GORVALUS, OREGON. July 22, 1S98. SUMMER GOODS Are Strictly in Demand. ORGANDY, plain white, 25c to 60c. DIMITY and ORGANDY, ficnred, 7'Ac to 25c. DRESS NAINSOOKS, bar, check and open, over fifty patterns, 10c to 50c. SHIRT WAISTS, dimity, percale, prints, 50c uh. SILKS for WAISTS, plain, changable, figured. Fine lines of the last at 85c to $1 .00 per yard. SASH RIBBON, popular r.hades, moire, taffeta and satin. Plaid neck ribbon. PARASOLS, white, cream and dark shades, $1.00 up. SUMMER CORSETS. New style short corsets in four hook and five book. 25c, 50c and 1.00. GLOVES, silk, taffeta and hid. Cha mois, white and cream, 75c; colored, $1. S. E. YOUNG & SON, Albany, Oregon. Agents for Buttrick Patterns. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. French candies at Hodes & Hall's. The Harris boys of Wells were in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson arc in Portland. Bis bargains in straw hats at Nolan & Callahan's. Ellsworth Irwin is retained as janitor at the O. A. C. I Mr. Pathursl, of B.;arer Cree on the Gazette this week. c.ilkd ! Dick Calloway, a large Wells wan seen on our streets recently. , Margaret Snell will hav. charge of" and will pull through all right. Is' d-naitorv of the O A. C. for T. T. Vincent now has the contract o - ' 1 . ., ., e ,i? . -1-: Dr. Mr the girl i-tajM. . ....r ' 1 t,1 .ni, iii lor-k i T. X F.rl wards, who has had such IU 1UCK with horses, reeanized us on the other day. the streets E. Skipton and wife shopped in town Saturday. Elijah held the reins on a fine road team. Thos. Callahan and wife and Ralph Davisson and wife have returned :rom Finley Springs, to. rewards ex-conntv commissioner, of Dustv. renewed acciu.nintances in town one day this week. Gene and P.ml Dodele, cattle deal.rs and fanners, report ilte aphis i -juriug whe?t around Wells. Frank I. Sheppard, of the University of Denver, has been selected .-.s assistant chemist at the O. A. C. Bishop Morris held services in the Church of the God Samaritan iu this city last Suud" v evening. d;iu Tjmkmi as1 Tesse Porter, farm- j ers of Willamette, shook hands wail tne GAZETTE a day or two since. ' Charley Wheeler, of the musical house j of Whale & Mori, Slem, was up on business for his firm this week. Thomas Crawford, clerk of the O. A. C, is retained and his salary hicreased from f 1000 to $1200 per annum. Attorney M. R. Elliott and wife, of , Prineville, are visiting at the old home place four miles north of town for a few days. Ir Hunter, tx-county clerk, was up from his large cattle ranch on Soap Creek this week. He is just as jolly and fat as ever. j Friday, July 22, frowi noon till 12 o'clock Mrs. Alice Hyatt and daughter re. midnight. Littlt Minstrels at 8 o'clock, turned to Minneapolis this week haying j Ice cream and cake, 10 cents. All cor sold her little place north of tewn to j dially invited. Mrs. Joe Bryant. Joe Huuter, of Oak Ridge, who has 350 acre; of grain, 250 acres of which is wheat, reports a fine prospect. He is cutting this week. J. L. Wells, of the real estate firm of J. L. Wells & Co. , Portland, has been spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs, jHd. Calloway. Ike Smith, a former Corvallis resident but now of Philomath, seemed to be having soxie difficulty with his team while in town the other day. Mrs. W. S. Gilbert, wife of the chap Iain of thtt Second Oregon Regiment now at Manila, is the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. M. Hartless of this city. G. G. Newton, an old pioneer, living on ai larm near rniioniain, wnne iu ; town recently, took occasion to say that j crops were good and times were better. It would be well fer our readers each week to consult th? ads of our enter prising business people and avail them selves of the rare bargains offered by them. W. H. Miller, of Kings Valley, called en us and reports haying about finished in his locality, that harvesting has be- gun and the prospects for a good vie d are excellent. uure tnat cougn wicn sniiou s ure. The best Couh Cure. Relieves Croup . ... ,,, - Dromotlv. One million bottles sold last , . ... war An doses for 25 cts. Sold bv Gra- j -T- -j ham & Wells. The Henry Mann lot on Second street .;;.,;., n... v,nv.nt v,-lVl, hnJ escheated to the state was bought by John Gellally for f 21, at sherifTs sale one day last week. Schoo: closed last Friday in District No. 51 at summit, ur. mt PP'c are more than pleased with the teacher, Miss Mabel Ab'ie, for the interest she has i shown in the school. Jack Met ullun, of Newport, called ou ye editor. Reports a good many people