The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 01, 1876, Image 2

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SATURDAY, APR. 1. 1870.
Xuatlflea II.
The' State Journal is, we believe,
the only paper published in the Unit
ed States which attempts in any roan
oer to justify the stealing by the par
ty now in power. It throws its head
back and ignores everything of the
present day and goes back to tell as
bow an offioial under Jackson stolo
4 an immense sum of money. Cut if
i all the sums stolen or misapplied by
officials under all the Presidents from
the time of Washington down to 18G0
were added together, they would not
equal the aggregate stealings of any
one good day for stealing nnder
- Grant. Every paper is full of it, and
it is not con Good to any class of men
' The rich steal themselves richer and
the poor steal themseUes rich. . Even
the flunky .whose name appears at the
bead of the Journal as editor end
proprietor must have bad a pull at
the money wrung from the people by
taxation, or his paper would have
gone by tho board long ago. For
-years there has been nothing but
frauds. Take the daily paper? -of apy
one day and seo the accounts of thorn.
The San Francisco. Post, which, by
Abe way, is owned and controlled by
Senator Jones, has an article describ
ing the way vessels are built in the
mavy yard noar that city. In Juno,
1874, a survey was held on two iron
dads, the Comancho and Monadnock,
and they were declared unfit for any
kind of servioe, the iron being rusted,
. the rivets and bolts loosened and tho
wood rotten. Tho people would
naturally suppose that with such an
f establishment as tho Maro Island Na
vyTard tho Government could buil
iits own vessels; yet in 1874 Mr. Bur
jfess.went to San Francisco with a
contract to repair tho Comanche. He
bad tho use of all tho Government
, machinory to do tho work with, and
was paid for it 1250,000. Ship build
.iug experts who havo examined the
vessel since being rebuilt cay tho
'Work should have been dono for long
'than one-third t'10 sum paid. Hero
-tbon is a steal of over $100,000. Then
Air.' Burgess announced that ho was
going to rebuild the Monadnock.
But a show of fuir dealing was ro
quired to bo made, and accordingly
.-some dust was thrown in the eyes of
the publio by an advertisomont in a
-San Fraucisoo and in a country paper
inviting bids, for labor ouly, iii the
repairing of tho Monadnock. Neither
the Commandant nor Constructor at
Mare Island wore provided with ro--qalaite
plans and speoitioations, nor
could they give any information on
tho lubjoct. On oponing tho bids,
f the offer of Mr. Burgess to luruish
tho nooessary labor for $250,000 was
. accepted, that being $50,000 legs than
the next bid abovo. Tho sum ot
inrA rt j.i
wmv,wiv ior worn was merely a
startor. Men competont to judge say
that she will cost tho Govcrnmotit at
least $1,200,000, although tho turret
of the old vossol will be placed on
the new one. This is what is called
"repairing" a vessel. By law no new
vossel can be built except by act of
'Congress. It is impossible to form an
cstunato of what amount of govom
moot funds will bo thrown away on
this ship. Further of this navy busi
. ness : Seoretary Kobcson, tho Secre
tary of the Navy Department, built
an elegant mansion in Washington,
The interior of this building evidences
unlimited wealth aud expenditure
Every room, from basoment to attic.
it wainscoted with elegant black
-walnut, here aud thero beautifully
earved with exoolleut judgmeut and
taste. This work would have cost
upward of $10,000 had it keen dono
by private hands. All of this work
was done by men from the navy yard,
who received their pay from the
United btatea Government. Th
black walnut employed was alio
Government property. Besides trim
ming this bouse throughout in the
most exponsive manner, the genial
foreman of the navy yard, Mr. Childs,
lso took ocoasion to further ingrati
ate himself icto the good graces of
Mrs. Robeson by manufacturing va
rious valuable articles of bouhold
furniture; An elegant and elabo
rately carved sideboard in P.oWson'a
dining room is tho work of Mr.
