The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, September 30, 1898, Image 2

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Issued Every Friday Mornlns; by
Editor and Manager
sa 1
The Astoriati thinks it not un-!
the special i
Lire but ad-
r to nredicti
elected senator at t
- r i i i . .
ire tViit "it ic r.afr tn rirprlirf
E -.i r . r
e w.nrner ior next nemeniDcr
to undertake to say what the ;
ltoome of the senatorial fifht
'It 1 r1 A . -. 1.
on the first joint ballot.
The Russian soldiers invaria
v wnsli anrJ Hress with extra
r t . t
eve that physical cleanliness
lays an important part in help-
cr rnem Tn pnicr neaveu. .lvi-
.V . 4 1 , 1
any Democrat.
How would they manage the
athing and toilet business if
err nppnpnir 1(11. WUU1U
- 't- i r ....... i . (
e nnlitplv asked to no.none hos-
o -
nnps nnni tnfv n;m iixt!Li lijcui-
.-1 .1 t i c i .1 . ...
elves up a bit.
Every republican ought to
it..! r i.- r l. ..4.,.
s as large or as influential as
he whole party. It is time fac
- . . i a jftf;rtni
iflferenres honored with a deco-
UUS lllLCl Lillll 111 utv. i-iiwiw-r
i i : T .. . .
i i : r . 1. 1 1
, M : i" 4... 1 .
utel' set his face toward the
- - .rr..t ... r..i c
u: -i j..4.:
ips of the rennblic. Let self be
orgotten, make ho Dargams, nor
, , .
oward self aeerandizement, and
Jf ,
he future will take care of i
hose that are capable. "He
erves his party best who serves j
1 . , 1 t-1 i
is co niiLV utrst. . xl,icul ou man
S. senator that heads a faction I
, , ,, i
r 4.: r 1. ." . . 41
is election i'hii 111 Liit ilj:isl oc
. " 4.1 , 4.
. 3 . - 4. r l -
action. Do not elect anv one
1 1 -1 4J1
he smallest deeree with anv lee-
J S l
slative hold no, or the defeat of I
ny one having his party's caucus
omination. or that has under
ken in any manner, to corupt
., ., r r -
nr Dimiir in hov mcinun tji tntr
.-ny mail sqiau
m ,
n , . -t i rn
CL11C1 tUU aiillll LU itLCUtd Ji 1111 I
seat in the United States senate :
ii i i 1 1 rui hi
Six years ago the populist
tiH. Jimnno ntfipr tViincr in itQ
. a a . - r -m
i r m . r
lit- II IMW .
"We meet in the midst of a
q rinn nrnntrn r rn in T(rcrf nr
1 A A .,1 i-
My populist friend of this day,
. 3 4.1- . 3 .
)oes it not sound rather dolefn?, I
n the lace or a Shr;
i f r
annM Tor r p nsr i v nr p in na
jl r ct i . --i
11 1 7 t t ahs a nn nti ovrv c rt
" ! - , ,
4t1 4To -CM- .
1 : 1 a 1
J -
Would any of our populist
friends and readers like to crrv
1- i 1 T I r . i
1J 4- 4? C t
nner me iinLriev larin a
1 . i t-.: 1 ny zee .
, j r 4.1. r i ' -
1 1t-
tid sheen that were selling for
T.2cto l.'iO oer head when I
mai act luuh cucli how icauuy :
ring from $3 00 to $4.00, be-j
, jt , .-. . -
ill UC UdlU in Lilt KJ 111LV.U 4JLHU.LC3
11 1 J . 4.1 T T .1 4 tJ.44. '
nrino- 1808 than were in iSos.
anu troiu. wiiiuu uu ctii iuuuu
1 1 1 11 t :
fes -u.A 4 t CrA titah I A Ka f Vi n 1 1 n i
a ' C l I ,.L1.- ..
tthwi n cr inro rne i nirea urates
fi A . a 1 . TT.-.i. J t . A :
a " 1 il .
A-1 L . J A. 1
lllgCL C V Cl Kau v u . av iiv. wuii-
try is so prosperous that the gov
ernment is onenne to anucipate
the payment of interest and prin-
I 1 C .n I-. i-. ( iff aKI ln-iTtAnc
uyai vj4. univ v4. . o"--
No nation on earth but ours
can do that. You are all happy
, 1 J A . .. . . .