at the Lay, but the residents there feel very much disappointed over the failure of the Yaquina appropriation. Of those who went last week from here to enli.t the following were exam ined and passed: Samuel W. Starr, Mort. J. Cockerel, Horace R. Scott, Chas. H. Horner, Lionel A. Johnson and Arthur L. Henkle. They are now in Camp Merritt, S. F. Cal. Stewart showed his smiling phiz in town oue day this week. He states that crops are good and that his neigh- bor Edleman only a day or two fines had winter pie squashes raised last year that were perfectly sound. Cal. says this is the ercatest squash scetion iu existence, See W. A. Wells' ad this week. Eugene is to have a new National Guard company. Mrs. F. A. Alexander has retnrned from her Eastern trip. F. L. Miller has been on a business A kiln of 250,000 brick has just been burned in the Wilson yard. J. M. Nolan and family left t.tday for a month's sojourn at the seaside. The Albany Elks will give an excur sion to Yaquina Bay next Sunday. Marshall Miller is now engaged in numbering the buildings in the city. Professor W. W. Bristow is traveling in Lane and Linn counties on business. For Kale A lot of 15-raHon kegs, at six bits each, at -Corvallis cider factory. We would be: glad to see a number of cords of wood coming in on subscription. Haman Lewis called and buzzed the GazeTTF. a few minutes one day this j week. j Mrs. B. L. Arnold has been visiting I Mrs. George Armstrong at Mt. View this wee k . Sidney Trask and wife and Mrs. S. A. Hemphill of this city have go:-e to the coast. Profs. Kent, Peruot and French aie attending the Dairymen's Congn-ss this vtesk in Astoria. Ed. Wiles, a stack man of many broad acres, was iu town this week reading up ; the late war news. Miss Grace Gatch visited with her brother. Hon. Claude Gatch, of the Capi tal City, this week. Rev. Peart and F. A. Alexander and their families are eating sand and bath- I ing iu the fog it Nye creek. ti, M Vt-,rd the larsre sheen owner i avid extensive farmer, was smiling 011 j his friends in Corvallis recently. j Newport has engaged a brass baud to make the days noisy and the mgiits : ! hideous during the outing season. farmer of j S. N. WartielU, ot Alsca, caiiea lues ! 1 , . i t 1 i 1 . aay aim reponeu irenuuiMi clliuj; ict carryi nj UK mans iron reii iu Aiug: Valley and Hoskins Oregon daily J J. E Louther will preach in the Cum ber'and Presbyterian church in Alsea next Sunday morning and evening. C. E. Bauto-i, J. A. Ryecraft and S. N. Warfield are out from Alsea after their 10 horse steatneugiue for their thresher. Mr. Eugene Clark, of Los Angeles, Cal., h.-.s been in the city all the week repairing typewriters. He does first class WJrk C. E. Brown, from Rockford, 111., is lookiu over the county with a view to settling anion.; us and engaging in diver- i sified farmin;;. Thousand: of person- have been cured of piles by using I) Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It Veals promptly and euro eczema aad nil skin diseases. I' gives immediate relief. Graham &, Wells. Misses Mabel and Mildred Johnson, of this city, spent two days very p'ear antlv with Mrs. Dollv Brown, of Wil- ian3eUe this week. Aa ice cream socjnble will be held in the Cumberland Presbyterian chuich Alsea, this evening to raise funds to pro cure a Sunday school library. Mr. A. W. Gunnison, of the Pacific Board of Fire t nderwriters, is m town makiny changes in rativs of risk.- ara I ether work connected with his office Attorney Bryau, of Philomath, said "how de do" to the GAZETTE one day this week. He reports Philomath as be ing distressedly peaceful acid alanvingly healthy. Baptist Lawn Social at Mr. Pygall'f Rev. B. J. Kelly and family start next week for Waldport, on Alsci bay. They j will be gone trom Home a weeK or ten days. A wedding at Alsea is to be a part of the program. Last Sunday Miss Savanna Cliue tripp e- ob ,-.er ruling skirt and fell, causing a severe fracture of the femur, near the hip 1 joint. Drs. I-arra and Pernot refluced the fracture aud ttieir patient is doing well. "I think De Witt' Witch Hazel Salvo is the finest prcparatien on the market for piles." S- writes John C. Dunn, of Wheel- ing, W. Va. Try it and you will think the same. It also euros eczema and all skin diseases. Graham & Wells. Hon. Miles Starr was iu tox:n this , wgek his 5team thresIlin eugine which he has used for nine years without . . . . . . 