CORVALLIS, OREGON. Dec. 30, 1S98 Capes 1 Jackets styles Boucle, Over two hundred different strictly up-to-date. Plush, trimmed and plain, Kersey, Beaver. Prices are right. Fur Collarettes and Capes, 5 to $25 each. SHOES. Our Shoe stock is as complete as though we earned nothing but shoes. THE HOUSE OF TOO MUCH TROUBLE. S. E. Y0UN6 & SON, Albany, Oregon. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Rev. J. T. Taylor was iu town Tuesday. Try Howell's extra fine 5 and 10 cent cigars. Be sure and examine our new line of shoes. Tha Cash Store. The Corvallis flouring mills wan a si' yer modal at Omaha .xpasition. Ed. Williams, the big stock man of Dusty, was in towu 011 Tuesday last. E. J. Thompson's congregation sub stantially remembered Uim on Christmas. A large number of Albany people were here Tuesday evening and look in t!-;e Masonic banquet. A. B. Miller aud wife, of Michigan, are visiting with tUe family of R. C. Miller in this city. Next Wednesday, Jan. 4, '99, the semi annual meeting of the O. A. C. Regents will occur in this place. Mr. Geo. F. Elgin will have charge of S. N. Wilkins' business during the lat ter's absence in California. Mr. James McCoy, whose home is in Iudianapoiis, ladiana, is spndiiij the holidays with ye editor's family. M. Schmidt, mi e host of the Occi dental, sold week a piece of property in Skagway for $1200. Jehn aud Fred Hunter, sons of Joe Hunter, are working in thy mines at Redding, Cal., at 2 50 sack per day. Dr. Withycombe, wife aad son Earl went to Portland Wednesday to sijend a few days with friend-s in tiio .Metropolis. The providing of more room for the Corvallb public schools have after Stiderable talk aud figuring beeH rcl? to the future. Dedication of Masonic Tempi?. The Masonie Temple of this city was dedicated with impressive ceremonies on the evening of the 27th inst., the same being St. John's day. The ceremonies were conducted by Judge Cleland, of Portland, Grand Mas ter of Oregon, wIao in compauy with the members of the Grand Lodge were pres ent in a body. Prominent Masons from over the state arrived on the 110011 and evening trains, some having come a week before the event t be present at the eertmouies, and Tuesday evening was truly a gala day in Masonry, one long to be renumbered by the order in Corvallis. The special train from Albany brought ! the members of Temple Comruaudsry No. 3, inabody, with the members of Corinth ian, St. John's Ledges and Bayley Chap ter, and Brazilian Chapter of Eastern Star. At 7:30, the hour appointed for the cer emonies, the Grand Lodge entered the i hall, headed by the Knight Templar and Bine Lodge escort, to the strains of a march rendered by Mrs. Mary C. Eryson. Grand Master Cleland then dedicated the temple to the uses of the Ancient I Order of Free and Accepted Masons. The following program was then ren dered: Address of Welcome by Dr. M. M. Davis. Response by Judge Cleland. Vocal so:o by Mrs. E. W. Langdnn. Address by Prof. J B. Horner, "A Vis- j it to Washington Lodge." Piano solo by Master Goodnoogh. The solo of Mrs. Langdon, who is ever appreciated in Corvallis, entitled "O Dream of Thee", received a hearty en core, to which she responded with the touching ba lad "A Soldier Boy I'll Be." The sweet voice of this singer never fails to captivate a Corvallis audience. After the rendition of the program in the hall, the members of the order with their guests, uun-ibering more than two hundred, repaired to the hall below to j lodging, I2.50 per week. No other ex enjoy the banquet prepared and furnished j peuses necessary. If interested write for by the members ef Eastern Star of Cor- ! circulars. vallis, where the following toasts were j January 25th and 26th will be devoted responded to: to the fruit-growing interests of the state. "The Grand Lodge," by J. M. Hudson. ; This eonvention will thoroughly ducuss In the house of Too Much Trouble Lived a lonely little boy; He was eager for a playmate, He was hungry for a tey. But 