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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1898)
CORVALLIS, OREGON,' Mar. 25, iSgS. A gw Ladies' Long Coats that are being sold at a great reduction. If you want a large amount of goods for your money be si re and see them. All the capes and jackets in the department sold at a reduction. Hoffman & Heekarthave secured the contract lor building the Masonic temple to be erected oh Second street. Their bid was $4,827. The building will be- a two-story structure of handsome design I and finish and will be a great improve ; meat to Main street. J February was not a good mouth for j business. It is usually a quiet time. But i in April, May and June a rush Eiay be expected. Is the stationary you now have sufficient for increased trade? There is t nothing in the line of printing that can A H ,.,K1.nmKrlIa fnr mrPni- : improve upon the class of work turned QUEEN ESTHER. A Faultless Presentation of This Magnificient Cantata at the Opera House Tonight lots style in the 75-cent grade, and lots of wear too. If jou want a better one, you will find it here at teG same ratio of low price to good goods. R and G Corsets in styles and shapes that will fit any form. A line of Freuch ( 'mrsets, good fitters, made of Freueh cautil, drab and white. All grades to $3.50, tor $1.00. Have you seen our 50 cent and $1.00 line? There are no better for that price. S. E. VOUNG & SON, Albany, Oregon. Agents for Butt rick Patterns. LOCAL ILUTENLNtiS. of the JlethodUt sey Tuesday evcu- T. E. Wilson visited at home over tun day. Rev. Isaac Feart, church, lectured at Ha ing. Bowers & Case will change thir loca tion next week, removing lo the pojlul ficc building. Queen Esther, tuniht aud tomorrow iht, will be an ul tertainment to de lii.t every one. out at the Gazettk Job Office. The Morning Press of Santa Barbara, Cal., in its issue of March 13th, gives an extensive account of the pet stock show held in that city. The show was a signal success. C. A. Load, formerly a Corval lisite, was a director of the association aud was superintendent of the exhibition. The Press speaks in high praise of his management. Claude Ga'.ch, grand master of the grand lodge ol Oregon, will make an of ficial visit to Birnuui Lol;;e. No. 7, I. O. O. K., of this city, on Saturday evening of this weuk, at winch lime a special meeting of the lodge is called. A full at teudauce of members is requested, and visiting Wmthers are especially invited. S. L. Hays, Noble Graud. Next Friday evening a program of songs, addresses, recitations, etc., will be rendered at the court house by the young men's republican club and the ladies auxilary. There will be no set speeches, but the evening will be iu Ihe nature of a preliminary republican jubilee. Every body i cordially iuvited to attend. The program will be announced in next w.ek's papers. Married at the Presby tt rian parson age, Wednesday eve-ing, March 23, by Rev. E. J. Thompson, Edwin H. McBee and Rlai;or Butler, feolh of Benton coun ty. Tlu parties are wed ana favorably ' known and many kind wishes are ex- ; The bible has been industriously read in Corvallis of late. At least the beauti i fill story of Esther has engaged the at : tention of men, women and children, i for tonight aud tomorrow night Brad ! bury's famous cantata, founded upon the j biblical romance, is to be presented by ' local vocalists. The scene is laid in Persia. King Ahasuerus has married Esther, the Jewess, but was uninformed as to her nationality. She had been raided aud educated by her uncle Merdecai, one of the gate keepers Hamas, the King's favorite and chief counselor, feels himself insulted because Mordecai uol only refuses to bow down j to him when he passes, but teaches the others of his race to act similarly. Ha naau then induces the ki:g to sign a de ' cree authorizing the killing of all Jews upon a certain day. He then proceeds j to erect a gallows for Mordeeai's personal i use. Mordecai and the Jews beseech j Esther to intercede for them. She hesi tates, for to appear before the king un bidden, mesnt death, unless the king showed his favor by extending his scepter. She finally consents and her presence meeting the king's approval, she invites