The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, December 30, 1898, Image 1

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    nty OJfr
NO. 42.
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
tinryiri'ln-imiTrt RhtIow of the Import
ant Happenings of the Past Week
Culled From the Telegraph Columns.
Senator McBiideof Oregon, has in
troduced a bill making Astoria the ter
minus of the trans-Pacific cable.
. Congress has adjourned until Janu
ary 4. After the holiday recess the
rights of General Wheeler and others to
hold their seats will be inquired into.
Among a network of wires 20 feet
above the around, Roderick Chisholm,
a Chicago electrician, was slowly
burned to death in sight of several
hundred spectators.
Colonel E. S. Barrett, national pres
ident of the Sons of the American Inv
olution, was killed by falling from a
window of his home at Concord, Mass.
Be was 60 years of age;
In Louisville, Ky., it iB estimated by
the health department that there are
10,000 cases of grip. The ravages of
the disease have been so widespread
that in some cases business has been
seriously impeded.
Hereafter brooms will cost 2 cents
more apiece. Members of the Broom
Manufacturers' Association of the
United States net in Chicago and de
cided to advance the price of brooms 25
cents a dozen.
A rear-end collision occurred on the
Pennsylvania railroad three miles
from Rahway, N. J., which resulted in
the loss of two lives and injury to many
persons.. The killed are William C.
Dewolf, a railway clerk; and P. Kn4ght,
a colored poiter of the sleeping-car.
While examining state documents of
the 16th century in the Vatican library
recently, Abbe Cozzaluzzi, assistant
librarian, found the original manu
script of a treatise by Galileo on the
tides. The manuscript is all in Gali
leo's handwriting, and ends with the
words written at Rome in the Medici
Gardens on January 8, 1616.
The president has nominated E tiffin
A. Hitchcock, of Missouri, to be secre
tary of the interior. Mr. Hitchcock Is
at present ambassador to Russia. Ho
was appointed minister more than a
year ago. and when the rank was raised
to an embassy, he was re-appointed.
He is a wealthy lawyer and business
man of St. Louis, and was foi some
time an extensive plate-glass manufac
turer. He is a great grandson of Ethan
Allen, of Revolutionary fame. .
The table of proposed stations of
tJuited States troops, submitted by
General Wade, shows a totaof CiVfitO
trooTffi1, Oistriouieu as follows: l-Tovu-ce
of Pinar del Rio, 8,000; province of
Havana, 2i,000; province of Matanzas,
10,000; province of Santa Clara, 10,000;
province of Puerto Principe, 2,000;
province of Santiago, 1,000. The
recommendations of the commission, if
carried out, would require 45 regiments
of infantry and five of cavalry, with six
batteries of liht artillery, four for
Havana and two for Matanzas.
Secretary Long w'll soon issue ad
vertisements calling for proposals for
raising the Maine and the Cristobal
Colon, in accordance with the decision
of the board of construction to which
the matter iiad been referred.
A financial statement just issued by
the Southern Pacific Company shows
that for the month of October the gross
earnings of the company reached
$5,556,725. This is an increase of
$1,125,791 over the same month of last
Corliss, of Michigan, has introduced
a bill in the house to facilitate the con
struction and maintenance of tele
graph cables in the Pacific ocean be
tween the United States and Hawaii,
the Philippine islands, Japan and other
The agricultural appropriation hill
passed by congress contains a retalia
tory clauso authorizing the secretary of
agiiculture to inspect imported articles
dangerous to health, and also author
izing the secretaiy of the treasury to ex
clude such articles. The resti iction is
designed to apply to a large number of
articles imported from foreign coun
tries. London advices just received bring
promise that the West Indian colonies
will enter upon the new year with
brighter industrial prospects, owing to
the successful launching of the West
Indian Co-Operativo Union, organized
on the linos of the California Fruit
Union, and the Iiish Agricultural or
ganization, which achieved wonderfully
tapid success.
Great Britain has given another
striking example of friendship for the
United States, and at the same time
has taken action which is looked upon
in the light of a recognition of the
sovereignty of the United States over
the Philippines. A filibustering ex
pedition organized to go to the support
of Aguinaldo has been suppressed at
Hong Kong by order of the British au
thorities. Minor Netva Items.
It is reported in court circles that
Pi ince George of Greece is engaged to
Princess Victoria of Wales.
Mrs. Abbie L. Marble, sister-in-law
of the late James G. Blaine, was killed
in a runway at San Leandro, Cal.
Gen. John J. Dupny, a prominent
ex-Confederate soldier, died in Mem- j
phis. He was in all the battles of the
army of the Tennessee, and was i
wounded four times.
The trustees of Wellesley (Mass.) col
lege announce a gift of $50,000 from
the late Charles T. Wilder, of Wel
lesley. At a meeting of the board of man
agers of the American Bible Sooiety in
New York Rev. William Ingraham
Haven, of rJrookline, Mass., was elect
ed secretary of the board.
Commodore Philip, at present com
manding the North Atlantic station
in the absence of Admiral Sampson
at Havana, has applied for assignment
as commandant of the Boston navy-jard.
Admiral Sampson's daughter is to
(red a Californian.
"Bab," the well-known syndicate
writer is critically ill at her home in
New York.
