The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, February 04, 1898, Image 4

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LD settlers In the
southern part of
Baylor County,
! Texas, still make
occasional refer
ence to the Sav-
'rwses, or the Sav-
!ge brothers, as
they sometimes
call them. This
does not refer to
the time when the Indians were In the
country, although that time is by no
means" so far distant as to be beyond
the memory of living man; nor does it
imply anything especially wild and fe
rocious about the character of the men
in question. It merely goes back to the
first half of the '80s, when two brothers
of that name were among the promi
nent Inhabitants of that sparsely set
tled district. In some countries events
of that period would be considered
comparatively modern, but In Western
Texas they are ranked as strictly an
cient history.
It seems, from a careful survey of the
facts In the case, that neither of the
brothers was really a bad man at heart,
notwithstanding the fact that a great
many people who ought to know are
strongly inclined to think otherwise.
It Is certain that one of them is as true
a man as ever trod the soil of Texas, or
any other State, for that matter. All
who knew him agree that the final year
of his life, at any rate, was a year of
such courage and self-sacrificing hero
ism as one reads of in books, but sel
dom looks for in real life. The people
of West Texas are not much prone to
ero worship, and whenever they agree
that a man of their acquaintance Is
above the average of mortality there is
very likely to be some basis for the be
lief. Judging merely from physical ap
pearances, one would have had little
trouble in deciding which of the two
men would be more likely to prove of j
heroic mold. Bill, the younger, was a
man of magnificent physique, not un
duly large, but with muscles of such
herculean strength as perfect air and
the free life of a Western cowboy are
apt to Impart. He was light-complex-loned
and is said to have possessed a
vigorous, manly countenance, such as
ought to have made him more success
ful In his love affairs than he really
was. Joe, on the other hand, was as
much a picture of weakness and de
formity as his brother was of health
and strength. He was not only a peaked-faced,
slender slip of a man, but he
was a cripple as well. When he was 5
years old and Bill was only 3, a cyclone
had struck the log house In which the
boys and their parents were living. The
mother and father were killed, but
when the neighbors came to look
through the ruins of the cabin they
found Joe crouched on the bed with his
limbs spread out In such a manner as
to pAtect his baby brother. A heavy
log had fallen across his right foot and
Tigiik wrzst, urusufug lutaj julu irtsrjr
badly, but Trill was still sl eeping hi ab-
solute unconsciousness of the existence
of any such disturbing affairs as cy
clones. As a result of his Injuries at
the time, Joe was "club-footed" through
the whole of his life, and his right
forearm had a big knot on it, and a
crook that made his right hand turn
out when it should have turned In. It
is said that Joe was proud of his de
formities rather than otherwise, pre
sumably because they had been Incur
red In the defense of his baby brother,
and that Bill was, for the most part,
tenderly regardful of the brother who
had sacrificed health and almost life
for him.
Naturally enough, Bill was the more
prosperous of the two. Before he was
80 he owned a considerable "bunch" of
cattle, and leased quite a body of land
In the eastern part of Baylor County
as a ranch. Joe was his line rider, and
in that capacity was able to do a great
deal of such work as did not require
any very great amount of mere muscu
lar strength. Everything worked
smoothly with them until May Conley
came to live with a married brother
of hers who lived only a few miles from
the Savage ranch, She was not a high
ly educated girl, by any means, andJt
is doubtful if she was more than fairly
intelligent; but she was pretty, and she
was fickle and that tells the whole
story. In this case Joe was the first
victim. H met May at one of the big
camp meetings that are common in
that country in the fall of the year, and
after that he was very pronounced In
his attentions to her for several
months. Then his attentions ceased as
suddenly and abruptly as they had be
gun. People noticed this and they
also noticed that just about that time
Bill began going to see her.
"Bill took It up just where Joe laid
it down," remarked one cowboy to an
other during one of the intervals in a
dance on one occasion.
"Naw, that ain't It," responded his
friend. "I think Joe laid it down just
where Bill took it up."
One day as the two brothers and one
or two others were engaged in brand
ing some of Bill's yearlings the subject
was brought up.
"Sure enough, Joe, whatever made
you quit goln' to see that Conley gal so
suddent?" asked Jim Smith, one of the
helpers, in a jocose way.
"I stopped so's to give Bill a chance,"
said Joe, with what was evidently a
forced attempt at gayety.
"Shucks!" ejaculated his brother.
"You needn't a stopped for that. If I
couldn't beat you I'd better quit."
There was Just the least bit of con
temptuous emphasis on that word
"you," and Joe noticed It. A slightly
shamed, pained look came over his
poor, thin face as he faltered:
"W well, I didn't keer much for her.
no way. I was just a foolin' from the
My very deliberate opinion is that
O t
, this statement was a lie. It is my opiii
ion, furthermore, that in this single,
ungrammatical, mispronounced, muti
lated lie there was a loftiness of
thought and purity of purpose such as
an angel in heaven might well aspire
to. Bill did not take any such view
of the matter, though, for he only look
ed up and retorted angrily:
"My opinion of anybody that would
go foolin' 'round a woman when he
didn't care nothing for her is that ho
ain't much man."
"He's pretty small potatoes he shorn
Is," put In Tom Jackson, the fourth
man at the branding. Nobody noticed
the remark particularly at the time
but subsequent events caused them to
think a great deal about it later on.
"I'm surprised at you, Joe," said Bill
The ghost of a forced smile hovered
piteously on Joe's lips for a moment,
but he merely rubbed his forehead with
the knob on his wrist In the nervous
way peculiar to him on such occasions,
and said nothing.
Aside from one or two little incidents
like this which are hardly worth
counting as exceptions Bill's coutrship
was an illustration of the fact that,
notwithstanding a certain very emi
nent authority to the contrary, the
course of true love does occasionally
run smooth for awhile. In this ease
it ran smooth down to the very day set
for the wedding. The ceremony was
to be performed at what was known as
Plum Creek school house, and early in
the morning Bill went with a number
of his friends to get ready for the fes
tivities. In some countries it might
not be considered as a part of the
groom's duties to make these prepara
tions, but in Texas it Is etiquette for
anybody to do anything provided there
was not some one else to do It.
The ceremony was to take place at 10
o'clock. Perhaps half an hour before
that time Joe and his friend Jim Smith
were ritjiog through the timber which
always abounds around creek bottoms
In Texas, and were much astonished
vhen, at a sudden bend in the trail,
they came across the supposed prospec
tive bride. She was on horseback and
"Hello:" exclaimed Joe in surprise.
"Are you lost?"
"Yes," answered May, with a nervous
laugh. "I never was so glad to see
anybody In my life. This here creek
bottom timber's so thick a wildcat
would mighty nigh get lost in it let
alone a woman."
"1 should think you and Bill had
been to Plum Creek schoolhouse often
enough to know the way by this time?"
"I ain't goin' to Plum Creek," said
May, with a foolish giggle.
"What! Ain't you goin' to get mar
ried?" "Yes."
"Well, Bill's at the schoolhouse now,
a waitin' for ye."
May tossed her head and then giggled
"I ain't waitin' for him none," she
said. "I might as well tell you now as
any time. I'm goin' to be married to
Tom Jackson this morning at Round
Timbers. I've lost my way there and
I want you to tell me how to go."
At the mention of Jackson's name
Joe's face hardened for a moment. He
was the man who had been so quick to
take Bill's part in the quarrel with his
brother. Then Joe began to reason
with Mary as to her conduct, but a very
few moments sufficed to show him the
futility of the attempt. Promptly
changing his plans, he gave her a de
tailed account of the way to Round
"Say!" interrupted Jim Smith, who
had listened In profound astonishment
to the whole conversation, "you're mis
taken about "
"fo, I ain't," retorted Joe. "The
trail's been changed lately. That's all
right, May. Come on, Jim."
"I still think you were mistaken
about that trail," said Jim, as the two
men rode on together.
"No, I wasn't mistaken," said Joe. "I
just lied that was all. I did it for
Bill's sake. If May goes the way I sent
her she'll not get to Round Timbers
this morning."
After they had ridden a few moments
in silence, Joe began again:
"Jim, old fellow, for God's sake don't
let on that you've seen or heard -nothing
this morning. It'll be plenty tough
on Bill, anyway."
"I shore won't," said Jim.
There was quite a crowd assembled
around the door of the little log school
house when these two men rode up.
The groom was there and so was the
preacher; so also were the people. The
house was decorated within and with
Ottt with flowers and leaves and other
ornaments more or less appropriate to
the occasion. However, there was one
ornament generally considered neces
sary on wedding occasions which was
still missing namely, the bride.
"See anything of May lately?" asked
Bill, stepping to the front as the new
comers rode up. There was Just a trace
of anxiety in his voice as he spoke.
"Naw," answered Joe promptly. His
face looked perfectly unconcerned as
he spoke, but In a very few moments a
cloud began to rest upon it. I suspect,
though, that Instead of grieving over
the He he had told as of course he
should have been he was merely won
dering how he might spare Bill the
mortification which a public discovery
of the real facts In regard to May
might occasion. He was now sitting
with one leg thrown over the horn of
his saddle. Suddenly his face lighted
up with Its old sickly smile, and In a
voice that trembled a little In spite of
the bravado he tried to throw into it, ;
he began4
"Say, Bill, that was the devil of a lie
I told you about May Just now. I saw
her not over half an hour ago."
"You did, did you? When will she
be here?"
"She won't be here at all."
Bill's face grew stern and white.
"Why won't she?" he demanded
"Because I directed her in the wrong
road. Jim tried to tell her right and I
wouldn't let him. Ain't that so, Jim?"
Jim nodded grimly. With faces that
now began to grow drawn and anxious,
the spectators glanced from one speak
er to the other In turn. Bill's face was
fairly livid with rago, and his voice
trembled with the awfulness of re
pressed fury as he asked the next
"What did you do it for?"
The expectant silence that followed
was deathlike, but even then Joe's
voice was hardly audible as he an
swered with the same sickly smile
hovering about his white Hps:
"Because I useter court her myself
and you cut me out!"
Before the words were fairly out of
his mouth Bill sprang at him with the
fury of a wild beast. With all the force
of his mighty arm he struck and the
blow descended upon the arm the crip
pled, knotted arm which Joe had inter
posed to ward It off. Some say it de
scended upon the very knot itself. He
fell from his pony as if lie had been
shot, and lay for several moments on
the turf where ho had fallen.
"Which way did you send her?"
asked Bill, in the same awful tones he
had used before.
"I wou't tell," gasped Joe.
"Then get off that ground!"
Joe meekly obeyed.
"Get on your pony no, I see It's got
away from you. Then saddle up mine
yonder and go after May and bring her
back at once, sir! Do you hear?"
Joe meekly took the huge Texas sad
dle In his left hand and carried it to
where the pony was grazing, tied by a
long rope to a tree. His right arm hung
limp by his side. After some ineffect
ual efforts to throw on the saddle with
his left arm he gave up the attempt.
"I can't get the thing on." he said.
"Use your right arm, sir!" called his
"I think you've broke his game arm,
Bill," said Jim Smith.
. "It's a lie!" shouted Joe, "that arm's
as good as ever it was."
To prove the truth of this assertion
he made a mighty effort and managed
to lift his arm to his shoulder, though
the wrist still dangled loosely from his
elbow. Even then he could not restrain
his face from wincing and his teeth
from clinching with the pain. Drop
ping the saddle he turned abruptly and
limped off into the woods without a
Jim Smith afterward said that only
his solemn promise to Joe kept him
from telling the whole truth at this
Juncture just as he knew it to be, and
that he had to grit his teeth hard and
say cuss words under hi3 breath to do
It then. As to the rest of the crowd, it
must bo remembered that they knew
nothing but Joe's own statement about
the matter, and consequently they all
sympathized with Bill. After some
moments of condolence and consulta
tion with the crowd, Bill, with some
four or five others, started out to find
"Get that rope off your saddle there
and bring it along," he said to one of
the men.
"You ain't goin' to string him up, are
you, Bill?" was the rather anxious re
ply. "No; just want to skeer him a little.
Come on."
In a very short time they found the
man they were looking for.
"Are you ready to tell where May Is,
or to go after her?" Bill demanded.
"N-no," faltered Joe, with a distrust
ful glance at the little group of attend
ants. Again his brother sprang at him.
This time he threw him to the ground
and held him there with his grasp firm
upon his throat.
"Don't, Bill, old fellow, for God's
sake," gasped Joe, as his brother some
what relaxed the grip on his throat, "I
didn't 'mean no harm by it honest, I
didn't. I won't do it no more. What
are you going to do with that rope,
Bill? You're not going to kill your poor,
no-account brother, are you, old boy?"
Without a word Bill and his attend
ants continued wrapping the rope
around Joe. Then they stood him up
beside a tree and tied him to it, so that
his club foot touched the ground, while
the other, the strong one, was doubled
back in the coil of rope.
"Now, you ungratefnl whelp," said
Bill, as he started to leave, "I'll be back
in thirty minutes to see If you're ready
to tell me."
"Didn't he kiss your hand as you was
tying him?" asked some one as they
walked away.
Hardly had they left when Jim Smith
came up and at once began to untie the
"Don't!" said Joe. "Bill will be back
in a few minutes. Just unslip this loop
here. Thank you! The strain was on i
my right arm, and It hurt, because it
was sore. Jim, this Is hard but I guess, j
I can stand It, for Bill's sake. I ain't
hurtin' so much now, though, as I was. !
It's mostly all a joke. BUI was always
a powerful fellow to joke. I wlsht
you'd go tell him when he comes back j
please not to bring anybody else with :
At the appointed time, Bill saddled
his pony and rode off to where Joe was.
"I'll take the hoss, so that if Joe's
ready by now he can start off after
May and bring her back. I rather
guess he's ready by now, too. Maybe
we'll get to eat a wedding dinner to
day, yet only a little late, of course." j
After some time had elapsed and
neither brother had "showed up," as
the phrase goes In Texas, Jim Smith
walked to the place where he had left
Joe. There the poor fellow was, still
tied to the tree but dead! The thirty
minutes' strain had been too much fot
his crippled leg to bear, and it had
gradually given way, and this had al-
lowed the poor fellow to choke to
death. Of course, Jim lost no time in
rousing the quasi wedding guests, and
in telling the real facts about May. It
is not the first instance in the history
of the world wThere a man has had the
truth told about him too late to do him
nmr trnnil A mirsnlnof nnrhr rvna nut
after Bill at once, but all was to no
avail. Some say he committed suicide
shortly afterward in San Antonio; oth
ers, that he is still alive In New Mexico;
still others, that he is to-day in the in
sane asylum at Terrell. I do not know
what the truth about it is. Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Jackson still live in Cottle
County, Texas. Jim Smith Is the man
who first told me this story. Joe Sav- j
age is buried on the banks of Plum
Creek, and on his wooden headboard
you can still decipher the inscription;
"He Loved Mutch."
The Scripture had to be misquoted
to suit the gender of the pronoun and
the spelling Is slightly peculiar, but I
can not help thinking the Inscription
a good one. Many people consider love
a very good thing, and Prof. Drum
mond has written a book to prove that
it is The Greatest Thing In the World.
If these estimates are correct Joe Sav
age was certainly a great and good
man; for greater love hath no man than
this, that he lay down his life for hia
friend Utica Globe.
The woman who runs after a hus
band until she gets one seldom brags of
He Likes Steel Roads.
An interesting series of experiments
with steel rail roadways for earth high
ways by a prominent engineer and con
tractor of Pittsburg named F. Melber
has attracted the attention of the De
partment of Agriculture, which has de
cided to begin experiments on its own
account in order to test the value of the
plan. Mr. Melber's statement is as fol
lows: "My road Is now In position about a
month, and among other interesting
things I have watched the temperature
of the steel when exposed to the hot
afternoon sun. Every steel worker
knows that steel bars lying in the
yards of a bridge works, for instance,
will get so warm in a few minutes that
the men cannot held them in their
hands. I find that my steel stringers
remain cooler than the adjacent broken
stone. I think this Is as well a remark
able as an important fact, and it goes
to show that there takes place an in
terchange of the temperature between
the inner substances and the steel, and
that In this class of steel highways we
do not need to provide for expansion.
Altogether! find the steel road to ver
ify all I have said at various times
about It, even as to cost, and with re
gard to traction advantages I am now
able to give figures. I have made twen
ty trials, using a gauged spring bal
ance, and find that the average force
needed to pull an iron wagon weighing
1,550 pounds with a sixteen-foot wagon
bed is 2.5 pounds, which reduced to a
load of 2,000 pounds means a traction
force of 3.23 pounds per ton. My tests
demonstrate that the steel roads need
for traction one-twelfth the power as
compared with macadam, and one-
twenty-seventh the power as compared
with earth roads."
Congress is to be petitioned at this
session for the necessary sum to
: equip a number of roads in different
! parts of the country with the steel rails
j and the plan will be tested on a whole
sale scale before any decided action is
j taken to make the system general
i throughout the country. It is an lm
! provement of such an important kind
I tiiat there will probably be a popular
J demand for Its as soon as the general
! public, especially that portion of it
whose business lies in the way of coun
try roads, becomes aware of the fact
that experiments are going on. Then
the inhuman spectacle of weary horses
dragging heavy loads through mud
and clay that clog the wheeMPalmost to
the spokes will be a thing of the past.
Getting Out of the Ruts.
The L. A. W. Bulletin offers prizes
for the best photographs of choice
stretches of our bed roads.
Van Buren County, Michigan, has a
goodly Increase of mileage in grading
and graveling to add to the good roads
record for 1807.
If Missouri wants to be in the line of
march of that promised advance of
prosperity It might be Just as well to
let the good roads movement pave the
way. St. Louis Republic.
A large and enthusiastic good roads
State convention has lately been held
In Columbia, S. C. It recommends the
organization of a State commission or
bureau of road improvement.
New Type of Westerner.
Time was when the Westerner of
fiction wras a rudely heroic figure, chlv
alric and resourceful, reckless of life
as the new school of novelists, and In
ured to adventure as one of Mr. Da
vis' heroes. He lived by preference In
a mining camp, or if geologic consider
ations prevented that he was apt to be
a rancher, an Indian fighter or at least
a cowboy. There was more than a
suggestion of the untamed wilderness
about him, and though generally im
possible he was always interesting.
