r.na fnm. LETTER FROM TOHTO RICO, voung j-" eLili- - Issued Every Friday Morninc by f. I. JOHNSON & D. MONTAGUE Publishers. F. M. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager Subscription, per annum. -$ 1-5" The Gazkttk is under obliga tion to Captain J. W. Crav- of Uris city for permis make extracts from a very siinc letter received by liim iiv . written bv Lieutenant C. E. Dentler of the Eleventh U.S. Infantry now serving in lorto Rico. We are having the rainy season ford inter r CORVALLIS, OREGON. Nov. 4, 1S9S LATEST NEWS. Corvallis takes a just pride in its volunteer fire department. For many years it has ranked first among the many ol the smaller towns and cities of the Willam ette Valley. Young America En gine Co. was organized in 1802 and has held a continual exiMenee ever since. Its career has been a noble and brilliant one. Many of the uiosi prominent business men A t,.,.i,rKt aminrl ill V1V m.Jh nf OrP.mn. and this country of the city, in the past Have been ILIUVL V " 3 7 fX- Konrir rtf In nrlsP.flnft IS Vei'Y lUi w JL much like some parts ot the Will amette Valley; but the Oregoi Minntrv is far ahead of this. ..11 -, 1 i AiMilrir ic ar Dtipml OI till. .Ill Eight lines ot rauroau - , - - The oeoole in jected in Orcf ltry are white, and Idaho. Large capital some ot the whitest on the earth. hind these enterprise.-. tho vjlest . of ng. nceu - ,., , , ,. . ,. i,.,,. toix- nit i una disease; is uk Tj;t;:ii nnrl Russian sembiing for action at Wei-Hai-Wei and Port Arthur. France and Kngiana win Senator Kyle of South Dakota, repudiates the populist party. Europe does not like the idea of the United States taking the Philippines. A ruptun when the meet. may neace occur today commissions mom hers of the 01 ffinization. Manv times the company has not had the encouragement I mm our citizens that was their due. The company's motto, "We Strive t j Save," has nerved the arm of its members in many a liery battle. The company has always met the expectations ol our cin.t-ns nid Uncle Sam has a big whenever it nas striven ilization on his hands in the tournaments in uic ... O. i west, or has execuieu us streugtn in conquering the fiery demon. Thi nnnnlar comoanv royally entertained the Coflee Club, a worthy supporter of the lire depart ment of this city, and a number of its friends last Friday evening, at the city hall. The musical and ,our happiest years of my i.w literary pmg - . - , siirht ot tnac aear cohsislcu 01 m acteristic of the common Puert Rican itihi of civ hre ii he does his duty .ourse, there are some good people, but I .-peak of the masses. There is no cold weather here, even in 1 he mountains of the interior. The hi-diest peak is not as high as dear old Marvs peak that looms up so tine west of the O. A. C. The TTJ-JVC TUM ITEMS. Arnold Bros, have removed their sawmill, out nwar the foot ol Mary's Peak. Mrs. E' la Bennet . of Monmouth, was in our valley last weeii visii ig with r.latives and friend?. Potatoes in our valley ate turn ing out line lor this season. Spen cer Bros, dug from one acre oi ground 190 bushels. E. Mulkey, Ceo. Ray and Tfaos.j Kellev have arrived hme from a month's hunt in the Siletz river mountains. They report one deer killed. Somvof the farmers of thisval vey have already sown some tall grain. Mr. John Shultz hail ship oed last week from Fischer's mill, 40 bushels of wh-alto be sown this tall. Quite an xciting hunl took nla-e hoi h 4nee in 1 hvse pn 8 J. B. ip' c r and ome otl) r started lor a drive. There not be in" enough breech-loading gun- Jesse thought that as he was going r Overcoats, Ulsters -AND- Mackintoshes Otie Room, Second Floor, Exclusively Men's, Boys' and Children's Overcoats, Ulsters and Mackintoshes. 