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About The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1897)
VOL.. XXXIV. NO. 42. Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World.' fERSE TICKS FROM THE WIRES in Interesting Collection of Items From the New and ' the Old World In a Condensed and Comprehensive Form Sheepmen in Southern .Colorado are losing thousands of sheep by snow and extremely cold weather- , . Th? Northern Pacific Railway Com pany has rtiduced wages of car repairers at Superior 25 cents a day. - The schooner Ballora Loherman, Captain Plummer, from South River, N. J., for Boston, foundered without warning Sunday morning off Highland Lights. No lives were lost. - Charles W. Winkler, a brakeman on the Columbia & Puget Sound railway, .was run over by a coal car and killed in the Seattle . yards. . Winkler form erly lived in Butte City, .Cal., where he has relatives. " A bomb, made of gas pipe and filled with powder, was eploded in the Ger man theater, in Olatnez, Monrovia. Little damage was done, but' the inci dent caused great excitement among the German residents. ' The Turkish government, replying to the representations of Greece, has ex plained that the -firing upon the Greek gunboat Actium by the Turks at Per vassa, on Saturday last, as the vessel was leaving the gulf of AmUfacia, was due to a misunderstanding. . Aunt Judith-Moore, the first colored woman admitted to. .membership in Henry Ward Beecher's church, is'dead at her home in Brooklyn, aged 74. It is said that Mr. Beecher in "-Lis will re quested that she be care. for..-, till a is one of the original .members of the Christian Endeavor Society-. ' ''. Jacob Sarigs, of Qoramiah, Persia, now in Cincinnati, giving talks on Persia and Armenia, has just received a letter from friends in his Persian home, informing Mm that a band of raiders from Kbordestan' li ad "in ass acred all the inhabitants of a Persian Chris-J tian town, , 800 souls,-. ;near . Salinas,. Persia. ' Peter French, -: a .' prominent cattle man and landownerbf Harney county, Oregon, wag kilted, hya man,. nitvueJ Oliver. It is reported-- that the deed was a cold-btoodedVniu'rder.; The - vie-' tim was shot is tb:bok of the head, the bullet coining out between the eyes. A land dispute is-BHiil to have been' the cause of the-trouble; " " -" ' "' The Overman Wheel Company, of Chicopee Falls, Mass., has made an as signment for the benefit of its creditors. Hfitirv R. Rowmfin .- rirpjtident of the Springfield' iNation at bswi ir, ha ben appointed trueteel,' '.Albert' J3. Over man is president of tbtt- company, and the principal owner arid has given out a statement showing that, on Novem ber 10, last, the assets were 11,318,000 and the liabilRies $S$9,000. . ' Frank G. Farley was accidentally shot and instantly killed by E.I. Alvord", in Tekoa, Waeh-- Botlt men were O.; E. & N. conductors. At , the coroner s inquest, tb evidence i'showed that Al vord was turning the "cylinder cf a re volver so the bairHnjei'Wjoitt'd not Te&fron a cartridge. The weapon was' dis charged, and Farley fell -and expired without uttering-a word.-,- The jury ex onerated Alvord.' f .:;:;. The long-cOntinued cold and heavy enow of the" paBt ntoTrth are bcginni'tig io have a serious effect' upoii sheep in Wyoming, a.n,d,it U .fnaredjhat,.ules3 there is a break. inr, the. weather toga, the losses will be heavy. Slteepuien report that .a . number have already perished. .'' ''."'.." Mr. Coffin the acting controller ,of the currency has called attention to the fact that the retirement of national bank notes during .the first 20 days of Decern ber reached the sum ; of $3,000,000. This is said to be the first time during the last 10 years that the voluntary re tirement has' reached this amount in any one month. , -. After a week of conference in Bos ton, Justices Pjitnam. and King, the commissioners, for the United States and Canada, respectively, in. the arbi tration of the Bhring sea claims, hijve completed their work for the present, and it is understood will soon begin the preparation of their reports to. their respective government!- i The first meeting of the National Building Trades -Council -was held at St. Louis, and was market! by a scath ing denunciation of the American Fed eration of Labor for having ' passed a resolution at Nashviile opposing tha. formation of the national counciL- The Federation of Labor opposed - (he new organization as tendipg to create a Tur ner ai vision in tne ranns oi iaoor. Fireman Martin J, Oakley .was. killed a fire in a five story tenement on Forty-fourth . street, . New York Oakley Was -suffocated by smoke as Head, James Davis and Peter nelly, qi trie same company,- were M J . . . .. . . -. I . . . 1 . ty revived. They -are in ' hospitals, and their condition is serious. Secretary Alger has cabled to Wil liam Akellman, chief government rein deer herder, who is now in Norway,, to inform the war department immediate ly how soon 600 reindeer can be shipped to this country. These are wanted for use as draft animals in getting supplies to the miners in the Klondike region, They must be transferred at New York to railroads, and in that manner car ried across the continent, and again by sea from th6 Pacific coast up to Dyea, or -come other point that may be select ed as a base of operations. An eight-pound dynamite cartridge exploded in the rear of the Arbuckle coffee building in New York. .Nearly 5,000 panes of glass in the neighbor, hood were shattered, and that the ex plosion was not attended by loss of life is remarkable. The explosion was heard 20. blocks away. " The dynamite cartridge was to: have been used in blasting a huge rock that has obstructed an artesian well drill. It had been ifrozen and - placed in an iron pipe, wrapped with paper, to thaw out. John Gallagher, a workman, .was thrown 15 feet in the -air, but escaped