OH cores Oil cures Oil cures Oil cures Oil cures Oil cures Oil cores Oil cures Oil cures Oil cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Lumbago. Sciatica. Sprains. Bruises. Soreness. Stiffness. Backache. Muscular aches. Wasliwoman's Help. A Minnesota woman has invented a boiler, having a wire basket carried by a flanged ring, which rests on the top of the boiler, the basket inserted before the clothes are put in and lifted out when the clothes have boiled suffi ciently, biinging all the garments with it. Rheumatism Is caused by acid in the blood. Hoods Sarsaparilla neutralizes this acid and cures the aches and pains of rheumatism. Do not suffer any longer when a remedj- is at hand of which thousands of people say it lias caused all symptoms of rheumatism to disappear. Kemember Hood's Sarsa parilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. Trice, $1. Hood's Pills cure sick headache. 25 cents. Fork Cleaner. A recently patented Invention will please those housewives whose sonls have been vexed by the problem of polishing forks. It consists of a treble strap of "Selvyt," held in position and stretched by means of a wire frame and handle. The forks to be polished aro inserted between the straps, each of which fits into a corresponding space between the prongs. A few movements up and down then suffice to thoroughly clean and polish the fork, either witb or without plate powdei. Indicator on Guns. An indicator has been designed foi repeating arms which will show at a glance whether the shells aro all dis charged, and how many loads there are in the gun, a numbered cylinder being carried by the stock to revolve one number as the mechanism is operated to bring a shell into the firing cham ber. Housekeepers will appreciate a new kitchen utensil which has the bottom formed of a perforated receptacle which strains the vegetables after cooking and mashes potatoes, etc, without remov ing them. tea sold only in Keeps the Reins In Place. To prevent horses getting the reins tinder their tails, a Virginian has de signed a harness attachment composed of a number of wire bows, to be se cured to the breeching on either Bide, and extend over the tail, and prevent the horse from switching it high enough to get over the reins. TRY AtLSVS FOOT-EASE, A powder tobc shaken into the shoos. "Xfthis seas.Sa your feet jeBT swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It rests and comforts ; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of ail pain and is a cer tain cure for Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it toilay. Sold by all druggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olm Bted, Lo Roy, N. Y. A Salt Water Fire Service. A salt water fire protection service has been established in Boston for a limited area. A line of pipe has been laid to a point near the postoffice and a number of hydrants laid on it. Pumping is doue by an engine on a fire boat. This, it is hoped, says Engineer ing News, is the beginning of a com prehensive system of independent fiie protection for the business district of the city. Such, a system has been ad vocated for a number of years. No household Is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse'Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. "Wliere the Balls Come From. The largest center in the world for the manufacture of steel balls for ball bearings is situated at Schweinfort, in Bavaria. A couple of factories there, owned by one firm, produce close upon 800,000,000 balls annually with the labor of 600 men working ten hours daily. The total production of Ger many is elated to be about 060,000,000, while England and France combined turn out only about 70,000,000 addi tional. Chicago Chronicle. COULD NOT SLEEP. Mrs. Pinkham Believed Her of All Her Troubles. Mrs. Madge Baijcock, 178 Second 8t.. Grand Rapids, Mich., had ovarian trouble with its attendant aches and pains, now she is welL Here are her own words: " Your Vegeta ble Compound has made me feel like a new person. Before I be gan taking it I was ail run down, felt tired and sleepy most of the time, had pains in my back and side, and such headaches ' all the time. andcould not sleep well nights. I al so had ovarian trouble. Through the advice of a friend I began the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, and since taking1 it all troubleshave gone. My monthly Icknessused to be so painful, but have not had the slightest pain since taking1 your medicine. I cannot praise your Vegetable Compound too much. My husband and friends see such a change in me. I look so much better and have some color in my face." Mrs. Pinkham invites women who are ill to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is freely offered. Ua ffl HfS W.MFRf All RSfc F& IS. E5I emu mm all else fails. Sal Best Conch Syrup. Tastes Good. Use gf Id lc time. Sold by druggists. Bl Tastes Good. Use I St. Jacobs St. la cobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs St. Jacobs Schillings Best Packages 3.