CORVALLIS, OREGON, Dec. 16, 1S9S Capes Jackets Over two hundred differeut styles strictly up-to-date. Plus!:, trimmed and plain, Boucle, Ker.sey, Beaver. Prices are ri;;1it. Fur Collarettes and Capes, $5 to 25 MCb. SHOES. Our Shot stock is as complete as though wc carried nothing but shoes. Exciting Game of Football. The biggest football game of the sea son in all respects was thai of ast Sat urday afternoon. On that day the Eugene boys came down and run over the O. A. C. eleven unm.rcifully. Over oae thousand people shivered on the side Hues and watched what may be termed the foot races between the two elevens from center to the Eugene goal. The game was called at throe o'clock sharp with IJ. V. Kujkendall, of Eugene, A Successful Entertainment. The Presbyterian ladies fair and New i The Discovery ef the Day. Aujr. J. Bojtli the leading: druggist oi" ay.: "Dr. King's New as referee. O. A. C. won the toss and i Corvallis' handsomest and moit charm defended lower goal. Senders kicked I ing joung ladies. The farce in the off Eugene won the ball ai d the whole 1 evening was well staged, the parts being team following the instructions of their ; well and easily sustained by the elite-of leader to "coise oi, boyi," started for the city. Whet alt did so very well it England dinner and entertainment was ohrevepart, La., say.: "D Uiseovcry is the only thing that cures my eoiigli, and it is ihe host seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Arizona writes: '-Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I cannot say enougjpfor its :oerit;." Dr. Kings New Discovcrv for consnniptiou, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and today stands at the head. It never dU nppint. Free trial bottles at Graham & Wells' drug store. a grand success both socially and finan cially. The ladies kept open house from ti a. ni. to 11 p. m. last Friday at the opera house. The dinner was excellent and nicely served. The articles of handiwork and the home-made bon bons were out of sight before the even ing closed. The guests at the tables were deftly waited upon by many of s. t mm k son, Albany, Oregen. their goal. The home boys met their swift coming adversaries most heroically, I but sad to relate, many of them were I knocked down like nine pias aj a result in te short minutes Bishop, U. of play.d O. carried the ball safety over the "o:il taiued. LOCAL HAPPENINGS, would ba ver; hard to 'distinguish, but it is sale to say that no p ay by home talent was ever put on the boards here in which all the parts were as smoothly and the characters so wel. sus The little Misses Hare, Sheas- Be sure and examine our new line of shoes. Ths Cash Store. Try L. L. Howell's Cream of M?.ize, the best hominy ever prepared. Rev. Herbert Sliafer, of Philomath, was in town Tuesday iast o;i business. Dan't fail to see thi O. A. C. G':ee Club at the opera house 011 Thursday, December 22. Here is the place to buy presents for the loved , ones old and young. The Cash Store. Mrs. J. J. Flett, who has been ill for sever.-.l days, has again returned to her case in this office. Mrs. J. L. Underwood has just recov ered from a spell of sickness. Her little daughter is now down with measles. Our old soldier frie id. J. Weed, one of the prosperous merchants of Philomath, paid his respects to the Gazkttk one day this week. Miss Leoaa Smith and Miss Grace GatcU, both of whom were men ti sued in our last issue as being ill, are new both convalescing. Ex-President U. B. Millar will lecture in the O. A. C. chapel this (Friday) even ing, December i6tb, taking for his sub ject, "Labor and Wages." A cordial invitation extended to all. Judge Robbinsau, of BeulaU, called Tuesday last and had a chat with the Gazette about the county buying a poor farm. The Judge is all rijflit on the sub ject au-1 full of gao I ideas. line. Sanders again toward the coveted squarely into the hands of Bishop. His comrades made an excelleut interfer ence, his path was cleared and he went speeding unixolested for the goal Hue, making as brilliant a rnu as has ever been made on the O. A. C. field. Each succeeding play was a repetition of the kicked the ball! green, Pearl and Vera Homer and goal, but