Childs. Jt cost the Treasury $D00
under the item of incidental labor.
Hat racks, card ulles, and kitchen
dressers are a few of the numerous
articles manufactured by this indus
trioas and patient sou!, Childs, for the
ole purpose of jileaslo Mrs. Uobe
on. Que day Mr. Childs assumed a
lavish mood and Ordered two of ihe
best wood cutters at band, Frid
Bocttscher and Wm.'Noak, Germans,
to go to work and make up a lot o
work boxes for distribution among
Mrs. Robeson's friends. These work
boxes were very costly, and occupied
the attention of Boettacher and Noak
fcr several months. Capt. Ferguson's
testimony shows that upward of $12,
000 worth of time and material have
been diverted from tho navy yard to
the private house of Kobcson ior bis
domestio use.
Another case of Robeson's is told
by a former employe of the Depart
ment, who was in a position to know
whereof be speaks. J. L. Savage, a
naval contractor, had a claim against
the Navy Department before the day
of Robeson of $32,000, which bad
been thrown out by former Secreta
ries. ' When Robeson came in, one
Murtaugh asked Savage how much he
would give him it Le would get the
claim through. ': Savage said one-half
At this Murlagh secured an allowance
of $20,000 upon the claim, $10,000 of
which went to Murtagh. It is said
tbat-bo afterward divided with Robo
son, or, at any rate, compromised
matters by making Mrs. Robeson a
present of a very handsome set of dia
monds upon tho occasion of her wedding.
Here tlwn are '.frauds in the Navy
Department amounting to $192,000,
Further, tho vessels of tho navy havo
beeu used on all occasions by mem
bers -of . Grant's family aud their
friends for, junketing excursions with
out number.
In the matter of mail contracts,
monoy has been used to defeat the
ends of justico on every important
route on the l'acilio Coast. Sandor
son, Barlow & Co., contractors on
tho route through Eugene, testify to
having paid largo sums of money to
secure tho contract. And after get
ting it, Barlow says ho was obliged
to pay one official tho sum ot $5,000
quarterly ; to others ho had to give a
carriage nud. horses, and to another
diumouds. .Possibly if tho editor of
tho Journal would make ttrict search
ho might without leaving towti ob
tain a view of this ouiSt of carriage
It ii'B dangerous ssi rspidly erowine evil.
sntsgotiiatio to republican doctrine end in
now besting the republican party, end pMginjr
the government Into the hauds of the insti
gators of tbe Confederate-conspiracy sod re
bellion. It censlitated tbe efficient Instrument in
tbe bands of tbe conspirators by which tbe
Senste was crowded witb traitors, the Dem
ocratic party basely degraded and used, and
murderous rebellion inaugurated.
It is s mill of bitternesg and a sink of ini
quity. By its angry accusations it destroys
me cnaratier or public men, and ecmorai
izes tbe country generally.
It baa a direct tendency to lower the char
acter and dignity of tbe U: S. Senate to tbe
injury of tbe cause of free institutions at
Dome and abroad.
'Of the manner of electing UmHed
States Senators lie says :
It is behind tbe use and tbe sdvahcid con
dition of citizen sovereignty at exercised in
the national gorernment in which the citi
zens Dominate their presidential candidates
ior iiieir eie tors lo vote tor.
. It subjects tbe. determination of so impor
tant o matter as tbe election of a U. 8. sen
ator to freaks of accident, in which every
body is cheated even tbe man elected.
It indues a vicions end demoralizing
struggle in choosing candidates for'the legis
lature, looking to tbe votes for Seoator in
utter contempt of tbe most vital matters of
It gives opportunity for all manner of cor
ners, barter and sale, even more batelul and
damnable than tbe caucus iU'lf.
It givps unscrupulous villains and hypo
critical Dillworthys Ibe advantage over ordi
narily decent men, to the disgrace of tbe na
tion and free institutions.
