The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, May 20, 1898, Image 4

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thunderbolts. "Fact is, Geraldine, I've
only just found out why I treated you
so hard when In school. And It was
simply this I loved yon! 1 want you
always; I want you to make me happy,
to be my wife!"
Geraldine smiled as she raised her
face and received the salute from his
"I knew that was the matter all the
time," she said. Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune.
tt-i r. plncrf" wrote the
headed girl in the back scat of the
wide, oblong school-room. Harrison
Jenkins, the presiding genius of the
place, stood scowling behind his desk,
struggling with the class in Latin.
These young boys and girls, who look
ed pityingly up to his dark face, were
struggling with the verb "sum."
The lesson had been poorly prepared
and the issue of thunderbolts was soon
expected to shower from this pedagog
ical Olympus. At last it came.
Mr. Jenkins brought his fist down
upon the plain deal board with a
thump that awoke every languid mind
In the room. "Is this wnat you .uC
to school for?" he began, as if address
ing a jury. "Is this the way you use
one of the most precious gifts that God
has given to you? Here you are, a
whole class of bright boys and girls,
with brains enough to do anything you
desire in this great world, throwing
away the greatest opportunity of your
lives. If this was an institution for
weak-minded children I would have
some compassion for you. But your
faces are all bright and your eyes are
clear, and yet you will come to me
with such a lesson as this!" Mr. Jen
kins punctuated every sentence with
that echoing thump on the desk which
carried conviction and mortification to
the minds of each boy and girl before
It was then that the red-headed girl
on the back seat wrote "Jovi non
placet" ("It is not pleasing to Jupiter").
Geraldine Coffin was Mr. Jenkins'
pride. He had no favorites; at least,
such never appealed in the little com
monwealth which he held in the hol
low of his hand. But in Geraldine he
.was intensely interested, and he often
found In her his greatest irritation.
While Mr. Jenkins held the whole of
his fifty odd young spirits in the hol
low of his hand, the red-headed girl
was the one person he was not quite
sure of. Geraldine had given him the
name of "Jupiter," and it fitted so well
that it was at once adopted by all his
"When-he pounds his desk and that
great shaggy head shakes so, and his
blue eyes flash, all I can think of is
Jupiter sending thunderbolts to earth"
and in this remark Geraldine had
christened hbji. Many times he had
thought he had herird the name of Jupi
ter Jenkins, but he had never been able
to capture one of these erring mortals.
Of course, he knew he was called Jupi
ter he had been told so by admiring
parents, who knew he would be pleas
ed, and he was.
But it was with the red-headed girl
that this story is chiefly concerned.
She was the only human problem that
Jupiter Jenkins could not solve. Ger
aldine Coffin had been an inmate of the
schoolroom only a few days when Mr,
Jenkins discovered that she possessed
an unusual mind. He laid his plans to
make the most he could of her. He
was accustomed to use the. parable of
the talents in the schoolroom, and to
say that to whom much was given
much would be required. The getting
of lessons was an easy matter to Ger
aldine Coffin. She not only learned
them, but the truths and principles
were digested, and sank into her mind,
clearly understood and stored away,
until the day which would call them
into use.
Jupiter Jenkins was accustomed to
say that hardly more than one child in
twenty really digested knowledge.
He had come to complain to Geral-
dine's mother that her daughter some
times failed in her lessons, and that it
was inexcusable in one who had such a
mind. "I have come to tell you this
Mrs. Coffin, when I would not take the
trouble to inform another mother, for
Jhis reason and it alone: Geraldine has
an unusual mind, and she can make
Jenkins never knew until a few years
TSnt it did. and Geraldine's face seem
ed to have framed itself into the center
of his thoughts. She recurred to his
consciousness constantly, and when he
thought of these big boys he was truly
Tio hsd another conference with Mrs.
Coffin, in which he suggested that Ger
nidine had better be kept in the house
and made to give closer attention to her
lessons. When he called her in recita
tions he was also doing his best to
rniko the clrl fail. And when she did
fail he did his best to make It uncom
fortable for her. She had to remain
after school and get the whole lesson.
Jupiter made her recite it all, "precept
noon Drecept," so to speak.