The O. R. & N. C.'s steamship Co
lumbia on bei last trip made the run
trom San Francisco to Portland in 47
aours and 55 minates.
An express train and freight train
met on tne same track near Vincennes,
Ind., and three trainmen were serious
ly hurt and a score or more passengers
Druised and scratched.
The American National bank, of
Lima, O., was robbed of $18,162. The
aaoney was taken from the big vault.
The robbery was perpetrated in a skil
ful manner, no damage being done to
the vault.
Mrs. Izbel, her daughter, Mrs. Ossie
Malone, and Mrs. Malone's infant were
burned to death in their home near
j Hillsboro, Tex. The women oould be
leen in the house, but it was impossi
ale to rescue tiiein, though every ef
fort was made. The fire started by
the use of keiosene to kindle a fire.
Captain R. D. Evans' name is prom
inently mentioned as Rear-Admiral
Bunco's successor in the Brooklyn
navy -yard, now that it seems to be de
aided that Eear-Admiral Sampson will
remain commander-in-chief of the
North Atlantic station, and Rear-Ad-oairai
Schley will be assigned to sea
July in compliance with his request.
The conference based upon the dis
armament proposal of Empeior Nicho
las has been fixed for St. Petersburg
about the beginning of May next, prior
to which the Russian government will
submit officially to the powers a defi
nite plan of disarmament in order to
enable them to formulate modifications
3r counter-suggestions.
A special from Dawson dated No
vember 19 says: Reports from all
creeks in the vicinity of Dawson indi
cate that the winter's product of gold
will exceed that of last year by more
than 100 per cent. Several persons are
reported to have been frozen to death.
One of these was found in a kneeling
posture beside his sled and dogs, be
tween Hunker and Dominion, at the
The navy department is going to be
prepared for any emergency that may
haieaiter arise in the Atlantic and Pa
cific oceans by carrying on hand the
auoimous stock of nearly half a million
tons of the best steaming coal for war
ships that can be procured. This sup
ply of the most important of all sinews
of modern war is to be systematically
distributed in American porta most
conveniently locate! for the coaling of
ships for any operations the
conceivably be called upon
Judge Dav, president of
navy may
to under-
the Paris
peace commission, has arrived home."
A loaded lumber schooner is ashore
at Cannon beach, near Elk creek. Or.
Tf.o -.' r'-f.-'flsflsM
the Nulato land offico in Alaska is
In a trainwreck near Lexington, Ky.,
nine trainmen were injured, two piob
ably fatally.
Importations of manufactures from
Great Britain into the United States
seem likely to iihovr an unusually small
total in the year 1898.
The United States troops have begun
a regular patrol of the city of Havana,
in order to guard against possible dis
orders. General Lee is arranging for
the evacuation day parade.
Public men in office, especially those
in congi ess, newspaper correspondents
and everybody who is supposed to have
influence in shaping legislation or with
the administration are being flooded
witn literatiuro from foreign countries
i;. l elation to our changed condition of
:.lfV:rB as a result of the Auierioau
Sprnish war.
Fire destroyed the house occupied by
Senor Don Carlos Morla Vicuna, the
Chilean minister, nt the corner of Con
necticut avenue and N street, Wash
ington. The roof and top story were
destroyed and the furniture of the
whole house was ruined by smoke and
water, entailing a loss of $10,000. The
minister and his family barely es
caped. At Brooklino, Main., by the sudden
breaking of the ice on Lovmelt pond, in
the park By-stem, !J0 young girls and
boys were thrown into eight feet of wa
ter, and though numerous upectators
and the police worked hawd to resouo
the children, throe were drowned before
help could roach them. They were J.
W. Clattenburg, jr., 10 years old; Ar
thur Cotlins, 12 years old, and Emma
Miller. 14 years old.
The cotton receipts at Houston, Tr.,
since the beginning of the present sen
son have been 2,000,000 bales, a record
never equaled by an interior town or
pot t of the United States, and which
will be celebrated by a banquet to
which all the the prominent civic offi
cials and cotton men will be invited.
It is estimated by Secretary Warner, of
the cotton exchange, that 500,000
bales will yet be received during the
remainder of the season.
According to a new time card of the
Great Northern to go into effect Janu
ary 1, the transcontinental schedule
will be reduced 12 hours.
The British government has decided
to complete the Soudan railroad to
Khartoum, the distance yet to be cov
ered being 180 miles.
Forest Salee, a bellboy formerly em
ployed at the Planters' hotel in St.
Louis, is heir to $25,000, left him by
James T. Spaulding, of Chicago.
The movements of rebels from Brazil ;
have been defeated by troops sent to
the frontier, and there Eeems to be no
further danger to the peace of the coun
try. The committee having the matter in
cMrgo has decided upon a celebration
ifl 1903 of the 100th anniversary of the
purchase of Louisiana from the French
Col. Thomas H. Sherley, one of the
most representative whisky men and
distillers in Kentucky, died suddenly
at his home in Louisville of paralysis ol
the heart.
The Association of American Di
rectory Publishers was formed in
Cleveland by publishers of city direc
tories from 120 cities. The object is
mutual protection.
The Closing of Spanish Rule
In Havana.
