The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, December 02, 1898, Image 3

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Removal of Railroad Offices.
It is to be regretted that the general
; offices of the Corvallis and Eastern are
: to be removed to Albany. Not that we
I care to deprive our sister town of any
! advantages she might gain thereby,
i which will not be small, but that we dis-
Death of Mrs. Applewhite.
Mrs. Sarah C. Applewhite died in this
city November 27th, aged 59 years.
For several years Mrs. Applewhite has
been a great sufferer from the effect of
cancer, which first manifested itself in !
the nasal organs. Gradually it has '
t.l36S 3 J OlrTjS , to part with what has been a promi- j worked its way upward into the brain.
' Tl .-II I fivtlira 1.1,1 nC I ri I mimm mt utl. 1 pt Cn tUArtlillit
income to our city for these many years. , Mrs. Applewhite for many years has
Many times there has not been that hearty bsen a devoted follower of the meek and
good feeling existing between our people j lowly one, having identified herself with
and the railroad company that there the Episcspal church. She has during
ouc'e' ! should have been. White it is true that all her sufferings exhibited the Christian
1 Benton connty, including Corvallis, con- i graces in a high degree, never losing
Over two hundred different styles
strictlv up-to-date.
Plus'., trimmed and plain,
Kersev, Beaver.
Prices are right
Fur Collarettes and Capes, $5 to
Our Shoe stock is a- complete
though we carried nothing but shoes.
Albany, Oregon.
Howe'.l's government inspected
$25 tributed $35,000 in the incipiency of the faith in the one mighty to save. The
enterprise, towards getting it started, yet consolations of the gospel have been at-
when the road was to be built eastward tenlively administered during several
as from here an offer to cross the river here j months past to her by Rer. E. J. Thouip-
aud leave Albany off the line was rejected son, of the first Presbyterian church of
by our citizens because it involved the this city, in the absence of her pastor,
expenditure of three thousand dollars, and who said the last sad words over her
In itself a mere bagatelle, but that was remains. She will be greatly missed by
; the time Corvallis its missed opportunity, ! her family and her many friends. She
i and mow the removal of the company's was buried Monday, in the Odd Fellows'
offices is a sequel, or result of the parsi j cemetery. Mrs. App ewhiti? was born in
Va November 7th, 1S40. in which state
she was united in marriage to Dr. J. C.
Applewhite August 17, 1S62. At the
c ose of the civil war the family settled in
Miss, and from there in 1884 came to
Corvallis where she has since resided.
She was the mother of eleven children,
seven f whom survive her. The de
ceased was a lady of refinement and rare
strength of character. We extend con
dolences to the stricken ones.
Mrs. Applewhite was a member of the
Ladies' Maccabees Society, to whose
members is largely due the kind care
and constant solicitude in anticipating
her every want. Her funeral wis con.
ducted under the ausj-ices of the order
and was beautiful and touching.
Free Pills.
Send ynur address to H. E. Bucklcn &
Co., Chieasro, and set a free saranle box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will
convince you of their merits. These pills
are easy in aetion and are particularly ef
fective in the cure of constipation and sick
headache. For malaria and liver troubles
they have been proved invaluable. They
are guaranteed to bo perfectly freo from cv
ery deleterious substance and to be purely
vegetable. They dc not weaken .by their
aetion, but by giving tone to stomach and
bowels greatly invigorate the system. Reg
ular size 25c. per box. Sold by Graham &
Wells, druggists.
k at
tuonions spirit at that time manifested by
our capitalists and business men. Win.
Hague, the manager of the company, told
the writer of this, th.-.t this lack of appre
ciation by our people of the great advan
tage to be gained bv bridging the river
! here and the retention of the offices
w'tn would some day result in just what i;.
now about to take place. Thest not
" at pleasant things to recall, but never the
less Mr. Hogue's words have c-ne true,
Its lack
Joe Alphin is in t'. wn on a visit
relatives and friends.
"Look Out" for "Apron Strings
the Opera December 13th.
Fresh Columbia river Smelt daily re- and in the years to come Corvallis
ceived at W. & C. Wilson's. have ample time to reflect upon
Miss Doa Porter, of Shedds, spent
Monday wkfc friends in Corvallis.