0 j
zens, you love the country, you
are pitriots and want to do right
DUt you were snnpiy imbuus-cia in i
resrard to what the country re-1
auired. that s all. It is manlv totvonr caucus.
aclinic mistaKes, ana improve on
1 I 4.1 3 " I
tne e.xueneuce ui uie pasi.
Thrnw awav voiir rrpp si ver
tads, your referendum, etc., and
i r. ; 4-1. HVmt f t-U. ,,,.,.-
. 7. j 11 r 3
I ! 4
wr nrrsner rv. ano n ess i too
that your fallacies were not sue-
cessiui wneu suuniiLieu iu luc
I . 1 1 1 1 J l . 4.1
intelligence of the American
i Mr. Mitchell Not a Candidate, j
Mr KKtoholl wriiincr tn the i
Herald-Disseminator, of
Or., under date of Sept. 24th, says: i
i My Deab Sir: In your issue oi i
vpsterdav T noticed in vour SDecial i
correspondence from Salem of the j
17th inst. under the caption ol
i"Gossip About the Special Sess
ion," your anonymous corresponu
ent, among other things, says:
'-Candidates lor the United
States senate are plentiful. Mr.
Corbett and Mr. Mitchell are can
Then Mr. Geer, j
Governor Lord, Binger Hermann,
C. W. Fulton. Phil. Metschan, i
Claud Gatch. M. C. George, Cyrus I
i in rwi . np i ,1 mn . ikiltu Dean.
"f-i ,
J UUS i-ui -
t i ii r i.,,irt -i-iumu
of Albanv. are snoken ol. there
is plenty of senatorial timber to
select from."
Speaking for myself only, 1 de
sire to say that neither your cor
respondent, nor any other person,
either in Oregon or out of it, has
ever had any authority whatever
from me, or Irom anyone who had
any right to represent me, to an
no n nee that I would be a candi
date for re-election to the United
States senate either at the comin
sppcial or regular sessions; while
on the contrary to everyone who
has spoken to me, or written to
me on the subject, since the ex
traordinary session was called, 1
have slated in the lrankest and
most emphatic manner that 1 was
not a candidate, and would not be,
at any stage of the contest for the
election of my successor. And I
desire to say to you and all others,
in this connection, I am not a can
didate for the election to the sen
ate, nor will I be at any stage of
the contest, nor will my name be
used with my eon;ent by anyone, I
either friend or foe, in that con
nection. I was a candidate lor re-election
as my own successor, as all know,
at the regular session of the legis
lature convened in January. 1S97.
On the meeting of that legislature
a call was issued lor a caucus to
meet January 14. 1897, for the
Dinoose ot nominating a cauui
t' ! -
date for tlle XTnited States senate, i
"iJ uwB ww - . CD
rpnnhlican senators and rewresen-
t...fivrs. or. two more than a ma-
ioritv of the members constituting
the legislature. This call, with
. i r . 1 1
uie names u me uiciuucio sif.ii-
ing it, was as follows:
We, the undesigned, repubh
cans and republican members of
the legislature of the state ol
Oregon, believing, as we do, in j
maintaining and perpetuating the
I organization ol tne repuoncan
party, and also its principles as
4.-.4-1 I.. ..IH'ww ,lrx
... .
'tn.iofflmior rnnn rvlloon AAliVAn.
icu av io nva .CPU4J..V,.... V-...V. i
Hon at St. Louis, and believing i
, ,, aA s,.u
Ul a VH11U1V.I Clt- J KJi Wlllti.t 'IM'-"
, . , . i.-.
HPl ; i I LI 1 K I I 1 1 ill ' ' il I 1 1 . 1 1 Mill i I I 1 1 1 lln
....v-- - rr
nrinf.inlf. will he best, nromoted
rj or harinrr tn t li will Ar 1 hn
f i
. .... i ... f . - ... tr t.,.i. o jv I
pressed in party caucus, do hereby j
agree, a sumcient numoer to elect j
i consenting thereto, that we will !
meet in party caucus on itmrsoay, I
I ho lJ-tli r1;ir rf Tantiarr 1 !07 in
lhe hM of the house of reDresen-
tatives, in Salem, Oregon, at i
o'clock p. m., and after organiza
tion by the selection of a presiding
officer and two secretaries, will, by
a viva voce vote, as our name are j
called, express our preference for j
a candidate
senator: and
for United
we hereby a
ree to
support for United States senator
i... ...... ...Nt.. ; .. dm i ,..;..., ,, ..
