Corballis dandle CORVAM.I- OREGON, May 13, 1S9S. A few Ladies' Lo"g Coats that are being sold at a great reduction. If you want a lar. e auio .1.1 o" j.oods for your money bt sine -nd ?ee them. All the capes and jacket in ihe department sold at a rcduc- j ti;n. ! A gocsd servicable umbrella for 50 cents; . . . 11 , rl .- ' S" If jou want a better one, you will find 1 it here at tee same ratio of low price to good goos. R and G Corsets iu styles and shapes that will i t any form. A line of French Corbet;, j ood fitters, made of French cautil, chab and white. All grades to $i-5 tor f i-oo. Have you seen our 50 cent and J1.00 line? There are no better for that price. S. E. YOUNG & SON, Albany, Oregon. Agents for Buttrick Patterns. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. T,-)iif ue and Yaquina. Rhododendron excursion to Niwport nex Sunday. Vrs. Brookwaltcr and children, of Sa lem, are visiting friends is; th's ci'y. George H. Williams, Oregon' grard old man, speaks 111 Corvallis next Thurs day ni ;bt. "Is it at Case?" Yes that is Tata Case, f B-wers & Case, the bo.s barbers. Postoffice building. At Ue Baptist ckurch Sunday morning there will be a f ower sermon. Service cleaner and cleverer than that of larger at S ..'c'ock, an interesting seimou. circuser. Mrs. Charley Iarse, of San Francisco, The lectures given by Dr. MacClaire at is expected in a few days, by Corvallis the opera house during the past week friends, to visit with Mrs. Spangler. proved very interesting and important. The largest sii.le shipment of coffee The doctor is not only a skillful plnsi ever brought to 1 euton county was re- cian and scientist but he has the happy ceived by S. L. Kline, Monday. It was faculty of presenting his svhject in a of the Lion brand. ! clear and etilert.iiniug manner. When the news came of the Spanish rout Mr. Willard Einville, republican can Dewey put their whole fleet out j dicate for county clerk, is fitted by na Jess Spencer gave a mighty shout tnral ability and by training for Ami kept right on a shaving. Your meiiury is all ri ;Ut and' when you r.ced goo 1 work and speedy work at reasonable pricts, vs. the line of job printing you will remember the Gazi-tte office. The street Cf remittee is doing good work. Gravel is teincr hauled from Os born's bar and -distributed on the graded ! political demonstrations mat will eclipse streets. Several streets arc being thus anything seen in that beautiful neighbor improved. ' hood. A speaker from Portland Flour is up and steamboats cannot take j the output of Benton mills to Portland fast enough to suit owners. The resent nnusual low stage of wate.' inate the captains load lightly. G. F. Barnhard and Etna V. Skaggs, both cf the Summit, were married in Corvallis, Tuesday, by D. Carlisle, J. P. They 100k a brief bridal trip to Portland and will reside at Summit. Diamond Starch Polish gives an ele gant luster and prevents the iron from sticking, etc. If your dealer don't keep it, I will send it post paid for 25 cents. B. R. Thompson, Corvallis, Oregon. Wm. Garlinghause, of Monroe, was thrown out of his wagon one day last week, rs his team was running away, and was run ove r by one of the wheels, knocking him unconscious, but fortu uately inflicting no serious injury. Th.: Ladies Missionary society of the Congregational church met at the resi dence of H. F. Fischer Monday after- noo. A large number 01 mcmDers ana j visitors were present and were splendidly I entertained by the koste.-. of the day. I Patriotic enthusiasm may enthusiasm may vent itself tonight. The entertainment at the opera house 'onight will be of the star span gled banner order and in fact an organ ized outburst of American lsyalty, with the pi ceeds to go for patriotic purposes. The bike oath alone the Albany road i is a fine wav for wheels as far as com . , , pleted, and is bout 4 miles in length up to da'e. Sunday wheelmen aud wheelwomcn by the hundreds were en joying the result of the labor of the Road Club. Tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening Will R. King, aaisn candidate j for governor, and J. R. Soverci-n, head j of ti e Knighls of Labor, address the J co zens of Bentou county, at tV.e opera house in this city. Thsy will doubtless speak to large crowds. S. h- Kline announces tint on Mon day, May 16th, and for that day only, he will sell nine papers of Lion colfte for $1. This is done to advertise this excel lent brand and each purchase will be limited to one dollars worth at this rate. Mail orders received on or bcfoie that day will be