•* Hom» tin i» ." w« m j , an d Inn T o w ard tAe fa r b ill» o f paradii Bom« tifa«, some day, oar eyes shall »et The faces lttpt m memory. tom e day'fhelr banda »hall clasp our hand», over m the utoruing land». Borne time, some time, but ah! not yet. Still Wo will wait and not forget. That ** some time ” all these thing* shall be, Au4 rest be given to you and atm. E D . C A S E Y , Ed ito r a n d Proprietor, D e v o t e d to th e R e si I n t e r e s t s o f P o l k <■ i » P a rticu la r, u n d to th e P a c ific C o a s t in G e n e r a l VTURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1876 Oi l te a r . W e a n in ' Colts. •ooti-by. now. Ohi Ysar, good-by! We told you you’d have to go— Don t « o w l up your fac« With aueh a bad grace. B m - m m you're turn»d «• » in the »now. You rriueuii>er w gave y« u >iue warning of all That would happen when you should grow old And you se - n -w. ala»! It ha» all come to pa»«, And you'll have to stop out in the cold. You’ve been ig -o d fri-n.l to on ell. Old Year, Ton b»v>> g.vt n »unabiii. th- o rain, ^ A a-1 th .anil »11 tbruugu the way Ni bt fi.llow-. th« lay, There ha* been >wire fil-asurr than pain. And we thank v -u and 1>1> »-? you for ti.U , Oi l Year. t r tb good voa u»te laid at . ur feet, Y--u v-’ - ar.an d our dear laud With a b >untu ul band. And rown* d it with plenty romj.l -te. I wonder what r>-cord yoa carry. Old Year. Of all we have th ught and done. Have we 1 mm n goou an-1 true, The whole ti l»« through. Since your pilgrimage hr»t began? Or e fond of him in any way, when it waa plain to ta se e n The following is from a correspondent ! It follows mi of the Comtiiy GW/Aww/i: T he proper w ise^ou w ill make time for taking a colt from it« mother Y, it s Mr. Hradbun w ill vary from three to six months ohi. iaii'i it? I didn’t according to circumstances. I f a mart is a poor milker, and the foal is growing jioor, and smaller instead of larger, at three months old, it w ill do better to bt j taken from her and fed. Then, on tin other hand, if a mare is a tine milker, and the colt growing and doing well, and the lrtare is not in foal or to be bred, it w ill lie an a< ’.vantage to the <-oit to mi. ; with her until it is six mouths oiu. Then aga»:.. v« u dher the mare is a goo milker yt-jCffoor one, if she is kept foi breeding purpose*»* and is in foal again, the <*oH should l»£ ‘r caned at from four to live months old, and at the farthest, should not be allowed tb run with her moie than four months after the nuc ­ has got in foal again, as it w ill b e " ¡a age to the foal that is to follow, by ujpaw ing the nourishment from it that it wiii need in its growth and development after ’ lhat time. fainted! A foal w ealed art three months old lx* tim bTTtr.'r for half a ijifil o * -c>viCOCr«h5 v, fruoh uiul w r ^ ’. OU) h t (.r v i uw ■ if nqt convenient to fhrfiish , ,t J v .T ^ with good A na withotfev a j|;er parley he lashed down the road A»*- i» !ie three or fou r rul k ot my neighbors and some of the workmen from the mine of which T was managei, was standing, they shouted aloud soon* Lbarse words of warning, lookii# l**ck. and ]>oiuting up the .river with ®eir whips. £ very eye was turne»l to tftrjs the jutting point where wo w ereh’^ ly. to catch tlie first glim pse of the Advancing foe. “ Bruton, and D utch Town, and Sparta, on the Ntw Jersey side, were swatnped yestcidity, so ’tis said,” re­ marked an omTswnpr in blue home­ spun anti l>oo*s of Bn tanned leather. “ I guess we Pennsylvania folks won’t j get off shot-free uouthcr. There it . Britisher— rojhnling th ^ p o in t!” Looking tow u ^ liiie spot indicated J descried something Ii!ce a moving wall depth to set it afloat. There child with her,” said one pf the men on sufficient * the bank. i was a moment of agonizing suspense as I strained every muscle and sinew in “ Can’t b e,” said another incredu- ^ lously. “ The farmer w ould never have 1 the attempt to drag the light structure lingered this long, till lie’s right in the 1 clear of some uprooted trees, while the house shook perceptibly beneath the grip of the ice.” th untiering blows of the piled-up ice, “ Parnell’s not tew hum, I tell y o u ,” which now rose many feet high at the mswered the other in his New Jersey j back of the islet. Then the raft floated; accent. “ H e’s away this week past to and