He had conceived the ambition to
make a teacher of the girl. He broached
the subject to Mrs. Cothn. "Ueraiaine,
he began, "is cut out to be a teacner
Mrs Coffin started In astonishment
"Yes she is," he affirmed, with a thun
derbolt, "and she ought to be sent to
a normal school. I never went to one
and what I know about teaching has
ined bv experience. But there
ls no mistake. The learning of meth
ods means something in these days, and
T'm sure that if Geraldine is sent to
normal school she will make a first-rate
Mrs. Coffin thought It over for a few
days, and then came to the conclusion
that Mr. Jenkins was right That was
the usual conclusion about Mr. Jenkins
in the little village. The idea was
placed before Geraldine, and when she
heard of Jupiter's proposal she smiled
a smile that made her mother look at
her twice. But Geraldine naa tne Key
to certain kinds of human nature which
Full of Fur-bearing Animow uuu
Feathered : ougsters.
John Muir. who has summered and
wintered in the Alaskan lands, toward
which all men's eyes and many men's
feet are now turning, says in the At-
antlc: Nowhere on my travels so far
have I seen such warin-uioouuu, ie-
oieinsr life as in this grand Arctic res
ervation, by so many regarded as deso
late. Not only are there wnaie in
abundance along the shores, anil In
numerable seals, walruses and white
bears, but great herds of fat reindeer
on the tundras, and wild sheep, foxes.
hares, lemmings, whistling marmots
and birds. Perhaps more birds are
born here than In any other region or
equal extent on the continent. Not ouly
do strong-winged hawks, eagles and
water fowl, to whom the length or t in
continent is only a pleasant excursion,
come up here every summer in great
numbers, but also many short-winged
warblers, thrushes and finches, to rear
their young in safety, re-enforce the
plant bloom with tlieir plumage ami
sweeten the wilderness with song, fly
ing all the way, some or them, trom
Florida. Mexico ana central America.
In thus going so far north they are
only going home, for they were born
here, and only go soutn to spena tne
winter months, as Now-Englanders go
to Florida. Sweet-voiced troubadours,
thev sing in orange groves and vine-
clad magnolia woods in winter, in thick
ets of dwarf birch and alder in sum
mer and sing and chatter more or less
all the way back and forth, keeping the
whole country glad. Oftentimes in
New England, just as the last snow
patches are melting and the sap. in the
imnle begins to now, tne oiessea wau
rlerers may be heard about orchards
and the edges of fields, where they have
Ktonned to glean a scanty meal, not tar
rying long, knowing they have far to
srn Tracing tne footsteps ui spnug
thev arrive in the tundra homes in June
or July, and set out on their return
journeys in September, or as soon as
their families are able to ny wen.
The Clever Steward Thrashes Six
Brawny Firemen.
When the British steamship Ivydene
left Dow's stores, Brooklyn, yesterday
morning for Marseilles and Mediter
ranean ports, every member 'of the
crew beneath the officers had profound
respect for the steward and the rules
of the vessel. The steward's authority
Broad vs. Narrow Tires.
Early in January, 1896, a series of ex
periments to determine the influence
of width of tire on draught of wagons
was begun at the agricultural experi
ment station of the University of the
State of Missouri, at Columbia, Mo.
two kinds of wheels were useu,
being the ordinary farm wagon wheel
with a tire one and a half inches wide,
and the other an iron wheel with a tire,
six inches wide. These wheels were
placed alternately on the same wagon,
and the load was in all cases 2,000
pounds. With a recording dynamome
ter tn show the strain tne loau ww
hauled over macadam, gravel and dirt
roads under all varieties of conditions
known to the climate and soil of the
reirlon: also over meadows and pas
tures and stubble and plowed lands un
der the varying conditions due to the
difference in seasons. The experiment
were continuous until the end ot Sep
tember, 1897, in all a period of about
twenty months.
For the first trial a hard, smootn, ami
nrlv level macadam street, free from
dirt and loose stone or sand, was chos-
Tt was nrobablv as good a stretcn
nf ty,nt kind of road as can be found In
the nation. The load was hauled 40
feet up and back again over tne route.
For the narrow tire the average strum
ii-ori xrns flo.4 nounds. Then the
wide tire was used and, "contrary to
general expectations, the broad tire
pulled lighter on the naro, ium-v.
and smooth surface of the rock road.
The strain was but 73.4 pounds, or 35.7
per cent in favor of broad tires."
Next came experiments woith a
gravel road with a hard surface and no
ruts, but with some loose stones of the
size of black walnuts. The narrow
tiros rponired an average power of
218.4 pounds and the broad only 163.8
pounds, or 33.3 per cent In favor of the
broad tires. With a large quantity of
sand mixed with the gravel, the road
being dry and free from ruts, the nar
row tires needed a power of 239.1 and
the broad only 156.7 pounds, or 45.o
per cent in favor of the broad tires.