-8aMs3Jw e Tbefletdffii of imiiauMMMiwawoww IT came to pass that there were born unto Ezra and Lucy Whlttlesy, two boys, William and John, who grew to youth's estate on the old farm In Oakland County. John was a home boy. His happiest days were those on which he hoed and weeded. With William It was differ ent He was like unto neither his mother nor his father. He was Just William. He read, long Into the night, by the kerosene lamp In the sitting room, stories of adventure and of youths going forth into the world In search of fortune and of fame. He longed for a wider field. He dreamed of conquests, of piles of gold, of ex plorations Into unknown countries, and of experiences in life such as never entered the mind of plodding John. The days, the weeks, the months. rolled on around the spool of time, and, i with each bright breaking sun, more ; and more discontented and dissatisfied did become the restless William. His i days were centuries long. There was always shining before his eyes the star i of ambition which he was of a mind to follow more than once. He detested the sorry life of the farm, with the homely environment, the old, old rou tine, day in, day out, and finally, after several years of uncomplaining servi tude, he determined to run away. He was 18 then, or two years he had saved every penny, every nickel, every dime, that had fallen In his way, and ere long noted that the dollars were taking care of themselves In a little company of their own. There were forty-two of them In the stone Jar on the shelf at the head of his bed. The sun was sinking behind the western horizon on the fateful night of William's departure. There, by the little window In the store room where he slept with the peaceful, sweet-contented John, he sat on a cane-seated chair beside the bed, his forty-two dol lars spread out on the quilt before him. "I will do It!" he exclaimed to him self In the dim darkness. "I will do It" His thoughts were broken In upon by the cry of a woman down below, at the foot of the stairs. "William! William! It's time to go for the milk." "Ah, me," murmured the boy to him self, "another night has come, but It shall be the last. For many years has it been my duty to go down the dusty old road to Green's for the evening milk. I cannot see why father does not maintain a dairy, or at least one cow, of his own. But, no, I must trudge, trudge on through snow, through sun shine and through rain to that old farm house nearly two miles down the turn pike for milk. But this shall be my last walk " "William! William! ain't yew ever go in' fur that milk?" Again the feminine -rice from the foot of the stairway;, "YesT mother, I'm comln' now." The boy dropped all the forty-two dol lars Into his trousers pockets, and, after placing the stone jar back on Its shelf at the head of the bed, slowly sham bled down the stairs. "There's th' pail William," said his mother, pointing toward the table drawn up by the kitchen window. William took it and passed out Into the deepening darkness. He was alone on the road. The stone walls on either side showed indistinct ly yellow gray in the fast gathering darkness. Now and then William would stoop and pick up a stone and fling it Idly toward a bush whence came the note of a nlghtblrd crying to Its mate. He stumbled once or twice and murmured something under his breath each time. As he walked down that road the whole eighteen years of his monotonous existence, called Life, unrolled themselves before his mind's eyes. He remembered the old swim ming hole, the eager hunts for birds' nests in the days agone, the "stone bruise" he carried to school with him all one spring, and the beech whistles he used to make at recess. And the squirrel hunts and the games of youth, all the different scenes of his life were enacted again for him In the playhouse of his memory. And at the end he said to himself, "Well, It Is over now, for to-night I shall go away. Never again will William take home the night's milk. This Is my last walk." His mind was set, determined. He stumbled along the rocky path to the milk-house on Green's farm, and stood by, silently, while the hired man filled his pail, then he trudged back over that country road. The moon was rising. Already a soft, silvery light flecked the foliage of the woods on the left, and cast shimmering shadows on the stone walls. And William dreamed of the wealth of the Indies that would one day be his, of the fame, the glory and the great, good name that awaited him, out in the world, beyond the ken of life on the Whlttlesy farm. Suddenly the boy stopped so sudden ly. Indeed, that the frothing milk slop ped over the top of the pall and fell In two splashes, one on the road, the other on his trousers. "I shall not go home. I shall leave now!" he cried. He walked to the edge of the road and peered Into the white, lighted woods. "I must hide the pail," he said, "but where?" For a moment he stood in the shadow, thinking. "I remember!" he exclaimed. "The old blasted tree trunk. I will put the pail there." He walked a few rods further up the road and then sheered off Into the woods. By and by he came out Into the moonlight again. He had carried ! out the plan that had sugested itself to his mind. The milk pall had been placed In the old tree trunk. For a moment he hesitated. He took off his cap and stood bareheaded under the sky, the rays of the moon bathing him In a flood of silver light. "Good-by! Good-by!" The words were spoken to the breezes and were borne to the night birds that made reply with shriller chirpings. Then William turned and went back down the country road. "Yes," the station agent at the cross ing told him, "there will be a train along for the west In thirty minutes." William Whlttlesy had dreajned of Colorado, and 'twas there he meant to go. An hour later he was rolling on his way. And She years came and went 6fts&tes;efef sets tbe prodigal, "fc &S6e&eS--SSSS&&&S-SS-:S:&& Not a word was ever received by the Whittlesys from William. And after many months they came to regard him as dead, and no longer hoped that one day his form might again darken the kitchen door. With William all went well. He stay ed In Chicago Just long enough to learn that there was