1 . repairing. uwn i.rojj& are not as good in the sonth end of the county as many had anticipated. The College Barometer for June is 011 our table. It is a good number. Its editorial department for the coming year will be conducted bv Deunis Stovall aud j iu business affairs wiu bo djrectcd by W. , w Garrow; 5oth .,oo(l seiectious. j j Miss Eda Jacobs lias been the g . est of I Mrs' has- Kohn in Portland for a cou ple ot weeks. Mrs. Koun and daughter, i week to visit Uzr aged parents and mm , ... . . ', ., , gie wun tne irieuos 01 ner youm ana " 1 ne oerman niuuciyi iv v. rmiiK 1. Our tswasm&M Adolph Peterson has beeu awarded the contract for bnilding the armory 0.-1 the coile ege campus tor ; 9.7o. mc -w.il .c. muku M. E. CBarch S uith parsonage and residence for I)r, Standlee. Thes auvai.iaoeimproveme.-Ks an- awpn , . ... OHie Rise, a Corvallis boy for several P. Ter- mouths in the employ of the miual company in Portland, is home on a week's visit to the folks. Then he returns to Portland aud will enter into employment in the shippi.-g d-part ment of Woodward, Clark & Co., whole sale druggists. We wish our young friend and townsman success iu his new field. On tke io'.h i:ist, at the home of Louis Fridley, on Muddy creek, Mr. P. H. Robinsoa and Miss Jeauuette E. Fridley were united in marriage, Rev. B. J. Kelly officiating. Mr. Robinson resides in Sherman county, whither the twain made ne took their leave for the follow iug day. Miss Fridley was born and ' reared in this county, and has a host of 1 friends who join in wishing her and her ! companion a smooth and joyous voyage through lifie. Farmer Moma Smith, of Granger, brought his smiling phiz into our sanc tum this week and settled his corporeal system in. our best office chair and far a few minutes discussed crop prospects. It is good for the blues. Good nature is contagious. Prof. C. E. Woodson, assistant in the Department of History and Political Science of the State University, is spend ing a portion of his vacation with our young friesd, E. R. Bryson. They were classmates in the University of Oregon a few years since. The Chief I5'.!rres5 af Milesburg, Pa., says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pill.- he ever used in his family during fortj! years of housekeeping. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach aod lirer trouble. Sninl) in size but great in results. Graham & Wells. ! Persons going away for vacation who desire their papers changed to. their new aaaress ca" 00 so "J "ceuig w p"--"" ter and paving the postage in advance The postal law forbids the remailing of papers unless the postage is paid to office from where they are re mailed. Marion Wood is now the foremav of the O. A. C. farm. He wields the pitch fork, silo eUvatar afed Itcteal fluid ex tr-.ctor as gracefully as he formerly aid the birch in the little red school house. The regents did themselves credit and the college honor in the appointment Prof. F. L. Kent of the O, A. C. 1 as returned from his recent trip to Coos county in the interest of d.urviiv,'. He js Mv ahead on bikes, for the Prof. found in that tectio j of the state that the only mode of travel was by horse back over mountain trails or by water. D. C. Rose is erecting on his fruit farm one mile west of town a Peerless dryer. He has a large quantity of pears and estimates his prune crop at 1,200 bushe 5. He proposes I dry his entire crop and bP in this way to re -over in some de- Kree n,s losses uU reen IrUlt sn,PmeHls last year. W. T. Jackson, a florist and horticul turist of 20 year;; experience, from Tope ka, Kansas, has been in our Beighbor hood recently looking for a location to engage in his business. Tje Gazette hopes Mr. Jackson will find it to his ad vantage to settle among us. Thtre is room in this county for many more like him. Maud Hoffman, formerly a Corva'li. girl and Oregon's pride in the histrionic world, is to remain iu London for several years to come. She has accepted a po sition as leading lady for the Drury Lane, one of the lcdiug theatres of London, a-td has been asked to join the Lyceum Theatre stock company as leading lady for John Hare's new pay, '-The Martyr," which opens in London next January. While Ned Smith and Alba Schtaidt were taking a spin around town Monday after Ned's high steppers, .;1 was thrown out wbi e making! the curve from Third to Adams, whereupon Alba jumped out, neither of them being hurt. The team ran out of town and down the Mor mouth load to Mt. View, ab ut four miles, without doing aay damage to themselves or the l- -ggy to which they were attached. J. M. Wilkinsd i. a -..sperous farmer of Beaver creek, was iu town a day or two since, and resorts that he has cut and secured 100 tons of line hay, aud I president of the Fraternal Lino-. He is that his 200 acres of grain is immense. ! now touring Oregen and Idaho in the la The fruit treei and grapevine are break- terests of his order. His heuueuaru .s ing down with great loads of fruit. His I are at Salem. - : nrimp trfpc a TP- alno rn rr villi' Ilea vv load---. 