Issued Every Friday Morniusr by rhe Gazette Publishing Co. SCOTT'S SOLILOQUY, CORVALLIS, OREGON, Mar. u, 1898. AFFIRMATION. The Gazette stands fors The protective tariff. The single gold standard. Retirement of the bond-breeding, credit-threatening demand notes of our government. The payment of the national debt in the best money that wis dom and experience can devise. A faction!ess. clean, effective republican party. ALCHEMY OF LABOR. Manv months ago those who chanced to visit the chemical de partment of the Oregon experi ment station, found the profess ors grinding np sugar beets and finding the percentage of sugar therein. Day after day and week after week the analysis was carefully conducted and the results noted. To anyone not deeply interested in the matter, such unceasing and unvaried work would have proved ex rremelv wearisome. It was in teresting enough to the chance visitor to have Prof. Shaw or Prof. Fulton explain the meth ods of testing the sugar richness rf thp hr-ets. but qo'uvj: through the process every day for months jwould not be so entertaining. The professors in grinding up those beets were grinding out Oregon's most important manu facturing enterprise, the im mense sugar beet factory of La Grande. The practical value to the state of the experiment sta tion has in no other manner been so clearly and so undisputably manifested. Prof. Shaw and his fn-lnhnrer; at the College Can Should Mitchell die! Woe, woe, were mine. Benumbed my pen. O, gracious death, ,'-' Cut thou not short his mortal breath; Else whereupon could my invective dine? For all I think, I feel, I know, Is in him wrapped. He me inspires To daily scolding. Never tires The cyclone ot my hate. O, let it blow. This life to me were cold could I Not daily strike John Mitchell's fame. His downfall is my noblest aim; All hope is gone should John H. Mitchell die. All else I sacrifice t this. E'en party triumph 's dross to me And "principle's" a feeble plea. Talk not of love, for hating is my bliss. "Should he retire?" While I have life I'll pull him from his hiding place. I'll force him out into the race. For Mitchell gone, what care I for the strife. Should Mitchell die. Then let me die, And I would go where ere he goes, To heights of joys or depths of woes. I hate him and no other creed know L MONROE ITEMS. W. 0. Belknap was in Corvallis last week. Ike Porter ane family will re turn to our burg on May 1st to reside. Culls and Comments. It would be very pleasant to have one political campaign in which a decent man could run for office without being treated as though he were a degraded criminal. All parties should nominate good men and prob ably all parties will. There is at least one paper in Benton coun ty that intends to treat decern men decently, though they do run for office on an opposition ticket. Oregon middle-of-the-road nonulists nrooose to have a co-laborers at tne couege ca r . justly teel a personal pnoe m or do they heed the sneers of establishment of the sugar works ! v ., totZ Tines the station men j proval of republicans, are working earnestly and untir-j ingly. Results are often slow j If the candidates are men who and in most cases the benefits! have moral courage enough to are to the individual, so that the ' refuse to pay tribute to grafters, 1 - . : ,1 K.r t.c : - 111 V. 'li'irti.Tt rvaiti fnr limi- WOrK IS UOL uy iut I 1L will uc a. wuli iiv-i. , -- nnhlirv hut the most critical citi- est Doiitics. When a candidate i n 1 1 I and S. Miller killed a cougcr last week that measured 72 inches. It had killed something like 18 head of sheep lor Miller. A Farmer. zen now eladiv acKiiowieuie: the usefulness and great import auce of the station. INTO THE HARNESS. in a little countv like Benton is expected, and in fact required, to spend from $500 to $1000 for campaign expenses, there is something wrong. There are several McKinley j fr. Simon states that Serlator clubs in the county, and some of S Brownell offered to desert Mitch them are already preparing for'eu in the fiasco session of