The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, November 25, 1898, Image 3

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    CORVAI.LIS, OREGON, Nov. 25,1898
Over two hundred different styles
strictly up lo-date.
Plash, trimmed and plain, Boucle,
Kersey, Beaver.
Prices are ri"ht.
Fur Collarettes and Capes, $5
Our SIioj stock is at complete
though we carried nothing but shoes.
S. L Y0UN6 k SON,
Albany, Oregen.
See Br. Lowe teday.
Byron Taylor is nearly well.
Mis3 Cecil Biennis is down with typlio.'d
"Look Out" for "Apron Strings" at
tke Opera December 13th.
Geo. and Emma Elgin, of Salem, ate
turkey with relatives and friend in this
city on Thanksgiving.
Wils Bump, the largest hop grower of
Kings Valley, smiled oa us in his bla'.:d
way a few days since.
L. Y. Wilson has for the last ten days
been engaged in making a large abstract
for otie of our prominent citizens.
Miss Gibbs, a student of til? () A. C,
has been compelled on account of il e j
Take your eyesjto Dr. Lowe.
Fiae job printing at Gazette (5ce.
Dr. Lowe won't be back fer seven
Mrs. Thos. Thomas, of this city, is
spending a week with her mother in
A 11 T
Capes 1 Jackets! W. & C. Wilson sent to Portland on
Tuesday 150 turkeys and a large lixmber
of chickens.
Smith & Horning shipped on Tuesday
to the Portland market 350 turkeys and
13 dozen geese.
Miss Mabel Jones is spending Thauks
to $25 giving holiday with her parents in
: Brooks, Mario:- county.
Miss Rena K. Smith, accompanied by
Miss Nettie Harlan, returned la3t Mon
day to her kerne in Pari Place, C'ack
amas county.
The O. A. C. Cadet Battalisn gave a
j Thanksgiving ball iu the New Armory
i last evening. An orchestra from Albany
j furnished the music.
j The subject at the Congregational
I Church next Sunday morning will be
"The Soldier; Honor to tke Living and
; to the Dead " In the evening, "Christ a
Sure Foundation."
Mrs. D-jnlinger, on account ot a severe
', cold, left last week for Independence.
We learu she is improving, but will not
iresume her work in the publii school
again this year. Miss Lueiiberger now
has charge of her (5th) grade.
Miriam Petty, the three-months old
child of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pettv, died at
S .le::a, Nov. 22, of cholera infantum,
and was buried at Corvallis 23d.
Rev. Mark Noble, of the First Baptist
church, officiated at the obsequies.
A. Hodes' gun store has been raided
once every year for about four years.
Mr. Hodes, knor.iiijj that it was about
time lor the annual visit, fixed a pi;'.ol
in the back door of his store so thf.t
ivljen if was nartlv nnM!Pfl tlii rtlnl
condition of her eyes to leave school. , . j , -. .
J I wsuid go off. Wednesday night some
The Gazkttr acknowledges the re- j one pried lhe kjnses off the door that
ceiptof a Columbia Desk calendar for j opened into his shop and then tried the
1899. It is neat and occupies but little i door to the store wlien sud(ienly the
space. I pistol went off, ami so aid the marauder
The first boat of the season to reach ! on the jump. The tracks led south up
Corvallis, the Hoag, came in Sunday ; the alley to Wiikius' furniture store
where two persons nude track . t - 2x0
giat. No clue.
t?2B SwedishFilosophy. r. ..."
Ta fellar et votes da poplist ticket
tanks da vorld vants reparinif, but at es
haes onself et es in need of fixiu.
Aye tank all da sixk?eu ta von fel'ars
are 011 da joomp seuce da eight of No
vember. Ef da Spaniards tank Uakle Sam es
not onto Uaes job da vill find out right
avay quick off da old man has haes eye
opeu all da vile on inch da vidist open
oop and down.
Ole Larson vasts to bet 2 skilliugs et
Villie Bryan es sick of haes job.
