rta HERE were only two days remain before the Bay head regatta, and np to 3 o'clock, Thursday after noon the one rival to Dave Garrison's "Fleetwing," that every one wanted to see, had not yet registered at the Tacht Club. ' Naturally the bunch of fellows loung ing on the pier head Friday morning and lazily criticising the regatta fleet as it swung at anchor, burst into Inter ested comment as a long slim boat slid pnst them down the harbor and stood out before the heavy wind under full canvas. "Hollo! that's Thome's boat now, isn't it?" exclaimed Joe Scott, dropping from his seat on the rail and hurrying over to the other side of the pier, with the boys at his heels. "Yes, there's her name, 'Conquerer.' She must have come in last night. I didn't know her at first; look at the big topsail he's got on her. "She's been made over for this race I tell you, it'll take hot work for even the 'Fleetwing to beat her now." "I wonder what Dave '11 say when he hears that his beloved rival is here." "Here comes Dave now." "Whoop! Hello! Heard the news?" roared the half dozen voices that had been disputing as a white hat came slowly down the wharf, "What's the row?" asked the new comer, calmly taking a seat on the rail beside Joe. "Anything fatal happened in the last ten minutes?" "Thome's here with a new set of sails on the 'Conqueror,' " blurted out Joe, who never could keep anything long. "Thome!" interrupted Dave, a black look on his good-natured face. "So he's come after all." "Hasn't he, though; It will take your prettiest sailing to show him your Btern." "If I decide to race him," answered Dave, slowly watching the boat as It dwindled oceanward. "Nonsense, Davie!" "The Idea, old fellow." "Goodness sake, man, you wouldn't drop out for that," argued every one at once while Joe, who was Dave's particular chum, and dared any thing, added: "Then you'll let Thorne take the cup? Your two are the fastest boats in the class." Dave said nothing, but his mouth nar rowed to the long, thin line the boys knew so well. Ever since the two had been old enough to have boats, there had been a rivalry growing up between them, slow ly changing their friendship to enmity, and ending the year before in accusa tion and open distrust. "I'd rather have him take the cup than think I wanted It bad enough to race him for It," said Dave, shortly. "Oh, fudge, then he'll think you're afraid of him," laughed Joe, throwing his arm over Dave's shoulder. "What you want to do is to go in and beat him clean out of his boots; take a little more ballast if it's too windy and show him the way home." ( "Maybe," answered the other, a far away look In his quiet blue eyes. "I suppose it isthe only fair thing to do," ne saia xo mmsei-: ..s ae wa.iK.ca norae. "Better race and have it over. only hone this wind will shift before to morrow." And he glanced toward the northwest, whence a merry gale piped . along. For with all her virtues the "Fleet wing" could not make time In a stiff breeze. She could beat anything in a light southwester with Dave at the helm, for no man could sail a boat as craftily as he. i Sidney Thorne knew Dave's skill and the "Kleetwlng's" powers, too, and he hoped as earnestly for a "reefing gale" as Dave prayed for a catspaw breeze, .with better luck, unhappily for Dave. "I'm afraid we're going to get more of tills," said Joe Scott, anxiously, as he stood on the "Fleetwing's" deck Satur day morning and felt the puffy north wind that rolled the little sloop heavily In the trough of the waves. "It will be dirty work getting round the 'pudding stone reef in this choppy sea." "If we can make the first leg on this breeze, I'll have the wind behind me on the next, and it's only a short beat home from the second buoy," answered Dave, with a sort of nervous quietness. "Hurry up there, Joe, I never saw yon take so long." "Here, belay that, and stop yonr fuss ing," retorted Joe, throwing down a rope. "You can't race this race alone; I heard Thome saying that as this wind would hold there was no hurry about starting." The hard look on Dave's face deepen ed as he went on with his work. So busy were the two boys in talking that they did not hear their names called by childish voices, nor see a skiff that was paddled past them by unskillful little bands. "Thome Isn't going to have an easy time taking care of that topsail of his," remarked Joe, looking up from the hal yard he was hauling In. "Say, Joe, let Thorne take care of himself; we've got all we can do to manage right here; Just run forrard and keep her off the pier, will you?" answered Dave, in a tone that made his mate lift his eyebrows and whistle silently. "Funny how mad fighting will make a man," he said to himself, as Dave snapped out orders to the boys as they tumbled on board from the pier where they had been waiting. ' Dave was In a fighting mood. He felt his boat tugging to get away, and he saw the "Conqueror" wiggling along behind him as Thorne tried to get to windward at the starting line. "Joe," he ordered quickly, "I'm going to gybe up on the windward of Thorne; be ready with the sheet. You fellows ballast her now. AH ready. It's going to be close sailing all the way," he said to himself, as one after another the boats slid over the line, "Conqueror" and "Fleetwing" side by side. Closer sailing than he thought even. In spite of the "Fleetwing's" promising start and the master hand on her wheel, the lee rail sank under water and the white sails, swelling