the -4e- -oeessaimnsr campaign, legislature for $.ooo. The best . Z. 1 " These clubs were efficient factors in the political battles of 1896, and helped materially toward putting Benton county in the re publican column. In the presidential campaign proof that Brownell did not make such an offer is the fact that Brownell did not desert Mitchell. The $3,000 would have been paid readily enough. PHILOMATH NEWS LETTER. Rev. Pijrsjott preached in the M. E. church Sunday afternoon. Prof. Emerick received eight members into the church Sunday. At the spelling school Thursday evening Ethel Newton proved the champion speller. The Woodmen will hold an en tertainment at Odd Fellows hall on the eveniug of the 18tli inst. Dr. Loggan was called to Kings ton last Thursday to see Mrs. Per ry Bressler, who is dangerously ill There wan an entertainment at Keezel chapel Sunday evening for the benefit of home missions. A good collection was taken. John Campbell, of Portland, is here by the b dside of his sister, Mrs. M. P. Snelling, who has b?en very ill for some time. Ode day last week Edwin New ton, while riding his wheel tell against a window in Hankie's warehouse, cutting 01 e of his arms badly. Dr. Newth dressed the wound. At the school election Monday, F. P. Clark was elected director, and W. H. Bolts, clerk. Numbe of persons of school age residing in this district, 181; inhabitants of district, 47S; population ot Philo math, 328. in Uie UlCSlUCllllcll campaign .,,, every republican in the county j REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVEN seemed to be at work. Every j T.'ON. man, and woman, too seemed repb!icanco"vention for to have a personal in erest n the .g fa success of the republican ticket 0wrvaUis; 0ra and the gold democrats worsen. Saturday. Apr.l as tnousni tneir lives acpenueu iinon the election of McKinley Polk county on our north, Lane county on our south and Linn on our east voted for Bryan and free silver, but Benton gave a substantial majority for the re nublican standard bearers. It is certainly the earnest desire of Oregon, Mondav each one of us that we endorse and for t lie rt . - a :l A lOAfl on. on satnru.iv, April w, jow, at 10 o'elock a. m., for the pur pese ot electing seven delegates to the republican slate convention to be held at Astoria, Thursday, April 14, also seven delegates to the republican district, convention lor the first congressional district of Oregon, to be held at Eugene, April 11, loya. purpose of nomiua Corvallis, precinct No. I- Xo. 2 No. 3 No. 4 7 8 7 6 the results of that election, and ting candidates for the various that Benton county lift her voice county officers. The convention again for honest money and safe 1 will consist of 72 delegates, ap government. pomoneo. as ioiiows: Let every man again realize his personal responsibility. Let the McKinley clubs get into har ness, for the clubs are powerful for good. They stimulate and enthuse. Organization is neces sary to success. Call your club together, even if you have to commence your meetings with only two or three present. If it would help you to have outside speakers to at tract a crowd write to Joseph Wilson, secretary of the McKin ley club at Corvallis, or Oren Clark, secretary of the young men's republican club, and eith er one will see that a good speaker will be present at the de Blodgett 2 Wren 2 Soap Creek 2 Willaxiette 4 Monroe -- 4 Bell fountain 7 Kings Valley 4 Alsea 4 Summit 2 PUilomath Fair mount Lobster 10 2 I Tstal 72 The same being one delegate at large for each precinct and one for pach 15 votes, and one tor SpCUKei Will UC pitDCIlC 4L LIU- MJl CdLII It " .... sired time without expense to j each fraction over one half, based . . . .1 ... t ;., 1 QQft your Club. jO" ule vine iui xuiijuc in auuu. President Lake, of the Benton i The committee recommends county McKinlev club, is anx- that the primaries be held in the ions that all the clubs of the i several precinct at 2 o'clock on countv affi i ite, and have a cen- j Saturday, Apr.l 2. 