The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 14, 1898, Image 1

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(fount? Olark
NO. 44.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
In Interesting Collection of Items From
the Xew ami the Old World In a
Condensed and Comprehensive form
United States Consul Powell, at
Seoul, Corea, has cabled the state de
partment that the emperor died lion
day. The Spanish minister of finance lias
abandoned the idea of floating a loan
on the guarantee of the Almaden quick
silver mines.
The members of the family and the
immediate friends of Secretary Alger
are seriously disturbed about his ill
ness. His physicians now fear that
he lias typhoid fever. General Alger
has been confined to his bed for more
than three weeks.
The mule spinners of "Lowell and
New Bedford, Mass., were given per
mission to strike by the mulo spinners'
union, and an assessment of 25 cents
per week was levied on the members
of the union. Delegates representing
every mill center in New England were
A dispatch to the London Mail from
Hong Kong says it is reported there
that England, Jupat and Russia have
arrived at an agreement n r-pecting
Corea. The detaiijs of the .- greement
are not known to the coi spondent,
but the dispatch says the British fleet
is returning to Hong Kong.
The Creek council, in spite of the
message of Secretary Bliss, through In
dian Agent Wisdom, warning them not
to do so, has passed an act appropria
ting 20,000 to be used in employing
attorneys to right the constitutionality
of the act of congress giving the United
States counts full jurisdiction after
January 1.
Francis D. Newton, a prosperous
farmer of Brooklield, Mass., his wife
Sarah, and their 10-year-old adopted
daughter, Ethel, were found murdered
in their beds. The crime was discov
ered by neighbors whose curiosity was
aroused by the billowing of unfed cat
tie. The thiee Had been k.lled with
an ax. A hired i man named Paul is
missing. 1
.John Lincoln, of Bolshow, Mo , has
applied to the Marysville board of ex
amination for a pension. . Lincoln and
his sister, Mrs. Washington Hoshor, of
Marysville, were second cousins of
Abraham Lincoli . John Lincoln en
listed early in the '60's in the Fourth
Missouri and served in that regiment
for three years. He then enlisted in
the 13th Missouri cavalry, and served
to the er.d pf th war. Before he was
finally mustered out he fought Indians
on the plains for some time.
Fred Lewi;!, a prisoner in the Seattle
city jail, committed suicide in his cell
by hanging himself with a pocket hand
kerchief, which was fastened to a hook
used in suspending a hammock. Lewis,
who was a waiter in a hotel, had a tight
on New Year's day with Joseph Kurtz,
the head cook i.i which he struck
Kurtz on the fiead with an icepick,
inflicting a wound from the effects of
which Kurtzdiejii. Lewis was arrested,
but no formal cljiargo had yet been made
against him, pending the result of
Kurtz' wound. When the news of
Kurtz' death was conveyed to Lewis,
lie showed gre; t agitation, and a short
time afterward 'took his own life.
A line of steamers is to be estab
lished betweeA Valparaiso and San
Five shots fired by an unknown per
son into a saloon at Picton, Col., killed
Robert Mandolini, the proprietor, and
Dave Evans, and carried away a portion
of the chin of Dick Owens.
Vladimer Bpurtzeff, editor of the
Narodnaya Voltz, and Wieizbecki,
printer of that paper, have been com
mitted for trip', in London for publish
ing articles inciting pe'rsons to assas
sinate the czar.
The trustees appointed by Sirs.
Phoebe Hearst to obtain architectural
plans of the bui kings and grounds for
the University of California have com
pleted the plan of an international com
petition which is to be issued immedi
ately. Colorado will not join the combina
tion proposed among certain Western
states to biennially inspect the books
of large Elstern life insurance com
panies as a condition precedent to per
mitting them to do business in those
Morris Mueller and Victor Goldstein
attempted to hag William Smith, a
passer-by, into a second-hand store in
St. Louis. Smith drew a pistol and
tired several i shots. Mueller is in the
hospital dying, Gollstein has some
bullet holes n his arm, and Smith is in
The building trades council of San
Francisco has indorsed the action of
Labor Commissioner Fitzgerald in urg
ing the annexation of Hawaii, advocat
ing the eight-hoar labor law and the
anti-immigration law, and striving to
have a clause inserted in the specifica
tion for the new postorlice requiring all
stone to be dressed in San Francisco.
E. G. Triplett, president of the
Algorn agricultural and medical college
for colored people, near Rodney, Miss.,
was shot and fatally wounded by some
unknown assassin.
James Wi Miller, of Pittsburg, has
closed a contract to deliver 4,000,000
tons of 64 per cent Messaha iron ore
on the docks at Cardiff, for the Cardiff
Iron FoundPrs' Company. This is the
largest ore ileal ever consummated, the
amount involved being $i0,000,000, on
which Miller gets a commission of
The boats of the Thompson line
steamer Gerona, -which was lost off Seal
Island, N. S., succeeded in reaching
the island in safety, after eight hours'
struggle with a heavy gale and in bit
terly cold weather. One man only is
jkfflifcthly statement of the gov
lOTreceipta and expenditures for
the nonth of December shows the total
receipts to have been $59,656,698, of
which $11,660,788 was from customs,
$14,34;928 from internal revenue, and
toVt'4f',980 from miscellaneous sour
ces.! The expenditures for the month
fgkeiated $27.634,t92.
