CORVALLIS, OREGON. Mar. II, 1S98. A few Lad es' Long Coats that are being sold at a gre at redaction. If you want a large amount of goods for your money be sure ami see them. All the capes and jackets iH the department sold at a reduction. A good servicable umbrella for 50 cents; lots style in the 75-cent grade, and lots of wear too. If you want a better one, you will find it here at teG same ratio of low price to good goois. R and G Corsets in styles and shapes that will lit uny form. A line of French Corsets, good fitters, made of Freueh cautil, drab and white. All grades to $3-50, tor $1.00. Have you seen our 50 cent and line? Thero are no better for that price. S. E. YOING & SOH, Albany, Oregon. Agents for Butt rick Pattern s LJCAL HAPPENINGS. Council meets Monday night. George Homing has been over in Lin coin county buying cattle. Lyinai Kelsay is working ou the Elder, j plying between Portland and Skagway. Horsethoe pitching is engaging the spare tiui. of some Corvallis business men. Chas. M. Smith has purchased the D. B. Mulkey place, the c msiderati an be ig 4,000. District A torney Yates and Judge Mc Fadden attended circuit court in Escae this week. John Simpson and John Scrafford re- turned Monday trom a fishing trip on the Yaqnina river. Mrs. Winnie Hol:;ate returned to her heme in Portland, Tuesday, after a short visit with Corvallis relatives. NOW. You need business stationery now. Get ihe newest styles. Get the best. The Gazette job office can satisfy j Services of uuusual interest at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath, both morning auji evening. A very kind welcome to all. One hundred and three votes were polled at tl.e school election Moaday. A. F. Hershner for director, and Wm. Buchanan, clerk, were re-elected. The Alumui Association of the O. A. C met last night to arrange for the an nual reunion and to discuss other matters of special interest t the organization. The reception will be given to the new aske(1 to appoint a ,imjlar committee and members of the Methodist church and it is propose(i to have a unique a id in those who are not decided as to their j lercstjnw celebration. membership, Thursday evening, March 17th. Revival services are being conducted at the Christian and United Evangelical churches. Both are very interesting, well attended and have bornt good fruit. The tournament at the bowling alley closes Saturday night, and many of the bowlers have already completed their eames. The next series will be a handi cap contest. M A fifty-cent "shin plaster" was taken in at the posloflnce this week, in the reg mlar course of business. This kind of Uncle Sam's money is rarely seen out side of col iectious. Geo. Eilin has been very successful in ! his canvassing fer Shepp's Giant librry, J a very useful and desirable work. He expects to secure the exclusive right to j canvass Oregon for this book. j The Eagcue G. A. R. post has passed j resolutions condemning President Haw- ley, of Willamette university, for saying in a recent lecture that Johu Brown was a trahor, liar, thief and murderer. I Congregational church of this city. Mr. I so far ti,js seasou. They saw Aliie Tne entertainmcut given Saturday j Krausi has traveled extensively in the Thempsm at Colton. Ha wa- ia ap evening by the ladies of the Christian j great park and has seen its beauties and pa-tiuly g ,e health and enjoyed the church was a success ia every particular, j mysteries through the eyes of a lover of! frjeBdhip of every one. Notwithstand- A large crowd was in attendance and the interesting program was well rendered. D. C. H;;ron, grand lecturer of the A, G. U. W., addressed a large audience at men's lepablicau club has elected the 1 the opera house Friday night, on the I following officers: President, Mrs. M. H. j advantages of the order. Au interesting Kriebel; vice-president, Mrs. A. W. Bow program was rendered by local talent. ersox; secretary, .Mildred Linville; treas- ! . , . r .. ... . i urer, Mrs. Wade; critic, Miss Reed. Xhe Pin ata or Ktnr will hf eltefl I 1 ' under the auspices of the ladies of the j rresbyterUu church instead of the Ep- : worth league, as announced last week. ! The soloists and choruses ar drilling ! daily. This afternoon at Albany the state uni versity and Albany college teams play a game of indoor baseball. A number of Corvallis people, who intend hearing the oratorical contest will go over in time to see the game. Wm. McClure, a man about 3S years old, died iu this city last Sunday morn ing, of consumption. He leaves two lit tle girl who will be provided for by their uncles. The remains were taken to Newberg for burial. August Hodes' little boy was bitten on the hand by a horse Wednesday, badly lacerating the tendons, and making nec essary the assistance of a physiciau. He was feeding ths animal some -grass when it snappe-1 at him, biting his hand. Mrs. G. S. 0. Humbert, of Eugene, will oscopy the pulpit at the Christian church nexi Sunday, morning and even Mrs. Humbert preached here last Sunday au(j marry a rich farmer's daughter." and all who heard her speak in lh high-j He intends visiting his old home iu est praise of her ability and earnestness, j I9oo, and at the same time see the Paris Tomorrow the O. A. C. '.aseballists j exposition, play the Philomath nine in this city. It ; The new postal cards are smaller than will be no disgrace for the college the old ones and are neater in appear lads to suffer defeat at the hands of the ance. The "paternalism" of the post Fuilomathites, for the smaller burg has office department is illustrated by two re some very good players. Tom JJedlay cent local cases. A woman sont a post will not umpire. ofiace order for $6 to an eastern company The Willamette Valley is not a sugar beet country. Beets raised here are fair- ly rich in sugar but do not hold it. Un- letter- but Pa'"nt on the order was til some method is devised to arrest PP- This woman appreciated Uk Chemical action ou the beets after they cIe Sam's vigilance, but another woman gathered, anv talk of sm?ar iadtistrv ; who had a lctter containing money, and in the valley is futile. James Flett has invented a bicycle lug- : V. : L ii ;j 1 gage carnci nui.u u nucis who uavc j seen it prosounce to be "just the thing." j It can be adjusted to any moderate sized i package and when not in use can be compactly folded out of the way. It is a nseful contrivance. The young men's republican elub meets tonight at the court house. All republican voters of the county under the age of 36 years are invited to join the club. Come out to the meeting or give your name to the secretary, Oren Clark, at A. Hodes' store. Tl. Cl.aVacro.-. I. . f Tin.. r D . . . . . , , , was well attended and proved to be a lit- .... ., . crarv treat. Mr. .Montague is wen versea . ... - . . . , , . r . . . a happy faculty of presenting the subject ... : B 6 , . , ... eagineer and assistant, of the Corvallis - , fire department. Henry Carter was nora- . . , , . ,. , . . , mated for chief bv Younsr America and , , .' , Ed. Clarke, assistant. These ofScers .... , , ,.,. will be elected, the Hook & Ladder com- . ,. . ' . pany declining to put candidates 111 the , ' field. Thi- little girl of Jeweler Vogle had a narrow escape from serious injury Satur - day night. She was at the entertainment in the opera kaase with her parents, when one f the gallery supports fell on imilUHVll tUUL Hill IJC CICLICU V 1 1 1 1 1 her. Luckily some rane near saw it fall ing in time to break the force of llie blow and no serious damage rvsulted. Tonight, at Albany, occurs the inter collegiate oratorical ccntest. All of Ore gon's leading educational institutions will be rji rt-senter' .!r. Gilstrap being the O. A. C. champion. A large number of citizi .nid students df-tire to attend and if roier arrangements can be made a spec 1 train will take them to Albany an I bic. "-, ': ' A large rew gas generator is being put " posman at uie couegc, to lurnisu gas iu. .He uoucse aim siauuu UHwnf iiiu- oratories. It fnrnisheJ too lights, which is double the capacity of the one now in Hse. The old eu - will be used to furnisli light and heat for the bacteriological and physieal laboratories. The generator is a Tirrill machine. Chas. Pillsbury, the Minneapolis flour mill magnate, was lu Portland Ttwsdar and diicussed l- wheat market. Hr professes to believe thai May wheat in Chicago will bring $1.25. Pillsbury is on