Cubans Heap Indignities on the Van
quished Foe, and Insist an Kissing;
the "Brace Americanos."
Chicago, Doc. 28. A censored spe
cial cable to the Tribune from Havana
Rioting began at Montserrat tonight.
A battalion of Spanish troops hurried
from the barracks on the Prado to
; Galiano street, the dividing line be
tween Cuban and Spanish territory.
Order was restored, but in the firing
which occurred before the troops ar
rived, an 8-year-old Cuban child was
killed by a stray bullet.
Spanish teiritory in the New World
is now limited to a narrow strip of
land between Havana harbor and Cali
ani street. The flags of Cuba libre
and the United Sttes are waving with
in two blocks of the Prado. a great
boulevard which runs through the cen
ter of Havana.
Montserrat having been evacuated,
the place was alive today with Cubans
and people from the United States.
The scene enacted at Cerro and Vedado
last week and Jesus del Monte yester
day, was repeated at Montserrat. There
was even a greater demonstration, for
Montserrat comes almost to the city.
Some of the flags leajied across the
dividing line and waved on the Span
ish side.
The celebration which was begun on
Christmas night today reached its
height. Crowds of men and women
waving Cuban and American fags and
carrying branches of trees, paraded the
streets shouting and singing. Many
Americans went over to see the demon
stration. They did not remain long.
Owing to the intense enthusiasm, the
populace insisted on kissing the "brave
Americanos," whether they wanted to
be kissed or not.
Several affrays took place between
the Spanish residents and the Cubans.
A grocery keeper on Oquendo street re
fused to put out the Cuban colors, and
was almost beaten to death with sticks.
As evening came on, the demonstra
tion became noisier than ever, as many
of the negroes parading were drunk and
greatly excited. The Americans be
came fearful of another clash with the
Spanish troops like that which ushered
in Christmas day. Francisco Luinteso,
a Spanish volunteer patrolling the
street near the Prado, was fired at from
a housetop and killed. A Cuban was
killed in another part of the city.
Half a dozen Cubans and Spaniards
were shot or stabbed in affrays about
the city.
Ttwro was a fight between Cubans
Mii Spaniards. :r front of trMBsTTnitnt1
States Club at midnight. Several of the
participants were badly cut with ma
chetes. Many American soldiers who
were in town behaved so boisterously
that General Ludlow says he is sorry
that they were permitted to como into
Havana, and in future none will be
permitted except on strictly military
Havana in a State of Unrest.
Havana, Dec. 28. Francisco Quin
teio, a Spanish guerrila, while walking
along Genois street today, was fired
at from the roof of a house and serious
ly wounded. During the last 2-1 hours
one man has been killed and 12 have
been wounded in affrays in different
parts of the city, and 11 burglaries
have been committed. The city is in
a state of unrest. Three more wards
of Havana were evacuated today.
La Lucha says it can see no dis
loyalty on the part of Spanish residents
in Cuba if they choose to hoist Ameri
can and Cuban flags, because Spain re
nounced the island without consulting
the Spaniards.
Captain-General Castellanos. after
formally turning over the island to
the Americans on January 1, will leave
for Matanzas, where he will remain a
fortnight, going thence to CienfuegoSk
A party of colored Cubans this morn
ing entered the wholesale grocery es
tablishment at 113 San Jose street,
owned by the Spanish firm of Mestro
& Mata, and ordered Senor Mestro to
kiss the Cuban flag and to cry "Viva
Cuba libre." He refused to obey,
where upon one of the Cubans cut his
head badly with a machete.
Today a Cuban mob threatened to
attack the residence of Marquis de
Montero, secretary of the treasury in
the autonomist cabinet, and a member
of the Spanish evacuation commission.
The house is 193 Neptune street, in a
part of the city already evacuated. On
the matter being brought to the atten
tion of the United States evacuating
commissioners, a guard was sent to
guard the residence until further or
ders. Removing the Head.
New York, Dec. 28. Arrangements
weie completed today for disinterring
the bodies of the soldiers who were
buried in the improvised cemetery at
Camp Wikoff, Long Island. Lieuten
ant William F. Chase, of the Sixth ar
tillery, will supervise the work. Forty
coffins were shipped today to Montauk.
Held for Duty.
Bt. Paul, Minn., Dec. 28. Some
thing over 100 packages of mail from
Manila, supposed to contain souvenirs
of the Philippines from the Thirteenth
Minnesota volunteers sent probably as
Christmas presents for friends and rela
tives in this city are being held at the
local postoffice for a ruling by the
treasury department, whether duty
must be collected. The packages just
arrlevd, and are held at the request of
Collector of Customs Peterson.
Preparing for Duty.
New York, Dec. 28. A Herald spe
cial from Washington says: Work is
being pushed by the navy department
on the small cruiseis and gunboats to
be used for patrol service in Cuban
waters. It is appreciated that in six
days this government will assume con
trol in Cuba and it is desired that the
navy shall be prepared to do its fair
service in preserving peace and order
in the seaports of the island.
If all the mountains of the world
were leveled the average height of the
land would rise nearly 220 feet.
Dominion Surveyor Frozen to DePt-h On
the Klondike Klver. .
