CORVALLIS, OREGON, Ncv. iS, 1S9S Capes 1 Jackets Over two hundred different styles strictly up to-dute. PlusU, trimmed and plain, Bouelc, Kerey, Beaver. Prices are right. 1-ur Collarettes aud Capes, 5 to 525 .each. SHOES. ,Cur SVios stock is as complete though we carried nothing but shoes. S. E. YOUNG & SON, Albany, Oregsn. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Dr. JyOwe, an ,up-to-iiow optician. Try L. L. Howell's coffee. 10 pounds for $1.00. Yes, Dr. Lowe cured my htadache with a pair of his glasses. Mr. J. A. Dow has resigned his posi tion with S. L. Kliue. Prof. B. E. Etnerick paid his respects to tbe Gazette a few days since. Sir. ,a Mrs. Pred Whitby an-J son were towi Saturday on business. ey.eja ithoBsed dollars was paid for picking tfy,e hop ch.p of EenUn county foil falj." MrS, Jm$i Martip, h?r son John, and daughter, . NelPI?, Vrs ?hoj piug in town last Saturday. The S, P. R. R- will grant a rate to ti'ose attending WUVtWS' Short Course jal one and one-third fare. jas. Dixon, a proxiineat rancher near ('trdwell Hill, was in town the other day and recognized the Gazktte man. Jesse Irown, one of the big Willamette farmers, called on the Gazette Saturday aad reported 260 acres of wheat fowa aud looking well. George Armstrong, of Mountain View, said how do you do to the Gazette the other day. Georsre is a breeder of fine I otswoU aud South Down sheep. The Gazette feels thankful for th subscriptions that have been paid so cheerfully this fall, and wi 1 be glad to I ceipt to others whenever they desire. Oar old frieied and comrade, I. E. I v lesson, of Beaver creek, called on the! Gazette Wednesday iuorniii and s;-eut I an iiour with us. Come again, comrade. Rev. L F. Stevens is the newly installed 1 pastor of the Christian church of this j city. Himself, and family are domiciled in S. VV, Jackson's cottaje, second door south of ihe Christian church. Our eileeined townsman Wm. Bogue ha. been doing some landscape garden ing, sout'nwest corner 9th aud Madison. Jot- Dutmn was the artist. It's a good job. and when spring comes, it will grealij m'A to the appearance of Mr. Bogue's home. The cob tract for erecting the ne w O. A. C. Mechanical Hall has been let to H M. Ely, of Salem, Oregon, for $19,213. The b-.ildingis to beof stone, two stories, with cexitnt fire-proof roof, and is to be completed April 1st, 1899. J. II. Ackeruian, State School Super intendent elect, Prof. S. L Pratt, princi pal of the Corvallis schools, and Prof. George l)nman, Benton county's popu lar school Superintendent, graced the Gazktte sanctum by their presence a short time on Saturday last. Geo. W, Thompson, a big Beaver Creek rancher occupying Mrs. C. H. Lee'-, piace, called on the Gazette this week and informed ns that he had al ready sown 175 acres of grain and would sew 75 acres more. George is a hustler frosi Hutlerville and 110 mistake. The contract for the power house of the O. A. C. was let on Friday of last week to Flynn & McBride', of Portland. It is t be erected on the old Mechanical Hall .'ite. will cost $1750, and is to be completed in sixty days from Nov. 4th. Work bus begun in earnest, and is an ex ample of the prompt methods adopted by the b lilding committee. Mr. a-iel Mrs. E. A. Parker of Erer- green were made very happy recently!. over t'-e Dirtn or i. nyz 10 son It is reported by people living in the neighborhood that E. A. was 10 exhilarated over the event that he seized a large sized American flag aud with it in his grasp, he climlaed one of the tallest firs in the vicinity aud nailed the flag to the very top, axd when the act was completed he triumphaHtly looked out upon the world from his airy perch, and at the top of 1m voice shouted, Dew ey. What is going to be done about the purchase of the Dillcr blosk for school purposes? uur people about this matter and ought to think jet ready to act intellisrenllv when called immi in vt Something tnnst be done before long, as the present school building is entirely j inadeq ir.te lo the demands now made ' upon it. Now fa an apportauc time. Money call be bai upon bonds at a verv le rattfafurterest, probably 4 or 4 per eeut on long dme. Let's take advantage of s5.h rale and build a suitable building. Former student and graduates of the D. A. C. serving Vrltft the Second Oregon, have sect to the college a Spanish flag c;,,iee'd at Manila, August 13th last. Tb hs jies of onr boys who were present 4t t!ie ivnfe of ttapturs have their names oh the totidle stripe which is yellow, "the IVvo outer stripes beirg red, aud are as follows: Co. A, Corporal H L. McAl ister; Sergeants J. 14. Gallagher, and E. C Y R, since tffeceased; Co. C, Private "W. C. McGuiri-; Co. E, Private W. Aber nathy; Co. 