If 1 1 i . . . 1 f fTl !
. - our efforts in the upbuilding of our mate-
coanty, was in the eU? during the past j in(crests
week. ..-4-- .: :
. N. Wilkin has built a bow lyjudow Mrs. Stevens, of this city, has been in
ft ! Multnomah county during the week on
esson ought to come home to us in f.-:ll
force and enable us in the future to unite
1 .
1 business,
ou the south side of his cozy home,
looks nobby.
Fresh California Oranges, Lemons, ! Miss Wicks, after a protracted illness,
Bananas and Ljmes new on sale at W. 1 has again r-isumed Charge of the 5th
& C. Wilson's. : grade lit our schools.
Mr. Harry Beard, leader of the College j Mrs. Thos. Thomas, who sptnt the
band, spent Thanksgiving with his par- j Thanksgiving week with her parents in
eats in Tangent. ; Albany, returned last Saturday.
We had the pleasure of meeting John Mrs. Cecil Rennic, who was reported
Gault, captain of the Forest Grove foot- ; ill with typhoid fever last week, in these
Do not forget to go to Kline's for Jack
ets and Mackintoshes for your little girls
as well as yourself. Largest stock, low
est prices, and latest styles.
Many A Lover
Ha: turned with disgust from an other
wist1 loviiUln girl with nn offunsiv! breath.
Karl's Clover Rot Tea purities the breath
by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing
ol will. Sold fur year' on absolute guaran
tee. Price 25 cU. and 50 cts.' Sold by Gra
ham & Wc-IU.
New carpets, nil cloths, lkiolnuni, win
dow shades, mattings, lace curtains and
drapery poles at Kline's. Popn lac pricc-s
Sick Headache absolutely and per
manently cured by using Mki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cues constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaran
teed r money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts.
Graham & Wells.
Ground Buckwheat Flour at
columns, is nor much improved.
Services as usual at the Christian
church Lord's day, Dec. 4th. Preaching
at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Morning
theme, "The Test of Discip'eship", even-
ball team, last week.
Messrs Henkle and Hedges, students
of the 0- A. C.i spent the Thanksgiving
holidays in Independence.
Miss Leon Louis has been engaged
permanently as uie icacuitr 01 liic in, o 1 .
grade in the Corvallis school. j Rev. Ford, of the M. E. church in
Prof. McElroy, occupying the chair of j Fugene, had a runaway a few days since
English Literature in the V. ( O.. was 1,11(1 was thrown violently from his buggy
in town Saturday last on business.
The Corvallis' friends of J. B. Walker
rejoice at his success in New York. He
is now editor of the Scientific c4crican.
The Maccabees of Corvallis, last even
ing entertained their frien 's aud neigh
bors at their hall, Northwest Corner Sec
ond and Adams street, from S to 11 p. m.
Their hall, the largest in the city, was
crowded to its fullest capacity. A very
nice program was rendered, each num
ber eliciting favorable comment. Miss
Bessie Wade, a five year old tot, in her
skirt da:-.ce and recitation took the house
by storm. At the close of the literary
exercises, a delicate lunch of sandwiches,
coffee and fresh fruit was served in their
large banquet hall. Everybody was
pleased and the order has no doubt made
many new friends. 'Its objects are
worthy ones. The insurance and frater
nal features make it doubly useful.
Many a household is saddened by death
because of the failure to keep on hand a safe
and absolutely certain cure for croup such
a: One Minute Const) Cure. Sec that your
little one: are protected against emergency.
Graham & Well;.
Young Mothers.
Croup i the terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like magic 111 cases
of Croup. It has never been known to
fail. The worstcases relieved immediately.
Prieo 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.09. Sold by
Graham & Wells.
and both legs broken. The fractures
I were reduced and he is doiti well, but
: will likely be badly crippled.
Our readers in this issue will get the
1 other side of the Monroe incident, which
Tl. fM.a.Mi . Tiirlii, lw-,i'? will in(t
j ,WJd.1 tl,at oil tViP. fuetc tiiav- lv
the gridiron next 1 J
the O. A. C. boys on
Saturday. A good game is anticipated.