Two tams hae da voter of Vashington
smiled ou Doode Loots vonce ven hae
vas elected and vom tarn ven he vas not
Aye tank Prof. Norton vill :-:ot be able
ta get enuy fellars to bar him ven he
meks vords about dem Philpines, end
Master Hoar vill go oop to tha top of Mt.
Vashington to cool haes favrad brain,
end Uharly Shirts da gogel eyed mu;
romp vill baae able ta see outeu bote
sets of hae-. i i's vich vay da vind coo mi
oop en da expaiiihuu beesues.
Ven sum tams da fellar tells u hae vill
geve u his vork ail. da tiaie, u can bet 19
sents da fellar e 1 di sam tra le a? u be
vill set e.
iisgj A Clever Trick.
81 1 certainly looks like it.but thoro is really
no trick about it. Any tody can try it who
has lame back and weak kidneys, malaria
or r.srvous troublv. We mean he can cure
himself right away by taking Electric Bit
ter?. Thi medicine tones up ths whole sys
tem, sets as a Uoiufent to the liver and
kidneys, is a blood purifier and nervo tonic.
It cures constipation, heuLche, fainting
spells, sleeplessness a:ul melnncliul'. It is
purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re
stores the system t it--natural Tijror. Try
Electric Bitt-;r and be convinced. Only
50c a bottle nt Graham Ss Wells' drug stare,
night, and trom now on regular trip.; will
be made.
Rev. R. W. Jones has returned to Cor
vallis to spend the winter with his son-in-law,
D. W. Pritchard, after having
preached iu Clackamas county for three
ou"is- I witness a tootosn
Genial Willard Price, one of the pia- Forest Grave and O. A. C. football teams,
neers of Kings Valley, was in town) Game was called at 3 p. 111. F. G. won
recently, in as big a hurry as usual, but 1 the toss and O. A. C. defended upper
did not leave until he haj said ";iow de '.goal. Kick off was made and F. G.
I made Vaitt ..Uempts at end plays. F. G.
Wants his prescriptions prepared by
reliable men, and with pure drugs. Only
the best drugs and chemicals used.
Prices moderate. Accuracy and purity
are as essential as the doctor. You get
both here. Aixen" & Woodward, Sec
ond street.
The People's Jewelry Store
Manufaciuico jewfciry iu me highest style of the art. T)elicate
repairing of watches and clocks. Carries a nice line of Silverware
and Watches. w. A. SENDERS;
Three doors north of Masonic Temple, Second St.
Do not forget to go to Kline's for Jack
ets and Mackintoshes for your little girls
as well as yoarself. Largest stck, low
est prices, and latest styles.
Do You Know
Coiisuiuptioa is preventable ? Science hat
provon that; and Hint nvgl.-ot is suicidal. The
worst cough or old can bu cured with
Sldloli's Cough and CoiiMiini.tio.;, Cure.
.Sold on positive guaranti.-. for oyer fitly
rtars. Sold ly Graham &' Wells
New carpets, il cloths, linoleum, win
dow shades, mattings, lace curtains and
drapery po esat Kline's. Popular prices.
Hi.w Is Your Wife?
lias I lie lost her beauty! It's., Constip
atiou, Indigustion, Sick lltadaehe are thu
principal cau.-es. Karl's Clover Kojt Tea
lias cured thse ills for half a century. Price
25 ets. and 50 ets. Movi.-y refunded if re
sults are not satisfactory. Sold ay Graham
& Wells.
Art Store and Foto Parlors
We have a wonderful taking way.
Old faces made new and attractive.
We Make You a Life-Size Crayon for $1.98
Water Colors are pretty, and area specialty with ns.
Our Art Department is filled with a well-selected
stock of Notions, Stationery, Paintings and other works
of vertti.
Call and be convinced that what we say is true.
We will sell for yo.t any art work you may want to
dispose of.
The Photographer,
One door north of 'Spencer's, Second St.
