(n 1 ! ' I iOHNSON, Editor and Manager r-rription, per annum -Si. 50 VAXJJS, OREGON, Dec. 30, 1S9S ar Admiral Dewey, please. kc Christmas, Pear Admiral nee having been retired by 11 of'age limit, our hero, George s 13-, takes the highest rank in our navv. n !i;e of the recent press dis hes, if has been said an eflott 1 1 bo mad- to get congress to Ju igi Day and White law i SjSlOj.000 each lor their ser ces on the peace commission. 0 )) each i enougli and all SliO bo "he Portland Times ann nnce it does not attempt tu ix! itself up wiiii lakes ami si. vs'1 "lhal ii is a fearless new or lir-t, last and all t!n lime. ?fet not at a! i. brother, furil y ..iimie : do so :i little w ii'-. puo will hestui to mssirii -i are exactly what you are not. it you iini von t the ail evel lann :at ire breaking their corset slays 11 ir mad ambition li kiss Lieu' lobson, would occasionally tired, iirav-liaised ill:. I 1! : - relieve I hem l' lie nmoh - and burdens of tin me life, lift - the country and Lieut. Llob u as well, would feel greatly re ed. lobson is really becum ... a niartvrio this oscillatory ex r. Gardiner and a Miss lie living B I teen miles south of - ks, started a day or two be: nstmaa for that place to in ied. While on th way m became untuauagabK-, e .1 Ik 1 m- ran iy U9WU a long lull, throwni; occupants of the vehicle out. ing the young lady instanlh I injured Mr. Gardiner so badit tt he is not expected to recover What a glorious future await ' said the president at Allan!.!, unitedly, wisely and bravelj face th new problems now ssing us, determined lo so'vi ni for right and humanity." L'hsse words are the utterance statesmanship o! a high order. ! are worth more to the nation n all the meaningless tH the Bryans, Selu is. Boarfj flales, and ilaliludes '..-. Nor- ! heir , 1 STe niovamen . r recent rrr.i:iii gd in this eily to raic h which lo purchase z a fiunl :rv Ensr- j plieas.ints lor tlie Wilimueilo ley li;-"! s proved considerably i access. Nearly $250 was raided, i Altoruey Milton Y. Smftli, ie of the proixoicrs ' lhe pntT .-ise, sent an ord?r for i$ pair nf b rds this morn in:;. Tii- hird , fiich will be turned Une a! !:!' iit points in lhe VVillaui-'lte y are expected to arrive abuil latter part of J.-snuary. Port ! Evening Telegram. tptain Tausig, of theBenning . has been ordered hy the gov nent to h"ist Old Glory ovt-i ;e Island, sitn aled 1.300 miles t or Guam, i'liis is really srican territory, as Admiral " : ;:cs in 1S51 survived serled titlo in the hpiiic ol the . ted States. This island aver-. ; about eight feet above lligh i - It is three miles long and ! .... , i . . t 1 I!!3 Jltlie lSUliia is quite esseilliai us lor a telcirranii station the line from the U. S. to Ha i and the Philippines. Some people, especially so, the 1 sangaino ol the Confederate rans, tlllHK lhat 1 resident i Ki nicy's address at Atl illla, in ! u he made releronee to the ring for the graves of the (Jon j ate dead, mean-, thai x Con ! i rates Will he admitted to Na j onal Soldiers' Homes and psv id by tne general government, n tis they are mistaken. The at; r t can and do admire the Con ' edefate valor dk played on the i y fields of sanguinary strife, i it cannot admit that their ; was riht. The notion lor v s iheir errors, but it cannot undone thir sin. he proposed bill by Senator . key, A Monmouth, lo reform axation, is causing coesiderabh ission among lhe city :u.d :! v officials. The senator con- emplates a sweeping revision ol he laws governing asses iirient.s. savs Oregon at present has m Issued Every Friday llornln; by JOHNSON & D. MONTAGUE Publishers. .lav,-. Potrlahd oJIiciais admi j Miss Hallie Starr started for her tie is plenty of room for.ninend- 1 home in Iliizville, Wash, on Tues ihe assessment laws. It is a day. She was tendered a lare rob)em which different states 01 ! well reception at the home ol Mr. Union have wrestled with fot and Mr. T. H. Wellsher on the r with very unsatisfactory re- j evening before. 