With new, unused dry gravel road the
difference between the two ttres was
09.4 pounds, or 26.6 per cent in favor
of broad tires.
After this a condition of gravel road
was chosen where water covered the
surface and loose sand from one to two
and a half inches deep was iouuu.
the wide tire forced the slushy mixture
out of the way, and required a power
of 268.1 pounds, while the narrow tire
cut its way along with a power of 262.3
pounds. Another trial under similar
circumstances showed a difference of
nine pounds in favor of the narrow tire.
But it was noted that the broad tire
did no injury to the road, while the
narrow tire cut through to hard pan,
and so stirred up and destroyed the
surface material.
The next experiment was on an orai
nary dirt road. Here the broad tires
required a pull of 76.2 pounds, while
the narrow tires required a pull of 136.0
On the whole, taking the roads as
they are found the year round in Mis
cnnri or in anv similar country where
dirt roads prevail, the bulletin says it
would be greatly to the advantage of
any teamster to use six-men tires re
gardless of what his neighbors used.
Ana wot
Should be your guide in buying medicine.
let others experiment; you should be
rinded bv experience. Experiments are
mcertain in result; experience is sure.
Experiments may do you harm; experi
ence proves that Hood's Sarsaparilla will
lo you wonderful good. You may rely
upon the experience of those who have
been cured by this medicine.
Fulfills a Duty.
"I feel it my duty to let people know
how much good Hood's Sarsaparilla did
for me. My health was poor and I had
doctored and taken medicine but found no
relief, so I thought I would try Hoods
Sarsaparilla. After taking two bottles L
felt better and I kept on taking it and now
I am well. 1 tninK n is u.
medicine in the world."-C. W. Cabby,
Prineville, Or.
Is America's Greatest Medicine. SoW Hy an
druggists. 1; six for ?o. Get only Hood s.
T-kn nrp ffpntle. mild.
flood S flllS tive. All druggists.
Death Goes WItH Drouth.
There is a coincidence in a prolonged
brought and in an increased mortality
among the negroes in Charleston, S.
C, as also a connection between the
two. The News and Courier, of that
city, says there has been little rain in
that section for 40 days or more, with
the result that many of the water cia
emDtv. The colored people
in the city depend largely for their
water supply on water caugm in uu
rels from the roofs of their houses.
This is vile water under the best con
ditions, dailv becoming worse when the
supply is not renewed. With the fail
n( this the nesroes. having no
knowledge of hygiene, resort to the sur
face wells, which, if not worse, are as
bad as the depleted oisterns. as a re
sult the health officer's report of the
number of deaths among the negroes
for the week ended on Saturday last
Was 25, the deaths among the better
situated whites for the same period be
ing only two. An effort to remedy tne
conditions iB being made in the estab
lishment of artesian dnnikng loun
tains. Where these havi been placed
sickness and death rate have been great
ly reduced, and the News and courier
calls for their general introduction in
the negro quarter.
We are asserting In the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word CASTORIA." and
PITCHER' 8 CASTORIA," as ourTrade Mart.
I Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
facsimile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original ' ' PITCHER'S
CASTORIA" which has been used In the homes
Of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it Is
the kind you have always Dougni, ana nas mc
signature of CHAS. H. FLEICHftK on inc
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
rhns. H. Fletcher is President.
March 8, 1897. SAMUEL FITCHISK,
The World's Hard Wood Market
London is the hardwood market of
the world. American buyers of Mex
ican woods ko to London to make their
purchases instead 01 Mexico. me
woods are shipped to London and
then back to the United States, tor tne
reason that London is the exchange of
the world.
Personalities Culled from the New
Book of His Life.
He Is five feet six inches high and
weighs 180 pounds.
He has light gray eyes, a gray beard,
a brown complexion and a bald head.
His hands and feet are small and
He is fffty-seven years old, and has
ifour grandchildren.
His favorite wine is champagne of
1889, and his favorite liquor a cognac
forty years old.
He is fond of all kinds of people, es
pecially if they have money.
He Is a first-class judge of horses and
dogs, and he thinks he knows some
thing about actresses.
He is said to be one of the best shots
In Ensrland.
He sets the fashions In clothes for
the whole world.
He loves to labor for the working
He Is a D. C. L. of Oxford, an u.
of Cambridge and a barrister.
He has thirteen university degrees.
He has laid seventy-three large and
important foundation stones.
He opened part of tne suez anai.
He has made more speeches than any
other man in the worici, out iuuu,
short ones.
He owns the deepest mine in Eng
He was the first Christian to dine
with the Sultan of Turkey.
