The Corvallis gazette. (Corvallis, Or.) 1862-1899, December 10, 1897, Image 3

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    eORVAUvIS, E5lCiDec. 10, 1897.
Notions and
Fancy Goods.
Art Linen Grades at 40, 50, 75 and 80c.
India Linen Sheer Goods from 10 to
40c per yard.
Handkerchief Linen Tkree good val
ues, 65c, 75c and $1.00 per yard.
Handkerchiefs Embroidered & Hem
stitched 2, 5, 10, so, aj, 40, 40,
50, 75c and $1.25.
Drapery 6oods Silkoline at 10c, silk
oline at 12 and 15c Drapery
goods at 50 a d 75c
-Down and Feather Pit tews Price 15c
to $1.7$.
Embroidery Silks in Filo New and
complete lint Braiaird and Arm
strong. '.Beits With purses, 25c, 50c and $1.00;
without purses 150, 25c and 50c. -
Purses 10. 15, 25, 30 and 50c; Monkey
skis 75c, SUtriinj; trimmed Seal
and Allijjator 75c, $t o and $l.2.
A new line of xentle'iien's neckwear
latest styles i si ptiiT; ledesaml .ws
s. l YoiM sMr
Al&aay, Oregon.
See Kline'saM on holidiy ;oods,
Stylish and new. -
A. W. Bowers t ha rented the Welker
house and will occupy it next week.
"Chris. Schnurr and family have retnrn-1
ed to Kansas, where Mr. Schnurr will
engage in fanning.'
Miss Louise Fischer, now visiting rela
tives' in Chicago, is expected to come
home before Christmas. -
T. M. Hamilton lias developed a dark
purple pritnros at, the O. A. C. hot
house. It is a beautiful fljwer and very
rare. . .
J. R. Ma kley family started east
ward Satunla. They will nside in Chi
cago, where J. R. has buMuess assocta
tiousv .
- Dick Kiger wii aot Satur
day to an estimable vouhj lady of Salem
His friends an a utiag fir the mystic
''third time." :-"
: The sabjeet at the Coimregitiooi
charcU next' Sunday Mhbrniag'-will be:
"The Kineiiom." E eiujf : "By .the.
Spirit of Gad. - -'''
: THoiE.1 Smith, Vf California,', .was at
tracted .- acain to Cor vail is this week.
Hugh says tU Corvallis colony at the
Golden Gate city is making a n me for
J. M. Nolan visited Portland this week,
returning Tuesday. He came home
happy over his success in securing a first-
class artist for the firm s tailoring depart
Any one knowing the "whereabouts"
et a large mirror, desk, trawe, belonging
te firemen's hall will confer a fator by
notifying this office, Chief Porter or Wm.
Edgar.' - v
The football team gave a receptiou to
the coach. Will Bless, at the residence of
Jude Burnett Tuesday evening. About
30 were -present and enjoyed themselves
The trial of Allen Legii4br4htf killing
ef a man iu a hp yard near Independ
ence, will occur at Dallas this week.
juage jucraaaen is retainea Dy ine ae
fense and is at Dallas.
Corvallis Degree of Honor people paid
a visit to the lodge at Albany- Wednes
day evening. . The Albany members are
Splendid entertainers-and a merry even
ing was spent by the visiters.
The football team was entertained by
the Alpha club Wednesday night and
will be similarly treated by the Pierian
society. President Gatch is te give the
boys a dinner next Friday evening.
The Klondike entertainment at the
opera house Wednesday evening was a
success and drew a very fair crowd. The
views are very good, and with the lec
ture, give one a very vivid idea ef the
new land of geld.
Miss Bessie Datesman, formerly au O.
A. C. student and member of the Corval
lis ladies' band,, is playing cornet in
Frisco with the Boston Military ladies'
band, a popular and highly esteemed
musical organization.
The topics of the sermons' at the Pres.
byterian church next Sabbath will be as
follows: Morning, "Human responsibil
ity"; evening, ."Gather up the frag
ments." Special .music both morning
and evening aad a kind welcowse to all.