1 eie is a xv ..1 . -me c,a , - "J"""- hands ot the most equitable 01 laws adopted, and there have ys been loophcdss through h other classes could escape, -by shifting the burden upon moulders of the willing one-. I Senator Mul key's new bill will edv even "O'i'e ol the man I eoy even -o.i.c ortue msnj Ig irregularit ies, the officials 1 that it will be a great step right direction. Portland r , ! ' iiBg lelegram. I BLODGETT 3?TE"W"S. t Misses Mandv a:id Gusta Nois arc at i home on a visit. j Dan Col lou and Ray James are cutting j wood for H. F. Francis, G. W. Wood went to Yaquiua last Thursday and returned Friday. R. G. Simmons, Sr., is visiting in this valley and vicinity for a few days. "Doc" Blodgett and family are all aisle to be out since their recent illness. V. A. Gellatly and family spent Christ mas with relatives out in the valley. We are eujoying want) weather once more and some of the farmers are plow ing. Miss Hull has just closed a very suc- csssfu! term of school in the Nois dis trict. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson attended the shooting match at Spencer Bros. Friday ef last week. Miss Ansa Mulkey, who is working for Mrs. James Robinson, was at home tor Christmas. Charley King and wife, of Harris, spent Christmas with Mrs. King's mother nc.r Eddyville. Miss Nora Derrick, who visited here last week, is spending the holidays with friends in Corva'.hs. Mr.. Mary Derrick, ef Rock Creek, Lincoln county, is stopping at Mr. 3 odgett's this week. The exercises here en Christmas eve passed off very pleasantly and a good so cial tisi-8 was enjoyed by all present. Misses .Mabel Abby and Carrie Kigor, O. A. C students, came out on the train Thursday to spend the holidays at home. Rev. I,owther preached a very instruct ive sermon on Christ-.-nas day. He will preach here every fourth Sunday at eleven o'clock a. m. until further notice. TTJM TTTJEvI ITEMS. Solomon Mtakey is dm" a dajs with his son James. Mir.s Mabel and Johnnie Abby are at home spending their holiday. Grandpa Williams, of Kihr's Valley, has baea the guest f A. K. Neadham for a few days. The smiling face of Jamss Guicr, an o d resident of this valley, is among us this week shaking hands with old friends and relatives. At the close of the shooting match, Frank Miller gave out another one t be held at Summit the following Friday for cliic!:cns and turkeys. Tlie social at Spe;-:cers was a success, and theevexmg wasjeyfully spent danc ing, eating peanuts and candy and drink ing wiue. The neighbors all tinned out and brought their largest baskets filled with pics and cakes to suit tho occasion. The shooting match which took place Friday was attended by a goo J crowd. Everything went off q.-:ietly, and every body had a good llnic. Win. Aldous, win waKenein, 01 i,uue uik, rrans Miller, of Summit, E. Mulkey, and Win. j Spencer, of Turn Turn, were the principal winners of the day. Plow Bov. HILOMATH ITEMS. All our schools closed for a- week's vc- cation. " "diss Go r tie Sheak came up from SaleEi Friday. Miss Winnie Xev.th is sick with ty. phoid fever. Born Decem'-.er 25, 1S9S, on. to A. M. Gray and wife. Dr Newth made a professional visit to Tidewater Sunday. Miss Alice Bryan, of Jefferson, is a guest at W. T. Bryans. Miss Klva Akin visited with hersisters at Sneridan over Sunday. A. B. Newton after an extended visit in Crook county is at home. Miss Lena Derrick, of EddyviHe, visited friends in the city last week. j B. H. Boles, assistant agent of the C. I E. R. R. at Albany, was in the city Sun- day. i Prof. Rmerick and wife entertaiued it iinuSomc of their young friends Monday ' evening. Miss Jessie Buoy closed a term of' scUool at Klk City, and returned hocc ! iast week ' s"-v' ' i.n.utiig at. ; Iadcpendence is visitiaif her home on i iHlSS Fl 1 1 l.rau r, rw t-mri , fen..!...,. .nt, ,r- Miss M. Julia Taylor, teaching at To- do, and Miss Grtice Boles at Hoskins, i are spending vacation week in this citv. The College Chapel was crowded to witness the exercisi-s at the Christmas tree. The room was neatly decorated, and the tree was heavi y loaded with presents for the little ones, Th entertainment given at the Odd Fellows ' Hall Wednesday evening by the public school, was a success in every particular. Ail performed in a creditable manner the j.