Person who squall at sucli caucus
,C1VC JWI--J Wl " l"c TUlC3
on at t hprri ii "
Cal breath,
JJ .inc
1 .LLLCIS-'rllX.ij.
t T T
Smith, J. N., i
Themas, Thompson, Stanley,
Vaughan, Veness, Wagner.
This caucus was held at the
time and place specified in the
call. There were personally pres
ent at such caucus forty-four of
attached to the call. The four j
who signed the call and were not!
present at the caucus were sena-
tors. Carter, of Benton county, 1
Miillrar ot PolL-. anrl (ie.,.or nf
Marion, and !lnresftr.tative Rid I
uie, ui jougias. oenaior uarier,
however, sent the chairmai. and
.1 1. . . .. i .
m 111. . r 1 1 1 1 1 I I . .... 1 . 1 iv 1 c ..i.i.i"
.. . . . u.. . - . . . . , . . . .. m-jij
-S.iK-.rn. Or.. Jan. 14. 1 SOT.
rl i 1 II c
aw tne viiciu u tiiu lueiuueis ui
t ho Ivnnii mi a 11 nauinn li ho HolH
hi' I no Ki-ino ol iii n hia -v-i Ui.r,-' .t
I MO T injoii t i n..'loo r I t hi I irnirnii
1 K" ooixjh ui un vicj:uu
i airi i 'i t ii vii (rvi i 1 1 ca nn rrvAcri nl
nominating a candidate lor the
United States senate.
'Gentlemen: I regret to state
that I have been called home, and
will be unable to be present at the
caucus to be neia tins evening.
I wish to say, however, that if
present 1 should vote for Senator
J. H. Mitchell; but if the caucus
shall nominate some other gentle
man I will sunnort him. it hpini?
my lntenfion, I assure you, to
abuie by the will of the majority,
and to support the nominee of
. , f r 4 4- 11
"very respectiuny yours
Tolbert Carter."
Senator Mulkey. the evening of
the caucus, sent me a telegram
from his home at Dallas, of which
the following is a copy:
"Dallas, Or., Jan. 14, 1897.
"Hon. John H. Mitchell, Wil
lamette Hotel, Salem, Oregon:
"I have just arrived in response
to a telegram
sickness of my
announciug the
little daughter.
rina ner very in. vv uiucvei wu-
I . - j i '11 1 wff 1 . . .. ......
us tu"'&1
by - o. Mclkei. "
At this caucus, so held as above,
I had on roll-call and open viva
roce vote, the distinguished Hon
or conferred on me of receiving
every one of the forty four votes
present as a candidate of the
party, and was by the chairman ot
the caucus, the late Senator
Hughes, of Washington county,
declared to he the
nominee of the party lor United
States s nato . There were, then.
lore, it will be seen, lorty six
renuhiiRaiis. a c ear maiontv ot
tile whole legislature, declaring
solemnly by their votes and by
their signatures in my lavor as a
candidate and nominee ot the
Notwithstanding these facts,
lour of the names mentioned by
your Salem correspondent as being
at present candidates for election
io the United States senate,
namely, H. W. Corbett, Governor
William P. Lord, Cyrus Dolph,
and Joseph Simon, and others con
trolled by them, combined and
confederated together and witli
certain mennwisol the legislature,
some of them elected as repubii
cans, others elected as populist,
and still others as democrat, and
by the use of an unlimited amount,
of money and other disreputable
means, sustained in their miser
able anarchist, scheme, by the
Oregonian, held up the legislature,
and during the whole session pre
vented not only a vote being taken
for United States senator, but also j senator. There are many promi
t he passage of any appropriation j nent republicans located in differ
bill or other legislation whatever. I ent sections of the state eminently
dcDiiving the state for two
years ol us proper quota oi repre
sentation in the United States
senate, and imposing upon the
taxpayers the burdens incident to
the extraordinary session ot the
legislature now convened, and,
what is infinitclv worse than all
this, bringing our people and state
into contempt in the eyes of every
right minded person outside of the
Notwithstanding I was then the
nominee of the party, and finding
it was impossible to have a vote.