Combination Which Foiled Two Bandits
in Chicago.
Chicago, Jan. 12. Two men who
last night tried to rob Conductor War
ren, of a Blue-Island avenue cable
train, were foiled by a woman passen
ger named Miss Sadie Williams. Be
sides Miss Williams there were three
other passengers, another woman and
two men and the gripman on the train.
Neither the male passengers nor the
gripman came to the help of the con
ductor, who was having a desperate
light with the robbers. Just as the
robbers were getting the best of the
fight Miss Willliams concluded to take
a hand. Grabbing her long hatpin,
that fastened her hat to her hair, she
made a plunge with the pin on the rob
ber nearest her. All her strength was
lent to the thrust, and the man screamed
with pain. He released his hold on the
conductor and turned on M iss Williams.
She struck him again and he quit the
Miss Williams went for the next man
and made a thrust for his eyes. The
point of the pin struck his cheek.
"Take her off !" cried the robber. He.
turned to look for his companion, who
by that time was on the platform, mak
ing ready to jump. He was asked to
come back, but he did not. Meantime
the young woman was striking for more
vital parts than his face. She reached
with her pin for his stomach. His
thick clothing saved his lite.
The conductor was bleeding and in a
half-dazed condition. When he came
to his senses there were but two passen
gers on the car. The others, whose
names could not be learned, had gone.
So had the robbers.
When the excitement was over and
the robbers had disappeared Miss Wil
liams replaced her hat and then asked
the conductor if he was hurt. He was
not. Then she fainted. She was soon
revived, however, and escorted to her
Miss Williams resides with her
parents, and is employed in one of the
down-town offices. She is small of
frame, but it is said that she has the
courage of a soldier.
Problem With Which the Senate Has
Begun to Wrestle.
Washington, Jan. 12. Bishop Mer
rill, of Chicago, delivered the invoca
tion at the opening of the senate today.
A bill was reported favorably from the
Indian committee preventing railroad
companies from charging more than 3
cents a mile for passengers through In
dian territory. A resolution looking
to the filtration of water used in the
City of Washington caused Senator
Hale to say that in no part of the Uni
ted States was there a city whose citi
zens are so imposed upon and abused as
to water supply as the citizens of Wash
ington. At 12:50 P. M., on motion of Davis
of Minnesota, chairman of the commit
tee on foreign relations, the senate
went into executive session to consider
the Hawaiian treaty.
Immediately after the treaty was
called up Pettigrew offered a motion
for conducting the debate in open sen
ate, which was antagonized by Chair
man Davis, of the foreign relations
committee, and others, the principal
portion of the debate for the first two
hours of the session being upon this
The senate finally decided not to de
bate the Hawaiian proposition in open
In the House.
The attendance in the house was
light today, but the galleries were well
filled. The civil service debate was
resumed, and Cooney, Democrat, of
Missouri, took the floor. He opposed
the whole civil service reform idea,
which he denounced as a cheat and a
narrow swindle. A civil pension list
and office-holding class, he argued, were
logical and inevitable if it was to be
Dorr, Republican of West Virginia,
followed with a set speech in opposition
to the law.
Cox, Democrat of Tennessee, said he
was so utterly opposed to civil service
reform that he would vote to strike out
the appropriation for the commission
and for the repeal of the law.
Little, Democrat, of Arkansas, an
tagonized the principle, theory and
practice of the law.
Battered by a Hurricane.
Queenstown, Jan. 11. The Norwe
gian bark Hovding, Captain Reynolds,
which arrived here yesterday from Pen
sacola, was terribly battered by a hur
ricane, December 20. She was sub
merged for a time and the wheelman
drowned. Afterward, a huge sea
washed over the captain. One of his
legs caught in the spanker sheets, and
he was dragged into the boiling surf.
A few minutes later another wave
washed him on decK. The flesh was
torn off his leg. The cabin was gutted
and the charts and compasses de
stroyed. Several of the crew were in
jured Mrs. Nack's Light Sentence.
New York, Jan. 12. Mrs. Augusta
Nack, jointly charged with Martin
Thorn, the arch -murderer of William
Gnldensuppe, the bathru'ober at Wood
side, L. I., in June last year, was to
day sentenced to 15 years in the state
prison at Auburn.
Declared Unconstitutional.
San Francisco, Jan. 12. The law
prohibiting merchants from making
gifts as an inducement to trade, which
was primarily aimed at trading-stamp
enterprises, today received a knock-out
blow from Judge Campbell, who decided
the law to be unconstitutional, as an
unwarranted invasion of the liberties of
the citizen. This disposition affects a
number of Eastern companies, which
have recently commenced operations
French Cruiser Ordered to China.
Paris, Jan. 11. Orders have been
given to the officials at the French
dockyards to hasten the completion of
the warships on hand. The cruiser
Duguay Trouin, the flagship of the
French Pacific squadron, has been or
dered to Chinese waters. The Duguay
Trouin is a second-class cruiser, iron
and wooden hull, of 3,593 tons dis
placement. The California & Eastern railway is
to be extended '45 miles from Manvel,
Nev., to Good Springs, opening a new
mining country.
Horrible Punishment of Two
Seminole Ravishers.
1.3'nching Occurred on the Oklahoma
Border The Indians Met Their
Heath Without Flinching.
Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 11. Char
red and burned beyond all semblance
of human beings, tfce remains of Mar
cus McGeisy and Palmer Simpson, two
Seminole Indians, who, a few days ago
murdered Mrs. James Simons, are still
resting in chains against the blackened
trunk of an oak tree in the Seminole
nation, where, Friday night, they met
their death in the most horrible man
ner conceivable at the hands of an Ok
lahoma mob. The flesh is burned from
the bones, and lies in greasy and ill
smelling particles in the ashes on the
ground. The fingers and hands are
burned from the frames, and the ghast
ly skeletons, bereft of feet, and ankles,
stand on blackened bones in the ashes
ori the ground. Every vestige of hair
and flesh are burned from the heads,
and the clenched teeth of the dead men
show the great determination to endure
their awful punishment in silence
with which the redmen died. The
scene is a fascinating one for the curi
ous, and has been visited by many peo
ple since yesterday morning.
Additional details of the horrible
work of the mob were received here to
day. According to this information,
the mob s work will not be finished
until four more Indians have been
dealt with in the same manner as Mc
Geisy and Simpson. The citizens'
posse was scouring the country for the
four men when the messenger left
Maud, and it is probable, at least some
of them nave, by this time, paid the
penalty decreed by the maddened pop
ulace. The crime which led to the burning
of the two men was committed last
Thursday. Marcus McGeisy was the
owner of some property. On his land
lived a white family named Simons.
During the absence of the husband.
Tiiursday, McGeisy went to the Si
mons' cabin and asked for a drink of
water. Mrs. Simons was at home with
her four small children. The Indian
was given the water, and he then asked
for a saddle. On being refused the
saddle, McGeisy grabbed the woman,
who had her baby, in her arms, and
dragged her out of the house.- When
the woman attempted to run back, the
Indian seized a Winchester and dealt
her a deadly blow on the head, crush
ing the skull. The woman died in
stantly. The murdered woman's hus
band did not return Thursday evening,
and the children were unable to remove
the body into the house from where it
had fallen in the yard. The little
ones stayed up and watched their
dead mother's body until the bitter
cold compelled them to relax their vig
ilance and seek shelter from the weath
er in the cabin-. .During tlie night,
the body was almost devoured by hogs.
The news spread rapidly Friday
morning, and the whole population
for aO miles around was aroused, and
about 20 Indians were arrested. The
oldest child told the crowd that Mc
Geisy was the guilty man, and a posse
of 20 determined men went to arrest
him. Simpson was at McGeisy's home
when the posse arrived, and both were
taken into custody. A rope was pro
cured and the prisoners were strung up
by the necks. On being let down and
given an opportunity to talk, both con
fessed to the crime, and named four
others, who they declared were equally
guilty. It developed that the Indians
decided to get rid of certain white set
tlers, and that McGeisy had been hired
to do the murderous work.
Posses were at once sent in search of
the other Indians, and it was decided
to have a wholesale lynching as soon
as they could be captured. As night
came on, however, and the other four
were not captured, the citizens changed
their plan, and determined to dispose
of McGeisy and Simpson without fur
ther delay. The feeling was so bitter
against them that the crowd would not
be satisfied with the ordinary method
of lynching, and it was voted to burn
them at the stake. The victims were
accordingly chained to an oak tree.
Fence rails and dry wood were piled
high about them, and in a few minutes,
the Indians were wrapped in roaring
flames, while the timbers crackled be
neath their feet. Never a word did the
Indians utter while being roasted alive.
They apparently saw that they were
powerless to resist and endured their
lots like stoics. The crowd was com
posed of not over 30 men, and the work
was done in a quiet, but thorough and
determined manner.
The man bringing this information
states that there are grave fears of an
outbreak among the Indians, and be
believes bloodshed is certain to follow.
For the Defense of Halifax.
Halifax, Jan. 10. It is said that
notification has been received here that
the constriuction of two quick-firing
batteries is to be commenced in the
coming spring for the better defense of
Halifax harbor.
Suicide of a Brute.
Tyrone, Pa., Jan. 11. George Hev
erly, a teamster, was abusing his wife
today when his sister, Mrs. Kate Hull,
and her son, interfered. He fired his
revolver at them several times but in
flicted only slight wounds. He then
placed his revolver to his temple and
blew out his brains.
Minister Roderiguez, representing
the Greater Republic of Central Amer
ica, will not represent his government
in this country any longer.
Only Articles Admitted Free.
Ottawa, Jan. 11. A ciroular from
the customs, dealing with travelers'
effects going "into the Yunon valley,
"Wearing apparel, articles of per
sonal adornment, toilet aticles and sim
ilar personal effects of persons arriving
in Canada, may be passed free without
duty as travelers' baggage, under the
-provisions of the customs tariff, but
this provision shall include only such
articles as are actually accompanying
the party or are necessary and appro
priate for the wearing or use of such
person on the journey.
Reported Discovery of the Source o
Klondike Gold.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 12. The steam
er City of Topeka, which arrived here
this afternoon from Junau, hail among
her passengers nine men who left Daw
son City December 9. They were:
W. J. Jones, Port Townsend; D. D.
Stewart,. Juneau; A. Colder, Nova
Scotia; F. C. Arnold, San Francisco;
W. G. Stenger, Colville, Wash.; Harry
Miller, Colville; J. Cordroy,. Denver;
George Anderson, Tacoma, and Robert
Johnson, Tacoma. They were 24 days
in coming from Dawson to the coast.