the king aud Hama-. to a feast aud Ahasuerus promises to grant any request she may prefer at that time. The night before the least, the king b--iug sleepless, had the records read to him aud discovered that Mordecai had once saved liis life, but had been in no way rewarded. He .summons Hainan and asks, "what shall be done unto a man whom the king delights to honor." Hawaii ihittkin makes suggestions and is dumbfounded when he finds the favors are for the des- Important War News. Gazettk: Portland, March 24. Spanish torpedo fleet starts west form Canary Islands. United States warships will meet it aud turn it back or sink the Spanish boats. The situation is most critical and there is every reason to believe that war will be a fact within a few davs. ' " Big Philomath Fire. Special to the Gazette: Philomath, March 25. Fire this morn ing t 2:30 destroyed the store, of J. W. Ingle and the Philomath postoffice. Nothing was saved. The buildings were owned by J. E. Henkle. The postmis tress, Mrs. Keezel, had a small stook of confectionery, etc. The origin of the fire is unknown. Ingle intended moving his stock today. The mail matter was saved. Was unable to learn at this hour auytkitis concerning insurance. Political News. George Waggoner has a letter iu U ed- tended to them for a long and happy j pised Mordecai. niM.ay's Uregouiau, giving some lulei esiing Alaskan information. W. Elkins, of Eugene, will conduct the ,-ervices at ihe Christian church next Sunday morning aui eveuiug. RiT. B. J. Kelly will preach at Inde pendent school Luu.x next Sunday at 11 a. ui. and at Philomath at 3 p. iu. li. F. Irvine, editor of the Times, wa eh.i man of the "reloim" press associa tion hat met iu Portland this week. Ti.e college baseball team aud the town boys play ball tomorrow afternoon j the college grounds, providing the weather permits. A late telegrai-i sttes that Secretary Alger has ordered his reindeer to Poit aU,i during the fusion convention, to pa-; ure ou the moss. The subject at the Congregational j chinch Hext Sunday morning will be "The Divine Leadership of Woman;" in the evening, "Dependence Upon God." j S.1 ject at Methodist Episcopal church Lord's day, moruiug: "Some sly meth ods wi Prof. Fowler, who is among us." E' ng: "The. great secret of true freedom." The father of Mrs. L. H. Additon, life. Thoy took the Thursday morning boat for Portland, but will return in a few days and make their home iu this county. In the show window of Gerhard's store was exhibited the roll of hoHOr prepared by M. Halleck Kriebel for county school superifcteu-ieat, Denman. It i-. a fine specimen of pen work, artistic i 1 conception and execution. It is to hang in the superintendents office, and j will contain the names of those pupils in the public schaol of the county who achieve the requisite number of marks in department, attendance and studies. Dr. Thompson has received many con gratulations on his sermon delivered last Corvallis SabVath eveniag at the Presbyterian church, regarding the relations of Spain, Cuba and the United States. A very I large audience was present and the clos ost attention was given to the -.iscourse from the beginning to the end. The The Willamette district Sunday schoul music was most excellent and tne soio ana Epwortli League conterence 01 the icndered by Miss Mabel Johnson was M. E. church, so;ith, convenes in Corval one f the fiueit ever sivcu in the city, lis today at 2 p. 111. and will finish its la- The condition of the covmty road lead- j b Sviday evening. Delegates from i in- from Corvallis to Monroe is inexcus- ! many churches will be present. The I ably bad. The greater portion of the The demo-populist combination iu this county has finally tacitly found a basis of agreemeat. The populists are to have the legislative ticket, county judge aHd commissioner. The democrats se cure the other offices. A prominent pop ulist is authority for the statement that ; Geo. Robinson, of Philomath, will be ! tha nominee for judge aud Hale, of j King's Valley, for representative. There ! is some talk of Telt Burnett coming out i on the union ticket for the office of re corder. Tyra Smith's candidacy for as sessor i; assuming formidable proportions and Alexander has no walkover. The McKinley club of Dusty lieU its regular meeting Tuesday uight, witJs a large number of members ad others present. The president of the club, R" himself to be the man, 1 J. Nichols, gave a very interesting aud thoughful address 011 the question of money. He also read the story of Jim Hagard's Patent Legs, and made a polit ical application was very apt. The liberty will !