enough
Hut to add to the practicability and eoneru!
utility of tbo above scheme, 1 will itatc one
which has for seme time agitated tho mind
of many of the citizens of ibis (Lane) couu
, ty, WQicb is, the constructing of a canal
starling from tbt Willamette riverat or near
Engana City, passing through Menroe, ter
mioaUngat Corvallis, connecting there with
'tbt proposed railroad to Yarpiina Hay said
canal to be of sulUiient capacity for trans
porutlon purposes. iy tunning the Wit
'latootte, an unlimited and unfuiling supply of
'water oould be obtained for water powers,
not ouly at Curvallia, but ut otbor dteirable
. poluts along the line. The proposed cans
' aud railroad would give the farmers a much
- cheaper rate of freights to the coast than
can eror be obtained without any compiling
Hues, touch a canal would control the tub
amount or bead water which countdown
from Spencer's Putte and tie s irnwr.ding
Kit, aud would drain and reclaim tlinueuiiaVi
(ft acres rf land along tho line at present al
moat worthier ard add materially to the
DOilth of this part of tho country. VVithoot
tbe control of this bead-water we Can aurer
scurt thorough drainage.
, ;' Tbenaturtl ndfantagrs for tho proposed
' Cina.1 are unsurpassed in any country, ns en
immense swalo extends the entire
distance, which ouly need to be straight.
eued and deeded, and, wilb tbe exception
of tbe bead cut, the work may be said to be
iuily balf dooe by nature. If we could bare
a committee from Lane and IIcoiod coun
ties to solicit subscriptions for a preliminary
Surrey and estimate of coat of const ruction,
I think we could soon bare the canal. Let
those lfao are iutereeted lake bold of the
matter at ooca!
Khould begUdto bear from ally one
ioowtog anything concerning the feasibility,
practicability and atilityoribeeboreecbctne.
; II. 0. Buckingham of the Uelknap
cttloraent Informs the editor of the
Gnxtte "that it would euhince the
value of land betw een Corvallia and
nia placo at least loO.OOO." Some
of the best land in tho southern por
tioo of Denton county la now almost
entirely valuuless io consequence of
oeing overnowed, which would be en
tirely reclaimed aod rendered tillable
by the proposed canal. Othor see
tions, for miles, tire entirely destitute
of stock water io summer, which would
euppnea by this ditch. But these
considerations, taluable as they are,
oo not compare with the advantages
aud beucfiu to be derived as a means
of transportation and water privilege.
;Tho people oi the northwestern
portion of this county are said to be
dlsowinga proportion, to bring the
water out of tie river at some point
above Springfield ar i empty it into
UtZ T cm, and it is sue'cteJ that
bote iukrcsle, io this matter attend
the meeting which will be held in
Corvallis next Saturday to make some
definite arraugemeuti to put the work
on foot. That a canal could be con
struoled from the point mentioned to
Long Tom at a comparatively small
outlay is evident of itself. There ia
already a ditch through which all the
water from the north side of Spencer's
Butte and the hills adjacent flows in
to Long Tom. This ditch carries wa
ter enough through the winter to fur
nish water power for all purposes.
By oponing it to the river, and we
are told by those who have examined
into the matter that , it can be dono
without any great dificulty, 'there
would bo a ditch which could with
very small outlay be made navigable
to an extent that would enable our
farmers to put their grain in Corvallis
at a very slight advance on the cost
of putting it on board the cars at Eu
gene, or nny othor station in the coun
ty. We hope tome of our represen
tative furmors will attend this moet-
ing and place tbo matter before the
It h now easily understood why
tho stealings of Twteod fc Co. a fow
years ago so astounded tho country
The amazement was mixture of re
gret and astonishment on the part of
Radical oQioo-holdors and editors,
They were Astonished to think that
there was o fine a chanoo to steal
which tliey had minsed, and regretted
that so much had been stolen and a
moiety had not gone into high Fod
cral ofliciul hands.
Apotheuini of Americans.
'We have hurridly thrown together
a few sententious saying by some of
the threat men of our country, hoping
they may be found useful in the ap
proaching canvass !
"I cut It with my little axe." O. Wa&
iirgton. "3ive me liberty or give me death.".
"Ity tire eternal." A JaJum.
''At peace with all Ihe world and on term"
oi amity witn the rest of mankind. " 45
'I still live."-). Webitcr.
