UsueJ F.rery Frklay Mornfnsc by F. M. JOHNSON & D. MONTAGUE Publishers. F. M. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager Subscription, per annual -$1.50 CORVALLIS, OREGON, Nov. iS, 1898 The Oregon City Enterprise is thirty (bur years old. The Gazette is thirty-six years old. The two pa pers have during all these years been upholding the Republican standard. It is reported that the German Kaiser will pay lh court of Spain a visit on the 19ih of this month. This is taken to indicate his sym pathy with Sp-.iin in her efforts to retain the Philippines. I Puerto ! Manv of the soldiers in Rico, Cuba and the Philippines are waiting to come home. We would be glad to see the conquer ing heroes come,7' but they en listed for two years and wi to stay. iave General Wood in Santiago adoDted heroic measures in has his battle royal with typhoid and yel low fever, and will in a short time have the city so clean that an American can live there in perfect safety. The First National Bank of Eugene has moved into its new and elegant home, corner 9th and Willamette. The president, T. G. Hendricks, and tiie cash ier, S. B. Eakin, have been in business together since 1SS3. The election which took place on the 8th inst. in 42 states re sulted in many Republican vic tories. Some congressional dis tricts were lost by the Repub licans, still they will control the house by at least 20 majority. In the death of Henry Failing Portland and the state ol Oregon has sustained an irreparable loss. His life from the are of twelve has been one continual and har monious psalm pitched on a pure and rythmic key. His sterling qualities, his unaffected and unos tentatious bearing, his constant and spotless life of toil, his reproachless character, and his elevating examples has done much to ennoble those of his as sociates. i;His life was gentle, and the elements so mixed in him that nature might stand up and say to all the world this was a man." ldei of the it' till) nntv bo some wnat lrKsome tor awnite, anu will require patience in adapting itself to th requisites of the new regime, but the taxpayer of the city will gladly undergo some discomforts. Their bank accounts will steodily grow under the rigid economy that is sure to be the rule now. The ward boss will also find it neces sary to engage in some more vig oious and manly employment than drawing with gr.-ai regularity j his monthly stipend from tl city's exchequer, to support himself in idleness and profligacy. Portland taxpayers are to be congratulated. The committee for the revis sionof our school laws, composed of the following gentlemen, John D. Daley, chairman, of Benton; B. F. Mulkey, of Polk; Hale, of Columbia; Young, of Clatsop, ! and Palmer, of Linn, met in Portland Thursday at 10.30 a. m., and will spend some time in the work. Our county school superintendent, Geo. Denman, is clerk of the committee. The personnel of this committee in sures prompt and intelligent act ion. We predict that when their report is presented to the legis- lature in January that it will recommeud many useful and very niucu neeaea amendments to our present school law. ANOTHER SCARE CRO W. It is evident that somebody iu authority thinks that Lieut. Hob son i3 getting too much glory out of his efforts to save those wrecked Spanish vessels. Hobson is now in Washington, being catechised by a board of naval officers, who are inclined to stop his work, on the ground that it will cost too ! much money. If Hobson is not Mr. and Mrs. Durkee, of Chit allowed to proceed with his plans wood, visited their son and daugh ter saving these vessels, the peo- ter who are in sehool, last week, pie will know very well that T . o j i i j monev had nothing to do with it, fSt Sundafy ? "achod to but that jealousy of Hebron and a conU,mnS fh La-vto h. . . jl 1 . ., i rfmit;itinn la at Inn hnltnm r.t the whole bus iiess. Albany Dem ocrat. What nonsense. The administra tion is as auxious Hobson :hould raise the sunken Spanish vessels j as Hobson and his friends can pos sibly be. and takes a deeper inter est in Hobson and his career than any neswpapor scribbler though he may write bis article under the shadow of the capitol at Washing ton. If in the opinion of the authorities at Washington it will be money in Uncle Sam's pocket to have these vessels raised, it will be done regardless ol' any senti ment, or whether Hobson or an other performs the feat. It is pure ly a business proposition aside from politics. The men who write sach stuff and the papers who publish it, are alike culpable belore the bar of public opinion. JVO FEAR OF