aMh $it 3 die. O Issued Every Friday Mormnsr by Ihe Gazette Publishing Co. ORYALLIS, OREGON. May 20, 189S. AFFIRMATION. The Gazette stands for: The protective tariff. The single gold standard. Retirement of the bond-breed- ing, credit-threatening demand 1 hag been in the Oregon legisla tes of our government. an(J his votcs are ou record. 1 us.- HojM.ii -..w .... - debt in the best money that wis dom and experience can devise. A factionless, clean, effective republican party. THE MAN FOR I HE PLACE. Frank Irvine Duitbar, of Clat sop county, the republican nom inee for secretary 01 rotate, was and is one of the best nomiua tious ever made for that import ant office in this state. Method ical in business, obliging and painstaking in his intercourse with those he comes in contact, and from eight years ex perience in the auditing and re cording departments of Clatsop county he is pre-eminently qual ified lor tke position for winch he is a candidate. Mr. Dunbar was born at sea, Seotember id. i860, under the American flag, ou the ship Matti pan, of which his father was cap tain, while, euroute from the West Indies to Boston. Mr. Dunbar's parents trace their ancestry to the sturdy Pur itaus who came to the bleak shores of New England on the Mayflower early in the seven teenth century, to secure for themselves and posterity the blessings of civil and religious liberty denied them in the land of their nativity. While still young his parents removed to Brooklyn, N. Y. , where he attended school until he was fourteen years of age, when having lost his father he left his school for good, to battle with the realities of life. His first position was with Geo. W. Bruce, one of the largest im porting hardware establishments of that day iu the city of New York. For eight years he re mained with this concrn, work- ins; himself through successive til lip inaste-rerl the in-: tricacies of that important branch of commercial trade. At the age of twenty-two Mr. Dunbar severed his connection TESTER DA Y, TOD A Y, FOREVER. with his new York employers j and came to Astoria in 1882, Thirty-Six years ago the re where he had some distant rela-! publican party, confronted by tves. I the gravest exigency in our ua- His first gagement iu that ! tional life, originated and adopted city was" with Mr. A. V. Allen, I a system of currency and credit, who was then, as he is now, one j This system was subjected to of the leading grocers of that ! the severest of tests civil war city. He continued with Mr. in its most tremendous form ' Allen eight vears as book-keeper, ! but achieved a success and earned when he left his, position in 1890 j a phice among the monetary sys to fill the office of recorder of I terns of the world far greater than Clatsop county, to which he had i any ever instituted by any gov been elected. He was re-elected j eminent on the face of the earth, and served in that office until: The republican party has stead Juse, 1894, when he was elected ; fastly maintained the high stand county clerk of the same couutviardof this system through all and re-elected in 1896. As an I the years of its ascendancy; has indication of Mr. Dunbar's pop- ; held firmly to an interchangeable ularity, each time that he was currency based upon coin, every before the people for their votes dollar of which has been main he was elected bv increased ma- i tained and redeemed according jorities, to the original pledge. Mr. Dunbar in 1889 -vas united The same party is today, as by marriage with Miss Lilian C. ever, in favor of the same sound Crosby, a most estimable lady, a money, and will continue to daughter of Captain Albert Cros- maintain, by prudent legislation, by, one of the first and best I the same wide use of gold, silver, known bar pilots at the entrance j and paper with profit and secur of the Columbia river. . ity to all the people. Babcock. During his residence of six- . teen years in Astoria he has been j HARRISON R. interested and has taken an