like a swan's breast, strained In vain to keep ahead of the black-hulled boat that was using all the wind its sails could find. Joe looked at the long ripple of water swirling continuously over the rail and shook his head. "It's not our fault, Da vie, we can't run against the weather, old fellow," he said, gently, knowing his captain's thoughts. They were all silent as the bigger boat tore along beside them, the sea snoring heavily under her prow like the deep laugh of a sea creature. It would mean so much to win that race. Both So boys felt that more depended on N than they had thought whoever won the cup won something else with it. And somehow Dave couldn't help feeling that Thorne would do anything rathed than be defeated. "Just see if he doesn't! do something queer before this is over," he thought as they swept on over the rolling, windy sea. "Just wait, though, until I get around that first buoy with the wind behind mo. I've a chance yet, and it's changing to the east al ready." Poor Dave, not a great chance. Even after they had started on that long sec ond leg, where he had trusted to do so much, luck was against him. The northeast wind was as fierce as ever, and still the "Conqueror" gained. Dave would not look at her. He stared fierce ly at the great curving sails above him, swollen and stiff with wind, the mast creaking and straining as the little ves sel staggered bravely on under her heavy load. Dave's nails were white with the grip of his hands on the wheel. And the "Conqueror's" tiller never wavered In Thome's hard grasp. His eye on the luff of the sail, his breath coming short and hard, every thought hurled forward with his flying boat, he was making up for the failure of last year he would win this time beyond doubt or disbelief. Already the tide In the "pudding stones" was shouting vic tory in his ears. He laughed to It, and a voice came crying back. Thorne look ed around. He wondered If any of the other boys had heard It The wind had veered into the east and was piling up the waves so that the "crew" who lay for ballast along the starboard rail caught a glimpse now and then of the "Fleetwing" staggering on behind. They saw and heard noth ing else. Again that faint call came to Thorne like the voice in the ripple of water. He bent and looked under the boom. Something was dancing toward the fa tal current round the "pudding stones." Dancing like a thoughtless child. A wave lifted it nearer. It was a skiff and a bit of white stuff fluttered from the bow. Well, many boats came out to sea, why should Thome notice this. Yes, many boats came but not so far not skiffs not with something white flying from the prow In terrified signal of distress surely not with frightened cries for help for "mamma" and A FAINT CBY CAMS TO THOBJTE. papa." But why should Thome stop to help. Dave was close behind him, so close that if he changed his course now enough to rescue the little skiff, he would bo too late by the time he had come back and rounded the "pudding stone" buoy on the starboard side. Dave would have passed him. A wave tossed the little craft on Its crest another, and another, each wave nearer to the whirl of water over the rocks. Thome could see the spindle on the rag standing like a warning finger. It was time to tack out around It and start on the last leg home. Again came that frightened, sobbing cry, so hope less and so lost Thorne looked at his crew. "I say, Thome, the 'Fleetwing' seems to be gaining," called little Harley. "We can't be losing now, eh?" Thome's hand trembled on the wheel. The rudder swayed. Slowly the shadow of the sail swung round over Its cap tain. With a cry of amazement the boys flung themselves into the lockpit. "What on earth, Thome; then's the buoy on the port hand " Thorne nodded to the drifting boat, already circling in the edge of the whirlpool. "Get the boat hook, Harley, quick. Ease her off, Bob; there she comes, now then, that's It There's no hurry, Har ley, we can't win. Thank God, we saw them In time." "Never mind, then, they'll find out who's won," he added, quietly, as a long faint shout from the baffled "Fleet wing" warned them that their course was seen. For as Joe eased the sheets to go about he saw the "Conqueror" headed home, but with the pudding stone spin dle on the wrong side, and he said in a puzzled way: "Do look at Thome, will you; isn't he inside the mark?" "By Jove, so he is," shouted Joe an grily. "Call him, boys, let him know we've seen him cheating." "Never mind, never mind," cried Dave, "wait until we get home, the cheat We'll settle with him then." Dave's heart swelled as he saw the hated black hull. Its huge canvas tant, ripping through the rough sea as though it cared not a stroke for honor. "Coward !" groaned Dave. What a long hour that was. "But the race is mine," said Dave, "Mine, mine, mineT' He repeated it over and over, as he heard the far-off clamor of whis tles and bells and horns when the "Con queror" crossed the line. The angry blood flooded his cheeks' and shook his voice as he touched the, pier. For even his father and motherj were there holding Thome's hands and laughing ecstatically. And his two lit tle sisters all wet and tumbled laugh ing In his mother's arms. Dave could hardly wait to touch the dock, but sprang ashore. "Father, mother, do you know what he did " "Oh, Dave, did you see It, too; how can we ever thank him. If It had not been for him. If he had not been there Just at that moment Dick says