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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1876)
i . n rrg..y rtrtlflcali of publication YlirS SULHinfutur,. ITS tv-to '"" '-birriben name fiiili .Jl'Ai tint ofetpirution of tubtoription. iwwheB. Simula Announcement of birtha, maS ' nli doHuiU be iiuorted without charge. oTStSy n.i chnrei t' at u. o 10 w iti par line. wy,u,umnoreponlbillty for view txpreued creorrePondenU. fliul oopie" of tin Ooabd, In wrapper for mail- j Saw U obtained at thia office. CITY AND COUNTY, .', About a Slndat Law. A correspond- nt of the Ortgonian volunteers the 'infor mation' that "all the saloons" in '"Eugene - "sell liquors via the bick . door on Sundays the same as oo other dajs." He says "more i Jiquora ia drunk oo Sundays now than before the passage of the law." He is sure of this thins; for be says "I know whereof I speak." We think this correspondent is mistaken. We don't mind admitting that we-do Dot know whereof we speak when we express an oninioo that his statement is false, but we do kooV that every man engaged to the sa loon business in Eogene is a law 'abiding man, and since this Sunday law went Into effect we have never seen nor heard of any person being drunk on the streets on San- ' day, until to day, although we had both seen and beard of such cases prior to that time. If "M. L. U." knows whereof he speaks it ib his duty as a citizen to report the men who violate the law to the City Marshal. But ) he has not stated facts, and has no facts to report. .' Adtovatio Min.; Cariuaob. We saw one day this week in operation at Abrams Bro.'s planing mill an automatic saw mill 'carriage which will be of inestimable 'Talue toowoere of saw mills. This arrangement does ' away entirely with the labor of one or two '' meu's work. It is calculated to saw cants which have been first cut in the ordinary way. Then a cant say 12 inches thick, no .matter bow wide, is put on the carriage, and 1 It may be set to cut it into boards "of any width, from t of an inch'up,' without any attention other than removing the bourds as they come from the saw. The machine is "the invention ofV. II. Abrams. It will ' shortly be placed in the saw mill, and when fairly running we shall give a more explicit description ol it. . Citizen' Meeting. At the meeting called by the citizens for -the purpose of nominating city officers on Thursday evening, March 30tb, 18TG. J. II j'D, Henderson was chosen Chairman and J. J. Walton, Jr. Secretary. i: On motion the following resolution was 'adopted : . , Resolved, That we are in favor of main taining tho lute law enacted by the Common Council, and that we hereby pledge ourselves to support tho same. ,.. The following nominations were made : for Councilmen, Capt. X. L. Packard, R. 0. Callison and J. G. Gray ; Reorder, G. S. Walton ; Marshal, M. D. Harris ; Treas urer, Mark Stevens. , Should k Attrxded. The school meet ing at the district buooI house in this place '"noit Monday ought to be attended by every toter in the district. It is proposed to levy a tax to' build a school house, and the prop osition is warmly advocated by some and "strongly opposed by others. If the ? oters 'turn out as they should and express their sentiments on the question, the minority 'will probably accept the result without com plaint, while the action of a slimly attended meeting might be a cause of much dissatis faction. The meeting takes .place at 1 o'clock. , '. j- , Junctiom Cut School. J. C. Bolan, ;teacher of the Junction' City publio school furnishes the;following report for the school year ending April 3d : No.'pupila unrolled, -34; average attendance, '91. Roll of Honor Lucy J. Bfcshoell, 'Helen V. 