CORVALLIS, OREGON, May 20, 1S98. A few Ladies' Lo:--g Coals that are being sold at a great reduction. If you want a large amount of gcods for your money be sure and see them. All the capes and jackets iH the department sold at a reduc tion. A gosd servicable umbrella for socents; lots style in the 75-cent grade, and lots of wear tso. If jou want a better one, you w ill f.nd at here at tec same ratio of low price to good goods. . R and G Corsets i:i styles and shapes that will fit any form. A line of French orsets, good fitters, made ef French icautil, drab and white. Ml grades to 3.50, lor $1.00. Have yon seen our 50 cent and $1.00 line? There are no better 01 that price. S. E. YOliNG Albany, Oregon. Agents for Buttrick Pattern:: LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Tom Tongue and Yaquiua. Chas. W. Fulton Tuesday ni,h'. at the opera house. Win. Hall, ef Eastern Oregon, visited il"s son Fred Hall, (Lis week. A business administration of county affairs and E. Woodward forjudge. Mrs. Luther Smith went to Salem Sun day to visit friends f..r a couple of weeks. Judge Blue, the Union candidate for joint senator, visited Corvallis Wednes day. Dr. R. O. Loggan will stum; Lane county for the republican ticket next week. A big go ct Dns.y and republican rally. tomorrow picnic Lei everylody at- tend who can. Many farmers were in town Li t even ing to hear Oregon's grind old man dis cuss the political issues. Rev. R. McKillop. of Albany, will preach in the Baptist church on Sunday morning and evening. All invited. The busiaess horses of Corvallis closed for an hour Wednesday morniap, out of I respect to the me - or of John l'oster. Rev. F. O. Krause, of Corvallis, j. reached two very able sermon at the Congrega tional church yesterd y. Eiieac Reg ister. Mr. R. F. Holm, of Philomath, went to Poitland Wednesday to meet his wife, who returns ffcm a two mouths visit in Illinois. The paper went to press before the Geo. H. Williams meeting began and is hence unable to give any account of the address. Two shows exhibited in Corvallis this week at least two intended to exhibit, but oi'.e failed to get an audience and didn't show. Our boys have gone to war, Tke Spanish bullets braving. They'l sigh, I ween, at Philippine F. r Spencer's pleasing shaving. It is essential that the ceuuty judge be . a man of good business experience and ; capable administrator. Such a man is E. Woodward, the republican nominee. A splendid orator, a whole souled gen tleman, and the most popular man in Ore son, CUas. Fulton, will speak at the opera house Tuesday night in behall of the republican ticket. Rev. F. C Brooks, of Eugene, preach ed at the Congregational church Sunday morning and evenin;;. He is a fine speaker and feu discourses were greatly enjsyed by the congregation. The firevaeu's band has been the re cipient of many remarks of praise in ac- count of the goad m.itic it furnished at the politieal meetings last Saturday. The l.-and is a cr.dit to ihe town. Hon. Miles Johnsow, of Portland, ut in a week of effective campaigning :n Benton county, euditig last Saturday. Mr. Johnson is a plain, and addresses a man's prejudices. practical talker reason, not his : The Grand Eacamptuext of the I. C. O. F. and Rtbeka'n .1- imbly of Oregon has teen in session ut Roseburg ihis week. A. W. Ilowersox, Prof. Shaw, G. j W. Bates and Mes:!anes I Iu fiord, Shcdd ! and Creighton were anKiig the Corvallis j representatives. Touieht a cociniitUe fiom each ol Vac fireccmpauies and one lro:ci the city council confer with the object of draft ing an ordinance merging Young Amer ica and Hook & Ladder compauies into one organization. The change is desired by both companies and by the council, and will result in an efficient enthusiastic fire department. Adjutant W. L. Lane desires that all old soldiers and sous cf veterans who j can do so, will meet at ihe Grand Army j hall tomorrow night at 8 o'clock to ar-1 range for Deconitiou Day exercises. Special