The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, January 07, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. xxxil
Epitome of the? Telegraphic
News of the Vot$-
n Interesting Collection of It
tho New and tlx Ol.l vt il ! In
Condensed1 and Coin,reli ns-i1; Form
The sultan is negotiating ' the
building of a fhst-clas iif iored
The steamer Concho ha- .t-ri
Kew York'frorh Havana with !K5&
of Cuban tobacco.
The English engineers an,nnce
they have plenty of funds
to continue their strike.
It is reported that' the lAfridis
assembling in tribal counciT.""vviti a
view to concluding peace, j
Eight-of the principal buildings in
Lebanon, Tenn., were destroyed y
fire Thursday night, with a loss M
The death rate of Chicago for the
year was 14 in the thousand, the lowest
recorded for any city of over 200,000 in
habitants. ,
The British bark Tavmonnt, boijmd
from Liverpool for San .Francisco
l. is
now 224 days overdue, and her ownA'
i .-: l.,.- I
John Williams, tit Marseilles, O. a -tackej
Mrs. Flint find cut her so baldly
with a knife that sfhe is not expecte i to
live. He then fatally cut himself. ,
British hark Simaritan, from Han
Francisco, arrived; in Liverpool consid
erably damaged from a hurriiiane
which she encountered December 23.
Walter Gregory and Philip McNelly
were instantly killed by a switching
engine on the trak in the yard of the
Murden Boiler Works at Philadelphia.
A thief stole $4,000 worth of jewelry
from the house of Volney Mai let t, pres
ident of the Indiana National bank, of
Indianapolis, wnile the family were at
Joseph Lookle-j, clerk of the
of the Mcflenry hstute A-s.iCiu
om. bas
disappeared froiu New York,
n r rse-
curing severji itiiousanu uoiiars by
raised checks. 1
A fortnightljl steamer service be
tween this coast and 'Australia will
commence in xuiruarv, ; tne Cimailiun
Pacific line and the Oceanic link alter
nating their sailing dates.
French bark jomhard, from
Ala., sunk whii ntering the
oai le,
toff- ot
iiiw, in
Ire vned,
Cette, H lance. Jnveot the ci
eluding the Captain, were d
and eight were saved
Mrs. Sara.!i BcGovern, wife f one
of the ealthjt residents of l'.n ikin
r-., was sJifBtK. Knieoaat i.ei iion;e
been arrestee
A new la
Iff eel on the
husetts, pro-
first of the yi
viding that ij
Sr cent ot the
inmates of
penal ; i MM i in uu i n
employed in any oi.e
the state shall he
Bailie and1 Waldo
Oifem, chil
were asphyxiated bj
home in Leipaic, O.
coal gas at
The hargi Canistee,
which went
been found in
adrift off C'ipe Cod, has
Barnstable bay, with tM
I the crew well.
The Auditorium at
cently burned, will he'
Kansas City, re
rebuilt at once,
and will be (ready
tember 1.
In a saloon . row
mountaineer at
for occupancy Sep-
hetlweeii Kentnckv
Mabchester, Will
riuriiy, .lanitts r-nnpot and Sol lire
were killed. ,
Veins of gilsonite of
..... i i
sufficient size to
warrant development 'have been dis
covered on Willow creek in the Middle
Park, Colorado. j
M. Tunakoshi, Japanese vice-consul,
at San Francisco, has ,been hurriedly
recalled to Tikio. It was thought he
would be secretary to the legation at
The French embassy it Washington
denies that Maillanfr passed through
Washington en route toj Cuba to invest
igate for his government the conditions
on the island. j
Jacob Stryer and wife were cremated
in their burning farmhouse in Fayette
county, Pennsylvania. Within 48
hours, six ottbers burned to death in
that cou
srick Wa
Frederick lVals;n, state treasurer of
Colorado, wajs married to Miss E nma
Storck, aged 125. After the war, Wal
sen's broken health was nursed back by
the bride's mother.
Fire destroyed the large pipe organ
in the Great ; Northern hotel, Chicago,
entailing a lelss of $20,000. Although
the fire was confined entirely to the
organ, it sent out such clouds of smoke
that many j of the guests became
alarmed, and a serious panic was nar
rowly avertell.
The burgomaster of Wieschowitz, a
suburb of Prague, has been arrested.
Many compromising papers concerning
the recent riots in Prague were found
in his possession. It is alleged that he
assisted in placing the bomb under the
German Eclniielhouse at Wieschowitz,
which the Czechs attacked and at
tempted to demolish recently.
Stenographers employed by the de
fense in the Luetgert case have struck.
Attorney Harmon will ".sk the state to
furnish a copy of the testimony iaich
day on the ground that Luetgert has no
money to payj for a stenographer.
Frank Murphy, a San Francisco
patrol-wagon driver, admitted that he
fired the shot that struck Baldwin
Gardiner, th4 stock broker, Christmas
night. He fired two shots at Stroll,
the burglar, ('me of which struck Gard
iner, and may cause his death.
