m Corballis (&R)dk. CORVALLIS; OREGON. July 29, 1S98. SUMMER GOODS Are Strictly irt Demand. ORGANDY, plain white, 25c to 60c. DIMITY and ORGANDY, fisrured, 7 'c to 2.SC. DRESS NAINSOOKS, bar. check and , open, over fifty patterns, 10c to 50c SHIRT WAISTS, dimity, percale, I prints, 50c nh. j SILKS for WAISTS, plain, cliuu.t;able, figured. Fine Hues of the last at 85c to $1.00 per yard. - a T t- Tnnnv i : .; i- 1 m 'iHpc maim CASH lUDOUn, pvp...... taffeta and satin. Plaid neck ribbon. I rARASOLS, white, cream and dark shades, $1.00 up. SUMM KR CORSETS. New style shwrt corsets in four hook and five hook. 25c, 50c and $1.00. m.OYKS. silk, taffeta and kid. Cha mois, white and cream, 75c; colored, ft. S. E. YOUNG k SON, Albany, Oregon. Agents for Buttr'ck Patterns. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. French candies at Hodes & Hall's. Kodaks and supplies at Graham & Wells. Mrs. W. S. Gilbert has returned to her , home in Eugene. Complete line ot harvesting outfits at Nolan & CaHahan's. Three of Casper Zierolf's daughters are down wit'-, the measles. The first fsesr wore spectacles, wky not you? Vogle can fit you. A slight fire in the roof of the Sheas green planing mill occurred Monday. A. H. Eruit, of Peoria, will locate in the city, and Read his so- to college here The Misses Pelion, mf Seattle, are the j guests of the Misses Gatch of Corvallis. ; Professor Shaw recently got his c'.iem- I istry jumbled in a roug'-i fall from his bike. W. H. Kay, Dusty's successful mer chant, was in town on business the mid dle of this week. Miss Genevieve Lyford leaves Wednes day to spend the rest of the summer in Browusvil'e, Oregon. We noticed Peter Gellatly the success ful onion grower and gardener with his son in town one day t'.iis week. Profs. Kent. Pern t and French have returned from the Oregon Dairymen's Congress recently held in Astoria. Johnson Porter has purchased the S. T. Jeffreys property, northeast corner of Madison and 9th streets, for 1400. H. M. Robbinson, of Beulah was in town this week a-id says harvest hands are hard to get in his neighborhood. Mrs. Ed. Dunn and sister Misr, Emma Moore former Corv-.llu residents return ed to their home in Portland thio week. Cliff Kantuer, a former Corvallis boy the best crop be has raised j severjteen and a recent graduate of an Eastern mu- vears that the farHiers iu his neighbor sical conservatory, was in town this week, t "hood are aU busy with tlleir harvest. T. B. Williamson a thrifty farmer f Qorgc Sebrell of this city was married uat erruvc naa i lit .' - ., o , . - , . 1.11111, . . , p r ir i ti ' j and painting his commodious dwelling Fred Whitby and family, of Willam ette, were in town one day this week shaking hands with their many acuain taaces. Professor Berchtold was elected Grand Foremau of the Grand Lodge of the A. O. U. W. at its Portland. recent meeting in j ' 1 . H. L. Holgatc former editor ot the UA i ZETTE has been appointed sergeant ma- j jor of the Oregon recruits now at Camp Merritt, I'aiif. ! Prof. Skclton and family, who were ! reported ill in the Yellowstone Park, are j now at home in this city, greatly ini- I proved in health. 1 Geo. W. Thompson, of B;aver creek, j was in town on Saturday making final ar- J rangemeuts for his harvest which will j begin on Monday. Clau Je Branton was arrested in Eugene a few days since charged with the mur- derofj. A. Linn in Lane couv.ty. He claims to be iunoce.-.t. Several typographical errors occurred in the last issue of the Gazette for which we crave the kind indulgence of our numerous readers. Judge Burnett has been putting a new coat of whitewash on his backyard fence, which greatly improves his very pleasant and well-kept residence grounds. Hon. Miles Starr's family will if suc cessful in getting a house large enough, move here a'-id take advantage of our su perior educational institutions for his children. The president of the First National Bank and family, of this city, are taking their vearlv recreation, eating clams and bathing in th and Newport. briny de?p at Nye creek J J. W. Kinsell, of Colo, Iowa, is in towu looking for a house. Mr. Kinsell and family will be a valuable acqnisitiou to our society. Mr. K.'s sou and daughter will attend the O- A. C. Billy Williams has a young dog which he has named Dewey, aud asserts pesi tively that the pup will in his sphere become as g:eat a genius in fightiu-. as the admiral for whom he is named. Not in five years has there bee-i so many men at work ia Corvallis. Every carpenter, every