1S9S tral organization. In this way All republicans are urged to at one club can help the other, and I tenu Pnmanes and select good " 1 . men as de egates to the convert- cross-purposes and cros;,-methods 1 V " 0 can be avoided. j s Tomlinson. J. F. Yates, Have you a club in your pre-1 Secretary. Chairman, cinct? Get it together to-day. If you have not a club, organize one, even if you are the only member. We are going to have ; . a hard 6ght and it behooves us Washington lorn made a flying to follow the example of Uncle! trip to Corvallis last week. Stiii and o-et ready now. I Oscar Tom. of Fall Creek, was a . - j in our valley last week on busi What Dr. A. E.Salter Says. ness. I There was a dance at W. H. i Maione's last Tuesday. Every one Buffalo, N. Y. Gents: From my repovts a nod time, personal knowledge, gained in observing the effect of your Shiloh's Cure in cases, , sllCcesful term ot 01 aa van ecu consumpLiuu, l dm picpwm 1 ALSKA MT7D&5T. PHILGMATH COLLEGE. Mis.-. Webb has so far recovered as to be able to attend her classes The literary societies resumed work last week and the society hall is to be dedicated soon. A joint meeting of the young ladies' and young men's prayer meetings was held last Saturday evening. The revival meetings have closed and the students have sealed down to practical, every day, working Christianity. Mr. Harry Wat kins delivered a short, address at chapel exercises on Wednesday ot last week. His subject, was, '-The value of time," and was thoroughly appreciated by the students. Public rhetorical occurs next Fridav eveninar and the rhetorical class is active Flowery sentences and swan-like gestures abound. Every member leels that a critical time of life has arrived. dusty. Uncle Dock Starr is visiting friends and relatives in this place. Mrs Mary Williams has been quite sick for the past two weeks. McKinley elub meets at the grange hall Tuesday evening, the 15th ult. J. L. Caton and Ed Williams made a business trip to Corvallis last week. Mr. Bradly and Mr. Hodge took the contract to furnish wood ior the school. Last week Mr. Barnard made 140 oak posts in half a day. The timber was sawed. Mr. B. is near 70 years old. School meeting was held at this place Monday alternoon. A. P. Starr being appointed director, L. N. Edwards retiring. II Minn titerarv societv met at Simpson's chapel last week and j reorganized and elected llw fol lowing officers for the coming year: President, J. H Edwards; vice-pres., R. J. Nichols; sec. and treas., M. E. Tharp; librarian.Sadie Hawley; asst. librarian, A. P. Starr. at the M. E. church both morning and evening next Sunday. Milt Bamett for sheriff, is the latest blast from locar republican leaders. Waggoner Crothers & Co., fur nih ttie music ai tne aiciviniry literary society. Another veterinary surgeon was in 1 own on oaiuruay. ne in dulgos, just as did the others. J. W. Weltv and family left for Salem on Tuesday, in which city they expect to reside. Jul ward goes down later. At the awnual sehool election ol Mnnrop district. M. L. Barnctl v , i 1 ni:s t?i 1. eK'CteU uuccior anu was re-elected clerk. Roads have improved greatly in the past two weeks. They mat, and yet they may not be passable in a few weeks more. One ot the Schuff boys caught a real, live coon last week. He will sxive you the particulars il von ask him about it. J H. Starr, president; Alta Schneider, secretary; Corlie Starr, vice president, and A. JNelson. treasurer, are the new oincers 01 the McKinley literary society. An oyster supper will be given in the Methodist church this even ing. A good literary program has bJen prepared, and the admission is free. Supper will be 15 cents. a I T Several members ot tne Monroe ( cornet band met on the lull ju' west ot town Sunday afternoon, and proceeded to serenade ilu denizens of our little city. They are welcome to repeat the per lo-.mance every Sunday afternoon durit4g the year when the ele ments will permit. The 'Amicitia Club," has new officers, Miss Tallulah Chapman huincr nresidinsr matron, and Miss e? 1 1 t Sadie Looney