A Man
Came into the other day, and
after leaving with us an ord -r for goods,
said he could save i-t least ten dollars a
mouth by trading at our store. What
one man can do others can . lso. Try
it and see. Mi'.ner, two doors south of
O. A
e ef Football.
people assembled
least Soo
C. grounds Thursday
afternoon to
between the
Dr. Lowe's glasses are good glasses.
The sooner a aoogfa or cold is cured trith-
oat harm to the Mtnorcr lhe better- I An er
ins colds are danrrns Hackine cough is
distressing. One Minute Cough Cure
quickly cures it. AVlir sufi'.-r wher. such a
cough cure i within reach? It U pleasant
to the taste. Graham & Wells,
Call for City Warrants.
I hereby give notice that I have money
oh hands to pay ill warrants presented
and endorsed not paid for want of funds,
piior to March 1st 1896; that interest on
the same slopped from this date, No
vember, 17th, 189S.
A. Cauihork, City Treasurer.
Corvallis, O. egon, November iS, 1898.
Fresh celery and cranberries at Ilcrsh-ner's.
fv . . r LAMP-;. Wm havf L-ttnp-i of all kind., from the
1 '. ' 11 to the raas-ive banquefflamp.
The Eye
Is. caugl t by the beauty ami symmetry of our fatnps.JJ
The Purse
V T .....
I is aicniBBW ac.i bv tue lo v un on u
On Every Bottle
Of Shiloh's Coniumptioa Cure is tbig
guarantee; "All we ask ot you is to use two
tliirds of the contents of thi: bottle faith
fjlly; then if you can say you are not beae
flttd return the bottle to your Drugsittand
ho 19 1 y refund he pric-.' paid." Price 25 cts.
50 cts. and S1.U0. Sold by Graham & Wells
tin S.
,5 No. Sr-! Peccud S'.. C rval!i?. Oree-n.
do, Frank?"
Subject at Methodist Episcopal Church I madc
Lord's Day, moraine. "Some Lessons iown. F. G. made horl
from a Lamb." In the evening there j t,ays- O. A. .C. won bajl but
will be a revival service; in , iect,'Scck :itoufumble- O. A. C. held
ing th; Lord."
Billy Gellatly, the big railchcf an !
stockmaii of Blodgett's valley, shipped a
car-load of besf cattle to Port and last
Saturday. lie is stall feeding fifty head,
which he will not sell until March.
11 ns on
in of yard and a ha f ou first
soon lest
ball stnb-
a'ld (toon pained it auain.
ij. A C. nidile a gain of 3a yardr. on
pant. Here there was much delay, aud a
warm discussion in regard to decision, as
the referee declared the gain a mass
play. Rules, sentiment aud common
sense all beinir in favor of the O. A. C
Jim Dunn, the big salmon packer of 1 th w .. , , p
G. ad; a large gain on punt, but O. A.
C. held ball firmly aud made constant
gains, losing it finally on a bad pint.
F. G. at last carried ball over goal line.
Mir.i.iNKRY Sales. The lad -- wiil
find wonderful bargains in all trimmed
hats at Misses Johnson.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets ore
sold on a positive guarantee. Cures I
heart-burn raising of the food, distress
7-fter eating or any forta of dyspepsia.
Ou . little tablet gives immediate relief.
25 -s. and 50 cts. Graham jit We'ls.
. pR Sai,ic
at this office.
Aunt Jemiiaa's Pancake Flour, just
the thine for griddle cakes, muffins, and
gems. Zierolf.
Late to Wd atid early to rise, prepares a
mav. for his home i the skies. But early to
b.-d and a Little Karly Kiser, the piil that
makes lifo longer and better and wiser,
Graham fv "Weils
-Four milch cows. Inq.-.ira
Constipation prevents te body from rid
ding its-df of waste natter. De Witt's Lit
tle Early Risers v I remove the trouble and
cure Sick Headache, Biliune, Inactive
Liver arid clear the Complexion. Small,
sugar coate l, don't gnpo or cause unusea.