1 ' V ! Everybody out his way are harvesting, j and he thinks we have, as a people, great j Cambridge, Mass., where they wid remain reason to be thankful. Jim is happy, ; untji September. Professor Horner is any way. j taking an advanced course in English at W. We'-tfyali, Mr. fockrel and Ch-.rley j Harvard Uniyersity. Collins who left here June 24th for East- ! Services at the Presh .. terian church eru Oregon iu search of work have re- , next Sabbath as usual. The mid sum turned. They were too early for harvest ; mer communion service iu the morning, by a mouth at least and after drinking i Services at Oak Ride Presbyterian their fill of alkali water and gazing with I church at 3 p. m. Communion and re with admiring eyes on great stretches ceptiou of members. A kind welcome to of saie brush, concluded to came honie and reCruit up fer fall work. The Willamette vallev is Hard to beat and Benton county especially, has attractions for them that could KOt be supplied in Eastern Oregon. Archbishop Gross of the Catholic diocese ftf Oregon preached a patriotic sern,0n Sunday, the nth, in Portland. H,s reputatien asa scholar is well known ; here and across seas. He approved the j patriotism and wise conservative states- . manship of Pres. McKinley and urged , upon the American people the duty of j prayer and thanksgiving for our victories on sea and laud. And yet we hear oc- : 11.. . . . 1 i : ,. r. . n I I QUudSlUIIdl IV UH. U L .dUmilL ICIIUft- t countrymen are not loyal to their gar- ernment. What nonsense. H. A. Fint, son of Dr. Flint, and his wife of Syracuse, N. Y., have been at tendinr' the National Congregational I fa portland siuce its a(,jonrn. j ment his fath,r near i Corvallis. Mr. Flint is the second cheni ist and one of 2200 employes iu the yreai Salway Process Chemical company From here Mr. Flint and wife go to Vic toria, thence to Yellowstone Park, thence to Duluth and thence down the lakes by steamer to Buffalo. Mr. Flint is very much pleased with Oregon. The CosmoDohtan for Tulv has lust ' " ....,v,.t-v i,4,c vrl.,l anir-u 9 1 -T c "- - r -n. r, 1 n 1. Dewey; "The Government in War Time by Rene Bache; "The Customs of War vs. the t ustoms of Peace," by Capt ( has. Kin": "With the VYai ting Army,' by Irving Bacheb-r; "The EugiKeerins; Problem of Aerial Torpedoes," by Hud- SUn .ia.Hli. i UIJ ?l L.LliLV. 1,1 .UCl-IIC.. LL.; r : nr ..1 .r - t .... 1 1 , Warfare" bv its editor T. ," by its editor J. It will pay the Ga- Brisbane Walker. It will pay the Ga j ZETTE readers to get this numVer and 1 post themselves 0:1 the subject of these excitiug times. Mrs Tane Harris, a pioneer of '52, dropped dead at her home S miles south of j Representative Ellis and family. Prof Corvallis, Friday eveting last and was MoEiroy and wife. Prof. Horner and buried Suaday at Oak Ri !ge beside her wife and Prof. Fulton and wife visited husband. Mrs. Harris has been a strong, j Mt. Vernon last week and it is reported active woman all her life until about six by our Washington correspondent that years ago when she was attacked with j they are having trouble in getting suffi hirh never vielded to : cient rai!roa;l facilities to transport their ci.- 1. 1 n .wWf llCUlli-iCUt. oue nay t.ii j;iv.ai "--' r c ft T IT - fault when her daughter. Mrs. Fred Whitby, found her lying on the floor in her own room. Mrs. Harris, together with her husband, the late John Harris, accumu- lated a large property consisting of the home place, of a section of fine farming and grazing land, and other landed property as well as considerable money, Mrs. Whitby is the only heir. Wilson sells clams and poultry. Wilson deals in all kinds of produce. New organs and pianos at Campbell's. Kodaks and supplies at Graham & Wells. Stop at Wibou's and get fresh fish for dinner. Mr. Frank Countryman, a rancher of Dusty, called. Mr. Gray, of Pleasant Va'ley, sail encouraging things to the Gazrtte yes terday. T. D. Campbell, Cor Second and Mon roe is ajent for the Western Cottage Pi ano and Organ Co. Lost, a canvas sack containing about 20. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. Donald McKeazie, S. Homing's genial clerk, left this morning on bis bike, for a visit to his folks in Newberg. Music makes the heme pleasai.t. . Call 011 Campbell and he will sell you .i bran new organ at a reasonable price. H. S. Shaugles, P. E. of M. E. Cbiireu South, started for Tillamook yestirday in the interest of his church work. Swinging platforms are being put into the Exchange sloru to give its occupant more room for 'lis increasing business John Skclton is tUe polite a id capable dispenser of powders, solutions, and Jcnick nacks at Alien i'c Woo uvrd's drug store. O. C. Simpso:-, of Elk City, is : 1 town looking for a location. He h .s betn carrying trails for several years 1.1 Lin coln Cwttnty. J. H. Harris and W. J. Willban s are over on the Shot Pouch luring the finny tribes froal the purling riffles of that c'assic strcii-.-. Mrs. Fred Clark has lett Fred aud the boys to mother for themselves while ihe tak.s ?. rest at the popular summer re sort at Newport. James Plunkett, Tip Maxfield. J. O. Rxlgers, Dick and Henry Dunn and James Isbel from Kings Valley were in town one day this week. T. P. Connor of Evergreen neighbor hood made a friendly call on the Ga zette yesterday. A. W. Herbeit also called. Come again, gentlemen. Mr. Harris an employe at tie Kriebel sawmill, lost the ends of three fingers on his right hand Thursday morning by coming iu contact with the cut-off saw. S. N. Warfield has the contract for building a four-span three bent bridge across Beaver Creek cm the road from the Alsea postoff.ee to Lobster, near Strow's place. Peter Zieroff, American Food Pros3uc.tr. Warranted pure. Chow Chow, Olive Oil, Tomato Catsup, Chili Sauce, Celery Salt, Sweet Pickles, Horse Radish, Red Hot Sauce lor Meats. L. W. Oien aud family left for New port thi; mora in . L mis has been en during the agonies of Job for some time past, but not, however, with the former' reputed patierce. Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., says that for constipRtion bn has foui-d Dc Witt's Little Early J-i-ers to !-o perfuet. They lisver gripe. Try llieui tar. stomach and liver troulKs. Graham & Wells. T. M. Hamilton, a former assistant at the O. A. C. is 1 ow a deputy supreme P..-.f..r v,A Irc T "R rinrupr Ijavp - j icft Washington, D. C, aud are apw at all. E. C. Blanks, of Lewisrille, Texas, writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve wa worth 50 to him. It cured his piles of ten years' standing. He advises others to try it. It also cures ectema, skin diseases and obstinate sores. Graham & Wells. Joe aud Will Garrow have returned to their home iu Corvallis after a month's visit to Gervais, Woodburn and Oregon City. They were royally entertained all along the line of their perambulations. They helped to properly celebrate the Fourth of July at the latter place. Frank Frye, a Corvallis boy, and third cousin of Admiral Dewey, has retnrned from Montana where he aad his father went several months since. Frank is de lighted to get back to the far-famed and fertile Widamette valley. The climate of Mo-itana did not agree with the youn man. Mrs. Robert Huston and baby and Miss Luenberg went to the coast yesterday. Darius' his wife's absence Bob intends to invite s iue of his friends in to sample wheat and oats oa storage. Store grain ,)t- $!i,7 paid January U. 18SU. J6 paid Jan tiic p.nkin.r Hp lmwevpr dnps not in. iiL .. . .y o.,a oll tr, mm ' narv M. 1SJ0. S'Jo paid January 1". 1891. $9C tend to k?ep up his good wife's repute- tion for rnfFee naakin. t.nt will iudulye . DlSl'H'SIA CAS OK eUKKl) M U8IN in seltzer water only. , . . . h I Aeker s Dyspepsia Tabl-U. U:i-. little tat- Sol King exhibited at this office aJ Uttwill give immediate relief or money rc sample of the Al'en wheat, anew va fumlfd. Sold in handsome tin boxes at25 riety which Sol is trying on his farm. VametvmrA four 1mi-1h-1 of it He sowed tour bu-lieis ot u last year j : . 1 husbels "Q rai-eu ioj Dusueis. Mr. Ki yg thinks if there is any wheat that will yie d 40 bjshels per acre, he h is it on his farm ' nict ofrij i tr ft mil ( 'nr 1 1 1 3 ' Four mouths since !lrs. Prof. Skelton i went to Arkansas to visit her pareuti. ' This wee'; while on her way home, in the Yellowstone Par i both she aud her two children were taken violently ill. j The professor, bain;; advis-d by wire i went as fast as steam culd carry hint to I their assistance. We leirn that the sic j ones are better and will, if Mrs. s'.;e ton able to travel, be home this week. ! Krrrracr nc iHpv UnvP- -ifh vanlal Vn.utU 1 j ' nnrrXA 1 it 1 aM til" crAnrtf flf tbllt H it jed place. It is said Prof. Horaer j thought Washington's tomb was the sar- cophagus of Abraham. Prof. Fulton in ! interest