interest is felt this year iu t!.us honoring the memory of eur country's departed keroes, aid a large attendance at the meeting tomorrow' night. Mr. Frank I. Rxnbar, of Astoria, re pnblican candidate for secretary of state, was in Corvallis last Friday and met many of our citizens. Mr. Dunbar is a pleasant appearing gentleman and his quiet, but "capable" bearing created a decidedly favorable impression. The ; people ef Bcnto:; cnaity, populists, re- j tmblicans and democrats, know that Kin- x caidisan expensive fraud, and these who met Mr. Dunbar are confident that the next secretary ft stale will be a vast im- provcnient over the present one. A splendid entertainment was the pa- triotir-rnntest. -it the orera house last Fri-: day ui-ht held under th -.- auspices of the ! t-i. f nw;, V . 1. . Xlicie wcit i-m wiiLvuii j. o ' ' ' n .. reciters, Lennic Williams winning the of injections of the drugs. He was raving medal. Capt. Crawford, Supt. Denman ! yesterday morning, and had to be given and Prof. Holm were the judges. Mrs. an injection to pacify him, and was G. W. Smith and Mr. Sherman Seely then ordered out of town. He begged woa the handsome aproi s in the draw- j for more before leaving, t ut it was reius ing. A musical program in which Mrs. j ed him and he started off crying like a W. S. Stone, Miss Edith Gibson, Miis ; baby. Death would be a relief to such a Hazel Kline and 3ii ;s Laura Flett took j man, and every day of his life he is suf part, was heartily enjoyed. The enter- j fering the worst tortures imaginable. taicment throughout was a great success. 1 Eugene Register. Mrs. Ed. Dunn, of Portland, is visiting hir sister, Mrs. Hughes. Local singers are rehersing music for commencement exercises. There wil 1 be a children's service at the old chapel next Sunday evening. M. O. Wilkius, attorney of Eugene, and his wife, visited in the city this week. Typo Durham, of the Times, is at Salem attending the Adventist conven tion. Win. Kn otts is a substantial and suc cessful farmer. He will make a got d commissioner. Gellatly, for recorder, will get nearly ja'l the votes, a:id 0:1 t'.iis office, at least, i there will not be any mistake nisde. Dr. Hill, the populist candidate for congressman, is to speak at Corvallis soon. He is one of the best speakers in the field. Police Jud,-,e, Jas. ( auipbell of San Francisco, a former Cregouia , and ence a resident of Albany, died tu-ldenly Mon day night. Swans sin t'-.eir merriest just before they d e. Newspapers that sud.hnly ex l pmd t lie :i selves 011 wind and campaign ruions are one of the swan order. Subject at 51. E. church Sunday morn ing, "A wonderful bargain and the gieat est find in history." Evening, the ninth anniversary of the Epworth League. An excellent programme. The excursion to the bay last Sunday was enjoyed by ail the participants. There was a raid on Rhododendrons and the returning excursionists brought back great bunches of these beautiful flowers. Albert Thornton, the capable Corvallis typo who has beev with Frank Conover at S dein for a few weeks, ha: relumed. He sas that Fra'k is doing a big busi n.'s: and has orders far ahead of him all the t i me. T e dra:ia ''Dow n in Dixie" that was so sa .cessfully presented at Dusty a few weeks ago, will be given at Monroe to morrow .veiling. Among those taking part are Mr. C. I). Thompson and Miss Ina Barclay. ''A as and alack; for Sol's gone back With a naughty little twinkle in bis eye. An 1 ine and Mac, hold an une.ilicing sack. And we'd like to know the wherefore of the why." Tempi. The Gartzk is not a campaign ciicu lar and any change from a weekly cdi-ti.-n :ill be warranted by it business, not pai 1 for out of campaign funds, and will be permanent. Such a change is contemplate ! but it will be upon a busi "ess basis. T lere will be no preaching service at the ILiited Evangelical church next Sun day. Rev. B. J. Kelly, the pastor, will be in attendance at the commencement exercises of tV.e LaF.