Graham & Wells.
Real Estate for Sale.
One corner lot iu Kinzel Park Addition
to Mt. Tabor.
A purchaser for a nice cottage aal 'ot
in Jobs Addition. Call at Gazette
rjnn JT-njxnjTJxnjuTjxriJTi
L. L. HOWELL, the New Grocer,
Can supply all the needs
of the hungry. Try his
Fischer's and Benton Mills Flour,
Pure Coffees, Teas, Canned Meats and Fruits.
Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods.
Give me a call ami beconvi'.i:cU
thai I can and do save you money.
Fir.! door .-out It of Henkle's, Second street.
itlt '"ltu u LrUTJxn anruTJTJTJXnUTnjnjTJxru
it failed at goal kick. Fiist half closed.
Second half called at 4:0. F. G.
; kick ;;1, off. ScojjgiHi- trade a big gain
' on end p?av. O. A. C. held firm, tsak-
the south end of Kiaes Vaitev, .1 been
in town several days. Jim s.-.ys since
the last few days of rain the ruu ef sal
mon is heavy, the lareit in years.
Ed Williams, the largest cattle dealer of ; b
Dusty, was in town a few days since. He
baa sold fifty hea-.l of beef, and i.-. winter
ing one hundred and fifty head, whieh
will be in prime condition tor the spring ; jug sniali gains. Scoggins Kiade j stur
market. r aro.iud end making a gain f 40
H. 1. QondoB, who was clerk of the j yds. Be t uiailteHil run with a 111 of
Qregqa Agricultural College under Fresi- ' E5 yards.
O. A. C. made steady gains until ball
wa- casried over the home jiue b3- Good
rich, fJoHi? leanj failed at kicking goal.
'Ihe score stood 5 to 3;
From new on the ball was held neaf
F. G.'s goal until tiaie was called.
Fresh Raisins, Currants, Citron, ad
Letnou Peel, just received at Zierolf's.
Ovccomc cvii with good. Overcame
your coughs nud ciids with Oy Minute
Cofcgh Cure. It is so good children cry for
il. It cures croup, bronchitis pneumonia,
grippe and nil threat and lung di-rcates.
Graham & Wells.
dent Miller, now occupies the same posi
tion iu the Idaho Agricultural College,
He will also assist iu the English De
part nieut.
W. L. Townsend, a hop grower of
IClngs Valley, called aud chplted with
the GAZBTTit a while on Monday last.
W. L. is a jolly fellow, and it is a good
antidote for ta Uses to haye liiiu ca.l
and spin a yarn.
ei. . .
. 001 uV6crr.t No. 14 wius the banner
'hilomath Public School,
he second mouth of okt schosl closed
w.ih the following report:
Total number enrolled, 97; average
ttendanee for the month of ! daily attendance, 77.5; "t a' seat or
tardy during the mouth, 4i.
Roll of Hoaofi principal's room Caleb
Alexander, Frankie Becker, Lester Buir,
Forest Clark, Cecil C'.oper, Clave l avis,
G:uti Gibbons, Scott Gibbous, C vib
Ingle, Charlie Log an, Wayne Mulkev,
Willie Palmer, Luther Woodruff, Ellen
A .. aHder, Carrie Alexander, Ethel Burr,
Una Dixon, Ada II kie, Delia Hawkins,
R'tha Mul,e Lee Sawyer, aud certie
Roll of Honor, primary roar Lela
S:ott, Dthel Weed, Nellie Clari , May
tnr- H,
ctafetf, the per cent n aUeidauCe
feeing 995- District No, 4a f A -e a made
an excellent shorn 11 . its a eadauce ft
this month being ggji Mr. George
Modfe, rjf Philomath, is the teacher in
tiio successful district, an Mr. D. D.
Longbottoin is teaching in district No.
