The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, August 26, 1898, Image 3

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    . 0
V Are Strictly in Demand.
RIBBON. Over 6or.oo worth of rib
bon iust received. Fancy and staple.
Satin gros cr.iin, double face satin, taf
feta, moire. Several qualities.
BEAt'TY PINS. Six for 25c. Three
styles. Stick pins, military pins, shirt
waist sets.
PARASOLS. Colored and fancy at
greatly reduced prices to close.
SUM M ER CORSETS. 25c, 50c, 1.00.
New short corsets in four-hook and fire
hook. Shirt waist dtstenders, 25c.
HVI Ti; T ratlior nalonl leathr-r ra i.
vas, metal. Plain, jewe'ed, fa:-:cy.' 15c
to $2.50.
Albany, Oregon.
Agents for Buttrick Patterns.
Try Vermont maple syrup. For sale
by A. Hodes.
Bargains in men's fine shses at Xolan
& Callahan's.
Recorder Gellatly is quite sick-. It is
thought he has malarial fever.
Benton county Crawford peaches and
all kinds of melons are in the market.
Will Gellatly's steam thresher finished
threshing at the college farm 011 Tuesday.
Mr. OUie Gates, f Millslioro, is visit
ing with John Smith's family of this city.
M. S. Woodcock and family hive re
turned frova their outnig by llie sea sine. vista luc latter part Qf tliis week.
Call at the Exchange, corner Second Dried prunes are in demand at 34 to
and Monroe, and price t'.e new Cottage j Ajf ceHts a pound. Carload lots of any
organs. j kind of produce can be sold where
S. A. Hetuphill lias returned from the j wagonloads cannot be given away,
bay, where he has bjen -.pending the ! Born To the wife of Spencer Bick
suinmer. j nell, August 24, 189?, a sou. Both uioth&r
Henry Keesee, a son-in-law of Judge j and child doing well. Spencer, although
Burnett, with his family, is visiting rela- j born in England, is an enthusiastic
tives in this section. j American.
Mr3. J. R. Hughes sca'ded one of her Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Itenuie, Byron
feet badly oa Wednesday last, caused by Taylor and Al. Johnson have returned
accidentally upsetting tire gallons of j from their hunting and fishing tdur to
boiling water. j Beaver creek iu Lincoln county. They are
, r ..:..' u -.,,- Cm Wu well sunburnt, but feel well repaid in fun
J. X. 11 VI '.C iir.a J . ' - ------- 1
shioointr five crates a day of the Oregon
Ever-bearing Strawberries to tne 1'on
land market. They c fti uand a fancy
On the college larm uiacx oais iclucu .
68 bushels to the acre. N . 10 wheat, a ;
Hew variety, introduced by
French, does well 011 low ground, yield. d
30 bushels to the acre.
Mr. Arthur Hope and Miss Bertie
Kiger, ef Blodgett, were married August
21st by H. Underbill, J. P., at his resi
dence at Summit. Their many friends
extend congratulations.
Manny vacant dwellings in Albany,
could all be reu'.stl :vBd.t.ccupieu if they
"were in Corvallis. There has beea a
greater demand here for residents this j
summer than for several xears.
Bom To the wife of Alfred Haldc-!
man, August 25, 1S9S, a daughter. Alf's
clothes are too small for him. In his
eestacy of joy, it is reported he climbed
upon ti.e woodshed rotf and fired a i.a
tional salute in honor of the event.
One Minute Cough Cure surprises people
by its quick cures, and children may take it
in largo quantities ?ithout the kstst danger.
It has won for itself the best reputation of j
any preparation used today for colds, croup, !
tickling in the throat or obstinate cough'
T. H Aldrich, while going to work on
j. xx. .iiin.u, .... e, a
the college farm on his bicycle, in turn-
mg a corner the wlieeis suppeu ami
threw him off and cut the veins in his
left wrist on a tin bucket which he was
carrving. IJr. 1'ernot srwea up me
wound, but the patient will be compelled
to rest for awhile.