bidding those under m y charge to Philadelphia C ity. Yes, that’s the wife sit still and leave the rest to me, 1 seized *alling tor help, poor youn g thing ! a fir-pole and thrust it off from the Guess those cowardly skunks of h im . ‘f I rank into the w hirling water. men hev gone off in tlie flat-boat and Once, twice, and yet a third time 1 left the woman and child to shift foi ^ touched the bottom with the pole with liemselves.” which I tried to steer the rude craft, To explain tiiis I may briefly say that , and . then we were in deep water, and two miles above Ithaca a id almost op- driving ( along at the mercy of the cur­ posite to the bluff on which we were j rent. A shriek from Mrs. Parnell made standing, there is an islet in the river me j look back, and I saw the whole side shaded by trees, and w hich takes its of ( the dw elling wc Lad just left, col- name from some fancied resemblance in ! ] iapse like a child’s house of cards, its shape to fclmt of a ship. On it stood , while with a roar like that of artillery a farm ii-uise. with brigh tly painted ga *. 'the ice-barrier broke up, and in pell- b le s o f carved wood-work, a tiled ro o f,1 mell j confusion the shining hillocks and and a porch which- in Summer was fes- glittering . slabs began to liurrv towards tooned with tw ining roses— a p ietu r-; i us, the horrible grinding sound of the esque object in the landscape. Often iu 11 blocks as they dashed against out* an­ the still sultriness of an August d z jl| < other being loud enough to deafen the had looked »vdruiringly at this house, |< ear €ha<- heard it. moment, but w ith its j>eaeh and apple orchards, its ; only , for a moment, despair took posses­ glassy meadows shaded by tall cotton- j . sion of iny heart ; hut theu, as an eddy wood poplars, and its sunny gard en 1; sloping to the water’s edge, where tlie < j kins lay basking in the midst of bloom­ ing flowers, and had considered it a.» the very abode of peace. 1 knew the pro­ prietor of this enviable dw elling— Se ll Parnell by name— but very slightly, and had never met with the other members of his fam ily or set foot on his tiny do­ main. That the island farm was in great dan­ ger from tlie advancing ice was but too m an ifest; and I was astonished when, on demanding w ho was ready to asssist me in carrying aid to the deserted woman and child, no response was made beyond a deprecatory growl of dissent from m y proposal. “ Throw in’ life away as you ’d throw a cornstalk, that’s what I call it,” p ith ily rejoined, after a pause, the old yeoman from tlie hills. “ Tain’t the , drift that’s speckling the river now that I ’d value the snapping of a gunlock,” : he continned, pointing to the loose ice i floating by ; it’s the gorge itself, that would smash in tlie side of a hundred- ton sloop as tt boy cracks a peanut ; and j see, mister, the jam ’s breaking already.” And indeed the ice-wall, which h a d ' for some minutes been stationary, hav- j ing probably anchored itself on some shoal or sandbank, w as again in motion, urged by the resistless pressure of the flood above it, while the shrieks and do -! spairing gestures of the lonely occupant of the islet showed in what an agony of alarm she beheld the near approach of the destroying wave. S till, although I made an urgent appeal to those around to aid me in manning a broadhorn— one of a number of boats of various build and size that lay moored in the* creek hard by— no volunteer answered to the c a l l ; and when I declared my in­ tention of going alone to the rescue c-f those on the island, efforts were made to dissuade me from running the risk of w liat, to the bystanders, appeared to be all but inevitable death. “ Good grit ; I ’ll auv ilia tfo rih e B rit- • isher I” ’ Such were the old farmer’s' valedictory word» as I sprang into a her(* i lo ttll wloFX* N rVuioe. grasped the paddle and pushed DT. “ P ity , top. to see it done. "We . 1 *». 