He never allows a typewriter In his
He spends $5,000 a year for tele
grams. He only allows two knives and forks
to each guest at his table.
He is a colonel eight times over.
He has one private secretary, two as
sistant secretaries and a staff of clerks
to assist them.
He receives 200 letters a day. and an
swers most of them.
Every minute of his time In London
is spent according to schedule.
. 1 . . 1-11 i trli
Use only one heap
ing teaspoonful of
Schilling's Best
inff Powder
quart of flour.
You must use two teaspoonfuls of other baking powder.
Waterways in ltnssia.
The Eussian government will shortly
open a water route into the interior of
Eussian Turkestan and thus furnish
the country with communication, and
to some extent with water also. For
this purpose advantage will be taken
of a line of depressions ot valleys ex
tending from a point on the lower
course of Amur-Datia river eastward
to the Caspian sea. A canal to the
Caspian can be built on a comparatively
easy line The Eussian experience in
Turkestan has shown that the ancient
fertility of the country can be restored
bv irrigation, and large shipments 01
cotton are now made to Moscow. The
promising mineral deposits have also
been located and transportation in ad
dition to the present trans-Caspian
railroad is much needed.
pure p:iht ready mixed
Best Reputation.
Best Paint for Dealer or Consumer.
Color Cards Sent Free.
Cleveland Oil t Paint Mfg. Co.,
The question has been mooted over and over
, .:,i..kq. th. nmrraftiner of French ana
LGerman dishes upon the bills of fare of the
better class of American restaurants is or Is
not an improvement. Many prcicim
fore their Introduction our cooking was coarse,
barbaric. This is an open question, uui u, u...
was far beyond her years. She tnougui
she would like to go, and it was a great
joy when she came to Jupiter's throne,
and in her sweetest and calmest man
ner thanked him for his kindness, ana
said she would do her best to deserve
It. That was the happiest day that
anything she pleases of herself. If she Jupiter naa ever uau m t-c v.u..
to nn,i t nro nnp in thu mnt. did not understand It, but there was a
.ter, she will not care to trouble us by singing in his heart as homelike as the
neglecting to get her lessons."
Geraldine's mother was as much flat
tered as any other woman would be,
and, of course, Jupiter Jenkins was up
held. Thus he dealt with Geraldine
conscious of his power. He endeavored
to make her fail, and, whenever she did
she was compelled to remain after
school and get her lessons.
But, with a wonderful mind, there
was a somewhat wayward nature in
thetextureof Geraldine Coffin's person
ality. She was often rough and hoy-
denish, and she caused no end of trou
ble. With the deep interest the young
master took in her, a sense of power
developed. When Mr. Jenkins suppos
ed he had her solidly in his control
there would burst forth a fit of "don't
oare" In her which astonished and
alarmed him.
Then the thunderbolts flew to punc
tuate the master's fluent words of in
dignation. "When one has the mighty
eift of brains," he thundered, "and
life's road lies before to choose what is
best and highest, to be lazy and lan
guid, and not to reach the arm to grasp
the golden appie of Hesperides, is the
greatest wrong."
It was then that Geraldine, her color
slightly brighter and her head a trifle
higher, would return to her seat and
write, "Jovi non placet" "It is not
pleasing to Jupiter."
There were certain rare facts about
Geraldine that Jupiter Jenkins, In his
teacher's enthusiasm, had not noticed.
One of these was that she was a very
pretty girl. But if he had been Imper
vious to this fact there were others who
had not, and among those were some of
the big boys in the school.
Geraldine was growing, and she v.
now tall and lithe of figure, with her
big blue eyes clearer and more express
ive, as she looked at people. The true
eoul of a rather designing maiden was
showing forth from them. She was
glad to receive attentions, and it smote
Jupiter hard when he observed that she
walked with one and then with another
in the still and balmy spring evenings.
Just why it smote him as it did Mr.
of a tea kettle and as soft as a
cat's purr.
Geraldine took new interest in scnooi.
She tried no more of her subtle ways to
disturb Jupiter, and the boys found a
change in her, which at once set tneir
former interest at naught.
"She ain't no more fun, tney an
agreed, and they troubled her no more.
Geraldine entered the normal school
and passed her preliminary examina
tions with extraordinary success, sue
was one of the highest three out of a
large class. The veteran principal of
the school knew human nature at u
Tin Tie wrote to Jupiter a letter
which confirmed all that worthy had
said about the wild, nomadic Geraldine.
When Geraldine returned at the end
of her first year the townspeople began
to relent in the hard opinion they had
entertained of her, and saw another
person In the tall and earnest young
woman who had appeared before them.