nothing for him there. He pushed his way further west He succeeded In his first venture, and five years had not elapsed before his name had come to be known throughout tbe mining country. Often he thought of that home back in Michigan, and fre quently he said to himself, "I will write;" then something would Inter fere with the carrying out of his Inten tion, and no word would be sent back. Thus the days and weeks and years sped on until a fifth of a century hud passed. William Whlttlesy had accumulated one hundred thousand dollars in the twenty 'years he had lived and toiled in Colorado, and one day the desire came to him stronger than ever to go back to the old home and gaze once again Into the old eyes of father and mother. So he returned. The station at the crossroads was the same. It seemed to him. It bad not even been painted In all those twenty years. The agent was a stranger, and the farmers around the little depot did not recognize in the man who alighted from the train that morning the Will iam Whlttlesy who had so mysteri ously disappeared years before. Alone and unknown, the man wended his way along the country road to the old house on the hill. He had crossed " TIIEBB'S TH' PAIL, WILLIAM," SAID HIS MOTHER. the lane below the woods when he rec ollected that pall of milk that he had hidden in the hollow log twenty years before. "I wonder If the pall can be there yet" he said to himself, and smiled at the thought. TS see.' ' He remembered the spot as distinctly as though he had but left the day bo fore. He went to the blasted trunk, kicked away the stones and moss and twigs nnd looked jiown. XHkttSM. there; but. In it nothing. He, lifted out the old tin pall, its sides all full of holes eaten by time and rust and con tinued on up the road. "I shall knock at the kitchen door," he said to himself; "and when mother answers I shall say: 'Here Is the milk,' " And William Whlttlesy laughed aloud. The house appeared unchanged. To be sure there were honeysuckles grow ing up the back porch that had not been there went he went away, but twenty years Is sufficient time for honeysuckles to live and die. William Whlttlesy ascended the steps quietly and knocked at the door. It was opened by a kind-eyed old lady. William thrust forward the rusty, bat tered pall and said, "Mother, here's the milk." The woman looked at him with wonder In her eyes. "Won't won't you come in?" she said. William entered the room. It was the same old kitchen he bad known when but a boy. And there by tbe fireplace sat a man, feeble, and wrinkled and gray. "Father, I have come back," cried William Whlttlesy. The old man turned In bis chair and gazed at the stranger, unknowing. "Don't you see who I am?" cried the long-lost. "I am William. I have come back. I went away twenty years ago " A peculiar light came Into the eyes of the woman, who, during the strang er's appeal to the old man by the fire place, had stood still, at the end of the table with one hand on her hip. "I I I understand now," she said. William looked his thanks In his eyes. He was about to close his arms about the old lady's face when she waved him back. "1 understand," she went on. "Arter you went away your mother died, and in 'beout a year your pa mar ried me. Then when he died I mar ried George there, an' we've been livln' on th' ol' place ever sence. So yew see we ain't your folks arter all, though likely ez not yew may have some legal connection with us " William put his hand to his brow and reeled. He staggered to the door sob bing, with his head bowed upon his breast he walked slowly down the old country road. And that night he went back to the West Detroit Free Press. Ex-Colonials. During the progress of the Queen's Jubilee the colonial princes, officers and premiers attracted, next to 'the royal lady herself, the "attention of the pub lic. Wherever they appeared they were received with cheers and especial honors. On on occasion the streets were pack ed with spectators watching the guests depart from some royal function at Buckingham palace. The crowd re fused to move except when some of the Indian rajahs or Australian officers ap peared, when a way was speedily open ed for them. . A carriage presently came out of the gates In which were three or four Americans who. had been guests In the palace. Finding that the way was completely blocked, one young fellow among them shouted: "Let us pass! We, too, are colonials." The crowd divided, and as the car rlage entered the opening, he added: "We are the colonials who wouldn't let our mother spank us." The crowd caught the joke, and re plied with laughter and applause. Youth's Companion. It makes no difference how good a husband a man has been, his death bed scene is not entirely satisfactory to the neighbors unless he asks his wife's forgiveness. WORKING THEIR WAY. flow Pome Boys at Chicasro University Pay for Their Kdncasion. It Is a prevalent though erroneous. Idea that the days when one can work his way through college are over. Ways and moans are just as plentiful to-day ns they were twenty-five yeais ago, and the earnest student will find them. There is always a colony of such in Chicago, and a sort of Masonry exists among them, whereby a new-comer is looked after till he finds enough work to be independent A young man has more opportunities than a woman, but there are places for the earnest woman, too. The most coveted occupations are as correspondents of the city dally papers, but as comparatively few can be thus employed, the majority have to turn tboir hands to the next thing that comes to them. From twelve to fifteen teach night