400 garments to select from. Nob! v Rrefer Overeeats for juveniles, 4 to 8 yars. (j00 pairs Men's and Boys' Pants just received. WILI J. Ha.. I L1JJj J-"'-"JJ- on At the cloe oi' I hi 1865, the United SuU' its own snips a our exports, but legislation whi. h purchase of t'orvis our merchant marine decrease. :, until 11 ' no.ir dl' our exoori trade is carried in American bot toms. How long shall this, the woi!hist nation on earth, con- Rcbeilion in carried in I :tr'' ro: inn 1,1 through nn.vise hihiled ine j i 1 vessels, li i, steadily . only li p -i-nir.l ijnport i were soent in I old mountain and it seems like a -ood old friend. It may be phil anthropic and Christian for us, the U dted Slates, to take in the vile uiirger and the Malay. But I can't help feeling that it would b b.tter lor the United States if we ira, address by lion. John Burnett, mayor ol the city, responueu 10 u W. S. McFadden; song and chorus by the Johnsori family; reading. -The New York Fireman," by E. F. Bryant; recitation. -Rescue ol Chicago," Mrs. B. W. Johnson; liig f ire 111 ros- solo, "Oil, . ... .i v . : ; . . t" .1 ,1,1 ct.,rt 11 m tin tnem su on ".uescriuou " at once. We may hare it to do in ton," Rev. F. O. Krause; ohj.'HJto c.iv, and thi Philippines if not Promise Me," by Miss Louis. in Puerto Rico. Fischer; -Oar History," Dy K, r. iII KnlOn,.,!!. T iP First We JOUtlU 1 'I U,. '110IMM Kln UflllllRII ill Itil V . 'Hi. iii, j-.-w I J. in" I UCllWAv 1 ' . i 1 1...;,, nr. it .in in lino stvKe. i bv Mr. M. r. UiarK. J "tl'MI U, til tllivi uo v -.7 u... ,i,;, f. wnnlil stoo a Wa ' every number w us tinue to pay $300,000,000 lerbnry double timer watch, or the to enrich foreign ship o.vi era, 01 CorTaUia town cIock. transporting our pro Ih.-.s oi nsm, q have eer . Itlipni m "ood stvle. and the plans ,. l Ktllf I , . . ... ... ten days more 1,'. been Ud execution of them here were . '. : ,;,.it iurrt- ten davs more lor J factory, tarm and mine v D!tainiv ,one the work cut out lor and return uui fu" shores? Uncle Samuel is old eentleman, but lie paying nearly i,uuu,uuo u..mv P '.ainlv have seen almost v;.f .) harims ro loreizuei .iuuu; ., . ,, . . long enough. Me rubs his ham and in his smiling way says, this woat do." -When yon of every bo:)k soldier in iho army, ,nM volicvp this nation ol . . . bwiui uram .w-..--.-, M regiment has ai at least make an effort so to do . JM and woatldillJ Yon have not done one ng s fugiliveS 700, , uung awui, . .". a mtn.,. 1RR. with'JoUO Mau I aiJV.1 Vy(llJUM"'0 1 o ys were lalitlie opanisn lorces in ium Rico killed or captured, and &an Juan at our rnercy, with what was Mlloc won tlio n raises allowed to go 10 cuuji years ago, you promised ,u J .1 t" nrac.tical fellows tor, by 1 ! . .u: 11s stralezv and nis energy hi iui Each ami a suscess, and where all acquittod" themselves so creditably it would be useless to distinguish. The tables were set in V shape, with side tables. Cov ers were laid lor 50. A delicate lunch ol coffee, cocoa, cake and strawberries was served. A de lightful evening was enjoyed and many expressions ot good will were" heard for the tin - laddies ol 'Young America." It is certainly desirable that our ciliz-n should take more interest in the boys, and it would be regretted by many il 10 drive that a muzzle loader would do him. Bui as luck would havt it, the first deer jumped, (an old buck) eanae towards Jesse, ran up in about forty feet and slopped with just his horns above the fern. Takingdeliberate aim Jesse cracK ed away, and down came the buck The firt thing th-.ught ol was to loot the horn, but instantly the hii.,t inmiifd mi and started .i f 1 straight for J s v;i h hair a' turned th wro.ig way. ami th gu a no' loa e 1 Jesse thinking hi time hail cm; started to load his gun. when as krek would have i the old