'twas always too much bother, Too much dirt, and too much noise, For the house of Too Much Trouble Was not meant for little boys. And sometimes the little fellow Left a book upon the floor, Or forgot and laughed too loudly, Or he failed to close the door. In the house of Too Much Trouble Things must be precise and trim, ! In the House of Too Much Trouble There was little room for him. He must never scatter playthings, Must be quiet in his play; Ev'ry room must be in order And kept quiet all the day. He had never had companions, He had never owned a pet In the House of Tk Much Trouble It is trim and quiet yet. Ev'ry room is set in ordr Every book is in its place, nd the lonely little fellow Wears a smile upoit his face. In the House of Too Much Trouble He is silent and t rest la the House .f Too Much Trouble, With a lily on his breast. Household Gods. Tha ancient Greeks bi-lievod that the Pen ates were the gods who attended to the wel fare and prosperity of the family. They woro household gods in every home. The household god :f to day is Dr. King's Now Discovery. For coHsumption.ceughs, colds and for .-.11 affections eftVraat, chest asfl lungs it is invaluable. It lias been tried for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed to cure, or money returned- No household should be without this good angel. It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Fre trial bottles at Graham & Wells' drug storo. Regular size 50c. and 1.00. All communications for Corvallis & Eastern R. R. company should be ad dressed to Edwiu Stone, manager, Al bany, Oregon. Take JMotice. All old soldiers and their families are cordially invited to be present Saturday afternoon, January 7, in this city, at the Grand Army Hall, to witness the installa tion of Ellsworth Post's officers. The exercises will Iv.-gia at 1 p. nt. sharp. The i'ost desires a full attendance a REDUCTION SALE! i Popular Lectures. The Oregon Agricultural College will give a Midwinter Course of popular lec tures on practical subjects. Among tke subjects treated will be Domestic Hy giene, Road Making, Dairying, includ ing practical instruction in Butter and C!-:eese making. Crops, Stock Feeding. Agricultural Chemistrv, Veterinary Science, Horticulture, etc. The course will begin January lotii and close Febru ary 4th, and will be free t- all. No ex amination or quiz required. Board aud Many A Lover Has turned with digut from nn other wise lovable girl with an oifon:iv breath. Karl's Clover I!oot Tea mi rifles the breath by it action 0.1 the bowels, etc., as nothing ele will. Sold Er year on absolute gunra.M toe. Price 23 eU. and 50 eU. SM by Gra ham & Wells. The best on the nnrket, Twai . breakfast mash at Bowel. 's. Bro' Sick Headache;, The curse of overworked womankind are quickly and .urcly eared bv Karl's Clover Rout Ten; the great blood Hiritir and tissue builder. Monuy ivfunded if not satisfactory. Price 25cts. and 50 ets. Sld by Graham & Wells. can- sated "Corvallis Lodge," by J. B. Irvine. "Ferguson Chapter," by Dr. E. J Thompson. "Oregon Council," by M. S. Wood cock. "The Eastern Star," by Miss Bertha Davis. "Our Fraternity," by Hon. J. R. Wcatherford. "Tho Masonic Temple," by Past Grand Master D. P. Mason. "The Ladies," by F. E. Allen. "Knight Templar," by Clay Marsha'l. "Our Country," by Judge John, Bur nett. At tke close of the addresses the ban queters arose and s.uig the national ode, "A'UCric", accompanied 3y JJrs, J, R, ! such subjects as "The Soils and Climates Adapted to the Various Fruits," "Box ing and Marketing Fruit," "How t Realize the Best Profits from Fruit Crops," etc. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Corvallis postoffice, unclaimed December 24th, 1S98: The ho iday trade was larger than ti Itei, j Brysoa at tha piano, so ur merchants report. Better artic es The large delegations of visiting mem were purchased than for several years, u j bers from Albany and ot!-:er valley towns indication that money is more easy th.