Their journey was unattended by spe
cial incidents. The coldest weather
recorded was 18 below zero. The
party brought out with them about
150,000 in gold dust and drafts. Dog
teams were used in making the trip.
The part' brings no new features in
reference to the food situation at Daw
son. They all agree that food is scarce,
but that there is no danger of starva
tion. If a large number of persons had
not gone down the river to Fort Yukon
and Circle City to spend the winter, a
different tale would have been told. F.
C. Arnold said:
"There is no danger of starvation.
Of course, there is not food enough,
but that was always true in the Yukon,
and always will be. There is a big
warehouse full of beef at Dawson.
Next winter will be far worse than
this, because there will be many more
people there."
In reference to the proposed govern
ment relief expedition, all agree that,
while it is not needed to avert actual
want, it would be welcomed neverthe
less. W. J. Jones brings news of the dis
covery of what is supposed to be the
mother lode and quartz origin of the
placers of the Klondike district. The
discovery was made at four different
points within 24 hours, one of them at
the Dome, a high mountain to the east
of the source of Eldorado creek, by
Frank Slavin; the second one at claim
No. SI, Eldorado, by A. H. Jose and
partner; tlie third one on Nugget
gulch, at No. 16; and the fourth some
where in the 20s on Bonanza creek.
The trend of the vein is northwest by
west, westerly from the Dome. It is
r found at about 30 feet below the surface
and under the muck and alluvia! de
posit. The ledge is about 18 inches
wide, and maintains a uniform width.
It is geuerally spi inkled with free gold.
Mr. Jones brings down samples of the
ore. and every one who has seen them
say the rock is precisely the same in
character as is found in the Comet
mine at Berner's bay, Southern Alaska.
Mr. Jones said that old timers in the
Klondike had rnade a similar observa
tion. In no instance was the quartz discov
ery made by the men who owned the
placer claims, and the locaters of the
quartz ledge thus .acquire a separate
and distinct title from the locators of
the placer. The diseovery.of this ledge
on No. 31, Eldorado, was made by a
man who was working the placer for
the owner. A shot was put in and
about 30 pounds of ore blasted out.
The greatest excitement prevails, and
no man will listen to any suggestion to
j sell his claim until farther development
nas Qeen maue.
Tom Nash, an employe in the saloon
where the recent fire occurred, has been
arrested for arson.
Regarding the output of gold in the
spring, Mr. Jones Eays:
"It will be from $15,000,000 to $25,
000,000. This opinion is concurred in
by the managers of the transportation
companies, and Alexander McDonald,
the richest man in the Klondike. Five
millions of dust is now stored in Daw
son, ?3, 500,000 of which would have
come out this fall had the boat reached
Works a Hardship on Residents in the
Vicinity of Niagara Falls.
Niagara Falls, Jan. 12. The United
States customs officers stationed at both
bridges have been notified to seize any
thing that looks like sealskins. Nearly
all of the Canadians were notified to
leave their sacks, gloves and caps on
the other side if they did not want
them confiscated.
The situation at Niagara Fails is
probably different from that at any
other point on the frontier. Both sides
of the river are thickly settled, and the
Canadian and American populations go
back and forth daily. On the Cana
dian side, back of the high bluff, a
number of wealthy American families
have country seats, and a great many
of the women in these families, as well
as Canadian women, who wear sealskin
coats, pass over the river to the Ameri
can side daily, while out driving and
making calls. Several sealskin hats of
Canadians were seized belonging to
gentelmen engaged on business to Buf
falo and New York, and many a man
went on to his destination tonight
wearing a little traveling cap, after
having left his name and something by
which he could identify his sonfiscated
The law also affects the Canadian
railroads running from Chicago east
ward. These' include the Michigan
Central, the Grand Trunk, the Cana
dian Pacific, the Wabash and the Le
high Valley.
The sealskin garments taken from
their wearers are turned over to the
appraisers at custom-houses, where the
owners, after filing an application, must
wait until notice has been sent to the
secretary of the treasury for a decision
in the matter.
A Heavy Theft.
Butte, Mont.. Jan. 12. Elling El
lingson is under arrest here, and Phil
Murphy in Helena, on the charge of
stealing a carload of ore from the Gol
den Chief mine, in Jefferson county.
The ore, which was worth $6,000, was
shipped to the Colorado smelter here
for treatment.
Took All the Money.
Prescott, Ariz., Jan. 12. One man
has succeeded in holding up the Palace
saloon, a gambling place, and at the
point of a pistol securing all the money
in sight. He terrorized about 20
patrons of the place and made his
escape with nearly $500. He is be
lieved to have had an accomplice on;
the outside, and both men are supposed'
to have escaped on a north-bound train.
The common house fly makes 600;
strokes of its wings per second when-
flying at its highest speed. The dragon
fly makes 11,500.
Contract Divided Between
Seattle and Portland.
Some of the Proposals Received Could
Not lie Considered on Account of Not
Conforming With Specifications.