of analytical chemistry could not be induced to leave the place until ha had analyzed the whole structure and formulated a series of lectures therefrom for the delectation of the O. A. C. stu- dents the coming year. In the Police Court. The question, what constitutes drunkeness, was on trial this week in the case of city vs. A. L. Dabler. The pros and cons were elaborated upon by eminent counsel before his honor E. P. Greffoz, city recorder, and a j'iry of six good, honesi yeomen, neither one of whom had ever smelt a gin lizz, tasted a sherry cobbler, or im bibed the stinaulating effects of a whiskey sour mixed after ;'Bas corn's" most celebrated recipe. The witnesses were equally as in nocent as the bald headed court or the determined, firm looking jury. It turned out that they each and everyone had never as tonished their stomachs with a brandy mash, a whiskey cocktail, or polluted their breath with a mint julep. . The poor defendant had been kcd staggering on ,th? street and so was gathering in. The defend ant testified iu court. that he was at that moment as drunk as when .- was taken in Ihe cold embracf. ol the law. Dabler is an old sol ilier who endured the hardships ol iuaiy hard campaigns thirty live years ago, carries honorable scars on his person, and we are inform id that he contracted an impedi ment in his legs at that time which to the unpracticed eye has much the appearance ot drunken nes. All this his able counsel J. Fivd Yates tried to get before his honor and the jury and eloquently explained the cirvum stances and appealed in classic English fc.r the jury to lay aside all prejudice. But En d led a for lorn hope, but charged the enemy in splendid style and by the power of his logic," his enthusiasm, and his well turned points in regard to his client having served Ins coun try many years ago, won smiles of recognition from the bystanders. Bu. the demand of justice was inexorable and poor Dabler was loand guilty by the jury and duly sentenced by his honor. The city was represented by E Ii. Wilson, ciiy attorney, and din ing his zealous endeavors, took occasion to animadvert upon the conduct of our chief of police, which it is said resulted in a bril liant passage ot arms between the two getitleuien. Karl's Cover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. P.eHlates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Kasy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cts. Sold bv Graham Wells. 1-etter List. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Corvallis postoffice, unclaimed July 16, 1S98: j Geo H Baker J H Dorris Mrs X K Emery Chas Kline j Fred Matthics I Miss May Okes I Harry Pan.ous i Mrs T J Singleton M R Crawford John Errance Daniel Folltttt Thomas Laskey C L McCoy Mis Winnie Oakes Mies Louisa Robnett W M Willson. B. W. Iohxson. P. M. Ladies, Take the test. If you are troubled with constipation, Sallow Shin, and a Tired Feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it is piearaut to take, ham & Wells. Sold by Gra- To the Farmers. 1 have leased the Philomath, Wren and Blodgett warehouses for the exsuing season, and shall be ready in due time to receive grain 011 storage. W. A. WELLS. Corvallis, Or. .July 19, 1S9S. Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh's Vitalizer imiiiediately relieves Soar Stomach, Com ing up of Food Distress, and is the great kidney an;l liver remedy. Sold by Gra ham 5c Wells. For Sale at a Great Sacrifice. I desire to sell on remarkably easy j terms and at a reat bargain the Kleppiu mill property one mile west of Philo- math, better known perhaps as the I "Matzgar" or the "Felger Mill," the property consisting of tho grist mill, mill dam, mill race, flumes etc., ana at least 42 acres of land. Frank C. Baker, Hamilton Building, Portland, Or. Sick headache, biliousnesi, constipation and all liver and stomach troubles can be 1 1 . iiu.. n..A..a i;fi i"'"'' "J " ft. " . pills known as DeWitt's Little tarly Kuers. , court ,OU;.e .lt Corvallis, in B--nton county, They are pleasant to take and never gripe, j Oregon, and vou and each of you are here Graham & Wells. by notified Kat if you fail t, answer said . i complaint as liurcui required, the plainlifl Grain Storage H. M. Finley has rented the Cauthom ' (warehouse and is prepared to receive dealer, Sac:s and twine supplied. e.-Mts Graham & Wells Druggist. I To the Public, j Parties wishing to purchase stock in j I'tt Mastodon Mining & Milling com ! pauy or having any other business with j the company are referred to Judge John j Burnett, at his office iu Corvallis, Oregon. Be not Deceived! A Cougk, Hoarse ness or Croup are not to be trifled with. a dose in titxe f Shiloh's Cure -will save you mu.