The editor of the Gazette has had
an opportunity of examining the stock
rr , i 1 1 it 1 1 .1 ...1...... ,. ,1 I
onerea ior iaie uy mi. na.c,
appears elsewhere in this paper, and can
unhesitatingly say that they are all cx-
Icelleat; in fact, the fi test the writer has j
lever seen. stacJemen win miss 9 uue
.. . .,, r -
I opportunity to purchase something in the
line of pure-bred stock that does not
rates, occur if they fail to attend this iale.
A. D. Hale, at Satiny View StocU
Farm, in Ki::gs Valley, will sell at public
uction, September 3, his stock of horses, 1
pure-brcd and graded Red Polled cattle
imported Berkshire boar aad pure-bred
hogs (either registered or eligible to
registered), Bronze turkeys, pure spangled
Hamburg and LaugsUan fowls, pure bred
Shropshire lambs, and farming tools and ,
Ivehicles. Terms of :a'e, 12 months' t;uie .
3B all sums over $10. This sale will ;
ifford a fine opportunity to j;et good ;
stock at fair prices.
Rev. Isaac Peart aud his wife were
mistaken for tramps at Minor Switk's a
beet time ago. Iu the twilight they
I Called at Mr. Swick's, going to the Lack
door and -asking for something to eat
iust "s the family were eating sapper. 1
linor told them to sit down on the porch
ind when they were through he woald
sring them something. Ou closer ob
servatiou a few minutes later the mistake
vas discovered. Apologies were made,
and a good laugh by all of the parties I
vas enjoyed at Minors expense.
J. Henry Brown, a widely known Ore-
jon pioneer, dii-a 1.1 t'ortlaua ou lues
lay of last week, of asthma, culminating
In consumption, age.l bi years and 12
lavs. He was born in Wilmington, 111 ,
August 4, iSj7 came across th plains in
1847. and settled iu Salem, where he
lade his hme until about 1880, when he
temoved to t'ortlaua. ne was a printer
By trad
and wrote much for the press,
our childran and four sisters a:-.d half-
isters are the immediate relatives of the
eceased -.cow surviving. The children ;
e Frances (Mrs. franic aatcneuor) 01
utteville: Nannie ( Mrs. Matthews) of I
eattle; Eva (Mrs. Lewis) of Georgia,
nd Charles, a 3 year-old bay. His sec
nd wife survives him. His sisters and
If-sisters are Mrs. Jane Anderou, of
alsev; Mrs. David Matheny, of Salem;
is. J. Niinaii, of Portland; Mrs. Nellie
oodward, ef Corvallis, and Miss Nettie
ipencer, a Chicago school teacher. Mr.
wu was a man among aen, of a spot-
Sherman Wade is very ill with
phoid fever.
ertie Kemp is in a critical condition,
caused by typhoid fever.
Prof. Pcrnot, wife and Miss Wicks
j have returned from the bay.
Cal. Thrasher's daughter, w!;o has bed
a siege of typhoid, is convalescing. -
Father Pe::nett, who has been seriously
ill with bowel trouble, is now better.
Mrs. Martha K1117, who has been ill
( with typhoid fever, is reported better
Frank Howell has returned from a
: week's fishing triv in the Alsca country.
Gesrge Horsefall, O. II Crisou. Lew.
j Orem and Mrs. Rev. Peait are all con
valescent. Mrs. Capt. Crawford and daughter
Emma, visited with friends in Albany,
this week.
Marion and Mabel Johnson have re-
turned home after a delightful visit with
friends near Salem.
Mrs. F. E. Miller and little son have
returned to gladden the borne of F. E ,
after spending a mouth by the sounding
Burt Dimick is in tow:-; for a few days,
visiting with relatives and friends pre
vious to going to Jackson's Hole, Wyo
ming. G. P. Minor, of Iincna Vista, was in
town this week, making arrangements to
move here and send It is children to
Miss Anna Dcnman has gone to Palo
Alto, Cal., to take a course in Stanford
The ladies of the Red Cross Society of
Corvallis have seut S25 to the stale asso
ciation to build a field hospital.
Pref. F. E. Kent, head of the depait-
. ment of dairying at the O. A. C, is heme
I from a visit to his pareHts in Iowa.
Pern Starr and family and Miss Reese
of Dusty, and Miss Leona Cain of this
I place, will go to the hopyards at Bue la
for all the trouble caused by the trip.