What I know about fuTuiing." H. Grie
"'"Let ber rip."-Co. Jo. Mirk.
"Let us have peace." V. S. Grant.
"A National debt is a Nutlonol blceing."
-J. Coo.
'That's un-no-ces-M-ry." Gei.Jfg(i.
"Lot no guilty man escape." V. S. Grant.
"Tor ways that are dark and tricks that
are vaincuinuieud me to Maine of Maine."
bin. liailir.
How a ThIIow'i feet smells ttla hot
weuthor." A. Lincoln.
"The goose baiiL'i altituddum." U'liuky
"Dd Marsh, he ought to be hung for
mowing on uui.nap. me rresidenl.
U. S. G. has given tho world three
memorable saying, and wo suppose
tho Inst apothegm was more directly
from both heart and head than both
tho former.
" i
Tbe Prenldentlal Campaign,
Tbo Presidential campaign may be
eid to havo dully opened with the
organization of tho National Demo
cratic Congressional Committee, who
re now installed In their rooms at
Washington. As State and local
organizations, and individual Demo
crats nil over tho country, will have
frequent occasion to address the
officer?, we publish, at the request of
the Committee, the following in
formation ;
Roomer Nrroma DcwvatTia
Cnimitisiui. ('-vrrrit,
U:t K Mrsst, Watliiugtuu, If. C.
ITon. J. AV, Stevenson. f Kuninrnr-
llon. W. V. Eaton, of Counepilcut: lln
V. White, of Marvland: Hon. II. f.
Daria. of Went Viiv-iuia: 1'ou. J. It llnr.
duo, of Uoorgia.
Won. IT. Clymer.or Pennsylvania, FTon.
VV. Cbapiu, of MauachUMitU: Hun. J.
lorocJiiiHirton. of lews: I on. A H
ll-witt.ol Now Vork: Uoi. C. E Hooker
or Mioohkiippi; lion. M. Sykr, of Otaio
lirioT or Columbia.
Mr. V. W. Corcoran. Mr. Jam Vfr.
uey. and Mr. Clmrl ilajuo.
1'he IVmocratio orvanisationa nt all
Mkleeand lerntones are ucatd toevoJ
ob nam w meir tommil tf. iniBLdi.
y, o iti LongressionaJ L'ouimittee.
Application for document, sneeche. an J
uiqw poiincai maiwr. and all comwumc
none ivlalinr to the buaiueas ol tlie Com.
roitt. abouid be d.lrK'J to the 8w-
ury, J.ah K. Jlarvey, 13J4 F Strwl
ahingloo City.
lwir who at-ua loeir newspapers to the
tomuiitlre will be lurouhej with all doca-
meoti iret or coarir.
W, H. U.antia, (ituuir.
Alltiapi t Sla.
It it Lad on General Applegate to
work up a plan by which to elect
himself United States Senator and
then have soma one steal march ou
him, and nominate tome one else,
w hich teems not altogether unlikely
U bis project carriea. A correspond-
ent of the Ortjonian tnjjgesla Hon.
H. J. I engra at the proper man for
tbe too vent ion to tike in case they
bouiib;c,xj account of bis ability to ! Waibingtoa cvocrnio that bosiccm.
build railroads ao easily. We sug
gest that W. W. Chapman bo substi
tuted, lie has built more miles of
railroad on paperthan ever Mr.
Pengra has.
- Conoeellcal Iil"C(loD.
Of the Connecticut election, which
occurred last Monday, the Portland
Evening Journal says :
The election yesterday in Connecti
cut resulted in complete victory tor
the Democracy. Ingersoll's majority
for Governor will be upwards of 5,
000. In the Legislature the Dem
ocrats will have a decided majority
over thirty in the House and thirteen
iu tbe Senate. . That will do for the
good old State with. the .penume of
the nutmeg. Sho leads the Dem
ocratic column in the good n'ghl
against corruption and extravagance,
&n the influence of her victory will
go abroad over the Union with the
most gratifying resulty.
XoniEEuiTouoriHiOcAia: .