keeper ot record. with J. H. Starr as leader of the .musical department. A larger hall will soon be necessary, lor this popular club to conduct it sessions to a better advantage We understand that the office j of county commissioner is expect ; ed to lafi into the grasp of Hugh Herron in June. Well, he is a p ettv good sort of a man for thai .. - .1 1. ollice, it tie is a uemuciai. don't, mean by this that, all repub Hearts are angels and saints by a whole lot, yet we do mean that there are several good men in pol itics that are not of the republi can persuasion. Millie Starr has had the usual luck of boys, who persist in plac ing the leading strings of a span of horses around their waist and then make an effort to ride anoth er one and lead the team. An oak grub loomed up 111 the path Sat urday when Millie did this trick, and one of the horses concluded to go around the wrong way of the grub, in consequence of which the young man carries his arm in a sding. He has one consolation, so long as he keeps the injured member sore, no hard work will be expected of him. X. Y. Z. Guardian's Sale of Real Kstate. An order having been made by the county poirrt of tho state Omesn. for Wasco coun ty, en the 120th day of November, 1897, ia the maUer of the guardianship ot 5ayre Rinehart, Earl Kinehart, Carl Rinehart and Philip Rinehart, minors, which said cause was then pehding in said court, authorizing and licensiHg the guardian of said minoii. Emily Belle Rinehart, to sell tho interest of said minrs in and to tne roal estate herein after described, and directing that the sale thereof be made at pnvftto salt in ins man ner provided for tho sale of real estate at private ?ale by executors and administra tors. Ttfnw therefine. under and in pursuance o! said order, I will, on and after the 5th day of March, 1698, proceed to -ell Ih.v nndivid od one-fifth interest of the said mn rs above namvd in and to lh said Innd and premises hereinafter described, at privat sale, for the highest and best oil -r tliref.i in cash. Pn posal? and iC.r thi-relur wil be received at the office of Ike GarvnllU 6a zctte, in Corvallis, Oregon. The ln -ds ncd pr-mist-s above referred (, and which will be sold as abovu sot forth are dweribed as follows, to wit: An undi vid-d one -tilth in and to tho toll. -.wins des cribed tract: Beeinninsr in th middlo of the liver -'8 and 12-HM ebai . north and 24 and 36-100 chains cast of the soutbwv corner of Rowland Chamber's D. L.. claim Ko. 4C in T. 10 S.. R. 6 W.. th-nce imith S7 1-2 degrees, east 17 50-100 chain:, thenc north 1 chain, thence wist 3 57-10C chains thence north 01-100 chair:, thence west T5-1C0 chain;, thence north 4 chains, thcricr .east along the Luckiamute river 3 7.r-10t chains, thence imrth ." i -sri.-.-s east " 20 100 chains, thence south "3 dexrev, west IS chains, thence south 6 degrees, west 4 11-100 chains, thence smith 2 1-2 degrees west to plvco.of beginning", containing 12 60-100 acre?, known as the King's Valfov Iloiirinfc mill proport3-, sitnated in llwnton county, Oregon. Dall.s City. Oregon, Jan. 28, 1S98. EMILY &. RINEHART, ttitardUtn of the Illinois above named. T'-ere are three l'ttle thins which do more work than any other three little thiugs created they are I he ant, tho bee and De- Witt's Little Early the la;tbeia the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles. AM. -n Si Wood war 4. COUGHS and COLDS itt -vie snraiT.A BALSAM is a sure Remedv for coughs, colda, sore turoat and for asthma. IS abates the eongh, and renders expect oration easy. Consumptives will invariably derive benefit from its use. jklany who Bnprose their cases to be con sumption are oiily Buffering from a chronic cold or deep seated cough, often nwcriivfitrd nv ca tarrh. For catarrh use Ely's Cream Ba'm. Bota remedies are pleasant to use. Cream Balm, 60 cis. perbotue: PineolnBi.lsam.?!!