'Cuahndl, Amelia Houston, Ftt'e Kreuta.'Jane Moore, Grant Test, Grant Cutrmins, Lufa 'Lemons, James Lemooe, Eva Washburne, May Test, -John Bundy. ' . :r " Quarterly Mhktino. The Quarterly Meeting of the Methodist jCburcb will com mence at the church in this pluce to-day and continue over to morrow. At Monroe 4)0 the 8th, and Oth ; at Springfield (Fall Creek) on the 15th and ICth, and at Cres well oo the 22d and 23d. Vivian. The Tlvian-Kohler Troupe gave two entertainments this week to tol erably fair sized audiences. ' Of the inimit able Vivian we need say nothing more than that he was himself. Mr. Kohler is a mini Cal genius and the Uospe deserves a good "patronage. 1 BBctivaD.--The second n'miber of Vick's Floral Guide for 1876 is upon our tabfo. It 1s always welcome, and coots; us much valu able Information for every' florist. Only 25 cents a year published quarterly. Bend to Jos. Vick, Rochester, M . Y. ; Niw Side Tack.A new side track has been put in opposite Sprinj5eld for the con venience of the Springfield Mill Co. They are preparing to ship a larR Quantity of lumber this spring. L " Elections. Besides the city and school lections ceit Monday, the Sre company elect officers for tie ensuing year. Electioc a the court bouse io the evening. . RrKOVlD R. J. 'j'ratam. merchant tai lor, baa removed to the room formerly occu pied by O. M. Cooper, I rat doer south of . Peters'.. , . , .', Agency for iVesbek, Comet 'Ue, BtaVAJf k IItde aod other varieties of Piano Standard Orpac. and greoeral musical mercBiodise li. H. Gray, at Lll fcatUT Drug-Store. School Superintendent's Report. From the annual report of Superintendent Callison to the State Superintendent of Publio In struction for the year euding March 31st, 1876, we take the following statitlics : Whole number school districts in county, 65; number reporting, 65; number of persons between 4 and 20 yeurs of age, 3,784; num ber of pupils enrolled, 2,047; average daily attendance, 1,408; number or teachers era ployed, 82; number of applicants for tecah era certificate, 65; number ot pupils enrolled in private schools. 360; number not attend ing any scbool, 984; number of teachers em ployed In private schools, 9 ; nftmber of pri vate schools, C; number of school bouses biult'.during the year, 6; number in thecouo-tv.-Gl; estimated value of same 58.544 80, estimated valuel scbool furniture. 8978 10; average salary per'month paid male teachers, 3 10 '63; average of female teachers, 831 43; ' FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Amt'of funds Id bands of dial, clerks March 1.1875..; 11,150 01 Am't raised by district tax 6,034 18 A m't apportioned to school dials, from comity fund 7,152 09 A m't of county county apportionment ol the State school fuud for March and September..-. ... ' 2,307 53 Am't raited by rate bills ... 2,4'.a U Am't raised from all other sources 177 20 Total ......tldjil 12 DISBURSEMENTS. Am t paid for teachers wages during year ending March 1. 1870 $12,600 37 Ain't paid for rent of school rooms and for repairs on school bouses.... ... 749 93 Am't paid for fuel and other necessary in Identals .' 