John Vineyard was iu 1 eled Pn :ay for
aasaalt with intent ta kill :Iiiit Watch
Beach. Saturday he p e i Ijd u Ity to
assault with a dangerous weapon. The
court heard so:ue testimony iu on er to
fix the degree of guilt, and . th ceactn
sion, sentenced hi a to oac y ar in the
penitentiary. This is a sl oui me to
a fit of passion. The GAZXTTK tenders
its sympathy t9 his aged mother and
other relatives.
All old soldiers of Beatou county are
earnestly recmened to be suro and come
to town Friday, Dec. 2nd. Ellsworth
Post, of this city, is very anxious to see
all, whether members of thw Post or not,
at an open meeting to be held iu Grand
Army Hall in Fisher's olock at 2 p. m. f
that day. Scatters of interest to all old
veterans -will be discussed at that time,
and we want a full discussion. The
main question to be discussal will be,
"Shall Ellsworth Post disband?" Dan't
fail to come.
Thad Du Pay, who died rerently at
Lafayette, was a drummer boy r.urt'-g
the war of the Rebellion. While h
lived in this plaee he was a respected
member of Ellsworth Post, G A. R.
Thad was a geuial, generous a-id worthy
comrade. He was a in Co. E,
O. R. N. G., of this city. On contra 4
has answered the last earthly roll call.
"His silent tent is spread on fame's
eternal camping ground." Many friends,
of whom the writer was one, exteads to
his sorrowing ones sympathy.
Mokl Tea positively urcs sick
headache, indigestion an 3 constipation.
A delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a per
fect complexion, or money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Graham & Wells.
Red Star Comp;essod Yeast, for sale at
Hodes & Hall's.
A cough is not tike a fever. . It does net
have to run a certain course. Cure it quick
ly and attecteally with One Minute Cough
C-uro, th? hest rcnvHy fyr nil ages ftHd for
' li Sbost severe eases We reeoonjdni it bj
cause it's good. Graham & Wells.
To the Public.
Parlies wishing to purchase slocic id
the Mastodon Minisg & Milling cm
pany or having May otlrer blts'.'uess with
the company ar hrrVed to Judge John
Tiuihett, sthis .rose in Corvallis, Orego :.
Tell Your Sister
A lieaiitiful Comp r.x 011 U an impossibility
with it ijood para hiood; .lit -ort tVnt only
exists in cooaecl i vvi' li digestiMi ; r healthy
ivor una bowels, ivarrs oovnr naoi it a
Allen, Ora Gibbons, Eunice Gi! I ons,
Hazel M rrvman, A ice Farris, Mi:ude fbest five cent ci.; .rs in the market
Guthrie, Fay Ncwth. Homer Allen, Al-1 sale at : iershnet 's.
fr. tl Ashcr, An rew Asher, Jo hiiv 1 rab- j
tree, Charlie McElroy, Ralph Gibbons. 1 The Greatest Discovery Yet.
Mabel Crabtree, Beatrice Austin, Jessie j W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, IU ,
Meats "Chief," av.: "We won't k-3p house
A. C. Guthrie, Principal.
Orphae Lewis, Assistant.
Wli.n you ask for De Witt's Haz-1 Salve
don't accept a counterfeit or imitation.
Th rra nre mere cases ef Piles being cured by
thi-, ilia all others combined. Graham &
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remavm
ing in the Corv.illis postofSce, unclaimed
j N . vcmber i.h, 189S:
I P. K. Fret D. A. Grbbs
P JttcUSin Wm. C. Myers
Mrs. Emma Pament E. C. Stone
Mrs. W. C. Stitos C. W. Thompson
T. L. Thomas Robert WMiaraes
James Watkins D. O. Thompson
'-iiss Florence Foster
Mrs. Lydie M. Stephsna.
B. W. TohvSon, p. M.
160 acn-s timber la-d on Big Elk road,
: near Marys Peak. 15 acres open land, j
: For terms se-s
I i6oaere8, 1 '4 m'les south of Summit j
Station, O. & C. R. R. Ten acres un- !
j der cultivation. Fifteen acrs under;
! fence; 1,500 new riils; 30. fr-.ii trees'
i just begiuing to bear. Bam i.:x2i'.