-.u gqve materia1 aid to the sucesss of the. in tne past. J. A. Barker Mrs. J. A. Barker Lee Brown S. K. Brown A. R. Brown (2) R. D. Cooper Edward Dyer f Maud Edwards (2) Nd Gird John Irviu Charley Ingram Garrett Long The O. A. C Gee 1 'lub are playing to large ail 1 appreciative audiences in the alley towns. Good boys, we knew all towu and yourselves credit. John H. Burgard, the genial adjuster for the Home Insurance Compavy of New York, was in town last Friday and adiusted the Kav loss at Dusty, retnri.- rtlaijdjiy boat Saturday. Ben Woldt was made happy Christmas day by the presentation of a very hand some chaste silver shaving mug and brush with chaste silver handle, the gift of some of the C. & E. R. R- employes. The displays made by our merchants were attractive, aud exhibited to quite au exteut improveuie it in the art of show window decoration. Although inueh of the wheat in this section remains unsold ewy one had money to purchase tokens for friods. CUitf C. B. Wells has been eonfiued to his home and bed for three weeks, tke result of a very large carbuncle ou the hack of his neck. It came near causing the chief's surrender, but he has by main strength pulled through, but he looks a good deal like the reCfnaat of a Kansas Cyclov e. There arc- many people in Benton County who have no idea of the number of realty owners or holders in th- county. The whido naai'er rf persons owning one or more ht:ne are 1970, divided among the letters of the alphabet a; fvl lows; A 5J, B 2 59, C 159, D 52, K 32, F 109, C S5, II 134, I 15. J 51. K 86, L S5. M 168, N 50, O 20, P Sj, Q 2, R 93, S iSS, T 67, U 6, V :o, W 190, Y 13, Z 7. oceasiov, ami the members -fthe Oitieri in Corva'lis hope that t -ey may in the j future reciprocate thsfavor thus extend- : ed to them by tiieir aiu aud presence. ! The addresses v.-er al Ogaslo Librai Morris K. Lott Anna Palmer J. A. Parker Mrs. W. W. Smith A'ex Simes J. B. Tidatsou Robert Williams Charley Wiley Claris Weber Char.ey Wilsc n J W. Wibon H. Zapf. W. fOMXSox, l. M. Fresh Raisins, Currants, Citron, and Leixsm Peel, just reteived at Zierolf's. BuGklcn's Arnica Salvo. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulears, Salt Rlicum, Fiver Sore, Tetter, CMnped Hands, Chil blaiHs, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively rates Piles, or ho pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mane; refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Uy Graham & Wells, druggists. Export, and General Steadman are the best five cent cigirs iu the market. For sale at Hershuei's. Ovcrcomo evii with good. Overcome your, coughs aud eolds with 0xo Minute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis pneumoaia, grippe and all threat and lung diseases. Graham & Wells. Fresh Calitornia Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and Limes now on sale at W. & C. Wilsan's. well delivered and met with "a hearty welcome by the members of the order. The toast master, Dr. SI M. Davis, presiilil with dignity axd filled his rule to perfection. The address of Judge Cle land was a scholarly effort. Prof. Hor ner's "A Visit to Washington Loige" was very interesting aud instructive, be ing highly appreciated by his listeners. Ai: in ad, the dedication of the Masonic Temple was in every way a grand suc eca, and the order which stands for so much that is worthy of the noblest lives Mr and Mrs. Win Crecs are iu Port- of hiih merit, j land, this week combining business with pleasure. Mr. and Mrs Arthur P. Catsr, of Oak Ridge, are visiting with friends in Port land this week. Brady Burnett writes his parents, un der date of Nov. 23, from Manila, and says all the Corvallis boj-s are well. JJJ Next issue will contain Judge Burnett's patriotic response to the toast, "Our Couutry" at the dasonic dedication in this city. The la-'.ies of the Presbvteaian church Doctor MEYERS & CO. Specialists for Men 1 I i i I t 1 I 1 1 I i 1 i 1 ft I i i 1 i 1 i is As I am contemplating