-arts assigned them, and a neat sum was realized f.rthe library. m monroe news. A priest is now stationed at this point. The Iloag came up Saturday and tOOS out o()00 sacks of flour I from lhe Monroe mills. The lot The lot was consigned to San Francisco ! wholesale merchants. Christmas was fittingly observed by lhe people of the Caiholic church on Christmas day, high mass being said at 10:30 and low 1 mass at 8 and 9 a. 111. Ciiristmas a off very pleas- I nl v in nnr hiirw Tho ill K church, Saturday night was the scene of much gaety and good cheer. Two loaded trees and a 7" ANTED SEVERAL TRUST- V V worthy persons in this stale t ' manage our business in their town ant- Iiearb" counties- It is mainly office work condncted at hn. Salary straight f 900 a year and expenses definite, bona fide. no more, no less salary. Mbflthh MJlerel1 seir-aoaressen Mam jjcu cnverope, ueroert pres., Dept. M, Chicago, 111. E. Hess. fine literary progjam were the orders lor the evening. ' th lhe telephone line Irom mis place to the main line does not work. It is supposed it is down ; in some placd or other. SPAIN'S $20,000:000. WhaCU we do with this money of ours ! Money we searcel v expeeted? I No one will hint that we've wasted theIHUUMU,vu hours Nor the country's finances neglecte-.. Shall we devoto it to powder and shot, And talk about fierceness and slaugh ter. Buying sliips to be added, no doubt to our lot Of scrap iron u.-.der salt water? Shall we simulate pride, a:-id still sneer at the rules By which the world makes its progres sion? Or shall we hire teachers and open up schools And try to be in the procession. For Sale. 212 acres. Joins the north line of Cor vallis. Qood dwelling, containing eight rooms. Large barn, windmill, orchard, all under cultivation. A choice place on easy terms. Address Hugh Smith, The Dalles, Oregon. Honey! Honey! Honey! Yes.lots of it, puro aud strained, the gen uine Los Ange'es sweetness. At How ell's. Played Out. Dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, feverishness. pimples or sores are all positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how it be came so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's B od Elixir h.is never failed to vre Scrofulous er Syphilitic poisonaoraHy other blood dis eases. It iscortaiv.ly a wonderful remedy avd we sell eyery bottle on a positive guarantee. Graham & Wells. Fresh Columbia river Smelt daily re ceived at W. & C. Wilson's. Late to Wd and early to rise, preparss a mavi for his home ia the skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser Graham & Wells. A Great Big Bucket of nice sjfrnp for So cants At Howell's. The saoner a stih or cold is cured with out harm U the sufferer the better. Lineer iag colds are dangeroos. Hacking cough i di.-tressiiijr. One Misuto Coueh Cure quickly cures it. Whj suS'ir wben such cough cure is within reach? It is pleasant to the taste. Graham & Wells. Candies. For one week at a bargain. Try them 1 At Howell s Southing, Kealinsr, cleansine- D- Wilt's Witch II; ;.-;l Salve is the implacable enemy of sores, burns, and wounds. It never fails to cure Piles. Yoa may rely upon it Graham 5c Wells. Home '.'.round Buckwheat Fleur at .jerolf's Young Mothers. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers becatic its outbreak i so gonizing and frequently fatal. Shilnh's C rtigh and Consumption Cure acU like magie m caes ; 0f Croup. It has tevcr bee.-, known to fail. Tin- worst cisos r-.lieved immeliatcly. PriciS 25 e's.. 50 et;. and 61.09. Sold hy Graham & Wells. Hswell's stock is increasing an -' so are his customers. For Sa'e -A good horse. Entire at I this office. Constipation prevents tV.e body from rid ding itself uf waste matUr. Do Wilt's Lit tle Early Risers wi.l remove tho trouble and cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, Inactive Liver ar.d clear tho Complexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. Graham & Wells. Pour piece glass sets, only 50 cents, at Hershner's. : You Try It. If SWW,'S URh and O.nsumption C-.-. , whieh k said for the small price of 25 I l .1 ..:n ... 1 now ic cucK uiiu t win reiunu .yur money. sold l'-.r over lift v years on this guarantee. . j cu u i . Wells. SILVER QUESTION Is easily settled by buying your Christ mas presents of E. P. Greffoz, the jew eler. A large variety at very low prices. Country or'ors solicited and given prompt attention. Crockery. Gold Band Eng ish Ssmi-Porcelain, beautiful patterns. At Howell's. A cnusdi is cot like a fever. It does rot have to run a certain oouise. C.-.re it quic'.-:- i l.v and effectually nith One Minute Coush j Cure, t!.:e best remedy for all agrts nnd for I the r.iost severe cases We T'cconaend it be j cause it' good. Graha.i & Wells. ! Buy a package of the elastic starch and get a nice picture free at Hershner's. Whin 'iu sk for De Witt's Haz-1 Salve don't accsipt a counterfeit or imitation, Thera are mere cases of Piles beinir cured b Thern are mere eases of Piles being cured by tH's' Lna:i- a" others combined. Graham & Wells. Try Howell's government inspected meats. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A CTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED il everywhere for "The Story of the Philippines" by Httrat Ilalsted. commis sioi-.od by th. Government as Official His tiria to the War Department. The bank was written in army ciii ips at San Fran-ei-. n the Pacific with General Merritt, in hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in American trenche- at Manila, in the in surgents camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of tho Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for asrents. Brimful o' original nisture taken by government photogra phers on the soot. Large Iwj.ik. Low prices. Big profit.. Freight paid. Credit .'iven. Drop all trashy unofficial war rHNtks. Outfit fre. Address, F. T. Bar ber, Sec'y, Star Insurance Bldg. Chicago. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that yerv bet medicine for restoring tho tired out nerv,)U3 tem to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve. 'centres in tho stomach, gently stimulates the liver and kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids .... . j 1 1. . . .. - v. , , digestion, ana is pronounceu uy 1 5 1 as bf f pur uottic m w store. Notice to Smokers. Every body sells New York cigars. But Rose Bros, will for the next thirty days sell the following Corvallis made cigars. High Life, Lacorona and La Rose far 5 cents, former price 10 cents. Terms strictly ca.-.h. What Is Shiloh? A grand ol d remedy for Cough, Colds nnrl flntisumntlon: Used through the world for half a century; has cured innumerable cases of incipient consumption and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not tat i.fiud with the results we will refiixd your m-mey. Price 25 et?., 50 cts. and S1.S-0. Sold by Graham & Wei's. Will Interest Men. It will repay the readers of the Gazette to peruse the display advertise ment of Nolan & Callahan. All th-ii Winter Su ck of Clothing will be closed out as soon as possible and to accomplish this result the prices will be unmercifully cut. Their Nw .Spring Stock U all bought and will arrive in due season. Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Mski Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Sa'isfaction guaran teed or money back. 25 cts. aud 50 cts. Giaham & Wells. Aunt Jemima's Pancake Flour, just the thing for griddle cakes, muffins, ai.d gems. Zierolf Many a huwhld i- aU I '-.V dnk tmcKUse of tho failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely certain cure for croup such a- O.ie Minute Gousrh Cure. S .- that youi little unci an; protected against emergency, tiraham & Wells. To tho P iblic. Parties wishing to purchase slock the Mastodon Mini-g & Milling com pany or having any other business with the company ar? referred to Judge John Burnett, at his office in Corvallis. Oregi.:t. A Good Steak, Choice Roasts, Lard, aud everything s'd to cat in the ment line tender, aud eut right. If that is what you want, drop ia and order it at SMITH & HO" NING'S Meat Ma :kht, Second St., Corvallis, Oregon. rAtrrfr. ifiGOft luj ei:cts of sea excisa and ind;j Jl nerve tonie a:; d itSOl tail DalKler. LJnngs t.ae !c glo w to pale checks a c ir,ri-s I hp fir of voul STgK ''o mail oj?e per box; fa b :i ..,t, wita ii written e to cuio cr refaad. tlie money. NERV5TA MEDICAL CO. rorsale by Allen & Woodward gists, Corvallis, Oregon. D.-tix K. UOW1ATK. H. I.. IIOLGATK HQLOATE & SON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ! CORVAI.l.IS. Notice to Creditors. Xoticf is hereby given lhat the u r signed has been appointed the Executor of the e.'.tate aud Last Will and Testa ment of Charles A lbreckt,de;eascd, h: the County Court of the State o: Oregon for Bjnton County. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to tne at my place of business in Corv.dlis, said County and State, properly verified, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd day of December, 169s. B. WOLRT, Executor of the Estate aud Last Will and : Testament of Char es Albrecht, De- ceased . 1 SHERIFF'S SALE. Nvttcets hereby given that by virtue of an orde r ofalf and execution djly issued out of the circuit court of the state of Ore gon, for Benton county, on the 6th dnf of December, 1898, ondsr the seal of vaid court, upon a decroc in said court duly rendered, entered and docketed o: the 15th day of November, 1898, in a salt wfatrcin W. P. Lord as governor of Oregon, II. R. KineaiJ as secretary of state ar.d Phil Mctschan as State imr uivn f,f ftroann n i oftu" o, ZS'yiz Mahala B- rk. J. II Burk. Vcr husband, Wiliiara Mjifkav, Unnnrvt Maekav. his wife J. L. ttrandebcare and Moi'i,. I Dranaeuerry. nis wire, were defendants, and in favor of the. sai i plaintiff, and against the defendants Malmla Burk, J. H Bui k and WiTlianiMaeUa.v, H the .urn of MKM f Kl-'UlS in u.. goM com with interest thereon in like gold coin at th : rat' of 8 per cent, per annum from tbt lolh day of November, 1898, until naid, and the further sum of gLiO atlor neys fc-cs, and for the further sum of 52.50 cosls and disbursements of this suit, and an order for the sale of the real prvpcrtv hereimitu-r described in salii'action thereof, ? i"!,?6 da? entered and docketed in said court i said suit .111 lha loth day ot JSoveiiiOer, 18!I8, and under and by virtue of mid decree and or der of sale issued thereupon as aforesaid, to medirected and delivered, commanding me to sell the ri al property h rcinat'ter de scribed, in the manner prescribed bv law for the sale of teal property on execution, to satisfy the same, to wit: Begiuning at a point (16 links south of the interior eor ner of the original donation land claim of James A. Bennett and wife, it being claim No. 45, in township 12 south range 5 west of Willamette Meridian, thence south 15.24 chains to the south west corner of said claim, thenc? east 7.74 chains, theneo South 12.50 chains, thence east 36.15 chains, thence north 23 chains, thence east 4.50 chains