At Syracuse, N. Y., Leroy Yakeley
broke the American amateur standing
broad jump irecord without weights,
jumping 10 feet 10 inches, heating the
record held W A. G. Schwaner, of 10
feet 9 inches! I
! Charles Contoit was filed
lll ot
In New York. After-, a
latives and
he estate,
MI be divid-
s of the
f - i- '
t -
Bf o f
Katherine Kidder's father says she
will retire from the stage.
Countess Castellane, formerly Anna
Gould, has given birth to a son.
7,"he British cruiser Leander and the
toipedo-destroyer Virago have left San
Djpgo for Esquimalt.
. H. McBra, Southern express agent
at Brunswick, Ga. , embezzled $14,000.
He stood high socially.
tRosa Medici, aged 9, was burned to
death near Los Angeles. A spark from
a grate ignited her dress.
Ed L. Parker tried to kill C. J.
Sheets and wife, in Los Angeles, and
then committed suicide, i'arker was
infatuated with Mrs. Sheets.
John Bergman, who lost his money
on the Chicago bnard of trade, com
mitted suiciue in ixew rorK, leaving
:is body to a medical college.
Leutgert's attorneys, unable to secure
a stenographer at state expense, are
taking down the trial in long hand,
vhich may continue it for months.
Sam Turner, a dying negro, was
lynched at King?troe, S C. He killed
Deputy Po:ton Christmas eve, and dur
ing the shooting received a mortal
Gladstone celebrated his 88th birth
u. ly. He received many congratula
tions at Cannes. His health is im
proving, though he is suffering from
i erralgia.
Renry Oliver Goldsmith, a Wall
street broker, i wanted for stealing a
-$;,000 check, belonging to Oscar Weis
ner, of Brooklyn. His victims are said
to Ms man'.
Fny collieries in Silesia are provid
ed vith bombs filled with compressed
oj-yyn fd-' us'j in cases of accident or
efitraice L'ltd, aid galleries where the
air is foul.
Lee Fat t?'.. the throat, of Lee Tong,
in San Francisco's Chinatown. The
mrrdefe; v;is caught in the act by an
officer.! Passengers on a street car wit
OHUer.l -irai-seng
ueed lhe crime
he iO-year-o
BaJ-ingdr was :
(?!eU.ii Cal.,
nessed She crime.
old daughter of Simon
accidentally killed at
by her brother, two
yei"'a eider, in a playful struggle for
possession of a gun.
;3y the will of Mrs. Henrietta R.
Fijes Baker, $2,000,000 is bequeathed
to me Pennsylvania nospua
geit upon tne death of the son and
dailghfj61' ot L,e testatrix without issue.
ilrs. E zabeth Ellidge, aged 83
vears, a dead in Breckinridge, Mo.
She wal the mother of 12 children and
had 37 (grandchildren, 40 great grand
childre'jan" 50 great-great-grandchildren.
An iinoerial decree has been gazetted
in Vienni, authorizing the government
during thi prorogation of parliament
to levy ta;es and provide for state ex
penditures from January 1 to June 30
ne it.
Miss Jefnie Edwards, aged 19, and
A. R. McMsi.ejis members of wealthy
families '''':'- ' Hopkins, Mo.,
were kTfTcaTfn H'nn:.-.vay. ' Mies Ea
wards' skull ' eashed by striking a
post. '
Judge Wc'ffard, of Kansas City,
stopped a til between lawyers by re
marking: "Hereafter when lawyeii
talk about fighting in this court, I
shall adjourn c'ourt, and let them fight
it out."
An engine an 1 a caboose on the Chi
cago, Hammonci & Western left. th
track while crossing hridge over Sail
creek, two miles north of Legrange,
111., and plunged into eight feet of wa
ter. Six men wer.a injured.
Farmer Lawrence Valters, of Cass
county, Mich., bur'ed f2,500 in gien
backs and $4,000 ii government bonds,
notes, mortgages, efic, beneath the flooi
of his barn some mcntlsago. Roijbert
dug up the treasure ind disafipean d.
Professor WillardtB. Rishig, dean ol
the college of chemlry, university ol
California, bas been appointed meinbei
of the American colnmittee for 'tin
third international .onventiou of ap
plied chemistry, ta bt held in Vienna
in July.
Gustav Thelan, president of the I El
Reno, O. T, Stock
Exchange batik;
Michael Eschoff, casl
her: unarles A.
Newman, assistant ca'
lier, and Louii
Eschoff, a member of
rectors, were arrested
posits when the bank
Hie board of ill-
receiving de-
known to
Nellie Johnson, a K
as City ne-
gress, was cnoppeti to
hatchet by her husban
at;, with a
Near by
stood a horse and an exp
agon, in
which were ropes tiedi
stone. It had been tl
mion ol
the murderer to throw h
im into
the river. .
The San Francisco M
tion will prepare resoh
of the creation of the c,
secretary of mines and
tion by the American
ing engineers and feder
throughout the East.
Loud and Newlands favor the s
Abe Balm and his two broih
wel'-to-do farmers, lived near West
Point. When their father died, a few
days ago, it was claimed he had starved
to death. The sons refuse! to pay th
expenses of his burul. Last night a
mob marched to the home of the broth
ers and called for Abe. The bothers
opened fire. The mob returned tha
fire, and Abe was mortally wojnded.