ac- i tive part in many of the institu tions ot that city. He was for several years a director and is now president of the Astoria building and loan association, as institution that has been sue - cesslul since us organization lor Kincaid has treated the 0re the purposes for which it was es- Agricultural college with tabiished. He was an active contempt He has not attended member of the Oregon Rational the board meetingsa duty his Guard aud received an honorable ; ition as secretarV of state de discharge after five years service; iVolved upon him. ' He has ig. a veteran firemen; is a member : nQred Benton couutv and BeK. of the Chamber of Commerce; ; tQU county wiU ; "e him an energetic member of the Pro- j Kincaid has engaged lawyers gressive and Commercial Associ- tQ attempt the aiirmiiing Gf plain ation, and of other local business j and thgse lawyers have and fraternal organizations. ; claims against the state to the As a public officer Mr. Dunbar j aniount of thousands Qf dollars, is manly, courteous and obliging. . He is a reckiess fee-grabber Should he be elected secretary j and an extravagant official. He of state the same disposition will has nt thousands Gf dollars of prevail in all the departments of : state money in luxuriantly furn that office. . A gentleman by ishi his office at SalerrJ. birth and education, metuoaicai in his office accounts aud records, conscientious in his dealings, he will be a valuable officer for the state and a worthy successor in that office of Slicll of his pre- decessors, as Gov. S. F. Chad- wick, Hon. Rockey P. 45arhart and Senator George W. McBride. What Dr. A. E. Salter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure iu cases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sjld by Graham ix Wells. Nolan & Callauau will keep in repair for one' year free of charge auy suit of Haopy Home clothing they sell. HIS RECORD. Mr. Veatch is a candidate. He has been told, or he liau tord someone, that he was manufac tured for the special purpose of representing the people of Ore gon's second congressional dis trict, in congress. And Mr. Veatch is canvassing the district, is explaining: to the voters how he, as a congressman, will vote, if elected. We know how Mr. Veatch I will vote, for he has done some !'ntino- in vears p-one bv. He ir Veatch votes "no. " It was in the legislature that he gained the reputation of "Kicker Veatch. " Good bill or bad bill, bill for economy or bill for extravagance, democratic bill, republican bill or populist bill, Mr. Veatch kicked and voted "no." Mr. Veatch admires the wis dom of the raven, that Poe im mortalized. The raven's only speech was "never more." It was a convenient speech, easy to learn and, as far as the raven was concerned, was always ap propriate. It was no tax on the brain. Mr. Veatch's admiration re sulted in imitation. This wing less raven perched himself iu the legislative halls of Oregon, and at every roll call answered 'no." Petitions, argument, pleading, never ruffled his feath ers nor changed his tone. For politicians, for people, for fellow members, tor constituents, for the necessary and unnecessary, he had but one answer, "no." All bills looked alike to him. The fact that some one wished a bill passed was enough for him to know. He voted '"no." Such is this negative candid ate for congressman. He is dull and without ability. He is ab solutely ignorant on all the great public questions. His speeches on the money question are the rankest drivel, and there is not a populist in Benton county that would ever father them. Mr. Veatch may be a good man but he would be a bad congress man. Dr. Hill, the populist nominee, has far more ability and would accomplish more for the statp. But Toncme. has the advantage of experience, is a j tireless worker, and an intelli gent observer. Aside from pol- ! itical consideration, the people of the district need in congress a! man who can and will do more than vote "no." f Kincaid is not a populist, is not a democrat, nor is he a re publican. He can claim the votes of no party. He is any thing for office and the people 1 kno jt The Discovery of the Day. Aur. J. Bogcl, the leading droggist o.' i SViir.vonrt. T,a.. snvi: "Dr. Kind's Iew i Di scovcry is tho only thing that cures n-.y j cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. j P. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Arizona, wrae: ainj i iew unner is i ! that is claimed for it; it never iniis and is a ! sure cure lor consumption, cougns .ana colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. Kings New Discoverv for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It lias been tried for a quarter of a century, and today stands at the head. It never dis appoints. Free trial bottles at Graham & Wells' drug store. The farmer, mechanic and thj bicycle rider are liable to unexpeoted cats and bruisis. DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known curei for piles. Graham & Wells. STULTIFICATION. It is the policy of many coun try papers to shout '-hurrah" over every nomination made by their party. They pronounce good everything that has the narty label. Their endorsement of every candidate o'a their ticket looked on as a matter of course and has little effect Such newspaper's cannot stul tify themselves for they, have no genuine opinions and their praise Ts but prate. A machine cannot stultify itself and an indis criminate "whooping up" of the whole ticket, regardless of any fact but that the candidates are on the ticket, is but machine worK. This paper proposes to have a substantial reason for every edi torial utterance. We do not fear that the republican party will be injured by truth speaking on the part of a republican journal. THE CONDITION THA T FRONTS. CON- The attention 01 this paper lias bren called to the fact that several hundred republicans in Lincoln and Benton counties are not sup porting the republican nominee lor ioint senator. But that is not the fault of this paper. The men who brought about the nomina tion of Mr. Daly knew that these republicans could not support him, and the responsibility is upon them. Why is there any republican opposition to Mr. Daly? This is a legitimate question and it is proper for a republican newspaper to answer it. It is charged by the republican opponents of Mr. Daly that he is not identified with the interests of Benton and Lincoln counties but his sympathies and afHliations are with Portland peo ple and Portland enterprises. It is charged by the republican opponents of Mr. Daly that his nomination was brought about against their earnest protests, and regaidless of the suggestion that some bonaf'ide citizen such as Marion Hayden, C. B. Crosno, El mo Davis, Offin Wilson. Jerry Benkle, Dr. Loggan, Willis Vidilo, Miles Starr and Judge Moor be selected for the position some sound republican on whom all re publicans could unite. It is claimed that the '-Daly only" atti tude of certain men, were main tained because Daly only could be relied upon , to carry out ceitain pledged propositions. It is charged by those republic cans who oppose Mr. Dalv that t.iipre mil be matters ue ore Hip incoming legislature in which the interests of Portland and the rail road lines centering Iher will con rlict with the interests of Astoria and Yaquina. It is claimed that Mr. Daly owes his nomination to the influence ol Joseph Simon who is attorney lor ; the Portland corporations and who is a large stock holder in the Northern Pacific Terminal Co.; that Mr. Dalv is and will be under such obligations to Mr. Simon and the interests he represents that he cannot avoid voting as Mr. Simon requests; and that a vote for Mr. Daly is a vote against Yaquina bay and the best interests of the Willamette valley. It is charged by thoso republi cans who oppose Mr. Daly that the policy he advocates, "tariff lor revenue only," is not sound repub lican doctrine. Other reasons are given but enough are here