The Westerner of recent fiction is an
entirely different character. His home
has been changed, for one thing, and
Instead of the Rockies of the great
plains he now affects what might be
called in semi-nautical phrase the
West-middle-west. He has lost his
naively reckless ways in the removal,
and his chief purpose in life now seems
to be to set forth the Iniquity of exist
ing social conditions. Octave Thanets
missionary sheriff, It Is true, Is a lineal
descendant of the old type, as engaging
if perhaps as Improbable as the gentle
manly and high-minded gamblers or
the simple hearted desperadoes In
whom Bret Harte reveled; but turn to
the character of that self-proclaimed
prophet of the Northwest, Hamlin Gar
land, and what a falling off we find!
His people do not live; they work. Life,
as he sees it, Is a ceaseless round of
fierce toll performed angrily and re
belllously by men who lack the force
to make their rebellion effective. They
complain, and sometimes they grow
brutal toward their womankind, but
their revolt carries them no further.
They have altogether lost the fighting
spirit. They shrink and cower before
the winters cold; they shudder and
wince at the pain of husking corn with
worn fingers; they swear and rage over
the discomforts of heavy work in hot
weather. Scrlbner's.
A Moscow Chnrch.
One result of the Franco-Russian alli
ance is to be seen In the proposition to
erect for the Paris exposition the fa
mous church of Vassili Blagennol, in
Moscow, built in the sixteenth century,
of which tradition says that its archi
tect was blinded by Ivan the Terrible,
that he might never produce another
building so beautiful. To Western taste
It seems odd rather than beautiful, but
Moscow is a city of oddities. "There
are two notable things here," said a
citizen of Moscow to a traveler, "Tol
stoi and the great bell they are both
Soft, Sweet and Solid.
One day, after visiting a certain
Scottish historic town, an English lady
entered the train, and, having rather a
long journey, she wanted something to
read on the way, so she called a news
boy. On being asked what books he had,
the boy named all his wares. None of
them pleasing her he lost his patience,
and when she told him she wanted
something soft, sweet -and solid he
turned away disgusted, remarking:
"Awa wi' ye! I think It's a dump
lin ye want." Cassell's Journal.
Takes H is Part.
"Well," remarked the comedian, who
had been promised a small part after
being Idle half the season, "even a
small role is better than a whole loaf."
Philadelphia Record.
When a woman spends fully half her
time soliciting for "her church," she
may depend upon it that the people
Uave a mighty poor opinion of her.
A scene in The Slocum Laboratory, New York: The Discoverer demonstrating to Medical Men and Students, the Value
and Wonderful Curative Powers of his New Discoveries.
NOTE. All readers of this piper can have Three Free Bottles of the Doctor's New Discoveries, with complete directions,
by sending their full address to Dr. Slocum's Laboratory, 98 Pine street, New York City.
The oldest specimen of pure glass
bearing a date, is the head of a lion in
a collection at the British museum. It
bears the name of an Egyptian king of
the 11th dynasty.
Black and blue colors arc not subject to
fashions this season nor in any season.
They hold their own and will not wash out.
They are pretty solid colors, and but for the
misery of wearing them, might become
fashionable. Some men take pi-ide in wear
ing them ns tokens of their profession, as
soldiers do their s ars. But bruises, black
or blue, or both, ought to have immediate
attention, for under them nia v be a nerve
hurt or a muscle badly wrenched. A black
and blue bruise is a bad thing, not only
froni its tender soreness but the contused
blood is prevention of regular circulation.
While sore spots like these will not wash
out, there is something that will rub them
out in no time, and that is St. Jacobs Oil.
It is peculiarly adapted to their quick cure.
A pennant can be won only by hard
knocks, with scars and bruises, but after
the ball Is over, if an' remain, this one
cure is the best. Bruises come from con
tusion in all avocations, and it is well to
temcnibor at all times just what will cure
them the best.
Detectives detailed to look after pro
fessional shoplifters, always look to see
if their suspects are wearing gloves. A
professional, it is declared, never works
with gloves on.
A lot of fanatics in the state recently im
mersed an old rheumatic woman bodily In
the water to "heal her" as they said. She
nearly died In Consequence. How much better
it would have been to have treated the poor
Old woman for her Infirmity with Hostetler's
Stomach Bitters, which not only cures rheuma
tism, but prevents kidney complaint and rem
edies dyspepsia, constipation, liver trouble and
llervous prostration. Give it a systematic trial.
In order to raise church funds, a
Georgia minister charged admission to
an entertainment where the contestants
engaged iu a ginger cake eating com
petition. Portsmouth, N. H. , high school girls
advertised an approaching school
benefit by appearing on the streets as
"sandwich men," with placards hung
about their necks.
The stomach of a dead man was re
cently introduced in the probate court
in Milwaukee, Wis., to show that the
possessor was of unsound mind when
he made his will.
offices, or factories, are peculiarly
liable to female diseases, especially
t,hose who are constantly on their feet.
