6 Governor Geer's wife departed this life Thursday afternoon. Sweet Bells in Tune. A very pretty wedding occurred at the Sam Warfield, of Alse, called and had , home of Mrs. Th omas Cau thorn, Sauth CORVAIXIS, OREGON, Oct. 14, 1S9S BLANKETS. "We have just put on sale a large lot of -new, choice blaukets, manufactured b t';e Albany Woolen Mil's. The quality and prices are going to closo them out quickly. ,5 lb Gray Blankets, f.j.oo per pair. -61b Gray Blankets, 3-25 and $3-75-7-lb Scarlet Blankets, 5.00 per pair. Various weights and qualities of orange. ! maroon and vicuna blankets at equally close prices. Special values in White Blankets : 61b $5.00, and 5 lb 84.00 per pair. It b not too early to buy a good thing cheap. s. t mm & son, Albany, Oregon. LOCAL HAPPENING: Buy your school suits at Nolan & Callahan's. Mrs. Nelins returned Mon lay from a trip to the metropolis. A cement walk is being put down i.-. front of the Masonic Temple. More building has been &me this sea son than in the Ere years preceding it. The frame of the M. E- parsonage is op and the building will be enclosed li i week. Walter Taylor now distributes with great regularity unadulterated lacteal fluid to our citizens. Peter Zicro'.f took in l!2 Exposition and purchased goods in Portland the first part of the week. N. M. Dagan, representing tfaeOrego nian, called aud chatted with the Gazette. Wednesday afternoon. There will be no preaching at the Cak Ridge Presbyterian church next Sib bath, a Dr. ThOKipson is absent at tie Synod. Mr. AJauison & Son's new feed ..table one kundred feet square Nnii Wot Corner Second and Jackson, is near:: g completio::. J. Fred Yates, a.-.;i:;ta-.t chi.-f clerk f the seaate, came up from Salem Satm day evening and attended church last ( Sunday with hia better ha'f. Rev. W. J. Featon will preach both J morning and evening next San day in the M. E. Church South. All are cor-j dially invited and will le made wtlcoi: e. Geo. Y. Smith and wife left Wednes day for Rene, Indiana, to visit with his ! friend- and relatives fur a month, and likely he may go on to Montgomery j county, where he was kern before return- 1 ing. R. C. Kiger is repairing the old Syl vester home North West Corner Seventh ; and Monroe, a very K-uch needed im j provement, and when completed will i materially add to the appearance of that J portion of the city. Mr. Rogers, Blake, McFall & Com- j pany's gentlemanly representative, tar- ried over Sunday in town. While here j he took orders to supply our business j people with ;-aper, and a'so stocked up: the different newspaper offices. . Ben Woldt his had the roof of his DHildiags decorated with fire proaf paint. Ben had a double object in view, to help out the painter with a- job, and at the same time benefit the insurance companies who carry hia risk by reduc ing the hazard Rep. Ellis, raf the First District, and wife visited with Prof, and Mr? J B. Hor ner on last Sunday, leaving on Hon- a chat with the Gazette Thursday. There will be uo services at the Con : grogativnal church aext Sunday except jS. S. i The entertainment of Young America j Engine Company will fce postponed for ' t-.vo weeks. . Miss Rena E. Smith, of Parkplace, j Claskatnas County, is visiting friends I in this; citv. 1 j J. Wr.ig? went to Portland yesterday I to take in the big exposition, and will j retura Monday next. new sign adorns the entrance of N Jan .St Callahan's t-.iloriug estibiish r.ie it O'i Malison street. The Gazette and Oregon Poultry Journal both one year for $1.65 at Ger hard's. Regular price, 2.00. M-. Stark, of Portland, is doing our town in Ihs inteiet of the Nesv York Mutual Life Insurance Coimaav. Work has begun 0:1 the ne-v M. E Church South parsonage, which, occupies a portion of the ground formerly used by thj old college. Nolan & Callahan have employed ano'Iur tailor, T.Cr. G. A. P-.-ter -i of California. This firm now has two tad ors steadily employed. F. &. G. Griinsliav have purchased the city furry ana leased tMc: Kin gravel be 1. They arc now ready to furnish al parties with gravel 0:1 short notice. West Corner Third and A. Streets, in this city at 3130 p. m. Sunday last, at which time Miss Gertrude Cauthor;:, second daughter of the lite Thomas Can thorn, and J. Fred Buchanan were united in marriage, Rev. W. J. Fenton of the M. E church south officiating. T'.ie com niodio.