outlined to show the motives that actuates these men. The Gazette is neither the organ nor the leader of the objecting re publicans. They are wide awake, thoughtful citizens who do their own thinking. They have care fully watched the trend of events and are tally persuaded that their charges are too true. The Gazette is not responsible for the condition. It only recog nizes that such a condition exists. And while this paper supports ifro entire republican ticket., cemnion honesty prevents it ignoring such a widespread sentiment in the party as is manifested against the candidate for joint senator. Oregon) Central) & EASTERN S. E. CO. Yaquina Bay Route CoHneeting at YAQUINA BAY with the Sao Francisco & Yaquina Bay STKAMSHIP COMPANY. STEAMSHIP "PRESIDENT." Ssils from Yaquina every S days far San Francisco, Coos Hay, and Humboldt Bay. Passenger Accommodations t'asurpassed Shortest route between the Willamette Valley and California. Fare from Al'sany and Ioints West to Sail Francisco: Cabin 8 CO Stceragu 6 60 U.-innd trio Mad for 00 davs. S1T.00. To Uoos 15ay: Cabin $8 CO Steerage - 6 08 To Humboldt Bay aud Port Orford: Cabia $10 60 StoragH 8 00 RIVER DIVISION. steamer "ALBANY" between Portland and CorvaUis, through without lav-over. Leaving Corvallis 0:39 a. . Tuesday$, Thursdays, and Sundays: leaves Poitland, Yamhill St. Dock, 6:00 a. m., Monday, Wednesdays and Fridayi. EDWIfJ STONE, Manager, J. C. MAYO, Supt Rivr Div., H. H. CRONISE, Arant, Corrallit, Or. GREAT SHOE SALE We beg to announce to our patrons that Ave have been appointed agents for the cele brated W. L. DOUGLAS shoe for men and boy?. In order to make room for the Douglas line we wil 1 offer our present stock at greatly reduced prices. Before you buy your summer shoes, call and see us we will save you money on footwear. X NOLAN & CALLAHAN EAST and SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific ComDanv EXPRKSS tKAlXS RUN DAILY. 0:03 P. M. I Lcivc Portland Arrive I 0:30 a. SI. ):4S A. M. I Leave Albany Arrive I 0:00 A. M. 7:45 A. SI i Arrive S. Francisco Leave I S:06 f. SI. Above trains stop at all principal stations between Portland and Salem, Turner, Ma rion, Jefferson. Albany. Tangent, SUedds, Halscy, Harrhbtirg, Junction City, Eujrcnc, Creswell, Cottage Grovt, Brains, arid all stations flora Roseburgto Ashland, inclusive. Itosclmrg Mail Daiiy. S-.S8 A. SI. 11:25 P. IL S:2 e. SI. Leave Lvave Arrive Portland Albany Koselairy Arrive I 4:St P. SI Arrive ! 13:51! P. SI Ltave I 7:33 A. SI Westside Divicn. UhTWEEN POIiTLAJiD AND CORVALLIS Uail Trjit. Saily Ereept SasSay. 7:39 A. SI. j Leave 12:15 I'. 31. Arrive Portland Cervnllis Arrive I 5:50 P. 31 Leave ; 1: P. SI t Albany and Corvallis connect witb trains r-f tl e Oregon Pacific ltailrwad. Express T?ab. Saily Ezeept Sasiar. 4:5? P. SI. Leave Portland Arrive I 8:45 . SI. 7:30 P. SI. j Arrive JIcMinnville Leave ! 5:3 A. 31. 8:33 P. SL i Arrive Indeiwiidence Leave 4.50 A. SI. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occidental and Oriental and pacific mail steamship lines fr JAPAN AND CHINA. Sailing dates en application. Rates and tickets to Eastern points j Europe Also 'JAPAN CHINA obtailied from a. K. UILNiSR, Ticket I Agent, Corvallis. R. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager. A. G. F.ScP. A. Portland, Or. Q.R.&N. TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES mi n EIWM RAILM SHORT LIKE ! mm SALT LASS MINNEAPOLIS DENVER ST. PAUL OMAHA AND AND CHICAGO KANSAS CITY OCEAN STEAMERS OREGON, GEO. W. ELDER AND GITY OF TOPEKA Leave Portland every five days for Alaska Points OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY A DAYS SAN FRANCISCO Steamers Monthly frees Portland to Yokohama and Heng Kong in canncction with O. R. & II. For full information call on O. 1C. & X. agent, W. S. Stone, Goivallis, Or., or address: W. H . HURLBURT, gen's. Pass agent, PORTLAND, OR DODWELL, CA.RLILL & CO. GEN. AGENTS NOR. PAC. S S. CO. PORTLAND, OR. Laxative Brow (Juii'iae Tablets move the bowels gently, relieves the faverisb condition and headache, making it the best and quiekaat resaedy for Coughs, Colds and Lagrippe. Cure.