filled. The local teachers' institute held at W-lls last Friday and Saturday wr.s the success that Supt. Denmau's institutes always are. Among those taking part were Supt. Denman, Professors Pratt, Lance, Lake avid Huffman, Senator Car ter, Mrs. Nelms, Misses Pagenkopf and Lyford. Next Thursday evening George H. Williams, a man who needs no introduc tion to the people of Benton county, will j address the citizens of Corvallis and vi cinity upon the political issues. Bring your wives and neighbors and hear this statesman who was one of the cabinet ad visers of the great Lincoln. Last Saturday the O. A. C. baseball team defeated the Monmouth Normal j nine, on the latter's ground, vrith a score of 8 to 5. It was a good exhibition of . genuine baseball aud the game was in- j teresting throughout. The SUt . Univer- j sity may forfeit her league game to be ; played on the 21st, as lier teamisnci showing up well, in mat case u. A. tw. j AILnnn 1 ...1 til of . 1 . 1 - I ity politics seem to be neglected en tirely. Hardly a citizen seems aware of the fact that five councilmen are to be i a elected next Monday. The retiring members are, Columbus Read in the first ward Wm. Bogue and Charles B.akeslee ia the second aud J. II. Harris and J. H. Simpson in the third. So far no Candi da e; have been placed in the field, but it is probable that these whose terms ex- I pire will be asked to serve again. News matter crowded out this week. Wheat, SS cents; oats, 35 to 36 cents; hay, 9 to 10 dollars. Dr. ThompsoH starts east today, to cttend t'-:e general assembly. All serv ices at Presbyterian church as usual. John Gellatly is well li'.-.ed and has wade a splendid official record. There will be nt change in the recorder's office. he county board Of examiners are ex- raining eleven applicants for certificates to leach, this week. There are nine wo - men and two men in the class. ... , Subject at the M. E. church Sunday inorniaji. "How Amiable are Thv Tab - ernacles, O Lord of Most-;". Evening, Tne Rev. John Parsons will preach. Rev. R. C. Brooks, of Eu-,ene, will j preach at the Congregational church next Sunday morning and evening. The eveniag service will begi.i at S o'clock. Misses Rettaaad Edith Price, student ' of District 'o. 23, having been neither j j absent nor tardy three months, were j j placed 011 Ihs county superintendent's j roll of honor. 1 Judge E. Woodward is as fair minded a maw. as could be louhd in luc county. His majority will be libera', probably 200. A little inquiry will satisfy anyone j that this estimate is a sound one. Plans have been perfected for one of I the graH lest school picnics ever held in the Willamette Valley, to !e given at Monroe, Saturday, May 2Sth. The:e will be the biggest turnout of school children ever se?n in the county. Share"-, of stock el the Mastodou Min ing and Milling Company, Limited, Elk City, Main, the great "Gold Rug" lad, for sals at John Burnett's office. A gieat chance to gt iu on the ground floor of a great mining company iu a great mine. S ock reasot-ablc. A one ring ciicns gave a good show in Corvallis Saturday evening. Had it patronized the advertising columns of the local papers it would have .drawn a l-.rgcr cro sfd. Th a parformance was His genial and accommodating disposi tion, his sterling character and his r.tand- iug as a citizen are in his favor. He is not a radical man, but is fair and toler ant in all things. One week from tomorrow, Saturday, May 21st, the republicans of Dusty ex De;t to 111:1k e a showing in the line of of Corvv.llisites iu tend to bt- there. it will be a gocd tiip , 1 for bikists. Attention of G. A. R. members an.'. Sons of Ycterans is called to the meeting at G. A. R. hall, tomorrow evening at S p. m. The arrangements for Decoration Day will be made at tVe meeting, and since the interest in the day will be very great this year, owing to the stirring position bo ask democrats or pop events of the lim s, the exercise, it is ex- I 11 lists lo support Tongue because pected, will be of an unusual order, and of the Yaquina matter. Many of a general attendance of all members of us will vote for Tongue but it is the orders is greatly desired. because we really believe what It might be thought impossible to sv:r- VOU only profess, prise members of a brass bavd, for a: Perhaps t lie fact Mr. Ve itch is baud is supposed to be ready far any sort ' of a proposition, but the Fireman's baud was surprised Tuesday nigbt. When at practice an invitation came for the boys to visit the residence of Mr. ai.d Mrs. Marnhart. They went and found that their wives and sisters had provided a royal feast for their deourmen1. After an elegant exhibition ol war appetite, the entertained and ei.tertaiuers enjoyed mtJsiCi COnvt rjjtio-;, etc., until a late i.our Our Condition. j The trea.