dtorbnllis wttt CORVALLIS, OREGON, Apr. i, 1S98. A few Ladies' Losg Coats that are being sold itt a grtat redaction. If you want a large amount of goods for your money bt sure . mi see them. All the capes and jacket- in the department sold at a reduc-ti- n. A god servicable umbrella for 50 cents; lots style in the 75-cent grade, and lots of wear to. If ;ou want a better one, you will find it here at tee same ratio of low price to good goods. R and G Corsets in stvles and shapes that will fit any form. A line of French orsets,7 good fitters, made of Freneh cautil, 1 rab and white. All grades lo $3.50, lor $1.00. Have yon seen our 50- cent and $1.00 line? for that price. There are no better - S. E. YOUNG k SON, Albany, Ore on. Agents for Buttrick Pattern. LOCAL HAPPENING War and peao-. Particulars next week. Ca; t. Hatch, of the snag baat, drove through town Wednesday. Services at the Unite 1 Evangelical church, both Hiorniiii; a.-ul evening. The will of Samuel Rice. !" Kim s val j ley, was filed for prjb.ue Wednesday. Miss Dora Blutnberg. !" Santa Bar bara, is visiting her father in this city. Geo. Weber, now a Eugene business man, drove into town Wednesday for a few hours visit. A -rand display of fine millinery Fri day and Saturday, April 1st am 2nd, at Mrs. J. Mason's. Aa Miller, of Philomath, and S. D. Horton, of Dusty, paid this office a pleas aiit viit this week. Services of timely interest at the Pres byterian church next Sabbath both morn ing and evening. All invited. Josie Seits, of Alsea, has filed suit for divorce against her husband, M. L-S iis, giving as the cause his desertion. During the past two weeks Nolan & Callahan have received 35 cases of spring and summer merchandise. Will and Phil Webber, of New York, former Corvallisitos, arrived in town Wednesday, and will visit their uncle, Jake Weber. Dol, h Norton, who returned from Port and a couple of weeks ago with a severe attack of pneir.iioaia, is much im proved in health. College students arc enjoying the quar terly holidays a brief respite from study after the term's examination. Work will be resumed Tuesday. R. A. Copple, of the Eugens divinity school, will occupy the pulpit at the Chr stian church next Sunday, morning and evening. All invited. Next Friday evening, April 8th, Mrs. Narr.sa White McKiuney, of Astoria, will lecture at the college chapel on the subject, "Rome as I saw it." rs. Emery Alleu has returned from an extended visit with her son, lonzo, in Portland. Miss Anna Allen is ud re visiting her brother's family. The funeral services of Air. Andrew Gellatly, which occured at the farm rtii deuce on Wednesday, were very largo;, attended and very impressive. A letter from Gene Simpson states that Jesie Tunuicliffe is relief eugiueer in the I San Francisco fire department at a good sa ary. Mrs. Tunuicliffe will join him soon. Tue Maccabee ladies gave an enjoy able sociable at their lodne rooms Wed nesday night. Music aud games and oW- icious refreshments made tcie "hours fly merrih . Rev. Wykoff, of San Francisco, will preach at the Congregational churci. next Sunday moruiug. The regular ser vice 111 itie evening the subject will be, "Our knowledge of God." The talk lo ladiej which was t be given by Miss Mullett, Saturday, Mar. 26th, will be given S.-ilurday, April 2.d, at 2:0 p. m. in the cliapel of the oid college. All ladies invited. E. W. Strong, of Mission Lauding, has leased the Friendly mill property and will take charge in a few day,. It is ua s j the mill to its uumost capacity. j The public is cordially invited to at- 1 tend the joint meeting of the youuj, ; meu's republican club aud ladies' suxil- i ary at the court house tonight. A very I interesting program will be rendered. The wheel fad will boom higher than ever in Corvallis this season. Though this is early in the season, the bike is al-I plf) miiiioru f them, whom Shaker Di reefy greatly in evidence. The mo. est j gastive Coidinl will cure, footman will have to be an expert dodger j Food makes strength, muscle, brain, in the coming summer. ! blood, en?rgy after it is digested. If not The working club of the W. R. C will soon hold another "patriotic" coutes . A fine prize will be given to the best de livered recitation, the subject to be a p: -triotic oue. Those desiring to compe;e will please notify the president, Mrs. F. D. - il.er, not later than Apri: 6lh. There was no insurance on the build ings owned by J. L. Heukle, which burned down in Philomath last wecic. Ingle carried $$, 000 on his stock of goods The postoffice is now lo-.ated iu Dr. Log gau's drug store. Mr. Heukle will doubtless rebnild shortly, fwr his lots are very desirable business property. The monthly business meeting of the K. L. C. E. of the United Evangelical church occurs next Friday evening. The junior endeavor of the church has p.e- pared and will render a very interesting program on that evening. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Exercises begin at 7:30. Admission free. Mr. E. R. Bryson and his bride are in San F ancisco on their honeymoon. They expect to remain in California three weeks and on their return will oc ! cupy the cottage recently vacated by J. H. V ilson Congratulations of a Lost of friend- follow the happy couple with fervent wishes for their future Miss- and prosperity. Misses Gertrude Barclay and Addie Zierolf, ot disirict 50, were in town dur ing the week taking the county examin ation for the common school graduating diploma, having completed the eight years' work under county classification. Thpv htli nawil rreditahle pxaminfl- tioHs, having obtained an aver age of 82 and 80.89, respectfully. 1 uemy at ins .arm uuusc west ui ruiiu- Teople in the neighborhood of Walter's j math Monday morHing, March 26, 1S98. mill, Dusty precinct, have petitioned the The fUHeral services were held Wednes postoffice department to establish a:i of- j day at noon Dr Thompson, officiating. fice in their locality. A large number of good and responsible citizens would be j accommodated by the act The people of Dusty deserve and should have a daily mail service, Properly directed anita- lion may be able to bring this about. President McKinley has sent his ulti- ' matum to Spain, demanding the inde- i peudence of Cuba, and Spain is enter- taming the proposition. The Spanish government has a difficult problem ke fore it ani the president does not wish to embaras.s it by unnecessary show of I bravado, though determined that Cuba j shall be free. Congress has taken no I action. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Zeis, of Redding, Calif., were in Corvallis this week at tending the funeral of Mrs. Apgar, re turning home yesterday. Ed. is verj' successful in his business there, and, of course, li'-.cs the place. A number of Corvailisites make Redding their head quarters. Redding is a saloon town and gamblers divide up their earnings with the police. "St-.-.cer shares," remarked the re publican. "Well, what of it?" growled j the populist. "That':-, no news. Sodoes I the sun shine." "No cmparison," 1 cheerfully responded the dyed fast black. "you know the government stamp could change the sun into fool ball, bat 110 government would be fool kardy enough to attempt to stop Spencer from shavini'." Anv they looked at each other. The O. A. C. and Philomath oollwge baseball teams played a tie game at Cor vallis, Saturday the score at the end of the 9th inning stood 12 to 12. Both teams were willing to "let it go at that." The game was a very good oue, consider ing the coldness of the air. O. A. C. made 17 base hits .mil Philomath 8. Philomath had only seven error.-, charged against them, while the farmers made 13. The next game promises to be a very in tciestiiivr one. The regular fleeting of the Corvallis Suudav School Union will be held in the United Evangelical church, Sundry, I April 3, 1898, at 3 o'clock p. m. Central j subject lor discussion "American Anti Sa- I loon League" by Mrs. Shangle. All who j are interested in advancing the Sunday j school work f the city are cordially in- 1 vited to oe present. There will be elec- tion of officers. Superintendents and I pastors please read this announcement. E. Woodward, H. T. French, President. Secretary. Mr. R. J. Nichols, president of the Dusty McKinley club, is inclined to chant the praises of his school district, viewed politically. He says: "The school district in which I reside con tains 22 le.;al voters, not oue of whom. to my knowledge, is a democrat. What school district, even in this republican ! year, can beat that?" Or what democratic I school district can offset it with as large j a proportional majority?" This is a j most cieditablc shewing for so large a I dlstnct a,,d Mr" Nlchols Pnde 1S Justlfi: ! able. Queen Esther. One of the most pleasing and sati. fac tory of all amateur entertainments given in Corvallis, was the presentation of the cantata, Queen Esther, at the opera house Friday aud Saturday nights. The chorus work was not above criti- cism but considering the limited re- aearsais, cue crame... .uS11.K w -.vU- uauie to 111c uirecior auu periuruiers. The soloists can hardly be too highly praised. The leading characters, Miss Ellis as the Queen, Prof. Fulton