-h trou'-de. Soh-1 by Graham & Wells. Wanted A buyer for a small home, 24 acres near city. Small house, barn, well, nne young fruit, sightly location cash. Cheap, for Nolan & Callahan's great reduction sale of summer goods now ou. Win your battles against disease by aetmg promptly. One Min-.te Cough Cure pro- i duces immediate result When taken early , . - ! ' it nravents consumption. And in later V" ; : , ; Big bargains in all summer goods at j N0an & Callahan's. Wanted, wood on Gazette subscrip tion. Bargains in men's fine shses at Nolan & Callahan's. The Royal is the highest grade baking powder known. Actual tests show it goes one third further than any other brood. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKIN- POWCCR CO., NSW YORK. The Greatest Discovery Yet. W. M. Repine, oditor Tiskilwa, 111., "Chief," says: "Wc won't keep house without Dr. King's New Diseovei y for con sumption, coughs and colds. Experiment ed wit'.-, many others, but never got the true, remedy until we used Dr. King's New Dis covery. No other remedy can take its place in our home, as in it we have a .cer tain and sure cure fur coufirbs, colds, whoop ing cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if thoy are urged on you as jast as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They an not as good, because this remedy has a record ot cures and be side; is guaraHtced. It never fails to satisfy. Trial bottles free at Graham & Wells' drug store. Through Tourist Cars to St. Louis. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Mo. Pacific, and every Wednesday via the Burlington route at 8:00 p. in. via the O. R. & N. through Salt Lake and Deuvcr without change to St. Louis, and under thesuper vision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep this service in mind when going east and consult O. R. & N. agents or address, W. H. HURI.BURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Dreadfully Nervous. GENTS: I was dreadfully uervous.aud for relief tool; yonr Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened ajy whole nervous system. I was troubled with Constipation, Kidney aud Bo -.el trouble. Your Te.v soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by Graham & Wells. Hiighest cash price paid for wool at S. L. Kline's. Wool sacks, fleece twine and shea;? shears for sale. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, S.rcs. Uleors, Salt Rheum, Fever Sor.-s, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and j positively cures Piles, or no pay required. I It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction rar money lviunclerj. l-nee -o cents pur wax. For sale by Graham & Wells, druggists. Complete line of harvesting outfits at 1 Nolan & Callahan's. -.Notice of Final Settlement. In the matter f th estate ) of E. C. Wyatt, deceased. J Notice is hrebv eiven that I, W. T. Wyatt. as administrator of the estate of! -rrr . . j l 4il,4 n.l j V4 such adminbtrat,,r uitti thi Clerk j 0f tne County Court of Benton County,! j Statu of Oregon and the said Coart .has nxea oniuruay. ui; um uny ui iiuM., x.u at tho hour of 9 o'clock in the forenoon as the time, and the county court room in the court house in Corvallis, Uregon, Hi ;ne plac for b oaring any and all objections to the said final account, and for settlement thereof. Dated July -th, 1896. W. T. WYATT. Administrator ot the Estate or E. C. Wyatt, Deceased. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Cnurt of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Benten. W. P. Lord, as Governor of Oregon, H. K. Kincaid, as Seeretary of State, ad Phil Metvehan. as State Treasurer of Oreeon, the Board of Commissioners for the sale of School and University Lands, and for the mvraitment of the funds ari-ing there from, of the State of Oregon Plaintiff Mabala Burk, J. H. Bark, her husband, Wm. Mackay, arid .Margaret M. Mackay, his wife, J.N. Brando berry, and Mollie L. iitamleberry, his wife Defendants To Mahals Burk, J. II. Burk, her husband, Wm. Maekay, Margaret M. Mackay, his wife, .1. N. BranJebeny, and Mollie L. Braudftberrr, his wife, the abov.