The deputy head consul of the Modern
Woodmen of America is in town, and ex
pects to organize a camp of that order
Let's Buy a Poor Farm.
The Gazette believes that it wuald be
a wise course to take for the county
court to purchase a poor farm, and we
hope to see it done before many mouths.
The columns of the Gazette are open
to its readers and the puMie generally
to the matter, and we shall be
glad to have as many as desire to do so
express themselves thereon.
to judge which side, if either, is the cor
rect one of this deplorab.e episode.
Corvallis Grange, Saturday last took I John Stewart is nursing a cane, the re
in m.-.ny member.;. This organization is i suit of a kick on the leg by a horse,
one of the best of its kiud in the state.' Clitno m sKsrhMv imnrnved. His
L a,-n! 1 riti c dintif r nor! ?C wlilQt I I
-.t-w.-, , , - judge Burnett was appointed one 01 i little son Vasce is giv-.n Hp
auascspnrc 1Mmu8 uuu., .Uu vu,v.,, committee of three to call the prune
are now eugrossiug the attention of many growtrs of tuis sectjon together in Janu
of our people. j aTy This is a:i excellent move in the
C, C. Huff, one of the substantial farm- right direction,
ers living near Plymouth chnrch, is t "Two Married Men" has been drawing
spending a week with sick relatives at i , crow,i al Cordray's jn Portland.
iftnnysiSe, fine intffcs south OtSalem. Mr Urouson.s actmg has been particu
C. C. Elgin, of Rosedale, Oregen, who j larly noted by old theater gaers. His
has been a forest reserve ranger for the ' marked improv.-ment iu his work elicits
past three months, has beeu visiting with ' niuch favorable connte'lt This corn
relatives and friends in this city for the I paay will play for the first lima before a
past week.
Corvallis an Hence Friday evening. De
Subject at Methodist Episcopal church camber 9. We bespeak for this occasion
Lord's Day morning, "Some proofs of a full attendance.
Immortality apart from the Bible." 1 Felix Fremerey, superintendent of
Evening, "The city of Corvallis. How j fiber culture for the Portland Cordage
it can be inproved and by what agencies." .' Co., is iu town for the purpose of letting
Jesse Brown, of Willamette, James ; a coatract with some farmer to grow ten
Hays, N. B. Avery, Dr. C. H. Lee, J. M. or twenty acres of hemp. If he is sue
Nolan and family and many other sub cessful in demonstrating that it can be
Stantial citizens witnessed the foot ball I grown on a commercial basis next sea
gavae at the O. A. C. grounds Thanks- i son, the year following fifty or one huu-
giving day.
N. L. Raber left Monday for Shoshone
Falls, Idaho, where he will enter the em
ploy of an Eastern company engaged in
placer mining on the upper Snake river.
Roy says he can save every color. Sue
cess to hi iu and his company.
Eugene Jackson was in town Tut sday
and reported that his and his brothers
horses were recovering from the lver.
He has sown sixty acres of grain aud ha
one hundred mosetjflSwed ready to sow.
Sam Warficld. one of Alset's live .lie i
was in town a few days since and mad
a trip to Abany on business. Sim has 1
large number of friends in these parts
that are always glad to see his stalling
The lauct W.tidorf troupe failed to
draw a large hoxse. About oiii hj idr.-d
and fifty persons went through US tor
ture of sitting iu an uneo.nfortable opera
house for three hours, in order to hear
Romeo aud Jnliet.
by the phy
sician. Both are typhoid fever cases.
At the Congreg.-.tional church next
Su - d t - morning there will be a sermon
to children. In the evening the subject
will be "Communion with God.''
The Ladies' Fair at the opera house
next week on Saturday, all day and even
ing. Don't forget to save your appetites
tor the delicious New England dinner.
Sare your money to purchase some choice
Christmas articles, and save your laughs
for the faree, which is full of fun.