-.yette seminary in Yamhill county. The Sunday School, Junior Endeavor and K. L. C. E. meets as usual. At B'odgett Tuesday evening Vander burS P"!!" candidate for congressman I LWU years ago, spwKe 10 an uueiiciice 1 largely composed of republicous. The ! republicans had a meeting announced for that night but gave way to the visitor. A republic in, Mr. Daly, introduced the speaker. The firm of Simpson & Huston is evi j dewtly a believer of pleasant homes. Robt. Huston recently ac.-uired the Nash joint canvass be had, iheV will property and transformed it into a neat, j probably not respond to the llllion conifortable and picturesque home. Tbujipsitl ilalioil. wek John Simpson purchased the F. M jOUMson residence, one of the costli est alul haudsotnest houses in town "The rcpublic.i'i campaign," says t'.ie Times, "is the queerest ever conducted in the country." It is not only curious, it is funny, and ev.ry republican is tickle 1. H -ret:fore the campaign suited the democrats and so did the e eclion. bu-iii-.css This year there is a chiuj'e in all around. Sejferal surfa:c ditc'ies i:i Corvallis have a horrile small and will breed dis ease. They are usid as sewers and the refuse from hoUschotils !;es into them. They form stagnant pool- wherein dis- ease erin ; iniltiply by the millions. However, whin people si -k they cau usually be cure, if they slon't die. Farmer Joe Ripley came up from Wells Wednes lay, but did net enjoy his visit. He ha.h.'i ben here ;n hour before a nekdi'ior came iut) town and infonved i him that a weed had startr-d to grow in his ca&uge patch. Then another tol.i him his corn plat was similarly threatened, Joe is not a Jjb and the third mail start I ing to t.l a fern in the cher orchard, didn't live to hnisli tne story, The picnic to loe given at Riddci'o grov by the Artizans of Wells will be hel 1 Saturday, May, 28th instead of June 4th as previously announced. A gor- i geous time is assured, and a big atteud- ! anci promised. The change of date was i:iad- to accommodate political candi da'es who desire to Be present. Mr. Ridders will be at the grove to lake charge of bicycles, parcels, etc., left in his care. J. A. Wilsor, of Lincoln county, and Lily Seely, of Alse.-., were united in mar riage in this city last Sunday, Rev. Isaac Peart performing the ceremjuy. The same minister efficiated at ihe marriage Qf y. p. Miller, of Lincoln, pud Miss jva Vale, of Benton, last Tuesday. Near Philoviath, Sunday, at the resi dence of Jas. Henderson, Henry Zehnny I ... .1 TT.....1 i unit ltliume licnuciauii wtric ludiiicu. Rev. B. J. Kelly officiating Men may come a:ji me-i m.y go but the GazeTTH goc 011 forever. Mr. Hen ry Stuart, forman of t'- e Gazkttk office leaves today for Salem to accept a posi tion ia the Capital Printing tffice while r. Flagg is campaigning. Mr. Stuart is a competent and reliable printer. The Gazette's new forman will take charge Monday, if he is laud by business. Mot detained iu Porl He is a good busiuc s man and a practical irinter, coming di- eezt from one of the best establishments in Portland. A man giving his nan-:e as Siil Moore, and claiming to be from Corvallis, v. as placed in the city jail Saturday evening, j He is a cocaine and morphine fien -1 of the worst type, and his arms and legs are i , Wlfl ri;tio from the pffrets POLITICS. Movements in the Game Office Hunting A Dull Campaign. The Republican county candi dates are 111 t lie field and and on the mountain. They are looking into erery nook and coiner of the county and showing themselves. Every prospect pleases. Neither side seems 10 have poll ed the county, and estimates are but estimates. The unionists prac tically concede the election of Supt. Denman and Recorder Gel lully by large majorities. As Ihe candidates for clerk come down I lie home stretch it is seen that th republican nominee has the inside track. . The union politicians have re l rented until their last stand is now in Irowi of I heir nomine for sheriff