How boy" iu lust week's Guard seems to
think that Newcomerought to air the game
question, and that tbe game law hut been
reckli'Snly violated j and you advise bim to
consult a Justice of tbe Peace or the grand
jury. Now I submit tout our game law as
it stands on the statute book, is a nulKty ;
and that neither gTaod jury nor Justice of
the Puace can construe it to vufuable or re
strictive purpose. Our Representatives in
tho last Legiiilatnre, from ibis county, la
bored to repeal it entirely ; (or that purpose
Hon. J. T. Mullock iutroduced bis bill it
was his only one, 1 believe. Tbut was his
bnbby and be, I believe, was backed by Hon.
Hayes and Donk in bis efforts. If We munt
bve a gntne law, let'shave legislators know
what we want. Speak out. ."
Yours, etc., Pi.owmah.
bfKi.voriKLD, April 4tb, 1876.
to the Eunoa of The Ouabd:
Having noticed several communications in
your paper from Newcomtr.ln some of which
1 think be has done great injustice to tbe
farmers of this county, aud not wishing aucb
essertions to go abroad and have people
think thy are true, 1 wish to try to Correct
some of bis errors. It seems to me that
when a person writes for a newspaper be
should confine himself as near as possible to
the truth, especially if he writes for informa
tion and about a large class of people. Now
I wish to say I don't di ny but there is room
lor great improvement amongst the farmer
as well as amongst all other classes of peo
ple, but 1 do deny that they are guilty df all
the charges prefcred by Newcomer. I think
the farmers of Lane county, and of Oregon,
will compare favorably with lanmirs of any
other State. True, they may not have
fine improved farms us in other Stales, but
in Improvements, tbey are the crjnul of any
new biato, Dot exoupitng his favorite "Cali
fornie. It nny be iu hie .native Ht-te the
farmers dooo all the nviuufucturing, but
where I camo from they did not. lie blamvt
us for not buying Oregon made impleinmta.
Would he or bis kind pay ono-third more
for Oregon made bacon, lard flour or butler,
than bia Uvonte California il it was lual us
good f if not then he need not bUme us In
hi IrlWf of K'bruury Mb. he viaita what he
calh) ad average farmer, and be etutes lhal
thvy buy evervthinjr they eat exceDt flour.
at leant every thing be enumerates, and that
is s oamuer ol articles and all ot bis favorite
Calilomia brand. Now did ho believe anv
one would believe this to be true f When
little fttrihar on he says, -end so k is wilh
oine-ieiiibs uf the farmers in this county.''
And then to cup the whole, he says, "and
some ant too lazy to raise- their flour;" Now
a peraoti would like to know where they got
tbe money to buy with when they sold noth
ing. in your iesue of Februuiy 1 2th, he
puts it on a hittuetronger ; beya --there hi
not one iu Bftr tbl has anvihimr aoed
but all have to buy and iu all lira letters
ne mates about the same. Jow I huve uot
been to every mun's boiwe In Ilia eounlrv tn
bee just what he pais, but I suppaae Spring
ucm proriiicv io oe anout an average ot the
wuuty.andso far aslbiesectien is concerned
llirj m ao truth in the stuteinenls. 1 con
.,.ii i . i .
wijBBii ')out a cureless a larmer as
any. a id in five yeara I don't think 1 hav
Snt five dollars lor any thing thai could
be raised On the farm, and have aold
several tuoiNwnd dollars worth. I Imve
eitco let vegefabUs rot in the fur Jen
riur man io mini mem ic town auo? nrn
around aud beir some one to take them. 1
certainly must doubt there being Calilomia
hams here, as 1 kuo there ia and bus been
plenty of Oregon bacon bars for all, uok,
ii ne like my p- neuce hi hop j 1 appose
New Oner will ackiiDwIoJge there is hi'p.
enounh ra sed In tbe county lor home Cou
sumption A short thne ago I was getthiit
aome articles in a drug more, wunted a few
Bop, the druegist said bia were CMilornia
hop I arked him the price, he emd one
dollar pound ; On jru bops I believe am
worth Id els. I don't know but aom of
your grocery stor? nwy woik on the- rame
principle, rd brug things from California
when thev cuaid pet them as well here
Now M Nw (!on,er savs be onlv atme
Uct, 1 wont aic bim to nam nine-unths ol
tba farmer in- this precinct thai lire u he
my tbey do, but 1 d r t helieva liter ij one
io ins wiiole precmcx (and it is a lrp 0ej
uiiwm ii ia a -.ww coiner, ami I know
the sertlwM rive them consideralile of am-li
nin. i as an hitlivniual nre nut wliai
New Comer writw. but Hr Ihw good of oar
onmy ae enouitf write the trtith tbn
araiers are naeu to bearing a good det aad
u(iK).e can siaml it. i mwat ae a
curiosity lor some to koow just how aiuck
producnv weal ib New Cower civdi'i Hut
as ibis eomiiiumcalioo is growing loo long,
wt doa't car anything aboat It in
Tke municipal elections io Ohio Ur
beB controlled bv local ouestiona rsihr
than party pnlitM, and Ihe rvsull therefore
is inJecv for eittwr nie.