it fed ' Celia Nelms. sang their little so:-gs in poed taste and were highly appreciated. Pearl Horner, a tlioug'i not larger than a pint sweet cid?r half drank up, and herd-g, was immense. The Presbyterian ladies are delighted with the result and profoundly thank the good citizens of Corvallis for the liberal I REDUCTION SALE ! J All communications for Csrvallis & Eastern R R. company should be ad dressed to Edwin Stone, manager, Al bany, Oregon. on-.; preceding it. The home boys good work but they were no match did for their antagonists, and when time was called closing the lart half the score stood O. A. C, o, Eugene 38, The work did by Edwards, Sander.-, j and Phillips, of the home team, was fine. Buxton, loo, did far better work than Iie has ever done before, but the team work of the Eugene team w.-.s far better than our own, and this coupled with the fact that the visiting team I were nearly all veterans while our bojs were amateurs, gives ample reason for j the O. A. C. suffering such defeat. patronage bestowed. HVCOISTIftOIB NEWS. ?.iistletoe is in demand Dr. Band was in ICugene Sunday. 'What's them ducks for, anyhow?" Adam Wilholm Sr , has gone on a busi bsss trip to Portland. Barn, on TuesJay, D .'cemicr 6, to the wife of Mel. G. Evans, a daughter. Old Sa:ita CI -us has been bribed to ap pear at the Monroe Christmas tree. John Carpenter, Jr., has moved his family into the Ferguson property. Rev. ?Ioore, of Sbedds Station, de livered a sermon .-.t the U. E. church on Many A Lover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Kali's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action oa the bowels, etc., as nothing ebe will. Sold for years on absolute guaran tee. Price 25 eti. and 53 et.;. SjU by Gra ham & Wells. Take Wotice. All old so diers and th?ir families are cordially invited to be present Saturday afternoon, January 7, in this city, at the Grand Army Hall, to witness the installa tion of E! aworth Post's officers. The exercises will b?gi:i at I p. in. sharp. The x'ost desires .-. fall attendance Monroe en ve an elegant Burns Night. T.flf l?rtlfl PVfMlill'r at ttl T ihpra! college in Philomath Prof. f. B. Horner : u-1(a evening. of the O A. C, chair of English lectured j TIle Christmas tree at on Burns to a fair sized and annrcriati vo Christmos Eve promises t- audience. The exercises opened with j aud interestisg p-rctacle. a piano duet by Mrs- aud Miss Walker,,' Gambling between men and those not I followed by invocation by Rev. Herbert i yet men by any means, should be dealt i Sliafer, Mrs. Walker tliea sang "I i with according to our state law3t Dreamt i uwett in siareie runs. George A Hoitsk and Sam Ferguson, President Miller then introduced Prof, j who have bean purchasing cattle for Horner, who in years gone by attended I outside buyers for the past four years, as that college and graduated therefrom. partners, had tbeir first settlement in Prof. Horner is an enthusiastic Burns I all that time, last week. It took some student, aud in a happy manner traced ! time and patience to come to an agree- the good qualities ot his hero, rcavin The s.-.oner n tvnigli or old i; cured with out harm t) the sufferer the bailor. Linger ing colds are dangerous. Haeking cough i di.-trefsing. On: Mrauto Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why saff-r when such a cough t-ne is within reach? It is pleasant to the taste. Graham & Wells. Do you like good music? Do you en joj a good laugh! Then bestirs aud go to the opera house on December 22. Sick Headacheo The curse of overworked womankind are j quickly and urrly cured by Karl's Clover ! Boot Tea; the great blood purifiwr and tissue I builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. ! Price 25 ets. and 50 cts. Sold by Graham & Wells- SILVER QUESTION J; easily settled by buying your Christ isas presents ef E. P. GrefToz, the jew eler. A large variety at very low prices. Country order.; solicited and given prompt attention. standing must necessan y require hour or two for their settlement. the bad points of his character with the poet's maker. He told in effective style of Burns lowly peasant birth, of hard- Charles Albrecht, for many years a ! snip- 01 ins yomn ana eariy me, i we ; OCCHrred on Friday evening, when Miss resident of this city, died ef consump- ! wonderful genius he displayed, workiug j Cejc,Q We,;suer ave a gardfen party i Hon Tuesday morning, in ftis place. ! as he did with little education only Mich j honur of her guest Miss Hallle Starr, of Charles was good to his friend, but he j as con d be picked up while he followed J RiUviJ,c Washington. The evening did not love his enemies a little bit. : the plow. How determined he was to j was spenl ia an effort ,JV lho prescnt Wi ,am; .i,m a amoK luc "PP" ; to guess the namesof s.veral garden cl;ies iu spite of his humlile origin. n... ,i,;i, r.,! ;.. i, Eucklen's Arnica Salve. Ttll! RlfST SAI.V1P i thr. 7,,-lfl Kir meut, yet business matters of such lone I . ... . ,T, ,. . . " Cuts, Braises, Sores, Dlears, Salt Itkeum, Fftrer Swn-s. Tetter, Chajipwl Haadi, Chil i)!aiis. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and The social event of the season so &r, j positively cures Files, or no pay required. It i.-: ffu.Miinteed to give perfect satisfaction Prof. Horner and the writer were ' entertained at the home of President j Miller, while o:t a rece:it visit ia Philo- 1 math, and refused invitations enough to j supply all our w.-.uts for a week longer. The Wiley E. Allen Company sold four niauos dnrins a week's stay in our What bitter defeats he met and how bravely he persevered aud finally over came all difficulties and was recognized by the nobility, invited to di::e but was compelled to eat with the servants, and how this occasion was the inspiration .-f citv. The balance of the stock on ex- , ,, , , , V "w Rnmc1 i:ialrTifjni ".4 loan's n man tor . -. ... , , , . 1 , 1 T .. 1 nioitiou nas oeen snipped ciscwucic. ih , jjlaj April next they will again be here with a weJ SLOCK OI illUMiai uiLmmcuis. a' that and a' that." The audience was eased and returned the speaker a unanimous vote of thanks, following the singing of "Auld Lang Syue" by the choir, aided by the piauo, organ ansl The chapsl car services have been well attended and very profitable. The -missionaries -iu. charge, lhank. most sin cerely all for kindnesses shown them. The usual services will be he!d iu the Baptist church Sunday. Cordial wel- eomp to all comers. I Fruit Growers' Convention. Subject at Methodist church Lord's j A fruit growers' convention will be day, morning, "Objections to revivals and j held at the State Agricultural College in arguments given iu their favor." Let ad ! Corvallis on the 25th of January, 1899, lovers of a genuine revival come. Eve - j and continue two days. nh.t t A in .,r f flpavor to do ' the convention will convene '- T a TTnJtnrl Ctatos SPuMtfll " CSo P. m ambition for the office.) The morning theme at the Presbyte rian church next Sabbath will bo "Jesus Christ the Divine Teacher aud Saviour". The subject in the evening, "Jurt before Christmas". Sabbath school at 10 a.m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. m. A hearty flowers which were represented rooms by various symbols. J. H. Starr carrul off the first prize, a handsome decorated calendar, and Ed Looney the booby prize, a be-ribboned lead pencil. After this contest, a dainty lunch was served by the hostess, and then games and other amusements fo. lowed until the clock proclaimed the approach of the Sabbath, when each guest bid their en tertainers a pleasant good night. Those present were Mr. and T. H. Wellsher, Miss Ceicla WeWeter, &ss Hallit3.rr, or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. For sale by Graham & Weils, druggists. Fresh California Oranges, Lemons, Bananas and Limes uow 011 sale at W. & C. Wilson's. A cough is net like a fever. It does not have to run a certain couise. Caro it quick ly and effectually with One Minute Cough Cure, tke best remedy for all ages and For the i-.iost severe cases We reeconaend it bo cause it's good. Grahivai & Wells. I I If "4 t A I . J ; y , I ?1 " r & i 1 1 i M I I I I i As I am contemplating adding otjier lines, I am greatly in need of room. I will, from now until further notice, sell my entire line of Clothing, Overcoats, Mackintoshes and Extra Trousers, --AJT COST This does not mean 