'F, Musician G. H. Kronkite; Co. I, i'rfvate Lee Harding; Califorsia band, Private Don Ray; Co. K, Lieuten ant R. W. Terrell; Sergeant J. J. Thurs ton, 'Corporal Leigh Noel; Corporat Carl Abrams; Privates E. W. Becker, S. C. Brown, E. R. Carter, M. M. Cooper, A. DeLashmatt, J. DeLaihoiutt, A. G. Han sen, F. Jensen, H. D. Kelty., W. B. Scott, A. J. Stimpsoa. The aonveair is 'very highly prized by the students aad faculty as well as by our citizens gener. ally. The O. A. C. always gets there as well on the battle line asfa .college athletics. WHERE ROLLS THE OREGON. Queen State and Mistress of the West, Where sinks the dying suu to rest, Aud casts its last rays upon thy fair hills As the calm Pacific's vasty deep Doth lull it as in peace to sleep; How say fond heart with rapture thrills Tc think of thee and thybright vales; AM else besides thy baanty pales To uothingness ?nd has noworth For thau alone art Queen of Earth! Where glow such co'ors an bedeck thy sky And holds enrapt the w mdering eye ? S ow -capped towering Mt. Hood rears His lordly head o'er thy fair laud A King of mountains, pier of peer-, And with a monarch's hand Doth rule the zone of changing seasons. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, bring At once their fruits in homage meet J And lay with leverence at thy lect : The blood-red poppies of tVe field. The orchards and their timely yield Of ripen'd fruit of gold and red. Swcct-peas within the garden bed. CaruatioH rare, of many hue,"j The daisy bright, the violet blue, The I nshiag rose, the maiden-hair; And all that's rich an.! all that's ran. From teeming treasure of the mine To maidens beautiful and fair. Thou dost posses., they all are thine. Oh ! rich indeed art thou, fair State WUere in earth's bsundj is found thy mate ? Where grows such trees ai deck thy plaii s j Where blow such winds, descends such rains - As fertilize thy teeming soil ? And makes life aud lessens toil ? Forever flourish lair and free O ! State of States, one state to me! Bloomington (III ) Eye. Don't throw jour eyes away, take (hem to Dr. Lowe next week. Wils Barnp, the veteran hop grower of Kiugs Valley, called this week. A. S. Pence, the gentlemanly gent of siness Tuesday evening. Uucle John Richard smiled on friends ij town recently. He is oaa of the stur dy pioneers of Willamette precinct, Mr, Mathews and- daughter, of Soap j Creek, left a substantial token of respect j at the Gazette office a few days ai;o. Hon. W. S. HufFord, who is having j good success in the practice of law iu I Portlaud, smiled on us Monday afternoon last. Mrs. S. C. Whitmore, of Jermyu, Pa.. is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Radir, and other relatives in Cor vallis aud Portland. The subject at the Congregatio: al church next Sunday morning will be "The Divine Voice", in the evening, "Christ Enthroned". H. M. Robinson, of Beaver, was in town this week with a load of pork and Uecf for Lee Hcnkle, raised on Lee's farm in that locality. Dr. Lowe, the well known optician, will return and spend next week in Cor vallis. All persons suffering from eye defects can consult him iu the Occi dental hotel. Atiorueys from abroad attending our district court are G. M. Brown, district attorney, Roseburg; Kelly & CurL and C. H. Watson, Albany; Ji.L. Bryan, Philo mith; W. S. Huffoid, Portland. Supject at Methodist Episcopal church, Lord's Day, nnrniug: "That Jewel, may it never lose its luster." Evening, "A broken up funeral in the presence of mueh people, causing agreatse.