-, in one day. "No cure, no pay." Price 25 eents. Karl's Cover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Reenlates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. EasyT to make and pleasant to take. 35 cts. Sold by Graham & Wells. .uinjxnjniuuijxrijij Tuesday Night . . . That popular citizen of Oregon and matchless orator CHAS. W, FULTON Will speak in behalf of the republican ticket at the . . . . Opera Houses A Good Musical Program njiJTJTJiJxrunJxruT-njxrLr jtnjTXUTrLnjxnnjTJTnjxnJTn The buttons don't come off The linings don't rip They hold They Worsteds Cheviots Clay Surges Cassimeres Tweeds x $5.00 TO $20,00 m . , : , njintxTJxruinrLPj tjtj-ltijtjtjtjxi truTJ-u-uirLruiru uiarm rurjutru rirtr Our third Car of Phoenix Bicycles Is now on from the The PHOENIX is the Popular Wheel Because it Looks Well, The "GOLDEN is the best medium priced wheel on the market. WRITE FOB CATALOGUE TO Ixru. Dining Parlors SUBSTANTIAL WELL-COOKED MEALS. THE BEST CUP OF COFFEE IN THE COUNTRY. Confectionery. Smoker's Goods. Novelties. 3 their shape fit like custom clothes The above r& marks are some of the pleasant things we hear about our cloth ing. . Every suit we sell will be kept in repair one year free of charge. the way Factory Runs Well aud - STANDS THE RACKET." EAGLE MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAYER CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. U-LTB and Bakery. Hodes & Hall's Ladies Shoes. LADIES who wish to save from one to two dollars on a pair of fine Shoes can do it at a. KLINE'S All lines that will not be renewed for Spring will be sold at the above allowance. All the best makes of goods included in the lot, and must be sold. S. L. KLINE, The Regulator of Low Prices Onion Laundry Go., POBTLAKD, o:r- All white labor work guaranteed. Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives Saturdays. T. D. CAMPBELL, Agext, Secoui-Hau A 'Here. G. R. FARRA, M.D. Office upstairs over F. L. Miller's store. Residence ou Third street in frnt or courthouse. I Office hraurs S to 9 a. m., and 1 to 2 and j 7 to 8 p. in. All calls attended promptly. I LOUIS G. ALTMAN, M. D., -Moineo Office: Over Allen & Woodward's drugstore. Residence: Corner Third and Harrison Sts. . 9-12, 2 5, Gorvallis,Or. nours Sundays, 9 BOWEN LESTER DENTIST Offics upstairs Fi-rx? National ftauli. itrtctlv First-Class Work Guarnntecc Corvallis. Orceon 64 THE RESORT" THOS. WHITEMORN, Prop. W. H. McBrayer and Old Crow Whis kys, Fine Wines, Liqors ansl Cigars. E. R. BRYSON, Zierolf Building. Fire Insurance. Collections promptly attended to. Oregon) Short) Sne) The Safest, Quickest, Cheapest ROUTE FOR ALL POINTS East and Southeast. For full particulars regarding rates, time of trains, etc., call on or address GEO. F. EGLIN, W. E. COWAN, Agt., Corvallis. General Agent, 124 Tfciird St. Porrland, Or Notice to Bridge Builders. Notica is hereby given, that the County Court of Benton County, Oregon, will re ceive sealed bids for the construeti.m of a bridga ncros-; Mary's river, near the homo of S. K. Brown, Jr., at the Juno term of said Court. Said bridge to he of tUc same size and nlan ns the old brida-e now there. The Iradsintho old bridge may be used in tne construction of the new one if practicable. said bridge to be complete.! on or before July 1st, 1898, and when completed and ac- cspted by the County Court to bo paid for County orders. Bids to ba op-ned June 8th, 1893, at 1 o'clock p. m., and the Court reserves the right to reject any aad all bids. VIRGIL E. WATTERS, Clerk. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of Benton County, State of Oregon. In the matter ot the estati- of J tin V. Lawrence, deceased. Notice is hereby eiv. n that the under signed has been appointed by aid Court, administrator with the wid a n- xe-l o the estate of John W. Lawn-nee d.c'd. All persons having claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same, properly verified t 111?, at my residence 8 raBes southeast of Monrac, in Gent .11 coun ty, Oregon, within sis month- of this date. Dated May 13, 189S. W. N. LAWRENCE. Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of John W. Lawrence, deceased. Children like it, it saves their lives. We mean One Minute Cough Cure, the infalli ble renvidy for coughs, colds, croup, bron chitis, grippe, and all throat and lung troubles. Craham Si Wells. ! TJ. IB. VOG-LE QgF OPTICIAN You: ejes coirccti of SPF.X. fitted with a pair F. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW CORV.-. I.IJ? , OR EGO?.'. Bocs a practice in all Use courts. Also tjgest lor all the first-c"a..s insurant companies ATTORNEYS AT LAW CORVALLIS, -KK Weekly Excursion t" A tourist sleeping ar land every Thurs-;!; O. R. & N. witho::l . and u tr ier the ru vervisloi h ave Pi tmdtictors. No oh 'a, CUicago. B'-ffal lel trip to Hit ess! Lc-nteinber this tr .! cotistilt. feni O i rough Touri A tourist sleeping car will leaw P land crcry Monday via M . Pitcifi: every Wednesday .iu the Buriiiti d route at 8:00 p. m. via the O, K. & N. throuh S iit Lake and Denve vtilhf.i change to St. Louis, and adder vision of experienced conductors. K change of cars to tlte cities Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep I his service in iai id when going east and co&sul! O. R " agents or address, W. H. IlLTKl.BfUl General Passenger Agent. Portland, Or. Notice of Final Settlement In the county court of the state of Or egon for Benton county. In the matter of the esta'-e of J B. Lee, deceased. Notice is hereby- given that 1 have filed my final account a-; administratrix of said estate, with the clerk .-f said court, and" the court has fixed Friday, Ma, 6 189S, at 10 o'clock, a m of said day, al the county court room in the court housu in Corvallis, BeMton county, Oregon, as the lime and place to hear objections 10 and settlement of the same. MINNIE E. LEE. Administratrix of the estate of J. B. Lee, deceased. Dated April 6, 1S9S. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed executor of the estate of Samuel Rice deceased, by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Benton county. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are requir ed to present the same properly verified to nie at my residence in Kings Valley, Oregon, or at the law office of E. Hol gate in Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated April 1, 1898. Charles Edwin Rice. Executor. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby giren that the under signed administrator of the estate of James A. 1 olsu, deceased, has hied Ins final account on said estate 111 tne county court of the stale of Oregon, for Benton county, ad Wednesday, the Sth day of at 10 o cloCR 111 tne torenoow. tlle cmlnty -court rom in the court house in Corvallis. Oregon, is the time and ptace fixe;! for hearing objections, if any. to said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated this 271I1 day of April. I.S9S. W. G. Lane, Administrator. Notice of Final Settlement In the C mty Cm; of IS. I l.v Siate nf O'vgon . In lh.- MatW-rof tb el 1 Da id B. Mi Buy- d e'd j Notice 1 hereby ; Lhai I iinder- giuned adniini ' 1 "tor m ail e-tate I ii l - I With th.-. clerk ( .aid Cou Lis lii nn O1' raid st-l .- nd aid CoBIi ta uoinud and fixed Ta.sJay. Joi-Tih. IS'. at the bvtirof 10 o'clock, a. ta. of said day, at tho eounty court house in said Benten county as time and place for hearing objec- : tU,n to said final account Tor a final settle ment of said estate. I Dati May 5th, 1898. a a auxKEY, Administrator -i 'h e a'e 01 D id li. Mnlki-y. deceased. Thirty-live y.nrs make a (reneOltion. That is how 'on? Adolph Fih-r. ot Zan.-ville. O., suffered from piles. He wa cured by using three boxe; of DeWitt'g Witch Hazel Salvo. Graham & Wells. j e. iiot.uat:.-:. it. l. holc.ate pathisMHOLGATE & SON,