dog came to his reliel. caught the deer and held on to him unlil Jesse got I he ialal shot Jesse says the next time he wiji tak-- his Winchester, and not t-o; his horn until ha is out of th brush. Ploy Boy. V f 1' I 1 1 Your Battle For a Suit Ends Right Here DEWEY sell clothing cheap? W . i; tim HAVANA experience you will know that t IYS A I E reason ( our siici ) e IYIE. RIT""f" - our goods is what makes mii rc III I L C.0 to patronize u. Nice, Nobby Suits, $5.00, $6 00, $7.00, $7.48, upwards. Nobby School Suits for Boys. Vestee Suits, 3 to 5 years. Short Pants Suits, 5 to 10 years, $1.50, upwards. 3-piece Suits, 12 to 19 years, $4.50, upwards. At KLINE'S. THE WHITE HOUSE, Corvallis, Oregon. What is MONKOE XsTE-WS. the evening's choice entertainment 1 Rev. Room Miss Angle Lemon is learning the dressmaking trade at Halsey. Miss (Jeiele Wellsher was down from Eugene Sunday to visit Uei parents. A donation nartv was held at A 1 wsmm . m mm n h i va maw 'DM Is' home on Wednes- you keep your promises; will yoa do it?" The nation is aroused as never before, and congress mnst take up this matter and deal with it in a statesman like manner. This problem must be solved soon, and solved right. That means that American ship building must be encouraged, and ship owners must ho m nlPi'tPll eit hei tv Dounnc subsidies, or 111 some nrfl uw, " sers and several hundred thou sand rounds of ammunition; on'--Colonel, one Lientenant Colonel and 22 other officers ol the Al phonzo XIII Regiment, and two battalions of Volunteer troops that confronted us at llormiguero-, Mayaguez and Las Marias. In the meantime Gen. Miles had thrown Gen. Henry's Brigade between wur .lw...l,l not liriiiy ilia citizens and Young America" into closer bonds Of sympathy and helpiul- iK'SS. in Prosperity Has Reached the Santiam. A correspondent of the Salem Statesman made a trip recently over the C. & E. R- R. from Albany to Detroit in the Cascades and return. In writing up the trip, amons; oth-r things, ha says: We enter the narrow canyon at Niagara, having, perhaps, pushed our merchant marine shall have J 1l- n.mm nmct I I'll-' regained u Lsnaninrds. Regulars, 1 ukets of tne wono are open 'o;. ' ail opptmwiu ," V ' T i 2sSSBMi car of wood inlo the 7 ... . 1 T,4lUu. dav evening. Miss Maggie Woodcock has re turned from Salem, where she was employ d as clerk by the late leg islature. M. Clay Starr is erecting a house on his ranch north ol Mon roe, and will move his family there in a short time. Farm work is well along for this portion ol the season. Several fields are already green with grow ing grain, and hund eds of aer-s are seeded down and well culti- Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrups and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use hy Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. Castoria prevent;; vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation ail Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacear-the Mother's Friend. HI 11s. our Droducts are larei man . 7 . ,. . I r ....,1 A Atr. ., ri) Ini 1 ever oeiore. ana yC w. , , fighters, eager for IU UUI 5IIU1CO ' vv 1 ho malaria Is. the skilled labor. it i:ie. Protocol had not susDendcd our movements all of the 1200 j . . . . . v and 1600 or rninuo u. the mountain wiiu nigu uan&a u more volunteers opposed to the beau ifnl cleat You ask how I like tne materials, toe sum ,. . - thrlii afc " " .l... l k..,,1.; oi nrrantnrM 1" l1- oaoiiaiu un5 ..... - row channel on the right. This 1 a stretch of scenery not to be ex celled anvwhere. From the wa field service? has ever sailed the seas, yet there has been almost our carrying trade. It will bj a disgrace to our intelligence, a stigma on our ability if we do not at once adopt and carry out a