More than twenty million free sample, of
Do WittS Witch Hazel Salve have been dis
tributed by the manufacturers. What better j
proof of th-ir confidence in its merits de you j
wftnt? Jt ia
the shortest Mince of tim. . Graham & Wells.
The editor of this paper acknowledges
an inv-t -.tiim to iln- .mnnal reunion of !
I ...
JVlaaisii sesiitiary siuueuis are rwsnn j p aus ior uieir sou s luiure 1 c ana am- 1 jwcinua wciii
Madison, Lake county, Ohio. August 30, j bitions, all of which ar- so sudden y I sallow complexion, Pimples aad skin
where in 1864-65 he was a papii and bligb ihi.t it is impossible at present j eruptions. If you are feeling weak
assistant teacher. Gladly would we be j for them to become reconciled to tke im- j worn out a::d do not have a healthy ap
prssent, but circumstances will not per-! mut i' e decrees of Provident. : pearance you should trv Acker's Blood
mit. j This man was born an '. ,-eart d El xir. It cures all blcad diseases where
Miss Blanche Small came near setting iw our ...idst, where he. w... a universal 1 cheap Sarsaparilla and tn called pmifier
her home om fire oe evenn-g recently j favorite. Hh loss is deeply felt, and the I knowing this we sell every bottle on
while using a to heat her curling ! heartfelt sympathy of all go out in loving guarantee. Graham & Wells.
toIll,,. Had it not been for the the lime-
aid rendered by her mathor, who i
carried the lamp to the do jr hen it ex- j
ploded, this might have caused a 1 g
Elizabeth A. Beach left an estite in
this and Linn counties valued at J;oo.
W.h. Bogue was named in her will as
executor, to serve without bonds. The
1 property is to be dtstnl.ute- among her
Ichildrea, Lee, Charles, John, Emma,
Lizzie Millt,je Bach, Mary Smith and
E;la Tjacnma:
Col. Frank J. Parker, the veteran editor I
J ' . -1
-.nil rf,rri nr ff lll Wall;. W'.illa t:'.la.
. , . ,
man r-allpd ann swannprl varus a few
dayg a gr;at hmy fe
get back to his Elk river ranch in Lin
coln county. The colonel has a fine
sideuoarl in his home at the ranch, but
did not ask the Gazette man to sample
its old vintages.
The Christian Endeavorers of the First ;
j Christian Church ef this place will give ;
: a pubnc entertainment 111 the church 1
. . . . t
edihee, southwest corner Sixth and Mad-:
isoil streetSi 1?ri(lay evesiug, August 26, j
beginning at 8 o'clock. Anion- the
manv attractions, Dennis Stovall will de-
liver an original oration on "Heroes of
'98." No admission fee charged.
, . .
i-ror. j. b. noriier anti wite nave got:
home after an extended visit iu the East- j
ern states. Their itinerary took iu Wash- :
jUgton, Philadelphia, Boston, Cambridge,
xew York and Chicago. They are de-
j iighted to get back to the geaial climate
krf Oregon. The professor attended the j
j summcr school at Harvard, and took in j
inspiration at the home of Lowell, Ing j
1 fellow and Eerscn. !
Pr t fieo. C'oote and wif. Mrs T
Srhitehorn and ar4 M.q, V, v I
an,l Mi r..n,V .0,.. i
rated tVe grey matter of their brains
with large quantities of phosphorus,
painted tbeir complexions nut brown,
aud developed their muscles climbing
the hills aroi'.nd Newport and Nye brok,
have returned home, and with new
e:iergy will enter .-.pou the duties of the
couii;! year.
The Corvallis & E''sterr-i R-.ilroad will
give a.-.other of its excursions t- the
seaside on Sunday, August 28. These
excursions are descrved'y popular with
the business communities through which
this li:;e operates. They j,ive those con
j fi:ied to business during the week an i
I opportunity to go to the beach for a day ;
itt the heated term. A stroll along the !
peDDry snore, a cooling ana invigorating I
u:iLii 1.1 ine sun, a juu urauvai ui tue sea
' , '., . :
ens ine ana energizes eirort. "Ait w.-.ric
au" l"F'y """j.uauu,, uo,.