I, on February IS, 1 897, addressed
a letter to Hon. Samuel Hughes,
state senator from Washington
county and chairman of the rep
ublican conference, in which I
recited the facts relating to the
caucus, and referred to the atti-
tude of those holding up the legis
lature, and rvhich letter concluded
as follows:
..The i.jstorv of politics since
.... ' .
line Deginning oi tv.e government
tans to lurnisn a paranei in any
shlte to tlie sitliat;0ii thus pre
i , , i
sented. The spectacle presented
i that of a minority, realizing
their lack of power to dictate and
i control in the selection of a
n i P : .
nucdlti Ul Luc iniua'-- vii i ictji cotrii
.. ..
United States senator, deliberately I
refusing io qualify and take their
seats in ,)e house, thereby lnten-
din to prevent the presence ot a
quorum, ana absolutely biacKing
the election of both speaker and
senator, and legislation as well.
Such a proceeding, whatever may
be the motive of those promoting
it. tends strongly and inevitably
toward anarchy. It is the most
dangerous menace. nt onlv to the
integrity of the organization of
the rennhlican nartr. but to the !
very existence of our government, 1 1 Oregonian, while continually
both state and national. It is a ! attacking the administration, the
proceeding that should receive the I president and his cabinet, persist
unqualified condemnation of every j "1 denouncing, not only myself,
law-abiding eitizen of all political j but every prominent republican in
parties. Those who give it their the state who in the past support
eountenance or support, either K'd me politically, as factionists.
directly or infcrentially, of as ,,ot Sood republicans, as not
ever party affiliation, deserve to faithful and loyal supporters of
be classed with the enemies of law the party, and all ot whom it is
and order. To permit it to be insisted should be read out of the
established as a precedent would
be to set in motion an element of
and disintegration that
will eventually sap the very fouii-jine
dation of our political institutions,
"In view, however, of the pres- j Simon, the leaders of this legisla
ent status of the United Slates j live holdup, insist that they are
senate, as it will be after the 4th i the proper and logical Candida es
of March next, it is of the utmost
importance that Oregon should at
' this time elect a senator. This
f t jf appreciated by every
' The republican party is in fi
,u,eIr greter than any one man.
Its interests are paramount to
those of any one individual. It
J . .
senator, if in your power: and
while, as your nominee, I person
ally am ready and willing, as y&u
all know, to stand by you and
with you for the integrity of party
organization and the mainten
ance and perpetuity of the rule
of the majority, still I desire to
say to you now, in this public
manner, that while I believe
that the minority should not be
permitted to dictate to the ma
jority, and that there is now a
principle involved in this contest
which is infinitely greater than
. the interests of anv one individual
vet asl have i-eneatdlv statPd lofG'ge. Judge Burnett. Judg
each of you individually during j
the last thirtv davs, I do not !
control vour judgment or assume
anv right to direct vour forces, i
Therefore whenever vou can see
your way clear to choose repub
licau senator other than myself,
then you must not for one mo
ment permit the fact of my nom
ination or of my candidacy to
stand in the way. In other words,
I am in your hands; you have
made me a nominee, do witii me
as you please, and I will be con
tent. Do your whole duty to the
republican party, the state of
Oregon, and the nation. You
know full well the character of
the combination against you and
the influences through which it
found its origin and by which it
has been maintained. Exercise
your own judgment, keeping
steadilv in view the best inter
ests not only of the republican
partv. but .tthe state ana nation.
"Thanking you and each of you
cordially for the unfaltering sup
port you have given me, I am,
with great respect, your obedient
"John H. Mitchell."
And again, four days later, on
Feb. 22, 1S97, I addressed another
letter to Chairman Hughes, chair
man of the republican conference,
of which the lollowiugisa copy:
"Salem, Or., Feb. 22, 1S97.
"Hom. Samuel Hindu s, Chairman
Kapublican Conference, Sa
lem, Oregon.
" My Dear Sir: I understand
there is a strong disposition upon
the part ot the majority of the re
publicans to adjourn the lcgisla
ture sine die without further effort
to secure the election of a senator.
This would leave the state only
partly represented in the senate ol
the United States, the effect ol
which, in all probability, would be
to place the control of the senate
in the hands of those opposed to
the republican party, in which
event the deleat ol tariff legisla
tion at the coming extraordinary
session of congress would be as
sured. It seems to me, therefore,
there is a paramount duty resting
upon you to make one more deter
mined effort before final adjourn -
ment to secure the
election of a
qualified tor the position, men
who would do credit to the party,
the state and nation. I will co
operate with you and all other re
publicans in the legislature in en
deavoring to bring about the elec
tion of such republican as the
republican conference to whom
this letter is addressed, will agree
"Yours very sincerely,
"John H. .Mitchell."