-e taken to print the stary and Mr. Nichols' application of it next week. After the address Messrs. Walsh, Hawley, Williams, Denman, Holgate and Thompson madebrief remarks. An improvised quartette, consisting of Messrs. Thompson, Denman, i'lolgate and Cronkite rendered svral selections. The Dusty club is fortunate iu having plenty of talent of its ow:h in the speak-in- line, but still it appreciates visitors: It is a live, progressive club and promises a healthy majority from Dusty for the entire republican ticket. Jesse B. Irvine will address the Dusty A TAX ON FARMERS. The Cost to Benton County of Bad Roads. Prof. Skelton's Figures. At the feast Esther tells the king that ! tha edict condemning the Jews io death includes hersself and begs protection for j herelf and people. The king's word cannot lie recalled, but the Jews are warned and armed and slay those that rise against them. Haitian is hanged on j the gabows prepared for Mordecai. "Aud i they all lived happily ever after." j .".raduury's cant , la is the story told i musieallv. It is a combination of splen did solos, duets, quartets ad choruses. Prof. Ware who lakes the part of Ha inan aud who has ad much experience in such work, has drilled the singers. He possesses one of the best and most highly cultivated voices ever heard in See cast elsewhere in this issue. Conference Comes. The virtual tax on farmers of Benton county imposed by our bad roads is tremendous. The progressive agriculturists are be ginning to discover that much of their profits is lost in the ruts along the highways, and agitation iu favor of good roads is increas ing. Prof. G. V. Skelton, the head of the department of mathematics and engineering at the Oregon Agricultural College, has studied the road question and is authority lor some startling, but thoroughly reliaclo figures. Permission has been given 10 publish the follow ing extracts of an address deliver ed by hilt) at the Tangent farmers' institute: ' 'There are few, if any. ques tions beloiu the people today that will compare in importance with the great problem of road consruc tion. The Oregon farmer is pay ing a greater tribute to poor roads, and that too without any return whatever, than to the chinch, to education and lo all branches ol government combined. This is a broad statement, but il can b ' iully substa-itialcd by fact.. "The agricultural department at Washington has carefully compil ed data trout which the following facts are deduced: "In the Pacific coast and rao.iu tain slates the average length of I haul ol farm products to market or shipping point is 23.3 miles; ihe average weight ol load for two horses is 2,197 pound."; the average cost of haulage per ton ol 2,000 pounds is 22 cents. It is estiina fsd that of eight leading staples shipped out of Benton county iu 1SD7, file surplus amounted to 23, 550 .ons valued at $014,015. il we take th average haul as six miles insiead of 23.3 we tind the cost of transportation at 22 cents per ton mile to be $31,093.92. But 22 cents is the cost on the average road of the west, which is lar ahead of tha average Benton county road. To this we might The Royal is the highest grade baking powder L-owu. Actual t es'.-s onow it goes one third farther taea any ether broad. AbsiiL.tsty Pure ROYAl BAKING POWDZ2 CO., NEW YCRK. .Latter List. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Corvallis postoffice, unclaimed March 19. 1S98: Wm. Castle, VVm. Hall, Mr. McMing, Lizzie King, Miss Adah Post, Mrs. Jane Reader, John Stapleton, Thos. Sickles, Nettie Taylor, Mrs. Lillie Vise. B.W. Tohxson, P. M. Buckien's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for CuU, Brniars, Snr.vs, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fnver Soims, Tetter, Chnj.pvd Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and f oiitiv"ly eurmi Piles, or mu pay required. It U guaranteed hi jrivc perfect satisfaction r money refunded. Price 25 cunts pvr box. For sale by Graham & Walls, lirugjjist!