1 . 1 1 T 1 .1.11 I I
in Wednesday s Ii.ues mention
made that Telt Burnett was going to the
McKenzie on a hunt. It is currently
reported that the Tunes man made a
mistake in names, that it should have
read, J. w. Kobcrls, train dispatcher ot
the C. & E. R. R. Mr. Roberts naturally
feels that he has been slighted, as he had j
made great preparations for his intended I
trip, having supplied himself with all
kinds of liquid ammunition, bear traps, j
magazine rapid-firing guns, smokeless
powder, etc., besides engaging a six-mule
t . tm and heavy freight wagon to haul
out the trophies of his prowess, which j
were to establish beyond a Question of i
Zierolf displays a fine lot of relisher.
New organs and pianos at Campbell's
Con Gerhard
has the latest mane for
Mrs. John Clark
returncJ from the
easide Thursday.
President Gatch is busy around the
college these days.
Johnson Porter and family have return
ed home from Newport.
Miss Agnes Weber i9 the guest of Mrs.
Cundiff in Albany this week.
Prof. Cordley an.-I wife are gaining
hea til beside the moaning sea.
Mrs. McNulta is the gHest of Mrs. Ann
Smith in the country for a few days.
Dr. Thomps9ii and family are located
in the parsonage again, after their outing
at Xve Urook.
Edward Frick, f Portland, is visiting
with nis cousins. Miss Olive Hamilton
and Mrs. B. W. Johnson, this week.
Miss Jennie Clark went to the bay on
Wednesday, anJ will be the guest of Sirs.
Taft at Newport for a couple of weeks.
The Southern Pacific will Sill round
trip tick. -ts from C-rvallis to P rtland
and return for S4.65, tfoing on Saturdays
and return in on Mondays.
Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Irvine have re
turned from their San Fr.incisc- Irip,
which they greatly enjoyed, except the
winds and fogs of the Gate City.
T.Terbert Condon, e litor of the Eugene
Register, ca led lo.-.g enough to say
"Good morning," while on his way home
from Nye brook 011 Monday last.
Karl's Clover Root Tea for Constipa
tion, its the best, and after using it if yea
don't say so return the package and get
your money. Sold by Graham & Wells,
Horace Scott, of the Second Or.-gon
recruits," has been discharged for disa
bility, and rf.acln.-d home Wednesday,
badly dilapidated. Mother's cooking and
home scenes wiU soon revive iks oung
man, and make htui as strong .n ever, it
is hoped.
Life's Work Ended.
.All that was mortal of Lewis E. Ceoper
was consigned to earth in the Newt in
Cemetery on Tuesday last.
Lewis was the eldest son of Hon.
Thomas Cooper, home is near this
city. He graduated at the O. A. ('. in
1896, wliere he was much estecmsd fr
his steriing qualities.
He was a conscientious student, a
geut'euianly Christian companion, pos
sessing iu a large degree the ;-.ioral
qtulltks whicU elevate an. ennoble
bnmai character.
The immediate cause of his death wr.s
hemorrhage of th lun
never consid -: ed strong .
s, which were
His death oc-
eurred in Alsea, at the home of Jasper j
Hayden, early last Monday morning. 1
H;s grief-stricken family were prostrated
over the sudtlcu termination of his voting
and hopeful life, his father and msth?r I
esDeciailv so. as thev had laid such larire 1
1 1
kil,dlless to bis sorrowing pareats and j
family. Who knows but fiat this life, so '
fn 0 pr aise, cut off a! 22, has not
filled as large a pla :e in the economy of
the Al!-w:se One as those who live to
i greater age?
Columbia Conference.
Bishop E. R. Hexdrix 1 pened
the !
ColumVa (M. E. Church S'outh) Confer
eiiee at 9 a. m. yesterday.
J. L. Jones was elected recording secre
tary; T. P. Haynes, statistical secretary.
The various committees wt re appointed
, ., . . . . . . . .
for the next quadrennial. The bishop
announced the transfer of several preach
ers to this cenference. Several appli-
cants were admitted into the conference, j Fever Sores, Tetter, Chnpp.d Hatsd-, CI11I
Quite a number of ministers made their blabis, C rns, and all Skin Eruptions, and
I reports, and passed the examination as to
rhararter. Several were rlertrrt lr (lea-
am, elders orderg The reporta
- ,, . , . uj
tuuo iai uiai tiic viiuiv.ii uau ,
made excellent progress in membership i
an(j financial standing.