The farmers will not countenance the ar
rest of the mob leaders.
French Royalists Protest
Paris, Jan. 3. Baron CI rette,
Baron Lambert, the Comte ut, Lup
and other prominent royalists hav
issued a manifesto protesting . gainst
the Duke of Orleans abdicating.
Keichsrath Session Closed.
Vienna. Jan. 3. An autograiet.
ter of Emperor Francis Jobe,;hl&d.
dressed to Baron von Gautsh won
Frankenthum, the Austrian prfl eri
is gazetted, ordering the session -mthe
reichsrath to be closed. i
Gun-Firing on Shipboard. J
Washington, Jan. 3. Acting -e-tary
Roosevelt was today in coiSecia.
tion with the chiefs of the ordsult,
navigation and engineering borelnanoj.
specting the subject of gun-fiiis, rn
shipboard. It is the intention ting Om
a set of experiments on a large sj.' malfn
ascertain whether it is not pos
imnrove the present methods i
firing, particularly in point of a
and rapidity of fire.
Glass was early known
K known to ne
m fc;-:ocia-
m. favoi !
m m
r.m A :
i A ii
Herald of Trade and Finance
Reviews the Season.
Nearly Three Million Cages Pat Cp Dur-.
ing the Year Fine Showing by the
Columbia Kiver Canneries.
San Francisco, Jan. 4. The Herald
of Trade and Finance prints the follow
ing review of the Pacific coast salmon
pack for the season just closed:
The total pack of canned salmon on
this coast is not so large as late esti
mates made it, but it comes up to tho
early estimates. While Alaska pack is
not up to last year's, those of British
Columbia, Puget sound, Columbia and
Sacramento rivers are larger; but those
of the outside streams and hays in Or
egon are not up to 1896. The Alaska
pack is somewhat a surprise, for it had
been claimed with considerable confi
dence that it would aggregate fully
1,000,000 cases. It is stated that the
run of fish did not come up to expecta
tions. This alBo explains why the
British Columbia pack fell below esti
mates before the season opened While
the runs on Fraser river were fairly
large, there were light runs on the
northern rivers and inlets. The Puget
sound pack of sockeyes came fully up
to expectations, but the. run of silver
sides, a little later, was a disappoint
ment, and cut the estimate very ma
terially. The Columbia river pack, it was
thought, would not be over 400,000
cases, but the exceptional size of the
chinook salmon made a much larger
pack than had been estimated even dur
ing the fishing season. It is- rather
singular that the pack of this river was
in 1883 and 1884 over 800,000 cases,
and in 1885. 553,000 cases; but from
1888 to 1893, inclusive, the pack varied
from 325,500 cases to 479,000, with
one year. 1892, 520,880. Since 1893
the pack has been over 500,000 eases
each year. This is convinic.n'g evi-
'nce that the Oregon and Washington
batcneries have proven a success.
The very low prices that ...ruled for
salmon this year must have caused out
side packers to reduce their output, for
by no other reason can so large a fall
ing off be accounted for. The pack on
the Sacramento river wa's largely in ex
cess of last year, notwithstanding a
strike of fishermen lessened the total
The total pack in cases, for the Pa
cific coast was as follows:
British Columbia
Puget sound
Columbia river
Outside jpack (Oregon)
Sacramento river
rGu4 tOtJ.....,. 2,381,962
'Philanthropy United With . Knsiness in
'' New England.' v-
New York, Jan. 4. NewT. England
farms are to be reclaimed, restocked and
reoperated on a plan that is primarily
philanthropical and secondarily com
mercial. A corporation has been
formed, with the secretary of the New
York - wool exchange at its head, to
purchase arable land and farm build
ings in the states' of 'Masaschusetts,
Connecticut, New Hampshire and Ver
mont, and to .resell both on soph terms
as. will attract purchasers in large
cities, and so relieve the congested cen
ters of population. . .
The plan is indorsed by John Wanna
niaker, Mrs. Ballington Booth, Nathan
iel S. Roseman, manager of the Hebrew
charity fund, and William R. Sessions,
secretary of the Massachusetts state
board of agriculture. Officers will be
apjwinted here today. It is estimated
that more than 200,000 acres of rich
fallow land, under cultivation 20 years
ago, lies idle today in the New England
states, and it is the intention of those
W'ho have associated together for the
purpose, to secure options, and, by
outright purchases, all or nearly all of
this vast territory and to . populate it
with material drawn from the .crowded
cities. Missionary work will be begun
in the large cities, principally New
York and Brooklyn, and the assistance
of all organizations interested in better
ing the condition of society will, be in
volved. President Lightburn says of the
scheme: "Our organization, while a
business enterprise, is founded On a
basis of pure public spirit, and its in
corporation under the laws of the state
of Maine is hailed with delight through
out New England, for our scheme is
the putting of new life and new blood
into a territory whose fruitfullness
should produce millions of revenue."
Electric Rqad Over Chilkoot.