Seattle, Wash., Deo. 28. The steamer
Farallon arrived today from Alaska
with a number of passengers from Daw
son direct, who came out ovel the ie-.
Tho trail is good, and a large number
of people are on the way out.
Among the passengers is Jack Carr,
the Yukon mail carrier, who left Daw
son November 21. .He says the popula
tion of Dawson City has materially decreased-it
now being estimated at 16,
000. Cost of living has also decreased,
good meals oosting but $1. There will
be no food shortage this winter. There
is little hope of the mail service being
kept up between Dawson and the out
side world this winter.
Thistle creek, on the American side,
is attracting considerable attention.
Pans averaging $25 are reported.
The execution of the four Dawson
murderers Ed Henderson and the In
dians White, Dawson Jim and Joe Nan
tuck has been postponed until March.
November 1 was set as the day of exe
cution. It is said that Indians of Alaska have
petitioned Governor Brady to go to
Washington to represent them in con
gress. The body of J. H. Cadenhead, a Do
minion land surveyor, was found frozen
in the ice in the Klondike river, near
Dawson, October 27. He had left
Sulphur creek the day previous, and in
the night had broken through the ice.
Uuable to pull himself out, he slowly
froze to death, with his hands spread
out on the ice. Before losing con
sciousness he took his field notes and
papers from his pockets and threw them
from him, so that they might be picked
up and saved.
Difficulty of Forming a Constitution
Ends Its Career.
Manila, Dec. 28. The so-called con
gress of the revolutionary government
of the Filipinos, which has been in ses
sion for some time, at Malo Los, has
been unexpectedly adjourned, owing to
the difficulty of forming a constitution.
A cabinet by President Aguinaldo,
appointed at Bacoor on July 15 last,
and named in the Baxior proclamation
issued on that date, has resigned.
General Aguinaldo, who had been at
Malo Los, came from there to Santa
Anata, a suburb of Manila. He then
visited Paterno, and now it is reported
he has gone to Cavite Vejo, the old
town of Cavite. Reliable advices say
that while he was at Paterno he was
indefatigable in his efforts to overcome
the policy of the militant faction,
which is hostile to the Americans. It
is probable that his influence will avail
to avert trouble.
The Filipinos cabinet, proclaimed at
Bacoor on July 15, in conformity with
a decree issued by the revolutionary
government on June 14, was made up
of the following peisonnel: President
of the council of ministers, with the ad
interim portfolios of foreign affairs,
marine and oommerce. General Ernilio
Aguinaldo ' y Faniy;- secretary " ot wir
and of public works, Seuor Don Bald
anoro Aguinaldo, nephew of General
Aguinaldo; secretary of the interior,
Senor Don Leandero Ibarra; secretary
of agriculture, Sinor Don Mariano
Agulnaldo's Kepresentative.
New York, Dec. 28. Felipe Agon
cillo, tho special representative of
Aguinaldo, leader of the Philippine
patriots, left this city tonight for
Washington. In Washington, Agon
cillo will await the arrival of thiee
eminent Filipinos who are en route
with additional instructions from
Since his arrival trom Paris, on Sat
urday evening, Agoncillo lias been al
most constantly in conference with
visitors. Agoncillo said today that
there was no change in the situation,
and probably would be none until aftar
the arrival of his three fellow-country-men.
Ordered to Mini i La.
St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 28. Major H.
R. Brinkerhoff, U. S. A., chief muster
ing offioor for Missouri, who has been
stationed at the Jefferson barracks since
last spring, received today a telegiam
from the secretary of war relieving him
from duty to join the Third infantry
at Fort Snelling, and to accompany it
to Manila. He expects to leavo the
reservation as soon as ho can pack and
ship his propoity. His wife and
daughter will accompany him.
Will Guard Hollo.
Washington, Dec. 28. The admini
stration has taken steps to safeguard
Amerioan interests in the city of lloilo,
on the lalnnd of Panay, one of the Phil
ippine archipelago, and n military and
naval expedition is now on its way
there from Manila. Cflhlo advices
weie received here today from General
Otis, Commanding the military forces
in the Philippines, and Admiral Dewey,
commanding the naval forces there,
showing they are acting in concert in the
Kace Trouble at Dallas.
Dallas, Tex., Dec. 27. In an en
counter between three white men and
some negroes, one of the latter, Oscar
White, was killed, and anothei, Frank
Holland, seriously wounded. Hun
dreds of whites and negroes assembled,
and for a time a race war was immi
nent. The air was filled with knives
and pistols. A squad of police dis
persed the mob.
Drowned While Skating.
Woonsocket, R. I., Doe. 28. Mer
man Kiso, 12 years old, and Arthur
Leedham, 9 years of age, were drowned
while skating on thin ice at Harris
pond today.
Director of Agriculture.
Chicago, Dec. 28. CommiBRlnner
General Peck has appointed Charles
Richards Dodge, of New York, director
of agriculture for the American exhibit
at the Paris exposition.
Apple Shipments.
J. A. Whitman, the Medford fruit
buyer, has shipped this fall 42 carloads
of apples, which have been bought out
right from the growers and sold in
Eastern oities at fairly good prices.
Several carloads of apples are now be
ing packed for shipment at Myrtle
Point. They will be sent by water to
San Francisco, and from there by rail
to Eastern points.