't* liUi^; .uu,,« ' >urhtcr hey held hue back by farce, ^Lii*u»s4rfttof : L n b o rs .,r Uncle 8ilas laid his paper down and oast a shrewd glance at P olly over h i»1 glasses, thou heuiu]odaud*aid: “ Mothl an vtjd m kg . [ “ W hy. what should it be? You don’t L ir^ « Po J i i l f Y a rd . HotM one quart of milk; stir in one think he s under ‘w n \ictivn , »lo you ? and a half cups of ludían meal, and However, I was bv this time well out I shoulAin’t womler, though, now that boil live minutes; take from the fire, The following account of the largest of the <7rcek, which formed a sort of you mention it, if he was. Them ’s pow- j poultry yard in the State of New Y tok and, when cool, add iUe ,yolks of three their treat r ’ . i/ in g early m j miniature harbor, and p lying my pad­ erfui attritions Parson Hammond's eggs, wt 11 l»eaten, with one large cup of is given in the J^uacto*'« Journal : life been p i * VJ.| tuition of a dle w ith the vigor necessary to contend been preachiu’ lately— most enough to sugar and a little grated lemon peel;! mining engN ^ai^^m ad brought out with the force of tlie current, now wnke the dead, ’specially in the graves pour all together iu a buttered pudding with me to A iierisa tliat techn ical! under the meetin’ house winders. W ell, dish, and bake half an hour in a quick knowledge which so^greatly tends to if it’s the L o rd ’s w ill to call him , it oven. Make a meringue of the whites: smooth the path of an emigrant. would be a ’inaziu com fort to me to see of the eggs, beating to a stiff froth, with I t was for the sake -of my widowed him brought into the fold afore I die. a tablespoonful of powdered sugar; mother in England— who loved me very Not but what John's alius been a good spread the pudding with currant or dearly, and who, I knew, never failed son as things is —fcho’ rather fond o’ tid- other je lly , a ml lastly with the meringue, night and giortin g to put up a prayer 1 in’ and dancin’ maybe, uml carin’ less and replace in the oven about five inm­ ding, which is fed warm. He has com­ for the safety and w«4M»eingwf her boy for prayer meetin’s thau I could wish— utes to brown. menced to k iil them off, and employs beyond the seas^-tha I was so eager to still I dunno as he’s much different to fifteen hands to pick, two to kill, ami M A C A R O N I W ITH P A R M E S A N C H E E S E . earn the means of ettablishmg a home most youn g folks that way; I used to be P u t one-fourth pound of the best one to carry away and pack on racks which I could ask b*r to siurn*. W ith ruther chipper m yself when I was a Italian macaroni into boiling water, until frozen, then they are ready for this end in viu« . during the first years with a little salt; when tender, strain shipping. He also employs two men to of m y residence in the United States I > “ Y o u ’re on the wrong track, mother, cook the feed and feed them. He has into a cullender, aud rinse with cold had practised as w ell as in­ * entirely. How would you like the Dea- water; then lay it on a shallow-plated twelve buildings for liis fowls, from one dustry ; had roegk^t it contentedly, t con’s A lice for a darter?” to two hundred feet long, fourteen feet j or copper pan, cover it w ith one-fourth and bad-3pent aiy h isu*e hours in per­ i “ La* suz!” and A un t D ebby dropped j I pound of Parmesan cheese; brown in wide, and seven feet under the eaves, fecting m yself in the theoretical lore of * her knitting and ttared at Uncle Silas the oven and serve on the same dish. w ith a door in each end of them. my prof« ssion, and i? cultivating an ac- 3 with wide distended eyes for the space M r. Ilobeson bought most of his A N E C O N O M IC A L B R E A K F A S T . * of thirty seconds; but nothing short of i I f you have a few bits of meat, and ducks iu the W est, and had them paralysis could longer deprive that ex- two or three cold potatoes left, put some shipped in crates— three dozen in a , cellent woman of the use of her tongue. ; dripping into a sauce-pan; slice the po- crate. He also has an egg house, 35 feet h “ D eary me! well, to be sure! but «totoes thin, cut up the meat fine, and by 50 feet, and four stories high. The * why not ? A lice is a good sensible gal outside is eighteen inches thick, and « as well as a hansum one, and not a bit two or three eggs, according to tlie size bu ilt of cut stone, laid in mortar, r spilt with bein’ an only darter, as g a ls , of the dish to be prepared, stir them boarded up on the inside and filled in f is apt to be, and then tlie Deacon’s fore- into a cup of cream or m ilk, and pour between tlie outside and inside walls l handed, and his medder jines ourn. over the meat and potatoes. If eggs are with sawdust, it taking 3,(J00 bushels. { W ell, father, considerin’ everything,! not plentiful, use fewer eggs and more Mr. Robesou claims that he can keep John m ight go futlier and fare w us.” milk or cream. If m ilk, add a table- eggs any length of time in this build­ “ So I think, mother; not that Alice spoonful of butter. Keep it over the ing. He also keeps the poultry that he i would be my ch ’ice— she’s too still and lire, stirring constantly, till the eggs are i is now dressing until next M ay or June, the lower rooms of tlie farm-house, a white; but then it’s not me that's goin’ cooked. It takes but a few minutes to which he sells for eighteen to twenty gave up all for lo s t ; while the child— a t> to marry her; if John fancies her it’s all ' cents per pound, and it cannot be told prepare this, but do not leave it an in­ noble-looking little boy — showed - rig h t— I shan't ask him to look at her stant till done, or the eggs w ill burn from fresli-dressed poultry. He gets scarcely any sign of alarm. through my glasses. No, no; let him ten cents per ’pound for turkeys' featli- and ruin the whole. Those were anxious moments w hich ii please himself and he’ll please m e.” I ers, twelve for hens’, and sixty-five for E O O S S O F T O K H A ltD B O IL E D . succeeded. I could tell by the dull e P olly tried to say something to keep Hard-boiled eggs have always been 1 ducks’. He savs there is money in thud-tbud ! as of a steam hammer, that 1 her silence from being observed; but if considered more dilticult of digestion the ice was beating agaiust the stout i her life hail depended on the articulation than soft-boiled ones. The result is timbers of the farm-house. The mead­ t of a dozen syllables she could not have this: The white of an egg is almost ows were submerged, the garden a t* spoken them. Poor P olly! she had pure alhuuieu. Now albumen coagu­ dreary waste of floating fragmente of found out at last, what ailed her; she lates with heat, and is not so readily ,t loved John with her whole warm little noted on by the gastric juice; so that y heart, and now he would go aud marry much of it i*sses from the »torn1, h »» r; Alice Brown and— a lum p got into P o l­ 'digested. Persons with a A W mhs d i­ H o w to P kkmium H u s h . - as Um canoe rose to mv ly ’s throat just here and threatened to gestion may manage aJ harttVoilsd egg feet amt spi , itlMb tile water, w h ich ' n choke her, and before she knew it a sob so as to extract most o\ tlie nourishment Dr. V. A. Bake. j n the He,■ keeper'. *t escaped , »nd P o lly took refuge in a de- ¡(rom it, if it Jm ■ *» ell masticated and arise, publishes „ plan to secure the proved to is* little » o r s than waist deep 1 largt-st quantity, an.I the best honey, at the spot, so tiia tV ». ramble.1 o ceiftul fit of coughing, which, like all which i» w ell wojxhy 0f trial. ' up the garden while iny frail. Ijifa l senefts, carried its own pmushmetili The plan i« "s.m p lj to keep a very l this t, . sI aeltievud a I. ' “ WU.v, .-hrltk ju a 'v e oiutfLit * ilr.D n l w ill work with mors energy in uuilouig (urflal, Imt oupr “ P*fiu,l. « te'vss. I '• h»nl <- oust yom i..n»r U ,- .- . comb and storing honey, tuau oue with bad reacheil t f e island, igjt tile heaviest a full »apply. It is not uncommon for and a go o d « * ■ *' pat*1'!* toil. The strong families, with everything neetlful B W k Sun hot a JMOjK-rtj of uiod- for storing honey in surplus boxes, to orate e xten f—not '*«* those inum- and married K itty Gibson If it had a 1 loaf about the hive, until a few empty uiotli mtL. i' , ;. t yi* id lle e < tltousands been me I’d a’ ruther hail «’ larissy, if frames are given between the fu ll ones, .of tons in tit” mmm d j ’ 'Hp.lt— but the »lie was hum bly, for she was a sw.