-. Laxative Br3t.i Quixiso Tablets move thz bowels gently, relieves the feverish conditio.-, and heattacke, making it the be-.t and quiskt rewedy for Coughs, Col Js and La grippe. Cure-, in oae day. "So cure no pay." Pice 25 cent's. Through Tourist Cars to St. Louis. A touri.;t sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Me. Pacific, aud every Wednesday via the Burlington route at 8:00 p. m. via the O. R. & N. through Salt Lake aud Denver without change to St. Louis, and under the super vision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep this service iu miud when going east and consult O. R. & N. agents or address, W. H. HurlburT, General Passenger Ageut, Portland, Or. cUb uext Tuesday night, and the house j aJtl ike amolmt to represent tilt program i. as follows: Friday aftruon 2 o'clock, devotiot road is iu splendid shape, but a stretch former resident of Corvallis, died at his of about three miles not far from Cor- al exercises, led by C. t.. lJeLasnmutt. home in Massachusetts a short time a-o, vallis. is so cut up with ruts and holes j 2:5. organization, adoption of consti aged y2 years. He was a large properly as to make travel intensely disagreeable, tution aad by laws, and election of of owner. j if no dangerous. Th road is easily ficers- ten) in iulittan d tl, hnchiM! mpn JtTiaay evenm trl '. W reception, aa- of Corvallis we it lo themselves to see that it is put in rood condition. One hundred dollars would fix Ihe bad places and bring $1000 in trade to towu. A surprise party was s,dvcn Miss Nettie : service led b' Jo!l" Herran. McCnlUugh at the residence of C. W. ' 9: rePorls from Snnday s- it Vein'; 10:00, iuc pastors relation 10 me music will be provided for these services. 1 llss Nettie's 19m Dirumay. adoui 20 A very kind welcome to all. I young people wen present and the even will be packed, for the peplo of Dusty know that J. B. can give them a rousing talk. He bubbles over with geuuiue re publicanism. T. T. Gear will address the club later, but the exact d?te is not yet known. He will be enthusiastically received. The democratic and populist conven tions elected delegates to the state con -ventioa, adopted resolutions on every subject iu sight and adjourned. T. T. Geer has a strong lollowing iu lieuton countv. iaeu h Williams is I wood, building and fencing mater ial, freight hauled iu for home I consumption and other itorns not I included in the above, and we will eczom ; have the snug sum of $62,187.84. jit is also estimated by the depart- nient of agriculture alter a very 'careful study of the relative cost ioii transportation in localities hav- 1 mg goeu mails and in tliose not having them, that very nearly, if not two-thirds ol this amount or After years of untold suffering from piles, B. W. Pursell t' Knitneiiville, Pa., was cured hy using a single box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. Skin diseases tuck as Fttsh, pimple and obstinate sores 1 are readily cured by this famous remedy. Allen cc Woodward. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given '.hat the under signed administratrix of the estata of An diuw Purdy, deceased, has filed her final ac- hardly considered a candidate, but he is $4 1 ,45S.5S, Iltarly seven per Cent j c"nt estat in tha county ceart of R-v. P. A. Mose3 and wife start this wee for a visit to their old home in j Missouri, takiag advantage of the low passenger rates. They will be gone twe mouth-. The service at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath, both morniur and even- ing, -vill be of special interest. Extra 1 Thrasher on Tuesday evening, dresses of welcome by Rev. W. J. Fen ton an J Victor P. Moses; responses by Miss May Shelton and Miss )v'.na Finley. Saturday morning 8:30, devo.ional Evangelical church next Sunday as follaws: Suuday schaol at 10 a. m.; junior endeavor at 3; K. L. . E. meets al 6:30; preaching at 7:30, subject "The Safe Way." The revival services at the United Evangelical church are still in progress and the interest seems increasing. Rev. H. L. Pratt, of Salem, is assisting this week. The meetings