Jupiter Jenkins had ended his work as
schoolmaster in the little seaport town.
He had been studying law, and was
now employing the same forensic tal
ents he had used before his schoolroom
In a more lucrative If not a higher
court He was "up In the city," and
was making a name.
When Geraldine had finished her
course in the normal school she received
the highest commendation, and tiie 01a
principal happened to find a good place
for her in the same city where Jupiter
was making his way.
When Geraldine had come Into his
office at the end of the first quarter it
was the first intimation that he had
received of her presence in the city.
She said she had come to make a pay
ment, and while she spoke poor Jupiter
was turning all sorts of ruddy colors.
"But I hadn't heard you were here,
Geraldine," he said. "I have been
thinking of you, too ,and wondering if
I should hear from you. Of course, I
knew I should. But somehow I cannot
get you out of my head, girl." This was
punctured with one of the old-time
and the discipline of the ship had been
questioned only a short time before by
eight firemen, who were shipped In
Brooklyn for the voyage.
The steward proposed to settle the
dispute in fistic combat. Six of the
men accepted the challenge, and every
one of them was either felled to the
deck under the skillful blows of the
steward or cried "Enough" as his turn
was reached.
The steward, whose name Is Frank
Smith, is an Englishman, hailing from
Sussex. Although not very tall, he Is
powerfully built, and his muscles are
like steel. He knows the rules of the
ring, too, and when not busy about the
vessel is on the lookout for any of the
crew who will spar with him.
When the new firemen went aboard
yesterday morning they "kicked" be
cause they were not allowed far enough
aft, and told the steward In uncompli
mentary terms what they thought of
the fare.
"You're a lot of duffers," said Smith.
"The rules of this craft go, and so does
the food. If you think you're going to
run things here just put up your' dukes,
and I'll show you what your class Is."
Some of the firemen were big and
brawny, and the task of punishing the
steward seemed easy. Two were not
built on such lines. They didn't like
Smith's determined look. Six of the
men accepted the challenge, and, strip
ping to the waist, waited for the en
counter. Smith divested himself of un
necessary garments and called for the
first man. A ring was made on the
deck and a refereee chosen from among
the crew. The steward's first adver
sary had more strength than skill. After
a few light blows had been exchanged
between them Smith had the fireman
at his mercy.
One after another the firemen faced
the plucky steward. He darted out of
the way of their clumsy swiugs, and
landed with telling effect upon their un
guarded bodies. They were thoroughly
punished and acknowledged they were
no match for the county steward.
Good feeling was soon restored, how
ever, and in a near-by retreat they
toasted one another with cheering
glasses. New York Herald.
How to TV 11 the Weather,
Rnrine is the worst season of the year
for changeable weather. Here are
some signs that old-fashioned house
a nrefer to the barometer:
iw nnt the candle, and If the wick
smolders a long time look out for bad
When the camphor in the bottle
"riw a storm is brewing.
If the sun sets in a cloud look out for
rnln next daV.
Three foccv mornings and then rain
When cattle lie down as soon as they
are turned out to pasture It will rain
A ringing In the ears is a sure sign
nf n chance In the weather.
Cobwebs on your lawn, shining with
dew. mean that the day will tie tair.
If vou hear an owl hoot you may con
elude that it is going to storm.
Water boiling over from the kettle
means bad weather.
The sun shines every Saturday but
one in the year.
If it rains while the sun shines it will
rain the day following.
If the frogs pipe in the evening cal
culate on a fair morrow.
Kill a beetle and it will surely bring
It is a sign of rain when flies bite.
Kemember that these signs, like all
others, fail In dry times.
n Vocidfti SvT-nn. RO-called.
.n.i ' - i - - : . 1 ,.
iu 01 neavv oouj , is limuc huju
HcrV,, mUrMl nd nf heavv body. 1
LUCOBe. "ICU umwn Lyv wm ' , " V -
rain, and is strictlv nure. It is for sale
v... t.,r.pi rrfr!r9. in cans only. Manmac-
tiired bv the Pacific Coast Sybcp Co. All gen
uine "Tea tiaraen vnvs nave uifimuu..
turer'aname ntnograpneu on cvaj
Electric Tramways in Moscow.
A contract has been entered into be
tween the city authorities of Moscow
and a firm in that city for the construe
tion of six lines of electric tramways
in the city, the firm to also take
charge of the electric lights, lhe con
cession is to last for 45 years. The
sum of $3,000,000 was demanded foi
the concession.
