The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 28, 1898, Image 4

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I ELL, well! Per
haps it was iny
fault peruaps
It was not. He
was a clever
fellow ah, that
he was. They
asked me to
catch him; I
eaiu I'd try. I wouldn't promise no.
I'd only say I'd try.
I tried. His offense was nothing
merely what Is commonly called a
"Railway Plant." It succeeded,
though, and my gentleman was "want
ed." I made p grand hit when I nabbed
his comp.-.nlon. He told me his haunts
and his habits, but he wouldn't aid me
in catching him. I determined to do it
myself. I was a green hand then. No
matter; I had the will. I found the
way. He was to be at a tea party on
that Thursday night. I was invited.
Shall I take two policemen in disguise
and "rrest him. No; all his friends
woull rescue him. I will go alone. I
went. I left my little house a four
roomed dwelling at 6. I locked the
front door, and off I went to Mrs.' tea party.
It was in the month of December.
We had great fun at that tea party.
There was a gentleman there that I
believed to be my man, despite the fact
that, when I was introduced, I was in
formed he had just come from the con
tinent. We fell into conversation. He
began to pump me. This was what I
wanted. I was determined to play the
simple, and tell him all he asked.
He stared hard at me. Perhaps he
knew me perhaps he did not. He was
a pecu'ir man, with short black hair,
a clean-shaved face (parish priests and
pickpockets are dike clean-shaved
strafe coincidence!), dressed in a suit
of very light gray. He appeared smart.
I might safely have shouted, "All hands
to pump ship!" for he pumped in a
most bare-faced manner.
He asked me where I lived. I told
him. I saw no use in deceiving him;
besides, I had a little plan in view I
might invite him to my house, and pin
Had I any company? None. Any
one else in the house? No. I was a
bachelor; I preferred to live alone. And
ther, in the most quiet and insinuating
way, hj asked me did I shoot? I did;
he had been shooting lately last week
he was shooting in Suffolk. He went
down there for a day or two. Ah! and
I rem: -ked, in a very innocent wa3',
looking up benignly at him, that I
thought that was, I understood he
had just come from the continent.
He started. I pretended to be sur
prised, and he assured me, in fact, he
had been to the continent since! But
about the shooting? No, I didn't shoot;
I was .'.raid about firearms; the sight
Inly, i-mwed him, of a loaded gun
lade me tremble (pass me here, read
er; there Is a loaded gun always hang
ing over my chlmueypieee in the par
lor). Had I no firearms? He had a
beautiful gun. No, I had none. Then
he returned to the house in question.
Did I sleep on the ground floor? No.
Where then? At the top of the house
it was two stories high. Oh! back or
front? Back. He was very inquisitive,
I thought; but I seemed to enjoy tell
ing him all I could. He thought he
was d'';ing, poor devil! Then be asked
me as if casually, did I approve of
keeping money at home, or did I 5?nd
It to the bank? I started. I began to
think this was too good. No matter;
I would go through with it. I had told
him lies enough, why not tell another
ay, why not? I kept my money at
home. Banks were unsafe; but I as
sured him I felt uneasy "just then," be
cause 1 happened to have more than
usual, and it wasn't mine. Five hun
dred pounds ready money, I think I
told him. No; It was 500 "in notes"
ha! ha! utft Five pence In coppers
wor.d have been nearer the mark. But
no uir 'ter; poverty is no sin.
i'es, I kept it in the bouse; and he
thougu it strange I had no arms.
Here 1 stopped him, and begged his
pardon; I had. What were they, might
he ask? He might. My arm was a
boiler stick, with two ounces of lead
let into the top of It. Oh! he seemed
greatly relieved.
1 told him the doors and windows had
bolts on them, and were all barred all
but one. He pricked up his ears, and
a faintly murmured "Which?" led me
on, and gave me hope. I thought It
i jst to encourage him all but one.
The front window on the ground floor,
I said, had no bar on the shutter. They
had f bells, I told him. It bad a bell.
It was very safe. Thieves never think
of getting Into a house by the front,
you know. And there was no area or
garden. The door opened on the pave
ment. Yes, it was very safe wasn't
-ft? Y,es, he thought it was. Then he
talked about politics, etc.; and then he
got up to go so soon? and Mrs. Jones
begged him to stay; and I begged him
- glre me a call some night, for ah!
rea'y, he was very that is, his com
pany was very ah! very agreeable, ha!
lia! ha! He was going my way, would
I go with him? or would he wait for
me? No; I would tay an hour longer
at least, and then see the Misses
Browne to their home. Ha! ha! ha!
what a notion I bad of it.
He thought me very simple, no doubt
he thought all I said was true. I
often wonder now whether he ever sus
pected that the quiet individual who
did not shoot nor put his money in the
bank, and slept in the house alone, and
put bells on the doors and windows,
was a detective, who would do his best
to see him safely "in quod" before
twelve hours were over. Ha! ha! we
shall see what we shall see so we
He is gone. He shnts the hall door.
He looks wildly about him, and then
sets off in the direction of my lodgings.