15 or 20 per cent, the actual wholesale cost. ribove cost, but Suits, formerly $20.00, now $15.35. Suits, formerly $15.00. now $12.15. Suits, formerly $13.50, now $11.00. Suits, formerly $10.00, now $7.85. Overcoats, formerly $17.50, now $14.65. Overcoats, formerly $15.00, now $12.85. Overcoats, formerly $12.50, now $11 00. Overcoats, formerly $10.00, now $7.S5. Overcoats, formerly $7.50, now $6.10. Mackintoshes, formerly $15.00, now $12.50. Mackintoshes, formerly $12.50, now $10.00. Mackintoshes, fotmerly $12.00, now $9.80. Mackintoshes, formerly $11.50, now $9.65. Mackintoshes, formerly $7.50, now $6.50. Mackintoshes, lor merly $6.00, now $5.0. We have a few of those celebrated $8.80 and $9.90 suits left, which we will close at a bargain. SALES STRICTLY FOR CASH. F. L. MILLER, The Clothier. P- S. We have an immense line of HOLIDAY NECKWEAR, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, MUF FLERS and HANDKERCHIEFS, which we are now showing-. Houie Ground Zierolfs. Buck wheat Flaur vwnife- wywB-i d wo- Miss Sadie " i;6oheyT Miss Olive- Ingraui, I did the prote.-sor credit. and Gaorge LooBey, Ed Looney, John - 1 H. Starr aud Ed A. Cammings. ' ,' ,. , , . . h ,. I as well as br a number of prominent a"- welcotne to all who desire to attetid these j - 1 0 riculturists and prominent fruit growers of the state. Col. Henrv E. Dosch will All are esrdially invited to the ser- . , y 1 be present and address the convention 0:1 vices at the Christian cuvirch Lord's day, . . . s. . , ,, ., tn su jjlect of "Oregon at Omaha," as r . 0. 1 - ( - O T 1 .1 ...... J y . . . well as prune culture. Good music will toratna. 111. and 7:30 p. m. Morning A Gruesome Find. The headless bsdy of a man was foned on VVi.heltn bar. ab-'ut fourmilesN. E. On the first day i of Monroe Wednhsday p. m. Sheriff t 2 o'clock Rickard was informed of the fact late the There will be an evening ressiou Slme day. ot the convention eacn evening uunug Xnesdar orning at 5 o'clock Sheriff its session. The prune industry will be j Ricfcard. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney J. discussed iu all its phases, as well as that Fred yates, S. N. Wilkius aud E. R. of other fruits, by able and experienced ; Brysoll left this piace for tue scene, horticulturists and fruit growers. Ad-; 0n arnvinrj a coronor's jury wasempan dreoses will be delivered by members of uc,cd but a GviJei)Ce was obtainable to tne uregon state isoar.i 01 tiorucuiiure identify the remains. The feet were gone and nearly all the flesh frsm ths lioues. You Try It. If Shil.ih's Cough and Consumption Cure, which h f-'ld for the small prieb of3j cU.. 50 cU. and St 00, does not curs ta' bottle back and vs .- will refund your money sold for ever fifty years on this guarantee. Price So ets. and 50 cts. iioA by Graham & Well. To the Public. Parties wishing to purchase stock in the Mastodon Minisg & Milling com pany or having any other business with t i- company are referred to Judge John Burnett, at his office iu Corvallis, Oregon. nn iuTLruiruunjrunnj LnjinrLriruTJtJijTJT 1 a 1 r fs. 1 s 1 1 1 1 t 1 LUUf HLhL I have a Complete Line of Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, and Fine Christmas Candies. Examine my stock and prices, and 2 you will save money by it. HOWELL, I Young's old stand, Second street, ? CORVALLIS, OREGON. injnxuuuxruin Tjij-uxnjTJTxitnxiJTJxnxuTJij at I- 2 1 i theme, "Mea'is of Spiritual Growth"; evening theme, "Reasons why the Christ ian Church Observe the Lord's Supper every Lord's day." There will be a meeting of school pa trons Saturday, Dec 17, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. in the court boose, tor tnc purpose Re Lilln CoIlty Council; of discussing ways a id meaus of enlarging gtate A,rricultural College, the room facilities of school district Xo 9. Every body interested in this mutter be furnished bv the students of the State Agrilcutural College at each sitting of the convention. The convention wi 1 be pre-ided over by the Master of the State Grange. AH arc cordially invited to attend. J. Burnett, Corvallis Grange; G. L. E R. Lake. Committee Buy a package of the elastic starch and get a nicy picture free at Hers'-iner'?.. Wh-jn yu ask for De Witt's Hazel Salve don't accept a eounterfuit or imitation, j Thi-ro are mre cafes of Piles being cured by this, lhaa all others combined. Graham & 1 I Wells. It is thought that probably it may bo the , , . , , , ,.,. , , I Export, and Ge:-:era! bteaduian are the body of Mr. Span; h or Spawn, who wasj , X - , , " ,. -', , . , , 1 best five cent cigirs in the market. lor, drowned at Harris!) -rg last March. The: , ... ... . . , , sale at Hershner's. re::iains were buried fa a pine Ijoaru tOX o 1 'he hih bank about 4;o feet from r where it was di.