and county judge. It. is for these rllices that they will sweat drops of blood. As the time draws near everything else is left tn its own devices. But. Wood ward and Lillv. nevertheless, seem to have things I heir own way and are masters of the situation. Elvin Newton has the satisfac tion that while the odds in the be ginninjr were against they are now in his favor. Fred Clark is enjoy ing his friendly tilt with his old time opponent, and it is felt that the chances of politics will be in his fa or this year. Win. Knolls has an easy race. The outcome on the legislative ticket is problematical. There is little doubt, however, but that Mr. Nichols will have a substantial majority. Mr. Elmo Davis, re publican nominee for joint repre sentative, will g$t his entire parly vole and tome from the opposition in Benton. Ihe case ol Daly is an interest ing one. It. is difficult to estimate the extent of the republican oppo sition to kim, nor is it known what attitude the opposing reptib I leans will lake. '1 hey do not seem to be parading their strength nor their disposition. Some-think Mr. Daly will be able to secure enough fusion votes to carry Ihe county. The situation in Lincoln is about as in Benton. Mr. Daly believes i.e will be elected while Judge Blue, his opponent, is con viuced that the name ol Carter's successor will be D. P. B'ue. The fact. that Corvallis has two candidates for constable is being overlooked. Heney Carver is Ihe republican and Taylor Porter the union nominee. The union p- ople have arranged n canvass, selected Ihe route and lixed the dates to suit, themselves and now a k (he republican can didatc s to join in. As the latter j had lliir plans'agieed upon before, j Our county recorder is not effu rjtid a-; Ihev would prefer having a Isive. He pursues the even tenor V'IC arranging malt.-isit a Corvallis at Manila. Fifty or more Corvallis people drove or rode over lo Albany Mon day evening to see the soldi. r boys, on their way to Manila via San Francisco. Corvallis has a special interest iu a number of Ihe volunteers and among them: Lit utenant lialpn TVrriil. Sergeant J. J. Thurston, Corpi mis. Noel Abram, Keady and McAUiler. Busjler Cronkite. I ana pnvaies, joi.n Armstrong, ; El wood Clark. Ed. Carter, the two I DrL-.shmntl bovs. llarvv Keltv. W. G. Kennedy, (ieorge Reed, i LJcrman Brever, Arthur SlimpsonJ W. K Scott, Silas Thornlon. Wal ter White, Sam Fool. Willmnij Abemaihv and W. M. Cook. The maioritv of these are in Comnanv Herman Brever ("Bismark") .rj lult ;,.to , 1G COmnanv lin- I til just before the train left Port - accou'.t ef defective eyesight, but h--d proved so valuable as cook, and pleaded so saccessfuly that the officers finally overlooked his physical drawbacks. Played Out. Dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sin kin at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or sores are all positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how it be came so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood dis eases. It iscertaivly a weuderful remedy and we sell eyery botlle on a positive guarantee. Graham & Wells. Suction's Arnica Salve. Til 2 BEST SALVE in the world for : ----- j Cnl-s Bruises, Sr.-s, U leers, Salt Rheum, 1 Fever S.r.-s. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil- blahis. Coins, and nil Skin Eruptions, and I fij--iti vtjly cures Pilef , or no pay requirrd. It i." gu. ran teed t r money refunded. For inle by (Jrali: pnrfdet satisfaction Price 25 cents per tox. in & Walls. JiuggisU. Robbed the Cave. ftar'-linsr incident of which Mr. John A Oliver of Pbiladoluhia, was the subject, is narrate 1 by bini as lollow- : "I was in n most dre.-ida 1 co-.dition. My skin was al most yellow, eyes sunki n, tongue coaled, nnin n. n 1 i n : 1 1 1 in liflr.L -jik! ciJ -.c mi tit). fi petite gradually growing weaker day by ; day. Three pliy.