-.s front and back parlors, together with tue dining room, opening into each other through folding doors, were all tastefully .--ecorate l, the farmer in ferns ' .mi?', dastnrtintas, the latter in white. Te j the strains of Wagner's bridal march ex q-iisitely rendered Uy Miss Mamie Cau Ulr", sister 01 the hricle, tne young couple took ih?ir position under the wedding bell of while clematis, with tongue of pink !,t France r.-es, while the vo'tmu aid impressive words were spoken that iii.iJe them one The bri?e Mews and Comment. It has been announced that two new daily papers are seen to b? started in Portland to compete with the Oregonian and Telegram. Uncle Ichabod Henkle who has just celebrated his eighty seventh birthday was in town recently, pretty hale for a man of his age. Col. Roosevelt has bten nominated by the republicans for Governor of New York, and he will be elected without doubt. He will make a capable chief executive for the Empire stale. The La Grande best sugar works have started up and are now turning out the saccharine products. The plant cost 500,000 and will prov a great t-oon tt, that region shoul ' the leels raised pr.--.ve to be as ric. in sugar as tficy are said to be. The Ti Iamook Headlight came outlast Attention, Shippers. The C. & E. R. R. now Jiave three steamers running in connection with the road, between San Francisco and Ya quina. The Grace Dollar sails from San Francisco Sept. 17th, the Navarro on the 18th, and the Weottonthe 20th. Land at Pier 13, Vallejo street wharf. For Sale. Three good milch cows. Inquire of John Vineyard at his resideuee, oac mile south of Mount View school house. was becomingly gowned in marine blue I week nnder Ifc (editorial m.inagsnient of pap) in lrim-j:4ed in simp aid silk, and the long -.vediliug yell was held in place with a small spray of white carnations in her chiffon. S'.ie carried .-. beaulifn! boquet of Kride's r.isi-s. Tlr. bride .was born and reared 1:1 this city, was educa ted in the pub ic schools and O A- 1. - f this place ami is a general favorite in Corv.lli. f.nd Benton county. The groom is a sou of Commissioner John . A. Buchanan, owns a large farm well stocked, on whi-ii lias this season ben erecte I a conn'."ieus and comfortable dwelling, a I of which are p-d l for, a-d he is one of Benton eountv's most honor- It is exp:cted that ministers from j Synod of Oregon how in session at ' Aib my, will fill the pulpit in t'-'e Piesby tiriau church iu this city next Sabbath. F. L. Miller, J. M. Nolan, S. L. Kline, the Cash Store, J. H. Harris, and the R icket store have their show win ; (luvvs elaborately decf rated in excellent 'style. Darryl, o:-ie of Mr. and Mis. Gilles- pie's four i-nonths old twirs. died of cholera infantum last Friday morning' The GAZETTE a i l their many friends extend s,- mpathy. tliC j able and trustworthy young fanner-. The couple were the recii-nls of numerous expensive and BSefal presents. A dainty iuuch was served, after which the young and happy pair drove away to their home ten mile:- distant, amid showers of rice a.d good wishes of liieir friends. Only t'ne immediate families of the bride aud groom were present. The GAZETTE joins with their many friends in wishing the youii;.. pair a hap py atd prosperous life. May their fond e.t hopes find fu I fruition in loving devotion to each oilier during all the 'years to come, is tliG desire of all their 1 lie Presbitery of tne V. ulamette met j :.lulnerous acquaintances, last Tuesday in Independence, and ad- j journed Wednesday evening. The ei-iced in All any Tha O. A. C.'s Football Hecord. The football seas;-11 is agaiu here, and the O. A. C. boys have co:uniG:'cei ac tive work. All of the former suits were burned when the Mechanical Hall went up in fl line-, causing some little delay, Syn d of Oregon conn Thursday afternoon. Last S".."day morn'ug Prof. ;'. I. Pratt j wa.i ordained Deacon, and he aud W. O. j Heckart, whs had been ordained k Dea- ! con before settling here, were duly in- j but the boys task immediate steps toward stalled Dcrcon-j of the First-Presbyterian I getting new outfit- and are ffow