the bull side of the wheat market and it is to his interest to talk wheat up, but still holding farmers can reasonably take encouragement fraj his n. rds. The senior class at the O. A. 0. form ally challenged the faculty Wednesday mnruin- at of baseball. chapel exercises, to a game Miss Hulda H dde.i is man ager of the senior team and presented the challenge. President Gatch immed iately appintd Prof. Ida Callahan as manager of the faculty nine, and a game between thetw teams will likely be played soon. Corvallis firemen are already planning for for a 4th of July celebration. Young America company has appointed the fol lowing committee, Virgil Waiters, S. L Kline and Wm. Curnn, who will confer with a committee from the H. & L. com pany. The Ladies Coffee Club will be Crosby Matthews, in the Newport Wells Fargo office, has been arrested on the charge of e ubezzling Ji,6oo of the company's funds. He gave bail for his appearance before the grand jury. The alleged sliorta is sai.l to cover a period of several years, but it was r.ot slated j wny a aiscovery was not made belore. Judge Hufford was in Newport last w;ek ojking after the defendant's interest. Subject or text at Methodist Episcopal church Lord's day, morning "He turned aside to see the carcass of '! e lion, and behold thera was a swarm ol bees and honey in the carcass of the lion, and he took theresf in Ui ha-ds aud did eat and gave to his fat -er a:td mother, and they did eat." Judges 14:8 9. Evening: "Woe to them that sew pillows to the armholes." Ezekiel 13:18. xhe tenth lecture in the Agricultural College lecture course will be on the subject of that w-jaderland, the Yellow Stone National Park, and will be deli v- ered by Rev. F. O. Krause, of the First nature. The lecture will b; illustrated ' ; by lantern views. The !a lies' auxiliary of young the The cooperation of all young republican and oki de,oclatlc ladles ls requested, Those dlrlu to J'" th organization can leave their names with the secretary or any member. The fire alarm sounded about 2 o'clock Tuesday morning, the first time in many months. The barns of Jas. Cauthoru and John Stewart, which joined, were de stroyed. Some thought the fire was the work of a hobo, bui it is the opinion of Nightofficer Beach that a local character who was under the influence of liquor, could tell how it happened. The wind was still, or else a more disastrous confla gration would have to be reported. Roman Euiil Zahn secured his final na turalization papers this week and is now a full fledged American citizen. Mr. Zahn is a native of Prussia aud was born and raised near the Russian line. He has been in the Unittd States seventeen years and admires this country and its institutions, but still believes he made a mistake in leaving his old home where, he said, "I could always get work at my trade at $ 2 er day, be with my people, that the Rovernmeut has discovered to j a fraud- The "company" received the j addressed to a saide couctrn, returned to her, thinks the department ha.- cheated her out of a fine bargain. For constipatioii take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the Great Blood Purifier Cvcres Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions on the face, and makes the head clear as a bell. Sold by Graham & Wells. A GREAT FACTORY. Heavy Investment in Oregon Enterprise Result of the Ex periment Station's Work. I About the 1st of September, it is ex pected, the big sugar beet factory at La , .... . . . Grande will be in active operation. It is . . . " , : to be i mammoth affair, the plant cost ing $450,000. In importance it probably , , , , . . ranks above any other factory in the state I , , 1 rrom rroi. oaaw are learuea many iu- ! . , . . ... teresting facts concerning this new en- ! , . - . , . , . . : terprise, the first of its kind in Oregon, : S, j r The plaat will grind up 350 ton of su- . . , , , gar teets eaeh 24 hours, which means an .. . . . , output for that time of 35 tons of sugar. . , . . , . . The company has contracted for the beet . , , , , product of 3,700 acres of land, it pays jpar ton for beets carrying trom 12 to 1 H per ecnt sllgar and 25 cents for each j additional per csmt. The average yield 1 