mason ana every dry rar awty tone while his eves con laborer are busy every day at good wages j tjnuaur strove to catch a glimpse of the a good evidence of returning pros- beautiful sunshine outside of his ofcee, perity. j ma-aaged to creditably perform the mar Barnett & Fergusson will load at Al- j riage ceremony one day this week. The bany Saturday 800 or 1000 head of year- j happy twain were S. H. Horton. groom, ling and two-year-old catt'e for Oruett of j and Miss Nora George, bride, both living Spokane, Wash. They were recently j near Monroe. purchased in Benton county at good , A) ha(1 an cxciting ride Tues- P"ces- j day morning iu" the lane just west of Geo. Smith and Geo. Horning opened xhomas Cooper's residence, in trying to their new meat market on Second street j eep arge fat deer from jumping into last Monday. Their display of different j tne roa(i kept his horse close to the kinds of meat was an excellent one. No j finer beef has ever greeted t'ae eye of the hungry in Corvallis. If any of our readers have a type writer that needs "fixing," it would be good policy to see Mr. Eugene Clark at the Occidental hotel. He is a skillful L does his work in a Excavations have begun for the new armory building. Services at the Baptist church next Sunday as usual. If your eyes Heed fixing Vogle can do j the job in good style. Call at the Exchange, Cor. Sccoud and j Monroe and price the new Cottage or- gans. Uncle Tohn Richard, a Dioneer of the Long Tom neighborhood, bowed to us recently while in town. Mrs. A. E. Lyfonl and daughters Aiinee and Carrie go East to the old h Rock m Recorder Gellatly is hardening h muscles in the harvest field on his ranch near Philomath this week, - A Woo of Blod-ett station, the Nasby of that locality, was in town re- Co,. K0;c i. ,mnl "UT- - G. H. Warmsley of Blodgett i in Gie Bohe.-.iia mines in Lane Co., patting up a quartz mill for one of the mines. On Sunday, July 31, Rev. ('. T. Crow will preach both morning and evening at the United Evasg gelical church. Billy Newman, a hard work in prosperous tanner 01 wauimeuc, a 1 day off and came to town this week. Prof. Pernwt and wife, accompanied by Miss Lettie Wicks left tor the Bay yes terday. They expect to begone a month. W. L. Read of Kings Valley has j.-.st completed a lar';e barn for Tom Casey on the old MilW place one mile west of Wren. Uncle Sam says, in speaking of the battleship Oregon: "If any free-trade country can beat this, just show me the ship." Charley Smith's new house and barn are nearly completed on what is known j as the Bent Mulkey place, near Sol. King's. The Baptist church returns hearty ; thanks to all who contributed to the i tnakivg of their last Friday's social so great a success. Doc. Jackson, a big rancher beyond ' Cardwell hill, and Jack Hail, a good i farmer frotj Soap Creek were in town ' earlv in the week. The former was pay- ; his taxes, sheas2reen . xewhouse are overrun w;ln orders for mill work and trays for rrvn't dryers. It is impossible for this en- terprising firm to keep up with the ile mands of the trade; a yerj healthy sign. Miss Frankie, the 6-year-old daughter ofC. E. Hont, has an Ideal wheel, 14 inch frame 20-iuch wheel. In a week she has learned to ride it and is as proud of her possession as a Lucifer and as gay as a humming bird. The Baptist lawn social given at Mrs. Pvgall's recently was a financial success. The receipts of the occasion being 23. So which was augmented bv io a contn- s ...... I button of .-.member of the cknrcn wuo lives in tVe country. Fred Buchanan is building a fine two- , story dwelling on h.s farm about 9 miles ' southwest of the city. Heckard & Hoff j j man have the contract. The founda- ! tion will be of Oregon grauite and the , house will cost 1500. Wm. Gird, the philosopher of Long Tom has just recovered from a tussle with measles called to sav that he had to Miss Ella Pickett, late of Dakota, at Alsea last Monday, Rev. B. J. Kelly officiatiHg. The happy pair are nicely- domiciled iu George's residence, that has been without an occupant for two or j more years. Several of our leading business houses have their show windows tastefully dec- ; orated with bunting and flags grouped about the nation's war and naval heroes, it would moeed give oecouu sircci a , much finer appearance if every business j piace would follow suit. I R;v. Herbert Johnson, pastor of the First Baptist church of Pittsfield, Mass., wn0 js a COHsin of Mrs. J. R. BrysoH, of I this city preached last Sunday morning 111 