ready church of this city. 1 for work. For the last four or five even- Last Tuesday the name, of Ilr. Will- iaBS toys hare turned ont areM, and i am Forte r of Shedd, aud Mr. Pue, of I show that t'- y wean business. Some Salem, were added to the roll of the O. ! good material is noticed among 1 he new A. C Both of these young men will fig ure prominently in the football games of the coming season. The O. A. C, football team attire 1 in new suits made its liist appearauce on the campus last Tuesday evening. With the interest i:anifGsted at present college will undoubtedly retain its stand ard on the gridiron. Father Cauthoro retarded .- oud-y last from a month's absence, during which time he visited with relatives and friends in Mexico, Mo., no mile-, west of St. Louis. His Ihrte brc there and one of his so.is '. their d-- -vnd nts all live in the vicinity of Mexico, inhering 1 2 1 soul". He gieaily c l joyei -is s ouri;, and u gladly welcomed '-loins avain by bis ma :v friends. Fred C. Baker, formcrlv of Troutdale where be published a small paper. It i new .y and republican in politics. It I promises to appsar in anew dress soei;, 1 and lillamook county ought to give it! a : ibtfral patronage. The Ga.ettk suggests that it niij-bt niKT be in trder to sifid Brother Driver to hades, for the senate jcinials of the iSejsessio- where he lias said they are to be-found, and urged the propriety of sending all the opponents of ex-Seualnr Mitchell there f-r them, sayixg they roulel nsver get back. Sowsinee 1 e haj voted for senator S mon, he has made hims-lf eligible to t'-ie mi-.sion to the Plutonic regions, for the purpose above mentMMMs, and if the samse fate shoi-dd overtake him as he was certain wou'U to the ones ho suggested sending, the Ore gon State senator would fee relieved of ait ot tne carbonic acid yas tliat lias co polluted She atmosphere hi lh(? upper house for lo these many days. State Supt. Ii win has issued an address to the scheols in regard to the La Fayette niemorial fund, aud asks the co-operation of tea d'ers, pupils and citizens in raising funds for the object. It is de signed to erect a monument in Paris to be paid for by the youth of America and unveil itjulyj4th, igoo'durixij the world's exposition that day l-eing set apart a Lafayette rtay. Supt. Irwiu rcccomuicnds j October 19th as Lafaytte day for ti e schools of Oregon. O.-ir rtiizens will gladly aid the school children in thus honoring the y ung Frenchman who so materially aided our fos-efathers during the Revolution in securing freedom. The monument is to cest 550,000 and j will be an embleia of the high regard in Wuch Laf.-yefte is now held by all Americans. ' Dyspepsia can bk ctjkeu bt usiko Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little tab lot will give immediate relief or money l-e-funded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cent.-. Graham & Wells Druggist. To the Public. , Parties wiskizs to purchase stock in the Mastodon Mining & Milling com pany or having any other busiuiss with the company are referred to Judge John Burnett. at,his office iu Corvallis, Oregon. if The Greatesi Discovery Yet. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, III., "Chief," say?: "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for een sumption, coughs and olds. Experiment ed wit'.-, many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Dis covery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as ia it we have a cer tain and sure cure for coughs, adds, whoop ing cough, etc." It is idle to experiment "with sther remedies, even if thay are urged on you a just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are not as gosd, because this remedy has a record of cures and be side is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at Graham & Wells' drug' store. rJm"jinnjiru u -ixixurnirrLru itutjtj uuur wur rail Annouocement. Our new Fall Stock is now complete in, nil depart ments. Men's and Boys' Sui s, Hats, Cap?, Boots, Shoes, And Cents' Furnishlns Coeds. I n are fond of yams try Merged Sweet Potatoes. V. fc C. Wilson, 719 iecoiid st. Corvallfo, Or. 5 Fr.s'i Bauaiiati tr : ' Wils ii 71 Second St. .i.e bv W. &. dr allis Or, C. ."-uokien'o Arnica Salve. T..4 JKT SALVE in tlw world lor Out-. lh-ui.