injury. REINDEER -WILL DIE. I- Nansen's Views Upon Alger's Klon dike Relief Plan. Binghamton, N. Y., Deo. 80. Dr. Nansen, the Arctic explorer, was asked what he thought of the plan of bringing reindeer for taking relief to the Klon dike miners. He said if the reindeer were taken overland across the country they would probably reach Alaska in time to accomplish the desired object, and if they-could, reach Alaska they would be of great assistance in the re lief work. The difficulty would be to get the deer transported. Dr. Nansen said the moss on which the deer fed was about the only food they wpuld eat, and they would starve before they would eat - much of any thing else. They had Bometimes.been trained to eat bread, but not very suc cessfully. ; While there was an abund a'nee of moss in Norway, he thought it wo.uld impossible to gather it in such quantities as would be necessary for the feeding of 600 deer'in transpor tation from Norwav to Alaska. The deer themselves seemed to know how to gather it better than humanbeings. He believed that if 500 reindeer were shipped from -Norway it would' be" im possible to keep more than a small per centage of them ' alive until Alaska should be reached. Acoording to his opinions, Iceland horses better for this -work, for they would subsist on the moss of the Arctic" regions and also on hay or other provender. They were also hardy, and would do the work after they reached Alaska almost as well as the deer. It would be much easier to transport them, he said.' . HAWAIIAN ANNEXATION.., Recent Events in the East Will 'Prob ably Hasten the Event. Washington, Deo. '80. '"Affairs in China and the East generally," sid Senator Cullom, "have pnt an entirely different complexion upon Hawaii's prospects for annexation. Since con gress adjourned for the holidays there has been a marked change of sentiment concerning Hawaii, and it would not surprise me, if the. pending treaty should be ratified by the necessary two thirds of the senate. "It would be the height of folly to let" suoh an opportunity slip as Hawaii presents to the United States at such a critical time. Here is a most desirable piece of property only waiting for a nod'from Uncle Sam. to become' his own, without firing a gun or precipitat ing any trouble. "As son as congress meets we will get at the treaty, .and my impression is that a number of senators who have hitherto been against ratification . will be found on our side. It has always . been my opinion that we ought to have Hawaii, and I am confirmed in this be lief more than ever by the recent course of events in the Orient,''" rIR3T COLONY READY. Progress of the Salvation Army's Work in California. . . ,.. New York; Dec. 80. Commander Booth-Tucker has started for California to complete the work of founding the first of the Salvation Army colonies ii. this country at Soledad near Monterey. Most of the cottages have already .been bnilt and the work Of "cultivation is 'well installed, on , jhe "farm of 500 acres, but numerous applicants are ready to fettwt the moment Bodth'Tuck er reaches San Francisco. .. . . The commander said- that there was 'no dotilrt that .the experiment- wonM prove a great success. Claus epreckles, he said, is erecting, a million dollar beet-sugar factory in the immediate neighborhood, which- will be able to consume all that the colonists can pro duce; -and the product of as many farms as they may care i to start in the neighborhood. "I shall "spend several" weeks in the West and take a look at our Colorado farm in the Arkansas valley .before I return," said the commander. "A del egation of men connected with a tin ning, establishment in Chicago recently came to me and asked that I establish a farm near that city. They were Mot but of work, but said they would rather go into something that promised a permanent occupation than to remain where they were. " -., .-'.-- Dan Daly's Bad Fall. Boston, Dec. 30. Dan Daly, . the popular comedian, and one of the lead ing lights in the "Belle of New York" company, received probably a fatal in jury at the Park theater last night. At the close of the first act Daly makes a "flying entry, ""sliding in on an in clined wire. In some way either tiie wire or handle broke, Daly falling to the stage, striking on- the shoulders and back of the head. - Two physicians were summoned from the audience, and worked over him half an hour, but could not bring him back - to consciousness. He was then sent to the Massachusetts general hospital, and at an early hour he was still unconscious, the physicians believ ing he was suffering from, concussion of the brain. .- i Ctica, N. Y., Dec. 29. A special from Amsterdam says that one of the engine houses of the Sanford carpet mills was wrecked by an explosion, presumably of dynamite, at "10:80 o'clock. Only two walls were left standing. Few facts can be ascertained Liberty, Mo., Dec 29. A wreck oc curred at the Memphis road depot here last night. Local train No. 56 broke in two on the down grade coming into town, and the two sections : came to gether in front of the station. Five persons . were injured, two seriously. The injured are: Miss Tilly Smither, of Liberty; Mrs. Shelton, Colonel Jesse Poore, of Golden City, and Floyd Quinthard. Miss Smither is still un conscious. The conductor and brake man were slightly injured. Wrecked on a Bahama Reef. Nassau, New Providence, Dec. 28 The schooner Harlequin, which, as pre viously reported, went ashore on the reef near Rumcay, Bahamas, on the 12th became a total loss. The crew was saved. The vessel was owned in New York.. The British man-of-war Partride went to her assistance, and spent several hours in a vain effort to float her. The schooner was in ballast. Michigan has a law fixing a heavy penalty upon railroad companies for employing persons addicted to the nee of intoxicants. ARE READY FOR fl CONFLICT Japanase Fleet Assernbling ; at Nagasaki. SHIPS FULLY EQUIPPED FOR WAR Twenty English Warships Arrive at - " Fort Hamilton Her Reason for Pro testing Japanese Cabinet Resigns. London, Dec 80. A special dispatch from Shanghai, . dated Tuesday, says: It is reported .