as Mor decai, Prot. Ware as Hainan, ami ,lrs. Cordley as ZcriiU, gave uianiliceut reii- ' ditions of the delightful music falliug 10 j them. T.ie duet of Esther and Mbrdt cai was especially appreciated. Mr. Stone as the prophetess, Mabel Johnson, j Mrs. Woodcock, Nettie Gellatly and : Helen liolgate received many compli- I meats for their iirliitic work. George Cronkite as the beggar, and Prof. Pritch- j 1 ard as Hagai, were admirable. j This cantata will be given sooa in Al- ! bany under Prof. Ware's direction. I Miss Ellis will lai.e the part of Esther; j Pro. Ware, Mordecai, and Miss Mable ;J"sou. -erls- in olHer cnaracteis j wil1 he taken by Albany people. If a small Cordial do0. large on. bottle of Shaker Digestive you n good, don't buy a "Prove all things; hold fast th.. which js good." It's not good for evcrybuAy, only 'or the thin, pale, sick, weak and wtary. ur mse who are starving ior wa.11 01 ai j gisted food. For those who cannot get fat lor strong, because their stomachs do not I wnrk as thev ou&ht to. These are the hpo- j digested it will do you no go id at all. vour ! Shaker Digestivu Cordial helps ctomath digest 3'our food and enres indiges tion permanently. When you've tried a small botl-, j ou can tell. Soi l by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the ce-part- : nership hitherto existing between W. I). j Kay and W. H. Kay, merchants, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the late firm are to be paid to W. H. Ksy, he to assume all liabilities due by the late firm. W. D. Kay, W. H. Kay. Dusty, Or., Mar. 11, 189S. A thrill of terror is experirncod wVien a brassy cough of r.up sound, through the house at Right. But the terror soon rhanges to relief after Ooe Minute Couph Cure has been administered. Safe and harmless for children. Allen & Woodward. A Dude's Soliloquy. " 1 A dude, after having partaken of oue of those excellent 20 cent meals at the j Commercial Restaurant, was heard to ex- claim,. 'By Jove! my stomach must have "shriiak, I am wcilly too full for speech." PASSED AWAY. Death Claims Many Benton County People.- Aodrew a Pioneer anf Prmi nent cit,zcn of Benton coanty dled sud' Interment was made in Pleasant Valley cemetery. Mr. Gellatly was bora in Perth, Scot- I jand ; lSi$ and at his death was aged , vears t uuth and 2S days. He I canle to Anlerica wies 15 years' of age, I locating in Wisconsin. Here he marritd , Miss Isabel Lyle. He and his wife came j to California, where they resided eight I years, removing then to Benton county. purchasin the farm that has since been his home He leaves a widow and eight children. Mr. Gellatly was a stirring, active man, intelligent and honest. Kindly and thoughtful as a husband and father, generous and considerate as a neighbor and earnest and patriotic as a citizen, his loss will be deeply felt. His sorrowing family have the sympathy of all who k.-.ow him. Mrs. Frank Apger died last Friday morning at Eugene, nge.l 48 yours. The remains were brought to Corvallis Mon dav and interment made in the Crystal Lake cemetery. Rev. Elkins, of Eu gene, 'conducted the services. Sarah Cantner was born is Ohio. Her early life was spent in Ohio and Illinois and was married in the the latter state to Frank Apger. The couple came to Ore gon in 1S75, iiving most f the time in Corvallis. Mr. Apger aud two children, Bert of Eugene, and Mrj. Ed Zie3, of Redding, California, survive her. Mrs. Apger was a womanly woman, a fend wife and devoted mother. Miss Mollie Bergin died at Santa Bar bara, California, Tuesday .Morning. Her mother and brother were notified and the former immediately started south. The remains will be brought to Corvallis for interment. Miss Bergin was a- young lady of splendid character and stixny dispositiou. She won and retained many friends and many hearts are saddesied by her death. Ninteen-inch Fleece. Horace Underbill, of Summit, is proud ef kis sheep ard none can blame him. The Gazette office has specimens of the fleece and they are beauties. A man who would not appreciate the anim.-.ls that grow such long and lovely wool ought to be sentence 1 by law to forever vote the populist ticket. Mr. Underhiil's sheep are a cross be tween the Cotswold aud Oxford Downs. One of the specimens of wool is 19 inches in length and another is 18. It has grown since shearing time. Mr. Under bill challenges any. Benton sheep man to bea his sheep's record. The samples of "McKinley prosperity" fleece can be seen at thi - office aud any one who can "go it one better," is invit- furnish evidence ot mat iaet. Dreadfully Nervous. . - Gents: I was dreadfully nervous.and Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength- ened my wnole nervous system. 