-ct ween they w-ill soon be tided, but, be- ' .roll was of l» » *h -l't 4U. iity ; line red toni|>ered critter, and a m ighty neat ing in ;h_e .jue- “ otiambe -, she imme-1 haematite, W almost equalled the best housekeeper; but K itty Barlier— K itty dl .tely performs her maternal duty and »wediah in lustre anil purity ; und uotli- Gibson that was— wits a Tartar and a you get no honey. The law is immuki- m g but the cost of coal aud of labor slattern to lx Kit; which ain't common ! blc, in their allowing no empty space i prevented u* from o u iry in g o n a much For you mostly see a »1 ck, easy-goiu' 1 Iwtween bisxul combs, and the law ini- larger trails than we actually did. Our w 1 m m ain’t got no more snap iu her uor pelting the l>ee« to till the space with workmen weie a motley crew of varied a dish clout; while a woman that's suth- comb acts with like force in indicating uatioiiabty, for the best of the native in’ of a spitfire U apt to be mortal spry to th queen her duty. By virtue of pitmen had been allured away by the and generally has two cleanin' daya to a cause and effect, if the entire hive is gold an® silv p ro f tjje f a r West, while week.” , made into space, it is but fulfillin g that the stun\y lriik immigrants preferred to tiiis I at once addressed myself. P o lly, who had begun to clear off the law for the tiees to promptly till it with open-air ddM:r to earning» livelihood L u ck ily, a number of empty flour-casks, »upper table, stopped midway to the j combrnnd honey, if, perchance, it is iu lielowJtroUul. Bo high were the wages set on end, and some sheep-hurdles, pantry to hear the last of Aunt D ebby s which I espied floating about in the reminiscences, and she could not help ing present, we must allow a considera­ yard, now transformed into a lagoon, in wondering if it would make any differ­ ble force to assist in attending to h?r the midst of which the affrighted poul­ ence to John if she should looec her good rovalty; dethrone her and supply t ie try screamed and fluttered, supplied looks; that i», supposing they hail lieen colony witli material to make a new 01 e, the needful materials, while my pro­ engaged like Clarissa and Hiram. O f aud yet allow none to mature for a fessional hardiness stood me iu good course, as things were, Jqlm would not period, and we shall have our b o ies Salaries in t l 7 'ted states are jior- stead ; but the peril was pressing and care if her eyes should suddenly turn tilled with the beauteous nectar. The hapr not q e d e g m a projiortionate level imminent, for now the blows dealt by crooked in her head, or if her pretty lit­ operation is to put two large swarmr. 15,- wash days, in very cold weather, he liml txx>. He didn't steal but £14,700, and and give them another W hen the sec­ and, prpspeetaely, of some share in the breaking up of another “ jam ," or even been known to bang out the hence brings a su it for libel. Three ond has become .ertile, the greatest flow the profits of tie firm F or the time be­ temporary ice-dam, would probably clothes; all of wluch his mother and the hundred is worth looking utter when it of honey being over, remove the honey ing I lmd bynrd und lodging, at the render the river unnavigable, so that, ueighlmr women put down to the score frames or boxes and till the hive with rate of Si in an upland farm­ ¡should the house be swept away, our iiajn't lieen stolen. of John's kind heart, and they were all eombs or empty frames, as the F all sea­ house, and ran no risk of damage, j last poor chance of safety would be agreed tliat he would make a model hus­ D iscard tlie old habit of boasting of son for horn may indicate. The queens either in i-crson or property, by the I gone. So I worked on with a tierce band. the uumber of acres of land planted, and broad combs can be utilized to ad­ i eagerness, until the empty casks and the number of plows run, or the number of vantage, which any intelligent apiarian Perhaps it vas all abstract goodness ! osier hurdles were as tightly secured bales of cotton made, and look w ell to w ill understand. on John's part; but if so, why was it ' with withes and cords as could be ef- the number of dollars of clear profit. that nobody nod ever known him to i fected with one pair of hands ; and then show the least concern about old Mrs : the precious ra il was launched, Mrs. W hen a man becomes the father of a “ Now, Johnny, ask God to make you Moss* rheumatic hands when she took Parnell lending her slight strength to twelve-pound girl, and calico is only a good boy before you go to bed.” P o lly ’s place at the washtub ? though he the task as, slowly and painfully it was seien cents a yard, he can well afford to “ I t’s no use mamma— he won’t do it, was seen to hold P o lly 's rosy digits for smoke thirteen cigars a day. I t’s d if­ I tell yon ; IT e asked Him ever so many heartbreak. She did not even droop, five minutes just to warm them , you search of a place w here (here should be ferent