school. Several teach In the public schools In daytime and do their university work in afternoons and evenings to secure their degrees of D. D. and A M. About a score carry daily papers, which pays them from $2.."a to 3.50 per week, but as this is not sufficient to meet all their expenses, they must do something else beside, and 'hey do It. About a dozen have lamp routes, which occupation pays ?20 to $25 a month. This is not as easy work as some may imagine it to be. Still the hours are easier than they were a few years ago. A few are so fortunate as to find work In the even ings In the city library. Some attend lawns In the summer and furnaces in the w inter, earning as much as S3 and $10 n week, by having several of each to care for. Some act as waiters at clubs and restaurants. Some eolicit advertisements and some aro book agents. The divinity students pay their way after the first year by preaching In small towns near Chicago. Several em ploy their leisure hours In "tutoring" less brilliant students than themselves, making a fine income. Two young men made as high as $1,200 In one year tu toring. One student Is a member of a city orchestra, which pays him $12 a week. A few are employed In the uni versity postoffice, which pays about 20 cents an hour. A messenger system employs a number about two hours each dally, and some do clerical work for our professors, though here the ladies ore given the preference. A s has been said, avenues for women are not eo plentiful, yet there are few. Several are teachers in the night schools of the city, and several aro housekeepers for professors and small clubs of students. A number are do ing clerical work, and a few do library work. Some work In the city tele phone exchanges from 5 o'clock p. m. to 10 p. m. This last Is extremely hard on the student, but with some It is that or do without the education, and so the former Is chosen. These "working" students are the best as a rule. They stand highest in their classes, highest in all the athletic sports, consequently highest in the re spect of their fellow students ant' the faculty. The first student to matricu late at the new university at Chicago was one of these earnest young men, who had hla way to mak4 One oi the associate professors. Dr. TV. ;r8 aj sen dent at "the old university who ga ined hi er nation by all kinds of work. Ho had a 'lamp route" for eight yrs. One of the finest American actors, who is billed to play in Chicago this winter, was one of these students. Chicago Chrocicie. LiOttortea In OM Havana, "Life and Society In Old Cuba" t title of an article in t&e Century, made up of" extracts from the journals of Jonathan S. Jenkins, written In 1853. Mr. Jenkins says: In Havana the stranger's attention Is arrested by tho venders of lottery tickets, who stand on tho street corners with a pair of shears in one hand and sheets of lot tery tickets In the other, ready to cut off any number for buyers. They are very adroit and are apt to persuade the credulous that they will draw n for tune in the scheme. These licensed lotteries are one of the great evils there, especially to the Spanish people, who seem to be born gamblers, and for whom the chances of dice, cards, and lottery tickets appear to have an irre sistible charm, all classes in Havana dealing In them habitually. Red Hair. A writer In an English weekly Jour nal says that it is a curious fact that red-haired people are far less apt to go bald than those with other colored hair. Tho average crop on the head cf a red-haired person is only twenty nine thousand two hundred hairs. Or dinary dark hair Is far finer, and over three dark hairs take up the sp:ice of one red one; one hundred and five thousand are about the average. But fair-haired people are still better off; one hundred and forty thousand to one hundred and sixty thousand are quite a common number of hairs on the scalp of a fair-haired man or woman. A curious calculation has been made to the effect that the hairs on the head of a fair-haired person, If they could be plaited together, would sustain a weight of something like eighty tons, equalling that of five hundred people. Primitive Ice-Making. The most ancient method of making Ice appears to be that practiced in In dia. Holes are made In the ground, dry straw Is put at the bottom of these, and on it at the close of the day, are placed pans of water, which are left until the next morning, when the Ice that Is found within the pans Is! collected. The Industry Is carried on1 only In districts where the ground ii dry, and will readily absorb the vapor given off from the water In the pans. The freezing, of course, is due to the great amount of heat absorbed by the vapor in passing froiu Its liquid to Its gaseous form. Destroying; a Famous Prison. With the demolition of Mayas prison, in Paris, the first prison In France con structed on the old cellular system has disappeared. There were 1,200 cells, radiating like the spokes of a wheel, and so arranged that each prisoner could see the chapel from the door and listen to divine service without leaving his cell. Could Use It. Mamie Only think. Fren Saunders has given Carrie Moore a diamond for an engagement ring. Steve That's all right Carrie's fa ther is a painter and glazier. The dia mond will come In handy in his busi ness. Boston Transcript Duke Won a Horse Race. Duke Adolf Friedrich of Mecklen-burg-Sehwerin, an uncle of the- Grand Duke, who won an army steeplechase at Berlin recently, is the first prince of a reigning house to ride In a horse race in Germany. As people grow older, they begin to throw all their