I am watching him from my window.
Oh, I forgot to tell him. Ah! really I
must go. Good evening, Mrs. Jones;
ta ta! I will clap on my hat and fol
low him. I shall shut the hall door
quietly and start in the same direc
tion. Ha! I thought so.
There he Is in the dark, round the
cornc t. He does not think any one sees
him. Here Is a low wall how handy!
I'll just get behind It and watch him.
His position is well chosen no one can
see him unless just where I am.
Look what he is at. Well, I'm
bio wed! He puils out a coat from
goodness knows where. It is quite
bla '.. He puts It over his other coats,
and even pulls off his trousers. Ah! he
others on under them toej
black, too. And then he takes off his
tall hat, and stows all his traps where
the coat came from. His hat is re
placed by a glengarry. Then out comes
a great black beard and mustache,
which are carefully adjusted. My yah!
I wouldn't know him again.
Look again; he is examining some
thing in his hand; it shines as he turns
it over it gives a faint click, click, as
he holds it up. Ha! I thought so; it
is a pistol. He puts it into his breast,
and then looks about him. I creep
closer to the wall. He does not see
me, although he is coming this way.
He passe? me, and walks on. I whis
tle a tune, and step after him round
the corner. 1 am coming up to him.
He asks me the time. I tell him, and
ask, did a gentleman in a light suit pass
that way? Yes; he went up yon street
smoking a cigar good-night, sir! Ha!
ha! good-night! But surely he is fol
lowing mei Yes, there can be no mis
take about it. No matter, I will out
wit him. I reach the corner he is ten
yards behind me. or more. I set off at
a run down the street till I reach the
next corner. Round it I fly.
A glance backward he has not en
tered the street yet. I enter a half
open door. The next mniute I hear his
steps; he is running for life and death,
one would think. He reaches the cor
ner, too, and stops. He Is not a yard
from me, and I am grinning at him
through the door, which is about six
inches o-n. He looks about him. He
is at fault. "Blast him," he mutters,
"I'll have him yet!" He sets off at a
headlong speed along the street, and I
saunter out quietly and follow him at
an easy walk. I arrive at the corner.
Heavens! he is coming down the e'-eet
towards me. Yes, it must be he, al
though his beard and mustache are
replace . by carroty whiskers, and he
has a pea jacket and a jerry hat! By
what trick of sleight-of-hand is this
done? I cannot imagine. It must be
he. He is filling his pipe. My house
is just in advance; still he follows me.
I enter the house. Casually he
glances up at the windows. I bolt tne
door. I hear him turn Into the lane
that goes up alongside the next house.
I steal quietly into the front parlor, ana
leave the shutters open, and put beck
the window fastening. Then I go up
stairs to the back room. I light the
candle. I don't draw down the blind,
for reasons of my own. One glance at
the lane. I thought so; there he is,
staring at the house. I can see him;
the lamp Is not far off. I draw back
out of sight, and, taking my revolver
out of the drawer, I put fresh cart
ridges therein, and slip it into my
pocket. Then I go to the window
again, with my nightcap In ff" hand.
I stnre into the glass while I adjust it.
I am full in the glare of the canule
light; I am sure he sees me. Then,
quietly drawing down the blind, I ex
tinguish the light, and pull it (the blind)
a little on one side to look out. See!
he is running round to the front again.
I steal down stairs; I creep into the
parlor. I thought so; some one at the
window. Slowly and silently the sash
is lifted and the blind pushed back; the
next moment a man enters the room.
It is he.
He pulls out his pistol, cocks it, and
lays it on the table. Then he pokes his
head cut under the blind, and glances
up and down the street. Apparently
satisfied, he withdraws his head, and
then faels his way to the fireplace; he
is goinT to strike a match.
I quietly put out my hand and grip
his pistol. I stealthily draw myself up
and face him. He strikes the silent
match; gradually it brightens up. His
back is toward me. He lights a candle
and turns around.
He does not start, but turns white
as a sheet. I a in facing him, covering
him with my revolver and his own
pistol. For a moment we glare at
each other. He mutters, "No firearms,
eh?" and I hiss, "Surrender!" A
moment, and the candlestick it, dashed
in my face. There is a flash, a report
another! He dashes at the window.
Now 1 see why he left it open. I rush
madly forward. A heavy blow de
scends on my face. I stagger back
only for a moment. I start up and
take down the gun; in an instant I am
standing in the street. He is fifty
yards away. I fire one barrel, then the
next of course, I miss and there I
stand crestfallen at my window,
while the neighbors gather around.
"Thieves!" says one; "the ruffians!"
cries nother; while a third eyes me
calmly saying, "You've missed him!"
I never saw him again. Elmira Tele
gram. Cause of Office Drowsiness.
"Some men are quite martyrs to of
fice drowsiness," a physician remarked
the other day. "Any monotonous sound
near them, the hum of traffic outside or
even the scratching of a clerk's pen Is
sufficient to induce a feeling of sleepi
ness which it is almost impossible to
resist. The worst of it is that this
symptom Is seldom regarded as any
thing serious, though I have known it
to be the beginning of critical mental
trouble. Far more often, however, it
is merely the effect of constitutional
eccentricity, though in either case a
few simple remedies might be tried
with advantage.