that be and Mary would have been drowned. Oh, I can't think of It; such a narrow escape. And Mr. Thome lost the race, too. It was too late to go back then." As Dave understood he held out his hand. "You've won the cup," he said, swiftly. "Thome, I'm mighty glad, old fellow." "Not I," laughed Thome; "it's yours, of course." So that is why there are two names on the sloop cup, instead of one, and why it stands on the mantel In the club house; it's proudest trophy. New York Ledger. It Was Only a Cameo. "What a beautiful pin, Mrs. Stripes. Is it an heirloom?" "Oh, no; it's Just a cameo." The average girl dislikes to cook at home almost as much as her father dis likes her cooking. MEW CURE FOR NERVOUSNESS. Chinese Wear Soft-Soled Shoes and Are Perfectly Calm. A new cure foT nervousness has been raggested to American sufferers from :his Indefinable but terrible malady, ind by a Chinese student of national ind racial characteristics. The man who has formulated the new nerve specific says that he believes its adop tion will cure the worst case of head ache couchant over nerves rampant known to mankind. He believes the en tire absence of nervousness which char acterizes the Mongolian race to result simply from the centuries of practice which his countrymen have given to the simple cure. And this is the cure: "Always wear soft-soled shoes and i you will never be conscious of possess ing nerves," says the savant from the flowery kingdom. To Americans but recently Induced to try the wearing of heavy, thick-soled 3hoes with a view to mitigating the very conditions now under discussion the idea would seem at first sight ridlc alous. Upon closer inspection, how sver, It bears at least a semblance of reason. "A hard-soled shoe, like a tight or a high-heeled shoe, puts a person under a tension," says the man who is re sponsible for the propounding of the new idea in America. "This tension Is naturally and necessarily wearing, and the nerves seem to wear out first It is relaxation which is necessary to cure nervousness, not bracing up or tension. I feel convinced that the theory which I have advanced, to the effect that if Americans will stop wearing the stiff soles which keep them under a strong. If unconscious, tension, they will cease to be nervous, will soon be borne out by facts." In support of this theory the Chicago people who are Just now interested in the Chinese doctor's ideas instance the facts that a tight shoe will produce more wrinkles nervous wrinkles around the mouth, eyes and forehead inside of a given time than any other form of suffering known. The sudden adoption of a heavy-soled shoe after the wearing of light kid shoes will sometimes Insure a similar result Some of the Chicago physicians talked with on the subject while deprecating anything which will tend to drive the sensible thick-soled shoes which have lately become fashionable out of popu larity again, declare that they believe much truth to be enshrined in the Chinaman's statements. "This is the way in which I would compromise," said one of the best known physicians In the city not long ago. "Let every one, man or woman, who steps outside the house at all In cool or bad weather wear thick-soled shoes, but see that the soles are also as pliable as possible. It is not the thickness of the sole which is at fault; that is always good. It is the stiffness. Get shoes as pliable as can be found, and rest the feet and nerves further by wearing the softest shoes to be had, real Indian moccasins if possible, in the house and when and wherever con ventionality allows. Everybody real izes, albeit most of us do it unconscious ly, what a relief to nerves and feet alike comes with the 'getting into slippers' process 60 dearly beloved of the aver ago man. Women too usually slip off their heavy shoes and don easy slip pers the moment they reach their own rooms, and this is right. Pliable shoes furnish an easy and simple way of rest ing for overtired and overworked peo ple. So far, at least the Chinese doctor is right The experiment of treating the nerves by wearing pliable and to 'pliable' I should add 'wide, roomy, comfortable' shoes whenever possible Is an experiment exceedingly easy to try, and it has a better chance of prov ing efficacious than is the case with many popular Ideas of the kind. Chi cago Chronicle. The Orisia of a Familiar Sons. Clifton M. Nichols, the life-long friend of the poet Coates Kinney, tells In the Woman's Home Companion how the well-known song-poem "Rain on the Roof came to be written. "Who ever has known the luxury of being lulled to sleep by the drowsy rhythm of raindrops pelting upon a cottage or attic roof has wished that he could translate into words the rain's dream song. Such a longing for expression of these thought-fancies came to one Coates Kinney, a young lawyer in Ohio, forty-eight years ago, after a pleasant June rain had east a spell over him. Acting upon the inspiration of the passing shower he wrote the little song poem 'Rain on the Roof,' which has passed permanently into literature as one of our choicest classics of lyric verse. Printed In a country newspaper, and subsequently In the school readers, It at once sprang into universal favor, principally with school-children, who loved to recite It and soon knew It by heart Afterward, when set to music, like Dr. Smith's immortal hymn, 'Amer ica,' it literally sang itself into the hearts of all the classes, being especial ly appreciated by