071 12 Am't paid for school house honro aitei aud for building school houses 3,366 69 Total am't paid out for school pur poses $17,484 10 Amount of school funds In the hand of - district cerka, March 1, 1670 $1,843 02 Am't of uoapportioned funds in hands of county treasurer 5,676 00 Not Settled. From the subjoined item taken from the Albany Democrat ot Thurs day, it would appear that there are still fears that the late suicide at Albany really was O. II. Mitchell of this county, though it will be seen that (he chances are against settling the matter' 'definitely wrthout con siderable delay : Mr. J;"S. Fulccr, the son-in-law of O. II. Mitchell, arrived in the city yeBterduy for the purpose of finding out if possible whether or not ibe person who committed, suicide on the 4tD of .March at the depot, was U. H. Mitchell, his father-in-law.. Mrk F.'suw a number of persons who saw the deceased on the date ot bis death, but got .bo 'many dif ferent, aud conflicting descriptions .of the person, that he obtained permission tojopeu the grave and if possible determine the ques tion as. to the identity of the uofoeluoate man. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Falger, in company with Mr.OT. Smith, ot Tangent, and Messrs. Richard Fox and Ueury f. J. ill, of this city, proceeded To the cemetery and opeued the grave.. They found a. colli n nicely trimmed, with - a snow white pillow, but no heud n stiiix uuon it.-;'The casket containod no mortul remains bet two gunny sacks filled with sand. ..Mr. Faluereajs that the grave has upparently never- been opened, and that the cotlin never has held a corpse. He leels certain that the 'unfortunate man was bis father-in-law, and the'only Ibin that can couviuce him otherwise, wouiu oe tne appearance of Mr. Mitchell alive ; aod be requests us to ask any person kuowin of O. U. Mitchell being alive, tnai tuey win im mediately notify him at Philomath, Denton county. Now in regard to this suicide: Yesterduy in an interview with the "wife and daughter of 0. II. Mitchell we were shown a letter Irom V. I3. Rice of Albany wbo was pres ent at the inquest; from this letter Mrs. Mitchell is fully satisfied that it wus not her husbaud. The suicide is described explicit ly. None of the clothing corresponds to that worn by Mitchell when he left borne. The suicido was a man about forty-five, or not to exceed fifty years old ; Mr. Mitchell is sixty years of age, and is not so well pre served that anyone wonld underestimate bis ago. The suicide was not bald-beaded ; Mitchell is. As stated, all of Mr. Mitchells family io this place are satisfied that tbe bags of sand found in the grave represent the remains of some one else than 0. II. Mitchell. From the Albany Democrat. Several years ago 1 was well acquainted with 0. 11 Mitchell aud J. S. Felgur, theo living in Kugene City. Isaw Mr. Mitchell in Albany about two mouths ago. I also saw the body of the person who committed suicide on the 4th ol March at tbe depot, and know that it was not the ' body of Mr. Mitchell. J. li. uiluebt. J auction Ctty Hem. Jpnctios City, March 28th, 1876. The amount of wheat shipped annually from this place is about 2D0.O0O bushels. Tbe failure ol Mr. Lemon, proprietor cf the lurge warehouse With steam elevaters. created t'nito a little panic among the farm era wbo bad stored grain with him, bat I believe the gen:al opinion now is that the loss is not so great as at first supposed. Business in this IcJili'y is dull'S3 is usu ally tbe case ut this season of the year.. Pol itics seem to be at a very low tlb, there be iuir but very little said I V either party aod no aspirants fur riflices button-holing the lo cal politicians. However, it is early vet and tbe campaign mav vet be a liveJy one. But be that as it may, be assured that this pre cinct will do tbe bandome thing at tbe polls. We bave