-.covered. Wa it Is Shiloh? A grand ol d rcrnrdy fur Cough, Colds and Consuinplion ; used through the world for half a century; li:i euri.'l irinutn i Lie eases of incipien t cunstuijptiaii and relieved many in advanced stage-. If you are not a! 'l with the rc.-ults we will rcfiud y.iur money. Price 25 ets., 00 ets. and l.it0. Sold is earnestly requested to be present aud take part in the discussion. H. A. Scoggins, one of tho O. A. C. fool-ball team, had the misfortune to sprain his left knee w'iile playing in the j cigars. game last Saturday agaiust the Eugene The best on the m team. It has been quite painful aud will lay hini up for souis time. His many frieuds will be glad to learn that tho in jured member is improving. It has been feared by many that the G. L. Rkks, Chairman of Committee. Fi:-ie job pri'-iting at Gazkttk SBce. Try Howell's extra fine 5 and 10 cent cold spell had injured the fall wheal. We hope all such fears are groundless. The destruction of the present crop would very -audi retard the farmers, auvl everyone else for that matter, aud just as we are beginning to fi?l the in coming prosperity it is hoped that 11 backset will befall us. William Eti Spencer, of Tuki Turn valley, this county, passed through town Tuesday on their way home from Polk county, where they had been to by goats, in which t'iey were disappointed, not be ing able to get any. It speaks well for the financial standing of Benton county when its citizens go to sther counties to ket, Twai Bro's. breakfast mush at Howell's. P. E. Gerould, specia' agent fo- (fee Xatisnal Fire I-suraiice Company, a-d Springfield F. & M. Insurance Compar , rencved friiadskip with ye editor yester Surprise Party. Miss Kathleen GGary was the recipi ent cf a genuine and very pleasant sur prise 0:1 Thursday evening. A number ' of her friends assets bic 4 early at Miss Liuvillc's and repaired in a body to the j by Graham & W home of Miss G-ary, where a most en joyable eviii.ig was spent. Those pre, eut were: Misses Mabel Kea'dy, Mary Nolau, Marie Dannamax , Florence! C nHipaUon prevent t. Wieks, Ethel Linvide, SphU Elin, 1 ding il.-vlf of waste 'nillcr. Winxie Cameron, Kathleen Gsary; i lie Jiirly Riser Messrs. Ben F. Elgin, Royal Wright, cui.o Sick ! Fred S. Fischer, Floyd Bogue. E bert ! Liver a d ; Yates, Thomas J. No an. HELLO, THERE! Don't yOU V)ant a Hew gtove? If yon do, Campbell hns Ihe very kind yon want. He alfO lias a fine !ol of NEW FURNITURE and MATTRESSES Of various fl-s'-n-'. Ynttr daughter would like an To cl CllO r iij) 1 he ll.'.S SOtIK' llome 1 daisies to nrni" and ll'iW Fresh Raisins, Curraiits, Citron, and Lenvnii Pee., just received at Zierolfs. the wintrv ihiyn. (Jampt will stop long enongli von cm. fiAMPIIh f.T. tranU I'mir fr:l and will euro rnn dimes. EXCHANGE, N. E. Corner Second, an l Me: body from rid- Do Witt's Lit- vvi.l r uiove tho trouble and"! H-adaciie, Biiieusnesf, Inaelive clear the Complexion. Small, ! sugar coated, don't gripe or catue nausea, j Graham & Wells. X3r lagpr sagG. jpr 'aijjr wra ijci gt vrgi jrjii 5fr.r3,r npi t -jee x"jr jju. iiggs: 3jppM Your Life Will Be One Continual Thanksgiving dav. I The Gazette regrets vei y much thai ov.r Methodist brethren after bei"g to the erpeaai of bringing Chaplain Lozisr hei -c whose reputation should a'ul wou'd have drawn a large house under favorab e cir cumstances, failed to meet expenses. District No. S3 having made the highest per cent of attendance for the month end ing December 10, wins the banner of at tendance. The Srst five districts having the highest attendance arc; District No. S3, 100; N. 41, 95.5; No. 21, 92: No 26, SS; No. 