A reckless web-foot not having the
ove of Radicalism in his heart, no
counts for tho great detnaud for costly
ooqtiets in Congress, thus : The intro
duct ion of negroes into that body
and tho admission of "solored people"
into tho lobby and gallciics, made
hue and strong scented boquets a
necessity to neutralize tho loud and
pnlpablo odor ol "colored gentlemen."
And he argues that tho surest plan to
stop such extravagance is to keep tho
negroes out of Congress that is, to
remove tho necessity for such expense,
is his idea of economy.
Marshal It. Miliar J, an old resident of
Portland, fell into tbe river at that place
hut saturcry evening aud was drowned.
'Nothing b K insidious u a cold or a eoogh. Pol
ios dot aot mail a swifter progress in tht system.
Um promptly the only tan antidote, Hali'i Bonn
or Homuocud in Taa.
Pike's Toothache Drop core ia one minuU.
tT The Cold Medal rat awarded to
Bradley Rulofaon for tbe bent Photographs la the
United States, and tbe Vienna Medal fur tbe beat
lo the world.
429 Montgomery Street, 9wi Francleco.
Notice of Dissolution.
iberg and
trie of I
X ins? between Joseph PWrnberg n'l MM r'
drs under tbe Arm name anil style ot Stornlwrw
Benders, was dissolved March 10th by mutual cua
sent. Iaaae Sen'lereretinnir. Joseph 8trnler(r as
sumes all the liabilities of tbe Ute flno. anil either
tty is authorized tooollwt aim receipt tor uhvim
JHhr.l n PiMi.iOLav,
Junction City, March 2Mb, la;.
t in OA perday at home. Bumples
V iw Vv free. Stuhk
k Co., Portland,
Too Youxo to Dia. Thousands of yeans persons
between the age of IS and U die of eoneumption.
every one of whom might hare been eared by using Maine.
HLi'iUoMrTor IIomihoihd d Ta when the
eongh' first act in.
Pike's ToothfccneDropa cure in one minnte.
C ESD 2V. to GEO. P. ROWELTj A CO., New
3 Ymk fur raniohlct of 100 rwres. containing
lute of 30.10 newap.purs, and estimate abowing ount
of adrartiung.
Q10'UV at home.
ani terma free.
Arrenta wanted. Outfit
TRUE CO., Aoguata,
Improved Iron King Wind Mill.
i ' (Patented Nor. 8th, 1ST.)
Fruit GrOrVcr, the Farmer; the Irrigator,
Accoiidino to a statement in the
Republic for March, a journal pub-
ished at Washington in. the interest
of tho-present administration, the ex
penses of tho Government ior the
years 1858, 185!) and 1860 were $81,
000,000; total for tho three years,
$243,000,000. Expenses of tho Gov
ernment for 1875, $274,000,000. -It
attempts to ring in a lot of halder-
It t i - "
Bu uoraua; very uanusomo (ash to reduce theso figures, but the
carriage, una during ttiu summer wiieu facts aro tl)0 8ametiat it oust $193,
uioroiuis arogooa may. bo seen al- 000.000 more to run the Government
inosi every ouy on our streets, the ,in 187.5 than it did in the .vemrm nf
i rpi . . .i . o
... tuuu, ivu a iiumpeon, recuntiy ,l0 i ir(.8 vear8 (lrs, Uflmfi j
. . I
appointou uovernor oi tJalio, was a
bidder ou tho routo overland from A Lano county farmer who has
Kelton, on tho O. P. 11. U. to tho hcen put back in his farm work by
Dalles. Tho contractors who are. tho d imp weather, and who is Dot
now doinu servioo paid David $15,000 greatly impressed with tho utility ol
to relinquish his bid. Tho tsx-payers, Sunday for rest in each week, asks
and not U V. lluntloy, tho oontrao if tho Legislature could hot provide
tor, pay Ihompson that sum. lor tho observance of fifty two Sun
lheso are all matters disoWj-oJ in Jays during tho winter and have none
papers which camo to our table in one during sood timo nnd harvest; ho
day, and they ate uot the hull of them thinks tho matter could bo arranged
even, nd ouo day is liko another in so justico could be dono to all con
this respect. Each one briugs now oeined. Uather than miss such ar
i -. i . . . . .