An epidemic of something resembling-
, tonsil itis,hai struck Corvallis; ' The post
master, B. W. Johnson, has ben con
fined, to his room this week, and John
Gault, the footballist, went home Weal
.- nesday to 1 lector up. Others are com
plaining. .,
Mending and fixing! What a world ef
discomfort may be saved by a little re
pairing. Save a dollar's worth of nerves
by investing from 25 cents to $1 in Dilly's
handicraft. Machines, umbrellas, clocks,
deer knobs, locks anythiug of the sort
can be fixed by Dilly, the fixer.
Subject at Methodist church Lord's
day morning: "One of the best methods
in convincing men of the realty of our
Holy Religion." Evening: "Four im
pressive lessons from a night scene, with
an introduction on a bird with a broken
pinion." Young and old should hear
this discourse.
The Corvallis Klondike company has
' already commenced paying dividends.
Robt Johnson this week received $9-50
on accoant of Ruthyn Turney, and
Messrs. Sehmidt and Fry each received
alike amount. But it was from no gold
mine. It was only repayment of an
overcharge for freight j
James and Will Skipton have purchas
ed the . Fashion Stables at Salem, and
with their father and sister, now make
the capital -city their hornet-nThese
Stables do a large easiness, and wnT no. i
doubt be. very. ;ocesatvnjiiJ$IpJ
ten regime. The boys will be greatly
missed by Corvallisites. -
The trial ef Chief of Police Wells be
fore the city council has been postponed
to Friday evening Dec. 17th. The coun
cil met Monday night, Mayor Woodward
presiding, to take up the matter, but
owing to the illness of Mr. Hurt one of
the chiefs witnesses, a continuance was
granted. Couacilmen Hall and . Smith
were absent.
The Presbyterian Sunday schpal will
present the Christmas eve entertainment
outlined in the Ladies Heme Jonrual.
No presents will be exebavged at the
church, but donations of clothing, pro
visions and cash for the nesdy will be
gladly received. The chnrch will be
kept open all day Friday, and a commit
tee will be present to care for tlie offer
ings. 1
The Salvation Army ha: again changed
officers. This noon Capt. Duithie left
for Ashland and Lieut. Spencer for
Grant Puss. They Wave heeu faithful
officers as well as popular ones.; ' Capt.
Peterson aad Lieut. May, recoutly Unf
Medf.rd, arri red in Albany this ia -m7.;
and will take charge ot the work h-re.
Dam Jcrat. . liismark has the V mpatii v
( hi frieuds. ' .
Bids fur indexing the transfer records
of Benton county were opened jrf tie
commissi -iters' cwurt yesterday. ' They
were as follows: L. W. Oren, $1,900; M
II. Krie'el. $694; Gellatly and Kiplc .
$ too; E. O. Samuels, $499.95; A. B. Alex
a ider, 1494; J. S. Van Winkle. $393; J. C.
P-wcli. 5j75; J- H. Gibsoa, I370; R. O.
Hawks bid 7 cents per name. - Gibson
was awarded the co.-.tract.
A gentlemen reports having witnessed a
lively street encounter between two well
known women recently. He was coming
down from the Albany evening train and
a few blocks east ef the depot saw a
punching and boxing contest that was
exciting for a few minutes; He; .-aul the
difficulty seemed to be over a ?cht Id but
refused to give any names owing, he
flint! tA tli nrAtninenre of the narties.
, r ,
. " . . r ;Wl
.Monroe is 10 nave a saioen. 1 uc pcu-
tion of J. W. Oweii for a liqnor lictnse
was reviewed the county court Wed
nesday and a permit granted. Affidavits
were filed stating that some names en the
petition were not voters in the precinct.
A majority of the votes is necessary in a
case of this kind to secure a permit
The court struck off several names, and
the petitioner secured the license by onlj-
one majority. " &
Mr. J. Wo rage bas assumed charge of
Nolan & Callahan's tailoring depart
ment He is a first-class cutter and fitter
of thirty years experience. ; Mr. Wooragcj
has been tailoring la Portland for twenty
seven years and bis services were very
much in demand there. So much in
fact, that Nolan & Callahan bad to offer
evtra inducements to get him to relin
quish his position at the metropolis. Mr.
-Woorage will be keartily welcomed to
or .alii. .