the M. E. church and 111 the evening in the First Presbyterian church of this place to large and appreciative audiences. District No 42 Aiseai wa, successful m winjng the banner of attendance for the month iust past. Its attendance was perfect. This district has twice won the acknowledges tne receipt or tne coain bauner and a like number of times has ; bution of the union service last Sunday tied for second place in the contest. Mr. evening aud wishes to return thanks to Lewis Cooper is the teacher iu this dis-1 Dr. Thompson lor his thoughtful ness trjct j aud also to the contributors. . ,. ,, r v i Miss Mary Newton, a former success ors. Vv. OCIUICUC, Wl iU3ZUUll5, whose husband is in the employ of the gavernmcnt at Alaska, and Mrs. Down ing, of Salem, wife ef the ex-superiu-tendent of the Oregon penitentiary are speuding a couple of weeks with the family of Hon. Thos. Cooper near Cor vallis. Mr. A. M. Maxfield who lives just north of town ha been suffering lately with tar weed fever we are told. This is a new cognomen for fever to the GA ZETTE. Very likely our scholarly med ical fraternity alone will be able to un- deritand the effects of this disease and the remedy for the malady. A brand-nw girl baby has made its appearance in the home of Professor Covel and wife. The Protessor walks around as though he owned the universe and all the urchestras therein. He re fuses to hav-- the little one weighed until it is a few days older, when he proposes j to test the capacity ot the O. A. V. Hay scales. Judge Woodward with remarkable gravitv, although his knees trembled a vood deal and at times his voice had fencc which caussd the deer to run east parallel with the road, and clearing every cross fence until he found himself iu Cooper's door yard. Here the deer stopped long enough to take his bear ing, and although wearied with his run, broke for liberty and soon was bound- south over the hill towards Marys Zierolf displays a fine lot sf relishes. Buy American Chow Chow, Olive Oil, and Tomato Catsup of Zierolf. Musicians will find rare bargains in pianos and organs at the Exchange, Wm. Cree; has purchased the Z. Job property on Third between Madison and Jefferson for $650. T. D. Campbell, corner Second and Monroe is agent for the Western Cottage Piano and Organ Co. Red-hot Horseradish, Chili Ce'erv Salt and Sweet Pickles, Sauce, all in bottles for sale by Zierolf. Joe Garrow and his sister, Miss Edna, spent last Sunday with Miss Dora Por ter at Shedds, Linn county. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Phile have been entertaining Mr. Henry Teiderman, of Portland, the past few days. Zierolf, the grocer, wants all his cus tomers to ca 1 nd examine his warranted pure American Pood Products. Miss; Rose Greffoz and Miss Mabel Johnson are folding bulletins this week in the college printing department E. W. D4rkee and family have been visiting with his daughter. Mrs. Etta Hrtllister, in town fur a fe-.v days past. Miss Alwina Korthaner. of New What com, Wash , sister of Mrs. Btrchtold of this c ty, is being entertain .d by the lat ter. G. E. Birchard and wife, a rancher irom Mary's river nurthof Summit, were in town shopping the firr.t part of the week. Geo. Bemis, an old pi'ieer -f '52 liv ing at Oak Grove called and left coin in our h.tnds as a token of regard for the Gazette. Heckart & Hoffman have the contract for erecting a new dwelling tor Mrs. M. J. Wells on the site of the one burned on the fourth tf this month. John Thompson has just returned from j Salem bringing with him his little j nephew, Roy Kisor, who will have a home with Riley Logan hereafter. C. A. Wools, one of the Gazette family, smiled on us recently. Mr. W. will er-ct a new house oh the George Ceote place, which he recently pur chased. Where John Whitaker's lisps were the best last vear they are a complete failure this season, and that part of the yard which failed last year is now showing a fine crop. Morg Savage, who Mas been in Eastern Oregon for several months, has returned to his home at Summit, this county, where he expects to spcad the evening of his days. E. C Pentland, editor of th? Indepen dence West Side, and wife while passing through to Newport, called and clasped our digits a momunt, then rushed off far the clam beach. Riley Logan of Willamette has pur lue ciara rjeacn. . . Rily Logan ot Willamette nas pur- 1 chased of Bryau Bros, the wed known stallion Kasano. The animal was sired Dy jay r.eacu .t, 1, uu ruu. - and .s a tine animal. , Ed. Felton and brother