disclosures. rant'eiueut lio wou Id bo wi nr to
, w - -
Gen. Odell himself could furnish have sixty winter Sundays to oflset
semo very interesting matter in this the summer's account,
lino, lfo might toll us how manv
thousands of dollar ha hna hv Colfcx, y.K. Heme.
giving out surveying contracts to Coi.rAi, V. T., March Kb, 1876.
fi ioiids who "saw", him when iay dav Tbie has btf n a beautiful wint. wil,.,.
iihIj lodkuiar well
Iron) two to lour
Well a.H tlih rnllwva
beinif thickly et with irro. With i-ol
cullivution tbe (oil will wield from 30 to CO
bushPls per acre tf wheat, barley or oats
General Applfgato respectfully ro- tends Ivinsr vacant all orer thia Palo,,,.
fni Lzslie, at hi jMaramoth Pulliihingl
Houee, 537 Pearl Street, New York.iafuea aereotcen I
txnurllutl jr illuatrateil newsrUpcra and nutguinoe.
Mr. Incite ww tlie flirt hi toe fnited Statu to un
dertukethe publication of a wetlly illuatreted newe
paper, ani to him belomra t)i konor of bemff tbe I
puUuher of Tie Oldest Illustrated Newspaper in
America, The person who snures the agencjr fori
inese puoiicouona ior una ricimty, ana will give
citiaens an opportuf.rtr of Intpectiug the eereral is
sues and copies of tfc eight mairnifli-ient bhromoa I
the choice from whtehis girca with a subscription
to either of the Illustrated weeklies, will hare a
bandsuma and profitable business. These papers
are well known, and sell reiililr from 10 to i cent
tin news-stands, and are now first offered through I
agents toannuu subscribers, with a ruluallc chrumo I
which, to all rovers of art, is alone worth more tbna I
the subscription price. Ananuual sulsk-riber to the I
Illustrated N'ewspapiir reeeires during the year over I
832 newnmper pniros. Foiled to the size of a lunre I
octave roos, too suijacrilier wonlu nave 3,228 puree,
equal to seven octave books of ordinary size, sny
4Wlpure each, and one-lialf of Hicse pages Woulil
eontoin tine engravings, anil fur tbe centennial year I
will make the most accurate and valuable illustnit- I
ed History of tbe National Jubilee published. We
advise our rcadera, after tbev have Buhscrilied for I
the Guard, to secure one of rruuk Islie'sillustrat- I
ed periodicals, and with It the beautiful chrorao.
City Recorder.
Warranted to Cut 3 Inch
Stuff I Foot per Minute.
Send (or Circular.
PRICE, $30 OO.
Ban iruucihco
The Croat Mechanics' Tool Store
lf the Pacific Coast.
Is aandidate for re-election to the
oflk-e of
Ken all Produce and Provlalou market.
The following are retailers prices :
FMUR-flbbl f 00 4 50.
CORN MKAl, -Oi.'uon ground, in bulk 4c.
WH KA7 Best white 85.;.
OATS-3T((i:Oc S bushel.
'HKAVS-ltetail, Sj.
I1IJVTKII Krcnli r..f, 37c.
COKKKK t'ort llicu. lif. Itio. 29: Jara. 33.
t'IIKKSK;ie(; o.
l'ANI'LES- boa II OOffJJ, 50.
ti;iSS-2.) c.
t'OTATOKH-porhimliHl, $.
BACON-Sidee. Vi-AlUx.Vl(& ISc: Shout.
dcrs.X (ft IDc.