-. S-ldbyDrnggisa ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warren St., Iew 1 ork. Ladies, Take the Best. If you ae troubled with constipation. Sallow Skin and a Tired Feci Ulc Karl's Ci r Tea. it -- ' -' -nul take. S -ol i- lm kam & Wells. "This is a plan that does not cost much, and is worth all it costs." THERE'S only ane kind ef printing that we do net do. That's the poor kind. That's the kind you don't want. But when you want ji SOMETHING I I KERT' I (i clean and up-to-date, j) printed on ood paper, a with fine ink, from M j1: type that is new, and m of latest face, set in an V; artistic and intelligent S manner; m a word, m when you waut a strict- 9 ly first-class job give us your rder ana we win do the rest. Ladies Shoes. LADIES who wish to save from one to two dollars on a pair of fine Shoes can do it at KLINE'S All lines that will not be renewed for Spring will be sold at the above allowance. All the best makes of goods included in the lot, and must be sold. S. L. KLINE, The Regulator of Low Prices Gazette Pub Corvallis, Is a LOCAL DISEASE and is the result of colds cad sudden rt:matic changes. It caa be cu red by a plcasarit remedy r. ich issppUei rcctly iv' l- 3 imsiriU. Jie in$fo; :!y ri-surbuditijiyea relief at .cea Ely's m Mi isacfcnwIc.od to bo t'-o most thor nd cure for Nasal CaUrrlL Cold in l.'ead and Hay ivir of all rci.ediss. It and cleantes tho s salpaseagos, -lo,-, r.-i i -?.ammati'-n. Reals thesra, pro tJl ,..... t-nJa colds. rtorc the seasei it"tVtov: . . . , .-t Itr. .HMby maa. , ,1, tit s CC 1 I s Oraeeu. W s TARRH iREGOWp QEHTBfeL & EASTERN B. R. CO. Yaquina Bay Route Connecting at YAQUINA BAY w'! the San Francisco & Yaquina Bay STKAMSHIP COMPANY. MOtmiHIlUt Hlllll.MITOIirillM J TO THE m Warrct. STEAMSHIP "PRESIDENT." c.;i. fiH V.m.m. nouTv fnr San Francisco, Coos Bay, and HiimWuldt Hay. lMeieer Afteinaa4tlia Urisnrpassed Shurtmt rnutf btwa the; Willainetln Valley and California. Fare from Albany anrt roints Wct t S;i-i Francift4: CaMn S 8 Qp Steerac 80 Round tHp s-d far 60 days, $1T.80. T Coos liay: Cabin 88 e Sf.ra-r P 9 To Humboldt Bay aud Port Orford: CaWa fl 8 St-raff 00 RIVER DIVISION. steamer "ALBANY" W-twesa Portlaud an.l Carvatlis, through without lav-over, f.cayinir Corvalli.- fi:38 a. n. Tursdays, Tkurdays and Sundays: lfar.s Poit'and, Yamhill St. Dock, 6:00 a. m., Monday, Wednesdays und Friday. KDW1M STONBt Manager. ! J. C. MAYO. Siipt Rirrr Div., H. H. CROXISE, Ajruat, Cor-allis Or EAST GIVES THE CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES CHIGCN mo iti tiuL?i All VIA mm R. j UK a C7? Take your selection from tie hundreds igfl8I? f i of Spring and Summer styles now shown by fe ST I us ia the most exclusive, popular and fash- 1$mg I a" XrrsJ'S ionable designs textures ever created by jsHL "THE BIG MERCHANT TAJLORS "!(" " There is a marked difference between f "75T O Iheir "honor bright" workmsrtsh'-p, finish, yS, K 4h trimmings, fit and general tone and those of A A A W- I jij$ff others thrown together to sell " cheap." One 11 11 TlKM p& is honest, the other dishonest. Our customers j A PSfe' 1 are everlasting customers. It's the result of yCf j nA In "saiisfactionl" You will surely have your jBjl JTSfe measure taken here when you E. UOT.GATK M. I.. HOLGATK mm. & son, ATTORNEYS AT LAW CeRVALLIS. OREGON mm ma in VIA w m , mm OMAHA AND mn CITY LOVy RATES IN ALL EASTERN CITIES. OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS SAN FKISGO Steamers Mahthly frrv.i Portland tf Yokofeauia and H-ng KongjTia, The Nw.thein Piicific bteamship Co. in cnn'Ction v.-ilh O. R. & R. cm i I , Ge. Onion Laundry 60., POETLAJN 3D, OIK. All white labor work guaranteed. Basket leaves on Tuesdays and arrives Saturdays. T. D. CAMPEEIX, AgeKt, OP. 4BDRCS5 I . Siglm, C'oivaiiis, Or., W. H. HSsRLBURT, GCN'L PASS AGCNT, PORTLAND, OR It is because its readers are of the welltodo class that the Corvallis Qazetfe is the most profitable medium for advertise ers in Benton county F. Iv. MIIvIvKR. 11 it SEE THOS. WHITEHORN, Prop. W. H. McBrayr ad Old Crow Wliis kys, Fine Wines, Liquors ani Cigars. LOUIS G. ALTMAN, M. D., HomeopatMst. Office: Over Alleu & Woodward's drugstore. Residence: Corner Third and Harrison Sts. Hours Gorvallis, Or. EAST and SOUTH VIA THE. SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern PacifiG CcmDanv EXPRESS 1 RAINS KUN UAILT. 