Portland, Or., Jan. 10. The awards
on the bids for supplies to be furnished
for the government relief expedition,
which were received at the office of
Captain Allison, chief commissary offi
3er, Vancouver barracks, at noon yes
terday, were made and given out by
Captain Brainerd today.
Portland and Seattle were the only
;ities submitting bids for the supplies,
ttnd the contract will be divided be
tween these points.
The proposals submitted were quite
numerous, and it was no small task to
segregate and classify them in such a
manner that the proper awards might
be made. Captain Brainerd stated
that the awards in each case had been
made to the lowest bidder when the
proposals conformed with the condi
tions and specifications named in the
In a number of cases, proposals
which would otherwise have received
consideration had to be laid aside for
the reason that they contained condi
tions not in conformity with the adver
tisement. For instance, several bid
ders submitted their bids on goods to
be delivered at some certain point, as
at Skagway or Dyea, while the adver
tisement gives the government the .op
tion as to the point of delivery.
The following orders have been re
ceived from the war department:
"First Lieutenant Guy H. Preston,
Ninth cavalry, having reported at these
headquarters in compliance with tele
graphic instructions f-om the major
general commanding the army, is here
by assigned to duty with, and will as
sume charge of, the pack trains report
ing from the department of the Platte.
The train, men and animals, will be
thoroughly organized and outfitted for
winter service in Alaska, including
harness and appliances necessary to ad
mit using the animals (in tandem) in
hauling sleds, should that method ol
transport be found expedient. The
chief quartermaster will meet prompt
ly all requisitions for supplies necessary
to carry out the requirements of this
order. The train will be ready for the
service indicated by the 18th inst.
"First Lieutenant James A. Ryan',
Ninth cavalry, having repotted at
these headquarters, in compliance with
par. 2, S. O. 113.- series 1897, from
headquarters, department of the Platte,
is assigned to duty with the pack train
Jrginiiz. d for service in Alaska, -and
will report to First Lieutenant Guy H.
The Seattle Hardware Company, of
Seattle, was awarded the contract to
furnish sleds and woolen stockings
with which to equip 50 men from com
pany H. Fourteenth infantry, who are
to go in advace of the relief expedition.
G. P. Rummelin& Sons, of Portland,
were awarded the contract for sleeping
Russia Wants a rermauent Hold on
Port Arthur.
London, Jan. 10. According to a
special dispatch from Shanghai, Russia
is edeavoring to obtain terms similar to
Germany's for the occupation of Port
Arthur and the Kiao Tung peninsula
from a point considerably north of La
Lien Wan. It is believed that the at
titude of England and Japan will frus
trate her designs.
The Hong Kong correspondent of the
Daily Chronicle says:
The Russian occupation of Port Ar
thur completely blocks the entrance to
Peking, anil it is imperative that the
court should be transferred to Nanking
(the southern capital).
It is learned on excellent authority
that in the event of Great Britain's
guaranteeing the new Chinese loan, the
concessions required will be the open
ing of the new treaty ports to all na
tions alike. According to a special
dispatch from Shanghai, the existence
of an Anglo-Japanese alliance is openly
asserted there in well-informed quarters
an alliance to maintain the status
ijuo in China and Corea and to declare
the independence of Corea under the
joint guaranty of England, Russia and
Bishop Hartzel in Africa.
New York, Jan. 10. A correspond
ent of the Associated Press at Delagoa
bay writes that Bishop Hartzel, of the
Methodist Episcopal church, is being
received with great enthusiasm on his
African trip. One donation included
6.000 acres under the British flag in a
mountainous and healthy region. The
bishop is on his way to Beira, pO miles
further north on the east coast, from
which point he will go inland to locate
his concessions. His plan is to make
this point a base of operations to ex
tend missions northward to the equa
torial regions and northwestward to
Angola, on the west coast, from which
a chain of Methodist missions is already
being pushed. The bishop's wife ac
companies him.-
Twisted Fitz' Arm.
Oskosh, Wis., Jan. 10 Oshkosh has
a strong man, August Shane, a Danish
fisherman, over six feet tall and weigh
ing 300 pounds, who, while Fitzsim
mons was there, challenged him to an
arm-twisting contest Fitzsimmons ac
cepted. The two men clasped hands
and braced their elbows upon the coun
ter. At every trial the pugilist's hand
was forced down to the counter. Fitz
simmons acknowledged his. defeat and
accepted it good-naturedly.
Rushing Work, on the Chitos.
San Francisco, Jan. 1. All the men
that can conveniently work on the Jap
anese war vessel Chitos, now in course
of construction at the Union iron
works, are busy putting the finishing
touches on her huge body. The vessel
will be launched February 2.
Berlin, Jan. 10. The morning pa
pers anticipate that Belgium will
shortly call a conference for the aboli
tion of sugar bounties. Germany and
Austria have already intimated to Bel
gium their willingness to send dele
Theodore Durrant Executed in San
Quentin Prison.
San Quentin, Gal., Jan. 8. When
William Henry Theodore Durrant died
n the gallows Friday morning for the
murder of Blanche Lamont, he gave an
exhibition of coolness and nerve as has
seldom been seen under similar circum
stances. Hopeful almost to the last
that something or some one would in
tervene to save him, he walked to the
scaffold this morning and made his lit
tle speech protesting his innocence as
calmly and with as distinct enuncia
tion as if he had been addressing an as
semblage of friends upon some ordinary
topic of the day. His face was pale,
and his eyes were red, but his voice
was firm and he stood as solid as a
rock while he proclaimed his innocence
and professed forgiveness to those who,
he said, had hounded him to death.