: Three tons of hay. Small log house,
j Pure spring water. 400 cash will buy
I this nice mountain raneh, or will trade
for stock or property m or near Corvallis.
160 acres on Sig Elk. 10 acres under
cultivation. God frame barn, good one
story box house, nice young orchard,
fine stock range, p enty of out range.
Timber enough on ground to build two
more rooms and rustic the whole bouse.
For terms see
Ten acres, miles weat of O. A. C,
on King- Valley road. Good 8 rooms
cottage iclHding pantries. 5 acres in
bearing "ruit and berries; 2 good weds of
fine water. Barn 26x44. Near to
school, church as.J college. Cheap for
gash and very desirable.
Thrse l?t5 H which is a good frame i
bui.dlng suitnble for a store, living!
rooms above, at SffiH ttiv OU th
C. Sc K. Tl. K. 20 Uules west of Corvallis.
Also 100 .cres f goad hmd Jjf mile from
Summit station. Considerable timber
suitable it : railroad waod. heap for
17 acre, bi . bottom land; 12 acres ;
under cultivation; s acres bearing apple
or -'".-.nt. GoiHi m $400 frame house" and
afa riara. Urst-clK stack ranch. Fif-'
teea minutes' walk lit in Summit Station,
liver vnd kid- q r k. Three -fourths of a mile to
school; o;.-hslf mile t postofficf.
Price, $i2at. Small pay nt down, feas
ance ;i long time, low rate of iv -.ercst ;
Ranch of 500 acres, two miles srcuth ef j
Philomath. Pair house, :?vt barn 28x40,
oue mile of new outside fence; .(5 acre
in prun . apples and pears, 3 if re j
b---i'iv; So acre? of farming, balance a
g ' . sserond gr-jwlh Sr ami pastur- , t)r. King's New Discovery for con-! jan(j. pUre spiiag water at U :.. iid j
sumption, coughs and claj. hip.-rnocnt-! uarn Thin is a fine place for a home. I
The wood if ; the oa vrab laud will ay
i :i 1 tn . . xi r : ,
romcay uutt. we use., ir. n..wK l-w for clearIll Term-, easy.
covery. j
rjiiruiriJTjirLr( innnn ru-Lruii uxruxniTxu in ui.ari tinj uxnnsinnru Xfuuxruunna
SHOiS give satisfaction.
Buy your Footwear from
Where tfeey ell cheap for eush.
You'll find goods and prices satisfactory.
Next to Pos.'off ice.
Corvallis, Oregon, b
They Are Coming
acti i'rectly en the
noyp, keepiag ineni
n perfect htfalth. Price
Sold bv Graham & Wei If.
25 ct-.and 5o cU.
Export, and Gseral Steadmau are the
many others, vut never got the true !
..... 1 rv. i.'ir.' n;c 1
Eleven acrff:, situattd thref-
other remedy can take
place in our homes as is it wo have a cer
tain ard sure cure for coueu., cttlds, whoop
j a raile north of the College, on the -read
' It is idle to exiisrimovt i leading to Sol Kings farm, 24
die.. even if thuy are urged
ing cough, '.e.
.with 'Jthor i t
on you a m t as good as Dr. King's New
Discovery. They are not as god, because
this remedy has a record of cures and bo-t-ide?
is guaranteed. It m-vor fails to satisfy.
Trial bottles free at Uraham & Wells' drug
Fresh S.mta Barbara lerxons at h
Howell's cash grocery, Young's
place, West Side, Second Street.