- that a Japanese fleet of warships is waiting near Gotto island, outside ' Nagasaki fully equipped " for war, and only waiting instructions. The fleet includes the Yashima and the Fuji, two. of the finest vessels in the Japanese navy, - and the Chen Yuen, which was captured from China. ' The Japanese fleet, it is understood, is act ing in close touch with the British squadron, under Vice- Admiral " Sir Alexander Buller, commander-in-chief of the China station. Japan will cer tainly oppose a 'permanent Russian oc cupation of Port Arthur. The sudden dissolution of the Japanese diet was owing to the war spirit. It is expected that the Japanese fleet will attempt to prevent the landing of reinforcements from Odessa for the protection of the Russian trans-Asiatio railway in Man-d churia. ' . - -' British at Port Hamilton." London, Dec .80. The Globe this afternoon says private telegrams reached London last - evening announcing that over 20. British warships have arrived at Port Hamilton. Another report says a report is current at Chee Fpo to the effect that the Japanese fleet, has 'also arrived at Port Hamilton. Port Ham ilton is a small island south of Corea, and not far from Quelparet island. England's; Reason for Protesting;. . Washington, Dec 30. The an- rnouncement of the determination of England and Japan to protest against the emperor of Corea practically yield ing the government of that .country into the hands of the Russian minister, "excites great interest here, where the story of Russia's invasion of i Corea is well known. A year or more ago Russia and Japan entered into a; treaty of alliance under which they agreed to assume jointly the responsibility of preserving the peace and providing a good government for Corea. In the division 6f responsi bility Russia took command of the army, the police and the. direction of foreign affairs, Japan having ' the de partments of education, agriculture and other comparatively unimportant branches of the government. :The collection of revenues, and the. management of the finances were left in charge of an Englishman named Mc Levy Brown, who held the title of "ad viser to the finance department and chief commissioner of customs." It was bis dismissal, by the emperor of Corea which brought forth the English consul's protest. British war vessels are now on the way to Corea to support this protest. . It was Mr. Bsown's duty to see to the collection of customs, which'hs performed so ..well Hhere was a prospect of Corea's debts, being paid. Early in November, however, to. the surprise :of . all concerned, there apr; peared in Seoul as a guest of the; Rus sian legation a Mr. .AJexieff, whose call ing bore the title in French, "Counoilor of State and Agent of the Ministry of Finance of -the imperial Russian- Gov ernment," and an .inscription in ..Chi nese which read "Superintendent of Lthe Finances of. Corea." . It is said .the Russian government compelled the Corean ambassador at St. Petersburg to contract with Alexieff to .manage the Corean finances without consulting the authorities at beoul. The day after the arrival of Alexieff at Seoul- he"" called on the minister of finance, exhibited. .his contract and an nounced that "he : was ready to enter upon his duties. Mr. Pak explained that the government was already enjoy ing the services of Brown, and that the Corean ambassador at St. Petersburg had no authority' to interfere -with the finance department. Alexieff responded that the fact that the minister of finance questioned the .validity of the contract cast a reflection upon his ver acity. After a show of resistance by Corea and repeated threats by the Russian government, Mr. Brown was dismissed and " Mr. Alexieff installed in bis stead. Then followed Mr. Brown's ap peal to London and the sending of a fleet. " - - .'" .-; . - Japanese Cabinet Resigns, ' Yokohama, Dec 80. Owing to the failure of Premier: Marquis Saigo to reconstruct the cabinet, all the mem bers of that body have resigned. The newspapers demand the formation of a very strong ministry, capable of coping with the situation in the. East. Broke Through the lee. Kingston, N. Y., Dec 28. While skating at Rifton, on Wallkill creek yesterday, Mrs. "V. W. Vanberger, aged 23, broke through the ice. Edward McMichael went to her rescue, crawling alqng the. ice, but the ice. broke under him and he was precipitated into the water. Both were drowned. . St. Louis, Dec 29. The business bouses in the center of the oitv were shaken to their foundations, knocking goods from the shelves this morning by a terrific explosion, and for a time there was great excitement. The shock came from a charge of dynamite used in trying to raise . the sunken towboat Dolphin, which went down during the tornado. It lies in the middle of the Missouri, opposite the foot of Olive street. All attempts have proved fu tile. ." . ' ... i ' Result of a Practical Joke. St. Louis, Dec 80. It was devel oped tonight that the shooting -of Katie Dozen bach by Marcus Nassauer, at Clayton yesterday, and his own sui cide, was the result of a practical joke. It is said Nassauer 's friends had con stantly told him the . girl : loved him deeply, and she herself entered into the spirit of the fan by telling him she was about to r leave for Oregon to be married. Driven to desperation by the thought of losing her, Nassauer called at her home and shot bcr and tfeen blew out hia brain. . - ACTUAL STARVATION. Thousands of Cubans Are in the Direst -..Distress. Washington, Dec 29. The most profound distress prevails among many thousands of people in Cuba. - Starva tion not only impends, but is an aotual fact. ; . The president has been reformed of the facts from sources whose reliabil ity cannot be doubted. He has gone to the length of his constitutional power in calling the state of affairs to the at tention of the American people. The state department has used all of its authority to mitigate conditions, and the letter to the public sent out by Sec retary Sherman the day before Christ mas, pointed out the way to further alleviate the miserable condition of the concentradoes.