There was not a hitch or accident to
mar the plans of Warden Hale in car
rying out the sentence of the law. The
noose was adjusted, the trap was
sprung, the stout rope held and Dur
rant's dead body dangled at the end.
The neck was broken by the fall of
over five feet and 15 minutes later the
murderer's body was cut down and
placed in the coffin.
In despite of the exciting event of
last night, when Durrant was beseiged
by newspaper reporters and talked to
his parents till 11:30 P. M., he rested
easily during tjie night and shortly
after 6 o'clock he awoke and bade his
guards good morning. Warden Hale
had provided a neat suit ri dark ma
terial for the occasion and those clothes
Durrant quickly donned. He noticed
the absence of collar and necktie, how
ever, and knowing full well the reason
for this omission, he asked for them,
explaining that a turndown collar would
not interfere with the noose. Then he
sat down to an excellent breakfast and
ate heartily. During the early morn
ing hours, Durrant did not have much
to say beyond expressing a desire that
no newspaper men should be allowed
to see him. This request was com
plied with.
Consistent to the last, Durrant died
professing religion. But he died, ac
cepting at the last moment the com
forts of the Catholic church, instead of
the Baptist church, in which he was
reared. Rev. Mr. Rader, a Protestant
minister, had arranged to ascend the
scaffold with Durrant, but the minister
would not say that he thought Durrant
innocent, and the condemned man de
clined his services until Rader professed
belief in his innocence. Then it was
that the once ardent Baptist turned to
the Catholic church for consolation, and
called upon Father Lagan, the priest
who had frequently visited him in
prison, to attend him. Father Lagan
responded promptly and performed the
last solemn rites of the church. Dur
rant remained in close consultation
with the priest and seemed to be deeply
interested in the impressive ceremony.
As the hour of the execution ap
proached the prisoner became somewhat
restless. His father and mother were
admitted to bid him a last farewell.
The elder Durrant clasped his son by
the hand and the young man turned to
comfoit his mother, who cried hyster
ically. Durrant said: "The hour has
come for us to part," and put her gently
away. The grief-stricken mother was
led to a private room where she re
mained until after the execution. The
father, however, went to the execution
room and, supported by two friends,
saw his son meet his death.
Warden Hale did not attempt to
hurry matters, but allowed all possible
time for the supreme court at Washing
ton to take some action. Finally,
when word was flashed across the conti
nent that the supreme court had de
clined to interfere, the warden ordered
the programme of the day carried out.
At 10:34 o'clock, Durrant, accom
panied by Father Lagan, appeared at
the door of the execution room. He
was followed by his father, a friend,
Warden Hale and the guards. The
father and his friend walked around
the gallows to the front, while Durrant
and his keepers climbed to the gallows
platform. Instantly on arriving at the
gallows, his legs and arms were pin
ioned and the rope was placed upon
his neck.
The hangman was about to adjust the
black cap when Durrant announced his
desire to speak. Permission was given
and the doomed murderer spoke as fol
lows: "I desire to say 'that although I am
an innocent man, innocent of every
crime that has been charged against
me, 1 bear no animosity toward tnose
who have persecuted me, not even the
press of San Francisco, which hounded
me to the grave. If any man thinks I
rfm going to spring a sensation, I am
not, except it is the sensation that I
am an innocent man brought tothe
grave by my persecutors, but I forgive
them all. They will get their justice
from the great- God who is master of us
all, and there I also expect to get the
justice that is the justice of an inno
cent man.- Whether or not the perpe
trators of the crime of which I am
charged are discovered, it will make no
difference to me now, but I say this
day will be a shame to the great state
of California. 1 forgive everybody
who has persecuted me, an innocent
man whose hands have never been
stained with blood, and I go to meet
my God with forgiveness for all men."
The words were delivered slowly and
distinctly and without emphasis. The
eager crowd of spectators grouped
closer to the w'ooden framework that
they might not lose a word of what
was being said. Durrant finished and
had barely ceased when the black cap
was placed over his face.
At the same instant, Hangman Lunt
raised his hand, the trap was sprung,
and with a rattle, Durrant's body shot
through the opening. ' There was a
sound as of a stout rope drawn taut,
and a broken-necked criminal swayed
to and fro for a moment. Then the
body became motionless. Durrant
was dead. In just 11 minutes and 28
seconds, all signs of life had vanished
and the most' noted criminal of the
19th century was officially dead. The
body was allowed to hang for 15 min
utes, when it was cut down and placed
in a black coffin provided by an under
taker from San Francisco.
Massacre In French Congo.
London, Jan. 10. A rumor was cur
rent here today of the massacre of the
French garrison at Yakaied, in French
Congo, West Africa, by the natives. A
special dispatch from Paris says noth-
is known of inch a massacre there.
Cubans Ready to Make Spain
a Generous Offer.
Peace on an Honorable Basis Would Be
Welcomed Offers by Spain of Any
thing but Independence, Scorned.