Our farmer readers should keep iu
mind the Farmers' Short Course begin
ning in January at the O. A. C, aad last
ing twenty days, and many of them
should not fail to attend this free and ex
cellent course of lectures to be given by
experts. No practical farmer, who is
ambitious to get all out of his business
possible, and hoping for better results
from year to year, can afford to miss this
splendid opportunity of informing him-
! self upon mauy of the important matters
I connected with his labor. Make some
Wants his prescriptions prepared by
reliable men, and with pare drugs. Only
the best drugs and chemicals used.
Prices moderate. Accuracy and purity
are as essential as the doctor. You get
both here. Axaex & Woodward, Sec
ond street.
Played Out.
Dull headache, pains in various parts
of the body, sinking at the pit of the
stomach, loss of appetite, feverishness,
pimples or sores are all positive evidences
of impure blood. No matter how it be
came so it must be purified in order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir
has never failed to Scrofulous or
Syphilitic peisonsor any other blood dis
eases. It iscertaixly a wonderful remedy
avd we sell eycry bottle on a positive
guarantee. Graham & Wells.
I m
As I am contemplating; adding other
greatly in need of room. I will, from now
notice, sell my entire line of
lines, I am
until further
Clothing, Overcoats,
nSgi Jg MackintoshcsTand Extra Trousers,
This does not mean 15 or 20 per cent, r.bove cost, but
the actual wholesale cost.
Suits, formerly $20.00, now $15.35.
Suits, formerly $15.00, now $12.15.
Suits, formerly $13.50, now $11.00.
Suits, formerly $10.00, now $7.S5.
Overcoats, formerly $17.50. now $14.65.
Overcoats, formerly $15.00, now $12.85.
Overcoats, formerly 12.50, now $11.00.
Overcoats, formerly $10.00, now $7.85.
Overcoats, formerly $7.50, now $6.10.
Mackintoshes, foimerly $15.00, now $12.50.
2Jackintoshes, formerly $12.50, now $10.00.
Mackintoshes, foimerly $12.00, "now $9:S0:"' '
Mackintoshes, formerly $11.50. now $9.65.
Mackintoshes, formerly $7.50. now $6.50.
Mackintoshes, formerly $6.00, now $5.90.
We have a few of those celebrated $8.80 aud
suits left, which we will close at a bargain.
The Clothier.
.f -
P. S. We have an immense line of HOLIDAY
FLERS and HANDKERCHIEFS, which we are now
The People's Jewelry Store
Manufactures jewelry in the highest style of the art. Delicate
repairing of watches and clocks. Carries a nice line of Silverware
and Watches. W. A. SANDERS,
Three doors north of Masonic Temple, Second St.
Art Store and Foto Parlors
We have a wonderful taking way.
Cld faces made new and attractive.
Wc Make You a Life-Size Crayon for $1.98
Water Colors are pretty, and are a specialty with us.
Our Art Department is filled with a well-selected
stock of Notions, Stationery, Paintings and other works
of vertu.
Call and be convinced that what we say is true.
We will sell for you any art work you may want to
dispose of.
SMMf The Photographer,
One door north of Spencer's, Second St.
dred thousand acres will b: grown, and
the industry will develap into grand proportions.
Married At the home of Frank Elgin sacrifice if necessary in order to take ad-
on Tliird street Sunday morning, Noveia- i vantage of the course.
Hon. A. G. Hovey, who died in Eu-
ber 27th, Ed TaWor to Miss Ruby Sites,
Rev. Stevens of :he Christian church
officiating. They are both of Alsea val
ley, where tbs are wel. and favorably
known. The happy pair at once depart
ed lor Sudavi le, wherf the groom is at
tending school Th-- Gazktte extends
congratulations and wishes the young
coHple a ife of happine-.s.
Services of much interest at the Pres
tiytcrian church uoxt Sabbath both morn
ing and evening. Sabbaih School at 10
a. ui. The schoi rs now nsing the net:
"Royal Hyjanal" led bv a full orchestra
i thai furnislie-.s excellent music. The Y.
j I'. S 1 . E. meets at 6:$j p.m., and an
I luteresting progr.iin is prepared for the
iwcasior.. Vuaag and old are Dio:,t cor
dia ly invited to the evening services it
Buy a package of the elastic starch and
get a nice picturG free at HersV ner's.