fa aboQt ,5 tOHS to tlje acre an1 the cost i f raisiu bc-ts is about is about fco per I acre, whieh leaves a handsome profit, j The largest single contract is with the Pierce Iand Cx. which is t rai:e 600 acres caf belts. Kxperiniental work shows the beets of that section to aver age lusher in sujrar richness than those ef anv other locality where the manu j facture of beet saar on a commercial j scale is carried on. Owing to the nicily adjusted and labor saving machinery, it will be necessary t employ only about 2eo men, but, indi rectly, the fictary will furnish work to many others, wood choppers, farm help, etc., and help build up the home market. 7,000 cords of wood has been engaged for the first season's run. The factory will use fur carloads of limestone each 24 huurs, which' will come fror.i Hunting - ton. The machinwry is ordered from E. H. Dyer & Co., and the kearier parts are now on the road. It will require 130 cars to bring the machinery acres.- the continent. It is all of the very latest pattern. David Kccles, mayor of Ogde.i, Utah, is the chief raonied man of tke enter prise. He has a large interest in a new factory at Ogden also. The citizens of LaGrsnde raised a subsidy of 80,000, which prjiui-cy; to be money well invest ed. Tiios. Culler is manager and C. A. Granger superintendent. The former was seven years manager of the Lehigh factory, which has beej a wonderful stic- cess in the face of great difficulties. Mr. j Grander was also with the Lehigh for ; seven years, and for many years prior j was in the beel fields and suar factories of California. Beside the 450,000, the cost of the plant, as much more will bs necessarily I invested in operating the factory. The J beneficial results of this investment will be far reaching. The establishment of this factory can I be honestly credited directly to the ex penmen'- -lation connected with the Ore gou Agricultural College. The station sent out beet seed:, requesting farmers in different portions of the stale te ex periment with them. Many gladly re sponded, and the later t-'sls earned on at the station I that the LrGrande aHd a few other beets were very rich in sllgar. Ai SOOH as tue wideawake actm peopie of LaGraude understood the ca pabilities of their soil iu this matttr, i they Vegan an a jitation for a factory, I and backed no by th. station's data, they secured it. Iu the establishment of this one factory alone, ihe experiment station has repaid its cost for many years. Home Acrain. Mr. John Simpson, senior partner of the firm of Siraps'U Sc. Hustan, with his wife and daughter arrived Tuesday from an extended trip through the southern portion of California. They thoroughly CHj3'e 1 their holiday of over four months aud return ix splendid health. They were in Los Angeles a large part of the time aud found it a most delightful place. The chief drawback is the lack of rail, ol,iv four iches havine fallen ing all the pleasant things he met, Mr. Simpson expresses himself as being glad to j;et back to Oifs;on. Populists. The populists of Benton county, Ore- gon.will hold a primary election iu every j precinct 111 tue county on March 12,189b, at I o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates to the county conven tion, and also to vote upon the question of union or no union with the prohibi tionists, free silver republicans and free silver democrats upon one otate ticket. All voters who supported John Whita ker or William Dillon for representative in 1896, or who arc now iu rxcord with the people's party principles of direct legislation and government issue of money, are requested to attend aud vote atthesai, primary. Nels. H. Chairman of the People's Party for Ben ton county. Late Telegraph News. The house bill appropriating 50,000, 000 to b put in the president's hands for a defense fund, passed the senate without a dissenting vote. The house vote pre viously taken was also unauiuiou-.. The government is sending agents to Europe for the purpose of examining war vassels offered for sale. Both the United Slates and Spain are hurrying preparations for war, but maay think the crisis is over. Spain is exprienci .g great difficulty in raising funds. Five lives were lost in