A check received by a Boston bank
had on it, instead of the regular two
nmtt revenue stamp, two one-cent
".postage due" stamps.
New World Energy Aston
ishing Europe.
3Cnr:land Awakes to the Aggressive
Commercial Prosperity of the United
states Decrease of British Exports.
London, Dec. 27. It is no exaggera
tion, to assert that the foremost topic
compelling attention in Europe is gen
eral and in Gieat Britain in particular,
ovf-shadowing the dreary broils of do
me :;c politics, i the remaikable ag
gTeSotve commercial prosperity which
the United States is manifesting.
Hardly a newspaper review or a public
speaker duiing the past month has
fa: 3 to notice with what giant strides
Art .idea is coming into tne first place
in rne alignment of the powers. It is
cort.iinly the chief subject of conversa
tion on Lombard street and on tho
Continental bourses.
" tie manager of one of the greatest
Lordon banks recently drew an Ameri
can business man into his private
office, and said, in an awe-struck tone:
"This is the first time in the history
of t'nance that New York has been in
a ; isition to dictate money rates to
London, Berlin and Paris." The
bar.' manager added that London's
pu!-':hases of American securities were
a "ither's weight compared with the
bul.-noe of trade in New York's favor.
J .Tames Brice, in a speech before the
Lleuester chamber of commerce, sound
ed a warning to British manufacturers.
He empbasized the fact that the ex
ports of the United States and Ger
many had increased 34,000,000 and
2 ',000,000 respectively between 1891
an. 1897. while Great Britain's de
er, sed 15,000,000. He further
poi i ted out that the business of the
United States was developing along
mii'iy important lines which Great
Bii'ain, he added, should have held
ag; inst all competitors. Mr. Brice un
he tatingly asserted that the United
St.- es could produce rails cheaper than
Gr at Britain, and he said he saw no
possibility of opening new markets ex
cept in China.
Great Britain seems to have become
ree inoiled to the capture of the iron
I ma-fcets by the United States. Ameri
can firms are uniformly successful in
bidling against British firms. The
Cailnegie company and the Illinois Steel
Co.Upany have opened extensive offices
in London and are making inroads
npen the British reserve. Colonel
H. nsaker, the Carnegie representa
tive, has contracted for 80,000 tons of
pi-. for the Coolgardie road, Austra
lii and the company was unable to un
de.fake the contract for 80,000 tons
jiJL"BTiatch from .Berlin says it is a
faoTtnat theliussian government has
ordered 80,000 tons of American rails,
and the prospect of American competi
tion for the contracts in connection
with Russia's extensive railroads
alarms manufacturers here and else
where. Consuls assert that all Europe
is swarming, as never before, with
agents of American manufacturers of
steel, street railroads, electrical appa
ratus and all kinds of maohinery, who
are leading the commercial invasion.
The attempts to float a Russian loan
in New York have been received skep
tically here. Several financieis have
told representatives of the press that
Russia tried to raise money in London,
Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam, and that
she seems to have turned to the United
States as a forlorn hope, possibly with
the view of reaping incidental political
advantages. But, it is admitted that
it is a question of a shoit timo when
capitalists will have to reckon with
New York as a competitor in high
finance. The Daily Chronicle com
ments upon the fact that American
capitalsts "have the courage of their
financial opinions if they think they
know the European situation better
than the capitalists of the Old World."
There is much interest here regard
ing the choice of a successor of Ethan
Allen Hitchcock as ambassador at St.
Petersburg. It is considered that the
post demands the presence of the
strongest diplomat, in view of the en
trance of the United States into the
East. Russia has sent one of her
ablest men to Washington, though a
transler from Washington to Constan
tinople or Madrid has hitherto beon
considered in the service as being a
promotion. Russia expects President
McKinley to reciprocate. Mr. Hitch
cock oairies home with him tho convic
tion that Russia is still a stanch friend
of America, which he has endeavored
to impress upon the state department
at Washington and on all influential
Americans he has met abroad.
Boy Kills Two Brothers.
Scooba. Miss., Dec. 27. Thomas
and William Brantley, brothers, were
shot and instantly killed last night, at
Enondale, by Eugene Dennis, an 18-year-old
boy. The brothers, accom
panied by their father, attempt?d to
enter the store of Dennis, it is said, in
tending violence, whereupon young
Dennis opened fire on the Brantleys
with the above result. The trouble
was caused by liquor.
Arsenic in the Milk.
Now York, Dec. 27- Adolph Neaf,
a bartender employed by Mrs. Marie
Zischer, who keeps a small hotel at
Paterson, N. J., died today after suf
ering great agony. It is thought his
death was caused by arsenical poison
ing, and that the poison was placed in
the milk used in the household of Mrs.
Zischer. Mrs. Zischer, Mary Doly, a
servant, Fritz Hagerman, an employe,
and Fritz Zeffon, were also poisoned,
but will probably recover. The milk
will be analyzed.
Agoncillo Still in New York.
New York, Dec. 27. Agoncillo and
His Finer 1 i all -anoa t i n rr nnnratarv and iri-
j - ( Ft j
j terpreter, 8. Lopez, who represents the
j Philippine revolutionists' leader. Agui
! naldo, are still in New York. They
' spent their time in seeing the city and
I tonight said they would start for Wash
: ington tomorrow. They will be joined
there by the Philippine envoys.