plan tn nwrraimi! lese COUUIUOIIS III the future. This nation better pay jlse! about field nowhere I saw men who had march A school entertainment was held at the Harmony school house Sat urday evening. People wvre crowded into the small , building like sardines in a box, so that stand -ins room at the door and windows was at a premium. The event was the closing exercises of a term ol school just finished by Miss Brab ham. At the Guy Laws' sale held recently. A Wilhelm sr. purchased a big noise which seems to bo a cross between a gigantic double steam whistle and a racket pro luced the end of the noise 1 a diminutive jackass, and 1. -..... 1 1 w, 1. ,.!.-. ur ' ."-", .. , ; UD anU UO Wl HIC iaii.c io.".. j w vei'V IlUUr Ot two uis ""' T freight charge& ano ie,u . 1U" "...". ., reaches the clear blue sky above ; loose. tmveliog over town lor a . . . ... T 1 mi II 11 I I c vv t . 1 r. I I I r v I ' . . . I I I I I I i , 111 L . J ' " - .. .. ,1 I . . . . . . . II . ..I tn nt lr ItutlOllS I fllr eV OUR I'S" ! ' . 1 ...1 ; ..1 ; e V 1 1 .1 Uunilim. OI1I1 .ITlO tf1'1 L' ed uuuer n uuiiuuj; " ing rain with sore feet and aching leas fall out and get helped into the ambulance, and when the coin mand cot under lire and the zip, . zip! of the mauser bulh-ts told what these same ainnu- ter's edge, bordered by green moss covered rocks, which appear soft and velvety, the eye rises to a fringe of vine maple and other underbrush the leaves of which at this season show all the brilliant i and delicate tints of purple, red and gold, thence: to the dense dark shades of the forest relieved by this enormous sum of $300,000,000 ! imbed out seized a 1 an occasional maple with its leave, saw. To to American ship builders and ; wnce Dasi c comoani.-s of bright yellow, and, finally, ou ttached owners annually, for leu years, rifle, . . ,- up and up till the range of visionJevery ho. bv filing a huge circular 1 Castoria. "CatoPia is an excellent medicine for children. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. C. Osgood, Iwelf, Mass. " The use of Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CAM.OS Ma-rtvs. D.D., New York City. I prescribe Castoria 1 rery day for children who are suffering from constipation, with better effect than I receive from any other combination of drugs." Dr. L. O. Morgan, South, Amboy, X. J. Castoria, Tastoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any pre scription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D.. r.rooklyn, N. Y. I STAR 5 STAR I SHOES give satisfaction. Buy your Footwear from I THE CASK STORE, u Where they sell cheap for cash. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, UMBRELLAS, OUTING FLANNZLS, NOTIONS. You'll find goods and prices satisfactory. THE CASH STORE, c Next to Postoffice. Corvallis, Oregon. ttiriJUTjTXUxruxruuTjTJTnxiXLru uxnJTJirLTUTJUtruTJTJTJinjuTjxru EAST and SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Comoanv EXPRESS TRAINS HUN DAILY. "For several ye.:rs I have recommended Castoria, and shall .".'.ways continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., New York City. " We have three children and they ' Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.' When we give one a dose, the others cry for one too. I shall always take pleasure in recommending this best child's medicine." Rev. W. A. Cooper, Newport, Ky. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MUHWAY TWCT. HIWTOBK CITY. THE U:09 P. M. :i in A. M 7:45 A. U Leave Arrive Portlainl Arrive r.:S0 A. M. lbany Arrive 6:00 A. M. S. Franeiseo Leave I b:8 P. M TO THE iEAST 1 Above train stop at nil principal stationt brlweii Portland and Salora, Tdrncr. Ma nun, JotE'rsen. Albany. Tangent Shedd., Halsev, HarmbusK, Junction City, Btww, Creswell, Gottagp Gnivn, riraihs, and all station? from KosebufgW Alilanct", ineiusrrtJ. Rusebur- Mail Daily. S:S0 A. M. I Leave t2:2f P. M. I Lmve 5:20 P. M. I Arrive GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONT1NE: ROUTES Portland Arrive I 4:30 P. M Albany Arrive r. m , RoiieburK Leave i T:0 A. M j mmn mm mi m: Wt:tsii Iiv&cii. BKTVVEEN PORTLAND AND CUKVALL18 than to pay it m tfred! if they were , ! did not know it. My company gcoue of our markets, and for our cereal?, and manufactured products. Are we ready to grasp the situation, and profit by tlie enlarged field of trade? Tha people demand of their rep resentatives in congress, a broad statesmanlike solution of this all important matter. On August 1, 189S, there was $162,727,205 more money in circu- the tops of the lofty mountains To one who made tin a large demand at $1.50 per cor and at these figures fair wages can sions win slt-'rtl'.y ...v..-c,v ; , . . Bmmn demand """s 1 " r . some ot the men nau to swim, h-i we all went in up to uui and the bullets splashing the wa ter all around us, but they all gol lout and double timed up a steep hill like there was gold on lop waitin"; for them, instead of two . ,c c ; i. r? ..!., companies . op . . rb.... timber is easily 1 150 strong each, with mausersan.l - .-.. Joad. Hun". ,n rifle pits. Uaptai.., it u e u n & bej "U'adB "!Ci t JuHind there is a demand for ax- latum in the United States than u men. Th stave bolt industry ,,,M1U CWUIU ihil imvc pii."' .' i Way. ine opauiaru uu i oit.v Wltn llimsen, ne iui,imii6 u.. ,otorl v.nni,,:, e ! j o f lei id split into piece.-; as larre as can be bandied. Ihey I lew moments in all the mixture of trip a j tones and power of a calliope. A serious accident happened a few miles southeast of town Satur day evening. Ehner Dingee was drivh g rather a spirited team, and something occurred which gave tke year or less ago a great cluniire is "noticeable. Then wood was brin ing only $1 per cord on ihe cars and at that price only enough was cut to keep up the supply of flour and bacon, Dui ui.s year uieic - . Mr. Dinsree I 1 1 1 it . v. , .1 1 . ... on August 1, 1897. The tion per capita on August 1, IK7, S .. . 1 1 ! Was ifJiZ.oo, nuuat l, v.,.., &2-i.23: an increase per capita in t 1 Tn TKoca li mi vac 1 ri one year ui fi.iv. niv-s-v, ."- are taken from the treasury books in Washington, and must be cqi- bids fair to reach large propor tions now that the company has , ; ..-il ...i i wlien our men give u yen wa lit more at. v him. he just fires one runs, i - i .1 ll,. o,t rune and I him o"fs""J we aot him in the back, when he j " ""v Still occasionally some wise was jumping out of the rifle pit reached the home of D B. Farley, j and a lively runaway ensued. (One of the horses was injured in a way that it became necessary to shoot it, and the driver was seri ously hurt but will soon recover. An incident, very serious in this particular instance, occurred last Saturday at the hi. mo of Claude I. Fhese bolts are 1 Starr, two miles north ot town. ur feet long ol ; After gasping lor breath, so great. was his excitement, and upon piirnest and verv persistent en Herbert White, of Portland; Nel lie Evans, of Alsea; the Misses Smith, of Tygh Valley, and A. P. Ditmar are the latest, arrivals. Mrs. J. McMiller has purchased a wheel of Guy Fink. Nye Scott opened the skating rink Monday evening. Col. Morris Boone, of Oyster ville, was in the city this week. Rev. O. V. White and wi e, of the class ol k9S, are visiting the school. Miss Lilly Hulburt, of Linn county, is visiting with relatives in the city. Mrs. Nora Prettyinan, of Albany, is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hawkins. J hn Cum has built a neat portico and added other improve ments to his residence. The delegates attending Robbed the Grave. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelnhia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was al most yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no ap petitegradually growing weakor day by day. Three physician had given me up. Fortunately, a friend adviso trying Electric Hitters, and to my great joy and surprise, the tirst b ittle made a decided improve ment. I continued tb.ir use for three week and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of an other Victim." N one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at Graham & Wells' drag store. shell or can at W. & C. Hail Trail. Diiijr E:sept Ian lay. T:S0 A. M. Leave 12:16 P. M. Arrive Portland Corvallis Arrive 5:50 P. M Leave j 14 P. M At Albany anil Corvallis connect, with trains f ti e Oregon Pacific Uailrwftd. Express Train. Billy Exempt SunUy. r XL I Lnave Portland Arriv 8:25 M. Arrive MeMinnvine Lave ' :" a. m. Arrivo Indcpendeuee Leave 4.50 A. M. 7::!tf P. M. 8:X) P. M. Inquire Direct con:.iction at San Krancisco with Occidental and Orient.-il and Pacific mail sleafSship linos for JAPAN AND CHINA. SailiiiR dates "n app!icatiob. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Kuro.e. Also JAPAN. CHINA HONOLULU afc.il AUSTRALIA, can bo obtained fro--?i A. K. MILNER, Ticket Agent. CorvfclHs. R KOEHLKR, C. H. MARKHAM, Mauaeer. A. G. F. & P. A. Portland, Or. S7, PAUL UX1 UM mm w ,1 f - ...J and was running away acre win stai t.e u V -, compared with announcement mat mere . ut.v u.. f,,.,i ma,v cars much money circulation i ?ZZ hTm ;iiun tvci. "'fn - -- at us. A man don t take when he hears timber and I treaties ol Irieuds.Olaude managed ' conterence. the conference ol' last week expressed themselves as being much pleased with the general workings and prosperous condition of the sch ol. There was a large attendance of ifetaffates at the Uuiled Brethren " Our losses k , . uTt Hrl." and thus the eA 'Snndav moriiinc. and ordained tin ri lr i ri nil c . J lu -v ' mvji i.uiu w,, Vu on,. r - " r w' cause ot a seeming case oi apo j one elder. vcars aro. The increase in circu lating medium is solely due to the increased confidence resulMng from republican rule. aim There are nine columns ot pronertv advertised for sale for ; delinquent taxes in the Eugene Guard and fourteen columns in ; WacHincrtnn countv aavertiseC in lired at us verv steady that mean little Zehph! and thinks he feels the wind of it, but when he sees the other fellow jump up and run the other way, he gets down on his knee and just pinks him in tiie back as cool as a cucumber that's been in the re I rig all nisrht. We could not A new industry is opening up here that of shipping moss for packing plants, to nurserymen ol California, several bales having gone forward from Gates recently. Everyone along this line of road has work if he wants it and men. skilled in the use of an ax or in saw-miii work, can find ready employment. V fu V WWjsthemat- etor a11 mSht- VV e C0U1U r,l A game of football on the O. A. C the Hatchet. What is tiie mat- , at nii i that, fio-ht V ... . -., t nA Wnino-tnn D"v""-'. " , grounds win oe plciyen u.. ter Wltn i,av ; -unti ne rUn, then we saw mm and !lege team and Albany teat Saturday. X IIC3C laii Bishop Mills prcach- ng, and ordained A collection oi $90 plexy was easily and quickly was taken for church purposes, explained. The little stranger W. M. Weakley, of Dayton, Ohio, arriving, makes M. (JlayStarr a grandfather and Mrs. Susan A. Starr (wife ot the late Rev. Noah A. Starr) a grandmother. X. Y. Z. JPttTT-,OJsa:A.Ttt ITEMS. preached in the evening. Kev. Shaler, of Indiana, was assigned to Philomath station; W. C. Rassman to Philomath circuit. A large crowd gathered at the depo' Mon day to say farewell to the depart ing ministers. Oysters Wilson's. For Sale Four milch cows. at this office. A cousth is not like a fever. It doe.? not Uave to run a eertain course. Cure it quick ly and effectually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases We reccomend it be cause it's good. Graham & Wells. Clams, Crabs and Chinook SaluioH, at W. & C. Wilson's. Young Mothers. Croup i.