San Francisco, Jan. 4. W. A. Burk-
older, of this city, has gone to Alaska
erect an electric transmission plant
operate an electric road over Chil-
t pass. Electricity will begenerat-
t Dyea and transmitted 20 miles to
ipoint where it is to be- used. In
ion to the electrio line, the poles
support the cables from which
cars will be suspended. The
motors will be stationary, and the cars
will be propelled up the inclines by
cables ofi a drum. The machinery has
already been shipped, and the plant is
expected to be in working order in
about thr months, when it is sup
posed that Cbilkoot pass will lose many
of its terrors
The lted Cross' Work.
Washington, UTan. 4. After consul
tation with stato, department officials,
the Red Cross Society has arranged to
open lieadquariete in New York for
the reception and Vrwarding to Havana
of contributions foisuffering Cubans.
Fire at Flttsfleld.
Pittsfield, Mass., Jan. 4. Fire to
night damaged the upper part of the
Burbank block, occupied by a dozen
firms. The loss is $75,00.
Threw His Mother Oil
4. Mrs.
om a frac-
iladelphia, 1
v n
Philadelphia, Pa., JA
l,..i.i ! Jttarv Laoab died tonisMK
l - 'mMM m i,
m ; r. ill ujamh h
Terrible Accident in a Canadian Town
Caused by Floor Collapsing.
London, Ont., Jan. 5. Twenty-four
persons are known to hare been killed
and many injured by the collapse of a
floor in the city hall-this evening. To
night, closed the municipal campaign,
and the hall was crowded to hear the
address of the successful candidates.
At midnight the bodies of the follow
ing had been taken out and identified:
F. Heaman, C. Breckett, E. Luxton,
N. Carothers, R. Leigh, . Harris, T.
W. Burke, John Smith, . Talbot, A.
Phillips, John Turner, Ben Nasht J.
W. Bortland, . Hilburn, Frank Rob
inson, James McLean, John Barridge,
Oswald Bruce, B. Jacques, W. H. Dell,
Stephen Fellows, Allen Love, unidenti
fied man.
Those who were more seriously in
jured were taken to neighboring drug
stores, whence they were taken to hos
pitals or to their homes, after their in
juries had been attended to.
The dead were taken to the commit
tee rooms of Alderman Pflrriell, the de
feated candidate for mayor, directly
acioss the street.
At the close of the polls a crowd had
gathered in the city hall, where it had
been the custom in years past, for the
successful candidates to address the
people. The hall was crowded to the
very doors, probably 2.000 people being
jammed in its narrow space. There
was a lull in the proceedings, when the
audience called for several ot the newMy
elected aldermen at once, and there
was some delay in securing a speaker
to address them. Alderman Carothers
joined the mayor in an effort to secure
quiet. In response to numerous calls,
R. M. Toothe was pushed forward to
the platform on which the speakers
stood. As he reached it there was an
ominous crackling, and the raised plat
form on which the mayor and the new
ly elected aldermen were seated seemed
to pitch forward to the floor. -
There was a' sagging of timbers, and
the next moment 150 people were
hurled 20 feet to the floor below. A
beam running 20 feet along the center
of the hall had given way, and the
crowded mass standing above that sec
tion of the floor was thrown in a heap
to the bottom. A large safe stood in
one corner of the hall, and, with a 1
huge steam coil, weighing half a ton,
came crushing down on the heads of
the victims.
Following the crash there was a wild
rash for the doors. At the south door,
where the majority of the crowd had
entered, there was a terrific panic.
Those in front were thrown down by
the oncoming rush, shrieking and
fighting for the door and safety. Only
one-half 6 the rear door, a space of;
probably three feet, was open, and, in .
the mad rush, no one thought to open
the door to its entirety, and 50 people
struggled through the narrow space, i
the strong. bearing down the weaker.
Alderman Neil Cooper was among'
i thfeflrst to; heJragged qnt. of the mas?
of broken beams. He was quickly car
ried to an adjoining room, and in .a
moment half a dozen more were keep
ing him company.
'SeVerat-fhen lowered ropes and en-
! deavored to haul the wounded out of
the mt1: From r, under the massed
weight of the broken beams came
many cries for help. The windows on
the ground floor were broken in, and
the living and the dead were tenderly
passed to the waiting ambulances.
An investigation of the wreck after
the catastrophe had happened disclosed
the fact that a whole section of the
floor had dropped, the joists having
been as.neatly cut off as though the
work had been done with a saw.
The building was an eld one, having
been erected in the early '50s, and of
late years additional stories had been
placed on the old walls.
Corona Said to Have Brought That
Much From Klondike.
San Francisco, Jan. 5. A Chronicle
special from Port Townsend says:
There was over $1,000,000 in gold dust
and nuggets on the steamer Corona
which has arrived from Alaska. The
treasure on the steamer was carefully
guarded on the trip down by two watch
men on day and night shifts. Some
at the nuggets averaged as high as 15
ounces. A man named Davidson, from
Cripple Creek, Col., had a nugget that
weighed 15 ounces. One of the
drawers in Captain Carroll's room was
packed with nuggets of all sizes. Your
correspondent had the pleasure of see
ing this wealth through the Kindness of
Captain Carroll. In addition to this
amount there was considerable more
tied up in sacks among the returning
Klondikers. From a careful estimate,
it is safe to say that in drafts and dust
there was about $1,200,000 in wealth
aboard the Corona.