Fearing, however, that if a vote
were permitted I might still be
elected, these conspirators and
their associates, aiders and abet
tors, against law, order, and party
organization, persisted to the end
in preventing a vote.
No: withstanding the facts just
recited, thern are many republi
cans in Oregon todav who make
'claim to, and who desire to be
classed as truthful, honorable men,
who, either through ignorance of
the facts, or for the reason that
they are willfully perverse, per
sist in reiterating, parrot fashion,
in season and out of sea.--on, the
miserable falsehood of the Oregon
ian and its satellites, that "Mitchell
and his supporters held up the
No more wicked or grossly un
just misrepresentation was ever
invented or resorted to by
un.scrupulous set of politicians, for
the purpose of diverting attention
from their own inexcusable and
reprehensible conduct.
And notwithstanding the further
fact that I cordially and earnestly
.-lidud to the extent of icy power
in the election of McKinley and
Hobart, as did all my friends gen
eraliy throughout the state, and
have since and do now cordially
support the administration in pow
er, this cabal, led by the editor ot
Now these same men come for
ward and narade themselves as
I.. ii .
only true repuoiicans ol tne
state, ana Mr. uoroett ana Mr.
for senator and that one or the
other should be elected.
I submit to you, Mr. Editor, and
to all concerned, as 1 did to tne
late legislature when I was will-;
I ing to waive my candidacy, al-j
though the nominee of the party
as stated, there are many promi
nent republicans residing in differ
ent portionsof the state, (exclusive
not only of myself but also of the
men who were prominent in this !
disgraceful legislative hold-up, and j
who promoted and engineered it,
and the names of some of the
more prominent of whom I have
mentioned), and republicans who
have not been prominent in any of
t he factional tights in Oregon, who
would, if elected, be a credit to
the party, the state and nation.
The names of some of these gen
tlemen have been mentioned by
your Salem correspondent, namely
Mr. Geer, Mr. Hermann, Mr. Ful
ton, Mr. Metschan, Mr. Gatch, Mr.
Beau and ex Judge Hewitt, and
one ot' whom, it elected, would
be an honor to the state and the
republican party, while in addition
t0 t,lose mentioned by your corre
spondent there are a number of
others in different sections of the
state who would some within the
category. All of these gentlemen
are true republicans, and clean,
worthy persons in this slate to
manage our business in their town and
nearby counties. It is mainly office work
conducted at home. Salary straight S900
a year and expenses definite, bona fide,
no more, no less salary. Monthly
$75. References. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope, Herbert E. Hess,
Prest., Dept. At, Chicago, 111.
JVew Fall Stock
Is JV ow Complete
In All Departments.
Men's, Boys' and Children's
Men's, Boys' and Children's
Men's, Boys' and Children's
Men's. Boys' and Children's Under 'Wfinr and
Men's. Boys' and d.r en's Sweaters.
Men's. Boys' and Children's S ngle Trousers
Trunks, C-ub Bags and Telescopes.
New Suitings and Trouserings in Tailoring Department.
Our stock and prices will
get acquainted with them.
able men, while not one of them
is embarrassed either in mind or
body with any of those infirmities
inseparable from age.
The election of any of these
gentlemen, it. is submitted, or 01
that ot any one of numbers of
others Whose names might be
mentioned, will tend to the de
struction of factions, and to the
unification of the party, while the
election of any of the men who
were prominent in the legislative
hold-up, and notably that of Mr.
Corbett or Mr. Simon, the ring
lpadcrs and revenue producers ol
that anarchistic proceeding, will
but tend to perpetuate factional
strife, and would result ultimately
111 the disintegration of the party.