-.sation." There will be a union service an Thanksgiving day at the United Evan gelical church at 10:30 a. m. Rev. No- ble of the Baptist church will preach the sermon. All .the churches of the city are invited. S. L- Kline has returned from San Francisco and is now better prepared to meet the wants of his increasing trade than ever before. An investigation of his mammoth stock will convixce the most sk ptieal, Mr. R. A. Bowman is making an effort to raise money to pay for building a side walk from Job's addition to the Catholic cemetery. A very much needed im provement. We hope our people will respond liberallj. There are now enrolled at the O. A. C. 315 students, the largest number ever matriculated in the first I-rm of anv Cjl- J . . ... ,... had the largest nnmber.and it is expected that 350 at least will be in attendance when the second term of this college year beg i us. Mrs. Cam. Hemphill died at the- heme of her sister, Mrs. Albert Rice, in Port land, Monday last. She was buried near Portland 011 Wednesday. Mrs. ifenip hi 1 had been ill for six months or more. She was the youngest daughter of Jacob I and Naacy Fclger, who for many years I lived near Philomath, in this county I The GAZETTE joins in condolence and I sympathy to tbt busbar. and family. Married At Missoula, Montana, Su'J- dav. Nov. 6. '8q8, at 4:30 p. tn Miss Bsrtha U. Berry, of Portland, aad Mx, Alex Downle, of Missoula. The brid ws formerly a student of the Corvalri public schedl, graduating "Mta the clasa j of '95, aad is highly respected here The PPy couple will reside atMissonla where the groom has employment. Friends in this eity extend congratula tions. Last Friday from 2 to 5 p. m. Mrs. Richard tjrAham, 812 Eighth street, gave au afternoon to her many frieudsiu hon-' 6i bf her sister, Mrs. S. C. Whitmore, f Jvrmyu, Pa. The cozy rooms of her home were tastily decorated with tftrys anthemums of different hues. A'AeSicate lunch was served to the gneste, all of whom were friends of Mr. Wfrttniore during her girlhood days 'tfn Oregon. Those present were, Mr. W. 'E. Yates Mrs Wm. Bogue, Mrs. obH Huston, Mrs. Joseph Yates, Mrs. Judge Bitrnett , Mrs. N. B. Avery, Mrs. S. . Headerson, Mrs. L. Y. Wilson. Mrs. Minnie Lee, Miss Lane, Mrs. Wm. Crees, Mrs. Helen Mays, Mrs. J. R. Strafford, Mrs. J. J. Flett, Mrs. Pengta, Mrs. N. R. Barber, Mrs. Adam Radir, Mrs. B. W. Wilson, Mrs. G. R. Farra, and Mrs. S. C. Whit more. The ladies were becomingly -dressed, several richly so. Mrs. Whit more was gowned in an elegant creation of silk and satin of different shades so arranged as to create a very delightful effect. Bills Allowed. The following bills were allowed by the cauuty court of BentOH county at its regular November ,1898, term to-wit: Geo. E. Smith, building bridge.--f 125.00 Charles Barnhart, janitor, etc Corvallis Electric Light and Power Company, lights for court house S H. Peterson, buildi-.ig bridge. Flora Youiisf, copying tax roll Miuuie Burnett, copying tax roll- 43-50 45-So 85.00 22.00 24.00 M. Kincr, copying lax roll 24.00 Vera Maxfield, copying tax roll.. 21.00 J sie Trask, copying tax roll 24.00 Adelaide Greffoz, eom'ug tax roll t:Hie Spencer, corx'ng tax roll--V. P. Moses, copying a:-.d com piling tax roll Oregon Union, printing A leu & Woowdard, stationery Mr. Jl. J. Kisor, care of poor cliiVlren i Ci-rvaliis Mill com -any, lumber-- 8.50 8.50 28.50 10.00 '8.45 5-5 i 9' ! Corvallis Mill, iu -,ber.- 5 3': 2 00 5 00 10. co 2 00 2.50 A. Hodes, groceries county po- r -F. I Chirk, griAiries county poor A. 11. A examicj, making military list 1 A Dyer, bounty claim , W. C. De knap, bounty claim. f)r. E. Bennett, medical and surgi- c-J attendance county poor Mrs. David Hnggins, care county 66.00 pour i45-S 1.06 - 2 co 1.00 2. CO. Raymond Castle, bounty claim--- J. P. Huffin.-iu, bounty claim-. Roy H.-.thaway, bounty R. H. Johnson, !) unty claim C. M. Minton, bounty claim Joseph Stauturf, bounty claim S. H. Horton, lumber for roads. -. Siuipson, Huston & Company road supplies G ass & Prudliomtue, stationery Frank Wyatt, bounty claim 5 95 6.41 46.00 2.50 27.00 14.18 the Corvallis runes, printing E O. Fratitz. lumber Minerva Williamson, caro Schmidt childreu 4.00 Gaz-itte Publishing Company, pnnt-ng Dr. Band, medicine county pi.or 7- 50 5.00 45-21 ! David Ruble Sc 5oas, lumber I f. Irvine, furor". Bficn vs. Mitchell L. Y. Wilson, juror, B.-ien vfl. Mitchell A. D- L'bocker, juror, Brien v.-, Mitchell K. M. Clark, juror, Brieu vs. Mitchell -. - , William Howell, juror, Brien vs. Mitchell 2,C0 1 1 2.00 ! 2. co . 2.00 S. L. Heuderson, juror, Brien. vs. Mitchell 1 2.00 Hersbner & Company, groceries county poor 2.00 Gazette Publishing Company, stationery 3x0 C. H. Newth, M. D. medical atten dance po-.r person- 5.00 J. W. Walters, lumber 12.00 J. A. P.ucUjuJan, eountv commiss ioner William Knotts, county cjni::ii:v isner 8.00 6.80 ; I W. T. Gardner, superintendent Boys' and Girls' Aid Society 5-oo . Kriens, refund tax 1.00 , Mary Hall, rebate on certificate of sale for taxes 4.(4 W.-Vidito, rebate taxes- 1.05 M. L. Hubh-r, iudisnt soldier.