Often tliey are unable to perform thci r
duties, their suffering is so intense.
When the first
symptoms present
themselves, such as
backache, pains
m groins, head
ache, dizzi
swelled feet,
blues, etc.,
they should at
once write Mrs. Plnkham at Lynn,
Mass., stating symptoms. She will
tell them exactly what to do.
Grace B. Stahsbury, Pratt, Kansas,
says: " I suffered from intense pains in
the womb and ovaries, and thebackacho
was dreadful. I had leucorrhcea in its
worst form. Thus I dragged along.
At last I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for
advice. Her answer came promptly.
I read carefully her letter, and con
cluded to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound. After taking two
bottles I felt much better ; but after
using six bottles I was cured."
The famous AppUanc and Remedies of
theBrloaieoicai uw. uutriui -
offered .on trte.l without expense to any
honest maa. Ko a dollar to be paid.
kdnee.. Cum Effects of Errorj
c Excesses In Old. or young. mbqhoou
Vu! ly Restored. How to Enlarge- and
8 renirTheBWoiSi, Undeveloped Portions
or Body. Absolutely unfailing Home
Treatment. KoC. O. D. or other scheme.
A. plain offer by a firm of high standing.
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I Money...
...For You
if you plant our new Titleless Bunch
Yam Potatoes aud get on the market 6
weeks before your neighbors. Earliest,
Largest, Sweetest, and Most Pro
ductive known. Postpaid 30cts. per
Eound, by express, not prepaid, 15cts.
end lOcts. for large catalogue of 50 seed
novelties with testimonials from all over
the Union, and large starting package of
our new homegrown Coil'ee which COBt
only 2cts. a pourid to raise and two crop
a year in the south. Special prices t
A (routs who make $2 TO S5 A DA
selling this wonderfulseed. Address,
Bast Cough Syrup. Tastes Good.
in rime, koiq oy druggists.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose. "Tea Garden Driys" is mmle from
Susrar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale
by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast Syrup Co. All gen
uine "Tea Garden Drips" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can.
For lung and chest diseases, Piso's Cure
is the best medicine we have used. Mrs.
J. L. Northcott, Windsor, Out., Canada.
A mechanical device recently pat
ented pastes paper labels on 100,000
tins in ten hours.
A rabbit with two well developed
horns was recently shot in the fields of
Chase county, KiTnsas.
A local South Shore train came into
collision with a Grand Trunk local at
St. Lambert, Canada, and August
Bourbon and James Coudry were
Pour hundred years ago only
seven metals were known. Now
there are 51, 30 of which have
been discovered within the present
If Chinese children do not obey their
parents, and the latter whip them to
death, the law has no punishment for
them, as obedience to parents is the
cardinal virtue.
W. T. Woodward, the Kentucky
horsebreeder, is going about tolling his
friends that he has been cured of rheu
matism by carrying old electric light
carbons in his pocket
Two New York men have invented
an electrical dental mallet for use in
hardening tooth filling, the tool having
a central bar, which strikes back and
forth as the current is made and broken.
The combination of a lamp, bell and
brake for cyclers' use has been patent
ed, the bell being set in the back of
the lamp in position to be struck by
a clapper attached to the brake plunger.
The tramways, omnibuses, and un
derground railways in and around
London within a radius of five miles,
carry each year, it is calculated, about
453,000,000 passengers.
While the museums and galleries of
Berlin, Paris, London, etc., are usually
open to the public free, the Italian gal
leries and museums usually charge a
franc or more for admission.
A (jeorgia coroner s Jury brought in
the following verdict: ''The deceased
came to his death from a railroad in the
hands of a receiver, and the same is
manslaughter in the first degree."
The only electric traction adapted for
crowded streets is the Vuilleumier sys
tem, Professor Sylvanus P. Thompson
contends, supplying current through
contacts in the road's surface.
The most wonderful astronomical
photograph in the world is that which
has recently been prepared by London,
Berlin and Parisian astronomers. It
shows at least 68,000,000 stars.
In Delaware two brothers lived for
forty years within eight miles of each
other, attended the same church and
frequently traded with each other with
out knowing they were related.
Writers' cramp Is prevented by a
new device which consists of a frame
which with the pen or pencil, forms a
tripod to slide over the paper, the body
of the tripod being hollow to hold hot
Frozen butterflies are often found on
the snow by mountain climbers, and
the insects are so brittle that they
break unless carefully handled. When
taken to a wamer climate they recover
and fly away.