New York, Deo. 27. Mattie Remly,
a 17-year old girl. was shot in the heart
and killed today at her home on Eighth
I avenue by Frank Nulty, a potsoffioe
'o'erk, 19 ears of age.
England Agrees to Abrogation of the
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.
New York, Dec. 26. A special to
the Hera'd from Washington says:
All danger of furthor friction between
the United States and Gieat Britain
over the construction of the Nicaragua
canal will shortly be removed by the
abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer
treaty. Sir Julian Pauncefote, the
British ambassador, has received or
will receive within the next few days
positive instructions to enter upon
negotiations with Secretary Hay for the
abrogation of the convention referred
to, and the preparation of a new treaty
guaranteeng the neutrality of the canal.
The change in the attitude of the
British government from its old Dosi
tion of insisting upon having a voice in
the construction of the proposed canal
is the result of representations made to
Lord Salisbury by Mr. Henry White,
Charge d'affaires of this government in
London. It is the understanding of
those who are aware of the change in
the attitude of the British government
that Lord Salisbury will suggest
through Sir Julian the advisability of
the United States granting some conce?
sions to his government in return foi
the relinquishment of the important
lights possessed by Great Britain in the
matter of a canal across the isthmus,
which for nearly 50 years have been
recognized by this government in the
treaty negotiated by John M. Clayton,
on the part of the United States, and
Lord Henry Lytton-Bulwer, on the part
of the British government. Just what
concessions will be asked are not
known, nor will they be until fuller
and final instructions have Deen re
ceived by Sir Julian and communicated
to Secretary Hay.
Between Fifty-five and Seventy-five Die
Daily From Starvation and lUseK.e.
New York, Deo. 26. A dispatch to
the World from Havana says: Ha
vana's death rate is astounding. There
are between 55 and 75 deaths here each
day, the majority from malarial fever,
typhoid claiming the next largest num
ber of victims and pernicious fever
about the same.
The civil register today shows a total
of 49 deaths in this city in the last 24
hours, and two parishes where the
death rate was usnally high made no
report. The mortality last week was
at the rate of 106 in every 1.000 of the
population. This week it will be high
er. In New York the death rate is
only 22 deaths per annum for every
thousand population.
All the hospitals are overcrowded
and no more patients can be received.
The municipal hospital, organized as
an emergency hospital to caro for sick
reconcentrados, is taking care of 305
patients with space for only 100. A
surgeon in one hospital said today that
he had to leave sufferers lying in the
streets because there is no place to
oare for them.
Vilf; stenoses from the indescribable
dirtinessaf soiTie .geetionaffer a her
culean task to the engineer officer pre
paring to clean tho city, making the
American here despair of any imme
diate lowering of the frightful death
More About tho Balloon Trip Across
the Channel.
New York, Dec. 24. A dispatch to
the Times from London says: The
Chronicle publishes an account from its
correspondent sent from a balloon trip
across the channel, showing that the
Andree steering-gear was tested with
perfect success. The sail used was 18
feet squaro instead of 12 feet, the one
used in the land experiment.
The aeronauts took their course when
the 200-foot trail rope was in water
and found they had deflected three
points, or about double that obtained
on land in Essex several weeks ago.
This is not surprising, for the frac
tional resistance of tho trail rope in
water was immense. Another test gave
the same results, but this time the bal
loon descended within two feet of the
To keep the balloon at an even alti
tude was a task of the greatest diffi
culty, and owing to cold air on the
water the sun-heated gas cooled with
lightning rapidity, demanding oonstant
expelling of ballast to prevent falling
into the sea.
The balloon again rose 2.300 feet,
but dropped behind a thick cloud. The
sudden eclipse caused a rapid descent,
and in a few minutes the balloon
touched the ocean. A wave struck the
car. It was an exciting moment for
tfie aeronauts, their gum boots being
filled with water. Percival Spencer,
the famous aeronaut, in charge, prompt
ly threw out ballast and saved himself
from sinking.
The balloon then rose 700 feet after
clearing the French cliffs, and landed
6afelvawld Not man peasants four miles
east of Havre, having in five hours cov
ered 150 wiles, of which 75 miles were
over sea.
Wrecks In the North.
Victoria, B. C, Dec. 24. The
Rosalie, whioh has arrived hero from
Skagway, leports the wreck of a sloop
whioh left Wrangel two weeks ago for
Skagway with a party of 12, bound for
Atlin. The sloop was found bottom
side up by Indians, and it is feared
that all hands were lost.
News is also brought of the wreck of
the schooner Ohio, of Victoria. No
lives were lost.
Texans Go to Cuba.
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 26. The head
quarters and first battalion of the Texas
regiment, together with Colonel
Whoaton'a headquarters, sailed for
Cuba this afternoon, in the transport
Michigan. The other two battalions
of the First Teaxs and the Second
Louisiana regiment will leave tomor
row on the Mobile.
Utilise Power of Niagara.