have the con- tract to furnisli the stone and mason w rk for the f oundation and first story of the new armory, which is to be erected out of Oregon grauite. For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the Grv-t Blood Purifier Cures Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes the head cle;-.r as a bell. So'.d bv Graham & Wells. E. O. Potter, county judge of Lane county, who with his wife have beeu tar- i rying at Soda Springs, drove via Albany to Corvallis on his way to his home in Eugene the early part of this week, rjr. jf. j. Thompson and daughter Elith, Merle Simpson and Miss Smith went to the Bay Tuesday for their sum- mer vacation. They will occupy rooms over the McDonald store at Nye Brook. jQhu Gill, son-in-law of the late Frank DekUm, of Portland, connected with the newspaper, The Drift, published in Port- land, passed through town a few days since to sniff the ocean breezes at New- port. Doc. Blodgett, of Blodgett Valley, ; called on us recently aud when asked I what news there was in his section, re- j plied "Crops are good, and no damage has beeu sustained on account of the re cent raias." The Emergcucy Corps most gratefully . . ...... .- ful teacher of the primary grade in the Corvallis schools, but for a year past one of the corps of teachers of the Oakdale, Wash., schools, tarried an afternoon this week with ye editor's family. B. W. Wilson, who was clerk of Ben- ton county for a generation, stopped a moment to say a few words recent- ly. While quite feeble with advancing years, he is the same genial, whole- ouled friend as in the days long past. , , -,, , r u nr. 11 . f'd Vi-anV Varlrpr. enitor of the alia Walla Statesman, has gone talus Elk river ranch in Lincoln county. He will . , . . , ver. -nr. ' cs svs enae vciy iillic uru- flourish on mountain scenery and par- , . . , . . , . , . 1 1.11. gress has been made in Arkaasas iu 45 take of nature's beverage only while . . , , , . ,j .. ,, 1 ,; years. He was gone six weeks and could wielding the axe, spade and pruning "... , not sleep on accouut of the intense heat- knife. I . , ! Business in St. Luis and Kausas City The C!-.ief Burgess f Milesburg, Pa., j was booming, crops were faily good, ex says DeWitt's Little Early Kis.rs are the t corHj whick .had becQ injured by best pills ho ever used in his family during . ra;ss Re is (leli hted to t forty years ot Housekeeping. I Hey cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and livor trouble.-. Small in size but great in results. Graham & Wells. Pioneer W. F. Dixon, aged 87, w'.-:o for a year pst has been very ill ad a por tion of tiie tim; helpless, is now able to walk about and ssgihs likely to regain his former vigor, we are informed by his son, W. R. Dixon, with whom the old gentleman is spending his declining years. C. C. Huff, a successful farmer out on Mary's river, was in town and swapped stories with ye editor. Mr. H. believes, j although the weather does not look pro- pitieus, th.it the sun still shines beluua thi clouds and will in due time make its appearance when the ''mists have rolled away." M. L. Sites, a hustling young athlete from Alsea passed through town Monday oh his way to enlist in Second Oregon, or a battery or anything so he can wear the blue and uphold the rule of Uncle Sam. He is a magnificent specimen of young manhood and the Gazettb hopes -Mrs. Telt Burnett and Miss Alice Alex ander are making up the iSoS assessment roll. T. D. Campbell, Cer. Second and Mon roe is a-ent for the Western Cottage Pi-! datci for teachers of the schools of this , ., j cwanty, the county .chool superintendent ano and Organ Co. ... . . thereof will hold a public examination at Dept. Rev. Col. J. D. Mullay, of Port- tb county court hou.e, Corvallif, Oregon, land, was in town this week looking after ginning at 1 o'clock. "Wednesday, August matters connected with his branch of the 1 10, 1S98. Teachers eligible to state eertifi goverjament service. : cates, state diplomas, must present rccoin- We are glad to announce that our I mendntions aud make applications at the former townsman. W. P. ICeadr, has sold his mining interest in Baker county for quite a handsome su;'.i in cash. Eli Spencer from Turn Turn, called and reports crops good. Ranchers in his neighborhood this year will raise their own bread, something never done 1 before. Prof. E. P.. Lake and family are locat ed in the Smith residence northwest cor ner of 6th and Monroe. Corvallis so ciety will gladly receive this new addi tion to its ranks. Thousand! of persona have been cured of pj,.s by using D. -Witt's "Witch Hazel Saive. : It heals promptly and cum iscz-ma a id all skin diseases. 