Dr. Wilson, of San Francisco; j
Tam PMrt of thU rtv and !)
KarJtner, of Salem, were iutro-luced to
tbe conference, and witnessed its de-
xhe bishop preached last uieht.
Catarrh Cured. A clear head and
sweet breath secure with Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Na
sal injector free. Sold by Graham &
Sunday Train,
Puray Bros. bve beea successful in
getting a large number of signers to the
penition. Asking the S. P. to run a
Sundav train to Caralli If W
havo auv influence tiie train will certain-
bt.put U
It would be a great con
venieuce in many
ways, but whether the
advantage would be sufficient to overcome
the disinclination of the company to
provide this extra service, is a question .
Certain it is if it can be demonstrated
to tke officia's of the company that such
a train will be sufficiently patronized to
ir.rike it pay, we shall get it.
For broken surface-, fore.-, ins et biUs,
hums, skin d issv. se, and I'spccially iilus,
thora is e.-.e leliabtc r-medy, DeWitt'!
Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for
Dj Witt's don't accept Counterfeits or inmis.
You will not be nisappeiatud with DuWitt's
Witcb lluztl S:ilve. Grahaiu & Wells.
The Kickapoa Medicine Company will
close its engagement here on next
it! f?llo"ate!tilll i i-r.. . ...
, , , -
: . . , ., , - who wish to avail themselves of
their liberal offers will have to d so be-!
, ..... . ,
tore inaL uaic. iarge crowns nil tne
opera house nightly.
No one should fail
to investigate the Kickapoo Iudian rem
edies, the most wonderful remedies that
the world has ever known.
Zierolf, the grocer, wants all his cus
tomers to call and examine his warranted
pure American Food Products.
Whan vou call for DeWitt' Wit Haze 1
Salve, the great pile cure, don't accept any-
thiseelsc. Doa't bo talked into accenting
a substitute for piles, for sores, for burn?, i
j&raham & Wells,
j j "
I For -Sa'e-
Three good milch cows. Inquire of I
The Black Homer to the Paris Commission
ers. Wen you git to Paris, say,
Linibuh up yo' jaw,
T'ings is comiu' our way,
Litnbuh up yo' jaw.
Talk 'em deef fob all you worth,
Make 'em tink you want de earth,
Wuk yo' cards fo' wider girth,
Limbuh up yo' jaw.
Wen you git to Pans, den
Nevuh hem or kaw,
Swo'd is mightiuh den de pen,
Nevuh hem or haw.
Ef dey try dat game by stealth.
Say we not dah fob our health,
But we's 2 wan t' expand ourself,
Nevuh hem or haw.
Ef dat Roossian bah gits flip,
Swishin' rwund he paw,
And dent Dutchmen try to clip,
Off de Eagle's claw,
Say dat ably btirel's awake,
Git de wuh 111 as shuah as fate,
Or he take de hull clambake.
Lay 'em down d- law.
Wen you stret de boulevahd,
Lay 'em down de law.
Te 1 'em England's now yo' pahd.
Lay 'em down d" 'aw.
Reckon dat yo' Uncle's stucic
O 1 he shade an' mighty luck,
Ef :lej- kick be ran amuck.
Lay eni iK -11 de law.
H. F. Rou.mcy.
Tired people aie tired because they
have exhausted their strength The only
way for E-.eni to get strong is t: eat
proper food.
But eating is no all. Strength comes
from f-od, after digestion. Digestion is
made easy with Shaker Digestive Cordial.
People who get too tired, die. Life is
str-ngth. Food is the maker of strength.
Food is not food until it is digested. -
Tired, pale, thin, exhausted, sick suffer
ers from indigestion, can be cured by
th. use of Shaker Digestive Cordial.
It will revive their spent energies, re
fresh and i vigorate them, create new
courage, endurance and strength, all by
helping their stomachs to -;gest their
It aids nature, and this is the best of it.
It gives immediate relief and, with
perseverence, permanently cures.
Sold by drng7ist. Trial bottle 10 cents.
Excursion to Newport.
The Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Co.
will give another one of their popular
excursions 011 Sunday, August 28th, from
A'bany to Newport and return. Eare,
Albany, Corvalliv and Philomath, 51.50.
Points vet, usual rates. Train leaves
A'bany 7 a. m., Corvallis 7:30 a. m.,
Philoimlh 7:45; arrives at Vaquina 10:45
a - ni
P- ui.
Returning, leav-s Newport 5:30
E W1M SroxE, Manager.
Your Face.
Shows 'he s'at
f your feelings and thr.
state of yor.r health as well. Impure
ku..i 1 . .ir .. . : 1 j
Gen Greelj.s 273 Days of Death.
T1' storv f s (3nv f
; suffering by Greely's heroic little band of
; explorers m the Arlic region has bee told I
J by General Grccly himself, for the first j
! time, for the Oitober Ladies' Home j
I Journal. For years General Grccly has :
kept an unbroken silence about his fear-
ful experience aad that of his companions,
as they dropped d'-ad one by one at his
side, and it was only after the greatest
persuasion that the famous explorer was
ixduced to write the sU-ry.
Jucklen's Arnica Salve.
THE BEST SALVE in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulecrs, Suit Rbeuui,
positively eurrs Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Priee 25 cents per l;o..
For sale by Graham & Wells, druggists.
The L'ltle Queen's Picture.
Wilhelmina, who is to be crowned
Queen of the Netherlands on September
6 next, has personally seut to Mr. Bok,
the editor ot The Ladies' Home J-urxal
himself a Hollander by birth one of
her private portraits for publication in
tbe next number of his magazine. It is
the last portrait which will be taken of
the little lady before her coronation, and
will be printed in connection with a
specially prepared sketch, showing the
personality of tht Queen of Ho' land fr; 111
every ; ;iut of view.
For constipation take Karl's CI v,r
Root Tea, the Grt- t Blc - Purifier Cxes
Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions 01;
the face, and makes tbe head cle.-.r as a
bell. Sold In Graham & Wells.
T. 1). CanrpbeH, corner Second ami
Monroe is agent for th Western ( Jottage
Piano and Organ Co.
See Zierolf's new Jardiniers, made by
American workmen after designs cf
American artists. They are eye opener.-.
Fifty ur sixty hop pickers abo-.t Sep
I tember 1st. Will pay 40 cents per box
Con. Gerhard, the popular news and
hook dealer on second street, has ma;e ,
I a large reduction iu writing tablets.
i Big bargains iu all
I No. an & Callahan's.
summer goods a
Stop" that cough! Take waruivg. Li
may lead to Consumption. A 25c. buUli
of Shiloh's cure may save your life.
Sold by Graham & WelU.
T. , . . , - ...
Red-hot Horseradish
Chili Sauce,
Celery Salt aud
Sweet Pickles, all in
bottles fr sal by Zierolf.
- :
Hodes carries stone jugs and all sizis
of crocks.
i-,..,.nj. it. Tr.ini. i
T r,i th rov tlm omat im.rit r.t
Ely's Cream Balm, the m effective can
f .r Catarrh and Cold in Head, we Vavo pre-
pared anerus trial size for 13 fts.
pared g3iierus trial size for 13 s . ts.
(tit it vsur dru2dit or zend 13 co::ts 3
ELY BivOij. Wmtes St. IT. X. City I
;r - , . . j .
I suffered frow eaiarr''. cf tha worsi kind i
ever sia?a a boy, and I never hoped fri
eure, but Ely' i t'ream Kahn seei.s to :
even tual My aeuaintanee have niea i
ii. :.i. wi '
45 Warren Ave, Chis?.go, ill.
.?Si.?S3S2Si'SS3E;iThe English and German Expert Spech
Household Gods.
Ths aneifc'nt Greeks believed that the Pen
ates were the gods wha attended to the wel
fare and prosperity of the family. They
were household gods in every home. The
household god at to day is Dr. King' New
Discovery. For consumption .coughs, eolds
and for all affectians eftVrMt, chest ay.fl
lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried for
a quarter of a century ani is guaranteed to
cure, or money returned. No houehold
should be without this good angel. It is
pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy
for old and young. Pre trial bottles at
Graham & Wells' drug store. Regular
size 50c. and 1.00.
For Sale.