those reared in vil lage and farm homes, where all know the soothing music of the patter of the rain on the roof." The Tired Old Woman. There was an old woman who always wag tired, She lived in a house where no help was hired. Her last words on earth were, "Dear friends, I am going Where sweeping ain't done, nor churning, nor sewing; And everything there will be Just t my wishes, For where they don't eat, there's no wash ing of dishes; And though there the anthems are con stantly ringing, I, having no voice, will get rid of the sing ing. Don't mourn for me now, don't mourn for me never, For I'm going to do nothing forever and ever." ' Exchange. Pigs Victorious Orer a Python. An interesting battle was recently witnessed by Ernest Hose In the Jungle at Tambak In Borneo. A young pig had been seized by a python, which was rapidly strangling It when its cries brought to its assistance about twenty of Its comrades. The pigs Im mediately made a combined assault upon the monstrous snake, goring it with their tusks, and keeping up the attack so boldly and vigorously that the python at length dropped its vic tim and tried to ran away. Thereupon Mr. Hose took a part in the battle and succeeded in killing the snake. Dahomey's Temple of Serpents. The small town of Werda, In the kingdom of Dahomey, is celebrated for its temple of serpents, a long building in which the priests keep upward of a thousand serpents of all sizes, whidh they feed with birds and frogs brought to them as offerings by the na tives. When a man can't do anything else he can develop into a chronic kicker. Lots of men fall' over themselves It striving to get ahead of others. Some time after the congress of Ber lin a deputy at one of the Chancellor's parliamentary soirees asked Bismarck which of the European plenipoten tiaries who had attended the historic congress ho regarded as the first diplo mat "Ah, that I can not tell you," an swered Che prince, with a smile; "but certainly the second was Lord Beacons field." Colonel Smith, of tho First Califor nia, tells a story of one of the recruits at the Presidio. This is an Irishman, and he was doing guard duty. "Do you know your orders, sentry?" asked tho Colonel. "Yis, sor." "If you face the rising sun, your left hand would be on the north of you and your right hand to the south of you. What would be be hind you?" "Me canteen, sor." Dr. Parr is credited with having an swered a "cheeky" youth In most effec tive fashion. The latter, wishing to "take a rise" put of Parr, who was a man of much dignity of aspect before some frivolous acquaintances, observ ed that if the doctor and himself were to collaborate they could write a very big book. "An enormous one," said Parr, dryly, "if we put in all that I know and afll that you do not" The late W. G. Wills, the playwright though lavish of money when he had it hated parting with it in any formal way. When a friend, to whom he owed five pounds, took advantage of his Just having received a check for a play to ask for payment, the debtor declined on account of "the claims" upon him. The friend, who knew his ways, came back a few hours later and asked him for five pounds to help him out of a dif ficulty. "Certainly, my boy," said Wills, entirely forgetting what had gone be fore; "take what you want" And he offered him a handful of sovereigns. Thomas Coffin, brother of Lucretla Mott the eminent Quaker minister and anti-slavery apostle, was not In the least entitled to any claims to personal beauty. He was once asked by a friend for bis picture, but extended little hope that the inquirer would ever get what he asked for. "Well, Thomas," said the other, "If thee will not get one taken for me, will thee let me have a copy of an old one ?" "I am afraid I can not do that either," replied Thomas; "the fact Is that I once did have a picture taken of myself, and It was so good that I destroyed it" On the occasion, when Mr. Glad stone was beginning to give up the lead In the House of Commons to Sir William Vernon Harcourt, It was no ticed by the members that he left the House at the dinner hour, and Sir Will lam Harcourt led for the rest of the sit ting. Mr. Darling, recently appointed Justice, one evening drove Sir William to fury, on failing to elicit a definite answer to an Inquiry, by casually ob serving In the course of his speech: "I have noticed that lately the party op posite, adopting an ancient precedent, have set up a greater light to rule the day, and a lesser light to rale the night" The Right Hon. Cecil John Rhodes refused to enlist with Gordon in the disastrous expedition to Khartum. Gor don had, a year or so previously, been at the Cape and became very friendly with the future Premier. It was at this period that Gordon told Rhodes the story of the offer of a roomful of gold made to him by the Chinese Govern ment. "What did you do?" asked Rhodes. "Refused It, of course," was the reply; "what would you have done?" "Taken It" was Rhodes' brief but characteristic reply, "and as many more as I could get You can't carry out big Ideas unless you've enough money to do it with." On the night of the "Harbor Fete" at Newport John Kendrick Bangs and his little boy stood near a group of army oificers and ladles. One of the torches illuminating the parapet went out dur ing the evening. A girl in the group said the light next the darkened one should be put out, too, as it looked lone ly without Its mate. One of the young officers at once acted upon