Silesian coal mines are provided with
pneumataphors, which are bombs filled
with compressed oxygen to be used in
cases where miners are penned in un
derground chambers and in danger of
An Illinois firm is to manufacture a
self-lubricating journal box, in which
an oil chamber Is set in the bottom of
the box, with a series of flexible fibres
extending from the oil to the journal to
act as a wick to feed the oil into- the
Schoolboys should beware of licking
pens or blots with their tongues. Ac
cording to Mr. Marpmann, of Leipsio,
there are microbes in ink, and it may
be dangerous to prick the skin with a
Saville Kent, a naturalist, has an
owl, or morepork, as he calls it,
which plays possum,
out until it appears
branch of a tree in
stiffening itself
as part of the
the naturalist's
Notwithstanding all the efforts cf in
ventdrs, no one has been able to dis
cover a substitute for leather. For
shoes, belting, harness and a thousand
other uses, "there's nothing like
The annual convention of the
Brotherhood of Steam Shovel and
Dredge Engineers, in session at Chi
cago, passed resolutions favoring a 21-
foot channel in the Chicago river and
the construction of the Nicaragua canal
by American capital.
By the Youghiogheny Gas Coal Com-
pany's purchase of 600 acres of land
from Captain S. S. Brown, several days
ago, United States Senator M. A. Hanna
will become the coal king of Pittsburg
district. Mr. Hanna's company now
produoes 1,600 tons of coal a day. It
wants to increase the capacity so as to
make it greater than any other company
operating in the district.
With the millions of Anna Gould
Count Boniface de " Castellane is still
posing as the modern Tiberius. His
iatestaot of magnificence is to purchase
the Palnzza della Scalu in Verona, for
the sake of the eleven ceilings in it
painted by Tiepolo. These will dec
orate his new palace in Paris, a repro
duction of the Grand Trinon. Paris
regards the career of the little count
with mingled awe and envy. AVlien
will it end, or are the Gould millions
really inexhaustible?
John M. Langston, the colored law
yer, politician and orator, bears with be
coming dignity tiie many lienors which
have come to him during his eventful
life. He does not look over 68 years of
age. For several years he was a law
lecturer and dean of the Howard uni
versity law department. In 1877 Pres
ident Hayes sent him as minister to
Hayti. He is the only colored man
Virginia ever sent to congress. As a
scholar he ranks among the leaders; as
an orator he is the prince of the plat
form, James II. Eckels, who, within a few
days, has retired from the office of con
troller of the currency, evidently does
not propose to hide his light under a
bushel, because he is no longer a public
official. He delivered an interesting
address at Chicago -the other night on
the subject of "Public Leadership,"
wherein he strongly favored independ
ence in politics and vigorous individual
action, regardless of party politics and
party lines.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTOK1A," and
"Pi rCHER SCASTOXIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, cfHysnnls, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
Sic-sinilie signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been nsed in the homes
cf the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Eook Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have alzvays bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. Xo one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Germany has 30,000,000 in gold
coin packed away in 1,000 iron chests
in the fortress of Spandaou. This is
intended for use as an emergency fund
in case of war.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo,
Lucas Covnty. j
. Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that he Is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co.,
doing business In the City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and that the said Hrm will
pay the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every case of CATAkPH that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catakrh Cufe.
Sworn to before me and subscribed iu my
preseuce, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886.
J peal j Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free,
Sold bv druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
. Toledo, O.
A sweet potato, 25 inches in circum
ference and nine inches in length has
been raised by John Graham, of Abi
lene, Kan.
After being swindled by all others, send us stamp
for particulars of King Koloruon's Treasure, the
ONLY ronewer of manly strength. MASON
CHEMICAL (X)., P. O. Box 747, Philadelphia, Pa.
A new German paper strainer con
sists of an endless chain of bars passed
automatically and continuously through
a receptacle.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro-
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
MAP OF ALASKA Fndorsed by the De
partment of the Interior and to be used by U.
S. army o Ulcers detailed to Alaska. The best and
most detailed map of Alaska In existence. Will be
mailed upon receipt of price (50c) In 2e stamps, or
money order. BWDOLPH KRAFT, Publisher,
P. O. Box 111. Portland Or.
II Cure If Ceiiijii, Com
id Mta M Cures.
Remarkable Discovery of a'n
American Medico
How Every Reader of Thils
Paper May Obtain the New '
and Free Scientific Sys
tem of Medicine
Workers in the wide, unexplored field rf
modern chemistry are daily astounding te
world with new wonders." Professor and
layman vie with each other in their coiti
mendable efforts to lessen the ills ofhumall
ity. Yesterday it was Pasteur and KocK,
and today it is Slocum, with a new discov
ery which is the result of years of careful
study and research.
Foremost among the world's greatest
chemists stands T. A. Slocum, of New York
City. His researches and experiments,
patiently carried on for years, have finally
culminated in results which are proving as
beneficial to humanity as the discoveries of
any chemist, ancient or modern. His efforts
which for years had been directed toward
the discovery of a positive cure for con
sumption, were finally successful, and al
ready his "new scient'ii.c system of meiii
cine" has, by its timely use, permanently
cured thousa ds of apparently hopeless
cases, and it seemsa necessary and humane
duty to bring such facts to the attention of
all invalids. !
The medical profession throughout
America atid Europe are almost unaniious
in the opinion that nearly all phvsieal ail
ments naturally tend to the generation of
consumption. The ariiicted die in th
short, cold days of winter much fastertha
in the long, hot days of summer.
The Doctor has proved the dreaded dis
ease to be curable beyond a doubt, in miy
climate, and has on "tile iu his American
and European laboratories thousands 6i
letters of heartfelt gratitude from tlvv1'
benefited or cured in all pans of the world.
No one having, or threatened with, airy
disease, should hesitate a day, hut should
write at once. Facts prove that the Doi tor
has discovered a reliable and absolute cure
for Consumption (Tuberculosis) and al!
bronchial, threat, luneand chest troubles,
stubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, scrof
ula, general decline and weakness, loss of
Mesh, and all wasting conditions, and to
demonstrate its wonderful merits, he will
send Three Free Bottles (all different) of
his New Discoveries, with full instructions,
to any reader of this paper.
Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. C.,88
Pine straet, New York, giving full address.
There is no charge for correspondence-,
advice strictly professional and confiden
tial. Know ing, as we do, of the undoubtful
efficacy of The Slocum .System of Medicine,
we urge every sutl'erer to take advantage of
this most liberal proposition.
A system of medical treatment that will
cure catarrh, lung t roubles and consump
tion is certainly good for and will cure
any wasting disease that humanity is heir
Tlease tell the Doctor, w hen w riting, that
you read his generous oiler in our paper.
The city of Santa Fe, New Mexito,
is without rats, mice and cats, as the
air is too rarefied for those animals.
Joy and gladness shine forth in the eye at
the manly nnd strong. Confidence, self-esteeju
and love of society come with the return of na
ture's vigor. Electricity, the force of vitality,
makes men (Treat. It brings back the fire ot
youth. It helps manhood.
Dr. San den's Electric Belt
Is the Chosen spring from which is drawn the
vital energy which infuses the veins of men
and develops the nerve and physical powers.
The vigorous standard of our race is improved
bv it.
"Do you wish to read the story of how vital
force is renewed fiy electricity? If mi, get Pr.
Sanden's book, "Three Classes of Men," which
will be sent closely sealed, free from observa- 1
(ion, upon request,
A hook for the ladies, "Maid, Wife and
Mother," can be had for the asking. ,
853 WtiBt Washington St., Portland, Or.
Please mention this Pdper. g
sesseecaDOC6Gsa'7 1
toinerB, and fcpnoe i,ntr
1 Pic, fa Day lia ?i-h
lOo I
r 1
E.-irllest Red llatt,
Bismarck (I'jfurabfr.
10c I
Qaeen Virtonr. Lettace, Kg O
Klindjke Melon, ISc a
.Tnmbo Giant Onion, 15c 5?
Brilliant Flower Secus, 15c 5?
V. ort: 6 1.00, for 14 cents.
Above 10 pkjjs. worth $1.00, we will
mail yon frje, together with our
great riant ana oeea i:ataiofne .
upon receipt of thinot ice nnd lie. J
postage. We invite ytmr trade sad I
know when yoa once try Salter's t
sei'dsTuu will r.over irot a loon with- I
out them. PnMtA-n nt ft I
ti Bill. Catalog alone 5c. No. P.O. t
grow paying crops because they're
fresh and always the best. For
sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes.
Stick to Ferry's Seeds and prosper.
1898 Seed Annual free. Write for it.
D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich.
Moore's Revealed neraedy willdo it. Three
doses will make you feel better. Get it from
your dniRgist or any wholesale drug house, or
from Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
Make moiiev bv succesf nl
peculation in Chicago. We
duv ana sen wneat on mar
gins. Fortune, have been
made on a small beginning by trading in fu
tures. Write ,'or full particulars. Best of ref
erence given. Several years' experience on the
Chicago BoRrd of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the business. Sed for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS 4 Co.,
Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices in
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
Mas. Wihslow's Soothing Syhuf should always be J
used for children teething. It soothes the child, soft-V
k ens the (rams, allays all pain, cures wind rnlicand is 4
L the best nmalv for diarrhoea. Twenty five cent a 4
C bottle. It l the best of all. jj
lk.A.a&.....s...aa.a. a
for tracing and locating Gold or Silver
Ore, lost or burled treasures. M. 1.
roWLEK, Box 837, Soutningion, Conn.
i uinn ail
0 aueii
n . v
N. P. N. V.
HEN writ in s: to advertif
arl. HI
JLnorthern JL
r grown