will continue over j Sunday. f Mist. Jennie Mallett, of Portland, will give her second lecture to the ladies at the Evangelical church, south of court j home, on Saturday, March 26th, at 2 p. m. The subject will be, "Health the law ot life." The trustees of the Methodist church, south, have decided to build their new j church on the southeast corner of their b.ock. The plans call for a beautiful and imposing edifice. Work will be commenced soon. Miss Walker, of Portland, arrived in Cora lis Wednesday. Together with Miss ennie Mullet, Miss Walker repre sents ihe Viavi Company for Linn, Ben ton -nd Lincoln counties, with head quar ers at Corvallis. Mrs. John Spaagler and daughter Lulu returned Tuesday from California. Ti:ey visited Mart Spingler in San Fran-ci-co and Mrs. Spaagler's sister, Mrs. Sp edel, iu southern California. They had an enjoyable trip. The address f Rev. Krause at the col lege Friday night greatly pleased Ihe au dience. His description of the wonders of the Yellowstone National Park were vivid and realistic. It was an interesting sub 1 ct entertainingly handled. The Baptist church enjoyed a kind of "red letter day" Sunday. Expect Rev. G. Parker, B. G. M., to preach next Sun day morning and eveuiug. He will ad dress a juniors rally at Baptist church at A. o'clock. Cordial invitation to all. 10:30 lunch was serv retired to their re versation, etc. At I ed, after which all spective homes wisVunjr the young l.dy j many more birthdays as happily spent as ; ker 19th. Those present were: Misses Ora Reed, Mildred Linnville, Ivy Smith, . Grace Scwtt, Minnie Burnett, Helen El- i gin, Mel vena Elfjin, Winnie Cameron j Jennie Mullett and Bertha Thrasher; 1 Meisrs. Elgin, Walters. McBride, Brown, Patterson, Skeltoa, Prof. Ed ware.-, Reed, ! Cameron. T.e local gold democrats were amused at the "came back" editorial in the Times recently ad lresssd to them. Oner of :l:e:u remarked, "Tne gold democrats j arc not troubled about their pc&itien in politics. We do not waut offices and it is more than probable thai we will have an opportunity to vote far a ticket that is satisfactory to ourselves, and one, by1 the ay, that is almost certain to be elected. The Times need not worry about u. We are inclined to believe that we can dispense with the vervices of a political mentor, especially one that is itself iu the quaspnires of political er rors. I exps;t though,'- he addsd slowly, "that the Times' co:-itingency would re.illy like our help." Julian McFadden wears the air of a conqueror. Monday afternoon he hap pened to dhcuss with a knot of meu, the .1 Dr. King's New Discovery, gays that last winter his wife was attacked vith La Grippe, and her cafe grew so serious that physicians at Cowden ad Pana could do time it would take to carry a half cord of nothing for her. It seernsd to develop into j greeu maple wood, lying by the curb- ! hasty consumption. Hieing Dr. King's ! stone, i 10:00 Snnday school," by J. E. Jeuks. 10:40, "The superintendent aud his du ties," by Rev. John L. Jones. 11:20, "The school's organization," Clayton Herron. 12:00, adjournment. Saturday afternoon i:,o, devotional exercise-., led by .D. R. Mill. a:oo. reports from the leagues. 3:00, "The devotional' department," Mrs. W. W. Smith. 3:40, "The literary department," by Miss Hallie Reynolds. 4:20, "Tne League and worldly amuse ments," Miss Elsie Thomas. 5:00, adjournment. Saturday evening 7:30, "Successful methods of Sunday achool and league work," five minute talks by deligates and preachers. 10 00, "A model Sunday school," by John B. McFarland. 11:00, sermon by Rev. J. M. Peters. Afternoon and evening 3:00, children's mass meeting, addressed by Rev. Walter Millian and Miss Loretta Smith. 7:30, address by Hon. E. R. Skipworth, closing with a praise service. well regarded everywhere. Iu case Mar ion county does not secure the governor ! might ship, the nomination of Claude Gatch as j farmer secretary of state would give great satis faction to nearly every republican in the county. "Clean men!' is the universal demaud- The Bcntoy delegation to the state convention will almost assuredly be for Geer, although it is hardly likely that any instruction will be given. The free silver parties at Portland had not effected a fusion when we went to press. The populists insist 011 dictating I terms, and among other demands, make the adoption of the populist Omaha platform av . the management of the union campaign by populists, a condi tion of fusion. Democrats say that such a union would mean certain defeat. An effort will be mvde to nominate Major Bruce for joint rep resentative instead of Abe Clark, who was virtually promised the place. It is probable that some sort of a fusion will be effected today, but from the present o.