-- 12.82. Teachers' Institute. Friday t-- aing last, County Saperin tendent Demann called the institute to order iH the M. E. church of this cit-. Miss Lulu Spangler, a popular vocalist, sang a solo. iir. George Paul gave a recitation in g-od style. President Campbell, of Monmouth Nor mal school, was then introduced aad held the close attention of his audience for an hour while he discussed Horace Mann as a statesman and educator. Familiarity with his subject enabled him to make a good impression. Mrs. E. R. Lake fol lowed with a solo. Miss Helen Crawford gave a reading iu pleasing style, which closed tbe evening's exercises. At 10:30 A. M. Saturday, the institute met in the public school building, seventy teachers being present- Miss Leon Louis, of the Corvallis schools, read a pap. r on "Language Teaching." Pres.'ell followed with a profitable talk on "Child Study". Mr. Swan, of the Corvallis school, advocate 1 coipo real punishment. State Snperint'-udeHt-tlect, Ackerman, explained grade work in county schools, and believed the course e u d be taken, -d the pupils graduated would be admitted to high schools in the stale. Prof. S.ieak, of Philomath Col li g, gave a bri ftalk on "Penmanship." Principal S. I. Pratt of Corvallis --c'locls, j briefly told of a few of the advantage: I of vertical wr. ing. I Principal Guthrie,! 1 of Phi.omath public school, talked on how to teach "History", giving mst at tention to civil events. Prof.-ssor Emer- ick, of P.ilouiath, urged the necessity of J moral training. 1 A resolution favoring the grading ef the country schools was introduced by Professor Horner and received the unan imous vote of the teachers. The next institute will be" held it Phil omath. Probate Court froceeJings. Hrfggs estate; Inventory filed. Samuel Rite estate; fVr.'al account filed j Decerirbet tttf-fixed 4r final heariBg. WiUiaaiA. Sfiitet&c; fisal account fi'e!. December i4fr.ied for fiaa- heat? ing. G. L. Cratw Vafe; demurrer toj. H. Craia's petfVi"oh sustained. Leave given to fie -iSiefided petition. lve S. P. is erectijg al 'thi crossing Wife 'mile north of towa, a one story bui"d- ifg, 20x40, to be used as a freight house a.-.d waiting room for pascugers. This will be a greatcoavt aience to those goiBg East, West, Nertfe or South, as the trains going both wftys ou the S. P. aud C. & E. pass efccfc "other at this place. !lf your trouble is iu your eyes tell Dr. Lowe about it. Dr. Lowe says give him something diffi cult in eye fittiKg. 7 ANTED SEVERAL TRUST- VV worthy persons in this state tv manage our basiness in their town and near'-y counties. It is mainly office work conducted at home. Salary straight $900 a year and expenses definite, bona fide. 110 more, no less salary. Monthly $y$. References. Enclose self-addreased stamped envelopes Herbert E- Hess, Prest., Dept M, Chicago, 111. o Bears the Signature of The Kind You Haw Almys Bought Circ lit Cohort ProieeJings.. State vs. Lee Wells; assault and bat tery. Plea of guiltyp fine $50 aud costs. State vs. R. H. Hewitt; larceny. Plea, not guilty; indictment dismissed and resubmitted to -,raud jary. Wm. Dieritig vs. Creighton & Quivy; on promissory note. Dismissed on mo tion of plaintiff. J C Cooper vs Wilson Bump et a". Continued for term. First National Bank of Corvallis vs H B Burg et al; on promissory note. On trial. Frank Bros Company vs L N Pattesson; on promissory note. Continued fwr ser vice of amended complaint. J W Ingles vs E A Nichols aad R F Halm Dismissed. E E Wilson v.- M L Pipss; cantiuueJ for term. A B Hammond v-s W F Crosby; con- 2 j tinned f- r term. First National Bank, Albany, Oregon, vs Mrs W McDonald; judgment $110, at torney foe $2$. Kuapp Burrtfli & Co. vs Ally Hawley etal; judgment $So, attorney fes 15. " Knapp Bm-cll & Co vs J H Miller et a'; judgment I2S3.6S, attorney fee $40. Win Grove vs W C Crawford et al; 1 continued tor term. Maria Armiagton vs Sol KiHg; du- mused. E M Hortan vs O.-ejoa Central and Eastern R R Co; verdict for defendant fe'ainiff's m tioa for judgment nojob stanteveriTkt overrul -d; 30 days to file bill of exceptions. J R Smith IS. Co vs M W Wilkius; re ferred t) ER Brvsou to take tostimot v , . and re;jrt. Nichols vs Holm; assignment; coi tiaaed for term. S Grimshaw vs E Grimshaw; continued for ter EJ Bru infield vs 'A E Taylor, submit ted November 17. Roy Avery vs State of Oreo.i; sub- mitted on briefs November 17. L Fli:-:n vs Excelsior Fruit Co; judg ment 2741. 