You Try It.
If Shibh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which k sold for the small price of 25
cts,, 50 cts. and $1.00, docs not euro take the
bottle back and tj will refund your money,
sold for over fifty yours on this guarantee.
Pric25 ets. and 90 cts. Sold by Graham &
Fresh celery and cranberries at Hcrsh-ner's.
' 7:xo. Most excelleut music and a anb-
Mrs. J. D. Smith, of Gervais, Marion of partjcuar interest to ail.
county, who has been in the city during --,.- . -, ,, -
' & Captain Williamson, while caulking the
the part two weeks, caring for her .laugh- i rent caused fay a q
ter, Miss Kitty, who is having a severe ; 'r w. arpid(.tav ran
a rusty nail into his left knee joiut. For
several days he continued to work with
it, in the water more or less, tsuti the lat-
attaek of iirftaraniatory rheumatism, re
turned yesterday to her heme accom
panied by her daughter.
The Methodist Episcopal church at j ter part of the week when hc took coid
Harriiburg will be dedicated on the iSth in the wound, which has been very badly
of December. Dr. Gue, of Portland, will jBflained, causing the eaptain to g int
have charge of the morning services, j jrv docks for repairs. At this writing
and it is expected that Dr. Driver, of i we iearn blood poisoning has set iH, and
Eugeae, will preach in the evening. there is a ci,aBce for him to lose his leg.
Everybody cordially invited. j aitbough his physician, Dr. Pernot, is
Our readers should carefully scan our i doing all iu his power to avert it.
advertising celunius. In them will be
gene the 27th nil., was for several years a
resident of this county, ile settled in
Corvallis in 1 13O, He taught the first
schooi iu this place aud was the first
county cleric of this County. He repre
sented this coiinty iu the state senate
fr;.m to 1866. In 1J577 he re.-.ioved
to Lane count where he lias since re- j
sided. Since 1S79 he ha; been a promi-
ueut business man 1 Eugene.
ed in 1S84 the first Uaas in Lane county.
In 1SS4 he was a delegate to the National
Rep iblican convention held in CUicao.
Fur several years h has been a regent
of the U. of O. He .leaves a wife and
three children. He was an honest, en
terprising and honorable citizen.
Constipation prevunts the body from rid
ding itsslf of waste matter. De "Witt's Lit
tle Early Risers will remove the trouble and
cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, Inactive
Liver and alear the Complexion. Small,
sugar coated, don't gnpo or cause nausea.
Graham & Wells.
Fresh Raisins, Currants, Citron, and
Lemon Peel, just received at ZierolPs.
Bueklen's Arnica Salve.
TIIK BEST SALVE in the world" for
Cuts, Bruises, Sircs, Uleors, Salt Rheum,
Fover Sums, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil
blains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and
pojitivcly cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or mny refundnd. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by Gra&un & Wells, druggists.
c mgt agt ago sggc jl yqgcggz :y Tffr wjjpe -wjr i
Your Life Will Be
One Continual Thanksgiving
If yon purchase Itmh and choice GROCERIES,
the latest fads in NOTIONS and DRESS GOODS,
substantial Hardware and Tinware, Men's Dress
and Heavy Shoes, Feed, and the Staff of Life, at
my store. All my stock, which is being con
stantly increased, is bought for cash
the benefit.
You get
Many a man's success begins at this store, where he or his
wife saves good money on all sorts of purchases.
Whitney Building, Philomath, Oregon.
They Are Coming
Is why our big line of Clothing should be inspected
before buying elsewhere.
Small Margins and Quick Sales
Is our motto in this department.
It will pav you to look this line ovei.
Line of
Line of
Line of
Line of
Line of
Line of
Line of
Our line of Children's and Boys' Clothing cannot e
equaled in the city.
Big line of Blankets.
Corvallis, Oregon
New York Racket
Will Offer All CLOTHING in Stock at Cost.
This clfcthing was purchased ior cash in Sep
tember, 1898, at rock-bottom prices.
Ladies' Fine Shoes at Cost.
Men's Boots at Cost.
Remember, we will always keep prices
lower than any other store .