"For instance, I always advise the
old indigestion cure a glass of hot
water when the feeling comes on. To
keep the eyes tightly closed for three
or four minutes And then bathe them in
very . arm water often gives relief nt
once. Another good idea is to lower
the head for a few seconds to a level
with the knees. Above all, one should
never give in to the feeling of drowsi
ness by taking a short nap In the hope
of waking up brighter after it. At the
same time the condition of the office
might be looked to. The slightest de
fect in ventilation will often cause one
man to be affected by office drowsiness.
even though other people in the same
room feel nothing of it whatever."
London Tit-Bits.
Voted Early and Often.
Rev. Washburne West, who died
lately in London, had the distinction of
being able, through a Judicious distri
bution of his property, to cast twenty
three votes at each parliamentary elec
tion. He was kept busy In rushing
from one polling place to another on
flection day, as he was interested in
politics. At the 1892 election he man
aged to vote the Conservative ticket
seventeen times.
Civil actions speak louder than
words: a indzment is worse UttD-av
German Who Reaps Profit from Train
ins Watch Dogs.
A patient and Ingenious man, Herr
Straus of Berlin Is engaged In a novel
and unusual business, something
which he has thought out for himself
and which is proving very lucrative.
It has long been admitted that the
dog stands unrivalled among animals
for the Intelligence he so markedly dis
plays, but, notwithstanding this, it
seems that a certain amount of train
ing Is necessary to turn out what might
be called a really good watch dog.
The fact seems to" have impressed
Herr Straus to an unusual extent, for
he has established in Berlin an acad
emy where watch dogs are turned out
by the hundreds every year. For this
purpose he has invented a system
whereby every dog, by judicious appli
cation, might finally develop into a
good watch dog, and also an affection
ate pet. The system does not consist
of teaching the bow-wow a few tricks
which, however pretty they may look
In the drawing-room, are scarcely of
value but in. educating the dog so
that he may distinguish burglar from
master, and treat them accordingly.
Thus, every dog placed under the care
of Herr Straus is put through a scien
tific training and Is taught, should oc
casion occur, what part of the man's
body must be attacked to prove most
encouraging to nonresistance.
Before this can be mastered, how
ever, the value of obedience must be
instilled into the mind of every dog
sharing the hospitality of his master,
and consequently the recruit is first of
all taught such ordinary tricks as sit
ting on Its haunches, jumping in va
rious ways over certain obstacles, and
carrying stones from one place to an
other. When these simple tricks have been
properly grasped by his canine pupils
Herr Straus proceeds to more Import
ant instruction. A dummy represent
ing a tramp is placed outside the gate,
and to the knob a string is attached,
which is held by an assistant. Slowly
and stealthily the gate Is opened until
the head of the dummy is perceivable
inside. The dogs are taught to fly at
this dummy as soon as they see it, and
the educated dog promptly does credit
to his master by springing at the throat
of the imitation tramp. The teacher
was the victim of his own system not
long ago. He dressed himself In a rag
ged suit, and opening the door of the
room where the dog was made a noise.
The animal flew at hUn and chased his
instructor for several squares. Chica
go Chronicle.
The Salt Habit.
The use of salt as a condiment Is so
general and so universally believed In
as necessary that we rarely hear a
word against Its excessive use, but
there are a multitude of persons who
eat far toe much salt eat it on every
thing, on meat, fish, potatoes, melons,
in butter, on tomatoes, turnips and
squash, in bread and on a host of foods
too numerous to mention. To so great
an extent is it used that no food is
relished which has not a salty taste,
and this hides more or less the real
taste, which is often very delicate.
Now, the amount of salt required in the
system is comparatively small, and if
the diet has been rightly compounded
very little is necessary. Some go so far
as to discard its use altogether, but
whether this is wise or not we will not
here consider. What are some of the
ev'ls of jhe excessive use of salt? They
are to paralyze the nerves of taste, or
to pervert them so they cannot enjoy
anything which has not a salty flavor,
aud in addition there is a direct tax on
both the skin and the kidneys in re
moving it from the blood. Whether
the skin is harmed by this tax we do
not kuow. Possibly it is not greatly in
jured, yet we kuow that few people
possess a healthy skin; but it is now
pretty well settled that an excessive
use of salt does overtax the kidneys
in its removal, and that the great num
ber of cases of derangement and dis
ease of these organs is due to this use.
It takes only a little time to learn to
enjoy many kinds of food without salt,
and we advise our readers and others
to look into this matter and to try and
diminish the use of this condiment so
far as possible. We believe they will
be better for it. Journal of Hygiene.
South Sea Caresses.
When a South Sea Island' mother
wishes to chastise her child she seldom
resorts to slapping and slippers of
course she has none.
Instead of using the forms of punish
mt ' customary among civilized moth
ers, she pulls the child's hair and bites
some part of tbe body, generally the
fleshy part of tie arm.