F. Harmon McConnell, of San Fran
cisco, was one of the returning passen
gers. He verified the estimates given
that over a million was brought out by
the miners. In his opinion it is a con
servative estimate.
The monthly statement of the public
debt shows that at the close of the bus
iness December 31, 1897, the debt, less
cash in the treasury, amounted to
$999,111,899, a decrease for tbe month
of $10,114,899. This decrease in the
debt is due principally to an increase
in the cash, which is accounted for by
the sale of the Union Pacific railroad.
Unalaska Mail Contract.
San Francisco, Jan. 5. The Pacific
Steam Whaling Company has been
awarded the contract for carrying the
United States mails from Dyea to Un
alaska. The steamer Excelsior will be
put on the route, and will run at regu
lar intervals during .the spring and
summer. The whaling company also
intends increasing its steamer facilities
between here, Copper river and Skag
way, and intends, if possible, to get its
full share of the Klondike travel.
Heavy l.oss by Fire.
Farmville, Va. , Jan. 5. Fire broke
out Sunday night in the storage ware
house of Duval, Roberston & Co., com
mission merchants, and before it was
out destroyed 36 buildings, lbe Iof
ia nafiTYiattvl at ftlKO OOO on wl
there is insurance of about one
Among the buildings were 1
factories, a large warek
dwellings and works!
bf laborers will be.
work. It is est
Stories of a Famine in That
Country All a Hoax.
Statement of C. J. Christie, Who Left
Dawson City November 83, After
a Stay of Five Weeks.
Portland, Or., Jan. 3. "There is no
likelihood of starvation at Dawson City
this winter. A few may be pinched a
little before the river opens; but no one
willactually suffer from hunger."
The foregoing statement of C. J.
Christie, who left Dawson City Novem
ber 23, and reached Portland yesterday,
corroborates recent press dispatches.
Mr. Christie, with a party of four other
men and a woman, made the trip out
from Dawson City in 23 days, which
be says is the record. He left Portland
on the first trip of the Elder, and spent
live weeks at Dawson.
"When I left Dawson," he said,
"everybody was comfortably fixed for
the winter, so far as provisions were
concerned. When the boats of the
transportation companies were stuck,
down the Yukon, the companies fur
nished transportation down the river
for all that wished to go. To those
who had money they sold provisions;
to those who had no money, they gave
work, which would enable them to buy
what supplies they needed. Of course,
this made fewer mouths to feed. Then
many became frightened by early re
ports of a probable famine, and, selling
their provisions, came out over the ice.
This, of course, added to the supplies
at Dawson.
"I found, when I reached there, Oc
tober 18, that there was really a great
deal of a scare. Reports had been
spread by men who came out early that
there were more supplies than needed,
and this led to the fear that none would
be brought in. This very panic led
many to leave the country, and still
further provided against famine.
"Everything was going along
smoothly when I came out. Bonanza,
Eldorado and Hunker creeks are all be
ing worked for all they are worth, and
the rich claims are all and more than
have been reported. I have prospected
a great deal and seen many rich finds,
but Dawson City is the richest mining
camp I ever saw. Numerous new dis
coveries are made right along. When
I left, the Holmes boys, of Albina, had
struck a claim from which it is said
they were taking out an ounce to the
"We had no difficulty coming out,
though the ice is 'up-ended? in the
riyer, and it is the roughest place im
aginable. The anchor ice" which
formed in the bottom of the stream has
risen in great masses, and is piled in
aii kinds of fantasiic shapes.
"There were six of us in the party
one woman and five strong, hardy men.
We used dogs to transport, our freight.
I had cached provisions along the way,
as I went in with the expectation of
coming out immediately, and these
were a great aid to us. Once or twice
we had to buy a little food for the dogs.
We went right up the Yukon and over
Chilkoot summit to Dyea. The tem
perature fell sometimes as low as 65
degrees below zero, Vt I didn't suffer
from the cold as much as I would with
it 5 below here."
Christie purchased several claims
while in Dawson for himself and his
partners in Portland. He will return
to Dawson as soon as he can make ar
rangements to do so.
Says Dawson Can Easily Be Reached
by Takiug Skaeuay Trail.
Washington, Jan. 3. Secretary Al
ger has received two reports from Cap
tain Robinson, the contract quartermas
ter at Seattle, touching tbe respective
merits of the differnet trails from the
seaboard into the Klondike country.
He made a thorough inquiry at the di
rection of the secretary, and in sub
stance his conclusions, reached after
conference with Jack Dalton and other
experts, is that the Dalton trail is not
well adapted to the uses of the govern
ment expedition during the winter, but
that the Skagway route is probably the
best. The captain says he has had an
interview with one man who claims to
have 70,000 pounds of beef stored at
Lake Bennett which he is willing to
sell at $1 a pound. The same man
says he has 10,0(T0 pounds of corn and
20 or 30 horses at the same place, with
which proposes to organize a sled
train iito Dawson. Captain Robinson
says himself that his opinion is that
the difficulty of reaching Dawson has
been very much exaggerated, and that
a good army officer could make his way
with an expedition. Montana horses
should be used.