Soothing, healing, cleansing. D? Wilt's
Witch Hasel Salve is the implacable enemy
o' I'ref, burns, and wounds. It never fails
to cure Piles. 1 ou may rely upon 11
A county superintendent in a neigh
boriHg county seat asked every teacher ; Grabam & Welu.
in the county institute who took tnetr j
lncal or county papers to raise their
, , , i,i ti,-I Good Samaritan Church.
hands, aud only six responded. The
superinteudnt expressed great surprise j Rev. D. C. Garrett, of Trinity church,
and said: "You don't spend a cent with ! Portland, will hoH services and preach a
those oauers but you expect them to special sermon in the Episcopal church
print, free of charge, sotice of all the
institutes, insert long programs, expect
them to advertis; you and thus assist you
to climb the ladder to better positions and
higher salaries witkoxt a cent in return."
That superintendent is a level
reiJ - from
city limits. On this tract are 500 aevea
year old pear trees, 600 eight year old
prune tree?, and a few apple trees.
Under good fence. Fise place for small
home. Good garden grouc-d. The
ineouis from tha orchard from now en
wiH keep a small family. For terms, see
F. M. Johkson agt.
consisting of 43 acres, is hereby
offered for sale at $33 33 per acre
in Corvallis on inursaay evening, .De
cember 1, at 7:30, to which a general
invitation is extended. Rev. Garrett is a
forcible speaker. An instructive evening
is assured. A collection will be taken at
headed ! the close of the service, to assist tn de-
I . . - . .
... . c . , ., . : f-nw.n ...Dn.n nt rorv mnr!1 TlPnPfl
maH, but mere are rjui lew leacKers mat j r"g" " '-'J -
expict anything but praise, when in fact I repairs ou tke church.
they are entitled to nothing at the bauds j
ef the newspapers. ! Dr. Lswe leaves Saturday noon.
At least $300 down, balance
on or before ten years, at 8 per
cent interest; interest payable
Residence to be kept insured
for at least $560 by mortgagor in
favor of mortgagee.
Taxes to be paid by mortgagor.
F. M. Johnson, Agent.
Bueklen's Arnica SalYff.
m T.r 1 r T 1-1 T TT t,i I 1 . 1 J P-
r r it, V. u IC ; and on the following terms:
O.itc RnniiG Srra. ITl(i:n'fi. Suit. Rbmina. L o
FrvorSorcf, Totter, Chappcil Haudi, ChiU
bkun. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and
positively cures Pile, or ho pay required.
It i guaranteed to give jv:rf,-.ct satisfaction
or moir refunded. Price 25 tents per hoi.
For sale by Graham & Walls, druggists,.
Buy a package of the elastic starch and
get a nice picture free at Herskner's.
everywhere for "The Story of the
Philippines" by Marat Halstoad, commis
sioned by the Government 83 0?3eial His
torian to the War Department. The book
was written in nrray camps at San Fran
cises on the Pacific with General Mcrritt.
in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong
,Kong, in the American trmiches at Manila,
in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on
tlio deck of thi Olympia with Dewey, nnd
in the roar of the battle at th? fall of Manila.
Bonanza for agents. Brimful of ariginal
pictums taken by government photogra
phers on the spot. Large book. Low
prics. Big preSt.-.. Freight paid. Credit
given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books.
Outilt tree. Address, T. T. Barber, Sec'y,
Star Insurance Building, Chicago. ..
Tiie English nd Gerra Expert Specialists
l a a.
Our new "all Slot h is now ccmplele in all departments-
Men's and Boys' Qui s,
Hats, Caps, Boots, Sho?s,
And Cents' Furnishing Goods.
That is something evetifibuye-r is looking for, and
we have them in ME. ', W SUITS- These goods are made
from Alhariy Woolen Mills iuods, strictly all-wool, and
made to wear- They nc tailored in late style, and are
swre to'cjiye- safi(rci.ion
Most people say and $15 for the same suit.
We say $8.80 and $9.90.
S SuitsTnaade to order. The Clothier.
1 L .. ... a -
Is why our big line of Cloth ii g should be Inspected
before buying elsewhere.
Small Margins and Quick Sales
Is our motto in this depaitment.
It.wiii pav ou to look this line ovei.
, Big Line of Gents' Underwear.
Big Line of Gents' Shirs.
Big Line of Gents' Hats.
Big Line of Gents' Shoes.