In wandering about the village she
sees many children having on their
body scars produced by wounds Inflict
ed by their mothers' teeth.
When a mother wishes to caress her
child she deftly draws her thumb
across Its eyebrows or cheek, or gen
tly seizes Its cheek between her teeth.
The rubbing of noses is also a mack
of affection among the Kingsmill Isl
anders, as it Is among the Maoris of
New Zealand.
To tbe Point.
Africa always has been afflicted with
drought, and among the Boers prayers
are regularly offered up usually when
the drought already has begun for re
lief from this evil, and the author of
"On Veldt and Farm" tells a story of
a pastor who pointed out the futility
of assisting people who would not as
sist themselves. A Presbyterian con
gregation once pointed out to the min
ister that, in view of tbe Impending
drought, It were well to approach the
Almighty on the subject of the rainfall.
"I will not Insult the Almighty," re
plied the sturdy Scot, "by asking such
a favor of Him, after the way In which
you have let His past mercies run away
with you."
The rebuke was leveled at the Inade
quacy of the water storage, and It Is to
be hoped was not without due effect.
Valuable Auto;;iaph Collection.
One of the largest collections of auto
graphs in Connecticut is owned bj 'will
lam L. Ransom of Litchfield. In his
selection he has confined himself main
ly to the pen written letters and por
traits of the members of the provincial
congress, the signers pf the Declaration
of Independence, the Presidents of the
United States, Senators and Represen
tatives of Congress, Supreme Court of
ficials and famous army and uavy of
fleers. He has the autograph of every
President, Mr. Ransom found that An
drew Johnson's autograph was the
most difficult to secure, from the fact
that Johnson wrote little, and when he
did write used a lead pencil instead of
a pen.
Goethe tbe Popular Favorite.
The London publisher, Walter Scott,
recently asked the subscribers to his
"Scott Library" to ballot on the ques
tion of what classic they would hav
for the 191st volume of that series
Goethe was victor In the composition
and a selection from bis critical paper
was accordingly chosen.
One Farmer Whose Ingenuity Saved
His Muscle The Pasture Being Su
perseded by Grain Feed Points on
Grape Grafting.
A Cheap Horse-Power.
Tbe fall of 1894 I cut fodder corn for
ten cows by band one month, and,
while resting and "getting wind," was
looking and studying. I took hard wood
boards, made a wheel nine feet in di
ameter, put a rim on each side and
bolted. I next got an old timber, one
foot square and long enough to stand
upright under scaffold on barn floor,
put the wheel on the upper end close
under scaffold, morticed hole for sweep
and guide pole. I next made a wheel
nearly four feet In diameter, and one
foot long, bolting them together, went
to the blacksmith's and got an old bug
gy stub and boxing, and put the two
wheels upon center post at side of barn
door. Two pulleys fastened to main
beam (one with a weight attachment),
so the rope will run from the large,
nine-foot wheel under scaffold, through
pulleys, to the one-foot wheel on center
post, a belt from the four-foot wheel
down to the cutting box. I made a
7-inch hardwood wheel, two inches
thick, bored a hole In center for cutter
shaft, then sawed it in two in the cen
ter, and sawed one inch off from one
side, bolted the wheel to the shaft
with bolt each side of the center, put
cap over burs with screws, and it
hasn't "budged" for three years. With
a good walking horse, this gives very
good motion; it has always been ready
for work. 1 put on a one-quarter-inch
cable chain this fall in place of the big
rope. The whole cost would hardly pay
interest on a power purchased. One
half day per week cuts plenty of stalks
for ten head of cattle. If this descrip
tion would help any one who is getting
tired of turning the cutter by hand,
all's well; it may last until I can decide
whether I need a steam or gasoline
power. Hoard's Dairyman.
Grain vs. Pasture.
It used to be common for farmers
who had fine pastures, especially on
1- "d that was annually overflowed, to
boast that they could fatten beeves
more cheaply on grass than on grain.
But that time has passed. Tbe pas
ture has not been wholly superseded,
for the farmer who has good pasture
still has the advantage, provided he
supplements pasture with grain. In
spite of the fact that the pasture sup
plies fo-d without labor, while the corn
crop, if grown and harvested a? it
should be, requires much labor, the
latter is much the cheaper feed. There
is comparatively little beef now grown
which comes from pasture alone. Even
in the blue grass region of Kentucky
Western grain Is largely used to sup
plement the feed of stock which are
still fattened on pasture. There is
probably no richer grass in this world
than the Kentucky blue grass, which
is,- however, identical with the June
grass in our Northern States. But for
cheap nutrition, and especially for
stock that is being fattened, it is no
match for Indian corn. The grain of a
good corn crop has more nutritive value
than the grain of any of the smaller
grains. And there is besides a great
deal of nutritive value in the corn
stalks. This is now appreciated iy
Western farmers more than it ever has
been before. It is the value of corn
stalks as feed that has done as much
as anything else to make corn super
sede pasture as a means for fattening
cattle. American Cultivator.