-.-. Sr.-s Uls-'rs, Salt Klicum, FhvtS,,-... 'IVlti-i-. t'hn-r...-.I Haad, ChU bin'-'.-, t"rH-, mi, I all Skin Kruptinns, and fO'itifly rums Pih.s, nr n pay rnptired. It U gaeranleerl logite p ru-i-t sntifacvion or um9 ret'unded. t'nci! 25-t-etft jwr box. For .-.tie by Graham & WcU. druggists. Zierolf, the grocer, want all his cus tomers toca 1 and examine his warranted pure American Food I'rodnttSv Wanted. A customer to borrow $500 time. Secured on real estate. long A pnrchaser for a nice cottage and lots in Jobs Addition. Call at Gazette office. Wanted, wood on GAZETTE subscription. For broken- surfac;-, sorejr insi-ct bites, burns, .-k i : 1 diseases, and especially pilds, there i.- ene- relinble r-med.y, DeWitt' Witcli Hazel Sahre. AVhen you call for D Wilt's don't nceen counterfeit? or traudj. You will ni t bedistip;ni:nted with De Witt's Witeli H i - 1 Sdvi-. Graham & Wells. For Sale or Trade. One corner lot in Kinzel Park Addition to ML Tabor. F. M. Johnson, Agent. For Sale. i6o acres timber land on Bi- Elk road near Marys Peak. 15 acres open land. For terms see T, M, Johnson, Agent. King of L.vsiiRS. Pure bred black Minorcas for sa e, by B. R. Thompson cheaper thaa they can be bought next spring. Addr. ss me at Corvallis, Or. Red-hot Horseradish, Chili Sauce, Celery Salt and wet Piekles, all in bottles far '. ale by Zien-lf. r6o acres on i'dg EU 10 acres under cultivation. Good frame barn, good one story box house, r.ice yonn,-- orchard, fine stsnk range, p'enty of o;t range Timber enough on groi rid to build two more rooms and rustic the whole hi-use. For terms see F. Johj;sn, Agent. Three lots on which is a good frame building suitable for a store, living rooms above, at Summit station on the C. & E. R. R. 26 miles west of Corva'Hs. Also 100 acres of good laud i mile from Su.-.iiuit station. Considerable timber suitable for railroad wood. Cheap for cash. F. M. Johnson. Agent. BAEGAI1NS. That is something every buyer is looking for, and ire h ave them in MEN'S SUITS- These goods are m ode from Albany Woolen Mills goods, strictly all-wool, and, made to wear- They are tailored- in late style, and arc sure to give satisfaction- Most people say $12.50 and $15 for the same suit. 5 We say $8.80 and $9.90. F L MILLER, I S Suits made to order. The Clothier. 5 STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Consisting ofeyery thing wanted, except books. you will find th greatest line of Iii our store i Miss Nellie K., daughter of J. W. C a ton, of Kittys Valley, has been carried I away from our v.iidst. She is a highly ! esteemed young lady of our lieighboi- hood. C. O. Sturges, of Wasco county, was the captivator. They were married at the ho::ie of the bride's parents Sun diy Oct. otfc, Rev. E. E. McVickr offici ating. They will make their home in Wasco c Kiiity. Their many friends wish them a happy journey through life. ck;i at-.ii. t? : -1 i . dav's train for their home in Eastern ,.J . . v v ' i wh n r ;,, ora s i,aV no"iivg, "How persons Wash., D. C. in of Comress which time for the Session convenes Dec. 4th. The college authorities have erected a should talk; how they should walk; how they should hear, aud how they should ! see."(,Isaiah 33.15.) 1 1 the evening the nastor wi'l di'-rnss tr.im the standnoiMt ! temporary water l-wer and tank and a of rasoj modern dauce This wil, J temporary sheol to house the boiler .-nd the first of two rcrmons on tlie sub. cngme, auu aIC , c l--""M- , ;ect. AH Dersons who dance or do not dance are ki 'dly invited to be present 1 auu iisien 10 a lair uiscussiou oil ine I subject. fire. . M. John.-o 1 and ji.a Irwi 1 trolled far for the use f the dormitories and Col lege, dispensing with the expense of haulm? water as has been done siuce the students. Hedges with proper training will make a -;od line man. The team is to be captained bv Grant '.'Igin, the star ' guard of last seaso.i. Elgin played in every game engaged in by the O. A. C. last year and proved that he was worthy ; te of the place in the team thst he now holds. Arch l-Cruse, tne quarter hack, ma le a record last sea-on 11 n is hard .to ! beat, bavins made but one fumble iu 1 ! five games. This is aa unusual record I and Krus? is d.'serving of mnr" credit for ' ! his good work of i; s season. Scroggin, Buxton, JIcBride and Burnett will be noticed among the players of this ye.