with a woman. know, and then send her indoors while but held up her head like a brave little 1 times." NUMBER 22 crying “ quarter»” forever? I t was j perfectly ruinous. H is mother had had all she could do to support the fam ily, ! before; but what would become of them | now ?" “ You may take your seat,” added Mis» i Pentecost, still in a low tone, so that no | o: ' could hear, but w ith a sm ile that ex­ asperated poor Kim . “ It is dreadful that you w ill be naughty ; but then, you |see, the more I whip you the more money I shall g e t ; and perhaps before the Sum ier is out, I shall have enough j to buy a new dre es.” I “ No, you don't,” thought Kim , shut- i ting his teeth together. “ Catch me let­ ting my mother buy a dress for you ! j W hy, we’ve got to go without ginger- bread to-day. You don’t get another chance to whip me for one while, iiiRitm There was once a wrei *L i tl- un­ painted Bchool-house tu.it atcod in a sand-bank all Summer, and in a snow­ bank all W inter, waiting for a strong north wind to blow it ov.ir. “ Say, what w ill you sell that school- house fo r?” asked a tra \eler of a little boy who stood on one fo< t on the rickety door-step. “ For a bunch of matches,” answered the little bov as quick as thought. The man laughed aud rode on. The boy was Kim ball Price, the rogue of tlie tow n of Skoodac, District number Three, and t’ iry-patience of all his teachers. He w. a handsome lad, ten years old. I do liuf mean that he was always ten; but that was his age when Miss Pente­ cost whipjied him, and that is where oui story begins. Now, Mias Pentecost taught th» school tliat Sum m er,at D istrict number Three. She liked K im — e\erybody liked him; bu t that was no renaon why be should be allowed to tie girla tog’ i her by the hair yr »• ihose days— or lire pa] hi -balls, Or eat chokc-cherries, or stick pins tu ila benches, to make A B C scholium cry “ O !” when the1 were not saving thou letters. Miss I^ntecost never winked at ** their nightm ares; and as w lii|► ]** tigs w ere a< b fashiouable at that period, she whipped Kim regularly tlire** tin • a week. I t af1 was considered the most direct way of h it reaching tlie conscience. you B ut Kim could never remember a “ whipping more than a day ami a half, or eye at the longest, three days, and Mi**» Pentecost began to grow driconrnut-l. her Must Kim always go on doing mischief, wi- and neglecting his lessons— a boy w ho could learn so well if lie chose?” She knew his mother— a poor widow.« i* t with a large fam ily of children and «lie SU was sure Mrs. Price could not afford to send Kim to school merely to play. “ W hat can I say or d<> to mai- an *»ia impression on that.child?” thought M ^k- Pentecost, one day, as she tied the hoi strings of her gingham “ log-cabin” nn- wi­ der her chin, and stepped out of the woi school-house. Just then she caught these words. Hn spoken by Kim w ith gn at ener y, ana lie a flourish of lists: Mi “ T ell you it’s true. Bob W hiting, far wh mother said so, and if mother says it ‘ so, it is so, and if it ain’t so!” Miss Pentecost laughed . :1 to herself “ 1 and passed on through rite sand-bank he into the dusty road. W lien she lra«l got gone as far as the b ig w illow, she paused a little and laughed again. I “ I like to hear a boy* talk so about bis mother, even if it is nonesense. Kim is . . an affectionate little fallow, and 1 shouldn’t wonder if lie is a pretty good ,, son. Anyway, I ’ve got an idea, an»l I n- mean to try it, and see how ii will work.” Next day is tlie time for one of Kim s | regular whippings. He bud been more trying than usual, and Miss Pentecost c sent Job W hitin g out for a remarkably } . , strong birch stick, wdiieh could express i . her feelings better than the old one, i which stood in the corner. She sj*ent ‘ i some time in trimming tlie new tw ig, i -r i though she ik as careful to leave a few *n little knots on it, which would give ern ? ^ jihasis to the blow*«. * I “ I don't think I ever saw a W tter (Jj birch btiri] ojiiiig at it Ail- \ :■ V “ Ni P l^ f of. lyour^coiii. !