to the middle of tho channel of Marys river, thence down the middle of said channel of aid river to a point due east of the p. ace of beginning, thence west to the place of beginning, and containing 100 acres, in Benton county, Oregon, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and anpurteiiarces thereunto belonging or n any wi appertaining, ana 011 Saturday, the 14'.h day of January, 1859 at the hour of one o'clock n. in. of said dav last aforesaid. at the court house door, in thvi city of Cor vallis, in Benton county, 0:egen, I wil' sell the' 11 hove described real property and all th'e right, title, interest and estate of lhe said defendants, in said suit therein, at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for U. S. trnld coin cash in hand. t satisfy the amount due on said decree, and order of sale, costs nnd accruing costs as in said decree directed. Decembers, 1898. PETER RICK A RETT Sheriff of Zentoa County, Oregon. qjTxitnxuiJirijijuiixivxruar Ibeautiful skin. Ladies, if y desire a transpasent, clear and fresh complexion, Use Dr. Bourdon's French " e Arsenic Complexion Wafers, 'v The onlv relialil- henntinVr of tlie eomnlexion. skin and form known direction for which they are intended, astounding transformation in personal appearance lsoruusuiduuui-oj steady use. Possessiug the WIZARD'S TOUCH in producing and preserving beauty of form by surelv developing a transparency and pellucid clearness of mmnlfTinn shanelv f-nniour nf forni. bril iaut eves, soft and scoooth skin. 1 ... 1ICI C, My UglLUltT, IUC ItVtl 3C e...;L. l'ULSIVE Skin marred bv FRECKLES, and VULGAR REDNESS, YELLOW AND MUDDY skin, and other FACIAL DISFIGUREMENTS, are permanently removed and a deliciousiy clear and refined complexion assured, enhancing a bady's loveliness beyond her most extravagant expectations. Ladies. You Can Be Beautiful. 110 matter who you are or what yonr p disfigurements may be you can make jj laud by the use of Dr. Bourdon's Frjnch Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Used bv men tho resu t arc equally favorable. Prise small box 50 cents. Large box $1 00 or special order of six large boxes $5 00. Scat to any address under plaiu cover oa receipt of the above amount. Write for Circular, free. 1 5 13c avm rsJJUxnTlJJsusuJuJJXLnJn 1 1 I the Fall Season Is Mere. So is Modes, the Grocer. There Are Matty Hungry People. Hodes is reauj- to feed them. JJv business is to veil FRESH GROCERIES. CANNED FRUITS, MEATS, And PROVISIONS, A 1 prices to suit the times. Can yoi not use me, and save money ? A. HODES StS'A Second Street. Corvams, u.egoa. 1 i I Vege fable Preparattonfor As -similating theFoodatidRegtila ting the Stomachs andBowels cf w wm ---j . . ' Ti' 'tffcTr Promotes DigesUon,Chcetrul ncss andlfestContalns neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nabcotic. Ktcyx afOldOSAMUIXPlTCmn Puntpkm Stxtl Mx.Sennm Scsd. UppcTTstat - Bt Caitolia&Salz f firm, Seed - Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY-OF WRAPPER. YAQUINA ROUTE. gORVALUS) ASTERN) IS 33.. CO. Connecting at YAQUINA with the Yaquina Bay Steamship Company grace Dollar ttii Navarro First class in every respef-c. One of the above steamers is dug to sail from Yaquiua about every five ddays. SPLENDID Passenger Accommodations. ! s,inr,est rou, b"t.wt,pn va,Iey i points and San FrailClSCO. I ; Fare: Albany and points west to San Francisco ' - I , 7- 1 Rouad tnP $10 00 T I tvx I R""-u W,H w For sailing day. apply to EDWIN STONE, Manager H. L. WALDEN, T. P. & P. A. II. H. CRONISE, Agent, Corvallij, Or. Qregoh) Short) Line) RAILROAD The Safest, Quickest, Cheapest ROUTE FOR ALL POINTS East and Southeast. For full particulars regarding rates, time of train, etc., call on or address GEO. F. EGLIN, W. E. COWAN. Agt., Corvallis General Agent, 124 Thiird Si. Porrlaud, Oi N, i.iT. : ' THE CENTAUR COKMNY, NEW VOUR CITV. jinrunruvvuxriniuirirvuvu'iru In the ? their effect is simply magical. The most r,. iu rnjtsPsT and MOST Rl? 5 1. Li nit -' l, MOTH, BLACKHEADS, PIMPLES, r; yourself as handsome as any lady in theE 5 Moiitgpaiery Street, San Francisco. 