-.tlook it will not be very satisfacton- to any of the parties concerned. The Surprise of All. What Dr. A. E. Salter Says. Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases of advanced consumption, I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It has certainly saved may from Consumption. Sld by Graham & Wells. Mr. James Jon-s, of the drug firm of nies asd Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of For Sale. I wish to sell ray ne-half interest in the Commercial Restaurant, Corvallis. Terms cash. - Sam Wong. A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through the heusi nt night. But the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Couprh Care has been administered. Safe and harmless for children. Allen & Woodvrard. 4 Main street, upstairs to his fa- New Discovery in stsrc, and selling lots ef ther's office in the bank building. Billy Williams finally wagered a dollar that it, he to k a bottl? horn;, ana to the sur prise of all she begfin to get brett-r from the Julian could nt do it within an hour, i nr5t dot and hi dozen dollar bottles Tie challenge was accented, aud I cured hr 5llnd ancl wft"- Dr- Ki"BS Now "Jude" pitched in. He toiled like a -iant at the beginning, but before the last load was earrU-d up his legs had a Bill Gird wabble and his eyes bore a wish-I-were-through expression. Hjwever, he had the last stick piled away in 41 minutes, winning the racs against time. His ad as an expert w-odstacker has not The Christian Endeavor Societies of yet appeared. Corvallis will meet with th; Epworth League of the M. E. church, south, at the uual hour. T!-:e Willamette confer ence of the league meets here this week, whi h gives occasion to the union meeting- The Oregon State Dairyman's Associ ation will meet in the court house at Al bi y, Monday aMol Tuesday, March 28 and 29. First session at 2 p. to., Monday. Speakers from Portland, Albany and Cor va lis will address the meetings. F. L. K NT, Secretary. King Ahasuerus, under the influence of Esther, turned out to be a pretty good j yoilr f0:.Hl nourish you, sort of a fellow. It is a legend amoiiR ! strong and fat and hearty th- Persians that when his majesty was enjoyin; his last illness and felt that the bl-ck winged angel would soon cscert h m to fairer lands, he expressed only o e regret. He would be thoroughly satisfied could he have lived, until 189S, to enjoy one of Spencer's fazious shaves. if strength is what you want, you should study what causes your weakness. It is practically tack of food. But you at three meals a day, and all you ens eat nt a time. Y--, but do you digest it? Food undigest ed is n;t food. It is aot nourishment. It doMi't create strength. To d g'st your food take Shaker Digest ive Cordial at meals. After awhile joti will digest your food without it. Then yu will g-t well and strong nv,d healthy. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures indiges tion and nil its symptoms, such as nausea, headach, eructations, pain in the stomnfih, giddiness, loss of appetite, etc. It makes and make you DrUT-dsts sell it. Trial bottle 10 cents. Discovery for con.umption, i-oughs and colds is guirantoe-t lo dt thi-. got work. Try it. Free trial bottle.-, at Oraham & Weill' drug store. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice b hereby given that the c3-?,art- nurship hitkerto existing between W. D. A Dude's Soliloquy. A dude, after having partaken of one of those excellent 20 cent meals at the Commercial Restaurant, was heard to ex claim, "By Jove! my stomach must have shrunk, I am weally too full for speech." Nolan & Callahan's new spring stock will arrive early in March. Twenty cases men's and boy's new Kay snd W. II . Kay, merchants, is this 5P""S slloes opened at Nolan & Calla- day ditsolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the late firm are to be paid to W. H. Kiy, he to assume all liabilities due by the late firm. W. D. Kay, W. H. Kay. Dusty, Or., Mir. 11, 189S. ! ban's. We nre anxious to do a little good in this world and crn think of no pleasaeter or bet icr v:ay t, do it than by "recommending Oao Minute Cough Cure as a preventive uf pneu monia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected cold-. Allen & Woodward. Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Curs, a id no hoi:- should -e without it. Pleasant to take and goes J rightto th? spot. Sold by Graham & Wells. Remember that those 20-cent dinners at the Commercial RestauraHt can't be beat. Children and adults tortured by burnt, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Salve. It is the great Pile remedy. Allen & Woedward. the value ol the entire surplus have been saved to the bv good roads. This estimate does not take in to accouut the convenience aud comfort ot the farmer, the social and educational advantages of good roads, the increase in thu value of real estate, the advantage to the farmer of being able to market his products when the prices are best, or the advantage to kirn of being able to raise crops that he cannot now get to market becauso the roads are im pasable" at the time lor selling. The Hem of storage at two cents ji; r busltfl upon the 031,000 bush el- il wheat shipped out of tine county amounted to $12,620. A large part of this might be saved to the farmers by good roads. Again I thinK it would be con ceded by all that the increase in the value of real estate would amount to enough to convert our present poor roads into good gravel ones. "If, instead of wasting this $41, 45S.56 per year, the county would pay it into a road lund it would pay five per cent interest on $414, 585.60 and five pr cent into a sinking fund, which, if kept in vested at five per cent interest, would pay oft the principal in less than 15 years. This $414,585 would build aboxt SO miles of the best stone road or from 209 to 500 miles of good gravel road. The county would have the use of the roads while paying for them and in 15 years woula own them and be out of debt. Th money and labor now expended upon the roads would keep the gravel or stone roads in perfect repair. Is it not time for agitation of the road movement?" the state of Oregon, for Benton uounty, and Tuesday, the 3rd day of May, 1495, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in the county court room in the eur( house in Corvallis, Ore gon, as the time and place ixod for hearing objections, if any, to said final account and the settlement thvreof. Dated this 18th day of March, 1898. FANNIE E. PURDY, Administratrix. Free Pills. Send yur address to H. E. Buckles Jb Co., Chicago, and gt a frea sampla box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convinco you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and ure particularly ef fective in the cure of constipation and sick headache For malaria antt liver troubles they nave been provd invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly freo from v- ery deleterious substance aad to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greutly invigorate the system. Reg ular size 25c. per box. Sold by Graham Jt Wells, drugr'--ts-French candies at Hodes & Hall's. No Cure No Pay. That is the way all druggusts sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC tor Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nanseati.g Tosties. The fas-siBil Btgutsn Of Tk . a Is OB For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the Great Blood Purifier CKres Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Graham & Wells. Notice of Final Settlement; Speedy Gotm Treat jtsvt for torturing;, dlsflg tuing, itching-, becning, and scaly skin and scalp diseases with loss othair. Warm baths with On ticura Soap, gentle applications of Cutioura (ointment), and fa'A dosi-s ef Cutigttba Eesol vbht, greatest of blood purillars and humor cores ticura Is Gold tr.romrhrmt the world. Potxss JDBTtg & Ch-sm. Corp.. Sole Props., Boston. 