25, attorney fee $250; order to sell attached property. A in Smith vs John Rickard; settled and dismissed. J Moore Fernnon Sc Co vs J W Ingle; ! in (!. 1 for uon suit. J W Ing'e vsT H Cooper; continued for I tei-ul J I J C T.iy'or vs Z Job et al; judgment ?.oo;tU; order to ell attached property. : Allen and Woodward vs A G Mulkey: ssttled aad dismissed. C Stock vs Chester Avery; settled and dismissed. Margaret Lsgsdon vs J A Hawkins et al; continued for term. i. C E Robertson vs Amanda Kctcbum etal; judgment $1306.11, attorney fee fioo, taxe S23. Judgment for defend ant Burkhart 781.33, attorney fee $75. August Warner vs Amanda Rees.-; sale co 1 firmed. School Fund Commissioners vs Maha laBurketal; judgment $1266, attorney fee $120. Same vs Wiley Plunkett et al; judg ment 1100, attorney fee $125. John Campheif ri Myron' E Judkins; judgment ioo, attorney fee 25, taxes $M4. A u'ilhelm & Sons vs G W Goodman net al; answer by defendant Howards - M Porter vs J P Huffman; answer filed. John Connor ys Minerva Howeli; set tled and dismissed, Alice Tally ys L Fliun; 10 days in which to answer. Prank Crawford is hobbling around on crutches to accommodate a sprained knee. " Miss L'-tney returned last Saturday from a teu day's visit with her parents at Turner. Wilber Fisk. Brock of the morning Oregoniau called for a moment on Wed nesday. The Industrial Society of the si. E. church of this city will hold a fair iu the Opera house Dec. 16 next. D. B. Farley a prominent citizen of tbe south end of the county made the Gazette a pleasant call this wesk. Rey. W. E. Fenton will preach both marning aud evening next Sunday in the M. E. C. S. of this city. All are invited aud will be made welcome. At a receut meeting ot the Freshman class of the O. A. C. Mr. Coodwich was elected president. Mi s Gertrude Ewing, vice president, Miss Helen Stiver, iecre tary, aud iir Sam Thurston, treasurer. "The Preciousacss of Christ" will be the iheme for the morning discourse at toe Christiau church Lord's Day Nov. 20th. In the evening, "The Heart, w ..t i. it aud how changuJ." Al. are c. i-.liy invited Itt these "A" evening with Mat.-tliias and his friends" will be the tenor of a social at Maccabee hall on Nov. 30. There will be a select program of music, orchestral, instrumental and vocal, together with instrumental and vocal, recitations, paiitommes, tableaus, dia- logues aud accompaniments. The ad mission will be 15 cents and your money returued if you are not more than satis fied and surprised, Tlie service at the Presbyterian charch next Sabbath will be in harmony with Thanksgiving week, Ot. Thompson will preach a Thanksgiving sermon in the morning aud in the evening there wilt be a Thanksgiving oraise service. The choir will have special music for tbe occasion. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. al &30 p. m. A very kind welcome to all these Thauksgiving ser vices. JoAgfe Hamilton opened court here laat M6nday morning at 9. 15 a. m. and im mediately sit the legal mill at work. T'.-:e Judge presides with dignity and there is an air of quiet decorum ia the court room that- is at once noticable. ! Business is pushed along without noise, I confusion or friction. A large amount of work has been done aud much mouey is being saved the tax payers by his prompt methods. Geo. M. Brown, dis trict attorney, is a very able and efficient officer. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED everywhere for "The Story of the Philippine" by Mwrnt Halstead, commis sioned by the Govsrnmitfit as OiSeial His torian to the War Department. The book was written in array camps at San Fran cisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American tranches at Manila, in the insurgent eamps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of th Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of the buttle at the tall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government photogra phers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big proSU. Freight paid. Credit (riven. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit tree. Address, F. T. Barber, "Sec'y. btar lnsHrancs minding, uuicngo. iuokien's Arniea Siilv?. Ti-iK BEST .SALVE in the wurld for CuU, limi-os, Sr.-s, Ule.irs, Salt Bkeam, F. y r Sr,-., Tetter. Chapped Hand, Chil Waias, Corns, and all Skin Emotions, aad fo.itiv.!ry cures Piles,. or ho pay required. It i su.