-ury statement of condition of circu'ation for Slay 1, 1898, has been! issusd, aad makes a remarkable show- j Mv 11. A ttnf.1. rf rrvl A Kniii in ll B 8; . 6 ' " " . ; unttea states is ,.750,557,1 n. llie tola bullion iu the treasury in addition to I this is 53,647, 25S. The amount of gold:, people on May I, 1898, is $607,038,510. The total amount of money iu circula- I tion outside of the treasury May 1, 1898, is 11,806,761,442. On May, 1897, the amount iu circulation was $1,666,560,383. The increase in circulation during April, is98, amounted to $50,702,797. Amount ju circulation per capita is now $24.33. The balance of trade in favor of the United States for the first eight months of the fiscal year was $406,361,453. From July 1, 1897, up to April 1, 1898, the mints coined gold $41,802,065. A total coinage Iu silver $1272,398. of $54,474,464. There has been a marked decrease in the importation of farm products, but an equally marked decrease in the im portation of coffee, jewelry, silks, furs, aud other articles of lux.-.ry. The farmers have ha-1 an opportunity to supply a very large increased demand for farm products, and have met 'ess foreign competition. This accounts for the fact that not only wheat, but every other article of farm produce h is in creased in price. Nolan & Callakan have been appoint ed agents lor the celebrated Douglas shoes for men and boys. Moki Tea positively cures sick headache, indigestion aud constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all of the skin, producing a per- feet complexion, or money refunded z a" HOW tO Look Cood. . 1 . ... r--v.. ft- nrAiin Go((1 ooks nrc refty mor5 than tkin deep, depending entirely on a healthy con- ditien of nil the vital organs. If the liver 1. mummm wu. lnnt n l.ilimic I1.1L' if V.i IV stomaGh be disordered, you hnve a dy.-peptie look; if your kidneys bo affected, you have pinched tool Socure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" i; a good alternative and tonic. Acts directly en the ttomacb, liver and kid neys. Purifies the bload, cures pimples, blotches and boils, nnd gives a good com plexion. Kvarv bliw i'ii:uant.;i-d. Sold at Graham cr bottle, & Walk' dni store. SO cents Pointed and Peppery. Oorvallis, May 9, 1898. To the Editor: As I am a dem ocrat, I read with a personal in terest your editorial asking the voters to drop their politics and support Mr. Tongue lor congress because of his work in behalf of ! yaqUl'lia harbor. I beg to reply ; to your npD0fU Of rather to COin- ! JTient upon it, You say that Yamuna's friends : .,,,.,.' i, ul,. i " coiigies nave been legulaily ' retired, and that, Ihe power at Washington reasonably begin to doubt our sincerity in petitioning lor governnic-nt aid for improve nients when we always knock out. every senator and congressman who lilts bis voice in favor of Ya quina. Bat whose is Ihe fault 1l1.1t our workers are retired! Wiiat lil. line can lie all lied 10 mi' iii'ui-H.iiis 01 popunsis 1 Tne republican legislating could have retimed Mr. Dilph to Ihe nali.aial sen at;-, but did not. And the Gazkttk advocated his retire ment. You aked democrats to vole lor a republican, because ol Yaquina's interest and yet you opposed one of your own parly who was also a Iriend of Yaquina. It was republicans who downed H-rmann. It was republicans who defeated Mitchell. It was republicans who retired Ellis. . . I. . I I: . e Why does not your republican Yaquina' friends in parly keep congress. L'-t mo eclipses ol tell you that these workers for Yaquina are not mere political accidents. Did it ever strike you as peculiar I hat Ihe same man who whipped in the republican lorces to defeat Dolph, also engineered ihe fight against Mitchelll Was not Jona than Bourne the leader in both billies against these men ? It ple:.ises yon newspapers to ascribe their defeat to functional politic-, the money question, etc. These things were only raised to receive sympathy and support. Dolph, Mitchell, Hermann and Ellis were defeated by business interests for business purposes. Portland and the transportation companies centering there, are quietly but effectively operating against Yaquina and A.toria. Fortunately, in defeating Yaqui na's friends so far, they have not succeeded in filling their places with Yaquina and Astoria ene mies. But they expect to event ually control matters to their wishes. If the O. R & N. Co., the North Pacific Terminal company and "tuer large corporations can anoro 1 o put their business interests :ioove ineir parly inclinations, so can the people of the Willamette J V .'lley. I do not believe that the Ga zette nor any republican who op uosed Dolph or Mitchell is in a a Cleveland democrat and hc.r-n't yt even made a bluff at a silver argument, makes it easier frr us to vi le for a republican congress- i man. but still it remains tiiat re-'- I publicans a e more narrow and , mure blindly subservient to the crack of the u irly whip than are i democrats. "T... .. ll,. .... 