Siuce the adjournment of the legisla
ture in March, 1897, although coutinu
I ally subjected to gross Eiisrepreseata
' tions and abuse by vindictive journalists
and subsidized penny a liners. I have
held my peace. I have not responded,
; either by speach. ietter, or interview,
; trusting and believing bv quietly with
drawing myself from poitics as a candi
i date for the senate or any other office,
that the lapse of time would ultimately
' develope a better general knowlid'e of
i the real facts connected with the late leg
I islative hold-UD, and at the same lime
I awaken to some degree a sense of justice
in the minds of even malignant partisan
j opponents. The republican party and
the state of Oregou have honored
i me as they havt never honored any other
I f its citizens. For three full terms they
' have given me a seat in the senate of th
I United States, while ou two other occa
j sions I have been the choice as expressed
in party caucus as the candidate of tke
! party for United Stales senator. I have
therefore, no po itical claims either om
; the party or the state, and do not intend
; further to make any. I am frank lo con-
fuss I was earnasitly desirous of re-e:ec
I tion at the close of my iast term, as my
position on committees in the s-.nate was
secuiid to . none in that body either m
dignity, influence or power, a position
that no new senator, whatever Kiay be
i his ebility or tact, can, under the ru es
and practices of the seaate, ho;-.e to at
tain short of a service of at least twelve
years, and I was therefore in a pos.tion
to h.we done much for the state and
coast Bat as the .-.latter stands today,
having firmly determined many months
siuct. I would not be a candidate for re
election, I have but ee ambition and
that is that I may re-establish luyse f in
my profession 111 this city and stale, and
have and retain the respect and confi
dence of the people, irrespective of party
of the state that has thus so highly hon
ored roe. Whatever may be said to the
cputrary, I have the gratification of
knowing that during the eighteen years
of my service in the senate I have en
deavop-ed to labor faithfully and consci
entiously for what I belidved to be the
best interests ot the state, the coast and
nation; and never during all that period
did I cast a vote on any question, made
a party issue in the senate, except with
the republican party, nor did I ever cast
a vote during all that period on any
question that was contrary to the plat
form of the republican party of the state
upon which the legislature which elect
ed me was elected.
Notwithstanding these facts, and not
withstanding the positition of myself aid
friends at the present time in reference
to the approaching senatorial contest, I
shall of course expect that myself and
friends wid in the future, as in the past,
be the subject of gross misrepresentation
and abuse by the organs of that faction
which organized and carried into stie
cessful execution the conspiracy against
the large majority of the republicans in
the late legislature.
Futher thaa as above indicated I do
not intend personally to take any part
in the approaching senatorial contest.
On the contrary I expect in a few days
to leave for Washington City, to be pres
ent at the opening of the suprerjee court
of the United States where I have pro
fessional business calling me, and there
fore do not expect to be either at Salem
or in the state during the contest.
Nothing adds more to the
Appearance or gives
More style to dress
Than beautiful furs.
We are showing a beautiful line of Collars and
Collarettes for fall, and would be pleased to
have you look through the line.
Net to Postoffice.
Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters and
Boots, Shoes and Rubber
Hats and Caps.
talk for themselves when you
In conclusion, availing myself. Mr.
Editor, of this opportunity of thanking
you for the absolute fairness with which
you have invariable tieate.'l me and my
friends in the columns of your valuable
paper, I am, with great respect,
Your obedient sesvant,
john H Mitchell.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City. Or
August 17, 1098.
Notice is hereby give that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the clerk of the court at
Corvallis, Or., on Septamber 30, 1S9S,
Homestead Entry No 9910, for the south
east quarter of Section 4, Township 11
south, Range 7 west, Willamette Merid
ian. He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous resideace upon and
cultivation of said land, viz.:
E. F. Strout, B. Troxel. H. Borgeu. F.
Duncan, all of Summit, Oregon.
CHAS. B. MOORES. Register.
You get the best of
Southern Oregon Peaches,
Benton County Melons,
Yaquina Bay Salmon
And Shell Fish, at
709 Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon.
G. R. FARRA, M. D.
Offiee upstairs over F. L. Miller's store.
Residence on Third street in front of
Office hours 8 lo 9 a. m.. and I to a and
7 to S p. m. All calls attended promptly.
Office: Over Allen & Woodward's
Residence: Corner Third and
Harrison Sts.
SaysS Corvallis, Or.
For Yaquina :
' rain leaves A)bai:y . . .
Train ieares Corvallis.
Arrive Yaquina
..1-2:50 r. M.
. . 1:45 I". M.
. . 0:89 I'. M.
2 Returning-:
Leavfs Yaquina 7:0 A. M.
Leaves Corvallis 1140 A. M.
Arrive Albany 12:25 1 M.