New York, Jan. 10. The Herald
prints the following letter from Gen
sral Maximo Gomez, commander in
"ihief of the Cuban army, dated "In the
Field, December 26, 1897:"
"You ask me for my opinion regard
ing iat effect the autonomous regime
Eibout to be' implanted by Spain in
Cuba, might have towards the pacifica
tion of the island. The Cubans in
arms do not propose to give up, shall
never yield, in their struggle with the
metropolitans, until they have estab
lished their absolute independence.
No matter what number of liberties is
granted to -Cuba by any Spanish gov
rennrent, even in case Spain should re
serve for herself no other right than to
keep the Spanish flag over Cuba as a
symbol of nominal sovereignty, she
will not succeed in ending the war.
"The Cuban people will admit of no
other solution of the present conflict
than that whereby Cuba shall be recog
nized as a member of the sisterhood of
free nations. In this attitude of abso
lute radicalism we are sustained by
two great motives, which, unified as one
-ingle force, impel the Cuban people as
li whole as well as individuals to adopt
the grand resolution of their existence
sentiment and interest; the former
because the Cubans feel that they have
been profoundly hurt by the horrible
war methods employed against them
by Spain, the latter because they are
all firmly convinced that only as free
men will they be able to enjoy p:ace
and command the necessary credit to
teconstruct their country, which had
been devastated by Spain herself.
"In short, Cuba not only wishes, but
needs to be free. It is about time
that Spain should recognize that fact,
and leaving aside all chaotic autonomy,
should manfully confront the true
problem. Let the Spanish nation ac
knowledge Cuba's independence which
-he justly claims, and receive a com
pensation which is right and equitable.
And even let her claim from our gov
ernment some advantages in the Cuban
tariff to foster her own industries.
Then, and only then, will the rainbow
of peace lighten the horizon which is
new reflected by the glare of the glow
ing fields and the firing of the cannon. "
The Herald also prints an interview
with Gomez at a date later than the
above. Tho correspondent fors.'
Gomez in the best of health and spirits
and fully convinced that the long strug
gle is drawing to a close.
"The Intransigents of Cuba," said
General Gomez, "have been the only
ones willing to continue the struggle,
because they feared that Cuban triumph
would result in their prosecution and
the confiscation of their property.
They are utterly mistaken. I, Maximovj
Gomez, whose word has never been
broken, assure them of absolute protec
tion. I know these people represent
the thrifty business element of the
island, and believe they are destined to
rank among the most valued citizens of
the republic. The triumph of our
cause will bring to them assurance and
permission to follow their vocations in
peace. There will be no levolution,
either political or social. All we ask
of them is to help build the fortunes of
the island and repair the waste of war.
"I say the same thing, too, to the
Spanish officers in the field. They
have been fighting us not because they
hate Cuba, but because they love Spain.
They have proved themselves to be
loyal sons of the motherland, and
when they have laid down their arms
we will gladly extend to them the right
hand of fellowship. We will bury the
bloody past and go forward shoulder
to shoulder to build up Cuba's laboring
classes, which have been alroost de
stroyed, and we shall need them to till
the soil. The rank and file of the
Spanish army will fill the gap."
Speaking of terms on which Cuba
might win freedom, General Gomez
reiterated his statement that Cuba is
still waiting to purchaset her liberty.
It is believed that $250,000,000 would
be an equitable amount now. He said
he had no doubt that an arrangement
would he made with American capital
ists to form a syndicate, collect customs
duties and pay Spain in installments.
In tjiiff way the general said there
would be a positive end to the war by
the establishment of friendly relations
with Spain.
"When peace is declared," he said,
"we want to reekon on Spain as being
among our friends."
Referring to the ability of Cuba to
carry on the war, Gomez said his forces
were ample, and declared that Cuba
could continue the fighting even if the
soldiers had to go naked; that the war
cost the Cubans nothing, whereas
Spain's life-blood was being rapidly
drained by her enormous expenses. He
spoke in terms of affectionate admira
tion of America, describing her as the
light of Cuba, and said he would wel
come intervention as affording an in
stantaneous solution of the problem,
but deprecated annexation, although
willing to accept a protectorate.
Minneapolis, Jan. 10. A practical
test of the long-distance telephone was
made today between the Minneapolis
office and Lowell, Mass. Charles
Glidden, president of the Traders' Na
tional bank, of Lowell, was in Minne
apolis, and presided over the meeting
of the bank directors in Lowell. The
line was made of three copper metallic
circuits, and was over 1,500 miles in
To Kalse a Relief Fund.
Chicago, Jan. 10. The women of
the auxiliary to the Chicago Cuban
committee of 100, held a meeting at
the home of the secretary, Mrs. M. M.
Purdy, and discussed plans for a relief
fund to be sent to Cuban insurgents.
It was decided to appoint a committee
to wait upon the, pastors of churches
and through them td appeal for aid
from their congregations. Mrs. Purdy
recently wrote to President McKinley,
requesting some action be taken that
would facilitate the operations of the
committee in the work of extending re'
nei 10 me vuoan suuerers. i
rofflce of Downing, Hopkins & Co., Chicago
l-Td oi Trade Brokers, 711-714 Chamber of Com-u-oice
Building, Portland, Oregon.