Tba greroback rartvooUriJ ? 5iV mi .
tba recent elect loe io Com ecticul. If ik..
kwp oo the will b ebhr lo elect Dm
rwideot probably by the next Ceoten-
Mirth, tbe '
it tiMi acainst IVknsn. k.
Good seed wheat is worth SI a "busa il in
Yamhill county, ' . ' '
The Aihlund Woolen MaoufactDring Omn
psny baa suspeuded oporatioos for a few
Adolph Joron, Frenchman aged 35 years,
was drowned at Portland last Saturday
An infant daughter of II. C. Bungher of
Ensl Portland was strangled to death while
nursing a (ew uigbls since.
The Kinnison brothers started from Ra
ker county lust week for Aiizona or Wyom
ing wilb 1,000 bead of cattle aod a Dumber
ot Sue horses.- - '
Mr. Sam. A. Mahaffey is to start a Dem
ocratic paper at La Grande, Oregon, to be
culled Oregon Review. The first number
will appeur in a week or two.
Tbe company owning the Fort Lane dig'
gings, in Jucksop county, propose bring ng
in a duel) from Kunes creek, though tney
may not do il this season.
Mr. E. Dixon, of Douglas county, claims to
nave the mammoth radish of the Mate, it
wtiuhs just 24-tbs. He Jius reset it for the
purpose of raising seed therefrom.
Several months tea a Linn county woman
got a pin in her ear, anil it remuii.ed there
until a lew days aun, giving oer greut pain.
A doctor removed it and ail parties are glad.
There are -cattle buyers now in . Umatilla
comity commanding a canitul of not less
than S'O,0U0. Financially, this sum, il
spent there, world material! assist tbe peo
ple. .Itepnrts reaeh the Baker 'City Democrat
tbut a very ricb lede bus been discovered
on Karnt river, near Weatberby's toll pte,
showing rich rock ia free gold and four feet
Several of tbe "boys" who have wintered
in I'eudleton begin to get tbe mining fever,
und are anxious to start forthe mines some
for one section, some for another section,
aud a good many for (Jrunile creek.
Until further notice there -will be bet One
Ireight train a day passing Albany , goinit
south on Mondays, Wednesdays nd Fri
days, and north on Tuesdays, Tiiursdays and
.Saturdays. Shippers will luke due notice
nf the fact sud govern themselves accord
ingly. A -stepson of Mr Manuel Knight, of Cor
vans, was taken totheasylum at lCist Fort
land on Tm-sday. The unfortunate youth
has been alllictel for a number of yeara, and
at lust his inuladj bus become such that it
wus necessary to place bim uuder proper r
'eFk is preereseing fairly on the cnpitol
huiluiiig at bulem. JN early hII the work un
der contract bus received the first coal ol plas
ter, anil u part the second coat. I he mortur
lor deadening the floois is all in place, end
the Hour ol the stutj library ts nearly com
pleted. The 'Yamhill 'Reporter says : The grand
jury Wus to have met on Monday last, aud
on Tuesday morning three of our youths
strapped knapsacks and struck for the moun
tains. The grand jury didn I etj the lioys
uro expected liuc'l every day and will prob
ubly be fully s nsible that ihi-y have mad" a
water haul" all around. ,
The Giant County says "there nre
places on the Dulles military road A-herx the
bottom bus dropped out. if l he ltoud Com
pany should folio their rosd lo where it
ought logo, they would find a wuriner climate
than (jriiiit cminly. Like a great serpent, it
has dmgtjifl' itsell Ibroiigh Ihedohn Day yul-
ley, poisoning tne whole country."