Pittsburg, Deo. 26. The Miller Elec
tiio Construction Company, of Pitts
burg, bas invented a new plan to uti
lise the power of Niagara falls, and it
is expected woik will begin the first of
the year, necessitating the expenditure
of about $600,000. It is nroposed to
erect a large building close to the falls,
being kept in place by anchors and
heavy Iron cables. With a series of
contrivances, it is exprcted to utilize
all the force of falling water. Elec
trical fluid is to be transported by con
duits and heavy wire to distant points.
Another Isle Has Been Added
to Our Possessions.
Commander of the Bennington Will
Receive Orders to Hoist Old Glory
Over Wake Island.
Washington, Dec. 26. This govern
ment has determined to hoist the flag
over an island far out in the Pacific
ocean, and orders were sent out late
this afternoon to the commander of the
Bennington, Captain Taussig, to pro
ceed at once to take possession, in the
name of the United States government,
of Wake island, lying in latitutde 19
north, longitude 166 east. It is distant
about 2,000 miles from Nihau, the
westernmost of the Hawaiian islands,
and 1,300 miles east of Guam. It is
almost in a direct line between those
possessions of the United States, and
is admirably adapted for use as a sta
tion for a Pacific cable to connect the
Philippines with Hawaii and the Unit
ed States. It is about three miles in
length, and incloses a lagoon of salt
water. The average height of the
island is eight feet above high tide. It
is scarcely capable, in itself, of sustain
ing life, hut it is expeoted that a cable
can be maintained without difficulty
by the erection of a condenser to sup
ly fiesh water. Some station in that
locality is deemed to be absolutely nec
essary to the maintenance of a cable,
and lor that reason the American peace
commissioners at Palis ondeavored to
secure one of the Caroline islands, but
without success.
Wake island is said to be by right
already American territory, for in 1851
Admiral Wilkes surveyed the place and
asserted title. It is not inhabited, eo
far as known, at the present time,
though in the past some guano gather
ers have temporarily lived on the
The Bennington is now at Honolulu,
and the orders to her will go out by
steamer. After hoisting the flag on
Wake island, she will proceed to Guam
and make a survey of the island, which
was ordered some time ago. She has
already completed a survey of Pearl
harbor, seven miles from Honolulu,
whioh will form the foundation of the
government's plans for the enlarge
ment of the harbor there and the
straightening of the channel connect
ing the inner harbor with the ocean.
Filipinos in Suburbs of Manila Cause
Americans Anxiety.
Manila, Dec. 26. The United States
cruiser Boston and the gunboat Petrel
have arrived from Chinese ports. The
steamer TTinon, which has returned
Uire from lipilo with. nstive2id Span
ish soldiers, has been refuseJ a land
ing. ' The steamei St. Paul has arrived
here with Christmas mail.
The first American flag was raised
over Malate school yesterday. It was
sent by the university of Pennsylvania.
The honor of raising the flag was ac
corded to Father McKinnon, of Califor
nia, in recognition of his services in
reopening the schools.
Native troops encamped in tho sub
urbs are again causing anxiety. The
attitudo of the insurgent detachment at
Pandtichan bridge on Wednesday was
euch that the California, Idaho and
Washington regiments were ooncentrat
ed in light marching order at Paco,
but trouble was averted.
Largest Volume of lousiness on Record.
New York, Deo. 20. R. G. Dun &
Co. 's weekly review says:
It is a year beyond parallel, and goes
to its close with the biggest volume of
business ever seen. Enormous tians
actions at tho stock exchange, ru.ikes
some difference.but when all the trans
porting and speculative interests are
eliminated, there is still much larger
business than in any other month of
any year. Last year the exports were
in volume greater than in any previous
month in the history of the country,
hut tit is year the three weeks reported
show an increase of 25 per cent, against
9 per cent in imports, which would in
dicate much more than $70,000, 000
excess of exports this month.
Cancellation of Bevenue Stamps.
Washington, Dec. 26. In viow of
the fact that fraud has beon discovered
in connection with the cancellation of
documentary and adhesive internal rev
enue stamps, by which old stamps
were re-used, the internal revenue bu
reau today issued a regulation which
requires all such stamps to be canceled
with the initials of the user, together
with the month, day and year wiitten
or stamped thereon. Hitherto the
month and day of cancellation has not
been required.
Notorious Turk Killed.
Constantinople, Dec. 26. Ghani
Bey, the sultan's aide-do camp, was
murdered yesterday by llafuz Pacha in
a quarrel. Ghani Bey became notori
ous owing to his lawless proceedings
in Epiritus. He also inspired terror
here by extorting money under threats
of death. Officials of the foreign em
bassies have frequently demanded the
punishment of Ghani Bey, but always
Will Buy American Kails.
London, Dec. 26. Tho government
of Victoria, according to a special dis
patch from Melbourne, has accepted
the tender of the Pennsylvania &
Maryland Steel Company for 85,000
tons of steel rails at $75,000 below the
English tender.
France to Tax Foreign Securities.
Paris, Dec. 26. The chamber of
deputies today adopted a bill imposing
a stamp duty of one cent on foreign se
curities. Soldiers Frozen to Death.
London, Dec. 26. The Vienna cor
respondent of the Daily Telegiaph savs:
Several hundred Montenegrian soldiers,
who were recently overtaken by a snow
storm in the Lara Pass, were frozen to
death. The expedition sent to their
rescue found the snow drifts so heavy
that it was impossible to save them.