6:-it P. M 9:4' A. M 7 US A. I Letvc : Leave j Armo Portland Arrive I'pan.Y Jrrivb S. Frani.i i" l.e-r ' :.-. A. M. A. II. :: r. M Atovi trains slnJ ' all wiirt i)al .tatiuiit Ijftws.-n P.)rtliid nH SaUm, Turwr, M rion, Jflersn. Albany. Tat(fit Sfertd, Hiil.ffv, HarrUbun-. Junction City, Eui-ne, Crw.wull. Cnttagr Grurt, rirains, and all fhitiii3 from Rosebiu gt Auhland, inelutive. Rscltur Mail Daiiy. S:S A. M. 12:25 P. M. P. M. 1 Lvave Lsava Arrive Prtland Albauv Roelurjr Arrive I 4:SP P. M Arrive 1J:SP. M Leave i T:3 A. Si Wertsiis Di.i::ja. BETWKEK POUTLAXD AND COKVALLIS Hail Trait. Saily Except Suiiiy. 7::i A. 51. I Leave ! 12:15 P. M. i Arrive Portland Carvailis to say it is the most remarkable Remedy that ha.s ever been brought to my atten -tioH. It has certainly saved manv from Consumption. Slid bv Graham &. Wells. Twenty cases men's aud boy's new spring shoes opened at Xolau & Calla- school in the West district last Friday. A. L. Clark and Willis Vidito, were over in Lincoln county last week, pleading law before Justice Goodman's court. R. G. Mires, W. J. Headrick County warrants taken at par for mer chandise at Nolan & Callahan's. We have the best equipped Job Office in the city, French candies at Hodes & Hall's. Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh's Vitalizer immediately relieves Sour Stomach, Com ing up of Food Distress, and is the great kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Gra ham & Wells. Cure that Cough with Shiloh's Core. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cts. Sold by Gra ham & Wells. A ( Wo Prnnr.-itinn fnr A?- slmilating tfcerood andRcgula- uiig the 5 tomacas anaixr-vvjia ui Arrive t:t9 P. M Leave 1 : P. G. R. FARRA, M. D.! At Albany ami Crvallta coiml with traiint f the Oregon facific l.ailrd. THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Promotes Digestion.ChecrfuI- ness and Kesccontanrs maun Opium.Morpnme nor Mineral Not Nakcotig. Have ofOldDrSAI'iUELEITCMS fhrmpjr.n Sad jVXZIcnna. JBariHb SufCt -Anise Secti Jippermint - Mi frrA - y w tut im. A perfect Remedy forConstlpa- dOJV, aouraiuiiitti.ii.i'K""."" WermsCortvulsions.rcverisn ness and .LOSS OF Tiic Simile Signature of y NEW YORK. IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEET BOTTLE OF Office- upstairs over F. L. Miller's store. Residence on Third street in frsnt of courthouse. Office hours S to 9 a. m., and 1 to a and 7 to S p. tu. All call attetuled promptly. E. R. BRYSON, Zierolf Building. Fire Insurance. Collections promptly attended to. Exsrcs: Trail. Iiily Sseef t Soiiar. 4:59 P M ! Lrave Pottlaml Arriv I 8:25 . M. 7:30 P. M I Arrive Mcllinnville Leave 1 5:MA. to. 8:3a P. M. Arrive lndepndeuc Leave I 4.50 A. 11. Direct connection at San Francisco with Occidental aud Oriental and Pacific mail steamship lines for JAPAN AJD CHINA. Sailing dates mil applicatioh. Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also JAPAN. CHINA HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, ean be obtained from A. K. MILNER, Ticket Acent. Corvallis. R KOF.HLER, C. H. MARKHAM, Manager. A G F & P. A. Portiamd, Or. F. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW CORVALLIS. REGOJT. Does a general practice in all tVe oonrK. Al-o agent lor all the first-class ittsuraiice conpames Oftstorls ia rrat IB In ons-sira liottlta only. It Is aot cold ia Bulk. Doa't allow myrna to sell yen anything else en tho jlea or promse tnai n is "jnst as good" and "'will aBiwer every pnr- tfcai yon get (J-fl.-B-1-o-av-J.-a. BOW EN LESTER DENTIST Office ttpftUlYB oJrer Ftrtt Konl BnH Strictl Flrst-Class Weirk Gopantd Corvallis. Oregon Qregon) gKORT) EAILEOAD. The Safest, Quickest, Cheapest ROUTE FOR ALL POINTS East and Southeast. For inii rsiifv linte DT .1(1(1 I P particHlar regaromg ot Irstns. etc.. cnl! on GEO. f: eglin. W. E COWAN. A?t.. Corvatlis. i (jttnfral Aser.l, 124 Tbiird St. Forrland, Ojc ;han's.