1' gives immediate relief. I Graham & Wells. Mrs. Addie Fairbanks and her (laugh ter. Ruby, from Petalums. Calif. am! Miss Ruby Cornel!, of S.dem, O. -gon. are the guests of Mrs. Zephin Job, of . this city for a couple of weeks. The Corvallis Emergency Corps met yesterday with Mrs. Jaeohs, northwest corner 3d and Jackson. Today this or ganization will ship by .x press to Port - i land to the state headquarters, forty housewives and thirty fever belts. Judga McFadden, Judge Haff rd, E I E. Wilson and W. E. Yates, Corvallis ' attorneys, are assisting our ne- district j judge, J. W. Hamilton, in dispensing justice in Lincoln county tiis week. E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texa -. writes that onti box of De-Witt's WiUii llizel gave wa? wurth $50 to L,iM1- lt culv(i his ;lo5 of ten v.ars standing. Ho advises other to try it. It also cures ec.-.em, skin diseases and obstinate sore.-. Gfahnni & Wells. Several of our young peop'e us the gueots of Mr. Edwin Rose, pai-'avisit to his father's fruit farmo- e mile weit of towu, where they were royally treated by their host to sweets and several choice kinds of fruit. The party went out on wheels, enjoying greatly the ride and the generous liospua uy 01 meir young frietd. A. J. Ship'ey, a former Benton county boy, but for several years a teacher in Po:k Co., the last time at Perrydalo, called on the Gazette and renewed ac quaintance of former years. Mr. S. says he had always beeu a republican until '96, when all at once he found the party had gone astray and left him be hind i.i the democratic camp. H. H. Condon, editor of the Eugene Register, on his way to Nye Brook and Newport, called on us a few days since. . XT , . . Re 'ister. 011 his way to Nve Brook and - called 011 ns a few days since & bat j r adornment i ,.hould Uie Pxcific breezes as tin y I hWd aRAma . off . like a revej therein wiselv left at horn his i anhnrn -colored facial covering The Misses Gatch gave a delightful outing party to their guests (twin i eat'.le and a few Corvallis young people the early part of this week. The lunch aud bon bons served, the creation of their Own hands, were delicate and left a pleasing sensation in thu palate of the participants long after the parly relumed home. Yc editor speaks from personal knowledge, having been the recipient of a fiue box of the sweets. Judge C. E. Moor's fine driving horse became suddenly terrorized at a block of wood or an old stump in the street near S. L. Shedd's residence on Wednesday last. In his efforts tw get away the car riage was tipped over, the judge thrown violently to the ground, fortunately es caping with slight bruises. The animal escaped, taking the vehicle with him, rnnning at the top ot his speed out ot town and north towards home until he was stopped at Mountain View school house four Miles distant. The buggy is a wreck, the horse was pretty nearly ex- Uausted when caught, aad is now fcr sale. C. H. Pearse, formerly of this place, credit man for the Pacific coast of Washburn & Moen Manufacturing com- ; pa:JV Qf Sau Francisco, was in town the r-' early part of the week, hunting his wife and son, whom he has not seen since ! April last. Mrs. Pearse has been visit- j ing frieads in Oregon for some time and : Charley is quite anxious to catch up with them aud secure their company to Seat- tie, Victoria, Spokane and Butte. He : hopes to reach his home iu Golden Gate city sometime next January. Mart j Spangier, whose parents reside here, is employed iu the same house as Mr. Pearse, and is doing well. : Our townsman A. P. Games has jnst i returned from a trip to Arkansas where j he has been to assist iu settling his sis ter's estate, hs feeing one of the heirs. j He visited Little Rock, Frt Smith, Hot Springs and Conway in that state. On r a J " . Kansas City, Pueblo, Salt Lake and Den back to Webfoot, believing that Oregon is the best place to live in the world. So say we all. J.ilius Westerfelt and family have re turned fram their ostiug and are safely housed in their comforta'-le home. Jul in 5 says he intended to stay a month but that a mouse got into the cottage they occupied, aud nothing would induce his wife to remain longer. The Gazette is inclined t the opiaion that the trou ble did not arise from aa ACTUAL mouse having trespassed 011 his wife's domain, but that the change from Willamette river