1 was troubled with Constipation, Kidney and Bon-el trouble. Your Te-. soo:n cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly renamed health and stre;-:sth. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by (iraham & Wells. Acetylene Gas. The Light of the Future. Why not be independent and own yQur ittl. gas pant wUich wiU ive four times more light than ordinary gas or electric lights at one-half the cost? Ap plicab e for use in churches, stores, fac- tones. Hotels, residences ana country I homes. Safer than ordinary gas or kero- j sene lamps. Approve 1 by all the boards of underwriters thrumoUout the Uhited ! States. We want a first class agent in j every town. Write for catalogue and I prices. j The Acetylene Gas Machine Co. j Akron, Ohio, j Nolan & Callahan's new spring stock will arrive early in March, We aro anxious to do njlitlle good in this world and C4n think of no pleasanter or bet ter ay t do it than by'recommending Ose Minnie Cough Cure as a preventive f pneu monia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected cold-.. Allen & Woodward. Karl's Cover Root Tea is a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 3 cts. Sold by Graham & Wells. Weekly Excursions to the East. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Thursday at 9 p. m. via the O. R. & N. without change to Boston, an' under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to Om aha, Chicago. Buffalo or Boston. The ideal tri;s to the east is now before you. Remember this service when goin- .ast and consult. V:'. S. Stone, Agent O. R. & N. Co., Corvallis, Or. Most torturing and disfiguring of Itching, burning, scaly skin and seal; humors is in-sta.-. Jy relieved by a v.arm batti with CtTi ccua Soap, a sinrle application of Cuticura (ointment), the g: eat skin cure, and a full riose of Coticuba KESOI.VICN-T, greatest of bleed purifiers and humor cures, when all else fails. ticura umCna. fTo.r . Proot. Btat,. -HmtoCur.8l tree. SALT FALLING HAIR "MTffi" Lost oh a Foul. Corvallis' night policeman, Eph Beach, had an encounter with four steamboat men Sunday night. The boat hands were in good health and Eph had hot been ailing. This condition of physi cal prosperity helped make the incident more than a dule, every-day affair. The men were employed on the Ruth. They had been drinking in town and about midnight one of them grew noisy on the street. The officer started to ar rest him, and his companions flew to his assistance. Beach whr.cked them on the heads and arms with his Willy and they responded with their fists. Four men to ciie have a distinct advantage aud Beach found he was playing a losing game. He could not get at his gun and losing his billy, he broke loose and separated speedily from his opponents.- They hastily retired to the boat and departed before a warrant could be sworn out next morning- They did not show up on the Ruth's return trip and as yet have not been arrested. Kttb says he is entitled to the decision, for had it ot been for a foul his victory wojuld have bee. complete. Anyway he had not proposed to enter a bailie royal or to defeat the timekeeper, referee a;.d trainers. He was given tie medal, but he has rid hiueself of it by the applies, tion of beefsteak. Consumption Positively Cured. Mr. IJ. Greeve, merchant of Ohilhowio, Vrt., certifies that he bad consumption, was niven up to die, sought all medical treat ment that money could procure, tried all cough remedies that he could hear of, but got no relief; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was cured by use f two bottles. For past three 3-ear:, lias been attending to business, and says Dr. King's New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, a: it has done so mue'.-i for him and also for .thc.-rs in his community. Dr. King's New Discovery i- guaraiitv.