-ieian had given mo up. j Fortu-atcly, a friend advisj trying Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise, j the lirst bottle made a decided improve- j 'ent. I continued use for three week.-. A ftm nowfl m!,n- know they saved my lit'.-, and rbbed the grave of an- i other victim." N-. one '.houH fail to tr ! them. Only 50 cents per bottle at Graham j ! & Wells' drug store. Thousadds ol sufferer from grippe have bjen restored to health by One Minata Cough Cure. It quickly cures, coughs, colds, bronchitis pneumonia, grippe, asth ma, and all throat and lung diseases. Gra ham & Wells. A Nineteen-Dollar Councilman. Qf Ihe Corvallis city election pass ed ott very quietly only 19 i citi zens taking the trouble lo vote. Five councilman were chosen: Punderson Avery and Logan Hays in the 1st ward, J. C. Taylor and J. R. Smith in the second and A. R. PygaH in the third. Police Judge Greffoz has figured that each vote cast cost the city 28 cents and that it cost ifllD to eiect Al. Pjgall who had no oppo sition. But then there is only one Al. Pygall and the city secured a bargain even at that ligure. The present voting arrange ment seems to be unnecessarily expensive. It is due to the town's former ambition to ape citie.-, and put on metropolitan airs. There is no possible necessity lor three polling places or three; sets of judges and cleric. At no lime is the city vote too large ?o be cast at one. place or to be counted by one set of officers. Fine feathers cost cash. The councilmen elect are re pre s ntntjve citizens and taxur?r , Rev. G. H. Whitemaa, of Indepeiirlerice will preach at the Presbyterian chrweto next Sunday morning and evening. Iviett . Geary, militaiy in-an.e.or of the O. A. C. lias received orders t join bw regiment which is now at Mobile. His family will remain at Corvallis. Mr. Tongue has secured an order establishing a pension board ct Corvallis. The commissioner on pensions Ins Ap pointed as the board Drs. A It man and Farra of Corvallis and Dr. Logan of Philomath. Death of John Foster. A pioneer of Ihe '40s died at his home in this city Monday night. One. ot Ihe substantial cilizens of Ihe county passed away at the ripe old aie of 77 years. John Foster obeyed the universal summons. He was a native of Ohio, hav ing been born in that state March 3, 1821. When a boy, he moved with his parents to Missouri and at the age of 24 joined a caravan bound for Oregon. He engaged in the business of stock raising most of his life, and was very suc cessful, accumulating a comforta ble fortune. Mr. Foster was a kindly and just m 'ii, honorable and upright, in his dealings. He has been a good citizen and a uselul one. Funeral services were held at the residence, Wednesday morn- ing, conuucieo oy ixev. ia- i t earr,. pastor of Hie Methodist church. Interment was made in the Bellfotiutaiii cemeterv. Cameo. of his way and that way com mends itself lo all men. Mr. Gellally has made an ideal recorder. Everything is kept up in the very best shape and that without any fuss or claims to spec ial credit. He considered it his duty to do his best for the people who en I rusted him with Ihe office. Sxch are Ihe kind of men the county needs in office and Mr. Gellally will be reelected by a handsom" majority. PHILOMATH NEWS LETTER. Mrs. Zalia Mayer returned from Portland Wednesday . . , iuina uernci-, ol Yaquiua, is visiting friends in the city. j The W. C. T. U. met in the M. , E. church Thursday at 3 p. m. City Marshal Taylor has a force i at work graveling the streets. Bishop Castle, wife and SOU, -from ElKliart, Indiana, arrived here last wee K ! . Mrs. K. u. uavta is .visiting ner daughter, Mrs. Gene Woods, in 1 Corvallis. Rev. Parker has repaii ted the library hall, also the inside of Philomath college, A. M. Austin, M. D., is at La Grande treating a lady that is afflicted with a cancer. Prof. Emerick preached in the college chapel Sunday morning, theme -'Social Purity." Mrs. Keezel has moved the post office into the building south of Dr. Losgan's office. llirnest B. rsryant, Ot Uorval lis, will lecture in