Pilot Steamer Smith Seized.
Mobile, Ala., Jan. 3. The Pensa
cola pilot steamer Smith, supposed to
be engaged in a filibustering expedi
tion, was seized today by agents of the
treasury department. A crew from the
revenue cutter Seward went aboard the
steamer tonight, and a gang of men is
transferring her coal from one bunker
to another in search of contraband
cargo. '
Pensioners in the Postomce.
Washington, Jan. 3. The postoffice
department has ruled that an ex-Union
soldier drawing a pension under the
dependent pension law may be reinstat
ed in a position he formerly occupied
in the service. The case arose in ac
cordance with the employment of a
veteran in the postoffice. In order to
secure a pension under the dependent
pension act, he must swear that he is
without means of support and is unable
to do manual labor.
Not Pnre Rye Whisky.
New York, Dec. 29. A week ago a
gang of furniture movers came upon a
German Occupation of Kato Chou a
Hifjh-Handed Outrage.
New York, Jan. 5. The Herald to
day publishes the following copyrighted
letter from its correspondent in Peking:
"Peking, Jan. 5. According to in
structions received from the Herald, I
requested an interview with Li Hung
Chang, and informed him that the New
York Herald offered the publicity of its
columns for any statement that China
desired to make to the Western world
in respect to the actual crisis in the
"The great statesman replied that
China was anxious that the Western
people should understand thoroughly
matters as they were. His excellency's
views are given herewith in the fol
lowing interview, which he approved:
" 'The forcible occupation of Kiao
Chou by Germany is a direct violation
of existing treaties and of interna
tional law. The pretext made to this
act of war-was the murder of two mis
sionaries by robbers in the interior of
the province of Shan Tung. The Chi
nese government offered immediate and
full redress for this outrage, punish
ment of the criminals, dissmissal of
the local officials and large compensa
tion for all losses.
" 'Anxious to avoid hostile acts, the
Chinese troops were withdrawn from
Kiao Chou when the Germans landed,
and, despite strong public feeling pre
vailing throughout the country for the
defense of Chinese territory against ag
gression, my government has not sent
reinforcements to Kiao ChOu.
" 'Outlaws exist in China, as well as
in all countries. Neither treaties, law
nor religion can entirely suppress crime
anywhere in the world. There are
places in every country where lawless
ness abounds, and to such a place in
Shan Tung the German missionaries
determined to go, knowing that the
natives themselves were often victims
of these bandits.
" 'Unfortunately China has not yet
recovered from the effects of the late
war, and the country requires a period
of peace to carry out the work of reform
lately begun.
" "Of late years, from instruction
and observation, the Chinese have come
to regard the countries of the Western
world as models even greater in justice
than in arms. Is it right to oppress
us while we are struggling to emerge
from-the restraints of our ancient civ
ilization, while improvement and pro
gress steadily continue? Should China
be distressed by having her shores in
vaded and her territory occupied be
cause of an occurrence which Western
countries would deal with by law and
not by war an unexpected incident,
deplored by my government and fol
lowed by full redress?
" 'Our desire is to preserve our ter
ritory intact and to steadily improve it
as a field open to all countries equally
for the development of commerce.' "
A War Between Costa Rica and Nicara
gua Imminent
New York, Jan. 5. A dispatch to
the Herald from Panama says: The
trouble between Costa Rica and Nica
ragua has taken a new phase, according
to advices from the Herald correspond
ent in Managua. The Costa Rican
consul at Managua has been sentenced
to five years' imprisonment, and has
The Cost Rican consul at Managua,
Senor Eduardo Beeche, was arrested
in that city on September 17 last year
and imprisoned. The charge against
him was complicity in a revolutionary
movement against President Zelaya.J
Senor Beeche's exequatur was canceled
at the time of his arrest. He was in
prison for several weeks, despite the
representations made by the Cota
Rican government to Nicaragua to
secure his release. Costa Rica demand
ed that proofs against her consul be
produced, but the demand went un
heeded, though finally he was released
on bail. Considerable friction between
the two governments was caused, and
this was followed by the interchange of
several sharp notes. There were reports
that both Nicaragua and Costa Rica
were quietly preparing for war, and
these reports were not altogether un
founded. Finally, despite protests' from Costa
Rica, the trial of Consul Beeche by
court-martial began. President Zelaya
swept aside Costa Rica's demands, and
a few days ago the court-ma' tial sen
tenced the prisoner. The sentence was
kept secret until yesterday. Senor
Beeche in some way learned of this sen
tence about a week ago, and immedi
ately left Nicaragua, though there was
a report that he would be pardoned.
It was supposed he went to Costa Rica.
This has aroused new friction be
tween the governments, and the end
cannot be foretold. War it is believed
in many quarters will result.
Nicaragua is threatened from another
source. Believing that war between
that country and Costa Rica is prob
able. Costa Rica is going to Salvador
to induce President Guiterrez to aid
her against Nicaragua. Salvador, how
ever, is in great danger of revolution,
so President Guiterrez in the present
case is an unknown quantity.
An outbreak in Salvador is imminent.