CITff Permanently Cured. No fitsor nervousnes
rllu after nrst day's use of Dr. Kline's (ircat
Nerve Restorer. Send for FKKK .00 trial
bottle and treatise. DR. K. IJ. KLINE, .Ud., 930
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa.
A Heavy Soul.
A Methodist minister who has a keen
sense of humor, and many good stories
at his tongue's end, tells one of a prayer-meeting
he attended during a revival
in a Southern city.
He was standing near a colored man,
who joined to the singing of stirring
hymns with a fervor not at all lessened
by the fact that he knew very few of
the words and was unprovided with a
book. The chorus of one hymn was:
My soul is heaven bound!
Glory, hallelujah!
My soul is heaven bound!
Praise ye the Lord!
During the singing of the first verse
and the chorus of the colored man lis
tened, turning his head from side to
side. Wben the chorus recurred at the
end of the second verse, he joined in it
with great vigor, singing, to the min
ister's amusement and confusion:
My soul weighs seven pound!
Glory, hallelujah!
My soul weighs seven pound!
Praise ye the Lord!
For Bicycle Kiders.
Dinner Dails are being fitted with
hoila whinh will nermit their attach
ment to the top bar of a bicycle frame
the bail having a circular spring
fnrmed on either side close to the pail
with spring braces extending to the
cover to prevent a sudden jar or swing
The amount of liquid refreshments
taken bv a man of 70 years would equal
70,700"pints,.and to hold this a pail 12
feet high and more than 2,500 times
as large as an ordinary pail would be
It is said that a Scotchman planted
the first thistle in Australia out of lovt
for his native land, and now millions
of that plant affliot the land.
There is an immense garden in China
that embraces an area of 50,000
square miles. It is all meadow land,
and is filled with takes, ponds and
canals. .
In French tiails, a mixture of ter,
parts of air and one part of acetylene
has proven suitable for ordinary gas
engines, giving three times the energy
of ordinary illuminating gasu
He has every'order of knighthood In
His uniforms are worth $75,000.
He is a field marshal and an admiral.
He Is the chief horse owner, dog
wnr nnd yachtsman in England.
He goes to church every Sunday
He never goes to the races on Sun
day. He started life with an Income of
$550,000 a year.
TTo snrn he has no debts.
He loves to travel incognito In Paris.
He buys hundreds of theater tickets
without using them.
His favorite vehicle in London Is a
hansom cab, yet his stables cost $75,
000 a year.
He thinks his nephew, the German
emperor, Is too sensational.
He has friends in every nation, and
speaks German, French, Italian and
His life was never attempted by an
Fie was obliged once to pawn his
watch. New York Journal.
Where the Best Bananas Grow.
"The best bananas grown In the
world come from Port Llmon, Costa
nica," says Emll de Mario, of New Or
leans. "They are shipped from Port
Limon, and the country gets about 30
cents per bunch in gold. He Is notified
by wire from the seaport to cut, and
has two days to which to gather and
deliver at the railway. Trains com
posed of well-ventilated cars take the
fruit to a fast steamer, which Is wait
ing to convey it abroad. The bunches
will average about fourteen hands
each, and each hand has from seven
aar, tn oio-hteen bananas. When the
bunch gets to New Orleans or New
York they are worth about $4 each, a
tremndous advance over tne price paiu
the Costa Rican producer.
The nlanter, however, is surer 01 a
safe profit than nuy other person han
dling the fruit. Jamaica negroes do
all the labor attendant on the planting,
culture and cutting, being better aaapt
ed to the work than the native peon.
Jamaica bananas often niaitcn nner
appearance, but are not so prolific as
the Port Limon product. The best
plantations of Costa Rica are subject
to overflow, and the waters deposit a
silt that greatly enriches the soil.
Crops are ready for cutting the whole
year round."
of fare presents attractions to the dyspeptic,
but thev, like the bilious, malarious and per-,i-uh
w.ialr lfidnevs. can be cured by Hos
ier's Stomach Bitters.
Shakespeare's Songs in Music.
Shakespeare's songs put in music
nnd stme bv single and collected voices
was the entertainment furnished the
members of the Chicago Woman's Club
at Handel hall the other evening.
a ,,rHcr tn hp shaken into the shoes.
At this season vour feet feel swollen ner
vous, and hot, and get tired easily. If you
have smartintt feet or tight shoes, trv
Allen's Foot-Kase. It cools the feet and
makes walking easy. Cures swollen and
snra,u,c . - ,
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and
gives rest and comtort ten uiuumim i--i;,l
nf wires. Trv it today. Sold by
n jn.nEis nnd choe stores for 25c. Sent
bv maiT for 25c in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le
Roy, New York
A sleierh made by Colonel David
Moseley in 1776 has been in the family
service ever since. It is now owned by
Edward Moseley, of Westfield, Mass.,
a great-grandson.