-named I defendants. In the name of the Stale of Oregon, You I and each of you aro hereby summoned and 1 required to appear and answer to the com ' plaint in the above-entitled suit now on : tie in tlie office of the clerk of said court on j ur before Monday the Hth day of Sovero i bisr, A. D. 18!W, it being the first day of r tkt next rreutar November term of the faid iemirt. to be held at the court room 111 tne will apply toine couri, ior hip renci (.iiijimi I for i.i plaintitfs said e-jinpliiint. namely fora ! decree against the defendawts Mahala Burk, 11 l...l . . . . J . . . l.k4,l'AiT rr thn cllnl . ' ,T 0 .j,,",. i ,hfi fUm pinil January January 5, tstiu, jui paw Marco m. is3, Sfii paw y , pi" p'u m ,..i. i-i ls'W. SIU-J naiil October 5, 1897, with ii.ti.resl ther.'on in like Gold Coin at the rate of eKjht per cent, per annum from tho 8th day -t Maicb, 1898, until paid, and for SI-JO ;-.Uorneys' lees, besides th.-costs and disbursements of this suit, mid lor a decree against all the defendants forecloimg the said mortgagi) set out. in plaintiff's complaint and directing that the mortgaged prpBrty therein described to:wit: B.-erimung at a poi?.t 66 links outh of the interior coi ner of the original douati..n la.-.d claim ot Jaa. A. Bennett, and wife, it being Claim No. 45 T. IS S. K. 5 VV of Will. Mer., thence south 35.24 chains; to the southwest corner of said claim ; thence ea?t 7.74 chains ; thence south 12.50 chains; theuce eAt 30.15 chains; thence nordi 25 chains ; thence east 4.50 chains; to the middle of the chann-.-l ot Mary's river; thence down the middle ot said channel of said river U a point due east of the place of beginning, thence wKt to the lilac, 01 beginning, uonuuuiiiK 160 acres of land in Benton county. Ore- eon, be-sold by the sherirl'of Benton county. nr,r., in the manner nrescribed by law. ! and that the sheriff making such sale put 1 the purchasers into the actual possession ot . - j : h that the plaiiiHn j have' the right to become the purchaser at inn Ruin t' tmi. I such sale, and ttieueienuanis unu an pti.. I claiming through or under them or wther ! of them be forever debarred and f oreclosed I of all right, title, or interest in or hen upon ! ti. cirl iwonuao or unv Dart thereof, ana tl.nt th uroeeeds aiisine from such sale be , appl nrit to the payment of the cos'.s an j expenses of such sale, and ot ibis suit it in- ! cludin attorneys reis, ana next urn j amount doc reed to be aue piaim -. on saw ; note and mortgage, and for such other or Airther order or decree as may seem meet and equitable in the premise. r ms summons is (juuhsu m ."o vallis Gazette for six successive and con secutive weeks, prior to the said 14th day of November, 18M8, undor and in pursuance of an order made bv the Hon. J C. Fullerun judge of said court at Chambers at Eugene, Lane countv,Oregon, and dated June 18, 1898. W. S. HUFFORD, Attorney for Plaintiff. rim I There s Ease and Comfort In every Suit we sell you. There's service too, else it would not find a resting place here. There's safety mm well, because your money is not ours until you're per fectly pleased. Our prices would'nt be so remarkably low If it were not tor the clothing itself. It's quality here that makes our values great. Suits made to order F. L MILLER J&r Ar iAii W rr -W mr -V" v "V Crockery, Crockery, Crockery. ft f ft f ft BIG- STOCK. I.0"W" PEICES. f aotffc A. ifiir A A. ft ayir nff v -asF-fitf Honest Money It's not alone that whieh save. Come here today, tomorrow, any day this week lor that matter. Come when 3011 will and see if the money we save you is not as honest in your Docket as it would be in the till ol those who would charge you 11101 e lor goods. JNEW YORK RACKET STORE. REAL GOOD TEA AND COFFEE. 1 We are particular in selecting our coffees and teas. We ? keeD them fresh and no to the standard ot strength and I quality. If not exactly right any time, bring it. back, and we will make it right or return your money. We keep everything a grocery store should have. A. BODES, , t , JUST TO KEEP THINGS MOVING During the coming week we will make every effort to catch yout tradG and have the prices to suit the times. No excuse for you to put off buying, as we have a full stock of FINE FURNITURE to suit, all tastes. A short time spent, looking over our line will convince yon that we have the goods and sell at prices that catch lite orders. FRED G. CLARK. Summer Clearance SHOES ; Sale THE CASH STORE, Next to the Postoffice. Corvallis, Oregon. j r a ADVERTISE IN THE CORVALLIS It will do you good. L i vy Ask for this make it means " Style, Service, Sotlsfsctloo." rV ftr tAk -jV- A -a- -jj- -mp 7 . P. M. ZIEROLF. a&i jdftc T&r. uSte Ajds jrffc .WTmr yfac jgfa ik ; IfccjISkjCK: :A i J"jul nJ. j.w. jjja.!. jnya. -yj- -J J-mr J"JUr JJ "Tjlf- -TtP - - Moil Saved. you earn, but that which you Headquarters . . -, j- .1 . j GAZETTE.