-.r, j and each is a star i 1 his p'ace. Buxton plays end and has prove:-) many times that this is his invariable rule m-er to let a man pass mm. imen 13 a u ays getting through the linej 1st where the opposing team think they are strongest, and Scrog gin and McBride are noted for quick, de cisive work. The 0. A. C. team played five ga ves last season and in every in stance came out victorious. O. A. C. played A'Vany a gam-; at the beginning of the se.-.sou e:-.diug in a score of 34 to o. Then came the Chemawa Indians aud the O. A. C, the O. A. C. agaiurr 'liing up a score of 32 l- the Indians o. The next game was played with the University of Oregon boy It was at this game that the familiar college yell of "Hayseed, strawseed, pumpkin, squash; can't w; skin em? yes, by r'osh!" origin ated. The "dudes" turned out to a maii to meet the O. A. C. team at the depot and gavu the .ibove yell as our boys alighted from the traiu. At the close the score stood 24 to 8 iu O. A. C.'a favor with eighteen minutes yet to play. The last half was cat short unavoidably by dark ness. The game with iliMinuyiile college EXPKEL, Use Aefct-i for cough', eolds 11 to givw immediate 25 cents and f0 ee Druggist. Xi:K It TH BlEST Tk acii u-n Englisl, Remedy in any case j ear o!l1 Pear 1,ecs' 600 eiSht vear I'lv House Furnisliini: Goeds, Blankets, Comforts, Sheets, Towels, Soaps, Etc. Also Uniforms, Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS, SHOES. And, in laet, everything to be found in a first-class dry goods store, to be had in t ho city. Call and see us. Prices the lowest. !' 1 -1 . . Sho ild it fail moni-y refunded. Graham & Wells Regents Last Tuesday the R ing in this city, eight Vet. gents held a meet- of the tl.irtetn Ith each School Suit Nolan c Calla- hail will give a military harp or money I purse. members being present. An able building cG:- ;mittee, consisting of Apperson, Killin, Keady, and Yates, were at once elected, barged with the duty of erecting the new Mechanical j Hall, being -atfWi.ca by the bosrd to build it of s'.onc if puf r.:'-'.e. This committee met at once and de cided to begin the work immediately, and have advertised for preliminary 1 plans and drawing'.. The work will be prosecuted with vigor, and the slate's interests carefully guarded. The Board of Regents p-issed a vote of thanks to the committee sn agricii'lure and to Benton's delcjation in the legisla ture for effective aid rendered in secur ing a liberal appropriation for this im portant object. Buy American Ufc ow Chow, Oiive Oil, and Tomato Catsup of Zierolf. Mon- than iw nty million fre sample, of DcVVitl AViteh Hazel Salve have boon dij tri bated b v ihn manufacturers. What better proof uf'tli-ir eontid 11C2 in its merits do you Eleven acres, situated three-fourths of a vnile north of the College, on the road leading to Sol Kings farm, 24 rods from city limits. On this tract are 500 seven old prune trees, aud a tew apple trees. Under good fence. Five place for small home. Good garden ground. The incoup from th-s orchard from now on j will keep a small family. For terms, see j F. M. Johnson agt. J". 3EEL- HAEEIS, Corvallis-, Oregon. 5 t iJWla4 AW-A 4J)sJa& ijiJi-Jh. AsfcAW WO-fWW Arfii 40 to 50 PER CENT SAVED THE FELGEB MILL want? Iteuri iili, Vura?, scalds, Bores, in Property, near Philomath, Is hereby offered for sale. It con sists of a good grist mill building, I two-story dwelling, raea dam; I. i J 3 ,1 A O I 1 somewuni. atunageui, itnti to acres 1 Zierolf has just unpacked a craie ef Gf hind. It is in a line, healthy I American crockery. It is beautiful ware, neighborhood, Oil the line of the j and just suited to your wants and purse. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad, one Great Bargain Sale in Men's LeatheriBoots. the shortest, p- tiiiiv-. Graham & Wells. ten. K AST IRQN CLOTHING for Men, Boys and Ohild ai bed reck priece. We will offer the best bargains this fall wc have ever criven. J Card of Th inks We thank the many citizvn vallis for the assfslance and kindness shown us during the sickness and death of our beloved son and brotbe-, Paul, and wish especially, to express our heart 'lt gratitude to Dr. Pernot and the families of Messrs. John, A. A. and C. A. Baruhart in thii our great sorrow. Mr. ane Mrs. J. W. Boi.lman and Family. Elmira, Or., Oct. 6th, 1S9S. Bargains m men's fine shoes at Nolan & I allahan's. You invite li-mppointineiit when you ex periment. D-. Witt's Little Early Riser are paHHt, on.v, thorough little ills. They ehre onstipniioii an 1 ick headich! just as sure us you l-tke them. Grah. 111 & Wells. fiuy the Kantwearout Boys' School Cor- ) Suits at Nolan & Callahan's. Zierolf's American crockery fills a long-fcit want. Fine job printing at GAZETTE ISce. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Corvallis post.irTice, v:;n-l.,in:e October Sth, 1S98: mile west of Philomath ITS A BARGAIN. Owner does not reside here, and it must be sold. TERMS : $2250, cash down. $2550 $500 cash down, balance in 10 annual payments at 8 per cent, interest. This property is free of encam brunce. F. M. JOHNSON, Agent. Are nm. J3a-NEW YORK RACKET STORE. J f1nrlp: TVTf-TJen rv and familr have cot settled in their new heme recently pur! salmon on Yaquina Bay six hours last was played on Ti,aukSgiving day, result chased of Geo. Thomnsou near Albert ! Sunday, during which time they canght illgin a scoro of 54 to oin favor of the O. Harrington's. They are delighted with the place and surroundings, having come home from the blizzard regions of Kan sas. They have a bright little family of four blue eyed children. Elwootl Clark, a member of Company K, Second Oregon regiment, h.-.s sent his mother in this city a crochetted cotton stand cof-er from Cavite, the hand work no doubt of soiii Spanish senorat.-.. Sergt. Chas. A. Bork of his company brought it, he having btiu discharged for deafness occaSsioued by measles. Born To the wife of Walter Tay'or SuHday morning, Oct. 9, a sou. Mother and child getting aVan nicely. Walter does not know whether to name the youngster Schley Sampson, Schley Shafter, McKinley M-rritt, Ivlerrilt Miles, Dewey Sainp"e:i, orSamputi Dewey. At any rate he is to well pleased that he gives his customers extra ;.ood measure of milk during" this week. The Phile bni'ding near the post- fnce is being fitted up for the occupancy of A. K. Milner, who will either opm a gro cery store there er a bank. ' A. K. says he can just as well oren a bank if the neoole will only deo .-sit with him, an-'. X - . j sleefullv sho-ns to bis friends a handful j of coin entrnste-i lo him by the M. E. churel-i ;s evidence of his trustwortlii- j ness. Mr. Mi tier has lived here a num- I 'ber of years, is well nccjuainted with all ; the people and ought to do his share of j the grocery trade o; the city. The GAZETTE acicnowiedges the re- J ceipt of a cop jf Clifford Kautner's song I "To Arms", the first of the young man's j twenty two large ones, ihe most caught i by an3" boat this summer, so tl ey Sly. I The following day they caught ici trout j iu Beiv?r creek. Both these yarns a vor strjugly of fish, aud were it not that j the probity of both of these sportsmen is s9firmly etablnh -ome louol- ight I be entertained by ilios.- nnaeq- . inted i witV. the two gentlemen, of the t.ntire j truthfulneis, f this stat.-mmt while to j those who know them well, no such ideas ' can for a moment find lodgment in their ; minds. The GAZETTE enjoye-' a fine fry of the trout. Foul - fish might as well ' give up the battle of life v. hen these nim j rods put in anapp? nance, for from that j oo:-aent they are doomed to grace th pictirian hoard. It u rep-srted by owe I of Jim'5 nsighbors, t -.at fince his return I from his fishing lri4i he ta-3 joined the Salvatiox. Army. Sergeant Brady Burnett of pro-, isiual I Company If, Ore.- a recruits, ha3 been 'spending a wee':, r.i.ii i.i. parent.- ia this : City before starun.' lo .:anila. The Ga zette acknowhdges a frieadly call aud visit with the ycuug .-oldier, whom the writer has known since be was a small lad. Sergcaut Burnett is satisfied with his lot as-a soldier, and talks sensibly of the duties of a sol dier "life. Ha has uo csnrplaints to m.ik except that he with A. C O . I e-emb.