her sugges tion, but in extinguishing the torch burned his finger. He bit his lips and said nothing. Mr. Bangs' small son looked on In astonishment "Papa," he said, "Isn't that man an officer?" "Yes." "Then, papa, why didn't he swear?" "Because, my son," said the father, "he is either a chaplain or a second lieu tenant If a chaplain, it would not be proper forhim to do so, and If a second lieutenant he does not know how." Josef Hofmann, the famous young pianist, Is fond of all sorts of sports, es pecially of skating, In which, as a boy, he excelled. When visiting St Peters burg a year or two ago Josef was sum moned to play before the ex-Kmpress, the hour named being from 8 to 4 in the afternoon. It was a perfect day. The Neva was frozen over, of course, and the ekatlng'was at Its height Immedi ately after luncheon Josef's father found his son dressing as If to go to the palace. "Where are you going?" he de manded. "To play for the Empress." "But you are not to go until 3 o'clock." "Three o'clock! If I wait until then It will be too late to go skating. I'm going nowP' He went And it Is not a sur prise to any one who knows Hofmann to learn that he played for the ex-Empress as soon as he reached the palace, and that he then went off and skated the rest of the afternoon. The Queen's Private Secretary. Sir Arthur Bigge, the Queen's private secretary, assists the Queen dally in her work of transacting business. He reads the ministerial dispatches to her, drafts her replies, and gives her his advice when asked for. He writes the court news which Is sent daily to the papers, and when a great Are, or ship wreck, or colliery disaster, or the death of some prominent personage occurs, he sends the telegrams which declare the Queen's sympathy. He arranged on .behalf of the Queen the whole of her personal share in the royal pro cession at the Jubilee. Influence of Water on Teeth. Herr Rese has collected statistics in Bavaria, and Herr Foerberg In Sweden, which tend to prove that the water we drink has an Important influence on the teeth. Caries or decay in teeth is less common where the water Is "hard," owing to the presence of chalk and magnesium salts. The harder the water the better the teeth. Probably the pres ence of lime In the water benefits tbe bones In general. Emperor's Mail. On an average, the letters received for the German emperor number 600 a day. A ring around the moon is a sign of rain, and a plain ring around a wo man's finger indicates more reign. Art may be long, but time Is too short for some people to become art Urn. Saves Tim and Money. It la delightful weather to breathe fresh, invigorating air, but take care oi lumbago, or else St. Jacobs Oil must take care of it and cure it promptly. It saves time and monev. When He Goes. "Does your hnsband ever go to church, Mrs. Badger?" "Oh, yes, he goes quite regularly in the winter time." "Why does he go in the winter time and not at other times?" "Well, you see, he generally has the quinsy -when the weather is raw and thinks he is going to die. "Chicago Evening News. The Best Medicine Money Can Buy Is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It contains more curative power, is prepared with greater care by educated and experienced phar macists. It has the greatest sales and effects the greatest cures. It is the medi cine you should take to purifv your blood and make yourself strong and healthy be fore colder weather comes. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all dealers. Price, fL Get Hood's. Hood's Pills cure Indigestion. 25 cents. A Principle of Life Illustrated. There are certain plants the dod der, for instance), which begin life with the best Intentions, strike true roots into the soil, and really appear as if they meant to be independent for life. But after supporting themselves for a brief period they fix curious sucking disos into the stem and branches of ad jacent plants. And after a little ex perimenting the epiphyte finally ceases to do anything for its own support, thenceforth drawing all its supplies ready made from the sap of its host. In this parasitic state it has no need for organs of nutrition of its own and nature takes them away. Thence forth the dodder is a plant without a root, without a twig, without a leaf, and having a stem so useless as to be inadequate to bear its own weight.- Prof. Drummond. Schillings Best Jppan Ceylon English Breakfast Oolong Ideal Blend Tea An inch of rain falling upon an area of one square mile is equivalent to nearly 17,500.000 gallons, weighing 145,250,000 pounds, or 64,844 tons. The stability of the solar System demonstrated bv Laplace from New ton's law of attraction, is shown by M. H. Poincare to be a mistaken inference, overlooking the modern conception of energy. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Boom and board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery. Coronium. known hvDotheticallv as a constituent of the sun. has been dis covered by Professor Nasini, of Padua, In volcanic emissions. It is a gas ap parently much lighter than hydrogen. No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended bv all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. Furlough and Leave of Absence. With the return of the volunteers from active duty the terms "furlough" and leave of absence" have been em ployed frequently, and in many in stances improperly. A furlough is a permission given by a commissioned officer to an enlisted man or noncom missioned officer to be absent from duty for a certain length of time. Leave of absence is the term used'when a like permission is given to a com missioned officer by his superior. New York Tribune. War Romances. First Volunteer I hear Bill's fell dead in love with that girl that nursed him. Second Volunteer Right you are. He got mashed on the beautiful way she always stuck her little finger ont when she fixed bis bandages. Indian apolis News. uux Longfellow: "Faith alone can In terpret life, and the heart that aches and bleeds with the stigma of pain, alone beats the likeness of Christ and an comprehend its dark enigma." Established 1780. Baker's Chocolate, celebrated for more than a century as a delicious, nutritious, 3 and flesh-forming beverage, has our j well-known "31 ? Yellow Label ? Q on the front of every package, and our trade-mark, "LaBelle gi Chocolatiere,"on the - 3 back. gi NONE OTHER GENUINE. -0' MADE ONLY BV WALTER BAKER & CO Ltd "3! Dorchester, Mass. YOUR LIVER Is it Wrong? Get it Right Keep it Right. Moore' r. Itevealed Remedy will do it. Three doses will laake you feel better. Get it from your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or trom Stewart Si Holmes Drug Co., Seattle. BASEBALL, FOOTBALL ATHLETIC AND GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES. Send lor Catalogue. riUftlf 00 820 Market St. riKUft UU. Ban Francisco. WILL BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... IIAlTTJFACTTJIiED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. tar NOTE THE NAME. CURES WHERE All fISF FA'LS. I Best Cough Sj-rup. Tastes Good. TJf e I in nme. r-oia dv aruggtMs. e 3 5 5 s 5 5 ear S TRUMPET CAULS. Rom's Horn Sounds a' Warnlag Note to the Unredeemed. ATTJRE Is hard to deceive. Rob Nature, and she will rob you. Meanness 1 s Idleness In busi ness. To lose patience may be to lose all. Forbidden flowers have a sweet odor. When home Is a slave-pen, it Is Dot home. Trials are the up-grade lessons of edu cation. The way of life Is narrow, but well paved. Wherever there Is envy, there Is Ig norance. No man can do his best whose motive Is not love. Nothing emits a worse odor than a fallen name. Deception is a viper that bites back and forward. Too much notoriety la like a blanket coat in hot weather. Iearn to be contented, and yon will know how to be rich. Every dog has his day, but a dog's day is only a dog's day. Most people feed the body too much and the mind too little. Honor .your convictions, and heaven and earth will honor you. God has already come Into the heart that longs for his presence. Facing to-morrow's trials Is turning your back on to-day's duties. Nothing but the love of truth will open the seals of gospel glory. The man can ask most of God, Who has given him most of himself. Love would rather serve Christ In a dungeon than satan In a palace. Whatever comes from the heart, has a voice that speaks to the heart. The stars of God's promises sbflne more brightly In the nlgbt of grief. There must be Red Sea danger be fore there Is Red Sea deliverance. It will take eternity to brlnaj out of us all that God has put In us here. Discouraging a good man. Is the devil's way of spiking his best gun. Christians may overcome great sins and be made miserable by little ones. Some men make theft- intentions of being better an excuse for not being so. Ephralm was cake on one side and dough on the other. His family still Uvea. What a difference there Is between what we are and what we want others to be. Every good law Is a public confes sion that society Is not as good as it should be. History Is the record of what man's heart has been. Christ is the prophecy of what U may be. LATE LEGAL DECISIONS. A regulation of a water company, by which it refuses to turn on water for a building until unpaid rates of previous owners or tenants are paid, Is held, in Turner vs. Revere Water Company (Mass.), 40 L. K. A. 607, to be unrea sonable and Invalid, unless authorized by statute. The liability for goods stolen from a peddler's cart In the custody of an Inn keeper Is upheld in Cohen vs. Manuel (Me.), 40 L. R. A. 491, although the ped dler had no license to peddle, as he did not lodge at the inn as a peddler. The killing of a dog by an electric car in consequence of the motorman's negligence Is held. In Citizens' Rapid Transit Company vs. Dew (Tenn.), 40 L. R. A. 518, to render the street rail way company liable for the damages. An agricultural and mechanical col lege which is strictly a public or quasi public corporation created by the laws of Oklahoma is held, In Oklahoma Ag ricultural and Mechanical College vs. Willis (Okla), 40 L. R. A. 077, to be not subject to be sued In the absence of ex press statutory authority. The mere possibility of injury by an unconstitutional statute, which may prevent Insurance companies from making such contracts as persons might otherwise procure them to make, is held, In Business Men's League vs. AVaddlll (Mo.), 40 L. R. A. 501, insuf ficient to sustain an Injunction against the approval of a uniform policy of in surance under an unconstitutional statute by the superintendent of Insur ance. Grant's Self-Control. Even when a cadet General Grant was as free from agitation In an emer gency as that self-possessed woman ol whom Alexander Pope wrote, "And mistress of herself though china falL" An amusing story, told by a classmate at West Point, and quoted by J. G. Wilson In his memoirs of the great