-j -Today : the sum of $5,000 was received by Assistant Secre tary Day from certain charitably dis posed persons, whose names are not disclosed, and this sum will . be remit ted by telegraph tomorrow morning to Consul-General Lee. for .disbursement among the more pressing cases. - . "r It is hoped by the department of state that the Americti -people will come to the relief, and promptly, by subscrip tions of money, clothing and. supplies of various -kinds. The newspapers are expected to lend a generous aid in carrying forward this movement. The machinery for distributing ' .has been provided by. the state, department,-and Consul-General Lee has undertaken, with the aid of the American consular agents in Cuba, to give personal atten tion to the alleviation of distress by the distribution of the gifts of the Amer ican people. One line of steamers ply ing between New York and Havana the Ward line it is said, has nnder forward any contributions of goods to General Lee, at Havana, and it is believed that the American rail roads will do their part by carrying the goods to. the seaboard. The Spanish authorities ' have- con sented to remit all duties on relief sup plies so forwarded. The state depart ment directs that they be sent direct to Consul-General, .- Lee, . either money draft, or check, or . goods. Consul General Lee tonight cabled the state department just what is wanting at this juncture, and'b,is list is as follows: - Summer clothing, second-hand or otherwise, principally for women and children; medicines for fevers, includ ing a large proportion of quinine; .hard bread, corn .meal, bacon, rice, lard, potatoes, beans, peas, salt, .fish, prin cipally codfish; any .canned goods, es pecially condensed milk for the starving children.. Money will also -be useful to secure nurses,'' medicines and for many other necessities. ' " '-' " '. BURNED TO DEATH. Terrible Fate of a "Woman and Hex . Aged Mother. Pittsburg, Dec. 29. During a fire at New Hav.ri, a suburb .of this city, in the residence of Mrs. Mary .Ann Browdy, this 'evening,. -Miss Jf.iney Browdy, aged 46, was bun red to death, and the mother, aged 76, was so badly burned - that she cannot survive the night. Miss Browdy, who came here about a month ago from Butte, Mont., to visit her. mother, lost her life in try ing to save some personal property. She went to the upper floor after the flames had made good headway on the structure, find Was suffocated. When the bouse had been gutted , the body of Miss J'rowdy was seen hanging over a joist, and, in the presence of about 500 people who had gathered at the scene, was literally burned to a crisp. . The mother threw herself into the burning building twice in an endeavor to save her daughter, but each time was dragged back, not, however, until she was so badly burned that the physicians say she cannot recover. V : '-" THE CZAR ADVANCING., a Remarkable Point of V'aut m afffl, Nov Occupied. St. Petersburg Deo. 29. The Rus sians have occupied Kincbau, north of Port Arthur. , '.-';' Can Defy" the 'World. - - i San Franoisco, Dec. 29. E. L. Shep hard,' - who recently - returned from China,-where he had ' an official posi tion, commenting upon the reported occupation of - Kinchau- by. Russia, said today: ;. ; ' - .. . - "Kinchau is an "important walled city (not an open port), at the head of the gulf of Lau Tung, and it commands the mouth of -the liver Yalu, where the battle between the Japanese and Chinese was fought, and the other im portant rivers which flow into the gulf. It is about equally distant between the mouth of the Yalu river and the ter minus of the great wall of China. v It commands the railway "system recently constructed from Tien-Teen to the cap ital of Manchuria, and is of pre-eminent importance as a strategic post.. "The seizure of the point shows that Russia has practically taken possession of Corea, Manchuria and the gulf of Lau Tung, and possesses a significance which will cause consternation among the diplomats in the Old World... : Its situation is such that its possession practically places Russia in a position to defy the world." "; ... . The gizzard of a hen recently killed at Covington, 6a., contained 21 brass tacks, 31 birdshot, -two pins, a tiny brass-ring, a bit of steel and . some crushed brass caps. : -.' . Pittsburg, Dec. 29. Captain G. B. Hayes, aged 68, on Friday night while walking from Osborne to Haysville, was overcome by the cold and fell and was rapidly freezing to death. He was found by John and Harry Bishop,.and carried to their stable, where he re mained all night. Later he ; was re moved to his home. . At New Orleans in 1861 Captain Hayes hauled down the Pelican flag of Louisiana and ran up the Stars and Stfipes. This act eost him his steamboat. - Blown Out of the Cab. Bridgeton, N.' -J., Dec. 28. James Bowers, an engineer on the West Jersey railroad, was blown out of his cab late last night between Husted and Pal adin. The wind was blowing a gale, when a sudden gust caught him and whirled him to the roadside. The fire man backed the train and found him some distance off. He was painfully but not badly hurt . Isaiah W- Lees, the chief of police of San Francisco, -has been connected with tha department 44 years. He was born in England and is 60 year. fi ll III OF EVENTS England Presents an Ultima tum to King of Gorea.. AGAINST DISMISSAL OF BROWN Bis; British Fleet Lying- Off Chemulpo ' japan Supports the Move and Has - Warships In Readiness. London , Dec. 28. A dispatch from Shanghai says: - It is. reported that 17 British warships are off ChUlpo, Corea; southwest of Seoul, supporting the British ' consul's "-' protest, really amounting to an ultimatum against the king's practically yielding the gov ernment of Corea into the hands of the Russian ' minister. ,The protest is spe cially directed against the' dismissal of McLevy Brown, British 'adviser to the Corean customs, in favor of the Rus sian nominee. Theaiews has produced consternation' at ; Seoul, which .