adding other lines, I am a greatly in need of room. I will, from now until farther ; notice, sell my entire line of Clothing, Overcoats, Mackintoshes and Extra Trousers, This does not mean 15 or 20 per cent, above cost, but the actual wholesale cost. Suits, formerly $20.00, now $15.35. Suits, formerly $15.00, now $12.15. Suits, formerly $13.50, now $11.00. Suits, formerly $10.00, now $7.85. Overcoats, formerly $17.50, now $14.65. Overcoats, lorpierly $15.00, now $12.85. Overcoats, formerly 12.50, now $11.00. Overcoats, formerly $10.00, now $7.85. Overcoats, formerly $7.50, now $6.10. Mackintoshes, formerly $15.00, now $12.50. Mackintoshes, formerly $12.50, now $10.00. Mackintoshes, foimerly $12.00, now $9.80. Mackintoshes, formerly $11.50. now $9.65. Mackintoshes, formerly $7.50, now $6.50. Mackintoshes, iormer.y $6.00, now $5.S0. We have a few of those celebrated $8.80 and $9.90 suits left, which we will close at a bargain. SALES STRICTLY FOR CASH. F. L. MILLER, The Clothier. P- S. We have an immense line of HOLIDAY NECKWEAR, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, MUF FLERS and HANDKERCHIEFS, which we are now showing. 1 i I i and ambitions of men, and enters so ' gave their pastor, Doctor Thompson, par largely into private and public life, is to j tie ar "fits" last Christmas eve. It is be highly congratulated upon their hand- j quite probable he will not recover from some aud s.-.bstantiai home. It is hoped ; them far n.iore than a year. Notwith that the influence of the order may be ' standing he enjoyed them very much, largely increased, beginning at this epoch and feels exceedingly gratefxl for the in its history. Services as usual at Baptist .church on Sunday All invited. Try L L. Howell's I ream of H . ize, the bost hominy ever prepared. Clarenca B.nnp, the boss pedagogue of King's Valley, was in totvu yesterdaj'. Rev. C. F. C app, of Forest Grave, will preach at the Congregational chare. 1 next Sunday. Here is the ulace to buy presents :'"i the loved ones, both old and van 5. Tlu Cash Store. R- v. "foble's son-iu -law, M. C. tl tp- pers.-it, is no.v visiting '.vih them, and I is m- h pleaied with our city. A. J. Joli .so.i, for many years in thv. , f perris wUest at tha Btptist ciuroh j employ of the Governi:eut Forestry )ast Saturday was a great success. Aad Coaiudssbn, passed through lownMet-j,, church retnrm thanks to its Utvay 1 dav last oa a tour of inspection of the 1 patrons. tinnier lanus aiong tne coasi ia uucuu 1 ... , , r n . , t;oi-i ."liii, go:i, calle.t -.i tne uxz?rd we 1 ies- Tiiese tinvslciMis tiaAM Vieerl curing weakness and con HUM ilir.cnts since 1881. They have the largest and best eflnipped medical in astitntion, and the most ex- tensive practice in tue u. sa. NO Pay Till ; Unfortunate men who can not call should write for ad- rice iad private oocut at.t. im iEir. ESTA8UBHCO 1T VSABS. " T med lt a; : lottmccnSilcniia!: Ko Charge for Consnltatior. Elevator Entrance. fOI MARKET ST., 109 SAN FBaHClSCO "THE R&SU$S& THOS. WHITEMOBJN, Prop, W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whis kys, Fin-2 Wines, Liquors and Cigars. G. R. FARRA, M. D. DJTjiuTJxrunjixLriJxnxir LOOK HERE. I have a Complete Line of Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, and Fine Christmas Candies. Examine my stock aud prices, and you will save money by it. criru HOWEIX, Young's old stand, Secoud street, CORVALLIS, OREGON. tjtj u truT-Tiji TrtriJUUvnninuinnjrutJinruTruT Office upstairs over F. L. Miller's store. Residence on Third street in frer t of j courthouse. Office hours S to 9 a. in., aud 1 to 2 and 7 to S p. m. All calls attended promptly. I Union Laundry, So., POETLAND ,OE. I many favors received. Servic - at the Presbyterian church next S ibbalh as follows: Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Public worship at II a. ni. Preaching by the pastor. Topic, "A Message for the New Year." Y. P. S. C. I E. at 6:30 p. 111. Evening services at 7:3c. Topic of special h:trest. A most cordial j A wlljte abgr work ganteed. N.