-.ranteed to give perfect satisfaction "r n:onr refunded. Priee 25 cents yivr kos. For sale by Graham & Wells, drugpistt. Aunt "Jemima's Pancake Flour, just the thing for griddle cakes, muffins, and gems. Zierolf. 1 You Try It If ShiUh's Cough and Consuni ption C its, which is s .- Id for the small price of 23 cts 50 ctrf. and $1.00, does not curs take thu bottle back and will refund your money, sold fvr over filly yeara on this guarantee. Price55 ets.'and 5C cts. Sold by Graham fe Wells. , Do not forgtt to go to Kline's for Jack ets and Mackintoshes for your little girls as well as yourself. Largest stock, low tit prices, and latest ityles. .Southing, dealing, cleansing. D. Witt' Witch Ua.eJ Salve is tli implacabla enemy ofiores, burns, and w.mnds. It never fails to cure Pibs. You vnay rely upon it GruhAm & Wells. ,, :Mii.i.iNKRY Sai.vs. The ladies, will fiiid wouderrul largaius in all trimmed hats at tlisses Jcrhuson. ' Sick Headaches, cucaeof overworked womankind 1 m. inucucaeot overworisea wamanKina are qnickly and suraly eared iy Ivari's Clover llo it Tea; th great blood puriii-'i- and tissue j builder. Money refunded if not ,satis!'?.ctory. Priee 25 cts. and 30'cts. Sld by Graham h Wells. Fresh Santa Barbara lerxous at L Ho.vcll's cash grocery, Young's place, West Side, Second Street. Young Mothers. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases, of-Croup. It has caver bee- known to fail. Th worstcasei r-lioved immeliately. Price 25 c., 50 cts. and 8 1.09. Sold by Graham & Wells. if yeu are fond of yams try .Mer;ed Sweet Potatoes. W. & C. Wilson; Second st. Corvallis, Or. 719 - Your Face. Shows the state ef your feelings and til? state of yoar health as well. Impure blod makes itssif ayarent iu a pale and sallow'oM 1 J 1 , . 1 .1.;.. : .. - j-.w. .., a a.iu eruptions. If you are feeling weak aud worn out aud do not have a healthy ap- pearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures ail blo.-d diseases where cheap Sarsaparilla and so called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Graham & Wells j To the Public. Parties wishing to purchase stock in the Mastodon MiniKg & Milling com- j pay or having any other business with the company are referred to Judge John Burnett, at.his office in Corvallis, Oregon. you ask for De Witt's Haz-1 Salve don't a counterfeit or imitation. The r are mere cases of Piles being cured by this, Ihav all others combined. Graham & Wells, Fresh Bananas for sale by W. Sc. Wjlson 719 Second St. Corvallis Or. C. The sooner a cough or cold is cured with out harm t the sufferer the better. Linger ing colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is distre.s'iig. One Minoto Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suff.-,r wher. such a cough cure is within reach? It is pleasant to the taste. Graham & Wells. Export, and General Steadmau are the best five cent cigars ia the market. For sale at Hers.hner's. Many A Lover Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovablo girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Roat Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Sold for yjars on absolute guaran tee. Price 25 eU. and 50 cU. Sold by Gra ham & Wells. X Corvallis Flour, Benton Mills Flour and Liverpool Flour at W. & C. Wilson's. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cou -h at any time, and will cure the worst cold iu. twelve hour-, or money re funded, 25 cl... and 50 cts. Graham & Wells New carptts, vil cloths. lnolca-,:i, win dow shades, mattings, lace curtains and drapery po es at K ine's. Popular prices. A cough is not like a fever. It do?s not have to run a pertain course, fjure it iju eV ;t and vflecttially XeHh One Min-it.- Cough Cure, die best remedy far al! am ai for llit severe eases We reecompnd ft bo- I cause it's good. Grahaj-.i & Well. j Buy a j.ack age of the ektstic starch and j get a nica picture free at Hers'-.nerV. Constipation prevent tV.e bady from rid ding its. If of wate matter. D.j Witt's Lit tle Early Risen, will remove the trouble and euro Sick Headache, Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear tht. Compl.-xion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe er caius nausea. Graham & Wells. 4 i mm . .