the burning of .1 hotel at Dyea. Household Goods. The ancitnt Greeks bvHevod that the Psn- 'CjS were the gods whs a'-tended to the wel fare and prosperity of the family. They wer household pods in every hnne. The household god -f to day is Dr. King's New Discercry. For consumption.coughs, colds and for r.ll affections cft'reat, chest an J lungs it is invaluable. It has been tried for a of a century an is guaranteed to cure, or money retnrned. No household should be without this good r.ngel. It is pleasant to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and young. Fre trial bottles at Graham & Wei's' drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1.00. Entertainment Of the Young Women's Christian As sociation Saturday, March 12, 1898, at the opera house. The following pro gram will be rexdercd: Music Revel ef the Nai.-.ds ..Nine young ladies Pantemine, The Lotus Eaters-.Tennysou Lalia Porter, Minnie Buxton, Dollie Brown. Music . ' Pandora . Longfellow CAST OF CHARACTERS: Pandora Maud Russel Epimetheus E. P Stites Hephaestus George Pratt Hermes Fred Edwards Prometheus . Mr. Patterson Minerva Ella M. Casio Graces, Maids, etc Solo, selected K. Bertha Ellis Pygmalion and Galatea . A Farce Galatea Lali. C. Porter Pgmalion A. J. Stimpson Reserved seats 25 cents; admission 15c. Seats 011 sale at Gerhard's. Karl's Clover Root Tea lor onstipa tion, its the best, and after using it if yen don't say sa return the package and get your money. Soll by Graham & Wells, Baseball Tomorrow. The Philomath college baseballisls will swoop down on til . farmer nine to morrow and open the local baseball sea son for 1898. The game will be played on the O. A. ( . campus. A crowd ol "rooters" for each team arc rehearsing classical yells for this grand opening and the players will be mascotteri and hoo dooed to victory or defeat. Game will be called at 2 p. m. An admission feo of ten cents will be charged j to defray the expexs s of the visiting team. Ladies free. A thrill f terror u experienced when a brassy eoujh of r u 'mid: through the 1'wus- at - igljt. But thu tenor soon changes li relief afh-r One Minute Cough Care ha-, been administered. Safe and harmless for children. Allen & Woodward. Weekly Excursions to the East. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port laud every Thursday at 9 p. m. via the I O. R. & N. without change to Boston, and under the supervision1 of experienced conductors. No change'of cars to Om aUa, Chicago. Buffalo or Boston. The ideal trip to the east is now before you. Remember this service when goiii' t.ast and consult. V:. S. Stone, Agent O. R. & N. Co., Corvallis, Or. Revival services at the United Evan gelical church will continue at least for another wee';. Services tonight and to morrow night will be conducted bv Pas tor Kelly. Daring the cwming week it ' is expected that some visiting minister will take charge. The meetings are well I attcn-ed and full of interest. lt you eat vrhatyou like and digest it you will surely be strong nnd healthy. But if yon tlun't digest it you might al most as wall not pat, for what rj-ood can your food d. you if it dosn't nourish you. If you find that yu can't digest it, there is simple In lp ,for your ttomach. It is Shakor Digestive Cordinl, made fey the Shakers of Mount Lebanon. It has never failed to euro the worst case ot indigestion. Strength and IioaHIi come from the food yon eat, after it tins been digested and has gone into the blood. The best tonic is digastcd food. The bent aid to digestion, Shaker Digrstivo Cordial. WIieii vou hav-- acid cruet: tions. nausea. hcadaehe, wind, dizziness, offensive breath, or any oiner symptoms 01 uyjnepsia, Qua ker Digestive Cordial will cure you. At druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents Nolan & Callahan's new spring stock will arrive early iu March. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Bills Allowed. The following bills were allowed by the March, 1898, term of the county court: J S Buchahaa, groceries co.poor.-J 12 00 M L Barnett, gravel - 7 85 Miles Starr, gravel 13 25 Kay & Sons, groc. co. poor 10 00 C A Barnhart, janitor . 