clothes they take off at night across their beds to keep their feat warm. - When the late Prof. Henry Drum- mond was giving a course of lectures on "Evolution" In the Lowell Institute, he overheard two women, evidently much opposed to his views, discussing them. Finally one of them said: "Myra, if what he says Is not true we can stand It But If it is true we must hush it up." It was on the first day of the Jewish new year. A man with a pronounced proboscis was being brushed at a boot blacking stand. He handed the Italian the customary nickel, whereupon the later inquired, "You notta a Jewda?" "No," replied the customer; "why do you ask?" "Becausa, on de holiday we always charga de ten centa." Stuart Kobson recently arrived at Weehawkcn, and, tired and dusty, was awaiting the ferry-boat to take him across to New York, when he was ap proached by a ragged individual, who was troubled with "the twitters." "Please, mister, will you be so good as to give a poor tramp a nickel?" he asked; "I am broke, and I want to get across the river." Robson extracted the coin from his ticket-pocket, and, placing It in the outstretched hand, said: "There you are, my dear man; but I can not for the life of me understand what difference it makes which side of the river you are on so long as you are broke." In 1SG1 the repeal of the paper duty was agitating the political world of England. The budget speech was pre ceded by a rumor that the basis of the scheme would be the repeal of the tea duty, and that this would upset the Government Just before Mr. Gladstone rose to make his statement there was handed to Lord Palmerston, on the treasury bench, the following note from Lord Derby: "My Dear Pam: What Is to be the great proposal to night? Is It to be tea and turn out?" "My Dear Derby" wrote the Premier in reply, "it is not tea and turn out It Is to be paper and stationary." This little speech on the "new his tory" was delivered by Lord Sher brooke at the thousandth anniversary of his own college at Oxford. He took the spirit of the age to task for resolv ing so many things worth believing into mere myth and fable. "For exam ple," he said In concluding, "we have always held that certain of the college lands In Berkshire were given it by King Alfred. The new historians show ns that the lands were never his. But they prove too much. Had they been his, he would have kept them. Being another's, he seized the occasion to make the college a handsome present." The youthful Queen Wilhelmina of Holland, some years ago, misbehaved to her governess, an English lady. The latter, as a penance, bade her unruly pupil draw a sketch-map of Europe, with its principal cities and natural features Indicated. In the course of an hour the young culprit presented her map. Holland was drawn with vastly disproportloned territory and careful detail. England was represented as an island too small in size for anything but Its name; Ireland was made rather more significant; and across the margin of the work was written: "The actual English territory is too limited to allow details." Seotol: servant- to bor istress, "I maun tell ye I am to leave your service and be marrltt." "Is not this very sudden, Mary?" Inquired the lady; "who is the person you expect to marry?" "It is John Scott, mistress." "But you have known him but a short time; how can you trust a stranger?" persisted the woman, reluctant to part with a good servant "Yes, 'tis true; but he's ken himsel' mony years, and he says he's all right, and I believe he is, for I asked him, 'Did he ken the ten commandments?' and he gave them lvery one. I asked him could he say the shorter catechism, and he had it lvery word; then I told him to grip his hands quick and hard, and then, lady, I saw he was a strong man, and I'm goin' to gie him my hand." Dean Stanley once told how he first saw Gladstone. The old Bishop of Nor wich, having been very much pleased with some of his son's performances, said that as a reward he would take him to visit William Gladstone, tbe most extraordinary schoolboy who had ever been seen. They went to the house where he was, and Arthur Stanley was sent out into the garden to make ac quaintance with the prodigy, who was said to be sitting In a summer-house at the end of a walk. He went, and, hav ing arrived at the summer-house, saw Gladstone reading a book. As Stanley entered Gladstone looked up and said, with great vehemence: "Little boy, lit tle boy, have you read Gray?" Stanley, much startled, faltered out that he had not read Gray, to which the other, with Increasing intensity of manner, replied: "Then you must read Gray." . How They Helped. The boys of whom the following story Is told, by an old college professor In the Nashville Advocate, are old men now, but the memory of some of their youthful pranks must be pleasant to them. The year 1857 was one of remarkable frultf tdness in East Tennessee, and the wheat crop was unusually large and abundant As this was before the day of mowers and reapers. It was often difficult to find labor sufficient to gather the crop. That year It was peculiarly embarrassing, and the father of Dr. John Brunner, president of Hlwassee College, who had a small farm In the neighborhood, found himself deficient in help to secure his abundant crop of wheat In his extremity, he called on his son to Inquire if there were not some young men in college who might be Induced to lend a helping hand. Dr. Brunner made the announcement to the boys, informing them of his father's circum stances, and requesting any of them who might be willing, to volunteer for the old gentleman's help. The