- is heightened by the knowledge that Ja "pan Lai a fleet of 30 warships awaiting the result of the British representation, which Japan fully supports. Japan is irritated by the arrival of Russian troops in Corea, and it is believed she will oppose them. . " . According to advices from Tokio, Ja pan has offered to assist the officers at Pekin in drilling the Chinese army, and to consent to a postponement of the war indemnity. ; Many of the Pe kin officials favor the proposal. According to a dispatch to the Daily Mail from Shanghai, it is reported there from reliable sources that a Brit ish force landed at Chemulpo Saturday and caused : the reinstatement of Mc Levy Browiu The same dispatch re fers tot, "a. native rumor that- the union jack; has been hoisted on an; island in the mouth of the river Yang-Tse. ' A correspondent of the iTimes-says: ..' The government refuses to. place the li-kin under foreign control as security for the loan proposed, by the Hong Kong & Shanghai bank, and asserts that, unless the loan-,-is procurable without this condition,' arrangements will be made for a Russian guaranteed 4 per cent loan of 100,000,000 taels,-to be issued at 93 net. . The security will be. the land tax, which will, remain tinder' Chinese administration.'- China, in leiurii, will give Russia a monopoly of the railroads and mines north of the ea' w:;ll, cpcri a port-, to the railway, -and agfee that a Russian shall succeed ir Robert Hart as director of the Chi nese imperial ' maritime .customs. : If ihcee conditions be permitted,' British' trade : interests, will surely -. severely suCer. -. "? ' ' --The Shanghai correspondent of the Times says; :The sloop Phoenix sailed today, under orders to join the British squadron. The utmost secrecy is pre seived with regard to the;' -fitter's "movements,'" but gossip : here suggests that its destination is Tao Lien Wan. A CHRISTMAS TRAGEDY. An Aged Pennsylvania Couple FoullJ Murdered. ";v:v:. '. , ; Indiana, Fa., Dec. 28. Milton Neal iin.d his aged wife were shot to death by .an unknown assassin at their home, near Jacksonville; nine miles southwest of here, si'me'time during Christmas. Their bodies were found Tit 9 o'clock that night by their son Harry, who was passing the house and stopped to pay a Christmas call on .his parents. Neal was one of the' most prominent and prosperous farmers in the vicinity in which he lived. " Officers are searching for the murderer, but as yet he has not been found. . ." When young Neal tried to enter his parent's house, he found the doors locked. He forced his way through the cellar.'and upon entering the' sitting-room, a horrible sight met him. 'n a chair near the window was the form of his mother, her face entirely . "blown away. . At her feet was all that .remained of her. husband; a ghastly hole in his head told the tale of his murder. At his side lay . a ' double barreled shotgun, the implement of ieath. The - walls, ceilings , and ar ticles"?!!' furniture in the room were spattered with blood, and on the ceil 'ng was a good sized dent, in which was imbedded a piece .of the woman's ikull. For a time there was a "suspi cion of suicide, but as the facts devek oped, the . murder -theory gained strength. The woman was killed with hirdFhot, the husband 'with buckshot. There were no marks of powder on his face, something which is said would nave been impossible to avoid had sui cide been with a shotgun. There is nothing' to indicate that the crime was committed for plunder, as in Mrs. Neal's pocket were $10 and $2 lay on a dresser. Friends my they have a clew which they will begin work on at i:nce to trace the murderer. - '.. j - Boat Upset by a Dor. Elmira, N. Y;, Dec 28. Rudolph Boericke, aged 33. eon of Dr. Boericke, of Philadelphia, and his brother Ed--ward, . of' Chicago,- were rowing on Keuka'Take, seven miles from Ham mondsport, Christmas night, when the boat was upset by their dog. Both men were taken from the water alive, but Rudolph died immediately after he was brought to shore. Fell Into a Grate. Franklin, Pa., Dec. 28. Grace and Annie Nelson, whose parents live near here, were left'alone in their home last evening. The former fell into the gratefire and her clothing was ignited. She was burned to death. In trying to save the life of her: sister, Annie was also badly burned, and it is believed she cannot recover. - The Eiffel Tower, Paris, - weighs 7,000 tons. Passenger Train Ditched. Atchison, Kan., Dec. 28. The Mis souri Pacific southbound limited pas senger train, which left Omaha at 8:05 this afternoon, was ditohed between Becker and Willis, 80 miles north of Atchison, tonight. . The tender, the combination baggage and mail car and the chair car left the track. The com bination car turned completely over. J.. J. Pike, the baggage ' and - express messenger, was painfully bruied, bat no one. was seriously hurt. The pas sengers were transferred to a speoial, train. " . - . . - V SENSATION AT THE CAPITAL. Spain's Wrath Over Woodford's Note Uncalled for. ; Washington, Dec ; 29. Officials here are somewhat surprised at the ex hibition of feeling at Madrid over the latest note-, of Minister Woodford de livered to the Spanish foreign office the day before Christmas. ' While the note itself will not