(Ullt'KKNS-J? SO 13 0.per il"2en.
l-'ISII-'t-alnmri.c'iiiiee.lir bh!, 17 i SO kits.
K: Ullu 2,', in kit, U 00 ; mackerel, kit, j;
tue olt inowk aiuior roa
cotjt. gravl, strictunes. diabetes,
dyspepsia. nervous debility,
Dropsy, female cou-
N'on-Retention or Inumtinuance of Urine, Trrita
' tion, Inflammation, or Ulceration of tho
Bladder and Kidneys,
2m ill
to Wrymiimf
Sp'rmatorrlio'a., Leuoorrhrra or Whites, Irretrular
or rainful Menses, Bearing Down, Chlorosis, bter
iliir aud ,
t-amo. How much D. 1. Thompson, ,"'ildl "I';' lltHk ol 1,11
Kulus M.llory mid others ruado iu tho i' ItVIt m"'" b
annul u-nv fwt ln ""P"1' luM h " "
C(Klll"h. CIMBt
I.AHK-Tins, Ikc; hn!k,tio.
8U(.AR-S. F. II. IiH.i: Island t0r2l5o: crush-
ed. Ii': powdered, 20c.
HALT-fartnnn linrl 100 rbi.fl 7.'i: t!:iy
$! 7S; Livnryool Dairv. l l; insr-e Liverpool, ti.
TKA -Choice (irwii (1 ih 4 lh; Jupnii 7Sc.
KYI1CP Hwfty (JoluVn. i W
OII.M--I)vhj Venal, i:-ej Linseed, bulled, 12:
China Nut. 12.
CAXXEI) (iOODS-Ostcr, COc; Srdine ,17: For Btone in the DladJer, Calculus Orarcl or BiK-k-
All Complaints Incident to Femaks.
Vs'rtiil Ji-lliM,(i'.'ii-j Urxxu (Jom.SOc; Peiohes
Soc; T'iniatin-s. 37iJ
Pilile' Ticket.
For Counuilinen :
L. ALVKtlNcta,
Ofllroneat side Willamette strtet. near cor
ner ol 7th, idJolniiiK lawolHceof J. F.Brown.
S'iecial attention paid to disevea of the LunM.
auu an t-an's oi turouic uiseases.
ItKiiKKNCiis-Suecess in practice and attention
to business,
Ttiat "Ksrcala.
j)clfully rt'ticts nowsimpcrs of all mhu7i bJ all we nwd it iinmicratiuo aud
11 I si n 1 1 a. sa ,1 In - ..IT
rrtiesad jtiirposei to publish his " 1 u" our "ur'"u3-
txtgimt. We Bhould bo pleased to no- "? .P'owln lo rl earnest,
1 . .1 ., , , lul lbeJ m,,ttn bnsumiia. The unrest cron
cede to tho request if tho document of cr.ia d hay b.rvoaterl in any one ?w
- ! . 1 1 t . will 1.- .L . l . . . .... J
ucvupivu ies jaoe, out our taper is I "'" ul,rB l0n oonuiea mis easua.
too small to ttiblish that and much of , ' nre hai been ao ocajual raid fall tbta
ntii'iKim .il t : 11I
..1... viou HI, lliu BU11IU HUIf. jnu
iisiit's Outfit Fiec!
Large foinmissions and fash Premiums
roB sr.LLisn x
again, probably most of our readers
would utterly fail to regard it in tho
aaiuo liirlit tho conecal does, and
would look upon the epaee ocuupied
as tbrown away. However, wo sub-
Cu.fai ia (jirito a town, situated oh tLe
North rlouo. It ha pot"fflce. 3
rhiwiK 2 atores, 1 saddle (tnd barnes shop,
2 blacksmith shop. 1 irriat and 1 saw mill.
4 -uaiices 01 trie feacs and 2 lawyers.