been grtdually building and fenc ing until tbis place has something of the ap pearance of a town, and a stranger woul I not guess tbe age of the town to be less tbin twice, fuur years. Four years ago last Sep tember toe first improvement was com tnenced, and we now bave a population of near, five Hundred and a Capital of about SiiO.OOO. V, e have one cbercb, one school bouse, three dry good stores, two drug stores, two variety stores, two hardware stores, a planing mill and lumber yard lurnitore store aod a Bomber of other shops etc., wbicb go to make op a town. . ' B Notice to the P. of It. There will bi a meeting of Lne Connty Council at Eugene City on Tuesday, April 1 1 th. at 1 0 o dock a. A general attend ance of the represent lives of all the Urao res in tbe county is desired, as business of the utmost importance to tbe order, will be considered. AH fourth degree members art i cordially invited to attend. ' . I Jon Kiixr, Preeideat. HASH, AirfcohV Day. City loctlon,next Mopday. Garden making 1s now In order. lien Simpson left Washington last Tuos day. I. 'W.'-Kanoff and family have returned from the East. , An extra train loaded with ' wheat from Roscburg went below on Tuesduy. Dr. Alvewon has opened a druo; store on Willamette street near the corner ol Seventh. Tha city election next Monday promises to be one of the most interesting for years. An offjeer'from Wyoming has taken tbe man Ritter who was arrested here, back to that Territory. Quite a number of German emigrants came to this place last Monday. They are looking for lands to purchase. Johnny Cray is a candidate for City Treasurer. Johnny is a cood boy and if elected will we doubt not servo the city with fidelity. S. J. Saxon n running tbe saloon relin quished by Hrown & Fletcher last Saturday, with Dun Lemon, "Innocents Abroad," as bar-tender. - ' According to the reports of the school clerks there are 1,847 voters in Lane county. According to the Assessor's report last year there were 1,777. The eclipse last Saturday was not alto gether a success io this locality. It rained some, and the boy did not do a good job smoking the glass. Preaching this evening at 7. o'clock by Prof. Powell of Salem, also Sunday morning and evening at the usual boars. All are cordially invited to attend. ' Senator Hippie has introduced a bill to provide for the surveying of the Mcblenzie river. Only the Lord and this Senator know why it should be surveyed. The leap year party on Friday evening 'of last week was not very well attended, fifteen couples onlv beimj. present. The gills seem tri'he a1 little ' she'rt" of'funds. a Mr. Sam SykP8,'who has benn keeping ; saloon here since last June, has gone to Corvallis to engage in the manufacture of beer and English ale and porter; if satisfac tory arrangements can be made. The Chicago Post says that women have pore mental work to perform than' men. Yes ; we olten think as we see women mak ing tidies, rag-carpets, or trying ha and epira, that it must wear fearfully oo her men tal fcystom. The Corvallis Gazelle says : Rev. E.'A. Judkins hao given up his work as pastor of fhe M.'R.'Chnrth for Corvallis charge, and returned to his homo in Eugene City. Iua bility of the church, in consequence of the tumoral of several members, to'ive him sufficient support, was the cause.. . The Albany Dcmocra'. is responsible for this r The Chinaman that bosses the culi nary tlennriment of tbe St, Charles Hotel, went to" F.ngeno City last week and bnnght a wife, for which he paid $150. Tbe mar riage and reception of the happy couple