-r 5th the O. A. C. played against the University of Washington for tie championship of the P l-iiric Nor.ii -west. Tins v is decidedly the best game ofthesj. oj, being holly contested on both sales. Tlie Seattle team were good but were uo match for the "Farmers", as will be seen from th - SLore O. A. U. 16, University of Wash: tn o. Edwin H. Anderson Ira Brow-', 3 Brown Bros. 1 Joseph Hilt Isack Hiatt J. C. James B. W. Z. B. Mulkey J. G. Smith Thomas Sickles Lena Simnson James Wilson W. Waltz lOHXSON. P M Among the Irune Dryers. The Prunota orchard company ha.-e dried sixty tons of first cla-,s fruit which has ail been so!d at good jirices and have closed down for the season having lost 4000 bushels of fin-: fruit because their dryer lacked capacity to dry all the crcp before it spoiled. D C. Rose his finishel drying his ?rop and considerable for others. Henry Stone has finished drying a large amount of fine fruit. Charles Blakeslcc's dryer has done, a large business in t iUing care of prunes for small growers. All of the above named dryers are now ! closed for the season. The ir-iouey that will bs distributed in this sec. ion for this season, s crop of dried prunes wiil no doubt reach 25,oco. Much more will be dried next season if frosts early in the soring do not interferr with the settlst of If you deire to trade with a busy man. call on T. 1). Campbell at The Exchange. He will show 011 his new and ele;.;aut sto : f furniture haid.vare, tinware, etc. Campbell is a live man, doing 1. rushin,-, business , and wants to clectiif you with his low prices. Farmers can be supplied with cheat seed for fa! ; owing. Wilson has it hi t wants to swap it lor Sheckler,. V . e C. Wils 719 Second St. Red Star CompresiGi V. Ilodes & Hall's. Corvallis O ast, for sale a DuWiti's Witch Hazel Salve has the larce-t tide of any .alve in the world. This fu-l and iu merit b.is led dishonest ptoplo t' attempt to e'aiinteiTeii it. L'--uk eut for the man who attempts t doeeivo vmi whon you call for I)e Wilt's Witch Hazel T5.dve, tlie great pj0 cl.r. Grnbam & Wells. Liverpool, Corvallis, and Benton mills flour to supply t'e hy.ngry. Dont miss the place W. fc C. Wilson, 719 Second st. Corvallis, Or. See Zierolf's new Jardiniers, made by American workmeiiafter designs of American artists. They are eye-openers. productions. Words and music are both ; cise his composition. It is dedicated to the j variety of rations and ptaitty ef them are soldier boys of the Pacific coast. The 1 issued and are goo i. Atiio.ig other ra seatimests of the word; is perfectly fitted j tions fres'-i loer-f is issued every day. The to the score, and evinces both practical veterans of the Civil war were month and musical talent of a high onUr. Ciiff, ' at a time withi as he is familiary called her-- where he j living Kalely was bor:-:, has many friends who will I coffse and .beans. Sergeant Burnett avail themselves of the opportunity to speaks in the highest terms ef the offi OWU a copy, and together with the Ga- cers who have had charge of the Oregon ZETTE look for a brilliant future for the ; recruits, and is m.-.ch elated over the young artist. The typographical work ; issue of orders to sail next Monday for has been excellently done by Frank Con- j Manila, where he will in about one pyer, a former resident of Corvallis. i month be with his regisient. a 1 the other recruits would very much liked to have gone to Manila on the the frait Iu ti e near future the section Scaadia two mouths ?r more ago. H ! adjacent to Corvallis will send to market reports I", at the boys sire well fed, clothed I train la-'5s of evaporated prunes, ap: les n I carefully attended to if sic!:. He has j 31,(1 fears- !argelV supplementing the no patience with -rumblers and has al- I amounts receiv.d from wheat. Up to rea.ly learned that such soldiers are of j tUis til1,e lbe growers have not made any no account exes -t to save -rub and criti- ! a3ne' out of fruit- but with larSer 'ie!ds the ofru-er.i and ovc-rnmeiit. A ana a ueucr K.iawicuge i now 10 care ! When you call for DuWitt'5 Witch Ha.