40 00 Wm Conrow, bounty claim 1 00 G A Peterson, " " 1 00 F P Clark, groc. co. poor 5 00 J. T. Phillips, bridge supplies 2 50 Oregon Union, printing 2 25 Johu Speacar, bounty claim 2 50 Corvallis Times, printing 43 eo W F Miller, bounty claim 1 00 J F Yates, teachers' ex 15 00 R F Holm, " " 15 00 Allen & Woodward .stationery, etc 4 25 C P Fullerton, making jury list-- 3 00 M Hayv'en, asst. -- E X Kiger, Dr. Ban J, med. co. poor 2 co 2 00 6 90 Corvallis Gazette, printing 3 50 H O Stein, gravel 15 55 S L Kline, gro. co. poor 19 25 W H Kay, bounty claim 6 00 Mrs D Huggins, care co. poor 154 co J L Ripley, work on tax roll Sidney Evans, road supervisor J H Wilson, fees.State vs Hayden DCarlile, j p " P Rickard. 24 00 15 co 5 00 5 3 Whether Itehing, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pinplv, or blotchy, whether simple, scrofulous, or hcroti itary, from infancy to age, speedily cured by warm baths with CuticobA Soap, gentle anointings with CimcoEA(oint ment), the great skin cure, and mild doses of CuncuRA RESOLVEiT, greatest of Wood purifiers and humor cores. Qticura le .nid throughout the world. PomixOirJOiircCMlt. Cor., SnlePrapa.. Barton. hm'). 09- ' How to Cure Ertry Blood Humor," free. FACE HUMORS Jegj8&SZ& Blood Humors JTopic 'o Politics. H. L. Barkley, Bishop Barkley as it is now said to be, still hank ers after the flash pot of politics and wishes to run for congress man in this district on the iusion ticket. Will R. King, of Bi.ker county, a former O. A. C. student, in all probability will be the fus ion candidate for governor. If Kincaid eannot get the republican nomination for secretary of state, it is understood that he will be he silver ticket candidate. It is possible that a Benton county man will be on the state lusion ticket. On the republican side there are three active and avowed candi dates for governor, Goir, Lord and Metcham. The latter will prob ably show the most strength in tho con v. ation, though many Clink he will not have enoujrh roles to elect. Geer, doubtless has ihe largest, popular lollowing, bni t.e m.iv have trouble: organiz ing this strength effectively. Judge Frank Moore, a very popu lar man, has been urszod to try for ihe gubernatorial nomination, but he will probably only ask lor his present po-iiiou. For secretary of si ite. A. M. Crawford, oi Douglas county, has been named. Frof. Acker-man, ol Portland, i almost certain . of the nomination lor school superintendent and Printer Leeds is apt to be renominated. Claude Gatch, of Salem, is not a (amijdate for tiny position. But in case neither Geer nor Lord cap lure the governor plum, many knowing ones predict that Mr. Gatch will be named for secretary oi state, witn lieorge a. Williams at the head of the ticket. Tongue lor congress will have practically no opposition. Hazard, of Coos county, and Hamilton, ol Douglas, are work ing diligently lor the nomination of district judge on thrj fusion ticket. Mr. Hamilton was in Cor vallis last week seeking support, and Mr. Coke, of Mar.-kfie)d, was here 011 behall of Mr. Hazard. Judge Hufford, of Benton, ana Judge Woodcock, of Eugene, are the leading republican candidates. The call of Ihe republican county central committee for pri maries ami county convention, ap pears elsewhere. Democrats and populists elect delegates to the county convention tomorrow. These conventions will not uom ittaie y eountv ticket. OASTOXIIA. Notice to riremen. Notice is hereby given that the annual election f the Corvallis fire department to elect a chief engineer and an assistant engineer, will be held at tise city hall on Saturday, March 12, 1S9S, from I p. in. I till 7 p. ru, C. Read. Pres. of Bard. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, BiuUcs, Srs, Ulcers, Salt Rlirutn, F.-er Sur-.s, Totter, Chaimcd Hand, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, nnd positively cures Piles, or h pay required. It i guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cants per box. For sale by Grali.'