in this city were way-up. The almond-eye beauty received the congratulations of the Celestial nooulation of Albany. As she is 3 lie only lemale of the Chinese persuasion iq tle city, she beads the laenions and ot course, is the toast. Thus we glide. New Firm. . i I hereby notify the publio that I hflve this day associated with me-in my business II. V. stratton.. The business will bo continued hereafter under the firm name of Dunn & Stratton. Thanking my old friends and customers for their patronage, I respectfully solicit a continuance of tbe same for the new hrra. Mr books will close with the 31st day of March, 1 havea lurge amount stand m out and as a matter ol convenience io me and you, I would request that you call as soon as convenient ana settle toe same either by payment or note.- April 1st, 1876. Bcttkr. Steinhoiaer received yesterday a lot of (resli California "Gilt-edged" Butter New Goods S. H. Friendly returned from below with new goods yesterday. Par ticulars next week. A. V. goods. Peters & Co. aro receiving new To the Citizens of Lane County. The undersigned have been appointed a committee to receive donations from tho civ izens of this county for the purpose of trans porting the products of this State to tbe Centennial Exnosition. Five hundred dol lars is requested from this county as a loan only. All persons who desire to aid the en terprise will band their donation to one of Ibe committee, by tne lutn uay oi April, who will give a receipt far tne amount ana repay to th party lending when 'an appro priation is made by the State. OEOROB TTUMfcliREY, T. (i. HEVDHICK8, J. J. WAl.TOV, Ja., 0. B. UOEUIH, Commit tee. 'HI SI. ESS NOTICES. ' Settlement franled. 'Having disposer! of tfce St. Chsrleillotel this is to notify all persons having claims against me to present Ibefn to J. J. Walton Jr., for payment. All persons indebted to me will End their accounts In bis bands for collection, and they must' be raid immedi ately. Cius. Baksb. Florence sewing machines a Tariety styles and prices, for sale tj D. B. Gray El'lsworthyprtig Store. Win. -Preston has just received from San Francisco a complete stock of good io bis line, and horsemen will nbd many aselul ar tides not heretofore brongnt here. If yoo want a good pair of glovss, go to Wm. Preston, a(rtc;y for tha Saa Jose! glove mapafactor. , , . , , Fas row Sat. A good faiti for sale oo easy terms, within two milfa of Cres well: 550 acres of laod. aJi ' fenced., irood nooae on the same, and 40U acres cao m . . . . cultivated. If joa want a bargain uJ and tea J.J. Walton, Jr. Bay yocr wall paper already tnmtteJ at k B. Di vv s. J. KILLINGS WORTH & EON, STA:R BAKERY, On Ninth Street, TEEP Kmxtantly on hand, fresh Sugar. .-Tobacco 4 CI frara, ., reaches, Coffee, Canned Uoodt, ' l'lums, Byrup, Cheese, Towder, "Boap, Starch, Tefl'! 8ardlnea, Bait, Candies, Commtal, ' Candles, Nuts, Lard. ' Hour, Etc, Lie. UCSO .'' Bread, Cakes, jHe's, Fruits :and Vegetables. of fTery'dencripttun, which they will tell cheap for cash. Thakful for past favors we solicit aeon tlonauct of the same. Gdods delivered to anypart of the city free of charge.. We are conatanriy receiving: new Goods atd will satiify our customer! lu regard to prices. RENFEEJV'S HOTEL, Kugene Ciiy. A ihare of public patronage Is solicited. . dell A. UEXKUEW, Prop'r. , FOK THE SPKING A SUMMEH TRADE ! WE HEO to inform ur and tin public that w have juit recoiTwl direct from baa Frtncitcoantl tlx Kaatarn rnaikeU AN IMMENSE STOCK . or GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS NOTIONS. CLOTHING, FVRNlSllING GOODS, mvTS And CArs, BOOTS AND SHOES, Glooks, Paints, Oils, Etc., Selected by on: Mr. 8. RossNutaTT,' which We offer at tlEDUCKD PRICKS. PurtlM will find It to (hetr "advantage to'call and examtre our stock and prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Highest prico paid for all k.nds of Produce. S. ROSENBLATT & CO., HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, Hubs, Spokes, Kims, Oak, Ash and Hickory Plank. NOHTllltl'P 4: TIIOIrHSO!V POltTLAND, - OnEQON. on bENEittL .nr.uCHANDisi: uo T.C. HENDRICKS, Watches, Clocks and Jewelrj MUSIC) AND ' ' SEWING MACIILVES fTIHANKING TtlE PUBLIC for their past liber 1 al patronage, we now Invite them to call on n tour new room In Underwood A Co. 'a new brick bloi'k, where may be'found a Kill ( assortment of goods In the above line. ' ' WatcUes, uiotue ana jcweiry rermircu in iub us workmanlike manner auu warranted. J.. .? . , Willamstto St., Sugono City, Orego? , ... CliAIN BROS. N EW PHUO 8TOUE, Willamette street, nex to Driatow 4 to. DKALKBS IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, VARNISHES PATENT MEDICINES, &c. Brandies. Wines and Liquorr OF ALL KINDS. In fact, we hav the beat assortment articles found In a FIRST CLASS DRUG 3T0RE. warrant all of onr drugs, for they areal new and freah. attention Is called to onr stock or Perfumery ahvJ Toilet Articles. As we bave bought OUR (JOOPS FOR CASH We can compete w'tb any eatablinhment Eugene City in pric accommodation. Buy your goods wj. ou can get tbe beat and cheient. Trcscrifticni tarefuy Filltd At all hours of the day or night. October d. 869. 'iOtf. FINE POULTRY Bred by M. EVRE, Jr. NAPA, CuUfbrnia. , Broni Tnrkrye. Wibta(r 40 lh. ai-h. TJndell UMae, iroiKliiajr iruis 40 to M lba. yrr pair. rahmae, Lf burne, liinwt, et'-. Pa kill Iuck.aTenunnr IS to 20 lba., and bret of all lncki a. Layer. Alec A So. aavwtment of Pigeona, Babbita, tiaioat, Fuwle and I'ami Xuf vukty of fowl deairad imparted. KOOS, true to same, freah ltd well packed, for ele at mvleraU pricsa. Bend (or Illaatrated Cirrnlar, and Trim TJat, to M. EYRE, Napa, Cal. Ob neerpt ot 10 sent, ia wtamna T will fnrnUh - - - . I h WirT.l KY fcl'T.l.lrrlV. aa .iT..-.i -.,-,v.i. th. t.aJ .ntbnri- tr in Don tT ia owiltnr mattera ia a. U. awl dw5eilljr tb ),t pitrr Jixtmaj pubauied. ttaMchptiua only P1m iUU hm yo this adrertiMneat. Wm may eleo h lft t tfcw oft. AtRlrl LTI RL all ktada at laeyl tf" iTiPLE.nE.Ta a h, It) A IA8 J 1(11 FOR THE The Largest Stock of G-oodo EVER DROUGHT OUR STOCK, OP li CLOTHING bai been largely Increased and v.-e can ihow a baudxoiue a line o( ready made goods In MEN'SXNR BOYS Business m Drcss ISuHs, At can be found In the county, and a prlcca that cannot fail to Butjsfy. j OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT dwell filled with a aiilendld aafort a '. all the leading styles and fashionable tha ti 'goods. Empress Cloths, llbhair and - American 'Dress Goods. : ria id, Plain and Opera Klannols of all colors. Bleaeiteil &, Unlleitcheil Cotton Fltiiv nels. Ladies' and Gonts' Underwear, S1IAWLS ami SCAllFS; CALLISON & OSBURN RE OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC, Sugars, Teas, CoflVc, Canned Goodfl, Tol).icco & Cirars, Class A Queens- ware, ood and Willowwnre, DREAD, CAKES AND PIES, And in fact everything utuiallv kept in a llrxt oUm (Iwery atore or ILikcry at HKDIiOCK PRICES for cash or ready piy. HutiHfactinn Kuamntccd. (iooda delivered to any part of the city free of charge. NORTH PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OF PORTLAND, ORKGOX. Wai'firsjJd in the ymir 1801, with a Capital Stock of 1100,00(1, on a Gold Coin llaalu, and in corporated under the lrwi of tbe State of Oregon OFFICERS: V. Wasrkm4N, PrMldent. R. Qi'Ai RKNai'su, Vice President. I). W. Waksf-ikld, Secretary. W. S. Ldu, Treasurer. W. II. En'iwiKK, Attorney. M. P., MartdRtir. System. 