93. and No 59, S7. The concrete foundation for th? new purchase stock. Benton county is all right : Mechanical hall is completed and large and no mistake. Her people .ire wide- j quantities of stone are beinsr hauled to awake, progressive and intelligent. I the grounds and prepared for th? walls. They bslieve in keeping all they have I When completed this structure will be and getting as much more as they honest- ; Q:ie that the w'olc state will have good ly can. reason to take a dea or pride in The Geo. Irvioe left Wednesday to bill the j aew Aral3ry shoM havc a11 been built valley towns between here and Portland ! of stoae- for the appearance of the O. A. C. Glee Chaplain Lozier talked to a slim audi Club and band. This combination j enee last Tuesday eveuiug in the ope a carries fonrteen people all connected house. The few that were so unfortunate with the O. A. C. as studeats or tutors. as to be present, endaugered their lives, We bespeak for theoi a warm and appre- j the building was so cold. Chap'ai 1 ciative reception. They will give a clean Lozier met with a hearty amen from the entertainment of songs, recitations, band ; audteuce when he remarked tnat and orchestral music. The young men "the place was only sutiable for a co'd are all gentlemen, and have the ability j storage ware house." It is reported that to entertain their audience in a pleasing : the owner of the place got so coid while manner. Do not fail to hear them is our I listening to the entertainment that he injunction. was compelled to go home to thaw out. Our rea '.crs will recco'lect the squash yarns that ran in oar columns last fall. Well, here is one that takes the whole pie stand. The writer was shown a well pre- ! served yellow marrow winter squash this j Croup i week that was grow 1 by E Adamsoa in ' mothers baeaoe its the summer of IS97. Mr. A. says he is j and frequently fatal, Shiloh's Cough and ready to prove this :itatemeiit and assures j Co:.;:-unction Cure act-, like magic 111 cases us that he lias made arrangements to Four piece glass sets, only 50 cents, at Hershner'7. Young Mo titers. tiio terror of thousands of young utbreak U so agonizing have it converted info pie for Christmas. A first-class entertainment enlisting f music, c jiuic specialties and dialogues at opera house, December 22. of Croup. It has r-'ever bee.', known to Riil. TI.e worst case r-lieved immediately. Prtcs 25 cs., 50 cts. and $1.09. Sold by Graham & Wells. Try meats. Howell's government inspected I For Sa'e thi:r office. -A good horse. Enquire at Soothing, healing, cleansing. D.- Witt's Witch Havel SaiVe is the implacable oncniy of sores, burns, and wounds. It never fails to cure Piles. You may rely upon it Graham & Weds. Bears the Signature of The Kad You Have Always Bought CTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED vervwhere far "The Story of the Philippine" by Karat Hai-tead, eoetmis -ioncd by tho Government as O&cial His lorian to the War Denartment. The hook was written in array carapg at San Fran cisco, on the Pacific with General SterriU, in tho hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kon, in the American trenches at Manila. i:i tho insurgent camps with Aertiinaldo, on tlie deck of tiio Olympia with .Vwey, and in the roar of the battlu at the fall of Manila. Bonanza fm- ngexts. Brimful f original lii'dturos taken by government photogra phers on the spot. Largs book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit iroc. Address, V. T. Barber, Scc'y, Siar Insurance Building, Chicago, j': Ovccome evii with good. Overcome your coughs and colds with One Minute Cuiiah Cure. It is so eood children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis pneumonia, grippe and all threat and lung diseases. Graham & Wells. Fresh Co umbia river Smelt daily re ceived at W. & C. Wilson's. Many 11 household i- saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely certain cum for croup such a.