Fa .lily horse and two seated buggy,
a?.d harness, light democrat wagon, light
open bugy, one bedroom suite. For
terms apply u Prof. H. T. French, ct his !
residence near college.
De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve 1ms the
large t . ale f any salve in the World. Thi
fact ai d its merit has led dishonest people
t.- a'templ to counterfeit it. Lok out for
the man who attempts t- de ceive yu when
youcall for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve,
tne great p'lts euro. Giah:ini & Wells.
To the Public.
Parties uishi-g to purchase stock in
the Mastodon Minivg & Milling com
pany or having any oth-ir business with
the company are referred to Judge John
Burnett. at,his office in Corvallis, Oregon.
What Dr.
Buffalo, N.
A E. Salter Says.
Y. Gents: From my
personal knowledge, gained in observing
the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases
of advanced consumption, I am prepared
to say it is the most remarkable Remedy
that has ever been brought to my atten
tion. It has certainly saved many from
Consumption. S- Id bv Graham & Wells.
Pickles, pure vinegar, pure boiled
cider, currie powders, and Assell's j
and meat ilre.sing, and chor. -chow in I
bulk, at A. Hodes'.
T. D. Campbell, Cor Second and Mon
roe is agent for the Western Cottage Pi
ano aud Organ Co.
Laxative BrotMj Qncuse Tablets move
the bowels gently, relieves the feverish
condition and headache, making it the
best and quickest remedy for Coughs,
Col .-Is and Lagrippe. Cures in oae day.
"No cure, no pay." Price 25 cents.
Nolan & Callahau's great reduction
sale of summer goods now on.
Musicians will find rare bargains in
pianos aud organs at the Exchange.
Notice to Farnaeip.
H. M. FJnley ha-, secured thv Canthorn
warehouse, aud win store and hay
at the market price. Sacks and twine
Trsih wears well. People have learned
that DeWiliS Little Early Bi-ers arc reli
abl little pills for regulating the bowels,
curing constipation and iek headache. They
don't gripe. Grh im & Wells.
Hiighest cash price paid for wool at S.
L. Kline's. Wool sacks, fleece twine
and sheap shear, for sale.
Shiloh's C msunipBon Cure cures
where others fail. It ia the leading Cough
Cure, and no hoi:-.e should '-e without it.
Pleasant to take a:;d goes right to th?
spot. Sold by Graham ec Wells.
zleroIf !s:l. jnst UIlpacked a crate of
AHlerican crockery. It is beautiful ware,
al,d just suile(1 to vour Wants and purse.
Bui' American Chow Chow, Olive Oil,
anu ioI" 1 "P 01 z.ieroit.
Acker's English Remedy will stop
a coujh at any lime, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours or money re
funded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Graham &
The Doctors That Cure
Are Coming to Corvallis.
English and German Expert Specialists,
The Doctors who cure Catarrh, Consumption, aad all Chronic Disease, and
The famous specialist for Di?e: ses and Weakness of Men, wi 1 again be iu this city
on theii re: u ar monthly virit and can be
Cob suited Fi
Staff of the English and German Expert Specialists
The staff of the Eagli.h an -1 German Expert Specia'ists is composed of five
regularly graduated doctors, each a pnvsician who nas uad many years experience
cl,iing all wanner of chroiiic diseases,
' During the past quarter of a century the success of this most worthy and
.popular institution lias been phenomenal. Diseases which have baffled ll-:e skill of
other physician: and stubbornly refused to yield to ordinary medicine-, methods
al,a appliances, .nc q iJcMy subdued and
i Perl apcciausis i ik-v nave ma iarKesi
i A",e"c- , 1 h? h" ,s" or ua"
reliable, but .ire responsible, bring bscked
rename. ui respoHSiive. iwing ockci oy nmpie capiiii auu aoiy uiaii.-ige.
; HOME CU RES While it is preferable in many instances to see a patient,
tne English and Gerutsu Expert Specialists have cured thousand.-, of persons whom
thev have Kefir see:-. If vou cannot see the doctors, write th e kouie office for
qlle'sti0n list and free iu regard to your ailment,
. . , .. ... , . ,
Call on the Doctors when they coo.-AII ailing Pcp e should see the
Klflwh M German Expert Specialists. A friendly talk, which cor.ts absolutely
nolhin" is bound to result in a sreat deal of g.-od, whether treatment is takeM or
fnot. Consultation Free.