1u tho Life InnuriTnce rystcm' of this company there are live age or claancs each clans ten different divisions, numbered 1 to 10." Eacb'.dlvlblrn 1 limited to 1 ,000 members.' Each division li separate and dixtlnct each from the other. If a person tako out one policy, then they pay and receive In Divialon No. 1, and no other. If a person take out two policies, ' then they pay and receive In Dlviiionn No. 1 and No. J, and nooth er, and no on up to ten. and when the policy hold tr diet, hU lamily or extate will receive one dollar in U.S. gold ooln for every living member for eaun division ue noma a policy in. TABLE, RATES. LIFE POLICIES, , FIVE AGES-A,B,O.D,E. A Age between 1 A 12 anfaunl premium, .f. 00 B- " " 1220 " " ..6 0(1 C- ' '20&35 '' " ..6 00 D " ' 3S A 80 u " .. 6 00 E - - fiOAdi " " .. 600 Or (25 mny be pnid st anyone time, on any Ills policy, and no further Annual Premium will he required, nftr any fui ther payment, except for Death Aiw iwrienU In that special division aa they may occur. M.P. BURNHAM, Special Agent fur Linn, Benton and Lano Counties. OPIUM OHtf HIBt undJKTkl PTUkl It HABITS imed- Uy cored: painlcw. no publicity. l h-ymemd without inconvenience. An unidoU lh cnttsmi in menu. Send lump, for particulan. PR, CARLTON, iSj Washugtoa Street, Chicago. IiL a a m m nibble on U.a mjritenee fllliniT eflh.a.uaJn.lein, IU abuM, IfllllllS" liWfrle to the U U 1 1 Um Mienee of tevn lenumj bdv U betnur bepr In UM merried rtxm. ftiuc end IMBele, yminf eiitf midille ihouia rrd ard pnerve Hi H untetu. infnniielMa, which iwione een edon) Io be with outf oo how to pi.iervw thw h.lth. end complex km, erwl (into Sulwl eheeU the tnwidiewi of vqalhi the U-ot e,4 only true Marti. Ouxle la the wor:4. I',. onlv Ins lUirleWttGuitl la Urf wo. r MttL Tltw fttnhor ma p mm uaJ (vnonallv or brj JilAIlRIAGE Vn. SOTTATJNJIITH tM tifintli ff'i4 GUIDE AND kiwnr m Cvurj.htp; Sf.r f'F.v.K.Jnsitel ot tA.enwal nent. I'll- B00KofSECRnS.5KrS5 tb(r asarhtrt and fvr. Trrwtt on til triwt hit-. fuJr rxplaitBinff thenraiusM, tympUttm and rmt u r la lit unit rut 'if ritiic Work sf thr rtv1 rvrr pil axl, enMsiIiM n-ry nd m twtnpirf tn rr n ruff; H ibiHtrV r-asj in. .. A. ffv li A w A p fill ! 'WM sT iHu aaUw. $250 MOVTH -Ariiti vmU4 9Trr. irc. lttjtiir-aB hormld ind flnt Oktiki A Cl., BU sUuJ,Mijv Central ,12arkct. Wm. Kensliaw, Ircprietor. TrEFTS COSSTAXTLY OSvi ' j HAND 4 razsn bfef. VOHK, MUTTOX, TEAL, CHICK FAS, CUBED .HEATS, I.TC, ETC. hf Robinson & Church, gBrjJ SllELF&HEAYY HAUDWAREYg: TI HAVK TUB ' rXl t 8PJUXO AND BUMMER TRADE i -TO EUGENE. WOOL BLANKETS, 'All Colors. Trunks and Traveling Satchels. HATS &, CAPS, la tbe leading Styles. ( Oil. CLOTHS, for Floor and Table an. BOOTS '& . SHOES. Would calfapecial attention to our stock Mons' and Boys' San Francisco BooU, . ThM We-have rold for a nnmber of years with great latlsfactiou. Every pair Warranted. ., . ,A complete stock of iHARDWARE!. Plows and Farming Utsnsils. CnOICETEAS. ; CANNED GOODS, and all choice ; FAMILY GUOCEUIES ' ' 't tdnlhing!y lowratea. ' LIVERPOOL AND CARMfiN' ISLAND SALT. UigheBt price for all kinds of produce aod WOOL.. IF. FltllSXllTiY. ITAVK VOH 8AI.B5 HAT TUB LOWEST RATES Inn, Stoel, ' Axes. ., Ah'.U. . , Cabla Chalos, Nails,. 