A correspondent telegraphs that the
situation, financial and political, could
not be worse.
Austin, Tex., Jan. 4. W. J. Bryan
and wife, accompanied by ex-GovernoT
Crittenden, of Missouri, arrived here
last night, and today was tendered a
reception at tbe home of ex Governor
Hogg. About 2,500 people attended.
Bryan authorized a statement that he
will not make any statement on his
Mexico trip until he reaches Lincoln,
when he will give the public his "views
in detail. However, be expressed him
self as delighted with the country and
people. .
New Scale for Carnegie Employes.
Pittsburg, Jan. 3. A new wage
scale for the employes of the steel works
and blast, furnaces under the control
We Are to Be Congratulated The
Country Now on a Sound Business
Basis and Prosperity Is With Us
Again A Few Comparisons.
E. F. Parsons, Special Correspondent.
Washington. D. C. This ought to
be a merry Christmas and a happy New
Year for a large proportion of the peo
ple of the United Staes.
There are several reasons and it may
not be improper, from this national
standpoint, where they are easily looked
at, to enumerate some of them.
Glance over the files of your papers
of the corresponding date four years
ago, and even three years ago, and, if
you have not them at hand,, recall to
your recollection the circumstances of
that time. Want and suffering in
every city; hundreds of thousands of
people out of employment; business
suspended and business men called
upon to give of their funds to keep the
unemployed of their own communitie
from starvation; soup houses estab
lished everywhere; idle men in search
of employment or in search of susten
ance; thousands sleeping in stat;on
houses and public buildings in the great
cities. Everybody who recalls the ex
periences of the first and second win
ters which followed the election of a
free trade president and congress anil
contrastt them with those of today,
must that there is' occasion for
gratitude in the present condition of
his own community and the communi
ties of his country.
Take the farmer and his condition as
another example. While he was not
actually starving and requiring his
friends to contribute food at this time
four years ago, the contrast between
the price which he is now getting and
those during the free trade period will
certainly make this a merry Christmas
and happy New Year to him'. The
farmer supplies the hulk of that great
mass of productions which go to other
parts of the worid and brings millions
of money into the United States. The
exportations of the country in the year
now about to end are the heaviest in
its entire history. They will reach for
the calendar year nearly $1, 100, 000,
000. In but once in the history of the
country- did they reach as much as a
billion; and that under the admini tra
tion of the last Republican president,
General Harrison. This year they will
exceed those of 1892, when they were
$1,015,000,000. And the farmer is
getting his share of this prosperity.
Take the manufacturers and the mil
lions of men employed in the various
i: dustries which they control or which
are tributary to them. Four yeais
ago the shutters were upon the win
dows, tbe wheels weie silent, the em
ployes were without work. Today in
every community the factories are
working on full time, many of them
overtime, in some cases running day
and night, while thousands upon thou
sands of working men and women have
received as holiday gifts an increase of
from 10 to 20 per cent in their wages.
This is the result of the protective syt
tem; the conditions of four years ago
were the result of the free trade sys
Take the currency of the country
the money in circulation as another ex
ample. Two years ago the leaders of
the Democratic party began the vigor
ous agitation in favor of -an 'unsound
system-ef- finance in the affairs of the
nation, he result was imnfediately
felt in a rapid reduction of the money
in circulation. Eighteen months ago
its leaders met in Chicago and did
what it had Len for sometime ap
parent they would do, declared for the
free and unlimited coinage of silver at
a ratio far different from that which
actually exists in the commercial value
of silver and gold. And during that
campaign it was insisted that only by
this false and delusive method could
there be produced a sufficient increase
in the currency of the country to keep
pace with the growth of its population.
The result of that agitation was suspen
sion of business, the disappearance of
currenry, business alarm, still further
loss of employment. The rejection of
the proposition by the people was felt
by an immediate increase in the the
country, and on this holiday occasion,
only a year after the rejection by the
people of tho United States of this pro
posed system of finance-ilie currency
in circulation is more than $200,000,
000 in excess of that on the day that
Mr. Bryan was nominated upon the fiee
silver platform. And this is another
of the numerous causes for congratula
tion to the people of the United States
on this holiday occasion.
What is the cause of all these
changes? The cause is found simply
in the difference of policy and admin
istration between the Cleveland and
free trade period and the McKinley
protective tariff period. Under the
former policy the country had reached
the lowest ebb in finance and trade
within the memory of the generation,
but with the appearance of Bryan and
the free-silver heresy a still further
stagnation was felt until things at one
time seemed to be at a standstill.
But with the election of a president
pledged to protection and sound money
an immediate difference was seen.