-.v Year's reeling to all. K.isket lcars-. on Tuesdays and arrive." Mrs. Mary E. Igsdon, wife of CUnd Sa5t TP Campckli., Ag-cKt , , . I Secona-Hana .'-lore, j lygsdou, die-! at the home of her ipaicsts, r. ana wrs. unvcr wniiaui, , LOUIS G. ALTS1AM, M. D., ; ni- ! his dace Monday last. la', obse qi' w- c conducteil b- Rev. 1! J Kelly. The remains ere consigned to I their last resting plase in the Od.l Pel- offipe: Over AlleE & Woodward's They Are Coming Homsopathist. lows cenieieri', zvs 1111 es .-. v . or- J, vallis. I lie liAZBTTE extena.; sywip-.tliy to the voun-' liusband id her many rehi- Uves. ! aaasoii St Cor- storc-. sidence: Corner Third and County. the coast in Lincoln i in ng i.fc t r tn i'.-m a cr.,,, -.Vlo 1 ".rvrl ftf " ' r tfli-..Mi , lllaa-1 til" along He has bes .'. cbar ''iiig little wedding took p'ac: on the 27th iviien Rev. Sf. Noble united ;n the sacred b?3js Mr, Bra n ye 1 C. Altaian a::l Mi'ss Ani It itfplie'iW. a' the residence of t'. e bride's mther in Hoars 12. 2 5. 7-S- I. Snndays, 9-10. Corvallis, Or. EAST and SOUTH all forest iauds and the products of wood of all kinds in th - stale of Oregon. It will him a year to com ete this work. Grove A. Peterson, oas of Uentuil County's successful teachers, j-st closed a term of school at Buxton, Washington fcounty, this State. Two of his pupils completed tlie rigAl&f conrse and grad uated with ciedit. One of tileSe wit.-, a girt only thirteen yearo -ld. Mr. PcUr son sent them thiir diplomas Monday. He informs us that this girl was the day rilOf .lilg. Ju I Clilaud, of Portland, pni i tiii heitj pr; -it at Mu.iuie Tctaple j Cerval fe. 1 flsns: a risit thi; ""ee't the deicitiou of the T.tSijy evening. Regular meeting Of the' Gontji Cub, Monday, January, ?, iSgg, at iid p. iVj By order Surah Jacob.-, president, d i tha Fischer, secretary. Regular services at the Christian chu- c i:. Lord's day, January tst, 1899. Preachi bv th-pastor. Morttitsf ftheoie, "W ate 11 Ca1;? and kisses ackuo.vl- ' leJijud by the Baiter. The cake as a! I coiiiptiui" it (to'.tt Jrs, Stepbiiiis, while I , Mrs. Kidder seY'.is td hi SdSaRKfUWi for 1 jtUe kisses. We respactfully tihf Hie ! . RnQtheVtl PaClUC GoinDariV I " . ; i T 5 1 I T t. -tA I " THE SHASTA ROUTE OF TliE ' hriohln nnnil he h id over had under 1 fulness." Kveantg, "DilHV in l onvcr o his iiutrnctioii. ! S10B- S. N. Wilkin?, wife and son left Tues-' Na clav moraine bv boat for Port and, from j doll bug; All will be made welcome. 1052 is the number that drew the Hode's drawing there overland to California for a mouth's outing. Mr. Wilkins will co mbine busi ness with pleasure. The partv will visit isau Francisco, San Jose, Monterey, Lake Port',' Petalnma and upper lak?, using wheels fox a goodly portion of the trip after reaching4 the Ooldeu State. Mr. Wilkins has only had a six days' vacation in four years and feels that he is entitled to a rest. We hope tnis ta'mily wi 1 have a successful and enjoyable holiday. Christmas' joy bdls rang out with a-hepr to the little ones in all the churches of this city last Saturday evening. Christ- j earth mas trees loaded with good aud useful articles, Santa Claus coraing down chitu aeys and filling the f.tockings and dis tributing ifts with his old time gener osity were familiar features. Songs and carols by the children, recitations and readings suitable for the oecasion varied the interesting programs. Miss Edna Irvine's recitation at the Presbyterian church was excellent, eliciting many favorable remarks. y at A Saturday evening. Mr. I'lodes would like to have tUe person holding the lucky number present it, and take the baggy away. Hon. W. S. Huffird, of Portland, at tended ihe Masoni; dedication Tuesday evening, returning Vdnesday. We enjoyed a pleasant call from hi nt. The Judge is doi ig a good busines and i p eased with his nsw bonis. Subject at Methodist E;isc oil church Lard's day morning, "T.:e New '-Tear. A starting out to reach another :nile in oar life." Evening, "fiia greatest power in tlie court room, me junge. jury aud lawyer :iast submit to it." lady who t'.ie ki .es to Lieut. HohSofl who is expected here next mouth. The 0- A. C. olee Cl-ib at In lepcu-deiie.- met :. ith a warm receptiou and giv J .'s ;d ii ; : . Wade at McAIinn villetUe bind n:i ler t:u l)'e leadership o:' .Mr. Feelyatnd isocitixens met them a' the 'ls;o t a 1 I c i ln:to I theui to the Hotel Y:n'ii I. President Broadmaa personady helped to get a piano for the use of the club. MeMiu:iville people filled last j the i.pira hoase full and cheerad the boys 1 1 t- the echo. The McMiunville people are j all right aad don't you forget it. To the e&tn vula band our -.ys aott tueir uhis ftn 1 t all of Mc Minuviile's citize is noth ing hut warm words of praise for the rial we come accorded th sm. aeu IIVH DAILY. C:SJ P. M 1 Leave ! At A. M j Leav 7:45 A. M j ArrK'e Portland. Arff rtr I 0!S0 A. M. Albany Arrive 8:60 A, M, S. Franeisco Leave I S:08 1". M. Above train stop nt all vrintipal statJont li.iwn Portlxrld and Salf'm, Tnrncr. Ms r'uta, JctSMvuB. Albany. TaniCfnt. Shedd... Halsev, HarrifbuEg, Junction City, Eugent-, Ch'-wt-ll, Cottage Grovn, Drains, and all -latidiK from KoseburgU) A.shland, inelnyvf. Basebnra Mail Daiiy. Bears tho; ) Ttl( Yau Hav9 tiways Bought Signature of s::i5 A. M. 1 I.eae KS5 P. M. i Live 6.) r. M I Arrive ri'rtland ARiut Kosel.urjy Arr'-ve I 4:3e P. Arrive V1MY. Leave 1 7:30 A. BETWKEK ?tUTLAND AND CWKVALL1S, Wi:'. Irak. Z-J-l- cpt Z-aix;. A CTIVK SOLU'lTORS WANTED WANTED SEVERAL TRUST worthy persons in this state to j manage our business in their town and i ueartv counties. It is mainly offiVe work I couductf d at borne. Salary straight 900 ! a vcar 2nd exnen-scs definite, bona de. no more, bo less salary. Monthly $;$. References. Enclose self-addresse4 stamped envelopes Herbert E. Hess, Prest,, Dept. M, Chicago, 111. Philippine by Karat Utreal, eaaanMS i ned by the Qarsmmsat as Ojjeial His ii.rian to tho War Daoartment. Tho bonk was wriitwi in array cavips at San Fran-c'yc-t, on the Pncitic with General Merritt, in tho bewpttah nt Hunolulu, in Hong Kons, in the American tranches at Manila, i:i thi? insurgent camp- with AtEHinaldo, on the deck of tk Olympia with 9wey, nnd in the roar of the buttle at tke tall of Manila. Bonanza fir agests. Brimful of original picturs taken by gevornitiunt photogra phera on thv spot. Larsra book. Lw prices. Big prahu. Freight paid. C-t-dit givrin. Drap all trashy unofficial war Ixioks. Outfit troe. Addrt-ss. V T. Barber, Scc'y, Star Insurance Building, ChieaJOijA .m a :i P. Leave j AlTivo Portland Csrvsuts Arrive Leave 5:50 P. M 1:06 P. SI and Corvallis eMltf i witli trains ef ti e OtajtOII Pacific Kai!rwal. Sspress Trsis. fi lily Except Suiiiy. 4:59 r 7:W1 P. S:3.' P. I Leave I Arrive I Arrive Portland Arrive SfeMttmvflle Leave Indcftendeuee l.eatu 8:1S A. M. 50 A. M. 4.50 A. M. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occidental and Oriental aad Pacific mail steamship lines f?r JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates em applicatioh. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA HONOLULU ai?d AUSTRALIA, can be obtained fra-ji A. S. PENCE, Ticket .wnt Corvallis. R KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager. A. G. F & P. A. Portland, Or. -T- T ANNUAL SALE Our Great Annual Sale of Winter Clothing Will begin Monday. December 25, 1898, and continue until Tuesday, February 28, 1899. Every article in slock will be reduced, except W. L. DOUGLA? SHOIitS, MON AllCH WHITE SHIRTS and OUR OWN OVERALLS. The following will be our scale of reductions: 20 per cent, on all Men's nnd Boys' Suits. 20 per cent, on all Shoes, Boots and Hats. 20 per cent, on Furnishing Good, Trunks and Bags. 25 per cent, on all Overcoats and Mackintoshes. 