09 ' How to Core Itch, the Ski a Deoaes,MfrM. RED ROUGH HANDS gofteTiM an Beautified . by crmcuBA Boat. Notice is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estate of O. B. Brown, deceased, has filed his final ac count in said estate iu the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton coun ty, and Wednesday, the 4th day of May, 1898, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in the county court room in the court house at Corvallis, Oregon, as the time and place fixtd for hearing objections, if any, to said final account, and the settlement thereof. Dated this 25th day of March, 1898. F. M. Johnson, Administrator. Tlionsancls sri Trying It. In order to provo the creat merit of F.iy's Cream Uahu. tha nut effective- ewre f t Catarrh R"d Cold in lle-.d, ve Vav.o pro pared a generals trial :.iko for 16 ts. Gt it eS y ur druggist or send 19 cents is ELY BUO"., ES Warrex St., IT. T. City. I suffers 3 fros:. ca'xiiTv of thn wor4 kind ever BCisa a boy, trad i aovcr hoped fr eure, but Ely'-s Cream Knliu eeens te t; even tait. Miay acquaintance have used it with exscllcat re?-.dts. Oscar Oetruui, 45 Warren Avo., Chicsrp, 111. Kly's Crea--a Balm is tha aslmnwkdged cn-ro for catarrh an t contains i cocaine, mere'jry nor any injurieus drag. Price, Sg cents. At draggists er by atail. Don't annoy others by your coughing and risk your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, crug, gripp's and all throat and lung trou bles. Allen & Wosdward. XT- H3 VOG-LE OPTICIAN Your eyes correctly fitted with a pair of SPEX. What pleasure is there in life with a head ache, constipation and biilU-asncss? Thou: ands experience them who could become per fectly healthy by using DeWitt't Littlt! Early Risers, the famous little pills. Allen & Woodward. Miss Allic Hughe, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by DoWitt'g Witeh Hazel Salve, which healed the injai-.y without leaving a scar. It is tbs famous pile remedy. Allen & Woodward. Department Our neiv Spririg Suitings and Trouserings have arrived. Latest styles in foreign and domes tic fabrics. Suits to Order froml$ 13.50 to $50 Pants " " " 4.00 to 10 Workmanship and fit guaranteed. Cleaning and repairing receive prompt attention. THE ART OF LIVING W LAMPS, W CROCKERY, ijgr 0 GLASSWARE. 4 Aud living well, is without question in JUDICIOUS aMARKETING. Where you buy is of as much importance as what you buy and what you pay for it, when it comes to food. You want to know the surroundings of the things you are going to eat. Notice the cleanliness of our store. Everything is fresh and attractive. The prices are always right. P. M. ZIEROLF. The Racket's Up. "Up-to-date" is the motto of the RACKET STORE. The goods are up Iti Quality. t'fhe goods are'up In Style. Trade i coming up with a boom. Prices are not up, but that can't be helped. Purchasing direct of manufacturers saves whole sale jobbers profits, and, of course, customers i-nuist ft . t have the benefit of this saving." ;.7-:s " JNEW YORK RACKET STORE. t I Your Small Boy Could do your marketing for you at our store. Let him stop here on his way froxi school and repeat your order. You may be sure it will be fillled promptly and just as right as if you came yourself, jjjl (V (K iWa, A. MOOES, Headquarters FURNITURE BARGAINS. Good Quality and Low Prices is Our Motto. A Call will Convince. FRED G. CLARK. 46 In the springtime gentle Annie" You find your wardrobe deficient in mtmy small but important articles. Money is not greatly in evidence, but your needs are. There is one business house in Corvallis where these apparently conflicting conditions can be recon ciled. Ladies are invited to inspect the stock and prices of Near the Postoffice. THE CASH STORE. Whooping cough is th most distressing malady; but its duration can be eut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is . lso the best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubles. Alien & "Woodward. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secured with Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Na sal injector free. Sold by Graham & Wells. ; Dining Parlors and Bakery, SUBSTANTIAL WELL-COOKED MEALS. THE BEST CUP OF COFFEE IN THE COUNTRY. S Confectionery. Smoker's Goods. Novelties. Modes & Hall's