water to the clear, cold aqua pura of the mountains was such a violent shock to Julius' overtaxed nervous sys tem, it even affected his heretofore per fect eyesight in a strange way, so much so that he imagined both night and day that h? saw mice in great numbers, and his good wife becoming alarmed at the peculiar . symptoms, insisted on coming out with him so that she could put him in the care of a specialist, and be near to comfort him during the transition m, seeming, to actual and perlect Teachers' Examination. Notice is hereby given that for the pur- j pose of making an examination of all per-1 sons who may offer themselves as candi- ; samo time. Applicants not present at th opening will not be permitted to take the examination. GEO. W. DENMAN, County School Superintendent. Ollie Rose went to Portland Vdnes day to begin work for Wooelward, Clark & Co. Yesterday D. C. Rese began the erec tion of his dryer. Wm. Bier is doing the mason work. Mr. French, the gardeutr, was in town the front part of the week supplying our dealers with fresh vegetables. Mr. French has unbounded confidence iu the present administration of national affairs. Wm. Bogue and family went Wednes day mor.-.ing to the south fork of the Alsea for 10 days' outing. Will expects to brand all the trout and tackle the seven pro g buck in his favorite resorts. Of course all meat brought to camp will be mountain sheep. Hon. A. t'. True of the Government Experiment Station, and F. L Scribner, of Washington D. C , Prof. A. B. Leck euiy, of Tacoma, and Prof. Thos. Shaw, of the agricultural college of Minnesota, visited Corvallis and impeded the O. A. C. this week. T!:e gentlemen found everything in good order and departed well pleased with t'-e Mtuatiou of affairs in and about Oregon's most popular col lege. Prof. F. L. Kent lett for Iowa, his old home, yesterday by bike as far as Port land, thence East over the O. R. & N. The. Prof, will visit the Omaha Exposi tion, Ames Agricultural codege a;-.d make himself generally useful for ten days at the home of his parents near Ames, Iowa. The piofessor desires to say to his many lady friends and the public generally that he will H3t "be married during his sojourn East. As a token of the esteem in which Lieu tenant Strauaa of the Minnesota Regi ment, who uutil recently had command of the Oregen recruits ut Camp Merritt, is held by the Corvallis Emergency C-rps, for the many acts of kindness shown our Corvallis so dier boys, the ladies of that organization have embroidered his monogram on two beautiful silk hand kerchiefs and with a very complete housewife have forwarded them to the officer. The work is the result of their wn deft fingers, and is alike creditable to their patriotism and skill. To the Public I have leased the brick stable formerly c ,,. ducted by Skioton Brothers and have opene1 the same as a sale and feed stable. My rates for feeding are as low as tlujse of a.iy other stable. Horses bought and said and a general feed and sale business will be conducted. John W. Stewart. Corvallis, Oregon. What Dr. A. E. Salter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained iu observing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced consumption. I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sld bv Graham c Wells. Grain Storage. H. M. Fiuley has rented the Cauthorn warehouse and is prepared to receive wheat and oats on storage. Store grain here, get a storage receipt audsSll to any dealer. Sacks and twine supplied. To the Public. Parties wishing to purchase stock in j the Mastodon Mining & Milling com- j pany or having any other business with j the company are referred to Judge John 1 Burnett, at his office iu Corvallis, Oregon. Wanted. Euergetic, hustling young man to rep- ' . 7- . ol-, ftoeirl " " ! opportunity to right party. No exper- leuce necessary. tr 11 Keystone Watch Co., Portland, Or. No Cure-No Pay. LTrSof the Stale of Oregon, You That is the way all druggusts sell I and each of you ar.- hereby summoned and r-cnvwQ T4tTFl FSi CHILL TON- required to appearand answer to the com GROVE S TAbltbLab vtiiL,u iu "g w th(. above-entitled suit now on IC for Malaria. Chills and Fever. It is ! he office of the clerk of said court on simply iron and quiniae in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Wanted A bn ver tor a small iiome, 2i acres near city. Small house, barn, well, fine I VOIjne fruit sightlv location. Cheap, for ( casa j , - LaF ?ay5 that ; . BeD Moole 01 ija " 'wi ,t, r owk"' . - Little Early Risers to be perfect. Ihcy over griiie. liver troubles. Trv them far stomach ana Graham & Wells Nolan & Callahan's great reduction sale of summer goods now on. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cou -h at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours or money re funded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Graham & Wells Wanted, wood on GAZETTE subscrip tion. Birgains ih men's fine shoes at Nolan & Callahan's. The editor of the Evans City (Pa.) Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough Cure ia rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It euros coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Graham & Wells. Big bargains in all summer goods at Nolan & Callahan's. New organs and pianos at Campbell's. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secure.! with Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Na sal injector free. Sold by Graham & Wells. Big bargaius in straw Uats at Nolan & Callahan's. Wilson sells clams, fish aud poultry. Stop that cough! Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A 25c. bottle of Shiloh's enre may save yonr life. u 8 The Royal is the highest qrade baking powder known. Actual tests show it goes one third further than any other brand. POWDEF. Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., N-W YORK. Through Tourist Cars to St. Louis. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Mo. Pacific, and every Wednesday via the Burlington route at 8:00 p. m. via the O. R. & N. through Salt Lake and Denver without change to St. Louis, and under the super vision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep this service iu mind when going east and consult O. R. & N. agents or address, W. H. Hurt. hurt, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. The Surprise of All. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones aad Son, Cowdcn, III., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wifo was attacked "vith La Grippe, and her case grew .0 seriou; that physicians at Cowden aad Pana could do nothing for her. It s .-emed to develop into hasty consumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle horn.-.-, and to the sur prise of all she began to get better from the first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her -:ound aad well. Dr. Kiv.g's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Graham & Wellj' drug store. For Sale at a Great Sacrifice. I desire to sell on remarkably easy terms a:-:d at a reat bargain the Kleppiu mill property- one mile west of Philo- math, better known perhaps as the "Matzgar" or the "Felger Mill," the property consisting of thu grist mill, mill dam, mill race, flumes etc., and at least 42 acres of land. Frank C. Baker, Hamilton Building, Portland, Or. Hiighest cash price paid for wool at S. L. Kline's. Wool sacks, and sheap shears for sale. fleece twine To the Farmers. 1 have leased the Philomath, Wren aud Blodgett warehouses for the ensuing j season, and shall be ready in due time to ! receive graiu on storage. W. A. Wells, j Corvallis, Or., July 19, 189S. Sick headache, biliousness constipntioii and all liver and stomach troubles can bo quickly cured by using those famous little 1 pills known as De Witt's Little Early Risers. ' Thoy are pleasant to take and never grip.. Graham & Wells. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Cuts, Bruises, S.hys, Uleers, Salt Khcum, Fever Soivs, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give pi;rf.-.ct satisfaction sr money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Graham & Wells, druggists. Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no hor:e should '-e without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to tne spot. Sold by Graham & Wells. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Bunton. W. P. Lord, as Governor of Oregon, H. R. Kincaid, as Secretary of State, asd Phil Metscban, as State Treasurer of Oregon, the Board of Commissioners for the sale of School and University Lands, and for the investment of the funds ari-nne there from, of the State of Oregon...... Plaintiff vs. Mahals Burk, J. II- Murk, her husband, rm. Mackay, and .Margaret M. Maekay, his wife, J. N. Brande berry, and Mollie L. Lii ai:delieny, his wife Defendants To Mahala Burk, J. H. Burk, her husband, Wm. Maekay, Margaret M. Mackay, his wifo, J. N. Brandeberry, and Mollie L. Brandeberry, his wife, the above-named , or ony.th dayof Soj P j tar ovemb- term of the Mid y ot said court, to be held at tlie court room in tne court house at Corvallis, in B--nton county, Oregon, and vou and each of you arc here by notified tkat if you fail ti answer said 1 complaint as tt-srclti requtreu, ine putmuu wm 7: UtaL XZJSTSZi I Areis aeainst the defendants Mahala Burk, ' J. H. Burk, and Wm. Mackay, tor the sum 0lf paid Jmrnary'lf, UaSt Wpa'dJan- ; llary isuo, 'J6 paid January 17. 