1.1: 1 jiuw, uc me iCiiuoiiuiiis ui Benton and Lincoln counties, who ! , , , - mvm. ' er", ,,,.. . . , , . ' v 1 1 v and wi depend as assessor up niand lor a speech, talked inter protew so much interest 111 Ya . , ... ? , : " c,;.ri Li., i(1,i jquina, goin;; to allow their politics ti IfiMi lliem to play tnio the hail Is of the Portland concerns? Willi VOU, is it the pally or the people ? . - L. . . - . . I uoeny is laKen 10 omu a pan of the letter at this point. It con i cerns a leuislative candidate on hi. repubicaJ tIcket) ad raifes a question I hat the Gazette prefers not to discuss. Editor.) I am not deeply concerned in the "grand past" of any party. It is the practical future that ap peals to good sense. The party is only a vehicle and if we cannot get to our destination in one cart, there are others. Jefferson Democrat. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts. aud 50 cts. Graham & We!ls. Consumption Positively Cured. Mr. B. Greeve, merchant of Chilhowio, Vn., certifies that lie hud consumption, was given up to die, sought fill medical treat ment fiat money could procure, tried all coujrh runedies that "ha coal. 1 hear of, but gut no rcliof; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King's j New Discovery, and was cured by use ef two bottles. For past throi years has been attending to business, and says Dr. King's , New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever , cosj, t of patriotic recitations, ill mad,, a, it has done so muiforhim and j ,e rsper8nj witn ,ood music, both also lor cithers in his community. Dr. . . - , ' . 4 , , xt r- .1.1 vocal and instrumental. A beau- King'i xsew Disc.-.very is gnarantoed tor . . , , . , . , . coughs cold-, nnd consumption It den't "lul pi'Ze which IS HOW Oil exlll foil. Trial battle free at Uraram & Wells' i bl"otl at VOgle's jewelry Store, drug store. Wo Cure No Pay. That is the way all druggusts sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON- IC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply iron and quiniae in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer ! jt to bitter, nauseating Tonics, . The farmer, mechanic and th; bicycle rider are liable to unexpeeted cuts and bruis:.. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salre is the best thing to keep on hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known euro for piles. Graham & Wells. A torpid liver rebi you of ambition and ruins yoar health. D Wilt's 1 ittl Early Rbers cljant-e. tins liv.;r, cjre : nstipation and all stomach an l liver troubles. Gra ham Wells. A Country Jake. That may be what is the matter with him. If it is, there'll be others trying lo catch the disease. For he's a vole gatherer and his name will be sheriff. Country jakef Well, well; likely enough. And do you know that many of our presidents were country jakes ? But what's iu a name, especially in a nickname?! The men in the country wanted him (o run and the men in town j said "amen," and "that is how be was nominated. Thai's all there was of it. And when it comes to the election. Ihe men in Ihe countrv will say, "we wanl turn," the men iu town will say amen." And (hat is how be will be elected. Simple enough when yon under stand it. 