Big Line of Gents' Boots.
Big Line of Gents' Umbrellas.
Tig Line of Gents' Mackintoshes.
Our line of Children's and
equaled in the city.
Blankets. I
Boys' Clothing cannot je
Big line o
Corvallis, Oregoa.
g aaag
New York Racket
Will Offer All CLOTHING in Stock at Cost
This clfcthing was purchased for cash in Sep
tember, 1898, at rock-bottom prices.
We have no old goods in stock.
On shoes and everything in our stock you
can save from 40 to 50 per cent.
New York Racket. Corvalls. Oregon.
The Fall Season Is Mere.
So is Hodes, the Grocer.
There Are Many Hungry People.
Hodes is reauy to feed them. -j
My business is to sell
At prices to suit the times
Can yon not use me, and save money ?
Seco-it! Street Corvallis, iegoa.
Wc cater ta the wants of eaters. We have been
catering to them for many years. We think we know
our business. Our boarders give us that impression
they stav with us. If they didn't get their money's
worth they wouldn't stav.
$r? T- y T."
HODES & HALL, Second St.
Fire Phys-Ctac
thi World.
alt raliiates from tUo best Medical Co 'sges in
Apart of tb tStefF of the English aa Gerrntft Exosrt?S?:c icIMtad Dr. Meyeitt
li Co. will teaks thgir regular montkly visit to
Corvallis, jlMonday, .December 5
'liioy wi
the Occidental" Hotel. '
TheslHiToi the EngtiA aaJ.aeri.aan Expert Specialists is composed of fire
regularly graduated doctors, each a physician ho has kad tuany years experience
in curinjr Jill manner of chronic rlir.eaaes. .
T..Jf ... ,.r , .,t.,r. th mtma al this most worthy ana
noBular institution lias heesi oheuemeaal. Diseases which have baffled tke skill of
other physiciaHS and stubbornly refused to yield to ordinary medicines, methods
and appliances, are qnickty suMMed and mastered by the English and '.erraan Ex
part Specialists'. They have the largest and be! eu .-.ipped medical institution in
America. The EneliSU and Canaan Expert Specialfets are not only eonipetefit and
rli.iht. but are resnonsihle. .hein' backer b asasle ::atdtal and abiv
HOME CU RES While it is preferable in hbsv instances to see a patient,
the EogKcli and aerjwan Kxpert Specialist? hare cnre4 tkiousanda of persons rvhom
ther have aerr Keen.' If vou cannot see the xloctors, write the heme offfce for
question list ;ml free service is regard to your ailment.
Call on the Doctors when they come. All ailing peep'.e shotrld see the
worthy persons in this state ta
manage our basiness in their town and
nearfev counties. It i mainly office work
conducted at home. Salary straight $900 j H.
a year ana expei ses-aennuc, wS fcau, J frmon r-itV A friediv talk, which ests abas4trf v
f & "KEscSfJS 1 oiHg, i-Kd to result in a great deal of gt, whether treatment is take, or
stamrjed envelopes Herbert E Hess, Bt
Prest., Dept. M, Chiosgo, IH.
Which of These is True 1
" Manners make the man."
"Mind makes the man."
" Home makes the man."
Debate the question, and if you
Decide that home makes the
Man, let us help you make the home.
Furniture Dewier. 919i Second St., Corvallis, Or.
Boars the
The K'ad You Han Always Bought
The Enoiish and German Expert Specialists
Staff of the Most Eminent Physicians in the World,
Miaixi Oftit o, 731 Ma San Faaaoiseo.
Don't You VDant a Rew gtve?
you do, Campbell has the very kind you want.
He also has a fine lot of
Of various designs. Your daughter would like an
To cheer up the home during the wintry days. Campbell
has some daisies-, and will stop long cuough
to show you one.
CAMPBELL wants your trade, and will save you $$ and
7 dimes.
CVfai MHC N. E. Corner
4 CAVnanui,) Second anrt Monro 9ta.
1 I