-One Minute Couch Cure. See that your little one; are protected against emergency. Graham & Wells. Howell's stock is inereasin; his customers. an --, so are I I i i i If yon piirchafc Irei-Ii inn choice GROCERIES, Ihe latesl rails in NOTIONS and DRESS GOODS, substantia Hardware and Tit. ware, Men's Dress and Heavy Shoes Feed, and tl;e Staff. of Life, at my store. All my stock, wliicli is beitis con stantly increased, is bo;iglit for cash. You get the benefit. Many a man's success begins at this store, where he or his wife saves good money on all sorts of purchases. J. WEED. Whitney Building, Philomath. Oregon. WANTED SEVERAL TRUST worthy persons in this state t manage our business in their town and nearly cosiities. It is malioiy office work conducted at home. Salary straight $900 year aud expenses definite, bona fide, ao more, no less salary. Monthly j $75. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelopes Herbert E. Hess, j Prest., Dept. M, Chicago, 111. qrmurnjiJiJTJTj"ii uxrtrtn nnjuu uxixruiinJiJUTJiJTJxn nminjirLTJiruxf ixutruirurLrv CHRISTMAS IS COMING. Our Immense Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS V"T Is Now Open for Inspection, Consisring of Albums, Dolls, Toys, Japanese Ware, Handkerchiefs and Children's Illustrated Books. We also carry a large stock of Seasonable Footwear, at prices that are sure to suit the purse. THE CASH STORE, 5 Next to Postoffice. Corvallis, Oregon, p VTjvuinnrmnniirinnnjb The People's Jewelry Store .Manufactures jewelry in the highest style of the art. Delicate repairing of watches and clocks. Carries a nice line of Silverware and Watches. W. A. SANDERS, Three doors north of ll-sonic Temple, Second St. Art Store and Foto Parlors We have a wonderful taking way. Old faces made new and attractive. We Make You a Life-SIze Crayon for $1.98 Water Colors are pretty, and area specialty with us. Our Art Department is filled with a well-selected stock tf Notions, Stationery, Paintings and other works of vertu. Call and be convinced that what we say is true. We will sell for you any art work you may want to dispose of. WlSMJ&i The Photographer, One door north of Spencer's, Second St. f VWv vyvjfv visvyviv vyyvwv yrff vf f Very Interesting Place For Young and Old. Grand display of CHRISTMAS GOODS. Eclipsing all former yvars, m both quantity, quality and choicest novel lies, to be hail hi the markets. Bring your little (oiks and Jet them see the automatic (ignres. ig Line of Clothing at Lowest Prices 1 Just Received, Another Line of Children's and Boys' Clothing. Our trade in this department has been satisfactory. Come and nee us and you are sure- of sreltins: the newest. All of our Men's Clothing is sold on a very small msrgiu To see is to be pleased. O". ZE3I- HAEEIS, I', Corvallis, Oregon t Big Line Men's and Boys' Slices. ftstafivfieKS 0ofcJtfiAzJf-. Aj-A CLOTHING AT COST. . New York Racket Will Offer All CLOTHING in Stock at Cost. Thisjclethiiig was purchased lor cash in Sep tember, 1898, at rock-bottom prices. Ladies' Fine Shoes at Cost. Men's Boots at Cost. Remember, we will always kee"p prices lower than any other store . E A, ALEXANDER, New York Racket. ""7 Corvaftls, OtegohT 1-'' -aae m The Fall Season Is Here. p So is Hcdes, the Grocer. Hi! H There Are Many Hungry People. S Hodes is reauy to feed them. fj My business is to ell M FRESH GROCERIES. m CANNED FRUITS, MEATS, m And PROVISIONS, M At prices to suit the times,, fj Can you not use me, and save money ? I A. HODES 4 SANTA GLAUS Will make his headquarters at Hodes & Hall's this year, Where will be displayed the LARGEST COLLECTION of choice HOLIDAY GOODS Ever ofiered o discriminating buyers. Ceiiuloicl Toilet Cases. Albums, at Portland Prices. Dolls for the little girls. Toys for the little boys. In short, here can be had presents suitable for all Fine Stock of Fresh NUTS and CANDIES. ft ETIZlSTGK WHAT TO EAT. WHERE TO EAT. WHEN TO EAT. HOW TO EAT. IT'S A BIG SUBJECT. We cater to the wants of eaters. We have been catering to them for many years. We think we know our business. Our boarders give us that impression they stay with us. If they didn't get their money's worth they wouldn't stay. HODES & HALL, Second St. Which of These is True ? " Manners make the man." "Mind makes the man." " Home makes the man." Debate the question, and if you v "--- Deci le that home makes the Man, let us help you make the home. FRED G. CLARK, Furniture Dealer, 919 Second St., Corvallis, Or. r