RADICALISM. The Times of this city in a re cent issue, editorially, speaking of the results of last Tuesday's election, pretends to be greatly wrought up over the fact that the Republicans will after the 4U1 of ! March next be in control of both I the senate and house, and fears that flushed with victory the Republicans will enter upon a radical scheme to retire the green backs. He also prophesies that the rank and file of the party will not support congress and that the whole financial fabric will fall into fragments 011 the heads of the radicals. As the Times upholds a system of finance in direct opposition to the Repub lican party, it ought not to con cern itself about what becomes of that party. If the Times is right it ought to rejoice at the prospect of the overthrow of the Republican party. Josh Billings once uttered this bit of homely wisdom, "If yon are right you can't be too radical, it wrong you can't be too conservative." The Republican party has been, is now, and in the future will be right, not only on the money question, but on all others that concern the welfare and prosper ity of the American people. The Republican plan of finance is the only conservative one advocated by any -of the parties seeking recognition before the American people. The most radical measure that any country has ever wit nessed has been the frantic efforts made by the Bryan Democracy to saddle this country with silver mononietalism. The Times trains with that party and pretends to be a mouthpiece for it, and tries to scare its readers with the bug aboo of Republican radicalism. No sensible person will pay any attention to this scarecrow set up in the road of progress. The Times undertakes to com fort its readers by saying "that it was a friendly fate that saved the Democrats from carrying the house in last Tuesday's election. Iu the face of the desperate efforts made by the Bryan Democ racy to capture the house, this utterance of the Times seems a bit ironical. A disreputable newspaper cor respondent named Oscar King Davis is the fellow who wrote a malicious article in the New York Sun defaming the Oregon regi ment at Manila. It has since been shown that Davis was caught trying to loot a residence of Manila alter its capture by our troops, and representing: himsell to be an American olficer undertook to run out the family. Col. Summers as nrnunat mrir -.;illi nut him nnr. of the house, which was the cause of the malicious, false and scurrilous article, which he imposed on the Sun. Davis should be thrown out of Manila and out of the United States. Banishment to Spain would b too good for him Albany Herald. This man Davis like a good many other newspaper correspondents has been troubled with a bad case of impediment in his veracity. PHILOMATH ITEMS. Ed. L Bryan is attending court iu Corvallis, Mr. Wright, of Yaquina, entered school last week. E. L. Dixon and wife are visit ing Rev. M. Dixon at Junction. Morgan Savage, of Summit, was a guest at W. T. Bryan's last week Born To the wife of Frank Wyatt, a daughter, Nov. 13, 1898. Bishop Barkley preached in Keezel chapel Wednesday even ing. Miss Anna Walker was visiting at the dormitory several days last week. Miss Hattie Williams closed a successful term of school at Sum- nut last week. Alden Hurlburt and wife, of Linn county, are visiting at Uncle Abe Underbill's, The music department Is grow ing, under the efficient manage ment of Mrs. Walker. Mr. Hull, of Dusty, has pur chased a lot in central Philomath and will build a residence. There will be appropriate Thanksgiving services held in -eezel chapel on the 24lh 111st. huu 111 c 1 Mil anav. i 11 1 i 1 1 til uut J ' and seriously bruising both parties. Captain Simpson and wife, of the Salvation Army, will farewell at the M. E. church next Friday evening. CaKe and coffee, 10 cts. The literary societies are tak ing on new life and are enthusias tically planning to rearrange and furnish their hall. Professors Guthrie, Sheak, and,1 teachers, Misses Arpah Lewis. t 11- f:.. i oi . xr..J T Ji r Ji , T Ingle, and other, attended the institute at Corvallis on Saturday . ... n . , I A fine collection of Oregon birds' eggs was presented to the college cabinet last week by Will Hetzler, of Salem. Mr. Hetzler made a special trip to Philomath in order to bring this collection, which is said to be the finest in the state. THE BEAUTIFUL ISLES. Oregon Recruits Reveling in That Delightful Clime Honolulu, Oct.26, 1898. Editor Gazette One day ol Honolulu repays for the lour months in San Francisco. Small wonder the boys of the first expe dition were