- the terror of thousands of young ! mothers became its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. ShiUh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts like magic in cases of Croup. It has naver been known to fail. The worstcaso? relieved immediately. Prieu 25 cts., 50 et-;. and $1.03. Sold by Graham & Wells. Bjjfljjg) astern IS- 13- CO. TIME CARD. counties anyway. lists would indicate that taxes n-ot a sure aim at mm. in-re were 20 places between iuayaguez used. Game will be called at 3 p. m, The ladies of the Presbyterian church have deeided to hold their annua 'air soldiers were well armed and with i December, 2nd at the city hail. The Ed. L. Bryan went to Corvallis Monday. Jake Smith has moved to the Jack ZinK ranch. Teachers' Kxamination. Notice is hereby given that for the pur- of making H examination ol all pose offer themselves as Dersons wuo may canndidates for teachers of the schools in are not paid until compulsion is Maria8 where 500 good j BovdCannady has moved into is county, the county school snperin T.,1Q r,i, tv. tendeut thereof will hold a pub re exam- trie 1 pivj. Come and have soldier rations served you, at the Military Bazar, at the Opera Honse Nov. 10th. Sick Headaches, Thecureof overworked womankind are quickly and purely cured by Karl' Clover Boot Tea; the great blood purifier and tissue builder. M.ony-efiinded if not satisfactory. Price 25 cts. and 58ct3. Sold by Grakam & Wells. 1 For Yaquina : train leaves Albacy. . . Train leaves Corvallis. Arrive Vaquina 2 - rletnrnin: Loavis Vaquina Leaves Corvallis Arrive Albany For Detroit: leaves (-'orvallis Leavefl AUanv Arrive Detroit Kturnin' : Leavss Ufitroit Leaves AHiany Arrive Corvillis .12:S0 P. M. . 1:45 P. M. . (1:00 P. M. . 7:80 A. M. .11:40 A. M. .12:25 V. M. . . 7:00 A. M. S:0o A. M ..T.20 P. M. . .12:40 P. M. . :(:5 P. M. . . 0:55 P. M. 1 and 2 eamivct at Albany an.l Corvallis with Southern Pacifi. tr.xin, tri, in- direct service to ana from Newport and adjacent beaches. Train for the mountain i arrives at Detroit at noon, nvme ample tini to reach camv-init grown. M on the UreiUnbush and Santiam rivers the same dav . EDWIN STON E, Manager, H. L. W ALBEIT, T. P. & P. A. H. H. CRONISE. Asrent, Corrallis, Or. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS . . FOR . . AN FRANCISCO Sailing d.tcs fur August 7,1 1 2, n, 22, il OCEAN TEA IV' ERS Leave Portland fer Alaska Points august 8 and 28. Steamer!) Monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong in connection with O. R. & N. I'or full iHftirmatiou call on O. IC. N. agent, W. S. -tone, Coi vallls. Or., OR address: W. H. HURLBURT, GlN'L pass agct. PORTLAND, OB DODWELI.. CAKI.1LL & CO. UEN. XOR. PAC. S 8 o. PORTLAND, OR. .. , .1 ' ... . , .ri-i il.rf"i-ll .. I l-i- C amiunmlinn sunn a I llf 1 1 rA .,) ar ctill nrr-narm? a 1 nft WOrK Ol rniiomaill VOliee X 1 1 ' o ti Alt It OrS 1)1 VlrGffOIl : lUlS UI ; udvc iji cpai gu t 1 o KepUDiican euuu . o;i, -,m. the Mauser, have . accnrtmfMit of articles for sale at that is moving alone pleasantly. Bfew rr ' . :, ' ,. .. " . , : . :..; held 5000 and hem mem lor a i time, a New j.;n?;iaiia nmner ww c ; stuuenis aits wunu, in cici j vp. l t i -li.inr.ni'unrfi nrft laril lO uii-uu.uav. weeks ago every one of tbem, ex-, weeKs ago - - --m r timp Narrow Uervsd from n A. M. to 2 P. M. and a