be made public at pre sent, it is said that 'there is no reason whatever why it should be withheld, save the fact that preceding steps in the negotiations have not yet 8"en the light of newspapers and it is desirable when publications made to preserve a complete chain of events in their nat ural order. -Possibly ' the correspond ence will be shortly called for by con gress, in which case it is not likely to be withheld on the ground of public policy. ; "-''- The last note presented by Minister Woodford was in answer to the Spanish note, called forth by Woodford's very first note upon his arrival at Madrid. In his initial note the United States minister pointed out the interest of his country in-the early termination of the present struggle in Cuba - and masked when such conclusion could be expect ed. The Spanish government . in its reply acknowledged our interest in the matter, but suggested after stating what it intended to do to ameliorate the con ditions in Cuba, that the United States could best exercise its good offices by stopping filibustering. To this Wood ford responded with his note of last week. It is said to be a purely argu mentative statement of the position taken by the United States, and the facts set ..forth are those so strongly drawn in - the president's message to congress, of which it was supposed the Spanish public had been fully advised through newspapers. T - The most forcible statement in the note is based upon facts collected and published recently by the United States treasury .department, exhibiting the great expense to which the United States had been put by reason of its efforts to patrol the enormous coast line in pursuit of a few filibustering expedi tions and the remarkable success of gov ernment officials in stopping these ex peditions as contrasted with the feeble efforts of the Spanish authorities to maintain a patrol around the island of Cuba. All these facts were included in Woodford's note, and while he put them in his own language in presenting them to "the - Spanish foreign office, it is said the statements concern only th events which have already been touche upon.' ' "- . ' ' . ..- -"' FOOLHARDY PROJECT. Captain W. C. Oledrive," of Boston, to : Walk Across the Atlantic. . Chicago, Dec. 29. A special to the Times-Herald from New -York says: Captain W C. Oledrive, of Boston, has planned to , walk across the Atlantic" ocean. He will begin his journey July '4 and will be accompanied by Captain W. M. Andrews, famous by reason of his --voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat." It is nothing new for Cap tain Oledrive to promenade the waves. That has been his pleasure and profit these ten years. '. Captain Andrews, .who is to he the companion of the wa ter pedestrian, will journey in a brand new 14-foot small boat and in -this merely repeats a feat performed in 1878 and again in 1892. Captain Andrews is the man who has brought about the whole affair. ' : Here is' his own state ment: . "".-' ' -" ':' ' "Inoredible as it .may " seem, next year we are really going to walk and sail down Boston harbor, eut onto the ocean and - over to Havre, France, though the great bore of the river Seinejand up to Paris, to be there to at tend the exposition of 1900 in" our new seagoing shoes and the smallest, fastest and best boat that ever crossed the At-' lanticoceanr the Phantom ship.- Every vessel-we speak on the ocean, will re port one of us .walking and sometimes towing the boat in calm weather. "The seagoing shoes of Mr. Oledrive are the moat wonderful part of the whole affair. They are a pair of cedar boxes five feet long with fins on the bottom and Bides. They are very light and capable of sustaining 140 . pounds, and as Oledrive weighs only 130 pounds they, are as good to him as a steamer's deck.".;, - ;-,-' '' :" : -. . PENSION OFFICE ORDER. Its Design Is to Expedite Disposition of Pending; Claims. Washington, Dec. -29. r-A new or der, the enforcement of which it is be lieved will expedite the disposition of pension claims now pending has been issued by Commissioner Evans. It is as follows: " ".""." " .- "Hereafter . claims for increase of pensions will not be considered within 12 months from the last action, allow ance or rejection." " ' " "The necessity of. the new order," said an official today, "grows largely out of calls made on the office for state ment of the status of pending cases by means of congress. These calls have been answered , to the --exclusion of other claims pending, which, it is said, have been taken up in their order.. It is only fair to these cases which have not bad any consideration that they should be taken up as promptly as pos sible. . ' ' ..'; -:,' -. San Jose, Cal., Dec 29. As a result of a Christmas debauch, Lagora Molina, a Chilean woodchopper, met a terrible death near Los Gatoa. " He drank deeply and with.Uhree fellow-workers caroused in his cabin until far into the night. . - Then he - took a lighted lamp and went into the yard. - He stumbled and fell, the lamp exploded and the burning oil ignited his'clothing. He was burned to death, but bis ' fate was not known until morning, when his charred body was found.- - Three Were Asphyxiated. Chicago Dec 29. Mrs. Anderson and her :. two : daughters, Edith and Myrtle, aged 8 and 5 years, were as phyxiated by illuminating gas in their home -at 61. Johnson -avenue, today. The husband, on 'returning frcttn work tonight, found his wife and children dead in bed.. Gas was pouring from all the jets In the cookstove. Jim Stevenson of Lexington, Ky., has an immense hand.