Sumuel French, ol Prairie '!ity, (Jrunt Co ,
met wilh a fad accident Saturday before lul
He had Plurtid home ft-oin Cimyon City, und
when a (ihoit diuee. Irom MKrysvilla. hi
horse (dipped while erossing a bridge, mid fell,
breaking I lie lrn b'lie of his right leg
uboul an inch above I he uncle. Th - tract nre
wus a p-.:ii:lul one, but will nut cripple bim
The Jacksoirville Timtt Ititrs "posses
roiimi a lellnw not unknown in l ortland
"A deud beut, known in this vicinity as Jut-
H'.l. -I J I , . .
i niiers, aiojieii ior iarteuilKllown lasl Wiv
taking with him a watch belonging to lien
Kuhli and other valuables of which be w
uot. the owuer. lit sides leaving sundry uu
paid bill. He is supposed lo have gone
southward, ond uiav eaMly be known by lb
"iung-uog eaprussion tbat ever hauuts -h:
Mr. 4. Henry Hrown. Stcretarv of th
Pioneer Association of Oregon, ststes that
be transactions and address of the re
union ol IS, j have been printed and are
now in tbe hands ol the book-binder Th
years' transact ion uiake a ramnhlet of 8
pages, and will be very interesting, as there
is a great oval ol history contuine.i it th
aiiciresaos ot J. w. rsejmith and Ueo,
Curry. '1'he Society ia la a Drosourous cou.
Mrs Mercy Warwick, tn old ladvetred 84
yeara. was found dead in Iwr bed last Friday
inorning, ine in mat., at l lie residence oio.
of ber grandchildren, with whom she was 1 i
ing. near Sandy Itidge, about ten miles froi
.noun, oue nan ueeo co.nulaininir severa
days previous of erysipelas iu ter arms, but
was auoot tn hnue as mual. About day
light on tbe morning ol her death she col un
auu went lit me noor and n Dieted the watch
nog, whicl) was barking, alter which she re
luruvii io ueu, ami was lound a few mm a les
later in the Cold embrace ol death.
Work on the Virtue mine near Baker (Vt
is bring pushed ahead rnjudly. and the have
struck the lichest rock that has ever been
lound in llie Mvt. I be tuueriutndi.nt
Aalt llvde, is Workitig eTiivthiiur lo rhe
wsi Buvsoiuirt. ne lei a c-n tract some
lime amrat 5ts per foot, to pirlieslo sink a
main emirs ittu leet, wnu-bbas just beeu coin
jneieii aim on last I uesoay auolher Contract
u to be let to sink the chaft on handrwl
ieei ueef)er. i on shun will atrika the b-dge
some 400 leet below the ol tbs earth.
rroia wntcq IDe ure will be hasled aod sent
io ihe mill io a -shelo." thus doing awa?
ilk Ik- .J.I I .-11 1 " .. . J
' uiu iiiiiiiri aru uano ora Kaktr
i ity owei of ita prosperity to the Vir
tue Ultll.
The (Jrand Ju ol the District of Colum-
oia poi) io luily invesiit.ta the Harring
.. ,.u,j;..rj wanner I lie lJljlr ct
Allortxy is vii:1n or otherwis-. t . imn
beariiHf of this aVtrtmnatirm of that bodv
, v.i I, I . rf
vumniiua iriai.o aia oilier nv.i..w
and eiecutivw ofSoera were Iskro whh a
uddru leaving aud Wabiogluo is ndiervd
of their petiiicioaa prvsvoce.
A dori. fatal to both parties, orrnrrwl
near Richmond n tLe 3,1 ini.. htw.n I I
I, KubinsiMi and Jessw MitchH : the iMiir
' J"i aoa me lormer ctouot survive.
Tbe Prreident bas itrnrOTrd in healih km
evidently ool in spirits.
General SLoroiaa hsa rcnmmnoVd tba
traosier t tbe JoJua Boraau to tbe War S
It is charged by tbe New York Sun Ciut
the Government has' in in employ in iin-
nonani coftOdentiul nofitious, notorirus
blackmailer, who art utterly disreputable
in character, ,'. I
Retail Produce aad Provision Alarket.
The following are retailers' prices
fLOUn-ilbl ' 00 H 50.
COHN MEAL -Ok'Hob grooad, la bulk'te.
WHKAl Best wlrKe 8.5o.
OATS-WOo ) bushel.