boys, after consulting together, sent In a reply that they would willing ly render the desired assistance, provid ing they could find the scythes, or "cra dles," as they were then called, and bor row them from the neighboring farm ers, and that they would report at the harvest field early the next morning. Old Mr. Bruner had an extra break fast prepared, and awaited the coming of the young men with eagerness, but they did not come. Finally he received a message from the boys that they had not been able to secure any cradles from the neighbors that day, as they were all In use In the harvest, and could not be spared. This was a sad disappointment to Mr. Brunner, who had no help of his own; but he concluded to go to the field, and with his own hands save what he could of his crop, now readv to fall, When he reached the field, to his utter aston ishment he found the grain all neatly harvested and put up in shocks, but no one in sight. The boys bad borrowed the cradles the night before, and by tbe light of th moon had gone to the field with a large force, and had carefully done the wont without lotting the old man know any thing about It. THE HARMLESS RATTLESNAKE. It Does Not Always Ftriko When Given the Opportunity. I have seen a good many rattlesnakes perhaps a hundred or more In the Sierra Mountains, but I have never in tentionally disturbed them, nor have they disturbed me to any great extent, even by accident though they were oftentimes In danger of being stepped on. Once, while on my knees klndllug a fire, one glided under the arch made by my arms. The.last time I sauntered through the big canyon I saw about two a day. One was not coiled, but neatly folded in a narrow space between two cobble stones on the side of the river, his head below the level of them, ready to shoot up like a Jack-in-the-box for frogs or birds. My foot spanned the space above within an inch or two of his head, but he ouly held It lower. In making my way through a particularly tedious tangle of buckthorn, I parted the branches on the side of an open spot and threw my bundle of bread into It, and when, with my arms free, 1 was pushing through after It, I saw a small rattlesnake dragging Its tail from be neath my bundle. When he caught sight of me he eyed me angrily, and with an air of righteous indignation seemed to be asking why I had thrown that stuff on him. He was so small I was Inclined to slight him, but he struck out so angrily I drew back and approached the opening from the other side. But he had been listening, and when I looked through the brush I found him confronting me still with a come-In-If-you-dare expression. In vain I tried to explain that I only wanted my bread; he stoutly held tbe ground In front of It and I was afraid that as he came nearer he might close in on me and strike before I could get away in such a tangle; so I just went back a dozen rods and kept still for half an hour, and when I returned found he had gone. Atlantic Monthly. An Important Initial. A recent visitor to the executive mansion who had the largest amount of self-constituted Importance, perhaps, of any visitor In the last decade was a negro "colonel" from Virginia. He came in with flowing Jim Swinger and artifi cial cocked hat, demanding to see the President "to oncet" - For a time he was fretful of restraint, and refused to consider anything except an Immediate admission Into the White House inner sanctum. The officials asked him what was the matter with him and other pro fane questions, which at length Induc ed him to explain his errand to the sub ordinate. He was from Charlottesville, Va., and had a colored regiment ready to go to the war, which he wanted mustered Into service and sent to Santiago by the next boat. The President, f course, would have this doue if he understood the patriotism of these dually volun teers." ' " ? .. "If you start into a battle, what is the first command you would give your troops?" was asked of the old uncle. "I would say 'Get on yo horses, sah.' " "What would be your next com mand?" 'L' Prepare to move forward, sah.' "t "What next?" " 'Shoot 'em for toe kill, sah.' " Then It occurred to a doorkeeper to ask the man his name. The answer was quick and original. "J. Smith, sah." "What does the J stand for?" was the next query. The old man hotly replied: "Don't yo know nothiu'? J stands for Gineral, sah." Bismarck's Home Life. There was nothing artificial In Bis marck's home life, but simple habits, dignified daily work and Interests made the atmosphere happy, healthy and agreeable. Nor was the chancellor all of "Iron." His manners were eminently high-bred, gentle and charming. His children worshiped him, his servants and his dogs loved him, the least distin guished guest in his house remembered his courteous recognition, and that without ostentation. He never withheld respect where It was due, and in this connection an inci dent, from the London Globe, is apro pos: Shortly after the conclusion of the campaign against Austria, Bismarck was in the habit, once a week, of calling together his whole household for pray ers and for listening to his explanations of some portion of Scripture. It happened one evening that a colpor teur of the British and Foreign Bible Society was visiting the castle, and Bis marck heard of his presence. It was the evening of the Bible class. Bismarck, as soon as the household had assembled, made this announcement: "There is a brother here this evening, a Bible colporteur, who knows far more about these things than I do. I beg him to come forward and conduct the meet ing." The colporteur did so, Bismarck tak