Exports of flour and wheat from both
coasts 'ast week were 4,595,000 bush
els, or 700,000 bushels more than the
previous week, and double the same
week last year. Receipts are expected
to fall off. We have now reached the
time where the exports generally de
crease; at least they have in the past
years, as the first six months of the
crop year generally marks the largest
export business. There is every indi
cation, however, of a good export move
ment from now on, as liberal -engagements
have been for wheat, corn and
oats. Foreigners continue to buy mod
erately when the market gets weak, so
that the outward movement will grad
ually cut into the wheat stocks, which
are none too heavy if the exports are to
keep up large. Argentine news favors
an exportable surplus of about 35,000,
000 bushels, but some good authorities
make it only 3,000,000 bushels. This
is used as a club by the bears and con
sumers to prevent an advance here.
There will be no Argentine wheat avail
able in European markets before the
latter part of March. In the meantime
their light stocks will be reduced, and
they will have to come in as buyers.
The American visible supply of wheat
increased this week 47,000 bushels, and
now totals 38,863,000 bushels against
53,872,000 bushels for the correspond
ing period a year ago. Although the
movement of corn for 1897 was 116,
747,000 bushels, and the shipments
97,427,000 bushels an increase in the
receipts of 24,000,000 bushels and in
10,000,000 bushels in the shipments,
they were less than the arrivals of oats,
receipts of the latter being 1,338,000
bushels in excess of corn, while the
shipments were 7,000,000 bushels
greater, aggregating 104,666,000 bush
els. The feeling in corn and oats is
bullish. There is a strong disposition
on the part of many local traders to
keep on the long side. The Trego
Smith people have accumulated a big
line, and they are getting quite a fol
lowing. Exports of corn for the week
were heavy.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 72 73c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 76 77c per bushel.
Four Best grades, $4.25; graham,
3.40; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 35 36c; choice
gray, 33 34c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $1920; brew
ing, $20 per ton.
Millstiffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $18.
Hay Timothy, $12.50 13; clover,
$10 11; California wheat, $10; do
oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9 10 per
Eggs 1820c per dozen.
Butter Fancy creamery, 55 60c;
fair to good, 4550c; dairy, 40 50c
per roll.
Cheese Oregon, 12?c; , Youryj--
America, 12;s,'c; California, 9 lbo
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50
3.25 per dozen; broilers, $2.002.50;
geese, $5. 50 6. 50; ducks, $5. 00 6. 00
per dozen; turkeys, live, 10llc per
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 40 50c
per sack; sweets, $1.25 per cental.
Onions Oregon, $1.752.00 per
Hops 5 16c per pound for new
crop; 1896 crop, 4 6c.
Wool Valley, 14 16c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 78c; mohair, 20
22c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best hheep, wethers
and ewes, $3.50; dressed mutton,
6c; spring lambs, 5,c per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.00;
light and feeders, $3. 004. 00; dressed,
$4. 50 5. 00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $2.753.00;
cows, $2.50; dressed beef, 46e per
Veal Large, 415c; small, 5
6c per pound.
Seattle Market.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 30c; ranch, 16ft 18c.
Cheese Native Washington, 13c;
California, 94c.
Eggs Fresh ranch, 23c.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.50
3 00; ducks, $3. 50 3. 75.
Wheat Feed wheat, $22 per ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, $19 20.
Corn Whole, $23; cracked-, per ton,
$23; feed meal, $23 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$22; whole, $22.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6c; cows, 5c; mutton sheep,
8c; pork, 6c; veal, small, 7.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 56c: salmon,
3c; salmon trout, 7 10c; flounders
and sole, 3 4; ling cod, 4 5; rock cod,
5c; smelt, 2ic.
Fresh Fruit Apples, 4090o per
oox; pears, zoovoc per dox; oranges,.
navels, $2.75 per box.
San Francisco Market.
Wool Nevada 11 13c; Oregon,
14c; Northern 7 8c per pound
Hops 12 16c per pound.
Millstuffs Middlings, $2224; Cal
ifornia bran, $18. 50 19. 50 per ton.
Onions New red. 7080c; do new
silverskin, $2.252.50 per cental.
4feggs Store, 2224c; ranch, 25
28c; Eastern, 15 19; duck, 16c per
Cheese Fancy mild, new, 12c; fair
to good, 7 8c per pound..
Citrus Fruit Oranges, n avels,
$1.502.60; Mexican limes, $4.00
4.50; California lemons, choice, $1.50
2.00; do common, 75c$l. 25 per box.
. Hay Wheat, $13.50 15; wheat and
oat, $13 14.50; oat, $1113.50; best
barley, 1113; alfalfa, $1111.50;
clover, $10. 50 12.
Fresh Fruit Apples, 50c$1.25 per
large box; grapes, 25 40c; Isabella,
6075c; peaches, 50c$I; pears, 75o
$1 per box; plums, 2035c
Butter Fancy creamery, 28c;. do
seconds, 2627c; fancy dairy, 26c;
good to choice, 24 25c per pound.
Potatoes New, in boxes, 45c$l.
The oity of Rahway will soon possess
the largest dome in the East. It is to
be ereoted over the New Jersey state
The famous Louis XV drawing-room
suite, composed of a sofa and six arm
chairs, with old Beauvais tapestry, has
been sold in Paris to a London dealer
for $70,000
Peru balsam with nine times its
weight of collouion is vJ vised by Pro
fessor Klein for an elastic and water
proof coating for email wounds.