BEAVS-lteUlt, 63.
BUTTKR Fresh rolls, ITlc.
COFI-'KB-CosU Bica, iltfo-, Bio, J; Java, 33.
ground, 37.
CHKE8B Oregon. IS 9. '
CANPLE8- box t 0034 60.
K;8 IS c. ' ' i.
POTATOEH-per bushel, $1.
BACOX-Sides, 12i';jUam,12i(3 ISc; Shool
der,8IOc. CHItiKENS I? SO $' 00 per dozen.
FIHH-Salmon. choice, hf bbU. $7 J SOW kits,
tS: bellies, U A kits, 14 SO ; mackerel, kit, $5;
codlish, cot, 16c. -'
LAHD-Tinj,10lr;huIk,I5c. '
8UUAR-8. F. K. 1'if;; Island 1015c; criuh
td, I He; powdered, 30c.
8ALT-Crman Island V J00 75: Bay
$1 75; Liverpool Dairv. 13; eoorse Liverpool, tl.
TKA -Choice Green St SO ft Japan 75c.
BVKCP Heavv Golden. 00 ) kg.
()ILS--Pevoe's'coal, 75c; Linseed, boded, tl;
China Nat. tl.
CANNKt) GOODS Oyster, 50c; Burdines 371
yssorted Jellies, fi'c; Gr"u Corn, 50c; Peaches
6iKi f omawes, S7o i ,
"6 wad some power the gift to gi'e us,
To see outsel s as itksis sea us."
Heboid tbut pule, euiucmted figure, with
downcast eye, like oome crimiual about to
meet tier fate! bee tbut nervous, distrustful
look, s Bhe ws.ks along wilb a slow and un
steady step. The pink has left ber cheeks
and the cherry ber bps. I he once spark
ling. dan:ing urea are now-dull and expres
signless. The once warm, dimpled hands
are now thin and cold. .Her beauty bus
fled. What has wrought this wuadrous
change; What is that which is lurking be
ueaib the surfuce ol tbut once lovely lorm T
Does stieroalife her 'terrible ceudition ? Is
aha aware of -the -woelul appearance she
makes? Woman, from ber very nature, is
subject to a catalogue ol diseases irom which
iiiRii is entirely exempt. Many of these
maladies are induced by her Own barelesH-
ness, or througu ignorance of tbe laws of her
being. Again, many Female 'Diseases, if
properly treated, might be arrested iu ibeir
course, amU Hereby prove of short duration.
Tbey sbould not be lelt to an inexperienced
physician who do 4 uot underetatid I he it na-
lure, and is, therelore, incompetent to treat
them. -The importance of unending to Fe
m ale tliseiisfs in their earliest stages cannot
oe too strongly urged, ror if neglected,
they frequently lend to. Consumption ,'Chroi
ic t'ebiliiv. and ollenthiee to Insanitv. In
all classes of Female Diseases, Dr. Pierce's
l-uvorite 'lVsciiption Is without a livul
No niedicine has ever surpassed it. Iu '-The
People's Common Seuse Medical Adviser,'.
of wlHth R. V. Pierce, M. D . of Hnff.lo, N .
i , is the author and publisher, is uu extend
ed treatise on Woman and hkkDiskasks.
Coder this heed, -the various uhVctions to
which woman is incident are curelully coti
Sidered, accurately portrayed, and a reS'oru
IrVe course ol Irealiileiit Suggested. Every
woman, as she values her li e and heullh,
snoulil possess a copy or ling vuluuble book
If elm be diseased, this "Adviser ' will show
her how the umy be restored to health und
alsojilireci her how she may ward off many
m. dailies to which she is constantly being
exposed. Let every ButF-ring woman heed
Him limwly aHvirend ee lierse'f an
mr. I'Mce til AOvbVr, tfl St) (post-paid) to
any address
phjsioiau who has watchel theeffeotsofltALr'S
Homr or Uohuocxd amu Xab, in chiunie eoiils,
coughs or iufluenw, will hesitate to say that tt if .he
hueit pulmooic yot discovered.