commander, displays his imperturba ble gravity under the most trying cir cumstances: "One morning, when our squad was marching to the academic hall, to re cite, Frank Gardner produced an old silver watch that was apparently about four Inches in diameter. It was passed along from one cadet to another to look at, and when we arrived at the section-room door it was In the hands of Grant He could hide or carry it only by putting it In the breast of his coat. "When the section was seated, Zeal ous B. Tower, who that day heard the recitation, sent Grant and three other cadets to the blackboards. The weather was mild, and the room door open. When Grant had turned from the board and had begun to demonstrate, suddenly a sound resembling a buzz saw and a Chinese gong burst forth and drowned all proceedings. In the uproar we all laughed aloud with Im punity. " 'Shut that door!' cried Tower, and that only made matters worse. Fast and furious went the buzz-saw, and louder went the gong. Bang! went something. The noise stopped. "While all this rattling din was going on Grant looked as innocent as a lamb, and In the profound silence that follow ed he began: " 'And as I was going to remark, If we subtract equation E from equation A. we have,' etc. "I mention this to show how he could conceal his emotions, for It was that alarm-watch in his bosom that caused all the commotion. It had been set to go off, and it did go off!" A Hot Subterranean Lke. A subterranean lake of hot water has been found near Boise City, Idaho. It is 400 feet below the earth's surface, and the average temperature is 170 de grees. Truth is stranger than notion to most people probably because they don't car tor an Introduction. Italy's Accession of Territory. Italy has had 294 square miles of land added to its territory in the last 70 years by the advance of the delta of the Po into the Adriatic sea. The measurement has been made by Pro fessor Maiinelli, who carefully com pared the Austrian surveys of 1828 with the Italian surveys of 1898. New York Sun. TWO GRATEFUL WOMEN Restored to Health by Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Can Do Sly Own Work." Mrs. Patrick Daneht, West Winsted, Conn., writes: "Dear Mrs. Pinkham: It is with pleasure that I write to yoti of the benefit I have derived from using your wonderful Vegetable Compound. I was very ill, suffered with female weak ness and displacement of tho womb. "I could notsleepat night, had to walk the floor, I suffered so with pain in my side and small of my back. Was trou bled with bloating, and at times would faint aw a;,-; had a terrible pain in m. heart, a bad taste in my mouth all the time and would vomit; butnow, thanks to Mrs. Pinkham and her Vegetable Compound, I feel well and sleep well, can do my work without feeling tired; do not bloat or have any trouble whatever. "I sincerely thank you for the good advice you gave me and for what your medicine has done for me." 'Cannot Praise It Enough," Miss Gertie Dtjjht.hi, Franklin, Neb., writes: I suffered for some time with pain ful and Irregular menstruation, falling of the womb and pain in the back. I tried physicians, but found no relief. " I was at last persuaded to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and cannot praise it enough for what It has done for me. I feel like a new person, and would not part with your medicine. I have recommended it to several of my friends." Rug weaving is an art older than the Pharaohs, and the history of the first loom lies shrouded in oblivion. Easy Work. Too much exercise leaves one a prey to soreness and stiffness, but it is easy work for St. Jacobs Oil to get the muscles back into proper shape and cure the distress. A process has been recently perfected by which thin sheets of absolutely transparent celluloid are silvered by a similar process to that formerly used on glass. AN AFFAIRS NATION It ho.s been s&id oF Americ&nV th&.t they are "a nation of dyspeptics and it is true that few arc entirely free from disorders of the digestive tract. Indigestion . Dyspepsia, Stomach and Bowel trouble, or Constipation. The treatment of these diseases, with cathartic medicines .too often ag gravates the trouble. THE, LOGICAL.; TREATMENT is the use of a remedythat will build up the system , thereby enabling the various organs to act as Nature intended they should. Sueh a. remedy s. Sound in Or Villi&.m?.' Pink Pills for Pale People In Detroit there are few soldiers more popolar ncd efficient than Mas R. Davies, first sergeant of Co. B. His home is at 416 Third Avenue. For four years he was a bookkeeper with the wholesale drug house of Farrand, Williams & Clark, and he says: "I have charged up many thousand orders for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, but never knew their worth until I used them for the cure of chronic dyspepsia. For two years I suffered and doctored for that aggravating trouble but could only be helped temporarily. "I think dyspepsia Is one of the most stubborn of ailments, and thero is scarcely a clerk or office man but what Is more or less a victim. Some days I could eat anything, while at other times I would be starving. Those distressed pains would force me to quit work. I have tried many treatments and remedies but they would help only for a time. A friend Induced me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and after tak Ing a few doses I found much relief and after using several boxes I was cured, I know these pills will cure