New York Racket.
Corvails, Oregon.
Howell's stock is iacreasjiii.
his customers.
and so are
What Is Shileh?
A grand ol d remedy for Cough, C"lds
He start-! Hn, 1 Consumption; used .!irouj;li the world
for half a century; has cured innumcraiie
cases incipient consumption and relieved
many in advanced -tages. If you are not at
i:tid with the results we will refund your
money. Price 25 cts., 50 cts. aid $1.W). Sold j
by Graham & Wells.
A cough is not like a fever. It do not
have to run a certain eouise. Cure it quick
ly and effectually with Oca ilimitu Cough
Curo, the best remedy for all age.- ad for
the most severe eases We reecomend it be
cause it's good. Grahaai & Wells.
Fresh Santa Barbara letxons at L h.
Howell's cash jjrocerV. Young's old
place, West Side, Second Street.
Southing, heating, cleansing. Dj Witt's
Witch Ha;cl Salve is the implacable enemy
of sores, hums, and wounds. It never fails
to emu Piles. You may rely upon it
Urahfcm & Wells.
The best on the market, Twaix
breakfast mush at Howell's.
Four piece glass sets, only 50 cents, at
found many things of deep concern to
them. Patronize home merchants that
tell the people what they have to sed.
Business men who advertise are entitled
to your trade, and money will be saved
purchasers of their wares. To any of our
readers who do not now advertise we say
try the Gazette and you will become
convinced that it pays.
A grand military ball whs given in the
new armory of the O. A. C. on Thanks
giving evening. The event was the ded
ication of the new building, and was gir
en under the direction of acting com
mandant E. J- Lee, assisted by the cadet
officers. All students, professors mnd
alumni were invited, aHd a large crowd
of beautifully dressed ladies and gentle
men aided in warming the new flaor of
J. Weed, an enterprising merchant of ! the monster building. Grand and unique
Philomath, was in town recently and ' was the spectacle that presented itself as
called on the Gazette. Mr. Ve?d lo
cated iu Philomath last spring, opening a
small grocery store. His "trade has so
enlarged that he now carries dry goods,
hardware, men's dress and heavy shoss,
ladies' dress goods, etc. Mr. Weed is
pleased with his location and very much
encouraged iu a business way. It will
pay interesting purchasers in his locality
to examine his stock and prices bofore
buying. See his ad in another columa
of this paper. The Gazette bespeaks
for this gentleman a large trade among
the well to do farmers of his vicinity as
well s the good people of his town.
the strains of the opening waltz were
struck by the orchestra, Miss Helen Hoi
gate and Ed Crawford leading the mazy
Wlt-n you ask for De Witt's Ha.jl Salve
don't acewpt a eounlerfeit or imitation.
Thorn nre mure cases of Files being cured by
this, than all others combined. Graham &
Millinery Sales. The ladies wi;l
find wsnderful bargains in all trimmed
kats at Misses Johnson.
Late to brd ar.d early to rise, prepares a
nan for his home va the skies. But early to
bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that
make lifu longer and better and wiser.
Graham & Wells.
The sooner a sough or cold' is cured with
out harm t the sufferer the better. Linirer
ing colds are ilangtM'.Mi. IJaeking cough is
distressing. One Minute Cough Cure
quickly cures it. Why suffer when such a
cough. -cure is- within reach?. It is. pleasant
to the taste. Graham & Wells.
The Fall Season Is Here.
So is Hodes, the Grocer.
There Are Many Hungry People.
Hodes is reauy to feed them.
Mv business is to cell
At prices to suit the times.
Can you not use me, and save money ?
8 15; 2 Second Street, Corvallis, vi egon.
Export, and Gexeral Steadman are the
best five cent cigirs in the market. For
sale at Hershner's.
Sick Headaches,
The curse of overworked womankind are
quickly and surely eured by Karl's Clover
Boat Tea; the great blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Graham &
everywhere for "The Story of the
! Phiiirmines" bv Mnrat Halstead. eoramis
whirl, and from then on till the hour of I sj,ned by the Governmunt as Ol&cial His
torian to the War Department. Lhc book
midnight prevailed the mirth and happi
ness made prominent by the ocasiou.