'Qualified?" Should say so. Everybody says so. No one dis putes it. Capable and honest the Jefiersonian test. It is not a long story. It is not a mysterious story. Tile people of Benton have said, "we want George Lilly for sherilf'." The re publicans nominated him. Georye accepted. The voters will elect him. "Ami they'll all live hap pily ever alter." As Hi Sees It Ookvallis, May, 10, 1S0S. Editor Gazette. The Times raises Ihe issue "a lawyer or a bu-ines man for county judge." It. would have been wiser to let ihe matter alone. Now, I have no objection to a lawyer' acting as county judge. I do not think Chat a right to prac tice law, in itself, should bar a man from taking Ihe office, but he must have many other qualifica tions, and it is the oilier qualifica tions that will count. I do not wish to argue the mat ter but only desire to say that if any, man believes that Ihe tax l ayers of Benton county intend to put a newly lkdged attorney into sxch an important office, sim ply because he is a lawyer, when we can select a solid business man in whose judgement we have every commence, 1 am sorry lor him. I do not wish to be peisonal, nor offensive, and I am sure that I am only fair when I say that, the office of county jirlge cannot be properly attended to by making good speeches, but demands good office management, business ex perience, and good judgment. A Taxpayer. A Wise Nomination. 'Mr. Newton, of Philomath, is declared the nominee of Ibis con j volition for .the office of assessor i of Benton county." So said Chair man Edwards of the Ben (on coun ty republican convention. Tfaera is usually some good rea son lor a man being nominated for office bv a uartv. Aud it is not I giving away any political secrets ' to say Mr. Newton was nominated I because it was thought he would j make a si rong canvass, hold his j parly vole, secure votes from the j .opposition and be elected. Mr. El vin Newton will make a just ami proper assessment wilhiu j Ihe time prescribed bylaw. He , will make up the rolls correctly ' j and with all possible dispatch and : I economy. He fa accmainted with , - . ,, 1 iv .urn win uepeim as assessor up I on intelligent observation and business judgment not guess work. upon Probate Matters. The estates of Andrew Purdy, G. B. Lea and O. B. Brown were ordeied closed. Juue 7th was fixd as the time for hearing ob jections to final accounts in estates of G. W. Spencer and D. B. Mul key. The semi-annual accounts in the estates of W. A. Slate and Abiatha Newton were approved F. J. Chambers, J. G. Roger; and W. S. Aleorn were appointed ap praisers in the estato of Samuel Rice and Chas. E. Rice, adminis trator. The inventory iu estate of Peter and Hannah Mann gives the value as $957. Iu the estate of W. A. Slate, the executor, W. D. Risley, was ordered to make a sale of certain personal property and to build or repair fences. A DOUBLE ATTRACTION. A Patriotic Contest and Apron Sale Combined. The Working Club of the W. R. C, will give a patriotic contest and apion sale combined, on Fri day evening May 13th, at the opera house. The program will will be given lor the-best recita tion, to be determined by three good judges. After the program the ladies will have on sale in prettily decorated booths, aprons from all over the United States. The v will also serve refreshments arul have an old fashioned grab bag. You are invited to remain and amuse, youselves in various ways. The admission is only 10 cents. Come and enjoy your selves and remember the program will commence at 8 o'clock sharp. Cure that Cough with Shiloh's Care. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One million Tottles sold last' year. 40 doses fe r 25 ets. Sold by Gra ham &. Wei's. DR. DARRIN Has Arrived in Coryallis, Ore gon, and Can be Consulted Free at the Occidental Hotel Until J-,:ne 1st. CONVINCING PROOF. Of the Superiority of Electricity iu the Cure of Diseases by Dr. Darrin. So much has been said in praise of Dr. Darrin, now at the Occidental Hotel, Corvallis, till Juue 1, and his new method of cure by electric treatment that it teems useless to add further proof. Still, th;se whe meet the following-named man, fram his own lips find his cures to be genuine, and that no exaggeration of his ease occurs. The following name aud address may be referred to: W. Hays, 914, 5th street. Kast Port laud, Oregon, ir.flamatiou neck of blad der and sciatic rheumatism; came on crutches to the doctor cured and left his crutches at the doctor's ofce. GEORGE CHANDLER'S CARD. Reading in your paper of the return of Dr. Darrin to Baker City, I wish to state what he did for my SO'; one year since. AN OPEN LETTER. Dr. Darrin Dear Sir: I am pleased to inform" you that my son Charles, whem you treated in January, 1856, for heart trouble and general debility, has fully re covered, auJ gained about 30 pounds in flesh since taking your treatment. I think he has entirely recovered, for which receive my thanks. George Chandleh. Baker City, April 7, 1S97. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Most cases can be treated at home after one visit to the doctor's office. Inquiries answered; circulars and question blanks sent free. All business with Dr. Darren strictly confidential. Monroe Ratifies. The republican campaign opened at. Monroe Tuesday evening vilh Hon. M. S. Johnson as the princi pal speaker." There was a large crowd present and the enthusiasm was very much in evidence. Mr. Johnson presented (lie money question in a clear and entertaining manner, showed wherein Ihe democratic party had always upheld the gold standard and that the teaching? of Jefferson, Jackson and other democratic leaders was against tho theory of free silver. Mis address was well received and had a good effecr. Mr. John Daly mado a short! speech in which he staled that he was a sound money man and if elected to the legislature lie would support lor U. S. senator a gold-standard man. Mr. Elmo Davis also made a few remarks, assuring the people Ihatif elected representative he would vo e 111st, last ana ail tne time for a single gold-standard . . . ITa for senator. -R- J- Nichols, republican repre- sentative, was called upon and good naturedly referred to the nrek-naaae conferred upon him several years ago, "Gold-standard Dick." He pledged himself, i( eiecusa, 10 use his Dest euorts to secure economical and just legis tion as is desired by the people of Benton county. School Superintendent George :n.a.. ;,. i w a vol lit J Vfll V.UUtU t IUIII1I JlJCl LlV,l Oi eschewing politics, as his is not a political office. Several repttbli can candidates were in attendance j has proven his capabilities in that and all feel elated over their re-1 office. cept ion by the people of Monroe. Mr. Clark is fairly entitled to Mr. Johnson spoke at Als-ajthe support of every republican Wednesday and Philomath jester-1 and he will gel it. Nor is his day, but too lale lor auy reports, j strength limited lo Ihe republican Tonight he speaks at Kings Valley and tomorrow night at Wells. Opening Excursion. Duck hats and straw bonnets ; war like youth and rosy maiden ; father, son and daughter in law; gray haired, black haired, tow haired and bald headed ; cashier and poet; cook and capitalist ; all will go Yaquina-ward next Sun day. Men, matrons and maidens will seize the opportunity offered by the opening excursion given by the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad company and visit the bay, the beach and the rhedodendron hills. The fare is only $1.50 for the round ;trip. Train leaves Cor vallis at 7:30 a. in. Nolan & Callahan will keep in repair for one year free of charge any suit of Happy Home clothing they sell. Great reductions in men's and fine shoes at Nolan & Callahan's. Best Ever Offered. boys' The best bargains ever offered in town for the money. When it comes to stylish and popular hats' tt low prices I stand so far ahead of competition as to feel de cidedly lonesome. A new invoice of sty ish trimmed dress hats are expected by the 1st of May. Mrs. J. Mason. CouHty warrants taken at par for mer chan dise at Nolan & Callahan's. Dreadfully Nervous. GENTS: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took yonr Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength ened my whole nervous system. I was troubled with Constipation, Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conu. Sold by Graham & Wells. Be not Deceived! A Cougk, Hoarse ness or Croup are Hot to be trifled with. A dose in tme af Shilol 's Cure will savo you nmcU trouble. S IA by Graham & Wells. The Royal is the highest grade baking powder known. Actual tests show it goes one third further titan any other brood. Absolutely Pure R3YAL BAKING POWDZR CO., KCW YORK. Public School Exercises The closing exercises of the seven-month school year ol Philo math public school were an nounced through your columns a month ago, but by request of the patrons, the board engaged Mrs. J. J. Bryan to teach another month. The following is a par tial report of the closing exercises which occurred on the 7th inst. The exercises opened by a pa triotic song by the school, "The Flag of Our Country," followed by recitations, essays, duets, songs by school, a motion glee song, etc. Prizes, consisting of books, were awarded to the boy and girl who delivered iheir recitations the most excellently, and for ihe best essay, also lo I hose who al tended ihe lull eigbl months without bs ing absent a day. Booklets con taining a poem by Longfellow were presented to all ike pupils. Minnie Newth and Clyde Boles received prize, for thp best recila lions; (Jristal Cocking, Mabel Meats, Clyde Coles and Charlie Park, for not being absent a day during Ihe year, and Crislal Cock ing a priz2 for the best essay. After the awarding of the