cept H. W. Scott, was figbUng Joe ,; m n back, i excellent program will also be provided. Simon Jefferson Review The abov statement is not true as regards the editor of this paper. Judsze E. D. Stratford, editor of the Rosebun; Plaindealer, has been appointed a commissioner to Alaska to assist in adjusting the old Russian land claims. Those" who begin to howl about a surplus should remember that it is easier to manage than a deficit. Indianapolis Journal. mountain passes along hog back, j excellent program will also be provided. with precipitous sides, and no tan particulars later. other possible road or pass, com manded at short range Dy spien Last Saturday S. N. Wilkins, Joun Linger, Prof. Shaw, Logan Hayes and did Drotected positions, where ! Mack Brunk went over to Yaquina City or,r crnn would Icll. But the Spaniard, Regular or Volunteer, could not stand short range, and so we drove him out, shot him down, and captured him almost at will. The total taxable property of Lincoln county is $743,346. anA (.sei.tf.il in nuttine W. A. Guilder man and E. M. Mays, of Elk City, and P. A. Milier and J. Philipps, of Morrison, I deck of tho Olympia with Liewey. ana in 1. 1 1 r ri-mr in uatbii: ACTIVK SOLICITORS WANTED overywherc for "The Story of the Philippines" by Murat Halsted. cominis sioned by thi Government as Official His torian to the War Department. The bwek was written in army camps at San Pran cisca, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kohr, ; . raorioafl tnnehe at Manila, in the in surgents camps with Atruinaldo, on the Bonanza for agents. through the mysteries ot tne 1. u. u r. - , Brimful of original encampment work. These gentlemen picturej taken by government photogra were instructed in three degrees The phers .n ttot. La W. Low work took all Right, but ail enjoyed it 1 p tT unoffioi,il war ,i riin,e ..imp borne the next day ; kl- Outfit free. Address, F. T. Bar- auu yjai - yv,..... nu n:.. ber, occ'y, iar insurmicc uiug., v nv5v. happy bnt a little sleepy. ination at the county court bouse, Cor vallis, Oregon, beginning at 1 o'clock, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1S98. Teachers eli gible to state certificates, state diplomas, must preseut recommendations and make applications at the same time. Ap plicants not present at the opening will not be permitted to take the examination. GEO. W. DEN MAN, County School Superintendent. WANTED- SEVERAL TRUST worthy persons in this state to manage our business in their tow and nearby courAies. It is mainly office work conducted at home. Salary straight 900 a year and expenses definite, bona fide, no more, no less salary. Monthly References. Enclose self-addressed 4 ' . 1 T. I 1? U.H etan Tied envelope, nemtn "v, Prest., Dept. M, Chicago 111. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. LOUIS G. ALTMAN, M. D.. Homeopathist. G. R. FARRA, M. D.j Office upstairs over F. L. Miller's store. Residence on Third street in frent of j courthouse. Office hours S to 9 a. m., and 1 to 2 ana 7 to S p. m. All call attended promptly. Uiuon Laundry Go., 411 all itf labor work guaranteed. Basket leaves oh Tuesdays and arrives 1 Saterdays. T. D. CAMPBELL, Agent SecoHd-Hand Stare. EAILHOAD- The Safest, Quickest, Cheapest ROUTE FOR ALL POINTS East and Southeast. Office: Over Allen & Woodward's E. holoatk drugstore. Residence: Corner Third and Harrison Sts. M. L. HOLGATE. H0L6ATE & SON, Hours qsgtiii lonrailfe,Or. ATTORNEYS AT LAW CeRVALI.IS. OREGON For full particulars rejjardiog rates, time of trains, etc., call on or address GEO. V. JiULiJN, W K f!OWAN. Act., Corvallis. General A?ent, 124 Tliiird St. Pott-land, Or "THE RESOR THOS. WHITEHORN, Prop. - - r t-. s iuj .at m kys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars,