The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 18, 1898, Image 2

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    Sf ( Iff 11 lamentable, is sincere and lion-
S01MU$ CULjest. This fact admitted, the
" . i Times' contention that leaders
Issued Every Friday Mornin? by
The Gazette Publishing Co.
... . -j
The Gazette stands fon
The protective tariff.
The single gold standard.
Retirement of the bond-breed
ing, credit-threatemng demand (
notes of our government.
The payment of the national .
aewt in trie oesi money uk wij
dom and experience can devise,
A factionless. clean, effective
republican party.
The Times has decided that
ex-Senator Mitchell cannot sup
port the goid standard policy of
the republican party, and the
Oregonian approves the decision.
The" Oregonian, by the way, has
ever taken great interest in the
career of Mr. Mitchell, and to-
Aw ri;Miras Mitchell more than
it doc; the gold standard; and
the ex-senator 111 supporting the
McKinley interpretation of the
St. Louis platform (thus reject
ing the code of political ethics
prescribed for him by the Times
and Oregonian) has proven him
self ungrateful.
The only observable effort to
ward bringing Mr. Mitchell into
the foreground of Oregon poli
tics, and especially during the
coming campaign, lias Been put
forth by. the Oregonian and its
journalistic repeaters, the Astor-
ian and Pendleton Tribune. He ,
himself, withdrew from the sen-
atorial contest over a year ago, I
in a letter which the Oregonianl
published, and he has not said or
done anything since that can be
taken as rescinding that with-j
drawal. So far as the vast ma-!
ioritv of reoublicans are concern-
1 . !
ml - -
cd thev are not desperately anx-
. ' ' . ,
lous to force the busy lawyer igooa as one aonar 01 uncie
again into politics, but are wil- Sam's gold. This is so only bc
ling to accord Mr. Mitchell the cause the government does not
grand privilege of being a pri-1 discriminate against any one
vate citizen. Outside of the ' kind of its own money, but pays
papers named there is no disposi-1
tiou to villtiy or misrepiesent ;
the ex-senator and republicans I
who sincerely desire the success
of the republican ticket will
thankfully appreciate the aid
that Mr. Mitchell can and will
The Oregonian is a grand
newspaper. No one can denv j
its editorial
utterances 1
ahva4rtu rea hng, jtft ...
is a terribrmua comcant scoiar
The editor's bible reading has
apparently been confined to the
book of Jeremiah and the prayer ;
of the Pharisee. The monoto- ; populists here last Saturday even
nous reiteration of its antagonism ! ing. The meeting had been or
toward Mitchell, does the party ! dered callc-il by Eugene Palmer,
no possible good, does not dam- j of Granger, and was lor the pur
age the ex-senator, but makes its i poso of rganizing a union club,
readers very, very tired. ! Mr. Palmer failed to come, so also
, did they fail to organize a union
The Times argues with artis
tic vehemence that it is st dread
ful sin for Mitchell to correct
his position regarding the money
question. "The unlettered, the
unschooled, may consistently
change their attitude; but men
who have been leaders, who have
been teachers in a school of
finance, cannot." This startling
declaration includes in its con-
demnatiou more people than the ;
writer probably intended. !
Editors, in a measure, ought
to be and are supposed to be,
teachers. Ergo, editors cannot
change their attitude; and yet
the editor of the Times was once .
a thorough-going republican, one;
who could not hear the name of
Blaine without givin three
cheers. Then, a democrat, he
purchased and edited the Times, j
and the Times was conducted as
a gold standard democratic news
paper. A week or so after Bry
an's nomination there was a dil
igent reading of Ignatius Dun
nellv, "Coin's Financial School,"
aad' Coxey's "Wheels go
'Round." The Times valiantly
aud ably supported Bryan and
free silver. "Tempus fugitec!
and the Times continued to ad- ;
Vance backward. It now lauds;
populism, the initiative and ref-
erewdum, the preferential pri- j
mary system and all the ics, isms, :
unis and ems that the fertile im-
affinalion ot idle theomts have
thus far brought into being.
The Times' adjectives iu re
ferring to Mr. Mitchell are far
from beautiful. Thev might
describe ji boa constrictor, a croc
"odile, or tlieeui;e of Satan in
rtp o-arrlpta nf RrVn. but annlied
toalnan who ha.', spent, accord- 1 falling timber. Our supervisor,
i;h- to the Times, "eighteen j F. FuHerton, has been busy clear
veurs of dignified senatorial Hie, !ng tlld 10ad ,hia weck-
in which he lias been conspicn-j
r.s a statesman, 'they are very
inappropriate; and when turned
loose on the local orgaa ot free
silver and populism itself, the
antonoinasia of the Times is
hideous in the extreme.
Neighborly regard, therefore, ;
a some self regard, causes ns
to rejoice to
find that the Times'
manifesto directed at Mr. Mitch
ell, is weak and faulty. There j
is every reason to ueneve iuhl
iie Times' conversion, however
and teachers cannot change their
position honestly, falls to the
If the Times
ultimatum has
I not already been served upon
iMr. Mitchell, he may consider it
i over-ruled and continue to be a
republican with the rest ot us.
mm 1
"Contracts for improving Ya-
n 11 inn "bcirVinr ore in bp lpf
fc volnmes and
dJ imis1tic view concern-
. ' future of Willamette
Valley. Our people may well
rejoice and be glasl.
As for Congressman Tongue
and his co-laborers of the Ore
gon delegation, thankfulness and
admiration mingle. They have
been more than willing. They
have been able. "By their fruit
ye shall know them," and the
fruit is good. This gratitude is
real and will be manifested in a
practical way at the proper time.
We have the Oregouian's word
for it that Mr. Simon is no boss,
and in fact never was a boss. If
the Oregonian will only convince
ns now that Waldo defeated
Strahn for the office of supreme
judge; that Penuoyer in his race
for governor was defeated suc
cessively by Cornelius and
Thompson; that Henry McGinn
was appointed circuit judge for
Multnomah countv at the request
of the W. C. T. U. ; that the re
publican Portland primaries of
1806 were held in school houses
and cnurcnes; mat tne uregon
legislature of 1895-7 transacted
its proper business; then we will
begin to believe that there has not
been such a man as Mr. Joseph
' "
All of our money is the "best
money." One dollar in United
States currency is every whit as
good as one dollar in United
States coin. .One dollar in sil-
ii 1 A
ver of Uncle Sam's money is as
1 1 11 r tt . i i
its obligations in any money the
This fact
creditor may preter.
alone makes all of our money
the "best money.
Everybody busy plowing and
news very scares.
E. M. Dodele sold his potatoes
I -to G. A. Westgate, of Albany,
-.v'--' "v""""
granger -feoLlon the 11th. Every
body reports liamgjLSpoa time.
There was a meetin;of"rk4
; i-lub, but did organize a free silver
club of six members and they
were all populists.
George Daniels, of eastern Ore
gon, was in our valley last week
visiting old Iriends.
Miss Josie Fullerto.i finished a
very successful term of school in
the north district last week.
The dance at W. H. Malone's
on February 14th. was a success
;md every one had a good time.
Miss Rosa Banton came home
Friday last. We are srlad to see
ilte yonnj
folks coming back
Mrs. Clark has gone to Pullman,
Washington, to spend a few weeks
with her daughter, Mrs. Mary
D. D. Longbottom and H. Elliot
attended the teachers' institute in
Corvallis last week. They report
a very interesting time.
'John Henry" accompanied his
mother to Corvallis last week. He
reports that politics is being talk
ed a great deal in Corvallis.
Otto Headrick his here visiting
with his father and brother. He
is one of the industrious young
men who is talking of going to
Klondike in the spring.
A negro tramp passed through
our valley last week. It is very
seldom we ever see a tramp in
o:ir valley, especially a negro. He
said he was going to the coast.
Ed Kimball has just finished
putting in another roller in his
mill. We have as fine a mill as
there is in tho county, and one
that is a credit to the valley.
The north road has been impass-
able for some time on account ot
Willis Vidito has the Klondike!
, fever He js one of the party of
twelve that is talking of building
the river boat. Vidito is a man
that can be relied upon. As a
rustler he is second to none,
: T7 , . 1)1, -
d tQ c
; meotB , Mah
r,,, ifj , r ' n '
den, L. G. Headrick and S. N.
Three boats left thjgalley last
week for FallCredKlVald-
port, loaded with about sixteen
Ihousand pounds each, containing
wheat, lumber and many other
articles. Hardy McGormick and
Tom Vidito, pilots of one boat,
struck a stump and sunk their
boat. They crawled out on an
island and then had to swim to
shore. As their load was princi
pally lumber they hive secured
most of it. The other boats
were landed safely, as they had
experienced men ou board.
A Farmer.
Rev. Neff, of Irving, is here as
sisting iu the revival.
Elder Parker is engaged in a
protracted meeting at Dufur.
Mi-s Linna Derrick came up
from Albany Friday and returned
A M. Gray received Saturday
from Portland, a new Tiger drill
and seeder.
Elmer Davis and wife, of Tol
edo, were the guests of Mrs. Kisor
last week.
Marsh Allen has a contract to
cut 100,000 feet of logs for the
Ilenklc saw mill.
Albert Mulkey and daughter
Anna, of Corvallis, were in the
1 cit v over Sunday.
At the assignee's sale Saturday
J. W. Ingle purchased the Nichols
& Holm "insolvent stock of goods
for $3,500.
Mr. John Manning, formerly of
Philomath, and Miss May M.
Smith, of Rosalia, Wash., were
married at Spokan,February 2nd,
Rev. N. J. Bryans, officiating.
Mr. Eddie Bryans, who was
taken very sick at. Spokane last
Christmas wiih a severe attack of
pneumonia, has so far recovered
as to take charge of his Sunday
school and christian endeavor
I work. We expect him to resume
his studies here at, the spring term.
The revival meetings, begun in
the first week in January, con
tinue to grow in interest, with in
creasing unity among the Chris
tians. The power of the Master
is shown in the conversion ol sin
il. 1 : c "ii,,.;
ners, ana tne awasening 01 uuus
tians to a sense of their duty, as
never before in the history ol
Philomath. Over 45 souls have
been saved and the penitent form
is crowded every night. Rev.
Cocking has instituted four daily
prayer meetings. &. lew laiiniui
Christians have been praying for
years that God would unite his
people here in Philomath, and it
.eems as if their prayers are be
ing rewarded. Rev. Cocking and
Prof. Emiriek continue to work
together and all Christians are
uniting in meeting this revival a
jraiid success.
Nellie Evans and jiattie Ferr
have bpen 011 t.iieTfick list.
"Grace' 'Montgomery, one ol" last
year's students, is visiting in town.
Wc are pleased to see her.
Miss Jones, Miss Peterson and
Miss Davis are attending the
teachers examination this week.
G. W. Brown is in town again,
having closed a term of school at
Hoskins. He is one of our most
successful graduated teachers.
The football industry is not al
lowed to lanquish even in Philo
math. Swollen eyes an I limping
gaits manifest considerable energy
on I lies part of some one.
The revival meeting in progress
at our sister college on the hill
have been quite well attended by
our students, several of whom
have been converted. We are
ghiil lo see the spirit ot harmony
still on the increase.
The literary societies have mov-
Ml into tho sneiplu haH An n.:
ter tain men t will be given in the
future for the purpose ot raising
money with which lo further ren-
der inviting the int,erior.r the
buildin". r
A. H. Hall is again in our vi- j
Mrs. Boyd is quite ill at her j
home in this city.
David Perin was in Corvallis j
last week on business.
Raj Stm had the misfortune to
earve ins toe winie cutting wood
last week.
Next Saturday and Sunday the
U. B. church at this place will
hold its first quarterly meeting.
Erie Hall cams very near kill
ing a doer the other day, but on
close inspection the animal which
he thought to be a deer, was
found lo be a sheep.
G. W. Householder and wife
spent lust week in Junclion City,
attending t lie revival meetings be
ling held these by liev. lloss.
Joe Ryeraft and family passed
through our burg this week with
j their household goods enroute for
Alsea, where they expect lo re-
TVero arc three lit'.lo things which do
more work than any other three little things
created they are the ant, the bee and De
Witt's Little Early Risers, the last beiasr the
famous little pills for stomach and liver
troubles. Allen & Woodward.
Laxative Broic5-Qui:;ise Tablets move
the bowels geKtlv, relieves the feverish
conditio;-, and headache, making it the
best aad quickt resaedy for Coughs,
Colds aud Lagrippe. Cures iu one day.
"Ko enre, no pay. " Price 25 eeuts.
Prof. L. W. Edminister, of Sa
lem was a visitor at Wentz's Sat
urday last.
Mr. August Kroschel, ir., will
start for Alaska about the 20th of
this month.
The Sunday school was fairly
well attended Sunday, and a good ;
;(,..( ,r tJ-o I
lllteiest Was taueil.
file present pleasant Weather
. v 1 . 11 j
has jiiven some of our
the garden fever.
Mrs. J. N. Hoffman has quite a
number of students in music and
ATfuut civm'iil mnr. snnn
Mr. James Johnston ret urned
homo from Hubbard Friday last,
where ho spent tV.e y.tft week ris-
iling his sister and niece. Mr, and
Miss Byland.
Father Antheny, who was quite
seriously hurt some time ago, was
moved home last week. He was
so sore from the bruises that It-:
had to be hauled on a spring bed.
but is i in pro ing nicely at present.
Bills Allowed.
The followiog bill3 were allowed by
the February, 1898, term of the coun
ty court, to-wit:
C H Lee, medical services S3. 00.
City Transfer Company, Drayhge
75 cents.
Glass & Prudhomme, stationery
Wilson & Coibett. Tiling $1.50.
W E Brien, bounty claim S1.00.
I D Pittman " " 2.00.
Mrs D Huggins, care county poor
Jesse G. Taylor, bounty claim S1.00.
A C Miller, " 1.00
H S Pittman " 1.00.
E Bennett, medical services S6.
Horning Brothers, work on jail $1
Gazette Pub. Co., stationery and
printing 15.
Oregon Union, Printing $4.50.
Sfmpson, Hus ton & Co., Repairs to
jail 75 cents.
W E Brien, bounty claim $1 00.
WC Belknap, " 2 50.
C A Barnhart, salary janitor $40.
Charles Franklin, bounty claim &t.
C A Gerhard, stationery, &c. 82.
W H Boles, making jury list S3.
W T Bryan assistant making jury
list $2.
Guy J Frink, assistant making jury
list $2.
F P Clark, Groceiies county poor S5.
C A Gerhard, stationery $2.40.
C A Woods, Road work $3.
Frank Pot ter, bounty claim $2.50.
Dr. Charles Band, medicines coun
ty poorS6.70.
George Mercer, Est. sec. corner $1.
A Annett, witness State vs Risley
Elee L & P Co., lights 843.
S L Kline, Mdse county poor 832 92.
Eli Speneer, bounty claim $1.
Corvallis Times, printing 8 2 50. 1
Elvaro Mulkey, lumber 87.
Isaas Porter, read supervisor818.00 I
John Eickard.
Etvarow Mulkey
J E Johnson
E t Davie
Calvin UtrVter '
GUester Skeele '
BE Nixoti
Wm. Castle
J A Lawrence '
J A Lawrence '
Ed J Williams '
20 00
' 12.00
26 00
14 00
30 00
S 25
12 00
Jasper Custer
J H Wilson, district attorney's tees
State vs Kottler $5.
D Carlile, J P fees State vs Kouler
Peter Rickard, Sheriff fees State vs
Kohler m 95.
Dr. C. H. Lee, witness fees State vs
Kohler 8150.
Mary Goos, witness fees State vs
Kohler 82 10.
Corvallis Times, Printing delinquent
tax list 895.90.
Miles Starr, HauliDg gravel $26.
F J Chambers, county commission
er 810.
J A Buchanan, county commission
er 88.
F M Johnson, insurance premium,
I W IMattbews, rebate taxet $19 83.
A L Claik, district attorney lees
State vs Risley 85.
)ey 50,0
j F Fullerton, constable fees State vs
: Rley 816.20. -
JaaJe8 vitue . oua
vs Kisley $2.10
G. Veman, witness fees State vs Kts-
' iey $1.80
E G Litchenthaler, witness
State vs Risley $2.30.
1 " John Dorsey, witne
witness fees State vs
! Kisley $1.70
Martha J Slate, witness fees State ;
vs Risley $1 90.
Attest Vikgil E. Wattebs,
Clerk. I
By Victor P. Moses, Deputy.
Dreadfully Nervous.
Gkkts: I was drer.dfullv nervous, and
I for relief took yonr Karl's Clover Root
Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength
ened my whole nervous system. I was
troubled with Constipation, Kidney aud
Bo-el trouble. Your Tea sooa cleansed
my system so thoroughly that I rapidly
regaiued health and strength. Mrs. S.
A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by
Graham & Wells.
Cliildroii and aslults tortured by burns, i
scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may I
see.ire instant relief by using DeWttt'i
j Witch Hazel Salvo. It is the great Pile
: rcmedv. Allen & Woodward.
What pleasure is there in life with ahead- j
ache, constipation and billisusness? Thous- '
and ; experience them who could become per- j
fcctly healthy by using DaWi'.t't Little :
Early Rfeers, the famous little pills. Allen i
& Woodward.
Mfea Allio Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was
frightfully buracd on the faeo and neck.
Pain wa in.-tantly relieved by DeWitt';
Witch Hazel Salv, which healed the injary
without leaving a scar. It is thi far.ous
pile remedy. Alton & Woodward.
Ladies, Take the Best. If you are
troubled with constipation, Sallow Skin, I
and a Tired Feeling, take Karl's Clover
Tea, it ts piearaut to take. Sold by Gra
ham & Wells.
Cure that Cough with Shiloh's Cure, j
The best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup,
promptly. One million bottles sold last
year. 40 deses for 25 cts. Sold by Gra- j
haia & Wells. !
and is the result of colds and
sudden climatic changes.
It can be cured by ft pleasant
remedy wkich is applied i-
rectly into nostrils. Be
ing qyXckly absorbed it gives
reuei atci'.ce.
Ff'S Gr3SH BSliT)
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in JZead and Hay levr of oil
rcixedies. It opens and cleanses the E.-sal passages,
nnwa n4 iti9mitiatian. heals the sores, pro
teota the membrane from colds, .restores the senses
oftasteanirmell. PrjceSOc. atDra'isUorby jaa8.
KLY BilOTilERS- WW "Cltew York.
Karl's Cover Root Ten is a pleasant
laxative. Reflates Ike nowstr,
the 'olood. Clears ths complexion, iasy
to make and pleasant to tsk
Sold by Graham & Wells.
25 cts.
It is because
its readers are of the
welltodo class
that the
is the most pr
medium for advertise
ers in Benton county,
We have the best
equipped Job Office
in the city,
Take yemr selection from the hundreds ffflllP'
J' fi f Spring and Summer styles now shown by fiiwjftxl
Ws,' i I us in the most exclusive, popular and fash
I 7 Cv ionable designs and textures ever created by
There is a marked difference between
their "honor bright" workmanship, finish,
trimmings, fit and general tone and those of
others thrown together to sell " cheap." One
is fenest, the other dishonest. Our customers
are everlasting customers. It's the result of
satisfactory dealing, satisfactory prices
"satisfaction ! You will surely have your
measure taken here when you '
F. Iv. MIIvIvKR.
I o-i I SEE
AVegetab!ePrcparationfcr As
similating IheToodandRegufci
tint the Stomachs anlBowels of
Promotes Digestton,Cheerful
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Morpfeine nor Mineral.
Not Nahcotig.
Pumpkin Sc&
je Seed-
Jippcrrrwit -jji
fUtm Seed -
Clarified Sugnr .
KiaUryrctn, r'lzvcr.
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, SourStomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms onvubions,Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
Guardian's Sale of Heal Estate.
An order having been made by.the county
court of the state Oregon, for Wasco coun
ty, pathe 20lh day of November, 1S97, in J
tho matter of the guardianship of Sayre
Kinehart, Earl Rinehart, Carl Rinehart and
Philip Rinehart, minor?, which said cause
was then pending in said court, authorizing I
and licensing the guardian of swid minois. j
Emily Belle Kicehart, tj sill the iKterest of j
s:iid minvrs in and to tBe real estate herein-
after described, and directing that the sale
thereof ha made at private sal: in the man
ner provided for the sale of real estate at
private sale by executors and administra
tor;. Now therefore, und;r and in pursuance of
said order, I will, on and alter the 5th day
of March, lo98, proceed to sell the undivid
ed one-fifth interest of the said minors
above named in and to the said lands and
premises hereinafter described, at private
sale, for tho highest and bestoiUr therefor
is cash. Proposals and oSers therefor will
bj received at ihe ofSee of i! C-.rvallii Ga
zette, in Corvallis, Oregon.
The laxds atd premises above referred to
vnd W'hich will be sold as above set forth,
are deferibed as follows, to wit: An undi-vid-.d
oho tilth in and to the following des
cribed tract:
Uegintiing in th middle ( the Luekia
malc iiv..r-8 and 12-105 chai-.s uurth and
24 and 36-100 chains tsist ot the soultwe&i
comer of Rowland Chamber's D. L. claim
I Ko.4w in T. 10 S., it- li V., thence ninth
! 87 1-2 degrees, east 17 50-100 c hain., Iheitve
i north 1 chain, thence wist 57-100 chains,
thenev north U 1 -100 chains, wot o
! 75 10U chain.', the'ice north 4 chains, tbeRcc j
east al-mg the Luckiniitutu river U 75-lt'O;
; eh-iins, thence n vi lli 5 .'gree.- ea.-t 20 100;
: chains, the! cu smith ilejirevr, west 18 j
j chain.-., thenco south fidegieep, west 4 11-100
' chain-, llieuce s.-ulh 2 1-2 degrees west to of begi.-iiiiiig, cont-ilHiug 12 (j 100
acre., known "a- the King's Vallry flouring
mill property, situated in Beuloli county,
Oregon. -j
Dalit.- Oil.,-, Oi.-gon, Jan. 2S, ItkUS.
uariliati "i the minors tih-c named.
Niitica f
La ml Ofjco
-,l Oregon City, Owgoa, Jan-
I nary S, lSi'S.
j Notica L livra'jy -m-n that i'; following
j namv4 utt Icr l.aj liU 3 n-.'t i u "I liis ir.ton -i
tiou to niakr final riof in support of his
I claim, nail that saH it - 'f will ' mvJ. b-f.-.iv
thu CiHinty r. -.k !' B-!it:i roiinty,
Cfrallis. Orvsiin. P.Wrl'lh, ISilS,
viz: Itoman C. Zili 1; ii. K. Il,tl, dr the
K E 1-1 f N SMi-'S . 21. W t-2 of K
W 1-4 ami N V 1 -1 of S W !-l at Sn: 22,
:ti;s, B7W. 11 . !! r-lWing
witnop.s to pravc
nMin anil iui!tir.-t! 1
i Williatti y.vo.l. C
-r.i 1
. Orec-'i.
JulitH WwrWdt,
! Karl II.l.-s.
Uri-mtu Um.vr. "
C1T.4S. I! MtlORKS.
I It-j-i-tiT.
After yi-ars of ".'oM siifffri-ig fr-111 il,
II. W. Purll f t Kiiiln-rsriilp, Pa., was
eiirtfl by u-ing 11 -Mr - - nf D-Witt's
Witch Hazel Salv.-. Skin ill-, a--uc'i a.s
ii-z ina, rah, iinUn an'! o''.inatc -:or-s
arc readily curcl ly i famous rernerly.
Allen i; Wooiltt-i. .
Oastorla is put as ia one-size fcoUhs only. It
lis ret sold ia bulk. Seat allow tmyene to Bell
I yea anyuung else on the jlea or pronise that it
ia just as good" end will aastrcr every pnr-
ipoae." r-Eee taat yon get u-wt-m-n-i
1 tlgutuof
Clearance Sale
In Clothing.
We are now making our usual NEW YEAR'S
CLEARANCE SALE and have 011 our bargain
counters a nnmber of all Wool Suits ranging in
price from
$8.00 to $20.00
We intend closing these suits out at half price.
We mean business. . . .
Call and See Us.
& EASTERN E. ii. CO.
Yaquina Bay Route
Connecting at YAQtTINA KAY w'V: tl-.t
San Francisco & Yaquina Bay
Rails from Yaqtima evory S davs fr San
Francisco, Coos Hay, and Humbi kit Bay.
I'assensrer Aecmnmorl4tiii8 V . tu :: ct !
Shortest route lMtwea the Willamotln I
Valley and Caltforrnia.
Fare from Albany and Ifint VVst tw
Sa'i I'1! a nci s'-'o:
Calin $ K CO
Stccragu ii r.O
Round tHp r.d for 00 days, SlT.tQ.
To C001 Bay:
Cabin $S en
St'.-ray S
To Humboldt Bay aud Port Oi;.-rd:
Cibia siy ta
Stc-rajjc 8 i.(
Btnamer "ALBANY" bctvt
and Garvatlis, through without
Leaving Corvalli: fi::ia a. m.
Thursdays and Sundar;: li-av.s
Yamhill St. Dock, 6:00 a. m.,
Wc-dtif.tdays and Friday i.
F.IW1N STONE, Manager,
J. C. MAYO. SupX Rircr Div.,
II. II. CKONIS.j, A.N t, Cor
Uion Laundry 6o
All white labor work guaranteed.
Basket leaves on Tuesdays and ;rm
Saturdays. T. ID Campskll, Ago.t,
SeGoaaivHaud S'.ere.
W. H. UcBrayvr and Old Crow
kys, Fine Wines, Liquors ami Cii
Office: Over Allew & Woodward's
Residence: Corner Third and
Harrison Sts.
Hors iVyf; o-7;: Corvallis, Or.
G. R. FARRA, M. D.
OfiSee upstairs over F. h. Miller's store.
Residcucc on Third street in frnt of
Office hours S to 9 a. m., and 1 to 3 and
7 to 8 p. m. All calls atten-ded promptly.
Zierolf Building.
Fire Insurance. Collections
promptly attended to.
Boss a general practice in all the conrbs. Also
agest tor all fcho Snt-class insurance companies
Office upstair OTer Ftrat Natlonl Bmnk
Strictlv Flrt-CI$8 Work Gaarantced
Corvallis. Oregon
Regulator of Low Prices.
mi mw
mm mm mi like
mm mm
11 m OMAHA
Port 23? t
i . . -
Sieiiinli p
on O. R. i:
-i vv i t
: full !!!
" ' , e . Z
6 fts?BEs: :
G . N ' L CAE . AG NT,
o u
v 1
1 i i
Souihe n Pacific
j brtwwti P - -
rin. j. fli-1-..i
Ha!.-. . II- i.buT
C'r. wuil. t.'.'ii'i?
; 1
. Juru ti
.. City.
iiinfi, mriu-lv-'.
,1- Mm;
-1 '.,
$-.30 A. M.
li:25 f. M.
5: r. U.
Arr;vc 4:l P U
Arrive )3:f P. H
Lvc I 7:31 A. il
Ttrtsiis Di.isiis.
BaCy E.5pt I
7:.S'A A. jt. I Lcava
V. .M I Arrive
Arrive I 6:9 P. W.
Levt j 1 : P M.
At Albany and Cervallia caimart with traiiis mi ti-
urcgmi Pacific Uaiirad.
ExprcisTtiii. Iilijr EKtf 1 SasiJT.
:S9PJI I Leave Prtlaad Arrive S35 A M.
7:30 P. M I Arrive V.i: -Mmiville Leave 1 r:iA M.
8:35 P. U. i Arrive independence Leave 4 5" A M.
Direct connection at San Francisco
with Occidental and Orieiitnl and Pacific
mail steaiiiship lines fr JAPAN AND
CHINA. Sailing dates "n applicatioh.
Rates and tickets to Eastern points
and Europe. Also JAPAN. CHINA
obtained from A. K. MILNER, Ticket
Agent. Corvallis.
Manager. A G V & P. A.
Portland, Or.
Oregon) Short) e)
The Safest
East and Southeast.
or . !:
1 1
; i-
j. iif-tal Aif-uK
12-i tkmd Si. l'orrlaud, Or.