ing a humble part in the worship, and being an attentive listener to the colpor teur's exhortation. Joke on tbe Rev. lr. Henson. The Rev. Dr. P. S. Henson, that old time enemy of the rum traffic and genial pastor of the South Park Bap tist Church, tells the following good story on himself: Dr. Hqpson was going home from the ministers' meeting the other morning on an Indiana avenue car. The car was full of passengers, not a seat re maining unoccupied. At 22d street a man got on the car and proceeded to demonstrate that he had a good-sized Jag aboard. He swung on the strap and made periodical Jabs at a bird on a woman's hat. Then he lurched for ward with a wild whoop and threw his arm around a fat woman's neck. He tramped on the corns of six people, who gazed at him in unspeakable indig nation. At last Dr. Henson rose, pluck ed the fellow by the sleeve and said: "Here, my man, take this seat." "Hie, thanks awfully. Hie (with a knowing wink), been there yourself, hie, ain't you, pard?" Chicago Inter Ocean. Everyone Is Taxed. In Mexico everything and everybody pays a direct tax, from the street por ter to the largest mercantile establish ment, and the stamp for documents is equally lucrative. Many Rooms In Parliament. The British House of Parliament covers nine acres and contains 1,200 apartments. Some bachelors voluntarily Join the ranks of the benedicts and some are drafted, The Pope Has No Debts. Pio Nono bequeathed to the church 6,000,0000 francs in gold. Leo XIII has already doubled that sum, which is deposited among various European banks. The holy see has no debts, those which existed having been paid by the present pope. Albany Argus. The EnormoDi Gold Product of 1808. From South Africa, the Klondike and Australia gold is being shipped in large quantities. This year's output will nearly double that of any previous twelvemonths. The sales of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters are also increasing very fast. This famous remedy will cure dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, nervousness and weakness. The Japanese are, as a race, so small that it is necessary to build specially low bicycles for them. There is in the constellation Andro meda a stai visible to the naked eye which the smallest telescopes show to bo double. Seen through a powerful instrument, it is found to be triple. Follow It Tip. Sit down and cool off suddenly, and then regret it, for stiffness and soreness is bound to follow. Follow it up witb St. Jacobs Oil and you will have nothing to regret from a prompt cure. A Texas woman has patented a new toy for children, consisting of a jack-in-the-box to bo released from the box by striking the spring catch with a ball attached to an elastic cord. HOITT'S SCHOOL TOR BOYS. Now at Burlingame, will remove to its beautiful new home at Menlo Park, San Mateo Countv, Cal., and re-open January lfith, 1899. Address Ira O. Hoitt, Ph. D., Menlo Park, Cal. There are 110 mountains in Colorado whose peaks are over 12,000 feet above the ocean level. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Room and board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; room's 50 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery. There are houses still standing in Nuremberg, Bavaria, that were built in 1080. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. Waltham has joined several other Massachusetts cities in adopting a cur few ordinance. If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. The California woodpecker will carry an acorn thirty miles to store it in its nest. CITS fermanentty Cured. No atsor nervousnes mo after flrst day's use of Dr. KJiue'a Ureat Nerve Itestorer. Send for Pit KB SH.OO trial bottle and treatise. DR. R. H. KJLLN.E, Ltd., 930 arcli street, Philadelphia, fa. "Anglosaxonia contra mundum" is a late neo-Latin coinage. AGENTS WANTED. bl ATOMS Vegetable and metallic, a freak of nature, noted as the best Polish in the world for silver, gold, brass, etc., sent in quan tity sufficient for years, for 25 cents P. O. stamps. It is infusorial aud cracks In stoves mav be repaired with it. Address,R. H. BALL INGEK, 501 Mutual Lite Building, Seatile.Wush. A breech-loading cannon made n 1059 lias been discovered in an old mu seum at Hamburg, which eiplodos tho beTTe diat "sucb "weapons "are an inven tion of the present century. Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved me large doctor bills. C. L. Baker, 4228 Regent Sq., Philadelphia, l'a., Dec. '95. A colorless ink for use in writing on postal cards, etc., is made by mixing together Sulphuric acid and water,' the writing becoming permanently visible when the paper is heated. established 1780. Baker's Chocolate, & celebrated for more than a century as a delicious, nutritious, and flesh-forming beverage, has our well-known Yellow Label on the front of every package, and our trade-mark,"La Belle Chocolatiere,"on the back. NONE OTHER GENUINE. A MADE ONLY BV g WALTER BAKER & CO Ltd., ' Dorchester, Mass. 5 A SWORN STATEMENT. I, C. E. Rollins, M. D., of Grass Valley, Or., voluntarily make the followinR statement: After havinit my teeth extracted I have had five sets made at intervals of about nine months, three in Portland, one in San Francisco and one in Spokane. With neither of the.se have I been able to eat a meal's victuals or even an apple or ripe peach. On December 10. 