- From the wrist to the tip of the middle finger it measures 11 inches, and the thumb sail is as big as half a dollar. . IS WELL SPOKE X OF PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE TO ..CONGRESS COMPLIMENTED. Bis Advice on Money Question Looked Upon as Bound and Logical If Fol lowed Will Lead to. an' Easy Solu tion of That Issue. - .. . ' . ':. E. F. Parsons, Special Correspondent. - Washington, D. C: As to what con gress will do about the - great subjects which are to come before it,. is a ques tion many people in Washington and elsewhere are now asking. , Of course it is more easily asked than answered," but the outlook becomes more hopeful as the time - for : action approaches. President McKinley's ' admirable mes sage has clarified the atmosphere, so to speak, and has suggested such simple and effective solutions of the apparently vexed problems that there is great en couragement not alone among friends of the administration, but among people who actually want to see definite action upon these important questions and to see them adjusted without reference to party prejudice or partisan bias. . The currency .problem, which looked so large-and alarming a few weeks ago assumes a very different aspect in the light oast upon it by President McKin ley's message. Simple as his proposi tions is, many people see in it an open door to a final solution jrf . the currency problem and one' through which the government may walk without danger of disturbance. The feeling which ex isted a few months ago that a revision of the currency system, and one which should eliminate the gold bearing obli gations could not be accomplished with out a general upsetting of business methods and perhaps without material ly increasing the indebtedness of the government, is rapidly giving way in view of the admirable plan outlined by the president.' - - ' 'If congress will follow the presi dent's adyice in this matter," said a distinguished and experienced official of the government who has had a long opportunity to study matters of this kind, "the people of this country will wake up some fine morning a few years hence and find that the cuneii.-v system has been changed in a satisfactory way without any financial disturbance and almost without the people bein con scious of it. The president's propor:. tion to retain in tlie treasury the gold demand obligations which are re deemed in gold 'and to pern: it the na tional banks to increase their currency so as to'flll .the vacancy that retention Of United States notes would causo a:id also that the banks be required to re deem their notes in gold, will, if car ried out, gradually transfer to tha shoulders of the banks that duty of providing the gold for the demands of the country. which the government has heretofore attempted to maintain. This plan, if carried out, would, in my opinion, solve the entire currency prob lem and do it in such a gradual quite way that it would not dibtuib business conditions or compel the increase. Juhn Sherman, when he was preparing, as secretary of. the' treasury, to resume specie payment, said: 'The way to re sume is to resume.'.' Now it seems that another Ohio man has come to the front with an equally simple, practical currency refoim proposition which m iy go into operation as smoothly and sat isfactorily and with as valuable results as did. the specie" resumption under Sec retary Sherman, now the distinguished and honored head of the department of state." .; - "' " -'; 4 The few people who- were inclined to criticse the operations of the Dingley law have learned that their criticisms were not well founded. ' That law has in its first four months produced nearly 10 per cent more revenue than did the "Wilson law in the corresponding four months of its history, and has increased its earnings more than 25 per cent in that length of time. Assistant Secre tary Howell, who has been many years connected with the customs service of the government; has caused a very care ful estimate to be .made of the earning which this law would have produced in the past four months had the importa tions' been up to the normal. To ob tain the nomral importations he takes those of the year 1892, which was looked upon as a fair example of the importing habits of the United States. He finds that if the importations of the past - four months had been equal to those months in 1892" the customs earn ings of the new law would have been 1102,000,000, instead of $34,000,000, as they were, or an average of nearly $17,000,000 per month in excess of its actual earnings meantime. This gives great encouragement to the friends of the law and they look forward with ab solute confidence to its earning capacity and to the probability that it will, within the next. few months, show to the country its ability to supply all the revenue needed. On this subject it is proper to say that the so-called estimates of the treas ury department which indicate that the revenue for the next fiscal year will be $21,000,000 short of the expenditures are entirely misleading.. The law re quires the war deparment to include in its river and harbor figures the entire estimates of the officers in charge of the various works, which ..brings the es timate for river and harbor wor, alone, for the' fiscal year above $60,000,000, while it is Well known that the custom is to appropriate " no more than one fourth of that sum. It is thus apparent that while the estimates for expendi tures are nominally in excess of those relating to receipts, that in fact the re ceipts will be greater than tlie expendi tures. v Rigid economy in pnblio expenditure is the watchword on the Republican side in congress. This was the recom mendation of President- McKinley's m essage. - ; : - -' ' ' ' ' - : i-. President McKinley's dignified and forceful utterances on the Cuban ques tion continue to receive the commenda tions .of the country.- The splendid progress made by his administration in Cuban' matters, not only in the se lease of ' all Americans confined in Cubanjprisons when he came into office, but also the change in the attitude of the JSpanish government toward the people of Cuba since the views of the administration have been expressed on the subject, have apparently shown to the people of the United : States the wisdom of a course - which combines conservatism with humanity. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. rOffine nf Dnwnfns-. Honlins Jk Co.. Chicaeo Board of Trade Brokers, 711-714 Chamber of Com merce Building, Portland, Oregon. " The trade has fallen into a way of thinking that the big receipts of the past week will clean np the surplus wheat that is liable to come out at present prices. - Most of this wheat is contract, when it is all in the bulls think that they will control the sitna--- tion. . . y., '-."-.-.- - In the Northwest the claim is made that 80 per cent of the crop has been marketed, and that country elevator stocks are very light compared with previous years. Every one is looking for a sharp falling off in receipts after the first of the year; also for higher prices, while the situation on all sides is admittedly bullish the world over, the prices have not responded to what the bulls think the position of stocks to estimate requirements justifies. Tbey have fixed the standard of values in their own minds, and because tbey are not realized they feel disappointed. Most of them are too much inclined to lose sight of the fact that the price of wheat has reached a point where sub stitutions of other articles outs greatly into the consumption, and that the speculators are .more solicitous as to the price and the probable supplies than the consumers. The outlook for supplies from Ar gentine is uncertain, the probability being that the exportable surplus will not exceed 30,000,000 bushels. Trad ers lose sight of the fact that Argen tine is a large country, and that unfa vorable conditions will hardly exist over the entire territory. Harvesting is now in progress, and the rains might reduce the exportable surplus. There will be little' wheat to ship from Australia, but India's pros pects are evidently good, judging from the free offerings in Liverpool for Sep tember. The American visible supply this week showed a larger increase than expected, being 1,051,000 bushels more than last week, and now totals 36,616, 000 bushels, as compared with 54,443, 000 bushels at the same time last year. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 75 76c; Val ley and Bluestem, 77 78c per bushel. Four Best grades, $4.25; graham, $3.40; superfine, $2.25 per barrel. , Oats Choice white, 85 36c; choice gray, 83 34c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $1920; brew ing," $20 per ton. - Millstiff s Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $21; shorts, $18. Hay Timothy, $12.50 13; clover, 10 11; California wheat, $10; do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $910 per ton. Eggs 1825c per dozen. 'Butter Fancy creamery, 55 60c; fair to good, 45 50c; dairy, 40 50c per roll. Cheese Oregon, llc; Young America, 12c; -California, 910o per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $1.75 2.25 per dozen; broilers, $2. 00 2. 50; geese, $5.50 6. 50; ducks, $4. 00 5. 00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 8 9c per pound. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 85 45c per sack; sweets, $1.40 per cental. Onions Oregon, new, red, 90c; yel low, 80c per cental. TTria K (Tt'. 1 i rr nnnnd fnr -npw crop; 1896 crop, 46o. - Wool Valley, 14 16c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 7 12c; mohair, 20 22o per pound. - Mutton Gross, best bheep, wethers and ewes, $3.50; dressed mutton, 6)c; .spring lambs, 5c per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.00; lightand feeders, $3.004.00; dressed, $4. 50 5. 00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $2.753.00; cows. $2.50; dressed beef, 4 6c per pound. Veal Large, 45o; small, 5 6o per pound. . Seattle jasrset Butter Fancy native creamery, brick. 28c; ranoh, 1618c Cheese Native Washington, 12c; California, 9 30. Eggs Fresh ranch, 28c ' Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, hens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.50 8 00; ducks, $3.503.75. Wheat Feed wheat, $22 per ton. Oats Choice, per ton, $1920. Corn Whole, $22; cracked, per ton, Barhy Boiled or ground, per ton, $22; whole, $22. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef, steers, 6c; cows, 5c; mutton sheep, 7c; pork, 6c; veal, small, 7. Fresh Fish Halibut, 5 6c; salmon, 8c; salmon trout, 710o; flounders and sole, 3 4; ling cod, 4 5; rock cod, 5c; smelt, 2 4c - Fresh Fruit Apples, 50c $ 1.25 per box; peaches, 75 80c; prunes, 85 40c; pears, 75c$l per box. San Francisco Market. Wool Nevada 11 13c; Oregon, 13 14c; Northern 78o per pound. Hops 10 14c per pound. . Millstuffs Middlings, $2023; Cal ifornia bran, $17.0018.00 per ton. Onions New red. 7080c; do new silverskin, $2.002.25 per cental. Eggs Store, 24 28c; ranoh, SO 84c; Eastern, 1620;duck, 20 25c per dozen. Citrus Fruit Oranges, navels, $1.508.O0; Mexican limes, $2.00 3.00; California lemons, choice, $1.50 2.00; do common, 60c$l. 25 per box. Cheese Fancy mild, new, 12c; fair to good, 78c per pound.. Hay Wheat, 12 14; wheat and oat, $1114; oat, $1012; river bar ley, $78; best barley, $1012; alfalfa, $8.50 10; clover, $8.50 10. Fresh Fruit Apples, 25o$1.25 per large box; grapes, 2550o; Isabella, 60 75c; peaches, 60c$l; pears, 75o $1 per box; plums, 20 85c Butter Fancy creamery, 88c; do seconds, 85 87c; fancy dairy.82o; good to choice, ' 80 31o per pound. . Potatoes New, in boxes, 86 85c Mr. Gladstone will shortly celebrate his 88th birthday. The "grand old man" was born in Liverpool December 29, 1809, and as things look now, he bids fair to welcome the dawn of the 30th century. If he survives till next year he can participate in the centenary celebration of tha Irish rebellion. As he comes of a sturdy race, the. "chances are that he will live even beyond his SOth birthday. ...