10 percent, on Rubber Boots and Oil Clothing. Remember we have (he largest, and most complete stock of Men's and Boys' Merchandise in Benton County. All Sales at Reduced Prices, Spci Cash. Art Store and Foto Parlors We have a wonderful taking way. Old faces made new and attractive. We Make You a Lifc-Size Crayon for $1.93 Water Colors are pretty, and are a specialty with us. Our Art Department is filled with a well-selected stock of Notions, Stationery, Paintings and other works of vertu. Call and be convinced that what we say is true. We will sell for you any art work you may want to dispose of. The Photographer, One door north of Spencer's, Second St. Very Interesting Place For Young and Old. Grand display of CHRISTMAS GOODS, - Eclipsing all former years, in both quantity, qr-ality and choicestnoyeL ues, 10 oe nau in me markets. Bring your littie folks and let them see the automatic figures. Big Line of Clothing at Lowest Prices J. H. HARRIS. Just Received, Another Line of Children's and Boys' Clothing. Our irade in this department has been satisfactory. Come and see us and you are sure of gelling the newest. AH of our Men's Clothing is sold on a very small margin To see is to be pleased. i J HAREIS, Corvallis, Oregon. t Big Line Men's aad Boys' Shoes. AT. The English and German Expert Specialists. Fire Physicians and SurgotM, alt Craduates Iroin tke best Medical Colleges iu the World. INCORPORATED T7XBKR TKE LAWS Otf CAMPOKNIA FOR $250,000. ESTABLISHED TWENTY-SIX VEARS. A part of the Staff af the English and Get-man Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyers & Co. will make thgir regular monthly visit to Corvallis, Monday, January 2 Ther will be at the OecidentalaHotel.S The staff of the English an -3 German Expert Specialists is composed of five regularly graduated doctors, each a physician who has had many years experieace in cuting all manner of Chronic diseases. During the past qaarter f a century the success of this most worthy and popular institution lias been phenomenal. Diseases which have baffled the skill of other physiciass aud stubbornly refused to vieTd to ordinary medicines, methods aHd appliances, are quickly subdued and mastered by the English and Qerisan Ex pert Specialists Thev hive the largest and best ec lipped nitdical institution in America. The English and German Expert Specialists are net only competent and reliable, but are responsible, being backed by avjple capital and ablv mauaaed. HOM E CURES While it is prsferable in many instances to see a patient, the EngKsh and German Expert Specialists hare cured thousands of persons whom they have nevsr seen. If you cannot see the doctors, write th e home office for question list and free advice in regard to your ailment. Call oa the Doctors when they come. All ailing pee-p'e should see the English and German Expert Specialists. A friendly talk, which costs absolutely nothing, is bound to result in a great deal of g.iod, whether treatment is takea er not The Enalish and German Expert Specialists .1 Staff of the Most Eminent Physician in the Worlo. Main Office, 731 Market SS ... San Fraaoiseo. SANTA CLAUS Will make his headquarters at Modes & Hall's this year, Where will be displayed the LARGEST COLLECTION of choice HOLIDAY GOODS Fver offered to discriminating buyers. Celluloid Toilet Cases. Albums, at Portland Prices. Dolls for the little girls. Toys for the little boys. In short, here can be had presents suitable for all Fine Steck of Fresh NUTS and CANDIES. ZETIZLSTGk WHAT TO EAT. WHERE TO EAT. WHEN TO EAT. HOW TO EAT. IT'S A BIG SUBJECT. We cater tn the wants of eaters. We have been catering to them for many years. We think we know our business. Our boardera give us that impression they stav with us. If they didn't get their money's worth they wouldn't stay. HODES & HALL, Second St. Which of These is True 1 " Manners make the man." "Mind makes the man." " Home makes the man." Debate the question, and if you Deci le that home makes (he Man, let us help you make the home. FRED G. CLARK; Furniture Dealer. 910 Second St., Corvallis, Or. A? 4 L