dyspepsia of its worst form and I am pleased to recommend them." Detroit Mick.) Journal. - The genuine Do-ckage &vMd.ys bears the ui name At alt drvggistv 01 sent postpaid on receipt of pvue.SO'c per box, by the Or-YiitltMos Medicine Co, ihenecUdy.N V. You will find Coupons like this in..,. THIS COUPON Cut this out and send or Good for $40 brln8t 0000 or p-v ThelejUlh Name , 209-211 lst8t., Address Portland, Or. EVERYONE can have a piano now, ....FLOUR MILL MACHINERY.... Warehouse Machinery, Chop Mills, Water Whsels. Supplies of all Kinds. Write for Prices We carry in stock a large supply of the above conveyers, both right and left, which we will sell at greatly reduced prices. Also all Bizes bf elevator buckets and bolts. Write for price-list and discounts. Willamet Iron Works Front and Everett Sts. PORTLAND, OR. American Type Founders Company Cor. IF Y00 Wl RUPTURED Don't neglect yourself; it is the perfect fitting truss applied in season which effects a cure; the imperfect never ; 2,000 styles to select from enables us to guar antee a fit, or no charge; if your druggist does not keep them write us for directions for self measurement; correspondence confidential and trusses sent se cure from observation, to any address; money refunded If not satisfactory. C. H. Woodard St Co., Expert Truss Fitters, 108 Second St., Portland, Or. WORK FOR ALL Men and women are making from f3.50 to f7.so per day selling our goods, to experience necessary. Send two cent stamp for a free sample. RICK & CO., 181$ First St., rooms l & 18, Portland, Or. A Race Against Fire. The crew of a steamer from Spain dis covered in mid ocean that ilames were rag ing in the hold. For ten days they bravely fought the flames. If men would fight as persistently against disorders of the stom ach, there would be fewer premature deaths. The best weapon for such a fight is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. The total number of chemical works registered in all parts of Germany is 6,144, with 125,440 employes. Avoid the Night Air. Avoid the night air when damp and cold, and you will often avoid having neuralgia, but St. Jacobs Oil will cure it no matter what is the cause and no matter how long it has continued. The height of the mountains in the moon iias been measured. One has an altitude of 83,000 feet, and several are upwards of 30,000 feet in height. To Care a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The feminine enthusiasm over Schley surpasses that displayed toward Hob son to a degiee which suggeets an in clination to make a distinction between a lieutenant and an admiral. CITC Permanently Cured. Ko fltsor nervousnes I 1 1 O after first day's use of Dr. Kllue's Great Nerve Restorer. Bend for FBKK S8.00 trial bottle and treatise. DR. E. H. iLLINE, Ud., 930 Area street, Philadelphia, Pa. The violet, for modesty and shy nn obtrusiveness, isn't in it with a girl who is wearing an old hat when every one else has on new millinery. If you want the best wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes, boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. HOWS Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO., Props., Toledo, O. We tho undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in ail business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West i Tp.cai, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldinq, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. HairsCatarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Ball's Family Pills -re the best. Paper made from seaweed is a grow ing industry in France. It is so trans parent that it has been used in place of glass. Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a God-send to me. Wm. B. McClellan, Chester, Florida, September 17, 1895. Gilding is easily applied to signs and decorations by a new brush, which has a reel on the handle on which the metallic leaf is wound, one end being inserted under the tip cf the brush, which slides along and deposits the foil on the surface underneath. e 9. Here is the proof". Portland Oregonlan, Tradesman, Telegram and Times; ALo in your local town paper. Be Quick About It. If yours Is among the first 100 coupons reaching us it will be accepted as part payment, under our easy in stallmcnt plan, for a first-class new piano. Take Your Choice Knabe, Fischor, Ludwig, Kingsburv, or Hardman they are tho best, retailed at $-Ju0. up. and a good one, too. EVERYTHING FOR TUB PRINTER.... We lead and originate fashions in.... TYPE Second and Stark Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON VETERANS If you made a homo stead entry prior to June 22,1874, lories than 1GO arivn. you are entitled to an additional entry. wntcn is assignable ana worth something. Widows and minor orphans of deceased sol diers have same right. I will buy it. Do not waste postage unless yon made an original entry as stated above. JKItK COLLINS, Helena, Montana. CURE YOURSELF! t'u,. n(, - - discharges, inflammations, irritation! or ulcerations of mucous membranes. f (i i Tl ... bnrl HA. - ... t m -. . ,,,,, Mum, 1theEans ChemimiCo. 'nt or poisonous. soia 07 Druggtsta, or sent In plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, fo il.no, or 3 bottles, $8.75. Circular sent on request. N. P. N. V. NO. 49 '98. TXTHBN writing to advertisers pleas 1 f mention this paper. . MBBF In I to 5 daysfy 5rW Guaranteed H M DOC to Stricture. P-! Prevents MDtmiian lfHSa CINCINNATI, 0 .BHS IliMjH H