-g Fresh. Raisins, CufraAi, Citron, aad Linden Peel, just received at Zierolfs. Overcome evu with good. Overcame ydHr coughs aiid colds with Oae Minute Cough Cure. It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis pneumonia, grippe and all threat and lung dueaies. Graham & Wells. Home Ground Back wheat Zierolfs. Flonr at Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe aad absolutely certain cure for croup such a- One Minute Couh Cure. See that your tittle one: are protected a&ainst emergency. Graham & Well. L. L. HOWELL, the New Grocer, Can supply all the needs of the hungry. Try his SHIELD BRAND OF HAMS, Fischer's and Benton Mills Flour, Pure Coffees, Teas, Canned Meats and Fruits. Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. Give me a call and be convinced that I can and do save you money. First door south of Henkle's, Second street. WML. luuorLnjTTjmJinjxnJTtuuu l-- rise, nif.pui .s a i k". ISiit early to lli-.i, tbrt pill that u avUer ana wi--v Graham & Weil. CITATION. In the County Cjurt or' th State of OrOa for tbu County of Banton. In the Mttler of the Estate 1 Petor W. Mason and Han- j" Citation, nrtli R. Mason, Dectfa.v.l. J To "Thu 11, tine, Frontier, and Foreign ffis Monary Society of the Unitwl iirethreii in Clui.-t, organised by tije U,-;neil Cof'r onec of said Church, May 20th, 1853, and incorporated in lintlor County, Ohio, September 23rd, 1S54, onr- half to the Afri can Miisinn of sail Churetl and the remailnig hn'.t to ihe Guiteral work of Missions us carried forward by its Board of Mi.sions," and to anv heirs unknown, if any such there be; of. said deceased, and ti nil other p.rcons iutervstvd in said estate. Ci reeling: In the name of the Stntt--of Oregon, "You ara hereby cited a. d re.,uneJ to ap pear in ihe County G-.uri of th'j State of Orugon, for thu County of Benton, at tbe court l-join thereof, at Corvallis, in the Count.- of Benton, biato of On iron, on Tuvsday. the 3rd day of Junu.-.ry, A. D.. isys), j,l 10 ..'clock, in ihs forenoon of tUut day, then and tvi-rj lo sUow niii--, if a iy exut, why an order of sale should not he made as in the petition of J. L Akin, x.-e-utor of said eitata, praytd tor, of the fallow ing described real estate, to-wit: Cts Sand (i in Block 3, in the town or Philomath, in Bunt,.!. County, State of Okj gon. Al ... beguui'ni); at the S.'JS. corner of ineuofi. lam claim. 2io. .'!. T. 1J S.. K. li V., thence running we.l .on south lim- of said claim it. rods, thunce north 1B5 rods to thu center of Mary's river, thence down .aid liver with the meanders thereof to the head of a certain slough, thence or. a -traigbt line t.tliii imiu li of said slough, IhoucO down said liver nain with it u.ejiiderings to ihe tast line of said don. land claim, thence smith en the east line of said claim to place of b'-'ginmiisr. conUtiniaar StO acres, in Bn'.,m County, Oregon. A so J.t Ho. .t in B ock Ku. 3 in the Town af Hogue's First Addition to Migli lands, in Lincoln Countj-, Oregon. Ahua, beginning al the s -uth-west corner of the north-east quarter of thu southeast quarter of S;ctijn 29. in Township Eleven South. Range Klovcn West of Willmnctte Meridian, running thence nortl. 2 rods. Ui .nee . ast 40 rods, thenc- south 20 rods, thene- west 4'l rod ot'.e place of b-ginning, containing 0 acres, in Line iln County, Stat, of Oregon. Witness, The Hon. E. Woodward, Judge, of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for th." County of Btuton, S?al with tha seal of said Court affixed, Uiio 15lh day of November, A. D 1898. Attest: VIRGIL li. WATTERS. Clerk. By VICTOR P. MOSES. 1 Deputy Clerk. ' R2 I Estate for Sale. One corner lot in Klnzel Park Addition 1 to Mt. Tabor. i ' A purchaser for i Kice cottage and lots ! Jts Addition. Call at GAZETTB office. . ' 160 acres timber laxd on Bi" Elk road, near Marys Peak. 15 acres open land. I"or terms se. i6oaeres, ,iX miles south of Summit StatioM, O. & C. R. R. Ten acres un der cultivation. Fifteen acres nndsr fence; 1,500 new rails; loo frait trees just bojjining to bear. Barn 24x28. Three ton: of hay. Small log house. Pure spring water. $400 cash will buy this nise mountain raneh, or will trade for stock or property iH or near Corvallis. 160 acres on idg Elk. 10 acres uider cultivation. Good frame barn, good one story box house, nice youn-- orchard, fine stock range, plenty of o.t range. Timber enough on ground to build two more rooms and rustic the whole hiuse. For terms see Ten acres, miles west of O. A. C, on, Kings Valley road. Good 8 rooms cottage, including pantries. 