Pike's Tuothaehe Drops cure in one minut). '
POLO'S E.XrJCT-Thouian4s of phvui-
oiaBsuf all sV'huols-Aliopiithie, 'Iloiauhipathic, Bn.
wmc an l nicotic - ro in the lmbit of prosurihing'
Pomu's ExTUACTsni bearteatimonT to its many vir
tues as a Pain Dertroyer. an 1 to ita lra.uii. mir...-
lous healing properties. Sold by all druggists;
f The National Gold Medal -as Swarded to
Bradley Hulolsou for the best PhoUigraihs in the
Uuited gtates, aud the Vienna Medal for the best
iu the world.
429 llontitumerv Street, Sn Francisco.
A jiGEM "'"" in Terl" eounty for
. Frank Leslitla Newapaper and
mairaiirnes, the oHrat established IllustratedPeriod.
ioals in America. They are now drat offered to can.
vmers, who will. If they seoura au agency and ex-
cmiiive territory, be enabled tointwluca Screnteen
Fint-clims llluatiated Periodical., suited to as many
dUtinHtostesorwunU, and, with th. thoioa from
Eight new aud beautiful chroiooa, given free ot cost
to eucbxumiuU ,ulribcr, be enabled to secure ane
or moie subscriptions in every family in their dis
trict To nkillful canv,ter this will aecure perms
ncut empluyinent, nd the renewals each iiir will
he a source of tel rand a.,.,. . ' c .
men pa;.r. and moat IHerul term, scut to all anpl
eout. who name the terntorr they deaire to cM.ii-
li.T,. A"'T ie,rtiDettt. K.ank Iwlie . Pub-
, UJI rrari nireet, AeW XiH'k.
VTai fminded in the year 18?. -with a Canitul
Stock of Hft0,00u,ohaG.4dCoiB Bisis. and in
corporated under the hw. ot tbe State of t)Vegdo.
P. fitni, President.
K. Ql-AraiXBi-a. Vice Presided.
I. W. iikHKLD.SecrcUry.
W. S. Lapp, Treswirar. .
K. Krn,ra, Attorney. .. .
M.P.Moasi, Uanairer.
'aIiaS, w. H ErrtMew,
S. Ldd. w. Winma
aifa. . i, i.,,.' .
Qi Ariijursa-, U P. Moasg, '
1). TT. WirtriBLa.
. f rfVE AGE.S.A. tf. C. D. t. :
Agea brtweta I k II aaaaal Dremlaa. l; no
11 k iO " i oo
' - - :: i
MA6J ,
Or m wa.y ke paid st anyone Ha. M,
t PaKy.aB4 ao lurtlwr Ann,,. I P; ,i.
her,,eTf,,,uwrp,,Bwlt eKrPt for
leito A wavaests h) tta: iJ iiTaaa as tbey
nuy occcr.
1 - Local A?cat
v ii i r.Gm ?- B"WELL ..y
l , fflf." C ' NELSON'S
:' . "'
' I ITS flTflVP rf Irnri Kina Vmrl I fill
I ' ii .
Tun inic iiucau ur TOE
Fruit Grower, the Farmer, the Irrigator
There are several reasons why this Mill abouid be
pieterred to all others:
1st. It is far more durable because It ts all
2d. ' It Is Cheaper because of ita simplicity and
d-nability, and will ootlast several Wooden Mills.
3d. It is Less Complicated, because there is only
time pieces of operating machinery.
4th. It is mre powerful1 than any other Mill,
on account ol the thin 'an, and consequent in
creased suction of air, and because it b operated
by an ecceutric, being Tar superior to tbe crank
shaft or rest pin, as a lifting aud falling power.
6th. It needs no ca:e, no watching, bavhg
elf-leeding oil caps and self-regulatiug voaes.
it regulates, protects and takes care of itself. ,
6th. It never warps, shrinks, or swells, hence
it is not liable to get out ot order. Once up, it
goes all rlubt. ,
tth. 'It does diore work, runs easier and throws
a laiger body of water. It will submerge a larger
tract of land, witb p-Hswind and in a shorter space
nf. tune than any other Windmill now in use." it
may be set to turn out of the wind at any desired
ures-ine, there being a graduated lover for that
8th This Mill took the only premium given at
the Calilomia State Fair, over tbe many others;
there ua exhibition. .
' ' " PItlcFuST:
fl Foot Wheel ....$120'
10 ' " ; 140
11 " " 160 -
Mills and County rights for sale by
V. R. Lano Omcs, I
Tlhurti-Ha. March 13th, 1878. f
the Office by J.W. rhesber ag'iinst J. C.