Washington, Dec. 26. Ambassador
Draper informs the department of state
that the Italian chamber of deputies
ratified the postal treaty yesterday;
that it is possible that the senate will
ratify it today or tomorrow.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 59c; Valley,
file; Bluestem, 62c per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $8.20; graham,
$2.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 4041c; choice
gray, 39 40c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $22 24; brew
ing, $24 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $16 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $16; chop, $15.50
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $910; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 55 60c;
seconds, 50 53c; dairy, 45 50c store,
30 35c.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 11 13c;
Young America, 15c; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.5o3
per dozen; hens, $3.504.00; springs,
$1.253; geese, $6.007.00 for old,
$4.505 for young; ducks, $4.00
5.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 11
12c per pound.
Potatoes 60 70c per sack; sweets,
2c per pound.
Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75c
per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab
bage, $ 1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, 75c
per sack; beans, 3c per pound; celery,
7075o per dozen; cucumbers, 50c per
box; peas, 33c per pound.
Onions Oregon, 75c$l per Back.
Hopa 1518c; 1897 crop, 46c.
Wool Valley, loci 12c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 812c;,
26c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and e-.ves, 4c; dressed mutton, 7)c;
spring lambs, 7'2c per lb.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.25;
light and feeders, $3.004.00; dressed,
$5. 00 5. 50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 3.50$3.75;
cows, $2. 50 3. 00; dressed beef,
56lc per pound.
Veal Large, 06c; small, 7 8c
er pound.
Seattle Markets.
Onions, 8u90c per 100 pounds.
Potatoes, $10 12.
Beets, per sack, 75c.
Turnips, per sack, 5060c.
Carrots, per sack, $1.
Parsnips, per sack, $1.
Cauliflower, 50 75c per doz.
Celery, 35 40c.
Cabbage, native and California
$1.00 1.50 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 35 50c per box.
Pears, 75c$1.50 per box.
Prunes, 50c per box.
Butter Creamery, 27c per pound;
dairy and ranch, 1820c per pound.
Eggs, 35c
Cheese Native, 1212c.
Poultry Old hens, 12c per pound;
spring chickens, 12c; turkeys, 16c.
FreBh meats Choice diessed beef
steers, prime, 67c; cows, prime,
6c; mutton, 7)c; pork, 67cj veal,
Wheat Feed wheat, $22.
Oats Choice, per ton, $24.
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $9.50
10: choice r.asteijHBsiiiigtiju Una-
Corn Whole. $23.50; cracked,
feed meal, $23.50.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$24 25; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
straights, $3.25; California brands,
$8.25; buckwheat flour, $3.75; graham,
per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour,
$3.75; rye flour, $4.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14;
shorts, per ton, $16.
Feed Chopped feed, $1921 per
ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
San Francisco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 10 12c per
pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10 12c; Val
ley, 1517c; Northern, 9llc.
Millstuffs Middlings, $1821.00;
bran, $15.50 16.50 per ton.
Onions Silverskin,5075c per sa-L:.
Butter Fancy creamery, 8Co;
do seconds, 2024c; fancy dairy, 20o;
do seconds, 1721c per pound.
Eggs Store. 1822c; fancy rancj,
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2
2.50; Mexican limes, $66.50; Cali
fornia lemons, $2. 00. 300; do choice,
$3. 50 4. 50; per box.
A Gravy Bath for a Boor.
During tho excitement of the recent
South African elections, says the West
minster Gazette, two Dutchmen at a
boarding house dinner table wTere eulo
gizing the superior virtues of theii raco
as opposed to the English. Presently
Queen Victoria was mentioned, when
one exclaimed, "Damn Victoria."
With that the Englishman who sat
next to the offending Dutchman threw
tho whole contents of his plate on his
head meat, potatoes, oabbage and
gravy. Every other boarder threw at
him the article nearest at hand half
a loaf of bread, a hot potato or a jug of
water until the poor victim cried for
mercy, which was granted him after
withdrawing his words and making a
suitable apology.
The Hage for Fur.
Fur is used on all sorts and condi
tions of gowns, and is applied in any
way that may suit the wearer. Row
after row made as narrow as possible
is applied on the graded flounce of the
new cloth gowns, a short nap fur being
the easiest to apply and the best in
effect. Buttons of fur are extensively
used on a gown of this kind, while re
vers and collar, with cuffs to match,
trim the waist.
Carpet Laying Without Tacks.
An Ohio inventor has patented a car
pet fastening which does awav with the
use of tacks to hold the carpet in place,
a metallic border being inserted under
the edge of the baseboard and having
clamps along its outer edge in which
the carpet is fastened after being
The first day of January and the first
dav of October of any year fall on the
same day of the week unless it be leap
A decapitated snail, if kept in a
moist place, will in a few days gtow a
now head, and it will be just as service
able as the original one was.
Every language contains such names
as cuckoo, peewit, whipporwill' and
others in which the sound emitted by
the animal is imitated as the name.
As late as 1682 squirts were used for
extinguishing fire in England, and
their length did not exceed two or three
feet with pipes of leather. Wateretight
seamless hose was first made in BetiuiaJ
Green in 1730,