"There was a high, fierce wind Tuesday j
afternoon; George Reed was sent t the
waterworks to inform Engineer Bell that
he was.wiutsd at the telephone, and
kindly consented to wait in the e.--iue
room uiitil Bell returned. ' He was .".lit--
ing wnen an awtui noise procceaea irom
the top of the tower. It seemed as if the
t.owor were tumbling. "Speaker" rushed
out, -hen sticks and staves came hurtling
down sreund him and he fpcedil.', re
turned to the eEgineroom, afraid to go
and afraid to stay. ' George was about to
give himself np a. -a broken Reed, when
the noise subsided. - - Investigations
proved that the large wld-mill on top
of the tower had succumbed to the fary.
el the gale and the fans had' -all blown
out. -. -
5 Hi
t? c :.i - r -
and :
vici' ity were made very sick by eating
headcheese last Friday and Saturday.
The vheese was maie on the farm of Mr.
John Hnlburl, whe presented generous
quantities t? fr tends in teirav most of
them associated with the Salvation Army.
Mr. Hulburt's entire family was tsry
sick and among those' in town who suf
fered are O. V. Hurt and family, Ckt.
Plamstead and family, and the families
of Arthur Gardner, W, S. Grdacr,
J. W. Ray, J. Cressen, '. Mrs.
Mark Noble, Misses. Whitaker, Lane and
Whitman, Mr. Starr, Bert Sharp, Mar
ion Wood and Plutarch Lewis and wife.
All are recovering, thongh several 'are
still quite ill. The college chemists are
examining the headcheese. It is thought
that bacteria is at the bottom of the
& 11.
irpume. t
Sick stomach means sick man (or woman).
Why not be well?
Sick stomach cemes from poor food, poer
nourishment; means' poor health, poor com
fort. Shaker Digestive Cordial means
health and a well stomach.
If we could examine our stomach we
would understand why it is that so litttewifl
put it out of order.
But, unless we are doctors, we never see
our stomach. We only feel it. We would
feei it less if we took Shaker Digestive Cor
dial. Shaker Digestive Cordial makes
your t'.omach digest all th nourishing food
you eat, relieves all tbe symptoms of indi
gestion, acts as a tenic a:.d soon makes you
well and strong again.
The more you take the less jou Will feel
of your stomach. . .
At druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents.
. Sing a song of Spencer,
Razors sharp and keen.
Never was a truer
Barber born, I ween. '
County warrants taken at par for mer
chandise at Nolan & Callahan's.
Prosperity comes quickest to the man
whose liver is in good condition. 1 De Witt's
Little Early Risers are famous little pills for
constipation, billiousness.indigestion and all
stomach and liven troubles. Allen & Wood
ward. A Call for Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that there is
money on hand at the county treasurer's
office to pay all orders endorsed and
marked "Not paid for want of funds" up
to and including those of Oct. 5th, 1894.
Interest will be stopped en same from
this date.
Corvallis, Or.,' Dec. 1st, 1897.
W. A. Buchanan,
Treasurer Benton County, Oregon.
If yon have any photographs te be en
larged take them te Nolan & Callahan
before January 1, 1898.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets mope
tbe bowels gently, relieves tne tevensn
condition and headache, making it the
best and quickest remedy for Coughs,
Colds and Lagrippe. Cures in one day,
U'Jlo cure, ne pay." Price 25 cents.
Oregon Agricultural College the
Football Champions of Two
- States.
Green will be the memory ef the O. A.
C. football team of 1897 for years to
come. They won this season the cham
pionship of Oregon and the champion
ship of the Pacific northwest. They al
lowed no visiting team to score .only the grounds. The record against their
several opponents, 164 points, with on 8
poiuts on the debtor side of the ledger.
And the boys have won their honors by
the cleanest and fairest kind ef football
The gam last Saturday between the
Oregon Agricultural College and the Un
iversity of Washington the last ame
for the farmers this season, and it was a
fitting climax to a sacccssion of victories.
Pearson did not accompany the boys
from Stlle, aad Capt. Lindsay played
full. Wuitler pUyed iu Liuday's place
and Pi!er played end. Otherwise hot!
teams lined up as given in tho GAZKTTiS
last week. The. university eleven siijjUt
ly utitwfthcd the college boys art ths
average :iyl wre in excellent condition.
- Game Wits' called at 2:40 p. m. . Wufi
mgtea kicked o;f, the bill going out of
bounds. The second attempt was more
successful and tie ball was found by
Scoggins, who advanced several yards
before he was tackled.. On the first line-'
up for a scrimmage it vas seen ky those
familiar with the game that the almost
perfect U.uu wtrk of the Oregoniaus
would win them the victory.
All Corvallis had the utmost faith in
the ability of the home team to advance
the ,!.all. wnen in. their. possession and the
result proved this faith well founded,
Holgate and Scoggius were sent through
the tackle and eud on tandem plays, re
peatedly for good gains and made 20
v vrd; when the bill .ras lost on a fumble.
It was soon "recovered on downs an J the
farmers took it rApidly down the field
for a touchdown. Ga alt kicked goal.
" On the second kick-off the ball alter
nated between the tw teams for some
time, but t'orvallis finally began to reach
far the goal and the pieskin went fur
tlier and further into the territory of the
Wachingtoniauc. Thurston and Gault.
Holgate and Scog-ins, carried the ball
by turns till Scwggins, by one of. the
prettiest plays of the day, made another
touchdown. Ganlt kicked goal.
- When time was called in the first half
Corvallis had the ball. Score. O. A. C,
12; U,. of W., o.
Corvallis took the ball from a kick-off
in the beginning of the second half and
with' sure steady gains followed ' the
course of;:empire. Every man on the
team aioied as thovgh be had a certain
place to-fill at a certain time and there
seemed " to be no way to prevent their
getting there. The halves, Holgate and j
Scoggius embraced the ball most of tbe
time, although the tackles, Thurston and
Walters, and the full back, Gault, would
occasionally whirl throngh fr generous
-advances and a tonchdown crowned their
splendid efforts. Goal, failed. . -i .-
It was after this thxt the visitors battled
the fiercest. They seemed to take on
netr itrtnth and pushed tbe farmers
back two and three yards at a down .un
til they had the ball within 15 - yards of
the college goal. Then the farmers
made a stand and the boys from the
north c uld not gain another foot. They
tried a place kick, but Thurston blocked
it by a desperate rush through the line
all -'. cha ice of Washington sc.or
was gone. The farmers charged
down the field towards thtir opponent's
goal. The work was very rapid and it
seemed as if another plunge wonld secure
the fourth touchdown that Coach Bloss
predicted, when time was called and the
greatest game of football ever played in
the' Willamette valley, was at an end.
The score stood, O. A. C, 16; U. of W.,
o; m. kinx the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege team football champions of the Pa
cific northwest for 1897. "
Space will r.ot permit an extended re
view of the lays. Oaly the briefest
mention can be made ef McAllister's
star work at center, Bodine and Elgin,
the invincible guards, Thurston's start
ling runs aad tackles, Walter's fine de
fensive work, the perfect end play ing of
McBride and Stimpson; the magnificent
generalship and all 'round good work ef
quarter, Kruse; the steady strong runs,
quick starting, interference forming
work of Holgate and 'Scoggins and the
line bucking, punting and tackling of
Gault. '
The game gave the spectators a sample
ef good, clean college football unmarred
by foul playing. -Not a player was com
pelled to quit. The O. A. C. had good
men to take the places ef any whe might
be disabled temporarily. Gallagher,
Buxton, Pendleton, Holmes, Noel, Scott
and one -or two others are entitled to a
great share ef the victory won by the O.
A. C. They have trained faithfully and
have helped give the boys who did the
playing Saturday, 'excellent practice.
They are shrewd, hardy,' active athletes
and it wuld be difficult to - find better
players anywhere. They will be heard
from aext year. .
Seattle Post Intelligencer: It does
seem that the University ef Washington
team went a long ways Just te roll up
goose egg. '
beatue r. 1. sixteen to nothing was
a hard beat for the Washington boys. It
would have dene much better to put
Washington in a consistent light ' befor
the world if they had scored on to the
crushing sixteen
' ' Frank Randall, manager Portland
Athletic Club. "It was one of the best
and cleanest games imaginable. -The
college line is strong and active, while
the backs are very quick and hit the line
faster and harder than ay I have ever
seen. Tue victors magnificently sccure'd
a magnificent victory."
Capt. Lindsay, U. of O. "I can't say
I am pleased with the rosult, but it is a
satisfaction to know that we were defeat
ed fairly and by geutlemen. ' Had Pear
son . been here and our mtn all played
their proper positions, I think the score'
would be closer, but we would net have
won. The O. A C. out played us. Their
tandem outside of tackle- could not be
stopped. Next year we hope te meet the
'farmers,' as the college boys proudly call
themselves, at Seattle." .
One ef the visiters. "It is hardly fair.
Von took Dr. Gateh away from us, and
new yon beat s at football."- '
H-Bodine, captain O. A. C team "Of
course we are happy. The citizens have
been remarkably generous and the facul
ty and stndeHts have been at our backs
Much credit must be given the students
whe practiced with us, and the ssbs, ef
course, were aa important a part of the
team as the eleven who played the game
For several years we have knows the bit
teraess ef defeat, but we have 'kept ham
inering.' We hope that aucceedittj.
teams will win more honors for nr grand
old college." 1
WH H. Bloss, the O. A C coach and
Tiose work far surpassed that" of the
coaches secured from Berkeley and $taa
ford: "The result speaks for itself."
To "Pap" McAlister.
Hurrah ! for Pappy Hayseed, ".'
He 'knows where he "is at;"'
The chap who said he'd beat him,
Was conversing through his hat.
Shake, shske, old Pappy Hayseed, ,
The man with, ribs of steel
Aui whalebone constitution, -
Give s a grip we feeL' ;:. :
' Philemath coll. ge correspondent .
Election of Assignee
The Nichols & Holm assignment is
waking work fortte lawyers. .Ingle, the
creditor who forced the aisigumut, ob
jects to A. W. Bowersox as a"iigne be
cause the firm named him. The ques
tion wunt to a vote of the creditors, and
came up before Comity Clerk $rtters
last Friday. The attorneys in the case
used up three hours in debating as to the
validity of several claims and some were
rejected. A. L. . McFadden was ; the
choice ef Ingle for assignee. The vote,
as allowed by. the clerk, stood, Bowersex
14, McFadden 14, E. R. Bryson 2. This
throws the matter into the hands . ef
Judge Fullerton, who will make his ,de
cisioH soon.
A peculiar feature of the voting was
the appearance ef several notes given by
the firm to lugle, and on whieh he sued
as wner. last moutii, in the. hauds of
other parties, claiming, ownership. One
note of a thousand' dollars had been
transfered to Jas. .. H.vys, eue to Geo. H
Horsfall,. te Mrs. Ingle' and one to
W. . McFadden. : Judge ' McFadden
represented these new creditors and cast
their , voles for A. L.: McFadden. Mr.
Ingle was fortunate in finding purchasers
for his notes -after the makers had as
signed. All the Benton coanty creditors..
aside ' from the holders of the Ingle
notes, fatored retaining the present asr
stgnee. .'
Mr. Bowersox : has Sled
inventory. Puu and N. B
his b ind and
Avery are his
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant
laxative. Re;.alates the bowels, purifies
the blood. Clears the complexion. Kasy
I Kiake and pleasant t take. i cts.
Sold by Graham & Wells.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the Corvallis pestoffice, unclaimed
Dec, 4, 1897: , , . - " .. '. x::-;-'
Rolla Baker, Miss Margaret Hail, Miss
Addie Bodie, tavid J. Hood, Mr. Ear
hrt, sr., Frank Phillip. J. V. Ebwcgen,
Mrs. Martha Smith, Merrill Gibbs.
i.Ck'c.;. K-Konr temrsoN, P. M-
. Mrs."; StarJrv FleaMtxBidge, O., fays:
' After two doctors gave up my boy te die.-1
saved him from creup by using One Minute
Cmgh Cure." It is the quickest and most
certain remedy lor coughs, colds ana all
throat and lug troubles. Allen 1c Wood
Dreadfulfy Nervous.
Gknts: I was dreadfully neryeus,aud
for relief took your. Karl's Clover Root
Tea. It quieted my nerves and strength
ened my whole nervous system. I was
tronbled with Constipation, Kidney and
Bo-rel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed
my system so thereughly that I rapidly
regained health and strength. Mrs. S.
A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold b
Graham & Wells.
A 16 to I Financier.
Silas Sinipkins was a iaancier, although
he wasn't rich. . r
Silas was a sorter silverite an greenback- )
er an' sick; .'.-" ; j-
Au' he never. cut his whiskers, an' he
didn't wear no socks, ' ' i ':
An' all day long he'd argify upon a 'dry
goods box.
An' he. whittled, an' he whittled, aa he'd
surely demonstrate " '..y:3)
How his plan ,'ud save the country rem
a mighty sorry fate. . . -
Why, we use1 to gether roand him, j an'
we didn't care a cuss . -.,"'" ""
Fer tVe ploughin' an' the hayia1 ef Si'
'udUlktous. ' .
Nope, -1 can't quite recollec'
how Si would fix it out,
But I shore hev seen 'im cut
' now jest,
'er, n', I
know 'twas all about"
V "per capiter" an "ratio," and I recol
" lec' thet he - . . - : .
Use' to orate mos' con via' on the "crime
f Berapty-three." - '
Am' he 'lowed 'twas then our slav'ry to
the "plutycrat" begun,
An' I think Si said the chances was
- 'bout sixteen to one .
In favor of the pluticrat,-and then he'd
fairly boil -Z'--'
When he'd tell us how they'd' "squeezed
the sweat out from the brow of toil.'.' ;
Well, I guess Si must a talked too
it sorter wore 'im out
Fer at last he Ot right porely an' cud
sca'cely get about, "
But he'd still come down town daily'
when th'. weather 'ud permit.
An' he'd set eut in the' he'd
whittle an he'd spit, , - v
An' he'd keep right en a talkin' as he
. sat there in the sun,
On the plutycrats an ratios an' about
sixteen te one; ;
An' he-argted an' contended an' he finan-
cered until - , . '
He died one day, an' we buried him, an'
- the county paid the biIL j , ' j
4 ? : Ai3ert Bigdi.ow Bains. '
Tor In&Kti an Cfcild ca. ) -
Hammond Will Push tha O. C
& E. Across Oregon if Alger
Lets Yaquiua Contract
... Hammond, tlie new star iu the
esteru railroad firmament made
a very important statement to Pr.
M. M. Davis at Portland last
week, concerning the O. C & E.
R.R.:s'; ,
"I will state positively," said
Mr. Hammoiid,"that tiic'o. C- &
E. railroad will be extended
tlrrongh to the eastern boundary
of Oregon, and a branch line run
from Prineville to Heppner.
This is provided, of course, the
government proceeds with the
contemplated improvement of
Vaquina harbor. And this ex
tension will, be made with as lit
tle delay as possible. I will have
no, trouble in securing funds"
This is the first authentic
statement that has been made
concerning the completion cf
the road aud is so direct and pos
itive as to leave no -roo;u for
quibbimg. Those few. worus are
of the greatest import ;o the pn
ducers andbusiness nien of the
state. ' . . .
Dyspepsia Cured. Shiloh's Vitalizer
immediately relieves Sour Stomach. Com
ing up of Food Distress, and is the great
kidney and liver remedy. Sold by Gra
ham & Well.
Notice ef AsalKiiee's Sale of Real Estate
Notice i hnrnhy (tieittit undwr and in
pursuance of the order of thu circuit tftiurt,
of thoate of Orrpc.n, for ii.-nton county.
duly niudi! Jn thet. in:ittr of the aignmuiit
of S. N. . Wilkins, iiisqlvunt, diroclinif and
authorixiiig pin. F. M. Johnson, as assignee
ot siiid 3. N. Wilkin?. In tell nil thvr.-al and
personal property Iwlonging to th .-aid in
solvent stato " of S. N. Wilkins, to the
highest bidder, for. ctuh in hnr.d, at public
auction. I, as such a.ignee, will on the
8th Day of January, 1S9S,
at the hour of two o'clock in the aftTiioon
of said day, nt the front of the court house
door, in the city ot Corvallis, ia Bmiton
county, Oresr-m, r;11 at public a.iction to the
highest bidder for cnh in hnud, all tlie fol
lowing described -nml e. tato Imlimgin- t
the said insolvent estate and vitfd in iue as
assignee aforesaid of S. N. Wilkins, to-wit:
All of bloek 26, and lots 7, 8 and Sin
block 2S, and lot I and 2 in block 15; all in
Job's addition to the eity of Corvallis, Ore
gon, nnd the abovu dweribed real property
will be gold subject to eon en nation by the
circuit court ot the stittw or Oregon, fur
Benton onmity.
Dated Corvallis, Norenilx r IS, 1897.
- . . M. JOHNSON,
." Assignee of S. N. Wilkins.
" Cure that . Cough with Shiloh's Cure.
The best Cough Cnre. .--Relieves Creup
promptly7 One million bottles sold last
year." 40 -doses for 15 cts. Sold by Gra
ham fc Wells. .
Orders taken . for O. A. C. regulation
uniforms at $14.50. . - ' S. L. Kline.
- One Minuto Cough -Cure cures quickly,
That's what you want! Allen & Wood
ward. HOTICE.
Ia the matt or ef the assignment of I!. A
Kichols and R. F. Holm, insolvent debtors,
, Netie. is hereby a-iyen that the under
signed has been duly' appointed assignee ef
the insolvent estate of E. A. Niehels and
B. F. Helm, and all persoas bnving claims
against th- said insolvent debtors, are here
by notified to present the same to the under
signed at his ffiee t the Bcntea County
iiUuring Mill Co.'s office, in the city of
CorvallL', Benton county, Orton, duly ver
ified as required by law, within three
months from the date ef thisneiice.: ,
Qated at Corvallis, Oregon.Neverober ll,
' '- A. W. BOWIBSOI.
Assignee of the estata of E. A. Nichols
aad K..F. Ilolm, insolvent debtors. -
Miss Allie JIughes, Norfolk, Va, was
frightfully burned on the face and neck.
Pain was instantly relieved by De Witt's
Witeh Hazel Salve, which healed the injury
without leaving a scar. It is th- famous
pile remedy. AHen & Woodward.
Pure Enjoyment ;
The ladies ef the M. E. church will
held a fair in the opera house next Wed
nesday evening, December 15th. Pro
gram will begin with a chorus and sev
eral pleasing pieces will be rendered in
costume. After the: program refresh'
ments will be served and articles both
useful and ornamental will be offered fer
sale. " Admission 16 cents; doors open at
7"3a cntf in rises at 8.
Whether Itching, burning, Weeding, scaly,
erosted, pimplr. r bletohy, whether simple,
serofnloas, or her wlitary, from Infanry to age,
speedily cored by Trarm baths with CcTiomvA.
Boar, gentle anointinTS with Iuticuka (oint
ment), the great skin cnre, ind mild doses
of Cuticuba Rmoltkst, greatest of blood
pniifiers and humor cores.
t SaMMOuottrtntttnimM. PoiraaDaoesjmCBaa.
KToUce to Creditors.
. Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed administrator of
the estate of James R. Haddock, deceased,
by the county court of the state of Oregon,
for Benton county. Should tbare be any
claims against said estate, the persons hav
ing the same -are. required to present, tbe
same . properly' verified, to me at my ' office
in Corvallis, Oregon, or to E. Holgate, Cor
vallis, Oregon, within six months from the
date of this r.otic. ; :
Dnted this 3rd day of December. 1S97. -JOSEPH
Roys! ufcra tho Su&d pare,
y whelcsocao aad dvKcioas.
Absetntee Pure
The Modern Way.
She) stood quite silent, her ys
fuil of tears, her face whit and
paiued; and a tab burst from her
quivering Hp as sue pressed her
small hands against ber eyes to
shut nut the dreadful stent. ,
Oh! what would life be lo her
now They had stood by one an
other so lmi. Could it be .pos
sible that this was the end? Could
she ever acain enjoy the niooij
ligh'i. which li.vl bwen their de
lishl? Could she ever again breath
with pleasure the sweet hraeing
air that had blown amut them
ran sinjly in bygone days? Couhl
ever again, without a pang,
follow the paths they had fre
quented in I he happv Inn rs of
No! mo! a thousand times, no!
It was all past now. No more
would she pas the sweet moments
away m tbe blissful companion
ship; no more would they hear lh
tinkle of cow bells on the hillside
yonder, as they went out logelhei
in the early twilight of a summers
Oh, why had they visited that
fcaiit!l place! Why had thev been
so foolhardy as to attempt to cross
the track when the hand cat was
s"o near? But for their .ill-timed
bravery, it might never have oc
curred. .
But it. is. too late now; there lies
hr heloved companion, crushed
and broken, and she is alone, all
alone iu the great, cold world.
Another tear, another sob, and
she slowly descends the garret
stairs, leaving in the last long
'sluujber -her husband?- Oh, no
hf?r bicycle!
Grack E. Adams.
TSBsaJis ara Trying It.