rapturous in their de scription of ihis delightful island city. Thes-s soldiers have been camped near Honolulu for some time and the boys in blue are familiar grown to the cosmopolitan population of the place, nor have all their acts particularly endeared the army to the residents, so that we did not ieeive the effusive welcome that greeted the firstcrs, but there was plenty of individual hospitality. The air during the day is not op pieisively warm, ai.d the nights are oeri'ect Those who have lived here a year or two say that lw unvaried balminess of the at mo.? phere grows tiresome to the refu gee from temperate zones and he longs lor the variety of weather that gives spice t life. But we will not have an opportunity to test that for ourselves and cm enjoy our few days rest in the land of the Kanaka. The native boys sporting in the water around our vessel, diving for nickels und dimes (spurning pennies); the palace and the state house; the beautiful vegetation, the bread fruit, guava, mango and other fruits of the tropics; the holiday aspect (all the business except refreshment places, etc., close, at 5 p. m.); tho eurious com bination ot Americans, Hawaiians, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese, making up the ft.OOO inhabitants of the eity; those with other sights and incidents that visitors to these islands always write about, we hare observed. . Mr. Ed Dekum, who is the per sonification of hospitality, and who piloted numerous personages of the previous expedition through the places ot interest, a for mer , Webfooter, chaperoned me yesterday. Under his pilotage 1 ate Poi and bread fruit, bathed at the bathing beach by moonlight, was a self-invited guest at a recep tion given by the Princess; (iin ;i man on board knows how to spell her name), and heard the concert of the native band. That reception most surprised me. The spacious grounds of the Princess' home, with their palms. their wide spreading banyan tre and other trees am 1 plants ol the clime, were all a rlow with myriad torches and lanterns, and it st-emed to be a scene in fairy h-rnd. The ball room was decorated with Hawaiian rlai's land greenery, and native tnusi icians played part of tho lime I wnS,nS niUSlC. words to their seductive The Princess is the lea 1 f r of swelJ fc,ety here, and th boH t0" of tbe 1 ad Pfld j aspects to her. I caught but a i momentary glimpse of the lady, : out saw rnuee xsaviu anu oiih-i native celebrities. One of the society youug ladies present has a name like Ah Fung. Her father is a Chinaman, her mother a Portuguese. But her pa's rich. I observed that the notice to taxpayers was posted in five Ian guages English, Native, Portu guee, Chinese and Japanese. The policemen are natives and many of the government officials and clerks are Hawaiians. The mail closes steamer bound in a tew minutes, and will not be able to finish my description. H. L. Holgate. MONBOE NEWS. Basket social Tliankssiving. Ernest Brimner was iiT town Sunday evening. Waggoner Bros, and Wells have finished their fall run of wood sawing. Castle, the stock man, recently purchased all the h&gs iu this com mnnily at fair prices. Mrs. Winter, who died recently at Berkeley, Cal., was the mother of Mrs. M. E. Judkins, of the Bel knap settlement. Don't forget the basket social a( the M E. ch rch next Thursday night. Bring that best girl and .her basket with you. Born Sunday, Nov. 13th, a ten pound son, to the wife of John wutsie. ine tamer win ouiiu an addition to his house immediately. Quarterly meeting of the Meth odist church will be held at Simp son's chapel on the second Sunday in December. Interested parties take notice. It is reported here that Fmile Howard, of this place, is doww with a fever at Manila. The many friends of the young soldier will be pleased to hear of a rapid recovery fiom his illness. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church will give a new style basket social at the church next Thursday evening, (Thanks giving night.) LsasKets with lunch es for two will be sold lor 0 cents. Everybody invited. Good short urogram. Admission free. m ,i ii, A 4. j funny and yet annoying incident occrred i" our burg last Friday .,-. h.L. hmi! w III I I . .M. V dWIljg lllUb t-.J Ji ( UU chaps in knee pants, engaged in a little scrap, in which blood flowed from noses, and rough words were used on both sides. When order was once more restored and the combatants had returned to tfceir homes, the family of the urc in who had received the worst end ol the melee, concluded to "see about it," and proceeded to investigate. So far, all