-d (Vr coughs, colds and consumption. I. di-m't foil. Trial bottles tree at GrsVam & Wells' drug store. C ASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. Diefte liaila ftgaatur of is sa ewrr County Warrants taken at par for mer chandise at Nolan i:. Callahan's. Children and a-hilts tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin disease, may secure instant relief by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo. It is the great Pile remedv. Allen & Woodward. LINING CP. Partyitcs Skirmishing: for Pos ition. Interesting Program Tonijrht At the court house tonight the yowrjj men's republican club a-.irl the ladies' rauxilary hold a joint-meeting and have arranged a program. .Quartets, solos, recitations and short talks by J. B. Ir vine, R. F. Holm, E. R. Lake and H. L. Hoigate are among the numbers. Every body, populists, democrats' and republi cans, ladies and gentlemen, are cordially invited to attend. Next Friday night, the eve of the county convention, another interesting joint meeting will be held at the coxrt house, and visiting delegates who may be in town at that timeaie especially in vited. Among the newly named candidates for position on the fusion ticket arc Ed j Bryan and Daniel Carlik; for judge it; d W. S. Bates for recorder. i Republicans are disiussing material for j their ticket. Three names are heard on iile street jM discussing the reprcsentiwe ,uestiou, Dr. Uoggan of Philomath, R. j. Nichols of Dasty, and Mariow Hayden of Alsea. So far as known none of these are really candidates. For county judge off Wilson and E. Woodward have been suggested. There has been little heard concerning the coram issionersh ip. On the sheriff question there are several ideas. Mr. Sherman Wade's name was in the air for awhile, but he wishes it distinctly understood that he will not ac cept any nomination. Monroe Cameron has announced his candidacy and Geo. Lilly is talked of. Orrin Clark so far is the only man in the field for clerk. There will bo opposition to Denman for school superintendent and Gellatly for recorder. James Gibson can probably secure the nomination for justice of peace of the Corvallis district, if he de sires it. Other names may and probably will come up before the convention for many of the places, but there is a gen eral expression from all the candidates and their friends that tke convention should choose the most available men without indulging in combinations. The precincts outside of Corvall is seci'n to have few candidates. This is the re son so many ot the names suggested are those of Corvallisites. But while the country has few candidates of its own'j the outside delegates will be interest! e! in naming the party's nomi-ecs. T..c present outlook is for one of the mos. harmonious conventions the republican ever held. It is difficult to understand where the populists in this county arc going to !. recognized on the county ticket. Joiiu Henry, it is true, has already the noHiiu ation as joint representative", but then John's identification with the nonulisi party is of such recent date that the oH!': line peps are not very enthusiastic over his candidacy. It was generally sup- j posed that the pop end of the fusicn bomb would be al-owed to name Hit jude, but with Ed Bryan aud Squire 1 Carlile iu the field for that office it ia j rather apt to fall to the Bourbons. Tani- j many may, by the , preferential system of primary nominations, get more of the places than it really wishes. Dr. Hill, of Albany, the populist can didate for congressman will poll e. heavy vote. He is store energetic and effective campaigner than Veatch and despite the fusion deal, will distance Veatch in tlu race. State Convention. A republican convention for the state of Oregon is hereby called to meet in the city ot Astoria on. lhursday, April 14, at 11 a. m., for the purpose of nominating can didates for state and district ofii ces, "except congressman," and to transact such other business as may properly eome before said convention. The consist of 285 delegates apportioned among the several counties of the state as follows: Baker 6 Benton 7 Clackamas 15 Clatsop 10 Columbia 6 Coos 7 Crook 4 Cnrry 3 Douglas 11 Lincoln 4 Lane 12 Linn 112 Malheur 3 Marion 20 Morrow- 4 Multnomah 60 Polk 8 Sherman 3 Tillamook 5 Umatilla 11 Union S Wallowa 3 Wasco 10 Washington 12 Yamhill 10 Gilliam Gr.i:u Harney Jack-.on Josephine Klamath Lake The same being one delegate Mt larg:- lor each county and otic del egaie lor cash 200 votes and frac lir.u thereof i,f 50 or over as cast !ui' William .McKinley at the pivs-iiieniiia-l election held 111 Novem her, lS!)(i. The com mil lee recommends 1 hat the Dri marie be held on Sat tirday, April 2, and the county 'onventions Wednesday, April 6. 1S98, unless otherwise ordered by 1 lie several county committees. O. N. Dkxny, Sol Hikscii, Secretary. Cli airman. At Dusty. J. B. Irvine, of Corvallis, deliv ered an i ddivss helme I lie Dti.