18U1, 896 Jaimnrv 5. IHVS. SJ(i paid uarcn si, sa3 $m ,,ai,i May 3S, 194, 193 paid I March 19, 1890, 192 paid tietoDer o, vsai. with ir.tarest thereon in like Iroiu coin at Ae rate el eight per cent, per annum from the (Jth diiy f March, 189S, until paid, and fyril20 :.tlorn(;ys' t'.', besides tho costs and disbursements of this suit, and for a decree asnmst all the dafcndaats foreclosing the said nturtfeage setoutin plaintiff's complaint and directing that thj mortgaged property therein described to:wit: Beginaing at a i..t. fifi links south of the interior cor ner of the original donation land claim of I .las. A. MDiwni ano. wuc, u uram No. 45 T. 12 S. R. 5 W of Will. Mer., thence south U5.24 chains; to thn soutlnyest corner of said claim; thence east 7.74 chains; thence south 12.50 chains; thence east 36.15 chains; thence north 25 chains; thence east 4.50 chains; to the middle of the channel of Marv's river; thence down the middle of said channel of said river U a point due east of the place of beginning, thence west to the place of beginning, containing 160 acres of land in Benton county, Oru gon , be sold by the sheriff of Benton county. Oregon, in the manner prescribed by law. and that the sheriff making such sale put the purchasers into the actual posses.-ian of the said premises, and that the plaintitf have the right to become uie purcimser m such sale, and the defendants and all persons claiming through or under them or cither of them be forever debarred and foreclosed ofall right, title, or interest in or lien upon j the said premises or any part thereof, xnd that the proceeds arising irom such suie ue applied, tirst to the payment of the costs and expenses of such sale, and ot this suit in cluding attorneys iees, anu iibai. w " amount ddcreed to be due planti'" on said note and mortgage, and for such other or further order or decree as may seem meet and equitable in the premises. This summons is published in the Cor vallis Gazette for six successive and con secutive weeks, prior to the said 14th day of November, 1888, under and in pursuance of an order made bv tho Hon. J C. Fullerton judge of said court at Chambers at Eugene, Lane county, Oregon, and dated June 18, 1898. W. S. HUirt'OKU, flfijM. mm There s - Ease and Comfort In every Suit we sell you. There's service too, else it would not find a resting place here. There's safety as well, because your money is not ours until you're per fectly pleased. Our prices would'nt be so remarkably low if it were not for the clothing itself. It's quality here that makes our values great. 3 Suits made to order F. L MILLER. Yarnr St lyiitf" y jtjft FJT aye 3911 f Sf Crockery, Crockery, Crockery. lOIGr STOCK LO"W PEICES. Honest Money It's not alone that vviiieh you earn, but that which you save. Come here today, tomorrow, any day this week Cor that matter Come when you will and see if the money we save you is not as honest in your pocket as it would be in the till of those who would charge you more for goods. t -IHNEW YORK REAL GOOD TEA AND COFFEE. e We are particular in selecting our coffees and teas. We keep them fresh and up to the standard of strength and j quality. If not exactly right any time, bring it back, aud we will make it right or return your money. ' We keep everything a grocery store should have. I A. HODES, Headquarters Dining Parlors and Bakery . SUBSTANTIAL WELL-COOKED MEALS. THE BEST CUP OF COFFEE IN THE COUNTRY. Confectionery. Smoker's Goods. Novelties. I JUST TO KEEP THINGS MOVING I During the coming week we will make every effort to catch your trade and have the prices to suit the times. No exause for you to put off buying, as we have full stock ol FINE FURNITURE m suit all tie. A short time spent looking over our line will 1 onrince you that we have the goods and sell at prices that catch I lie order. FRED G. CLARK. ADVERTISE IN THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE. It will do you good to Ask for this make It means " Style, Service, Satisfaction.' t A A. atfc jfik &. ?fSr. & 2!" -r ? ji& AcJS P. M. ZIEROLF. - - MoneySayed. RACKET STORE. Hodes &' Hall's 4 1 j 4 x X Mi