was well, and it' a good plan to let well enough. alone, but the father, mother and a brother or so of the '-much abused" boy don't bslieve in that old saying, and they began to hunt trouble. Talk was freely used, and one o) the already mention d larger brothers, met the victor of the 'opposition," and commence a serrnnn, when others interfered. The ridiculous part of the whole thing is, that the father and broth er of the vanquished, came over to town Saturday and purchasad a largd sized jack knife each, and proceeded to make it quite plain why such articles were bought. Such actions are worthy only ol school boys ol small size, and small boy troubles are noi likely to result in happiness to the pat ents wh'i try to get even, li seems that the purchase of knives was made on thvs assumption that the father and brother of the con queror weie "bold bad men," ami that in investigating the mallei, the other side should be 'Mixed for business." As the father of th whipped lad is an ex preacher, t he whole business is to be depiortI. DUSTY NEWS. Alpine literary started up 1 at Friday night. Frank WiiiU- has been visiuhs his sister. Bertha, of this place. Mr. Spakes is putting the sec ond coat of paint on the new church. A. W. 11 twlev lot a valuabie horse last week. The iliese was lung fever. Hjd canton lias moved ins iam ily into the house just vacated by V. R. Buckingham. The band boys have hired Prof. Nichols, of Lebanon, as their teacher for the winter. Clinton Reese. Leon a Cain and Ina Barclay, of this place, attended the institute last week. Charles Ingrain and wife have moved to Major Brack's place, where they have work for the winter. Apple picking has commenced in the Green Peak orchard. The yield will be between (ive and six hundred bushels. Last Saturday Messrs. Bradley, Bav ton ami Allord were cleaning out a well. Mr. Allord was to go down. When he stepped in the bucket and swung over the well flip mne broke and fie fell to t'm ! boitom, a distance of thirty two feet, striking the sides but once in J his descent. He had a close pail, ! sustaining severe injuries. ,-Ai last .accounts he was resti u , eas.t . Samantha. American nails are crowmirjj English nails out of the markets of Europe. Last year we export ed 22,S94.099 pounds of wire nails, worth $458.77. The year belore only 10.000 000 pennd were exported. Linn county has agreed to pur chase a poor farm together with the stock and growing crop for j $5200. NigUt Watch Bench last evening , arrested John Viiiyard for making dis j turbance iu the Occidental hotel and took 1 him to jail. While unlocking the jaii door Vinyard struck at Beach with a knife cutting hiui across the nck. The knife blade being short and not ery ; sharp the wound made is sight. The ladies of the Presbyterian church j are improving every moment getting ready for their fair and entertainment at the Opera House December 2nd. The i artieles they wilt offer for sale will lie very choice, the dinner -very delicious, ; an I the entertainment "perfectly charm- j ing. Don't forget the date, JJec. 2. A,l! day long. Call for City Warrants. I hereby give notice that t have money on hands to pay all warrants preseuted and endorsed not oaid for want of funds, prior to March 1st 1S96; that interest tin the same slopped from this date, No-1 vember, 17th, 1S98. A. Cauthorn, City Treasurer. Corvallis, Oregon, November 18, 1898. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that Uu yery bt "medicine for restoring the tired out riervnus sysU-m to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to tho nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates tho liver and kidneys, and aids the:e organs In throwing off impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improve the Appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who havo tried it as the very test blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c. or 51.00 per bottle at OrafaMl & Wells' drug store. LivetpaaJ, Corrallis, and Benton mills flouf to sapply the hungry. Dont tniss the place W. & C. Wilson, 719 Second st. Corvallis, Or. For Sale--at this office. Four milch cows. Iner ira Clams, Crabs and Chiak Salmon, at W. & C. Wilson's. Kodaks and supplies Wells. at Graham & Red Star Compressed Yeast, for sale! at Hodes & Hall's. FiHe job printing at Gazette affice. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED overywliore for "The Story of tho Philippines" by Murat Halsted. commis sioned by ths Government as Official His torian to the War Department. The beek was written in arm;; Cfttaps at San Fran eiecv, on the Pacific with General Mcrritt, in hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Ko.i, in American trenches at Manila, in the in surgents camps with -Airuinaklo, on the deck of the Olympia with DeWcy, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government photogra phers on the spot. Large bosk. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit giren. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address. P. T. Bar ber, Scc'y, Star Iasuranec Bldg. Chicago. n NOTICE. To Holders of Premium Cards: Remember, our distribution of Premiums to Cash Buyers will be awarded January i, 1899. Gel in on the ground floor and buy all your Clothing, Fur nishing Goods, Oveicoats, Mackintoshes, Boots, Shoes, Hals, Lie. before tho time txpires. Largest and most complete line of Men's and Boys' Cloth- ins ilh of Portland. Wt? have annexed another room. Thi lime it's for Ladies', Miss ' and Children's Kins Shoes. Its numlx i i-307 M.mIimh, street. New stock about Dectinbei lrt. THE ARCADES Sorbin Building, Opposite Occidental Hotel, W. F Lafferty, Proprietor. Located in CORVALLIS, and ready for business. We will deal in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, China, Glassware, Tinware, Etc. r I & r r r Mrs. Lafferty will carry in connection with our stock a full line of Art Needle, Lace, Bulgarian, Coronation Cord and the New Cross Stitch Work with Brainerd & Armstrong" Silks and Linen for the same. Will give in struction in all lines of the work. Terms: Twenty-five cents per hour, or, in class 50 cents for three hours. Also do stamping to order. We would be very glad to have -.1 call from all citizens of Corvallis and country surrounding to ee our stock. We hope by courteous treatment and close prices to merit a share of your patronage, and will do our very best to please you. Verv respect fn 1 1 v. W. P. LAFFEBTY. ft ft ft A ft ft ft ft ft ft tl, ft iiiimiili!imnul!mnMM!rH'liH!'N'mF'!Mtii!Hiimitnimi KB! AVegetablePreparationfor As similating Uieroodar.rJBegula ting the Stomachs andDoweb of Proaates DigcsUotvCheerful ness and Res t .Con tai n s neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narc otic. Rtapt efOUO-SMUHPIlXmii Psunpkm $ttl Alx.Savm A (iMifafc- Anerfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish Qess andLoss OF SLEF. Signature of EXACT C0P1T OF WRAPPEH. Attention, Shippers. Tbe C. & K R. R. bow hav three stearaefB runuiug in connection with the road, between San Francisco and Ya quina. Tbe Grace Dollar salts from San Francisco Sept. 17th, Osx Navarro on the 18th, and the Weottou the 30th. Land at Pier 13, Vallejo street wharf. What Is Shiloh?. A grand ol d remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption ; used through the world for half a century; has cured innumerable cases of incipient consumption and relieved many in a 1 vnnced stages. If you are not sat- itSed with the result.'! we will refund your money. Price 25 cts., 50 ets. and $l.fc0. Sold by Graham & "Wells. Fresh celery and cranberries at Hcrsh ner's. CASTOR 8 A For latitats and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of WANTED SEVERAL TRUST worlhy persons in this state to manage our dusikcss in their town and nearby counties. It is mainly office work conducted at honu. Salary straight $900 a year and expenses definite, bona fide, no more, no less salary. Monthly $75. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E. Hess, PresU. Dept. M, Chiengo, 111. f 1 fk d, - -dfc -sfW'A- -A Jfc For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TBI CENTAUR COM FAN Y, NCW YORK CITY. Household Gods. Ths ancient Greeks blicTcd that the Pen ates were the geds who attended to tbe wel fare and prosperity at the family. They wori household gods in every hunt?. Tho household god - t to day Is Dr. King' New Discovery. For consumption, cmijrhs, colds and for .-Jl affections oftirwat, chest as i lungs it is invaluable. It has been trid for J a quarter of a contury and is guaranteed to CHre, or raoncy returned. N leasehold should be without Ibis good angel. It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Fre trial bottles at Graham & Wells' drug store. Regular size oou. ana fi.uv. Notice of Final Snttlemsnt. Notice is hereby given that Charles E. Rice, Executor of the estate ! Samui, deceased, has filed his final ac count in said estate in the County ourt of the State of Oregon for Beaton county and Saturday, the loth day of December, 1 S98, ut the hour of 10 o'clock a. ru at tbe County Court room in the Court house in Corvallis, Benton county. Ore, is the time and place fixed by said Court mr Bearing objections, if any. to said final account and the final settlement thereof. Dated thisiotu day of November. 