I lines Dara beio Iir!r fince Dun Cm'k
01 frank Urjant arrived. Their first sst
.t. -u Liij.u, arm ru, l ll
,u ,a miaiiiuviK gi mo prcseut was lo Jump a claim each, and then they
caucus system : orots open a house and roblied it of a pari
From tbs U-ginuiiij of my political J:fu I u",?.wnT" 9.,uw lJBtiJ.
lire Ppptaed tb l.-jji.laUv caucus ; and the "'P' " " o' niy t.HiHhbop, Wlth
lonw 1 bars known and .tnLd it '.Sell ,n '?9' him now. It
00 os fur them.
1- - m . .
am opposed to it; Th older ita b-om.a Vt ""c ""'ro 1 ' ,n,,. ton 01 'n
thsmura vitiatiDf and darwfroua it be. - ' Tm' V" lttBa-
It usurps tbs fuuctions of f)rwnmnt
snd ths rights of citizen sorreijrntT.
It daies ths citueo ths right of ooaima
nation or choics among men.
it cuts olT tbs lilimat. and just conjtd--tion
ol tbs rii-hu and claima of candi
There is sotnu twaddle about start
ing a thinl party for the I'residcntial
election. It can't be done, and won't
bu tried. In a short timo the mam
issue will be. joined between the tun
It smothers ths claims of merit not nf existing Dartit s. and intn tin ni trill Via
irbt, tintl dtroiri the fandijMi. hii fri-nJ whirled mil flio til kill Is'tal fjlrVtstsI U A
asd child th. bemfit ol th. record. country. In the campaign 0f this vf ar.
JZa'" -t'.irrcou.dV.nuhin'E.t
It debt and loss ?uernI,f kim.iMi..g aud bl.vlmail-
of money, 10 ths rrMiiy of laying bis term, '"'' nd no ,Uch wn"' n be toler
Jewels of Imaginative Literature I
Pilgrim '1 Priwirtss, Vicar of WaksSeld,
Bobinion Crusoe, Paul and Virginia,
uauireriirareit, tliutxtb,
Vathfk, Pioclola,
Undins) Tale, tram Arabiaa Kiehts,
Complete in ONE VOM'ME of over 1,000 pairea,
l.uUluUr lllualraied withM fuU-pmre Eiurrar-inm.
num. HUlllD'S STORYBOOK, anl
all want to ieaj i(. Ant s Outrtt tree to all who I
wma vummcw hu win laiuiiaiir cmnvaoa.
J. B. FORD ft CO.,
33 Kearn.y SC.,
Rao Francisco, Cal.
'(I'ist, pepoeit and Mucus or Milky Dis
charges, aud Diseases of tho
Prostate Oland.
iKeamerj's 'Extract Buchu
Curos Dlfeases AniCnff from Tmnruilpitws ITnl.ii.
of Dissipation, lite., in all the ir t;ir a, ut little ex
pense, litt !e or no clinuire in diet, tin inrntivuni.'n,.
an 1 no exposure. It causes a fitquent rlwiie, anj
k-ives strcugrthto Unuate. tlieictiv ronw,vin(ilfvii. .
tions, Frorentin n.l Cuneir Btric tnres ol the lire.
th-a. Allavinir P:iin n.i IiiH.LniRti.m nv, i;nn
.11 t,'.i-...:...-
I c.i i .intuuu. uinvvrr.
I eu by porsuns in the docline or cr.anue of life
after conrlneinent or labor pains, tcJ-wettinjf in
riuf. Steele says: "One bottle nf'. TV
t'aot Huchu is worth more tlian aU other nu. lnis
conimneu. '
Permanently cure, all affwtinns of the BlsMer,
Kidneys, and Dropsiral Swelliuirs enistinff in Men,
Women an l Children, no matter what tbe ajfe.
.v.. um ui- a. i aau no ouier.
Price One Dollar per Ilottle, or six
ltotde. for Five Dollars.