The floor of the new armory is one hun
dred and twenty by seventy feet in dimen
sions, a gallery extends entirely around
it, thus making its seating capacity some
thing near one thousand. Two large arc
lights and twelve small incandescent
globes furnished with electricity from the
college power house, give ample light
for the big room.
was written in array camps at oan rran
cisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt,
in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong
Kong, in the American trenches at Manila,
ia the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on
the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and
in the roar of the battlt at the tall of Manila.
Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original
pictures taken by government photogra
phers on the spot. Larga book. Low
prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit
given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books.
Outfit tree. Address, 1?. T. Barber,;Seey,
Star Iusnranca Building, Chicago. rm
The English andt German Expert Specialists.
Five Physicians and Surgeons, all Cradttates from tha best Medical Colleges in
the World.
Apart of the Staff of the English and German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyer
tt Co. will make thgir regular monthly visit to
Corvallis, Monday, December S
They will be at the OccidentalTHotel.S
ift frn
We cater to the wants of eaters. We have been
catering to them for many years. We think we know
our business. Our boarders give us that impression
they stay with us. If they didn't get their money's
worth they wouldn't stay.
The staff of the English and German Expert Specialists is composed of five
regularly graduated doctors, each a physician who has had many years experience
in curing all manner of chronic diseases. . ...
During the past quarter of a century the success ot this most wortny auo
Annt Jemima's Pancake Flour, just
the thing for griddle cakes, muffins, and
gems. Zierolf.
Overcome evii with good. Overcame
your coughs and colds Hrith Oa Minute
Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for
it. It cures croup, bronchitis pneumoaift,
grippe and all threat and lung diseases, ot-i institution has been phenomenal. Diseases which have baffled the skill of
Graham & Wells. other physicians and stubbornly refused to yield to ordinary medicines, methods
and ann iar"p r- nuir: v snhrtllRfl ana maSlereu OV IHC .cheuxu imh -rcican i,.-
l-. r 1 - - , -1 7 . . , , - . , , , ,;,,- ,
norf SnpnalKl l ll.v Linvp the arcresr an DCRL eHVUUOCU IMiuv.! maLiiuvi.u im
America. The English and German Expert Special ists are not only competent ant
reliable, but are responsible, being bacfecti Dy arapie capital anu iv """::
HOME CU RES White it is preferable in many instances to see a patient,
the E-ngfish and German Expert Specialists hare cured thousands of persons whom
they have nev-r seen. If you cannot see the doctors, write the home office for
question list and free advice in regard to your ailment.
(Call on the Doctors when they come. AH ailing people should see the
English and German Expert Special i.-.ts. A friendly talk, which costs absolutely
nothing, is bound to result in a great deal of god, whether treatment is taken or
A full supply ef choice Christmas can
dies at Howell's.
worthy persons in this state to
manage our business in their town and
nanrlul lA.mtil Tt IS fllXJtllv llfflPP YOrU
conducted at home. Salary straight feed
a ys ar ana expen-ses aennue, dob uc.
Minr nn salarv. Monthly
75. References. Enclose self-addressed7:
stamped envelope, Herbert E Hess,;
Prest., Dept. M, Chicago, IH. c
Bears tha
1 Tin Kind You Haw Always Bought
Which of These is True ?
" Manners make the man."
"Mind makes the man."
" Home makes the man."
Debate the question, and if you
Decide that home makes the
Man, let us help you make the home.
Furniture Dealer, 919 Second St., Corvallis, Or.
The Enalish and German Expert Specialists
A Stafi ef the Most Eminent Physicians in the World
Main Office, 781 Market Sv San Fraaoiseo.
Don't You YV)ant a Hew gtoe?
If you do, Campbell has the very kind you want. ,
He also has a Gne lot of
Of various designs. Your daughter would like an
To cheer up the home during the wintry days. Campbell
has some daisies, and will stop long eiough
to show you one.
CAMPBELL wants your trade, and will save you $$ and
BYPU A NflC N. . Comer
1 tiaviiaiiutit Second anil Honrot Sts.