prizes the patrons present were called upon and a number responded with apprecialive remarks. The teacher then made her closing re marks lo the children. The ex ercises closed a song. Mrs. Bryan is an experienced and up to dale (cacher, and it is a matter of regret with the patrons that she did not apply for the school for another year. Our primary department con sisls of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades, with Ihe same salary as paid in a large school where the teacher only has one grade. W. H. Boles, Clerk Philomath Schools. Are You a Patriot? There are several ways of being one. Iu a particn'ar way we would recommend yon te join the new order of The Vigil antes. As it is an Oreou order you can keep your money circulating at heme. Tt Tine nil ill, advatit .(ri.t rf lllu rAar- rr i a. A .- l utis emu uinii y nuuiiiuiiiii miutuviuif ica- tures. Chief Leader F. J. McHcnry is now iu Corvallis organizing and has re ceived, as he should, much encourage ment. Initiation $2, medical examina tion $1.25, certificate fee, f 1. Total for men $4. 25; ladies $2.25. Happy Home will not rip. clothing is styiish and Happy Home Clothing. Fred Clsrk. There is absolutely nothing that can be said against Mr. Clark as a candidate for Measurer of Benton county. He is a responsible citi zen, honest in all things, and he party. The republican candidal lor treasurer will receive a heavy vole next 111011th. A Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed aud marked "Not paid for want of funds" up to and including those of October 9, 1S95. Interest will be stopped on same from this date. Corvallis, Or., May 4, 1858. W. A. iiUCHANAN, Treasurer Benton Cour.ty, OregOH. RED ROUGH HANDS Itching, scaly, bleeding palms, shapeless nails, and painful finger ends, pimples, blackheads, oily, mothy skin, dry, thin, and falling hair, itch ing, scaly scalps, all yield quickly to warm baths with Ccticuka Soap, nnd gentle anoiatinga with CuTicuitA (ointment), the great skin care. (utioiira Id thronsho Corp., Sole Pro; to Produce Soft, "White Hands,' DC. Boston . free. ITCHING HUMORS InstftnllT reliered by CirncuaA KaMSDias. To the Public. Parties wishing to purchase stock in the Mastodon Mining & Milling com pany or having any other business with the company are referred to Judge John Burnett, at his office iu Corvallis, Oregon. A little boy asked for a bottle of "got up in the morning as fast as you can." Tbe druggist recognized a household aame for "De Witt's Little Early Risers," and gavo him a bottle of those famous little pills for constipUwn, sick lienHaehe, liver rnd stom ach trouUcs. G'abam t Well. Weir Happy Home c'.othing. POWDER Just Like Papa This little boy is beginning right, with cleanliness then come neatness in dress. Neglect a boy's dress and he will neglect himself. Such clothes as we offer will help any boy to become a gentleman. Such bargains as we quote, plainly marked, will help any parent to accumulate savings. Suits made to order F. L. MILLER. THE ART OF LIVING I f f f And living well, is without question in JUDICIOUS MARKETING. Where you buj is of as much importance as what you buy and what you pay for it, when it comes to food. You want to know the surroundings of the things you are going to eat. Notice the cleanliness of our store. Everything is fresh and attractive. The prices are always right. . -aP. The Racket's Up.- " Up-to-date" is the motto of the RACKET STORE. The goods are up Iu Quality. Trade is coming up with a boom. Prices are not up, but that can't be helped. Purchasing direct of manufacturers saves whole sale jobbers profits, and, of course, customers nasi have the benefit of this caving. The NEW YORK RACKET STORE. 1 Your Small Boy FURNITURE BARGAINS. Good Quality and Iow Prices is Our Motto. A Call will Convince. ..Ribbons and Laces.. Soloman in all his glory was not bedecked with such delicate and pleasing RIBBONS, LACES, Etc., as represents the Spring purchase of the Cash Store. The newest shades and tints. THE CASH STORE, Next to the Postoffice. SPRING TIME! Advertising Seed in the Q AZ El T E It will bring a golden harvest. GAZETTE PUB. CO., CORVALLIS, OR. t ' "' The famous make that's guaranteed. LAMPS, CROCKERY, 0 GLASSWARE, jjj. M. ZIEROLF. 9 JThe goods are up Ia Style. t j Could do your marketing for you at our store. Let him stop here on his way froxi school and repeat your order. You may be sure it will be hilled promptly and just as right as if you came yourself. xxxx A. HODES, Headquarters 5": FRED G. CLARK. Corvallis, Oregon. X 2 For Planting