1898, 1 had my sixth set made by Dr. Strvker, I. O. O. F. Temple, First and Alder, Portland, Or., and within twenty minutes alter the time they were put into my mouth I was able to eat a common hard winter apple and a piece of dried venison, anil at this time, December 13th, have eaten every meal since with the greatest comlort and with no trouble at all. They are a perfect fit ano satisfactory In every respect. , C. R. ROLLINS, M. D. References: French Bros. Bank, The Dalles, Or.; Sherman Co. Bank, Wasco, Or.J Wm. Holder. Sheriff of Sherman Co.; Drs. A. S. Nichols and Brother, Portland, Or. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of December, 1898. Seal JOHN OGILBEE, Notary Public for Oregon. w WILLAMET IRON WORKS MANDFACTUREBS OF ENGINES, BOILERS Saw EUIHI and Mining Machinery. Dealers in Flour Mill and Grain Cleaning Machinery and Supplies. Repair ing: Promptly Attended to. WORK THE BEST. PRICES THE LOWEST. American Type Founders Company Cor. CURE YOURSELF! Ch Biff A for unnatural dfrfcbargAa, lnfi&ruotatioDe, irritations or ulcerations of ma co Qa membranes. FainlCM. and not aatrin- 1thevw3ChemicalC0. ent or PokonouB. Sold by Dragrlita, or wnt in plain wrarnar. by express, prepaid, for 1.(10, or 3 bottlee, $2.7S. I ftrcal&r sont on request. 1 N. P. N. TJ. NO. 53 '98. WHEN writing to advertiser please mention this paper. r eaejT not 4 ttrmar). P 4prvau soategloa. Seems to Oat Ripe. One complaint seems to get ripe in autumn, and that is neuralgia. To soothe tbe pain, strengthen the nerves and rid the system of it, use St. Jacobs Oil, the best known cure. A handy device for hanging clothes is formed of a ring to be screwed to the top of a post to support a number of arms, which are diopped into a hole in the end of the post when not in use. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CTXRED By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ot t n are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deaim-fffl (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. r . J. ' 11 r. I dl ViU., loieoe, u. Bold by Druggists, 75c Hall's Family fill are the best. A Missouri woman has designed an ice creeper to slip on the sole of the shoes, a steel nlate. with cuvred ends. to (trip the edges of the sole having teetn to engage the ice as tne wearer walks. MM CHANDLER S OPINION. The following: letter from Senator George Chandler speaks volumes for Dr. Paulas (Oregonian.) Dr. Darrin Bear Sir: I am pleased to inform vou that my son Charles, whoni you treated in Januarv, 1896, for heart trouble and general debility, has fully re covered and gained 30 pounds, for which please accept niv thanks. GEORGE CHANDLER. Baker City. A Swedish Gentleman's Luck. To the Editor. I have been afflicted with deafness and ringing noises in my head. Dr. Darrin treated nie with elep tricity and cured me. Will answer ques tious at 539 Loring street, Albina. CHARLE CARLSON. Would Not Take SSOOO. To the Editor. I have been a physical wreck for the past four years, being af ilicted with kidney, liver and heart trou ble and dyspepsia", accompanied with pain in my back, stomach and breast. One month ago I went under Dr. Darrin' electrical and medical treatment. Now I am cured and able to work. I most em phatically commend Dr. Darrin's treat ment, aiid will answer any questions, at 545 Wood street, Portland. Would not take $5000 and be placed back where I was. WALTER MORGAN. ; Deafness Cured in 30 Minutes. To the Editor. For six months paat I have been troubled with deafness. But, thanks to Dr. Darrin and his method by Electricity, for by him and in 20 minutes I was entirely cured. My daughter was cured of rheumatism six years ago. 1 ad vise all who may be troubled in any way to call on Dr. Darrin. They will iind him efficient in all he professes to be. Refer to me, at 51 i Third street, Portland. MRS. A. SCHOEPS. Dr. Iarrln's Place of Business. Dr. Darrin gives free examination to all, and when necessary gives medicine in con. nection with electricity. The poor treated free from 10 to 11 daily, except medicine. Those willing to puy, 10 to 5; evening, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. Deafness, catarrh, eye, nose and throat, heart, liver, stomach, lung troubles, errors of youth, blood taints, gleet, unpotency, varicocele, hydrocele and stricture a spec ialty. Ail chronic male and female and I private diseases treated at reasonable rates. I No cases published except by permission j "f the patient. All business relations with ! Or. Darrin strictly confidential. Letters I of inquiry answered. CJrrulars and ques tion Tnankf sent tree, llatterf- -sa-6t?iis furnished when necessary. Offices, 263 Morrison street. Portland. MACHINERY For Mills, Mines, Shi ps and Farms; Steel Leg, ging ami Hoisting Engines; lloe Chifel Tooth Saws, Albany Grease, etc. TATU.i&BOWEN 27 to 85 First Street l'ortland. Or. -S! Fremont atreet, cau Francisco. BUY THE GENUINE iGS ... ISIANTJFACTUIIBD BY ... CALIFORiNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. NOTE THE JTAME. In bnyina sc-ril ice." because the cost iino!!iv m txtrn v- r4 Ifnmtlmi wanted va liiffn bmmir k wavs lima uonn uib ciigiriftl coMt of the beet g "is to b nd. The beet is alwyn toe cheapest. Pay a trifle more for FffiRYS SEEDS aod always get your money's wortn. rivo oena pvr iwuci everywhere. Always e V.X. r kh ....PORTLAND, OR. EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER.... Wc lead and originate fashions in.... TYPE Second and Stark Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get it Sight Keep it Right Moore's Revealed Remedy wllldolt. Three doses wiil mate you feel better. Get it from your druggist or any wholesale drag house, or torn Stewart & Holmes Drug Co.. Seattle. km TEETH WITHOUT PLATES liootR Crowned. Bridges Made, rainless flu Ing and extraction. Dr. T. H. White, SgWgg