college chapel next Friday evening, subject "Anioii ca's Greatest Agitator." Ilobert McFarland- and wife of u n 11 i oumiiiii, hhu aiubu nuiuun ami Wile,' 01 Llllll COUlltV, Were at Uncle Abe7S Over Sunday. Ice Cream Social. Friday, May :oth, at Mr. Pygalls, ice cream ai d cake from 12 m. to 12 p. in. Following program will be rendered by Mrs. Cale at 8 p. ki.: Recitation, "Col lege Oil Cans;" song; recitations, "Our Minister's Sermon," "Betsy and I are Out," "Barbara Fritchie," and "Our National Sin." For Benefit of Baptist church. Your kind patronage earnestly solicited. Leghorn Chickens. Fine imported Leghorn chickens. ; Pure stock. Eggs for sale, $1 per setting. Write or call upon Ross Nicholas, Cor vallis, Oregon. Catarrh Cured. A clear head au.i sweet breath secure." with Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy; sold" on a guarantee. Na sal injector free. Sold by Graham & Wells. French candies at Hodes & Hall's. ONLY $5 PER WEEK. Dr. Damn has Again Reduced His Fee to $5 per Week Owing to the dull times Dr. Darrin generously offers to treat the worthy poor Iree of charge be- rtween the hours of 10 and 11 a. m. daily, and those able v nd will ing to pay will receive treatment at the low rate of $5 per week, or in that proportion as ths case may require lor each and every disease except surgical and special com plicated cases. The afflicted will do well to make a note of this gen- e rang offer and apply at once, as these rates will last for a limited time only. The doctor's fall in priie is not only a boon to the poor, but will be appreciated by 1 housand unable to pay large lees. there is uo reason why the rich hc poor should suffer lor the 3 want of professional physician. iu,. sii. 1. 1 bis wonderful ability in curing diseases. Office at Occidental Hotel lo June 1. The Judge Corvallis, Or., May 18, 189, Editor Gazetfk: The county jwdge que.! ion i nl' more impor lance to tbe taxpayers of Benton county than all the other offices pnt together. The iudge is to a great extent the county's legisla ture ami governor. There rail' be appeals from the county jttdjjge 111 his judicial capacity, but Hie general conduct of the business ol the county, the UKnageinent that makes or lowers the debt, that increases or diminishes ihe tax burdens is final. Hence it is that the attempt on the part of the lawyer candidate's Iriends to have the judicial side ol the county judgeship considered the most important, and all im portant, will fail. Mr. Woodward is not an ad mitted attorney nor las he per haps read law to any great extent, but his chiet duty as a trial judge is to interpret the law, and I hose who know him have every conti dence in his ability to Mrterpret law intelligently and honestly. As the Gazette remarks uthc chief requisite in a good judge is good judgment." And then there are Ihe higher courts. But there are no higher courts to correct errors of loose manage ment in general of the county's business affairs. And it is a matter of dollars and cents to 11s to elect a capable business man. Another Taxpayer. NOT EVERLASTING. It is true that Mr. Elmo Davis, .republican candidate for joint representative, is, as tke Times charges, only a temporary resi dent of Lincoln county. Mr. Davis is not immortal. When he is visited by that old gentle man of the scythe, hour glass and populistic whiskers, Mr. Davis expects to enjoy himself in some land fairer even than Lincoln county, much as he leves that ocean bound shire. But Mr. Davis has been a citi zen -of Toledo for five years and his interests are all in Lincoln county. His company has a fifty years lease of the stone quarry and for that time, at least, Mr. Davis expects, should he live, to be a resident of Lincoln. Mr. Davis is an intelligent young man and alive to the needs of the two counties. T. T. GEER. T. T. Geer is sound on the . ... . : ........ 1 'u ..- iiiuiibv iiiimiiuii. MiHiiti mi inn till 1 ill question and sound on matters nl stale interest. T. 