'Rope, ,, '. i-Glaas, iv , ' . Putty, Tahli 4 focket Cutlery 'Guaa.'Piiitols, . 'Ammunition jj. Agvlcslturul -, , . : .. Iroplf mens Blastlnt Powder, FiahinK' Tackle, . Et3. Eto. , We InW-lte an nft nation of our goods oo ltlJent onr prices will suit the tlineair OREGON STONE WARE for tale by T.(l. UE.NDU1CK3. TtltMS OF Sl BSCRll'TlON to Frank Leslie's II! Vt Publications POSTACE PAID. ' Fiank Lealle's III Vt Newspaper, Weekly, tl 00 Frank Ilie'a Chimney Corner, " 4 00 Krai k Keatie'a IllUatrirtt Zoitong, i 04 The Day's Doiniga " 4 00 Frank bealie'a lixiy 'a Journal, " 4 00 The Yo.mur American. " 60 Frank Leellc'u !' khCirl' Wockl), J 60 Frank Urilie'sPiufa.-'IIoVithty, 160 Frank ealie'i Lady 'a Mni(iwii9, 'Monthly. 3 60 Frank Leslie's Hoys of A metica, " l.U Frank Leallc's i'l. nnant Hour, M J 0 Frank Lealie'a Budget of Fun. " 1 60 The Jolly Joker. . i 1 60 Fran lilie s f amily Uorald, " 100 Frank lealie'a New York Journal, " 1 Ot) Frank Leslie'! Illustrated Almanac. ' . ,30 Fiauk Leslie'! Comlo Almanao, IS Every yearly inhHcrlber li entitled to a beantl fuM'rennum Chromo with each publication. Tbe originals were designed and painted expre.lyiar our ue, and the,Curomoa are printed In, oil, ! acny reprouucin, m every aetaii original manterplecca of art. " ' (i Description of Chrd'm'oiPubllcatlon and Gifts, with aimple'papers, sent on receipt of stamps for return postage. ' AdKSTS WANTED. ' ' ! Addres, AOENCY DEPARTMENT, Frank lealie'a Publl.hlng Bouse, 637 Pearl Btroet, Mew York. : STORE AT till t OLD STAND. F. B. DUNN, HAVING BOUGHT THE lTEnESTVip' U r ticott In l he old firm ' la- noY running tha uelneu alone at Ihe old stand, where be will be pi, wd to ae all Ja old customers . , t , 11 vlug nm tin ild itock ' down 'very'fow my tock. nownea ly entirely . , . .' ' ,-i . . ' V, ,..'. NEW ANDCpML'EiE CompoMd ln'part gf nearly . , , . EVERYTINNU CALLED FOR, m .And I make a ipeclaltyjla , ( KARDWAKE, IRON AND STEEL I. , I'wl.b to mils ''tigannjiurlX'bnt do aay that Farmers fan come nearer gettlag all, thy may'want at 'myatore than at anvot(ler'etah lishment. I am aim agent for HA"LEY, VQDO A. CO., of Portland, for all Agricultural Impleme " ALSO, FOR PIUNCB k CO- . ORGANS AND HKLODEONS, '',.- nvlnghailsteen years sxperlet.cs lB bnd lean hert I think,! know the waiits ofths peoplti 'ivemea call. . ... . F. B. DtTNN. Q IIOCRR 1 1 :S-I ! ail ket-p oa a fullwf GROCERIES & PROVISION and Invite tha attentioa of Hmw.e T.U. HENDHC1K9. WACON8-T. 0. HEXPglCKS 13 ACEKT lortbscelcbrattd , Stndcbaker South Band Wagon. Notice to Creditors. ' ' ' . - i . . . . i N' OTICE IS HEP.F.BY GIVEN that the nnder l(iued ra duly appointed adminhrtrator of (r.e ewtate ofKl;xa Hhelly, doted, by Hit County Court of Uo itr.i)rg"!i. All perw hold ing claim! a gint raid exlate ar requeoud to prrwnt tbe entne tothe ondeMigned at hi! reai den.e ki Mid oranty, Wirtun li mnntha froa tha datah-rrol. KOBEltT CAI.I.ISON. i. i. Wiltor, Ally. Admln.itrator. Eiigtae, Feb. 19. ' 4w NOTICE. ti. 8, Lakb Orrici, I Ittxrarao. Ottn., Mr-h I3lb. 1S78. ( rOM?LA.INTKAVl0 BKfcM ENTF.KKD AT KJ Uiia Office byst.N. Volrr airainnt Jame Otter.ii for abandoning bia Homeatead Entry . So. n3, dated Aug. Aith. IM73, npon the S. K. i. iwctxia 10, Towmbip 2), 8. Kae AW. ia Lao eouoty. Oregon, with a t iew to tbe raarcU of mid entry ! tiie aaid parties ai herehy eiimraoiied to at tliii 031;e oa tbe 2'id diy . of April, 1876, al 1 o'clock r. a., to ruriood tod luruieb totiotoay eouceni'sg and alleged abande oomeuL W. B.W'f.LI3,I!elU;r. J. C. FULLF.BTOX Re. e,T',