-I McKinley club last night 0.1 the political iss.ies of the dav. TIk iwo hundred piesent listened at tentively to the speaker lor more than an hour and often greeted him with applause. He opened by reviewing the condition of the opposition and the strength of our own ranks, and often spoke of the necessity of harmony. He shew ed up many of the fallacies of the free silver ad vocal, s and the in consistency ot many of their claims. Mr. Irvine would be wel come again. Prof. W. W. Bris- iov also made a few remarks. N''Xt Tuesday evening there will lie sort of '-experience meeting" consisting of a number of short speeches. Music was lurnished by the Ec-lliountnin brass hand. How to Look Good. Good looks nr.-; really mors than skin deep, depending entirely on it healthy con dition of r.11 the vital organs. If the liver be inactive, you have a bilious I00K; if your stomach be disordered, you have a dy peptic 1-ok; if your kidneys be affected, you havu a pinched look. Secure gjod health and jviii will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" a good alternative and tonic. Acts directly en the tomacli, liver and kid neys. Purifies the blond, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good com plexion. Every bottlu guaranteed. Sold at Graham & Wells' drug store. 50 cents per bottlu. Twenty cases men's auct boy's new spring shoes opened at Nolan & Calla han's. Cure that Courjh with Shiloh's Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Creup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cts. Sold by Gra ham & Wells. Remember that those 20-ceiit dinners at the Commercial Restaurant can't be beat. Be not Deceived! A Cough, Hoarse ness or Croup are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save vou much trouble. Sold by Graham & Wells. TVere aro three little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant, the tee and Da Witt's Little Early Risers, the la;t beiar the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. Allen & Woodward. Ladies, Take the Best. If you are troubled with constipation, Sallow Skin, and a Tired Feeling, take Karl's Clover Tea, it ts pleasant to take. Sold by Gra ham & Wells. No deception practiced. No $100 Reward. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. HAYI Elvs Cream Balm contains no cocaine, merenry nor any other in- i'nriong drag. It opens and cleanses the Masai 'assagea, Allays Pain and Inflammation. Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taete and Smell. Is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at once. 50 cfs. at Druggists or by mail; Trial Size 10 cts. at Druggists or by mail. ELY BKOTHEKS, 56 Warren Street, New York Onion Laundry Go., All white labor work guaranteed. Basket leaves on Tuesdavs and arrives Saturdays: T. D. Campbeu, Agent, Secoa.-;lr.!! 4 CAt. The Royal is the highest grade baking powder known. Actual tests show it goas ooe thlrd farther than oar other broad. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKiNCt POWDCB CO., NEW YORK. .Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under s:gHed has been duly appointed executor of the estate of Samuel Rice, deceased, by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Benton county. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are requir ed to present the same properly verified to me at my residence iu Kings Valley, Oregon, or at the law wffice of E. Hel gate iu Corvallis, Oregon, within six month-, from the date of this notice. Dated April 1, 1898. t'HARLKS Edwih Rice. Executor. Sucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BKST SALVE in the world for Cut. Brunts, Sur.-s, Uler., Salt PJirum, Fvor 8urs, letter, Ch.iip-i5 Hands, Chil blains, Corn, :ind all Skin Eruptions, and positively euro Piles, or B pay required. It L guarantee -1 to give perfect satUfaeMon r money refunded. Price 25 emits pur Kx. For sale by (jrahatn Sc Walls, druggists-. Laxative Bra;-.. - Quixrao. Tablets move the bowels gCKtly, relieves the feverish Caimiilii atii4 heac:.;;c!-.e, niMkinr it tke be t and quiekott resncdy for Coughs, Col -sand L-yrippe. Cure.-, iu o-je day. Xo cure, no pay." Price 15 cents. Through Tourist Cars to St. Louis. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via M.-. Pacific, and every Wednesday via the Burlington route at 8:00 p. in. via the O. R. & N. through Salt Lake aud Denver without change to St. Louis, and under the super vision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep this service in mind when going east and consult O. R. & N. agents or address, V. H. Hl'RLBURT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. After yrnrs of untold suffering from piles, B. W. Fiir;ell nf Knitnersville, Pa., was cured by using a single box of DWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. Skin diseases ruch as eez-mn, rash, pimples and obstinate sore are ivud'iiy cured by this famous remedy. Allen ic W'oodwari. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undcr signud administratrix of the estate ef An drew Purdy, deceased, hits filed her final ac count in said estate in the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton eounty, and Tuesday, the 3rd day of May, 1A9S, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in thn county court room in the c- urt house in Corvallis, Ore gon, as the time and place Sxed for hearing objections, if any, to said f.nal account and the settlement thereof. Datid Ihh 18tb day of March, 1898. FANNIE E. PURDY, Administratrix. French candies at Hodes & Hall's. No Cure No Pay. That is the way all druggusts sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tou-ies. Don't annoy others by your coughing and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure euros coughs, colds, creug, grippn and all threat and lung trou bl . Allen & Woodward. XT. IB- VOG-LE OPTICIANS) Your eyes correctly fitted with a pair of SPExi Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burntd en the face and neck. Pain ws.s in.tantl.y relieved by DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the injary without leaving a sear. It is ths famous pile rcmody. AVlon & Woodward. Whooping cough is the most distressing malady; but its duration can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is -lso tho best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Alien & Woodward. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate ef O. B. Brown, deceased, has filed his final ac count in said estate iu the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton coun ty, aud Wednesday, tho 4th day of May, 1898, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in the county court room in the court house at Corvallis, Oregon, as the time and place fix-.d for hearing objections, if any, to said final account, aud the settlement thereof. Dated this 25th day of March, 1898. F. M. Johnson, Administrator. What pleasure is there in life with a bead uehv, constipation and billisnsness? Thous ands experience them who could become per fectly healthy by using DoWitt't Little Early Kiters, the famous little pills. Allan & Woodward. Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh's Vitalizer immediately relieves Sour Stomach, Com ing up of Pood Distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Gra ham & Wells. Rubber Necks Pardon the parlance, but it does tit our contemporaries so well Itt their feeble attempts to learn our methods or study our style. This Is a sincere store, and it's certainly at its best now. The new spring stocks are all in ; perfect assortment, sparkling styles, grat Ifying prices. The more particular you are, the more saving you are, the surer we are of selling you your Clothing, Hats or Furnish' Ings. It's a way we have. Suits made to order i"" a Li l 1 1 m SJp 3jJ5 y--. tyfi ijji r -JPr- -.ft- Jti... ..fa., ft THE ART OF LIVING And living well, is without question in JUDICIOUS MARKETING. Where you buy is of as much importance as what you buy and what you pay for it, when it comes to food. You want to know the surroundings of the tilings you are going to eat. Notice the cleanliness of our store. Everything is fresh and attractive. The prices are always rieht. I I ft iV jgfc JS. wHr..Jk jfft iftt rSs W "W1 'V The Racket's Up. "Up-to-date" is the m rtto-wf RACKET STORE. The goods are up Its Quality. Trade is coming up with a boom. Prices are not up, but that can't be helped. Purchasing direct of manufacturers saves whole sale jobbers profits, and, of course, customers must 1 have the benefit of this aaviiigr. -EiNEW YORK Your Small Boy Could do your marketing for you at our store. Let him stop here on his way froxi school and repeat your order. You may be sure it will be fillled promptly and iust as right as if you came yourself. A. NODES, Headquarters FURNITURE BARGAINS. Good Quality and Low A Call will Convince. ..Ribbons and Laces.. Soloman in all his glory was not bedecked with such delicate and pleasing RIBBONS, LACES, Etc., as represents the Spring purchase of he Cash Store. The newest shades and tints. THE CASH STORE, Next to the Postoffice. SPRING TIME! Advertising Seed in the It will bring a golden harvest. GAZETTE PUB. CO., CORVALLIS, OR. The Famous Make that 1 ' Style, Service, Satisfaction. 1 L. L Izl --ft . - Jjjf-ijjjc : I r&iBsSfejIV A.jog LAMPS, - CROCKERY, g? GLASSWARE. P. M. ZIEROLF. jinr-rfh: JSz. 3Be anflqaHfcAl - 'V iV V f IF- Vr iThe goods are up In Style. RACKET STORE. z3 v.; Prices is Our Motto. FRED G. CLARK. Corvallis, Oregon. This Is The Time For Plantin.2 ;(rir,ll GAZETTE