1898. CHARLES E RICE, Executor. LOUIS 0. ALTMAN, M. D., Honjeopatbist. Office: Over Allen St Woodward's drugstore. Residence: Corner Third and Harrison Sts. Your Battle For a DEWEY scli clothing cheap? Well, it you H AV ANA experience you will know that to be the MAINE reasn of our success the 111 ElfiR ITT" G our foods is what makes people travel MILES to patronize us. Nice, Nobby Suits, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $7.48, upwards. Nobby School Suits for Boys. Vestee Suits, 3 to 5 years. Short Pants Suits, 5 to 10 years, $1.50, upwards. 3-piece Suits, 12 to 19 years, $4.50, upwards. qiin uTjijuuTJirj injTjiji ruij I STAR 5 STAR I SHOES give satisfaction. I Buy your Footwear from I THE CASH STORE, Where tkey sell cheap for cash. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, UMBRELLAS, OUTING FLANNELS, NOTIONS. You'll f itid goods and prices satisfactory. ! THE CASH STORE, ; Next to Postoffice. Corvallis, Oregon, p hjvjxrLTLnfvritunjninnjrij .ixuuxruu JTPnjTJTjTJirLnjrruvrijuL EAST and SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific OomDafiv rXPKESS TKAlN.ii lrN DAILY. 6:09 P. II. I Leave Portland Arrivo I !:30 A. M. 9:4 A. M I Leavo Alhanv .arrive :00 A. M. 7:45 A. M I Arrive S. Franeiseo Leare I S:86 P. H. A bo vf train? stop at all principal itationi between Portland and Salem, Turner, Ma rion, Ji-ftsrcvn. Albany. Tangent, S3nedd, Ilalsey, Harriburjr, Junction City, Iiiotp, Cnwwell, Cottage Grojc, Tlrain?, and all stations from Koieburgtw Ashland, inelHfm'. I'aseburg Mail Daiiy. SJ9 A. M. I Lavc MSB P. IL I L.ave 5:20 P. M. I Arrive Portland Albany Kissel .tire; Arrive I 4:30 P. Jl Arrive 12:i0P. M Leave I 7:39 A. M Tcrttiia PORTLAND AND C.OKVALL1S BET WEEK Hail Trair. Silly Zzstpt Soula?. Leave Arrive Portland Orvallia Arrive 5:50 P. M Leave 1:05 P. M l Albany and Corvallis ewmeet with trains f U e Orejron Pacific Kailrwad. Sijress Train. Eiily Excc-pt Sssdjy. 4:53 i" IL I Leave 7::io P. ftf. Arrive S:-3 P. M. Arrive Portland Arrive I S:2S A. II. MeMinnvill- Lfav I 5;:0 A. M. Independence i.eaic 4.50 A. M. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific Miail steamship lines f.-.r JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates en application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA HONOLULU aird AUSTRALIA, can bo obtained from A. S. PENCE, Ticket Agent, Corvallis. R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager. A. G. F. & P. A. Portland, Or. YAQUiNA ROUTE. QoayiLLis) astern) 13- 13- CO. Connecting at YAQUINA with ike Yaquina Bay Steamship Company STEAME BS Grace Dollar and Nayarro First class in every rospeci. One of the above steamers is due to -sail from Yaqniua about every five ddays. SPLENDID Passenger Accommodations, Shortest route between valley points aad San Francisco. Fare: Albany and points west to San Francisco Cabin ?lo 00 Round trip 17 00 For sailing da apply to ED W 1 fl STOX K, Manager H. L. WALDEN, T. F & P. A. H. H. CKON1SE, Ajent, Cortullis, Or. G. R. FARRA, II. D. Office upstairs over F. L. Miller's store. Residence on Third street in freiit of courthouse. Office hours 8 to 9 a. m.. and i to 3 and 7 to 8 p. uj. All calls attended promptly. Union Laundry Go., POBTLA W ID, OK. AH white labor work guaranteed. Basket leaves oa Tuesdays and arrives Saturdays. T. D. Campbell, Aeeat, SeeoHsl-Haad Store. Suit Ends Right Here At KLINE'S. THE WHITE HOUSE, Corvallis, Oregon. "1 TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES OJL< ffiEAT mm Emu mini, ss mi VIA VIA mm salt m MINNEAPOLIS IWll ft PAUL OMAHA AND AND CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS SAN FRANCISCO Sailing dctcs for August 7J 11, i7, , 27. OCEAN STEAMERS leave Portland fer Alaska Points AUGUST 8 AND 28. Steamers Monthly from Portland' to Yokohama and Hong Kong in connection with O. R. & N. Tor full information call on O. K. Jf. agent, W. S. Stone, Corvallis, Or., or ABncss: W. H. HURLBURT, GCN'L PASS AGENT, . PORTLAND, OH BQBWF.LL, CARLIXL & CO. ftESf. AGENTS NOR. PAC .S . COl PORTtANB, OR. Qigeeg) gjjjfi KAILEOAD. The Safest, Quickest,- Cheapest ROUTE FOR ALL POINTS East and Southeast. For fult particulars regarding ratw, time of trains, etc., call on or address GEO. F. EGLIN W. E. COWAN, jkgt, Corvallis. Genoral Agent, 124 Thiird St. Porrlaad, Or THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEHORN, Prop. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whla. kys, Fine Wines, Liouors and PiM - -