The Royal is the highest grade baking powder
known. Actual tests show it goes one
third further than any other brand.
Absolutely Pure
Through Tourist Gars to St. Louis.
A tourist sleeping car will leave Port
land every Monday viJMo. Pacific, and
every Wednesday via the Burlington
route at S:oo p. m. via the O. R. & N.
through Salt Lake and Denver without
change to St. Louis, and under the super
vision of experienced conductors. No
change of cars to the cities Kansas City
or St. Lonis. Keep this service in mind
when going east and consult O. R. & N.
agents or address,
W. H. HrRLBUivr,
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
No Cure No Pay.
That is the way all druggnsts sell
IC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is
simply iron aud quinine in a tasteless
form. Children love it. Adults prefer
it to bitter, nauseating Tonics-.
P.ig bargains in straw hats at Nolan &
and supplies at Graham &
Executor's Notice.
In the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Kercton County.
Notice is hereby give that the under
signed has been appointed executor of
the Inst will and testament of Elizabeth
A Beach, deceased, and all persons hav
ing claims against tV.e estate of Eliza
beth A. Beach, deceased, are notified to
present the same, duly verified with
proper vouchers, to me at my home in
Corvallis, Oregon, within six mouths
from this date-
Corvallis, Oregon, August 25, 1S9S.
Executor Last Will and Testament of
Elizabeth A. Beach, Deceased.
Yates S: Yates, Attorneys for Estate.
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at Ohegost City, Or., )
August 17, 1898. )
Notice is hereby given that the fo low
ing named settler has filed notice of his
intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be
made before the clerk of the court at
Corvallis, Or., on Septaml-jer 30, 1S9S,
Homestead Entry No. 9910, for the south 1
east quarter of Sectio: 4, Township 11
south, Rauge 7 west, Willamette Merid- I
He names the fo'lowing witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and i
cultivation of said land, viz,:
E. F. Strout, B. Troxel, H. Borgen. F.
Duncan, all of Summit, Oregon.
CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is h:rn driven to till persons con
cern I lhat thi- illnE'l isr'.'i-d ha-, been duly
appointed by the County Court of Benton
County, State of Oregon, executor of t!-.e
last will and testament of Jam? Harris, de
ceased. All persons having claims against
said estate are lie, .by required to present the
same to me, duly verified, as by law rc
qui -.d. at my home, I'ight miles south of
Corvallis, iii lU-nton County, Oregon, with
in si:, months from the date hereof.
Datid tliis Btb day of Aueust, 18'JS.
Executor of tlieja-t Will and Testam .nt of
Jane Harris, Deceased.
f Cli
:naslered by the English and Ocr
an Ex
a id b?st equipped medical institution iu
by a
Speciali.-ts arc ii'-t only compete l.t ar.!
l , . l . ,
fondly, Ajgi 29, j M
Blanche Walsh LI 17 I
A Poor
has identically the same chance for fashionable attire here mm
his wealthier kin. For with our popular prices, our " Style,
Service, Satisfaction" Clothing, for Spring and Summer, tm
certainly within any man's purse-reach.
To look elsewhere is to buy here.
Suits made to order-
truTxinjTTLP-i uixuxTLTLTLru UTrLTuinjTJiJijijuTruTjT nruuinr.
Out third Car of
Is now on
from the
The PHOENIX is the Popular Wheel
Because it Looks Well, Runs Well aud
is the best medium priced wheel
on the marhet.
Honest Money
Money Saved.
It's not alone that whieh you earn, but thai which you
Come here today, tomorrow, any day this week for that
matter. Come when vou will and see if the monev we
save you is not as honest in
tne tin ot tnese who wouia
Can find just what
They want in the way of
Canned Fruits, Meats,
Vegetables, etc., at
Dining Parlors
Smoker's Goods.
' It will do you good. X A) 1
Sot Smith Rustaft
The Label of the Fameus Make
That's Guarantee
the way
your pocket as it would be in
charge vou more lor goods.
Second Street, Corvallis.
and Bakery,
Hodes t5t Hall's