2 njur - FinJvr rurnjrLruxri TJTJxrirLriJTn UTTb For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Tirii TO THE GIVES THE CHOICE OF fWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES ivnv 1 UBiin ,$L Mats 11 '111 a JA In Use J! For Over AST mi mm VIA VIA SPCSANE SAL? LAKE MINNEAPOLIS DSHVEB ST. PAUL OMAHA AND AND CHICAGO SANSAS CUT TWO TRAINS DAILY. OCEAN SiTEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 3 DAYS SAN FRANCISCO SAILING DATES: State of California, Friday, December 30. Elder, Monday, January a. Columbia, Thursday, January 5. Elder, Sunday, Jai.uary 8. WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVISION Portland and Sa era. Steamer Ruth, for Salem, Albany, Corvallis and way points, leaves PortLinc! Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 0 A. M. Retarointr, leaves Cor vallis Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridars at A. M Stramers Monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong in connection with O. R. & N. t'ov full Infnrmatieu call on or address N. H. Adams, Agent O. It & ., Coivuilis, Oregon, on or.tss : W. H . HURLBURT, Gen 1 L Pass a&cnt. PORTLAND, OR DOBWELL. CARLILL & CO. &K. ACKSTS XOR. PAC. S 6. Co. POKTUKD, OS. BONA FIDE Closing Out Sale of Clothing. I have decided to retire from the Clothing business and will sell our immense stock of Men's and Boys' Suits and Extra Pants at Cost. As we have decided to close oat we will force the sale of the entire stock. Persons in need of clothing can save dollars during this sale. All Sales Strictly For Cash THE WHITE HOUSE. S. L. KLINE, Corvallis, Oregon. Are our LAMPS. Wt have Kv. . t. The Eye Is caught by the beaut7 and symmetry of our lnmps. The Purse Is accommodated by the low prices on ou lamps. ZIEROLF, No. I HELLO, THERE! I Don't You VOant a Hw Ste? If yots lo, iJampbcll ha the very kind you want He alo has f4 fine lot of NEW FURKITTJBE and MATTRESSES Of various designs. Your dauslitr would like aa To cheer up the Imiue during the wintrv ilav.. C':ifnpll has some dairies, and trill stop Ionic uouuh to show you one. 5- CAMPBELL wants your tiAV - i Iff- '-"55 Your Life Will Be One Continual Thanksgiving If yon purchase fresh and choice GROCERIES, the latest lads in NOTIONS and DRESS GOODS, substantial Hardware and Tinware, Men's Dress and Heavy Shoes, Feed, and tlie Staff ot Life, at my store. All my slock, which is being con stantly increased, is bought for cash. You get the benefit. Many a man's success begins at this store, where he or wife saves good money on all sorts of purchases. J. WEED. Whitney Building, Philomath, Oregon. w ? njinuirinjUTJTJV uxtltlp nrLruu urjTjxraxrju-uxrLrunri IBIG REDUCTIONS I OUTING FLANNELS. 5 IMEN'S BOX CALF SHOES, THE CASH STORE, lira Next to Postofficev tnjiJTJTJtJiJuiJuxrixiAnrt-r Ytftwuuu UTJiJiixrirtr innjxnjxruxiinjiruiruC CLOTHING New York Racket Will Offer All CLOTHING in Stock at CoSf. This clothing was purchased ior cash in Sep tember, 1898, at rock-bottom prices. J Ladies' Fine Shoes men ouuls atbost, Remember, we will always keep prices lower than any e her store. R A, ALEXANDER, New York Racket. Corvallis, Oregon. The People's Jewelry Store Manufactures jewelry in the highest style of the art. Delicate repairing of watches and clocks. Carries a nice line of Silverware and Watches. W. A. SANDERS, Three doors north of Masonic Tetonle, 3eond St. Lumps of nil kinds, from the 1 . 1 S13 Second.St.. Corvallis, Oregqjl. trade, and will save you $$ and dunes. FX CHANGS. M-..Frnf i V'& PPi3 v-p it y Hr'"? "s- "V y hf V his Latest style, 3.00. Ccc-vallis, Or5Sw AT COST, at Cost. 1 s 4 4 i 4 i 4