Fer Petroit :
Leares 'orv&llis 7:00 A. 51.
Leaves Albanv S:05 A. Ii
Arrive Detroit 13;20 P. JL
Leaves ltroit 12:40 P. M.
Leares Albany 6:05 P. M.
Arrive Corv iHU 6:55 P. M.
1 antJ 2 cnncet at Albany and Corvallis with
.Suuthcrn Pacifi, siting- direct service te and
from Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train for the mountain 1 arrives at Detroit at
noon, giving ample time tn roach camping gr-Hnds
on tn ireitnouin ana aantiam rivers cne same oay.
H. L. WALDEN, T. F & P. A.
H. H. CR0NISE, Acent, Corrallis, Or.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Your Battle For a
sell clothing cheap?
experience you w
reason of our succes
our gowds i
to patronize us.
Nice, Nobby Suits, $5.00, $6 00, $7.00, $7.48, upwards.
Nobby School Suits for Boys.
Vestee Suits, 3 to 5 years.
Short Pants Suits, 5 to IO years, $1.50, upwards.
3-piece Suits, 12 to 19 years, $4.50, upwards.
During the coming week we will make every effort to
catch y nr trade? and have the prices to suit the times.
No excuse for you. to put off buying, as we have a lull
slock ol FINE FURNITURE lo suit all tastes. A short
time spent looking over our line will convince you that we
have the goods and sell at prices that catch the orders.
First-class Stock
Good Workmanship
Reasonable Prices
Orders promptly
Qregon) koht) ihe)
The Safest,
j Lenl nn A Cnntknnnt
.8Sl 3l(U &0Uin6aSl.
For lull particulars regarding
rates, time of trains, etc., call on
or address GEO. F. EG LIN,
W. E. COWAN. Agl., Corvallis.
General Agent,
124 Tliiird Si. Fori land, Or
Southern Pacific Comoanv
0:09 P. M. I Leave Portland Arrive I fl:S0 A. M.
il:4rt A. M I Leave Albany Arrive j G:00'A. M.
7:45 A. M. Arrive S. Franeiseo Leave I S:0B 1". M.
Above train stop at all principal Nations
between Portland and Salom, Turner. Ma
rion, Jefiersen. Alban3 Tangrent ShedcU,
Hal.e H:irrivbur,T, Junction City, Euiri'tin,
Crcswcll, Cottage Grore, TVain.c, and all
stations from Boseburgte Ashland, inclusive.
Roseburg Mail Daily.
3:36 A. M.
12:25 P. M.
5:20 P. M.
4:30 P. M
J2:SG P. M
7:30 A. M
Kail Trail. Baily Zxsept C-un&y.
7:39 A. H.
12:15 P. 11.
,rrive I 5:50 P. M
Leave 1:95 P. H
t Albany and Corrallis connect with trains of the i
Oregon l'aeifte Kailruad.
Exprecs Trait. tsSj Except Sstlay.
4:50 P M. I Lfiav-e
7:30 P. M Arrive
8:S8 P. M. j Arrive
Portland Arrive
Mcliunvilie Leave
Independence Leave
8:25 A. M.
5:50 A. M.
4.50 A. M.
Direct connection at San Francisco
with Occidental aucl Oriental and Pacific
mail steamship lines far JAPAN AND
CHINA. Sailing dates en applicatiob.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points
and Europe. Also JAPAN, CHINA
obtained from A. K. MILNER, Ticket
Agent. Corvallis.
Manager. A. G. F. & P. A.
Portland, Or.
Does a general practice in all tha courts. Also
agent for an toe first-class icburatree companies
Suit Ends Right Here von
know tli.ii
- ti
wiiH! m
Corvallis, Oregoii.
w . mm
mm railway, iw mi
:as cut
. . FOR . .
Sailing dates for August 7, 12, 1", 22, 27
leave Portland for
Alaska Points
august 8 and 28.
Steamers Monthly from Portland
to Yokohama and Hong Kong: hi
connection with O. R. & JS'.
Vor full informatiuu ch1 on O. K. A N.
agent, W. S. stone, CoivalHs, Or.,
(.vi-.N . AGENTS NOR. PAC. S 8. Co.
Onion Laundry Go.,
All white labor work guaranteed.
Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives
Saturdays. T. D. Campbell, Ag.jit,
Second-Hand Store.
W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow WWs
kys, Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.