Is the working capital
of humanity. lie who
loses that fa wrecked
Indeed. Is your he .dth
failliiri you, your am
bition, vljror, vitality
wasting away t
When others fall con
For the speedy, safe and permunent cure of all
Nervous, Chronic and Special diseases, even
In their most aggravated forms. There Is no man
In the worm who nas eueciea ao many wraiwi
cures In both Men and Women of troubles which
other physlcans of acknowledged ability had given
UD as nopeiess us tola emiuem npcimiioi.
NEBVOl'S DEBILITY and all Its attending
ailments, of YOUNO, MIDDLE-AGED aud OLD
MEN. the awfhl effects of neglected or Improp
erly treated cases, causing arains, weakness ui
body and brain, dizziness, falling memory, lack of
energy and confidence, pains in back, lninB and
y.iA. .... anH ntnnv nlher t I strPSB I II IT SvmutomS.
unfitting one for study, business or enjoyment 01
life. Dr Katcllffe can cure you, 110 matter who or
what has failed.
WEAK MBfl. .tie restores i-rai iwir
tality to weak men. Organs of the body woken
have been weaaencu unn u,i,
excises or Indiscretions are restored to full power,
strength and vigor through his own successful sys
tem of treatment.
VARICOCBI.E, hydrocele, swelling and ten
derness of the glands treated with unfailingsuccess.
SPECIAL DISEASES, inflammation, dis
charges, etc., which, If neglected or improperly
treated, break down the system, cause kidney and
bladder diseases, etc. .
peclal attention given to all their many ailments.
WRITE If yon are aware of any trouble. DO
NOT DELAY. Call on Dr. Hatclitte today. If yon
cannot call, write him. His valuable book free to
all sufferers. CONSULTATION FREE and confi
dential at office or by letter
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
jjrn that there is at least one dreaded disease
RvLS "... Kaon onin to cure in all its
. audthaTi."c;tkrrh: HaU'sCatarrhCure
is tne only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis- .
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Ti.11',. '.lor.h nn tn taken internally, acting
direct.y upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the patient
jmciuio -'v - txAtH nrvllarK
powers, io nicy wi ;, - r " V: .
for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list
of testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family l'illa are the best.
.(Bin. eosi u mm
I M W I I Vll Til
JU fj lilt, w 1 -a 1 j
reneth by building up the constitution and
sisting nature in doing its work. The pro
ietors have so much faitn in its curative
For lung and chest diseases Piso s Cure
ii the best medicine we have used. Mrs.
J. L. Northcott. Windsor, Out., Canada.
An ingenious hatter of Paris con
structed a house of felt made out of
24,000 old hats. This house consisted
of a parlor, dining room and bed-room;
also a kitchen.
X Established 1780.
I Baker's
Portland to Chicago Without Change
Quick Time.
PersoViafiyConducted Excursions.
Baggage Checked to Destination.
DirctVne to Trans-Mississippi
Ti.-M,iiii Exposition held in Ona
Nebraska, June to November.
Write undersigned for rates, time tables and
other information pertaining to Union Paeino
R' R" R. W. BAXTER, Gen. Agent,
Portland, Oret'on.
130 Third St.,
Stop! Women,
The yonng college man who makes
his hair look fluffy, and looks sternly at
the audience gathered to see him grad
uate, thinks he has solved the prob
lem of life.
Bad a White Congregation.
"I saw in the little town of Corydon,
Henderson County, the other day, a
most unusual sight," said a gentleman
just from the Pennyrile district "It
was nothing more nor less than a ne
gro minister delivering an eloquent ser
mon to a congregation composed en
tirely of whites. It was a thing I had
never seen in the South, and I remark
ed on it at the time. The minister was
an itinerant preacher, a tall mulatto.
dressed in a black suit, and with an
earnestness of manner I have seldom
seen in the colored men of the cloth.
The traveling servant of the Lord had
announced his intention of speaking on
tiie nubile sauare. and he preached to
a good-sized crowd of respectful white
listeners. Louisville rose
The emaJlest horse in the "world is a
Sheland nony owned by the Marches
ftarratwv In Milan. It is twenty-four
inches high, and wben standing beside
its owner the pony's back is only an
incn above bis knee.
And consider that in addressing Mrs. are confiding your private
ills to a woman a woman whose ex
perience in treating woman's diseases
is greater than that of any living phy
sician, malo or female.