.m & Wells, druggists, A nr1' c;i;i,. A dude, after having partaken of one of those excellent 20 cent niea's at the Commercial Restaurant, was heard to ex claim, "By Jove! my stomach must have shrunk, I am weally too full for speech." Remember that those 20-cent dinners at the Commercial RastauraHt can't be beat. Don't annoy others by your coOaing and rik your life by neglecting a cold. One Minute Cough Cute cures roughs, cslda, crougr, gripp: and all throat and lung trou bles. Allen & Woodward. What pleasure is there in life with ahead ache, constipation nnd billiensness? Thous ands experience them wko could become per fectly healthy by using DaWitt'i Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. Allen & Woodward. Commissioners' Court There was little business before the court aside from the usual budgett of bills. The" road petition from Blodgett was rejected, there being 22 signers to the pe tition, and 23 on the remonstrance. The contract for wood for the court house was awarded to J. A. Hawkins, I He is to furnish 30 cords of fir at $2 per j j cord, and 50 cords grub oak at $2. 2.5. ! Voting place at Philomath changed j from the college to Odd Fellows ball. vveiis voiing place is 10 De cnangcn also. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that th very best medicine for restoring tho tired I out nervous system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely I vegetable, acts by eivinc tonptothe nerve eentres in tho stomach, grntly stimulates the livsr and kidnoys, nnd aids theto ergnns in throwing otf impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best bloed purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50e. or $1.00 per bottle at Graham & Wells' drug store. I Wood. Notice is hereby given that tho coun ty court will receive scaled bids up to one o'clock, p. m.. Wcdnusdn , March 9. 1898, to furnish 30 cords of old growth body red fir, four fit long, and 50 cords of grub oak wood, four feet long, to be delivered at . , L 1 i 1 1 11. I 1 V . me courL nouse 111 vorvaius, Oregon, ue tween June 1st nnd August 1, 1898, the same to be paid for in county orders. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 15th day of February, 1898. VIRGIL E. WATTEKS, County Clerk. The Royal is the highest grade baking powder known. Actual tests afcew it goes 00a third further than any other brand. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKING MWfiU ., NEW YORK. The Country Editor. (Champ Clark's speech in Congress.) He is the packhorse of every camtnuu ity, ihe promoter of every laudable en terprise, the worst underpaid laborer in the vineyard. Counting his sprcj as his capital, he gives more to charity, his ineaus cunsidered, than any other mem ber of society. He is a power in politic;, a pillar of the church, a leader in the crusade of better morals. He is pre em ixewtly the friend of humanity. Line npon line, paragraph upiau paragraph, day by day, he w embalming iu cold type the facts from which the Herodotus, Tacitus, Sistnendi or Mocaulay of the future will write the history of our times. He fully chronicles our advent iut the world, briefly notes our uprisings and our duwHsittiilgs,aud sorrowfully records our exit. We are all more or less gen erally morr his handiwork, and the creature suoird not be ungrateful to his ; creator. Without his rjenerous and en i thusiactic lalaors most of us; would never j have been here; and, when he tires of us, most of 11s will retur:-! to private lif amid rural scenes propitious for secret meditation and silent prayer. Working night and day durii-.g the campaign, v.-hen the election isoier acd the time comes for the distribution of the loaves av 1 fishe; now vulgarly called "pie" by some strange 1 ipse of memory lie is te-erailv forgotten. Ask your t Druggist fer a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely.1 s CrKsn Balm cva-tams n coenme, mrrory rr amy otker injurious drag. It is F;s;skly Absorbed. Gives Keiicf at on?e. the 11 Pasnces, COLD H EAD Ailara ln"amraatMin. w Rca4s and rrtcit4 the Membraae. ttestores the SaHses of Taste and smell. Full Size Sec ; Trial Biseiee. ; at Dniegista or by maSL tLT J!Ee.TUEllS, ea Warren Street, New York. After years f untold -iid'-ring from piles, B. -V. Pins-ll -f K':iineiiviile. Pa., was cured by u ing a tingle box of DWilt's Witch liazel Salvo. Skin diseases ;uch as, rash, pimples and obstinate sores arc readily cured by this famous remedy. Allen & Woodward. Through Tourist Cars to St. Louis. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Monday via Mo. Pacific, and every Wednesday via the Burlington route at 8:00 p. hi. via the O. R. & N. through Salt Lake and Denver without change to St. Louis, anduuder the super vision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities Kansas City or St. Louis. Keep this service in mind when going east and consult O. R. Sc N. j agents or address, W. H. HURI.BURT, general rasscnger Agent, -ortiano, ur, SIo Cure No Pay. That is the way all druggusts sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TON IC for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating Tonics. Laxative BroiMa-Qninme Tablets move the bowels gently, relieves the taverish condition and headache, making it the best and quickest remedy for Coughs, Coltls and Lagrippe. Cure., in one day. "No euro, no pay." Price 25 eents. Walnuts, three pounds for 25 cents, at Hodes & Hall's. All other nuts, three pounds for 50 cents. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no plensantsr or bet ter way tv do it than byrecommending 0o Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneu monia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected cold:. Allen & Woodward. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by DeWitt'i j Witeh Hazel Salve, which healed the injnry ; without lesving a sear. It is ths famous pile remedy. Allen & Woodward. CEDAR POSTS. For a first class cedar post write or ap ply to Frank Pickett, Detroit, Ore. Catarrh Cured. A clear head and sweet breath secure, with Shiloh'a Ca tarrh Remedy; sold on a guarantee. Na sal injector free. Sold by Graham & Wells. Whooping cough is ths most distressing malady; but its duration can be cut shert by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is vlsothe best known remedy for croup and all lung and bronchial troubks. Allen & Woodward. Children and adults tortured by burns, calds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using DeWitt'i Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great Pile remedy. Allen & Weed ward. stop that cough! Take warning. It ; may lead to Comumption. A 25c. bottle f SaiKlh.8 cnre jy yonr Hfc. i Sold by Graham & Wells. Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is the leading Cough Cure, and no hotue should ke without it. Pleasant to take and goes rightto the spot. Sold by Graham & Wells. COTARRH EW SPRING STOCK IS ARRIVING WEEKLY. w A few winter suits, overcoats and mackintoshes at big bargains. TW "Br V V V V F 3K "V- r- Jr- THE ART OF LIVING And lfviiacr well,' is JUDICIOUS Where you buy is of as much importance as what you buy and what you pay for it, when it comes to food. You want to know the surroundings of the things you are going to eat. Notice the cleanliness of our store. Everything is fresh and attractive. The prices are always right. P. M. ZIEROLF. SgHg -- The Racket's Up. - " Up-to-date" is the motto of the RACKET STORE. The goods are up Im Quality. wr t Trade is coming up with a boom. be helped. Purchasing direct sale jobbers profits, and, of course, customers must hare the benefit of this saving. -IS5L-NEW YORK Your Small Boy FURNITURE BARGAINS. Good Quality and Low A Call will Convince. "In the springtime gentle Annie" You find your wardrobe deficient in mpny small but important articles. Money is not greatly in evidence, but your needs are. There is one business house in Corvallis where these apparently conflicting conditions can be recon ciled. Ladies are invited to inspect I lie stock 7m and prices of Nenr the Postofflce. Jflg CASH STORE. Dining Parlors SUBSTANTIAL WELL-COOKED MEALS. THE BEST CUP OF COFFEE IN THE COUNTRY. Confectionery. Smoker's Goods. Novelties. -ny- - LAMPS, 4 CROCKERY, k GLASSWARE. .sr.- -Pfc , without question in MARKETING. $$$$ 3H&SH$ $$3 The goods are up 111 Style. Prices are not up, but that can't W of manufacturers saves whole- W RACKET STORE. J j! 0 1 Could do your marketing for you at our store. Let him stop here on his way from school and repeat your order. You may be sure it will be fillled promptly and jut as right as if you came yourself. A. HODES. Headquarters Prices is Our Motto. FRED G. CLARK, and Bakery. Hodes Sc Hall's