Grape Grafting.
An old Clinton vine stood at the cor
ner of the woodhouse which was so vig
orous that its branches spread over
everything within reach, but bore no
fruit. In April, 1890, I cut both
branches off close to the ground and
grafted a Delaware grape into one
and an Iona into tbe other. I used no
wax, simply wrapped carefully with
strings of cloth, pasted a little mud
over the wound and covered all with
eart except the top buds of the grafts.
Those grafts made a wonderful growth
the first season, owing to the far-reach-ins
roots of the Clinton vine. At close
of the first season the Iona vine was
about eighteen feet long and the Dela
ware about twelve. This season, with
the vines one year old, tbe Delaware
branch bore twenty-four as fine bunch
es of Delaware grapes as I ever saw.
The bunches and berries were slightly
larger than the Delaware generally
grows, and so compact on the stems
that they could not be picked off easily
without beginning at the end of the
The Iona branch bore about forty
bunches of Iona grapes of the finest
quality. This Is a quick way of get
ting a grapevine into bearing. I tried
the same experiment on a wild grape
vine down In the pasture. It grew just
as vigorously, but an Inquisitive' Jer
sey cow spoiled the experiment. Ag
riculturist. How to Irrigate.
A writer who has observed methods
in California, Arizona, Utah, Wyom
ing, Nebraska and other States has
concluded (1) that the best method is
the old and well known one of gravita
tion, taking the water from streams
and conveying In ditches to the land
where It is to be used.- Sublrrlgatlon,
where it Is practicable, gives good re
sults. Where water is raised by pump
ing with a lift of ten to forty feet a
water wheel or turbine connected with
a centrifugal pump Is cheapest and
most satisfactory. Windmills for lift
ing water for the ordinary farmer's
garden or small truck farming are de
sirable, provided wooden tanks are
used or the soil Is such that a water
tight reservoir can be built. Centrif
ugal pumps, water elevators or other
pumps when driven by steam or gaso
line engines, horsepower or other ex
pensive methods are impracticable.
He tells in the American Agriculturist
that he does not regard any method
practicable for general farming except
where water flows direct from streams
In ditches at low cost
Belgian Hares.
I have been growing them about a
year, and find ready sale for all I can
produce for breeding stock at $1 a pair.
1 placed a pair of them in a store in
Nntick, and. as a result, I bad a large
number of visitors, and plenty of or
oVrs. The hares are a new thing in
this vicinity. As soon as I have a sur
plus I intend to sell them for meat. A
pair of them will weigh ten or fifteen
I keep them In a pen of wire netting,
with a box house In one corner. Tbe
fence must be pretty high, as they will
jump almost as well as a chicken can
fly. They have given me but little
trouble In digging out, as I give them
plenty of room and move the coop
often. I breed them only in summer,
as hares born in winter are not likely
to live. Their food Is like that of other
rabbits, comprising grain and veg
bies and grass. When wanted for
meat, I kill them by knocking on the
head and bleeding them. The meat is
first-rate. The demand for breeding
has been so good that I intend to In
crease my stock as fast as possible.
Massachusetts Ploughman.
Keeping 8weet Potatoes.
I will tell how we keep them until
late in the spring, long after hot beds
are mace. We got sand from the river
and dried it thoroughly in oven in
pans. The potatoes are carefully dug
and left until evening in the patch, are
then placed upstairs in a cool room and
lie until late in November (covering
them up cool nights when danger of
freezing). We have two large barrels,
and a couple of inches of sand is put
in the bottom and the potatoes careful
ly put in not to touch, the largest and
best selected (no bruised ones). Two
inches or more is left all around the
barrel to be filled with sand, then all
covered with sand two inches, aud a
layer of sand and potatoes until bar
rels are full, covering with three inches
of sand on top.
Those barrels set on the stairs floor
above the kitchen in a log house, wita
no floor above. In severe weather a
wagon sheet four-double or carpet is
thrown over the barrels, reaching the
floor. They must be kept in a cool,
dry place, as too much heat or damp
ness rots them. We have kept them
this way for years. Epitomist.
Breeding Wild Geese.
It Is usually difficult to mate geese
that have been captured alive, for most
of them have already been mated and
will not take on a new love. But some
times young geese are secured, and if
these are placed with domestic geese
each one will select its mate and re
main faithful during life. The cross
with wild geese improves the size and
hardiness of the domestic goose. But
it has the disadvantage of perpetuating
som of the migratory tendencies of tl
wild half of the cross. All geese wi
respond to a flock of wild geese flying
overhead, aud they doubtless hear
their cries much more quickly than do
persons. Often in spring or fall when
flock of geese Is making a loud
squawking, if one looks up into the
sky be will see a flock of wild geese fly
ing overhead. It is always best to clip
one of the wings of all geese, especially
of those that have any wild blood in
them. Wild geese that have been cap
tured after attaining full growth are
especially liable to be led astray. They
are probably looking for the old mate
they had before they fell under man's
control. American Cultivator.
Linseed vs. Cottonseed Meal.