Depot, Con. Maiden Lave & William
A rhysWnn in attemlsnce la sn.
enoe aud frive adrice gratu. r?end stamp fur ram-
There are several reasons why this Mill should be
p referred to all othcia :
1st. It is far more durable because It Is sit
2d. It la Cheaper because of its simplicity and
duiability, and will outlast several Wooden Mills.
"3d. It ia Less Complicated, because there Is only
three piece, of operating machinery.
4th. It is more powerful than any other Hill,
on account of tbe thin fan, and consequent In
creased suction of air. and because it la operated
by an eccentric, beinn far superior to tbe crank
shaft or rest pin, as a lilting aud falling power.
Mh. ' It heeds no caie.'no watching, baring
self-feeding oil caps and self-regulating vaue.
It regulates, protects and takes care of itself.
- Ctb. It never warps, shrinks, or swells, hence
it is not liable to get out oi order. Once up, it
goeaall right, t
7th. It does mars work, runs easier aud throws
a lai ger body of water. It will submorge a larger
tract of land, with less wind and in a shorter space
of time than any other .Windmill now in nse. It
may be set to turn out of the wind at any desired
presMjie, there bciug a graduated lorer for that
' 8th This Mill took the only premium given at
the California State Fair, ever the many others
there on exhibition.
t Foot Wheel $120
li) " " 140
11 " " 1C0
Hills and County rights fcr sale by
U. S. Land Officb,' I
Roskbi'ko, Miirch 13th, 1878. 1
th s Office by J. W. Chesher aguinst J. C.
Anderson for abandoning his donation dam noon
the N. i of S. G. J and K. s of S. W. i Section I.
Township 170. Range 5 West in Lane county, Or
egon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry:
the said parlies are hereby summoned to atiDeur
at 'this Hflioe on the 22d day of April, 1878, at 10
o'clock a. M-, to respond and furuUh testimony
concerning said alleged abandonment.
um. It. WILLIS, Register.
J. C. FULLKRTON, Receiver.
Wholesale Ageius, Sun Francisco.
And by Druggists everywhere.
In Dorri3 Brick Building.
Walton & Lynch
?ATln T 3 nrntni -... . . I
copartnership for the purpo of
on aeiu ai we loun ll. in said city on
Xollee of Election.
carrying on a general
ft si as . I
aionuaj, A1,m art, IS70, Grocery nnH Drnv!eiAn
Watt: " Diioe,anu will teep on hand a eeneral a.
ii eircte.1, ander cnouibatioo to reimburse lfJ unaer jtrtscnt cirtunistanceB.
biuielf strnl fru-ixia. One of the twsdjlers tbout & tbJr.l
It dark anj d.tles tbe stmoapbers part j says "the people we ruaj
rounc) tiecspiul I of ih. UMk uh uoui;h"just to ruh into it. There
ire tome people who are often maJ
Three Trustees,
One Kecortler,
One Treasurer,
One Marshal.-
r.Jlatobseptoed at Sd.iek . . and tedcMat
S .-luck r. a.
DoMatayffl.-etiail6tlidayaf Mjrs, trs.
OE". J. BUT. Beeordse of Eofta City.
sort men t of
Tobacco, '
clowd of rullmes derosncj the siibatafaCf) of
ne nanoo.
It swells the twfj bardea of pnblic x
peoss, which is slread w am b jrrstrr than
scan ber that e are eoui),ieJ to call
spuo tbs jet onboro stueratiuo- fur aeit.
a dci.
Y ill """ CUtirtB tbaa aar ether
WnliaathaJ.aflruBI, Reset Uaj oM akoea
kw-p clear of l!ie folly of a thirJ f mrty All .rr.., , giT,..,.ellil .
this year. Tiro parties are sufficicut Siop cnEiratfl Bt, opposite Eoa-lorthepre'eDU-.