5 acres in bearing fruit and berries; 2 good wells of fine water. Barn 26x44. Near to school, church ay.d college. Cheap for cash aud very desirable. Three lots on which is a good frame building suituble for a store, living rooms above, at Submit station on the C. & E. R. R. 26 miles west of Corvallis. Also 100 acres of goad land mil from SuKiaiit station. Considerable timber suitable for railroad wood. Cheap for cash. 117 acres, uio:tlv bottom land; i2acres under cultivation; : acres bearing apple orchard. Good new S400 frame house and a fair barn. First-class stock ranch. Fif-I teen minutes' walk frc ui Summit Station, V. &. E. R. R- Three-fourths of a mile to school; ove-hnlf mile to postoffice. Price, JI1250. Small payment down, ba1-a-jee on lang lime, low rate of iwterest. Ranch. of 503 acres, two miles siuth of Philomath. Fair house, ; . w barn 2SX40, one mile of new ouUide fence; 45 acres ia prunes, apples and pears, 30 acres ! bearing; 80 acres of farming, balance ,ak grab and secjud growth fir and pasture laud; pure spring water at house and I barn. This is a fine place for a home.; The word on the oak grub land will pay for clearing. Tcrnn easy. Elevei acres, situated three-fourths of. a Kiile north of the College, on the road j leading to Sol Kings farm, 24 rods from ; city limits. On this tract are 500 seven year old pear trees, 600 eight year old prune trees, and a few apple trees. Under good fence. Fixe place for small home. Good garden ground. The incom from thr orchard from now on will keep a small family. For terms, see F. M. Johnson agt. THE FELGER PROPERTY - consisting of 43 acres, is hereby offered for sale at $33.33 per acre, and on the following terms: At least 300 down, balance on or before ten years, at 8 per cent interest; interest payable annually. Residence to be kept insured for at least $500 by mortgagor in favor of mortgagee. Taxes to be paid by mortgagor. F. M. Johnson, Agent. La;.' t. b,-d a ,-i i-j.-r- for liia home : . it; b;d and a Littiu E ny makes life r"riTi Our new 7 all Stock is now comp ete in all depart ment. Men's and Boys' Cults, Hats, Caps, Boots, Eho s. And Cehtr' Furn:shjn Coeds. BAEGAIjSTS. That is something cveryTbuyer is looking, for, and u-o have them, in JUEA "S SUJ 7 S- Th ese goods a re made fromZAlbany Woolen Jit' til's goods, strictly all-wool, and made to wear- They are tailored in late style, andZare su-re tolgive satis far ' inn- Most people say $12.50 mid $15 for the same suit. We say $8.80 afid $9.90. F L MILLER, 2 Suits'rnade to order. The Clothier. LnnrtruxTLrw LnjirtrLnjxruLnj - LriL - - ii - f-tw -r.rv w w w w www 1W yyyywWWY WWVTTrWWWV9W LOWEST PRICES ON WHAT YOU WANT Is why our big line of Clothing should be inspected beforevbuyiiig elsewhere. Small Margins and Quick Sales Is our motto in this departM'.ent.'l It will pay you to look this line ovei. Big Line of Gents' Underwear. Big Line of Gents' Shirts. Big Line of Gents' Hats. Big Line of Gents' Shoes. Big Line of Gents' Boots. Big Line of Gents' Umbrellas. Line of Gents' Mackintoshes. Our line of Children's aud equaled in the city. REMEMBER Big line of Blankets. CT. 131- HAEBIS, L, 40 to 50 PER Great Bargain Sale in Men's Leather'Boots. KAST IRON CLOTHING for Men, Boys and ChiJd at bed rock prices. We will offer Ike best bargains this fall we have eer J re, t . L given. NEW YORK The Fall Season Is Mere. ' So is Hodes, the Grocer. There Are Many Hungry People. Hodes is ready to feed them. My business is to sell FRESH GROCERIES, CANNED FRUITS, MEATS, And PROVISIONS, At prices to suit the times. Can yon not use me, and save money ?J A. HODES, 815 Second Street. Corvallis, Oregon. Dining Parlors SUBSTANTIAL WELL-COOKED MEALS. THE BEST CUP OF COFFEE IN THE COUNTRY. Confectionery. Smoker's Goods. Nove-lties. . Which of These is True ? " Manners make the man." "Mind makes the man." " Home makes the man." , Debate the question, and if you Decide that homo makes the Man, let us help you make the home. FRED G. CLARK, Furniture Dealer. 9191 Second St., Corvallis, Or. HELLO, THERE! Don't You W)ant a fiew Stoe? If you do, Campbell hs the very kind you want. He also has a fine lot of NEW FURNITURE and MATTRESSES Of various designs. Your daughter would like an OZESGkiILSr OZE3 ZF'IHSTO To cheer up the home during the wintry days. Campbell has some daisies, and will stop long enough to show you one. CAMPBELL wants your trade, and will save you $$ and dimes. FXCHANfiF N. E. Corner v'11-til,J-' Second ami Monroe Sts. v t iririr.r,r'.p,i - , . ----uuuuuuuuuUUUUti Boys' Clothing cannot be THE PLACE. Corvallis, Orego. CENT SAVED t RACKET STORE. and Bakery, Hodes Sc Hall's 1