You can talk freely to a woman when
It Is revolting to relate your private
troubles to a man; besides, a man does
not nnderstand, simply because no is a
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invited topromptly
communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at
t All letters are re-
celved, opened, read, and answered by
women only. A woman can ireeiy
talk of her private Illness to a woman.
Thus has been established the eternal
confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and
the women of America which hasjicver
been broken. Out of the vast volume
of experience which she has to draw
from, it is more than possiDie wh.u miu
has gained the very knowledge that
will help your case. She asks nothing
In return except your good will, and
her advice has relieved thousands.
Surely any woman, rich or poor, Is very
foolish if she does not take advantage
of this generous offer of assistance.
He Knew How Hay Grew.
Those who have chaperoned a com
pany of city gamins sent Into the coun
irv bv the "Vacation Fund" will per
haps be able to cap this story, told by
the London Answers:
Many years ago, when Londoners
had not the excursion facilities for get
ting into the country that they enjoy
now, a Cockney friend was staying at
a farmhouse, and soon made himself at
Charley was wandering round, close
ly examining the top, ends and sides of
a certain trim, well-made object fenced
round in the paddock. He stared at It
for a little while, then shook his head
"What are you looiting ior now,
"Where's the doors and windows, un
der "Doors and windows? Why, that s a
"No fear, uncle, you don't humbug
me! Hay don't grow In lumps like that!"
Birth Bate of Males and Females.
Nature seems to be able to regulate
the births of males and females with
out the help of German savants. It
may be remembered that Buckle found
that the average birth rate the world
over was 21 boys to 20 girls, thus giv
ing every Jill a chance for a Jack, af
ter allowing for. the greater death rate
among males. The Springfield Repub
lican is authority for the assertion
that in Massachusetts for forty years
ho .tinlA birth rate relative to the fe
male has not noticeably changed, the
number of male births to each 1,000 fe
male births in the last twenty years
being 1,053 as compared with 1,059 for
the preceding twenty years. In Europe
observations covering ten years indi
of LOGO males born
to every 1,000 females, England being
at one extreme, with MR. ana ,
at the other, with l.OTl.-Loulsville
i fi
celebrated for more
than a century as a
delicious, nutritious, ss
and flesh-forming
beverage, has
our $l
Yellow Label XS
Make money by succestul
speculation in cnicugo. We
buy and sell wheat on mar
oin'ii. Fortunes have been
made on a small beginning by trading in fu
tures Write for full particulars. Best of ret
erence given. Several yeani' experience on the
nTin.-a of Trnrlfi. and a thorough know-
i nlthchnsiness. Send for our free reler-
on the front of every en(. book. DOWNING, HOPKINS 1 S iCOj
Chicago Boara 01 iraoe orarai.
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
and our
pacitage, sui" g
trade-mark,"LaBelle Q
LAvaaa rArtr:'vrrr5iSrSt5c5r3r3t3i!y Plain or with Cutter. The best needle In the mar-
am . - lined bv all sack Rewers.
11 D1C UlUtUV I , S, FUIX
Bwtt Couffk Bytud. Tama
1 la time. Bold by crogglata,
Good. TJbb I
i n . aries of a Bnllet.
A sepoy of the thirty-sixth Sikhs
when retiring from the Saran Sar pass
said he felt something hit his rifle, but,
seeing no mark, when he came to clean
u. ,flo h found a bullet had actually
,ri the muzzie aim
about nine inches down the barrel, a
seemingly impossible thing, but for all
that true. It was lucky, says a cor
respondent of the Times of India, that
k v,ori no occasion to use bis rifle
again on his way home, or it would, of
course, have burst. Glasgow Weekly
Lucky In Both.
She You're lucky at cards?
He Very.
' l,ueky at cards, unlucky at lover
"I don't believe it. I've been refused
three times." Yonkers Statesman,
Dorchester, raii. n
Is it Wrong?
Get it Right
Keep it Right
Moore' Revealed Remedy wllldolt. Three
doses will make you leel better. Get it from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
trom Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
N. p. N. C.
mention this paper
No. 91, '98.
advertisers please
For sale by all gen
eral merchandise stores, or by
820 Market Street, San Francisco, CaL
Power that will save you money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are the cheapest power known. Barn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
fire, or dirt. For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they have no
equal. Automatic in action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Send for illustrated catalog.
Hercules Special
2H actual horsepower)
Price, only $185.
Hercules Gas
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Bay St, San Francisco, Cal.
We lead and originate TVDR
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