Audeiso i Inr abandoning his donation .-lain upon
the N. 1 of S. B. t and K. of 8. W. i Section 2,
Town-dnrHiO. lbnige 5 West in Lane couuty, Or
euon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry:
the said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at tHis Office on the 22d day of April, 1876, at 10
o'cloYS a. m , to respond and furnish testimony
concerning said alleged abandonment.
Wm. R. W I LL18, Register.
J. C. FUI.LERTON, Receiver.
Reeetrt porillcnl events strongly Indicate a
speedy return of 'the Democratic party to supreme
power in the nation The Hmn-e of RepresenU
tir.r is now Dtmncmtie by a large majority; the
government or more than one half of the States
la administered by Democrats; the parly enters
upon the Presidential contest with the brightest
hopes, and under the mot substantial tncourage
menf. .
The womfWrul revelations of rascality and'eor
runtion oh the part or Republican leaders, which'
have burdened the pres and horrified the people
during the past three. years, nwke ft clearly the'
duty of every man to take an acilve nart in ih
great contents the present year. More than ai
any previous lime in the history oT tbe country, a
Irustwofthydsily newspaper is now necessary to
rvm- citizen, in order that ha n, inf0iu..,ti
diselisfae jih political -duties, The Chicago
........... vminCT i. a consisieni nemocratlo
newspaper. It will lie devot' d tn ib. r
aiding iu rescuing the nation from the party that
tasdebsucbed its service, squandered its treasure
and enslaved its liberties. Jt will advocata a
a eedy return to specie payments, but believes
that tins result should be hrnntrht ah fit it alsnut nav
economical management ot the Government, aud
J 1 ""scimem. it believes in green
backs at par, and the same enrrpneo rv n, ..t'
mi . fw" " wl" aavocsie Home Rule, Free
Trade, and Public Economy, the mid cardinal
princi les of the democratic party.
The Courier hns estublUhed a widespread repn
wtnm as a lirat class ncwsiaper. The aim of its
management is to make it all that the publio in
these hurrying days ran desire. namclya com
plete newspaper. Every facility known to mod
era Journslwu will be utilized to insure tbe
. - , , , j ' 1 uv B ,
prompt presentation of all important intelligence
from s i parts of the woild, wbi e tte utmost
Ciim Will I .A ai-na,l....J 4 1
whie tte utmost
UK milt ...! am im
oith printing. In ai,rt tin, rn, ;. ..
" t-A.-u Ml if I lUal flit i l sue h usi im
all the news as promptly any other paoer. and
ccnaenaea into amipie attractive and reiflabhV
form than t bNnket sheets.
Terms-Mail suescnption, posUge free, six
'"J'er annum, or fitty cent per month, ia
Haa alarw tlrculation in every westers BUtw
snd Territory, h u our aim to make the Weekly
Coune, th. beat family p.pc, w tte Wert, ,n
ball Cnntinne to i re in it. . i "
a ount ol miseellaueous reading matter, such as
stories t ,ea. p,ms. acientiDe inte.ligenct an"
ajrricnltaral infrnmation lor which we are not
!..! u'T' ru"m 10 onr daily edition. The
aKHculturald paitmenteapeiiiail,;,!, beonecj Z
i ---ur. i ue lA-nmns are a so rein
arlv reotorteda tarolnn,n. .j .Tl "u
kersof 've.ykii.d
leims i. peryetr, postpaid. -
T rtVllF"1 T ? Hn"CK8 BRAND
x ol ior sale on ! v h
ita medieal powers
orertbe Unnaa Hair.
' his prpparatma eradi-eat-s
arf Io
druff, exciting- a ktal
thy action tt tbe rooU
of the Hair, tberah
unproTina iu arowtk
and Beauty, and ta a
re mreatrre for
ll tna., and by iu
i-einent na raoan the
Hair to Mona ita for
mer heaJthtn anil K.I1.
iiant appearaiice. Iu
TNGEVB cttt, obegox.
AJ kT o tajrf aad t.rr aale. a fine aaaortawai
T. 0. HEXDRirKS. -
W. J proprrtiea
'ender it fndiapraaabie
tly'i Toilet,
iaia preparatioa as
P"!y TflreuO.1. Pre
pared aad ssM by