-l j Salve, the great pile cure, don't accept ,-.ny- tbi;-.g else. Doathe talked into accepting a siibttitute for pili!., for sue-, for bur. . ! Graham & Wells. The Fall Season Is Here. So is Modes, the Grocer. There Are Many Hungry People. Hodes is ready to feed them. My business is to sell FRESH GROCERIES, CANNED FRUITS, MEATS, And PROVISIONS, At prices to suit the times. Cau you not use me, and save money ? A. HODES, SiB'A Second Street, Corvallis?, Oreeosi. Dining Parlors and Bakery . SUBSTANTIAL WELL-COOKED MEALS. THE BEST CUP OF COFFEE IN THE COUNTRY. Confectionery. Smoker's Goods. Ncve-Uies. Hodes & Hall's lie Exists and -3 Five Physician an ', the World. lenildR Expert Specialists. iirgeans, all Craduates from tha best Medical Colleges in INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF CALIFORNIA FOR $250,000. ESTABLISHED TWENTY-SIX VEARS. A p-rt of the Staff of the English and German Expert Specialists and Dr. Meyers & Co. will make thgir regular niontkly visit to Corvallis, Wednesday, Oct. 18th. They will he at the Occidental Hotel. r HELLO, THERE! Don't You )ant a Revo gtoue? If yon do, Campbell has the very kind yon want. He also has n fine lot of NEW FURNITURE and MATTRESSES Of various designs. Your daughter would like .in OIE3GriL.:LT OE xjiro To cheer up (he home during: the wintry days.. Campbell has sonie daisies, nnd will stop long; euou.tli to show von one. CAMPBELL wants your trade, aud wi dimes. pave you and Oysters Wils&n's. iu shell or "can at V. & C. i far the erchaTtls anil properly prepare the dried products for market, together with economical methods pursued, will ensure good profits for their years of toil, out an ounce of fresh meat, ; """8 t -2T on i:.iess pork, hardtack, ' . .., ' ' r.t li , n r ia Iha Mmtfpr it-it'., Thp mails, or postmaster, or bath. The last Sunday morning's Salem Statesman did not reach Corvallis until noon last Tues day, ten full days after being mailed. I stamped envelopes Herbert Who is to blame? j Prest., Dept. M, Chicago, 111. The staff of the English an?. German Expert Specialists" is composed of five regularly graduated doctors, each a pkysiciau who has had many years experience ii eating all manner of chronic diseases. During the past quarter of a century the success of this most worthy and p -pnlar institution has been phenomenal. Diseases which have baffled the skill of other Bhvsieiaos and stu'ibornlv refused to viekl to ordinary medicine-:, methods A stubborn cough or tickling in tlie tbrett j aiui appliances, .-ire'q -iickl v subdued aud mastered by the English and Oern-iau Ex yields to One Minute Cough Curo. Harm-: pert Specialist:-. They have the largest and best equipped medical institution in less in clloct, touch ss the vigU spot, reliable j Anieric... Tne Eng lsh and German Expe rt Special i?ts are not only compttent aud and just What is w..iHad. It acts at once. ' re-iauie. uui arc reap. ..isnne. oe.ng osca aj a:.4p.c -.i'. "u u.v ii- . . HOME CURES While it is preferable in many instances to see a patient, I the English ahrt German Expert Specialists have cured thousands of persons whom i v t t a vTt.'n cpvpoii Tuner they nave nev-r seen. It von cannot see the doctors, write tne name otnee ter VV worthy persons in thi-J stale i question list and free advice ia regard to ywir ailment. manage our business in their town and i Call oh the Doctors whea they come. All ailing people should see the near'-y counties. It ii mainly office or:: ; English and German Expert Specialists. A friendly talk, which costs absolutely conducted at home. Salary straight -fg-so ! nothing, is bound to resnlt in a great deal of god, whether treatment is taken or a ysar and expenses definite, bona i?.:le. j not. no more, no less salary. Monthly i $75. References. Enclose self-addressc . IS riess. A CAVnAllUC) Second an 1 Mo iOi Sis. ( jus Graham & W Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The English and German Expert Specialists A Staff cf the Most Eminent Physicians in the World. Vlain Office, 731 Market St., San Francisco- M ATTRESS FACTOR Y. I manuf'acturo Mai. re.-s-.-s -of all kinds and ilo Uphol stering of every dscriptiotn Parlor Suits, Sofas, Bed Loaages, Mattresses, And all kinds of Furnitnrr- up!iolicivd and repaired. Having had 20 years1 t -xp"rionce iti uph.!slering and mattress mauulactut I claim to hoi able to do as neat and' perfect work as can hp Ion-'; any whrro. IF- S. FIETH. Leave orders at Wilson & Co. 'a. 719 Second St.