While fully grown animals with
strong digestive organs can eat cotton-'
seed meal, properly diluted with straw
or hay. without serious injury, it is
doubtful whether it is advisable to
make this part of their ration. Linseed
meal can be purchased nt about the
same price as cottonseed meal, and has
equal nutritive value. The new proc
ess meal is the kind generally used. It
Is not so fattening as the old process
meal, because more of its oil has been
expressed. Flaxseed whole is very rich
feed, and if boiled so as to swell it out
all that hot water-can do, It may be
given to cattle, sheep or horses with
safety. Only a very little should be
given at a time, as the oil in it makes
it very laxative, and a small amount
daily is better tiian more. There is
nothing better for an animal's hair
than a little flaxseed daily. It will in
sure the shiny coat, which, in either
cow or horse, is a sign of thrift. Amer
ican Cultivator.
What Hungry Hogs Will Do.
The Agricultural Epitomist says:
"A bunch of hungry hogs will do a
good job turning and fining coarse
straw manure if some grain is sown
upon it. Occasionally their rooting
propensities may be utilized in other
ways." A Maine farmer is said to re
move stumps by fencing them in, mak
ing holes under them with a crowbar,
placing grain in the holes and turning
hogs into the enclosure. In tooting
among the roots the hogs are said to
root the stumps out by the roots.
Poultry Notes.
Grit must be sharp.
Feed before you water. ,
Do not feed glass for grit.
Feed a mash the year round.
Good food Is positive economy.
Clean out the feed troughs daily.
Oyster shells are too soft for grit.
Never throw soft feed on the ground.
Do-not feed corn during hot weather.
Round pebbles will not answer for
Half starve your hens and they won't
lay. .
In feeding grain in the runs, broad
cast It.
Millet seed Is a great egg-producing
Bone dust Is valuable for growl i7
Always feed the mash crumbly, not
Do not allow the mash to sour In the
Charred corn is good for indigestion
in fowls.
The noon meal Is not necessary dur
ing summer.
Beans are excellent feed, being nlg'i
ly nitrogenous.
A quart pf feed for twelve hens is a
good measurement
No breeder ever gets old enough to
know everything.
Milk can be fed in any form sweet,
sour or buttermilk.
Barley is much used In Europe and is
valuable as a variety.
Sorghum and broom corn seeds are
excellent for a variety.
Frightening a Grizzly.
A veteran hunter tells in the San(
Francisco Chronicle of a bear which
backed out of a fight frightened by a
man's acrobatic performances. He
"A remarkable instance 1 heard of
once, where a famous guide coura
geously advanced upon three grizzlies,
an old she-bear and two half-grown
cubs, and by a series of ridiculous monkey-shines
and acrobatic manoevures
on the ground within a rod or two of
the bears, filled them with such aston
ishment and apparent fear that the
three hastily retreated into the woods.
"Tho guide's gun had snapped in
both barrels, he having drawn on the
old hoar before the young ones appear-
j ed. He afterward said that It was in
a nt. OI UcSyclULluu tutu lie liicu nit;
turning of a handspring and Jumping
up and down, flopping his hands and
resorting to other unhunterlike meas
ures. "He had been told once that a hunter
had frightened a mountain lipn away
by similar absurd movements, and he
found that it worked to perfection in
the case of tbe bears, although be did
not encourage any one to go bunting
grizzlies armed with nothing more than
a capacity to turn somersaults."
The mercury never gets warm In its
efforts to lower tbe record.
Good Roads Crusade.
The crusade for good roads is to be
taken up on a new and very extensive
scale this year. The executive commit
tee of the L. A. W. has just approved
a proposition submitted by the good
roads committee, to print and distrib
ute an edition of 1,000,000 pamphlets,
devoted to the good roads movement,
and particularly to tbe subject of state
aid to highways. The Government bu
reau is working with the L. A. W. to
carry out the plan.
Otto Dorner, of Milwaukee, chair
man of this committee, is preparing
this book for the press, in which he
has the assistance of Gen. Roy Stone,
the head of the United States Bureau
of Road Inquiry at Washington. The
national committee for highway im
provement and the officers and mem
bers of the league, will collect the ad
dresses of farmers and State and local
officials to whom the pamphlets are
to be sent.
The highway improvement commit
tee has had this project under consid
eration for over a year, but. it is only
within the last few days that the plau
for Issuing and circulating the pam
phlets has been finally perfected. At the
good roads parliament at Nashville last
September, Mr. Dorner and A. B.