'p. Geer is a reasoner, a siu- dent, a keen observer of public events, and an exponent of prac- j iieai siaicsmansuip. T. T. Geer is a man of high per sonal character, with a clean pub lic and private record a man who enjoys the confidence of the peo pie. T. T. Geer will be Oregon's next governor and will serve the state wisely and faithfully. N o Cure- No Pay. That is the way all druggusts sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON- IC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless i form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Karl's Clover Root Tea for Constipa tion, its the best, and after using it if yeu don't say o return the package and get your mosey. Sold by Graham & Wells, Stop that cou'h! Take warning. It way lead to Consumption. A 25c. bottle of Shiloh's enre may save your life. Sold by Graham & Welb. County warrants taken at par for mer chandise at Nolan Si Callahan's. Are You a Patriot? There are several ways of being one. In a particular way we would recommend you to join the new order of The Vigil antes. As it is an Oregon order you can keep your money circulating at heme. It has all the advantages of the older or ders and many additional improving fea tures. Chios Leader F. J. McHcnry is now in Corvallis organizing and hasrt - ceived, as he should, much encourage- merit. Initiation $2, medical examiua tian Jr. 25, certificate fee, $1. Total for men 4.25; ladies $2.25. Cure that Cough with Shiloh's Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cts. Sold by Gra ham & Wells. The Royal is the highest grade baking powder known. Actual tests show it goes one third farther than any other bread. PQWCER A&sel&Itely Pure ROYAL BAKING POWDER CC.f HEW VOBK. Royalty at Corvallis. Will K, Ki ,g and J. R. Sover eign spoke at Corvallis Saturday afternoon and evening. Many from the country were in town, but the attendance at the meeting was a disappointment to the local union managers. Mr. King was well received fey his supporters but lie is not a success- as a stump speafepr, and his speeches fell flat. He discussed the money question and state issues, introducing his discourse with a reference to his experiences at a student at the O. A. C. Mr. Sovereign is an entertaining talfcpr and was more amusing than convincing. Mr. King, Ihe union candidate for the governorship a well bui)tr aggressive-looking man,who makes a better appearance off the ros trum than o it. Any talk of Ivin .s a worthy foeman o Geer on iho .slump, is folly. Best Ever Offered, The bert bargains ever offered in town for the uioniry.. When it comes to stylish and pwpular hats i t low prises I standi so far ahead of competition as to feel de cidedly lonesome. A new invoice of sty ish trimmed dress Vats are expected by the 1st of May. M.T. J. Mason. A torpid liver reb you of ambition and ruing your health. DoWitt's Littlo Early Risers- cleanse the lSvur, cure constipation and nil stomach and liver troubles. &rn- bMkiiS Wll. Great reductions in men's and bysr fine shoes at Nolaan & Callahan's. M. . Iu-Hocuni, Cameron, Pa., sysr "I was a sufferer for ten years, irying- most all kinds ol pil remedial,. buS without sueccis. DcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was recom nicL'dcdto Me. I use 1 una box. It has ef fected a permanent cure." As a permanent euro for piles IX' Witt's Witch Hazel Salve ha& no .-qtial. Graham & Wells. Nolan & Callahan kave been appoint ed agents tor the celebrated Douglas shoes for men and buv-. It is a great leap frjm ihe old fashioned dosas of blue-tu ass and nauseous physics t the pleasant 1 iLtlc-pill knoswa as DcWitf Little Early Kis-rs. They oune- constipa tion, sick headache and billiousness. Gra ham & Wells. Shares of stock ot the Mastodon Min ing ami Milling Company,. Limited, Elk City, Idaho, tbe great "Gold Bug" lead, for sale at John Baruett's office. A great chance to get in on the ground floor of a great mining company in a great mine. Stock reasonable. Sick Headache absolutely and per manently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes yon eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaran teed r money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Graham & Wells. Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no Uonie should '-e-without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by Graham & Wells. Diamond Starch Polish gives an ele i gant luster and prevents the iron from sticking, etc. If your dealer don't keep it, I will send it post paid for 25 cents. B. R. Thompson, Corvallis, Oregon. Happy Home clothing is stylish and will not rip. Happy Hm? Clothing. A Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby rdven that there is money on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed and marked "Not paid for want of funds" up to and including th ise 0 Jan. 12, jSo6, Interest will be stopped on same from this date. Corvallis, Or., May 4, 1S58. W. A. SlCHANAN, Treasurer Benton County, Oregon. RED ROUGH HANDS Itching, scaly, bleeding palms, shapeless nails, and painful finger ends, pimples, blackheads, oily, mothy skin, dry, thin, and falling hair, itch Ing, scaly scalps, all yield qxickly to vrarm baths with Cuticura Soap, ?.nd gentle anointings t with Cuticura (ointment), the great akin cure. DliGura T j .old thronxboDt the world. Pottxe Diuo ahd Ciuh. Corp.. Sole ProM.. Boston. . ar- " Bow to Produce Soft, White Iland," free- ITCHING HUMORS In-tanttr reTiewt by CUTICDKA &KMIUUI. To the Public. Parties wishing to purchase stock in the Mastodon Mining & Milling ceni- ! pany or having any other business with : V. .. s..nmon.r at t-f f r r fl to Tndorp lohn Y - TT . .. ofi- . rorv,ni. Oregon. j ' A little boy askod for a bottle of "erot up in the morning as fast ns you can." The druggist recognized a household nama for "De Witt's Little Early Risers," and gav him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipatisn, sick headache, liver and stom ach troubles. Graham & Wells. Wear Happy Home clothing. J WK ... ''rm::' . : 1 tiu .Via. Just Like Papa This little boy Is beginning right, with cleanliness then conies neatness in dress. Neglect a boys dress and he will neglect himself. Such clothes a we offer will help any boy to become a gentleman. Such bargains as we quote, plainly marked, will help any parent to accumulate savings. Salts made to order F. L MILLER. mir . , g THE AT OF LIVING And living well, is without question in JUDICIOUS MARKETING. Where you buy is of as much importance as what you buy and what you pay for it, when it comes to food. You want to know the surroundings of the things you are going to eat. Notice the cleanliness of our store. Everything is fresh and attractive. The prices are always right. I 0 The Racket's Up. Up-to-date" is the motto of the RACKET STORE. The goods are up Iu Quality. Trade is coming np with a boom. Prices are not up, but that can't be helped. Purchasing direct of manufacturers saves whole sale jobbers profits, and, of course, customers niusi have tbe benefit of this saving. JE-NEW YORK Your Small Boy Could do your marketing for you at our store. L,et him stop here 011 his way froxi school and repeat your order. You may be sure it will be fillled promptly and just as right as if you came yourself. A. MODES, Headquarters FURNITURE BARGAINS. Good Quality and Low A Call will Convince. ..Ribbons and Laces.. Soloman in all his glory was not bedecked with such delicate and pleasingRIBBONS, LACES, Etc., as represents the Spring purchase of the Cash Store. The newest shades and tints. . THE CASH STORE, Next to the Postoffice. SPRING TIME! Advertising Seed m the It ww i i 5 GAZETTE PUB. CO., CORVALLIS, OR. -The famous make that' guaranteed. LAMPS, CROCKERY, jjj. GLASSWARE. ffft JC JqjC 3 P. M. ZIEROLF. The goods are up cr 1 .Style. RACKET STORE. Prices is Our Motto. FRED G. CLARK. Corvallis, Oregon. This Is The Time For Planting G AZET I E will bring a golden harvest.