Even before it was possible to enact
any legislation which would change the
operations of the government or even
before any change in the occupancy of
the White House, the confidence re
stored to the country and business in
the knowledge that proper legislation
would be enacted as soon as possirne,
was marked on all sides. Then came
the inauguration of President McKin
ley and later the enactment of a Re
publican tariff law, designed to furnish
sufficient revenue and to protect
American industries, and the result has
been a steady growth of prosperity
and an increase of business all over the
land. Prices of farm products! have
risen, wages of employes have been in
creased, thousands of unemployed
Board of T:
merce Buildi:
What will Lefl
is the question that
ing traders more than
has about 8,000,000
wheat. He is also long
000 bushels May. He has
enough to make him the power ii?
market, and it depends upon how hi
handles it as to the extent of his profit
or loss. If trade falls off he will be
forced to keep the market alive, as he
did during October and November, by
. i : i .i - l if ..:..-.
ixauuig on nowi siues. n uuibiuc
speculation increases he will certainly
have the best of it. There is a large
shortage in May, which gives him a
chance to scalp the market on a liberal
scale to his profit. There is talk of
trade getting into July, and leaving
May alone. This might help the short
sellers by prolonging the time of de
livery, but figuring on the probable
stocks, the chances for large supplies
by the last of July are decidedly poor
for a bear. Were the trade to switch
to September and leave the intervening
months alone, Leiter would be left
with his cash and May in a position
where it would not be easy to swing a
large line at a profit, and the wheat
might have to be shipped out to find
a market for it. All these questions
are being discussed by the traders and
nearly every one has a different
Those who stand between the specu
lator and consumer, the cash handlers
and the millers, are almost to a man
bullish on wheat, and are talkir.g
higher prices, some predicting $1.25
for May. Armour and Weare expect
lhat Leiter will win out in good shape.
They figure on the milling demand
reaching such proportion that, com
bined with the export business, it will
absorb the stocks so readily in the sea
son that the cash holders can dictate
prices. The question of supply and de
mand becomes a factor. This, how
ever, has not always in the past been a
benefit to the bulls. Last winter and
spring the cash demand was heavy,
stocks were light, but the yjeible was
'2,000,0000 bushels more than at pres
ent. Millers bought the wheat readily
and decreased prices steadily, but in
the face of the reduction prices did not
respond, owing to the lack of specula
tion. A supply and demand market
is generally a slow affair, and it may
not be an exception this year.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 74 75c; Val
ley and Bluestem,fc7778c per bushel.
Four Best grades, $4.25; graham,
$3.40; hupertine, $2.25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 3536c; choice
gray, 33 34c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $19 20; brew
ing, $20 per ton.
Millstiffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $18.
Hay Timothy, $13.50 13; clover,
$10 11; California Wheat, $10; do
oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9 10 par
Eggs 1722,tc per dozen.
Butter Fancy creamery, 55 60c;
fair to good, 45 50c; dairy, 40 50c
per roll.
Cheese Oregon, llc; Young
America, 12c; California, 9 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $1.75
2.25 per dozen; broilers, $2.002.50;
geese, $5.506.50: ducks, $4.005.00
per dozen; turkeys, live, 10c per
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 3545c
per sack; sweets, $1.85 per cental.
' Onions Oregon, new, red, 90c; yel
low, 80c per cental.
Hops 5 14c per pound for new
crop; 1896 crop, 4 6c.
Wool Valley, 14 16c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 7 8c; mohair, 20
22c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, $3.50; dressed mutton,
6c; spring lambs, 5y2c per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.00;
lightand feeders, $3. 004.00; dressed,
$4. 50 5. 00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $2. 75 3. 00;
cows. $2.50; dressed beef, 426c per
Veal Large, 4J5c; small, 5
6c per pound.
Seattle Market.
t 1 1 m a
Duner jancy native creamery,
brick, 28c; ranch, 16 18c.
Cheese Native
California, 9"Oj
Eggs Fresh
Poultry Chi
hens, V0a; St
3 00; ducks.
Wheat Fee
Oats Choice
Corn Whole, $2
$23; feed meal, $23 perTonT
Barley Rolled or grdund,
per ton.
$22; whole, $22.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed
steers, 6c; cows, 5q; mutton sheep,
7c; pork, 6c; veal, small, 7.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 5 6c: salmon,
3c; salmon trout, 7 10c; flounders
and sole, 34; ling cod, 45; rock cod,
5c; smelt, 24c.
Fresh Fruit Apples, 5090o per
box; peaches, 7580c; prunes, 35 40c;
pears, 75c$l per box.
San Francisco Market.
Wool Nevada 11 13c; Oregqp
14c; Northern 7. 8c per pound.
Hops 12 2' 16c per pound.
Millstuffs Middlings, $2023; Cal
ifornia bran, $17.5018.50 per ton.
Onions New red. 7080c; do new
silverskin, $3.002.25 per cental.
Eggs Store, 22c; ranch, 27
81c; Eastern, 1519; duck, 16c per
Citrus Fruit Oranges, navels,
$1.50 2. 75; Mexican limes, $4.00
4.50; California lemons, choice, $225
2.50; do common, 50c$l. 25 per box.
Cheese Fanoymild, new, 12c; fair
to good, 7 8c per pound..
Potatoes New, in boxes, 35 85c
Hay Wheat, $11.50 15; wheat and
oat, $1314.50; oat, $ 1 13;river bar
ley. $78; best barley, U12.50;
alfalfa, $10 11; clover, $10 11.
Fresh Fruit, 25c$l.25 per
'Xjjju-apes. 25(g40c; Isabella,
jiears, 75o
found on the boajm
1.000,000 pour