Choate of Minneapolis, members of the
national committee, laid the matter be
fore Gen. Stone, who at once declared
that the undertaking would have every
possible support and encouragement
from his bureau. Gen. Stone has is
sued, since the establishment of the
good roads bureau, some fifty different
bulletins relating to various phases of
the good roads problem, and containing
; a great deal of valuable Informatiotn
j but the appropriations made by Con
gress for the support of the bureau be
! Ing limited In amount, it has been im
! possible to circulate them upon a large
j scale. It is partly for this reason that
i this enormous edition of pamphlets in
i to be issued by the L. A. W.. and they
will contain the condensed results of
all the many valuable inquiries made
by the good roads bureau, both in this
country and abroad. They will explain
the losses due to bad roads, illustrate
the different methods of constructing
macadam, Telford, gravel and dirt
roads, both In Europe and in America,
and discuss the various means and
methods for raising funds to pay for
improved highways. Special attention
will be paid to the plans successfully
adopted In New Jersey and Massachu
setts. Both the L. A. W. officials ami
road Inquiry bureau have an extensive
collection of photographs of good and
bad roads, taken in this country and in
Europe, which will be employed In il
lustrating the proposed book. Work
ing drawings, made by prominent en
geers, will be used to illustrate the
various methods of road construction.
To Mark a Historic fc'pot.
A decidedly belated but a no less
w-orthy movement has been inaugurat
ed at Saratoga to properly mark tbe'
site of the historic Fort Tleonderoga
that figured so prominently in both tin
French and Indian wars and that for
American independence. It is a section
of early struggle in which all New
England was interested, when niaur
fought valiantly whose descendant
are still among us. The old fort has
fallen into a state of regretful negleoi;
It is now lnrgely a leveled ruin, ap
proach to which is made with much
difficulty. The citizens of the village of
Tleonderoga have recently held public
meetings for the purpose of arousin:
an interest and formulating systematic
plans for properly marking the spot at
least. If not doing something to restore
a place of such attractive interest. The
movement has gone so far as to ap
point working committees to accom
plish the purpose.
The many memorable localities of
that vicinity are now said to be suit
ably designated except Forts Ticonder
oga, William Henry and George. The
colonists assisted the English army in
capturing these strongholds from the
French prior to 1700, and then in 177f
under Ethan Allen drove the English
therefrom, only to lose aud win it aga:n
before the revolution was brought to
a close. It ought not to be a great task
to speedily accomplish the worthy pur
pose that actuates the people of that
section In this matter, and now that an
organized effort has been begun it
may be expected to be properly done.
It has probably never been done be
cause Its nature was of that kind
which makes "everybody's business
nobody's business." Manchester (N.
H.) Union.
How to Drink Water.
The effects produced by the drinking
of water vary with the manner in
which It is drunk. If, for instance, a
pint of cold water be swallowed as a
large draught, or If it be taken in two
portions, with a short It.erval between,
certain definite effects follow effects
which differ from those which would
have resulted from the same quantity
taken by sipping.
Sipping Is a powerful stimulant to
the circulation a thing which ordinary
drinking is not. During the act of sip
ping the action of the nerve which
shows the beats of the heart Is abol
ished, and as a consequence that organ
contracts much more rapidly, the pulse
beats more quickly, and the circulation
in various parts of the body Is Increas
ed, tn addition to this we also find
that the pressure under which the bile
Is secreted is raised by the sipping of
Development of Swedish Iron.
An interesting paper on the develop
ment of the Swedish Iron industry,
read by Mr. Wahlberg at Stockholm
before the International congress for
methods of testing, stated that while
in 1833 the mean daily outturn of a
furnaca did not exceed" 2.8 tons, the
average in 1890 was 12.6 tons, and the
highest 26.26 tons, the total product of
charcal Iron being 462,930 tons.
Sweden has now thirty Bessemer con
verters, thirty-three open-hearth fur
naces and five crucible steel furnaces.
Tbe Japancs i Way.
The Japanese version of "A glass of
wine with you, sir!" is peculiar. You
empty your cup, plunge it into a bowl
of clean water, move off your mat, and
after putting the cup to your forehead,
offer it upon your open palm and with
a low bow to the person you desire to
toast. He receives it in the same man
ner, and the servant fills it for him. A
few minutes after be returns the cup
with like ceremony.
It has always been the style for wom
en to carry pocket-books, but of late
years so many women are taking care
of themselves that it is becoming the
style to carry money la them.
At every motion of his body or limbs he
said "Gee-whiz." If he raised his arm or
;rooked his elbow, or when he got up or sat
lown or bent over; if he bent his knee or
turned his head, he said "Gee-whiz." Gee
whiz was his way of expressing vexation
and trouble, and'he had his peck of it.
Thousands do as he had done and have
bushels of it. He sini ply did a very foolish
thing. He took off his coat at the wrong
time and in the wrong place. The time
was when he was overheated and the place
just where a cold draft struck him. He
woke in the morning with soreness and
stiffness from head to foot. If he had be
thought him of the right thing to do, as
most men do, he would have gotten a bot
tle of St. Jacobs Oil and rubbed it over his
body. Use it on going to bed and you'll
wake up, open your eyes and say, "Gee
whiz!" the soreness and stiffness ire gone.
Representatives of the Methodist
church are in session at Washington
for the purpose of effecting a union of
the M. E. church North and South.
Dispatches from Washington state that there
are about to be important developments in the
Japanese imbroglio with the government of the
Hawaiian Islands. However this may be, cer
tain it is that the disturbance of the stomach
caused by-simple indigestion will develop into
chronic dyspepsia unless checkmated at the
start. The finest stomachic is Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters, which promptly rectifies gastric
trouble and does away with irregularity of the j
bowels and liver.