..W I tfnfu StaliJ
enouli anil silly enough to male fools
oi ttierastlves; but even these will
Cat dies.
SoFS, - Candies,
Crockery, SuUm,
Wood and Wilhnr Ware,
iireen and Pried Fruita,
Cured Veau,
ibej propose to do buiaeaa on a
Which means that
Lew Prices are Established
Good, delivered without (targe fa Bojtr
For 1'hi- a
necent rolitlcal events stronoiv Initirnla a
speedy return of the Democratic party to supremo
i".nci in ii i-n,ii:uu ino noute or Kepresenta
iiVif is now Drniocrntio bv a larra mainrilv! thA
government of mnre 'hnn one half of the (States
is administered by Ivmocratr; the parly enters
upon the Presidential contest with the brightest
hopes, aud under the moi,t subatantiul enrnnnnm-
The Wonderful rovclntlons of rascalitir anil
rui'tion on the r.nt of pa,iunl .ki. t.
have burdened the pre and horrified the 'people
durinir Ihe p ist three vears. nulr it pirU th.
duly of every man to take mi icMve part in tha
(treat coue.-tcf the present rear. Mure than at
any previous lime in the history of the country, a
trustworthy d-iily newspaper Is now neoe.wnry to
evHry citizen, in order that he may iutelliKently
discharge hi political duties, Ihe Chici
MornitiR Courier is a consistent Democratic
newspaper. It will be devot.d to tho work of
aiding iu rescuing the nntion rrom the party that
has debauched its service, squandered its treasure
and euslaved its liiwrties. it will advocate a
s eedv return to specie payments, but believw
that this result should be hroufrht about about by
ewmoimcal management ol the tiovernmcnt, and
not by arbitrary -naotmeiit. It believes in green,,
backs at par, and the same currency fur the rich
and poor. It will advocate Home Kule, Free
Trade, aud Public Kcnnnmr. Dm M .,iri
princt, les of the Democratic party.
The Courier has established a widespread repu
tation as a first class newspaper. Tho aim nr it.
management is to muke it all that the nublio in
these hurrying days can desire, namely-a com
pile newspaper, tvery racilily known to mod
ern journalism will be utilized to insure ths
prompt presentation nf all important Intelligence
from all parts of the world, whiie the utmost
care will be exercised to gl am only such as in
worth printing. In short, the Courier will give
all t ie news as promptly s any other papec. and
condensed into a mure attractive and re:dalle
.v. . u.iu . t oiiiiKei sue-'is.
Terms-Mail subsinption, postage free, six
dollars per aunum, or ti:ty centa per month, in
Has a large circulation In every western State
and Territory. It .a our aim to make the Weekly
Courier the best family paper in the West. anH -i
snail continue o glre in its columns a lerge
a ount ni mwce.lnueoua reading matter, such as
stones tiles poems, ecitntirlc inte.ligence and
agricultural infoiinit on r,.r ,k,,.. Jr. . J!
! l! ? V roora lno"'fily edition. The
S'lT d fP,nt s,p,cUII will be one of iu
prominent features. Th r.vh...... i.
terms m.o per yen, postpaid.
TV8tT4..-T?K T ? HpnICK3 BRAXD
-a. oi St) ..!. loraaleonly br
ui exchaasra Urn h. "
its p,,wer
Human Hair.
I iiia prrttt.n eradi
"t senrf aa
urufl, exciting; a beJ.
tJiy action of the roots
o tU Hair, thereby
iranroTina: iu (rrowta
and IVaaty. and ia a
n prerentiro for
Ul.In, aad by its
''Kti--nt nae eaoaes tbe
ilair to laraas iu for
mer bealthiul and Inl
lwnt appearanr. Ita
e"l't pertiss)
render it ir. ii.prnMi(i
to a U4r a Toilet,
i his prepamtioa
pnrlT TiiTiAi,i. Prs
pawd and sold by
tot 6AL!