| ‘ Ife was so.u^ul to it wi trial he always kept half tlie battoos uuia.st.cned to save time. Miss Pentecost gave him an hrmsimllv ' hard whipping, and after it he cri« d till he could hardly see out of liis eyes. He thought that was enough, anti it was what the boys call a “ square tilin g,” but at night,las he w as running out of 1 the school-house, w liistliug, Miss Pente- ", cost Ciilled him up to her desk. “ W ell, K im ball, I ’vo whipped you ' hard to-day— very hard.” Kim thought there was no doubt about V l r k l at h**'Deeded, haw tori last w hipping ut, Kim , dear I know lied J iw , meeting her P the quarter to remem- Y ur mother savs she nv oueof the wealth- bed men in his nativo s o l Squire Hatha- i: i his Fourth of J uly .ted over here at di little black school )t and miserable that a tew years ago it returned from his wife, and I 7— she was once tuoUKQlS A family, six in number here, F resh fro m » c e lla r in Sinners’ T o w n ; M o th er I k t »j: lii .-•mfliit'.ueiit near. F u lle r aud brat» w ith fe v e r dow n. "T w as P e s tile n c e sp o k e th e n , w as it no t? *• An open »ew er.” I th in k he »aid ; W ell, hi» offer »nail b u y th e lo t, D x in g ! g en tlem en — «lying!— dead! N o w , good cu^i m ere, h e r e ’s a ch an ce : A thousand men in tL e p rim e o f lif e , W ield«*- o f m n sk et, »word and lance. Arm* u and d r ille d f«*r th e d ead ly s trife . G en era l A a rla re lift» hi» h a n d — •* A b H a t r«r e». h .” «rie» th e g en t in I N o - th r -m his— f«r-t flow s th e »and, lin in g ! p. > tbm en—d y in g ! dead! A b o d y o f t o ile r* w o rn and w rak . Clerk» »n«i euntb.» an d w ritin g m en — Lot k at tin flubh i'll <-«i'h su n ken «beek, Murk th e linge r» tliat grasp th t pen! C « n e , g io d g e u tle m e n , ra n ’t w«- d e al, Ha» D ru d g ery » ey e fo r b arg a in s tie d y Ht off r» at last, th e p r ic e o f a m ea l— h q in g ! g en t lei je n — d y in g !— dead! deserved it. There, run along, and see if yon can’t lie a better boy to-day.“ ” B ut mother— ” “ W ell, what?" “ W ell, you see, the mistress— ” “ W ell, speak it out, sonny. I ’m in a hu rry.” “ W hy, you see, mother, the mistress wants twei ty-tivo cents for whipping me.” | “ Twenty-five cents?” j “ She says it lamed her arm,” »aid | Kim , hanging his head. “ She ssvs »he can’t do it {or nothing, and if I don’t i bring it she’ll have to »end me hom e.” Mrs. Price looked down at the curly- 1 haired culprit with a tw inkle of fun in ! her eyes— she had black eyes very much i like K im ’s. j “ W ell, sonny, go get m y purse out of tlie end cupboard. If I am poor, it 1 shan’t lie said I don’t do all I can for my children’» education.” Kim brought the pm -a re d v e n ted “ Y’ es, here is a silver qua -ter, < itli the pillars on it. W e are out of gipger- bread, and I was going to sjien t it for molasses, but never mind. I don t blame M iss Pentecost. I t know it was hard work to whip you, aud she deserves the money.” “ Thank you, Kim ball, said Miss Pen­ tecost, in a low voice, when she received the bright new quarter. “ D idn ’t your mother think I deserved it? " “ Y’es’m ,” replied the boy, his chin sinking into the hollow place in his neck. “ thought she would. W ell now, my dear, I shall carry this quarter home, and keep i t ; and next time I whip you, you must bring me another. D o you understand ?” Kim scowled down at his little bare toee, and tried to stick them into a crack in the floor. W hy, this waa getting serious. W ould the woman keep on ensued, which was broken by an impa­ tient youth exclaim ing, “ D on’tb e so un­ speakably happy.” M any of the noted women of the last century were hardly known to the pub­ lic before they were seventy-five year» old, and Anna Dickinson, has a chance to become famous as an actress. W l cannot be too careful how we play with th» F.nglish language. One day a married lady of Trenton, while admiring the fails from W arburton avenue bridge, remarked, “ Isn’t that dam nice?” “ M a b — “ D o you think it would be safe for me to cross this pastu re ?” Maid — “ W eil, the old b u ll doesn’t like red very much, but if you w ill chalk your nose I think he wont attack you .” A LA D Y revivalist asked earnestly a poor exile of Erin whether he did not wish to “ work for the L o rd ." The irrev­ erent E .t'em ian answered: “ Be dad I don’t. I ’m content to work for the rail road!” “ P a , I guess our man Ralph is » Rood Christian.” “ How so, my bey?" Pa, I read in the B ible that the wickiwl ■ '.all not live out lialf his days • »Tq Ralph says he has lived out e ver since h. was a little boy.”