Germany's proportion of suicides is j
larger than that of any other European
After being swindled by all others, send ns stamp
for particulars of King Solomon's Treasure, the
ONLY renewer of manly strenRth. MASON
CHEMICAL, CO., P. O. Bui 747, Philadelphia, Pa.
A captive bee striving to escape has
been made to record as many as 15,500
wing strokes per minute.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTORIA,'' aud
"PITCHER'SCASTORIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original ' ' PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used in the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you have always bought aud has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
March 8, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER, M.D.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose. "Tea Garden Drills" is made from
Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale
bv first-class jrrocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the P.ftiFic Coast Syrup Co. All gen
uine "tea Harden Drivs" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County.
Fbank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney fc Co.,
doing business in the City of Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and that the said firm will
pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cur.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886.
J seal j Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directlv on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the svstein. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a
family medicine with us since 1865. J. It.
Madison, 2409 42d Ave,, Chicago, 111.
Established 1780.
celebrated for more
than a century as a 131
delicious, nutritious, 'ff
and flesh-forming
beverage, has our
well-known 2
Yellow Label S
on the front of every Jl
package, and our 3j
trade-mark,"La Belle q
& Dorchester, Mass.
nc III flPCC
SS WrtnfcyTortfenof the body.
jSSure Impossible ; no barrier.
ERIE MEDICAL Cu..b"ppau)' W Y
Hercules Special
(2 actual horsepower)
Price, only $185.
Ito all
fTTTTmril J
ciiftft WHfAF in fisf fiits.
Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I
in lima, wi n bt arurciscB. I
Stop! Women,
And consider that in addressing Mrs.
Pinkham you arc confiding' your private
ills to a woman a woman whose ex
perience in treating woman's diseases
is greater than that of any living' phy
sician, male or female.
You can talk freely to a woman when
it is revolting- to relate your private
troubles to a man; besides, a man does
not understand, simply because he is a
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invited to promptly
communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. All letters are re
ceived, opened, read, and answered by
women only. A woman can freely
talk of her private illness to a woman.
Thus has been established the eternal
confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and
the women of America which has never
been broken. Out of the vast volume
of experience which she has to draw
from, it is more than possible that sh3
has gained the very knowledge that
will help your case. She asks nothing
in return except your good will, and
her advice has relieved thousands.
Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very
foolish if she does not take advantage
of this generous offer of assistance.
$25, S30, $35 S40. 50, SCO.
Better and cheaper than ever. Write for circulars
catalogs and list ,-f second-hand wheels. Live agt'i
wanted. FRED T. J1EHUILL Cycle Co., Portland.
The best
L seed grown are
PFerry s. The best '
seeds sown are Ferrv's.
iThe best seeds known are I
Terry's. It pays to plant
Famous Sseds
Ask the dealer for them. Send for
I and getall that s good and!
new ine latest ana
I tbe best. t
D. M. FERRY & CO., J
Detroit, Mich.
Weak Kidneys, Lumbago, Rheu
matism and Sciatica Are
Cured by Dr. Sanden's
Electric Belt.
It conveys a steady, soothing current of elec
tricity into the weakened muscles, giving them
a healthy nerve power wnich revives them. It
makes them strong. It is curing hundreds
every month.
Book about it free, by mail, or at the omce.
853 West Washington St., Portland, Or.
Please mention this Paper.
Is it Wrong?
Get it Right.
Keep it Right.
Moore's Kevealed Remedy will do it Three
doses will make you feel belter. Get it from
your druji.trist or any wholesale drug house, or
from Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
5 Buell
Portland. OR,
Make money bv succesful
speculation in Chicago. We
Day ana sen wne&i 011 mm-
pins. Fortunes nave ueen
nn a mll ttt'i;i iuii n e bv trading in fu
tures Write for full particulars. Best of ref
erence given. Several vears' experience on the
Chicago Hoard of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the business. Send for our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS & Co.,
Chicago Board of T:ade Brokers. Offices ta
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, W ash.
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MBS WissLuWs SooxmKG Svbuf should always be J
k used tor children teetuine. It soothe the chilo.soft-J
k ens the irums. alliv- ail pain, cores wind wllWM 1M
J the best rcmedv tor diarrhoea. Twenty live cenB s. 4
t bottle. It is the beet ot all. . i.A
We lead and originate
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" GROWN jf
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Power that will save you money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are the cheapest power known. Burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
fire, or dirt For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they have no
equal. Automatic in action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Scud f. r illustrated catalog.
Hercules Gas
Engine Works
Bay St., San Francisco, Cal. 8.
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n Ar0 fr tracing and locating Gold or Stiver
Kill IN Ore. lost or burled treasures. St. I.
1I.V1U FOWI.KR,Box337,8outbiiigton,Conn.
K. P. K. V.
Xo. S, ,
J HEN writing to advertisers,
i T mention Sal paper.