Tn order to prove the great merit ef
Ely's Cream Italra, tka inest effective euro
f r Catarrh aud Cold in Head, ve have pre
fXTai a g.-.or!U trial size foe 10 cta.
O it it f Jur aruiist or send 19 cents to
ELY BCOS., S3 Wsrraa St., K. Y. Cityr
I satera-l from eUrrh of the worst kind
evr sin.-e a boy, and I netvr hoped for
1 sirs, bn: iily'H vreara Jaim seems se cto
even iui. smj tcwuBaum amtv marfk
it wrtvt ezeellsvt resnlts. Osa Ostruss,
4S Warren .tve., Chioago, III. ;
. Uy't Cream Balm is the aekmewlvdged
ear fr eaUnrh ani contains neeeeaiae,
merenry nor any injurious drag. Pries,
SO sent. At druggists or ky maiL
Notice for Publication.
Land efGceat Oregea City, Oregon, Ke-
vembar 4, 1887.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof i.-. supnort of bin claim.
and that said proef will bermade before the
comity clerk of Benton ceunty, Oregon, at
Corvallis, Oregon, en December IS, 189,
viz: Alexander Patterson; xi. a. b,st tot
the SE 14 ef SS X Sac 22, Tn 10, S K 7
west. He names the following witness?, to
prove his continuous residence upon and cul
tivation ef taid land, viz:
David H. Banner, of Hoskins, Oregon,
James Fowler, of " "
James Marks, ef " ,
OrenSkaggs, ( of "
. "This is a plan that
does not cost much, -
and is worth all it
. " -- ' "-'
HERE'S only nc
kind of printing
that we do not do.
That's the poor kind.
That's the kind you
don't want But when
you want
clean and up-to-date,
printed on good paper,
with fine ink, from
type that is new, and
of latest face, set in an
artistic and intelligent,
manner; in a word,
when you want a strict
ly first-class job give us
your order and we will
do the rest . ..
Gazette Pub Co,
Buy Useful Presents lot Men and Boys
No place in Corvallis will you find such aa assortment as we
are showing ia the following lines for Men's and Boy's Holi
day Presents:
Business aad Dress Sni ts
Bey's and Children's Suits
Men's and Soya's Overcoats
Mens' and Boys Mackintoshes
Men's and Boy's Fine Shoes
Men's and Boy's Slippers
Men's and Boy's Sweaters
Fine Silk Umbrellas
Fine Silk Mufflers
Lounging Jackets.
All worth One Hundred Cents on the Dollar the Day after
We Have Moved
Our ' business demanded more convenient quarters.
Benton county people are qvtiek to appreciate bargains
and our store is full of bargains, so our business has
grewa wonderfully. We are' now
lit The Foster Blinding
lately vaeated by Small & Son. . .'.
eoo osoeeeeooeeoe9eftcoe-e
tHwM t e e-e caees 6s oooeesoooeoet;
He Is Comim
Santa Claus is now in sight. The little ones' eyes
; are all turned in one direction. . The child-world will
- be happy if Santa Clause stocks up from the articles of
use and play that burden the shelves at
beaaeeeeeeee e
for the
Splendid assortment and
tractive bargains. Goods for
the Holidays. Grocery stock
unsurpassed in quality and
P. M:
Ih William Shakespeare's time they bad 110 stage scenery.
Everything was labeled. If a tree was needed a sign was hung
up like this: "This is tree." That's the way with some "bar
gain sales." They are labeled "this ia a bargain," but the
bargain isn't there. Our goods need no such label: You can
see the bargains yourself. s . . . . .
Novelties for Presents 2
Union Laundry Go.,
gQBTIua.yP, OR.
. ' All white aber work guaranteed.
Basket leaves oa Tuesdays and arrives
Satnrdars. . T. D. Camtbkia, Agent, .
Secenanl(ad Stere. - .f-
Fine Hosiery and Gloves
Fine Underwear
Fine Overshirts
Fine Night Robes
Fine Hats and Caps .
Fine Suspenders
I Elegant Neck Dress
Initial Silk Handkerchiefs
Collar and Cuff Buttons
Smoking Jackets. - .
eoeeec oseeeee
THOS. w-;vt'.or?I, Prop.
I- W. H. MoPraji r aw.l Old Crow Wkis
kys, Fine Www. I.ijri5rs. an4 Cigars,
ran si a -